
2020年07月30日 23:22


1. Ms. Green has been living in town for only one year, yet she seems to be ______ with everyone
who comes to the store.
A. acceptedB. admitted
C. admiredD. acquainted
Key: D.该句意思是“格林女士在城里仅住了一年,可她似乎对店里来的每个人都认识”。因此D 项
acquainted是答案。D项be acquainted with 意为“熟悉,认识”。例如: I have heard about your friend
but I am not acquainted with him. 我听说过你的朋友,但却不认识他。A项 accept意为“接受”。B
项admit意为“承认”。C项 admire意为“钦佩,羡慕”。
2. I never trusted him because I always thought of him as such a _____ character.
A. gracious
C. unique
B. suspicious
D. particular
Key: B.该句意思是“我总觉得他是个可疑人物,从不信任他”。因此B 项suspicious是答案。B项
suspicious 意为“可疑的;怀疑的”,与题中“从不信任他”相吻合。例如:A man was hanging about
the house in a suspicious manner。 一男子一直鬼 鬼祟祟地围着这栋房子转游。A项gracious意为“有
礼貌的,和蔼可亲的”。C项unique 意为“独一无二的”。D项particular意为“特别的”。
3. Changing from solid to liquid, water takes in heat from all substances near it, and this ______
produces artificial cold surrounding it.
A. absorption
C. consumption
B. transition
D. interaction
Key: A.该句意思是“水由固体变为液体时,吸收其周 围所有物体的热量,从而在其周围形成人工低温”。
因此A项absorption是答案。A项 absorption意为“吸收”,与题中 take in(吸收)相吻合。例如:
In the absorption of light rays by black objects, light energy is changed to heat energy.在
黑色物体吸收光线过程中, 光能转变为热能。B项transition意为“转变,过渡”。C项consumption意
为“ 消耗,消费”。D项interaction意为“相互作用”。
4. I didn't say anything like that at all. You are purposely ______ my ideas to prove your point.
A. revising
C. distorting
B. contradicting
D. distracting
Key: C.该句意思是“我根本没有那样说,你是为了证明你的观点正确有意歪曲了我的想法”。因此 C项
distorting是答案。C项 distort意为“歪曲,曲解”。例如: He gave a distorted account of what

had happened.他歪曲地讲述了事情的经过。A项revise意为“修正,修改”。例如:I can see I'll have
to revise my ideas about Tom;he's really quite clever.我看我得改变对Tom的看法,他确实很聪
明。B项contradict意为 相矛盾,相抵触”。例如:The reports contradict each other.这些报告
互相矛盾。D项 distract意为“使分心,使分散注意力”。例如:She was distracted by the noise
5. I ______ with thanks the help of my colleagues in the preparation of this new column.
A. express
B. confess
C. verify
D. acknowledge
Key: D.该句意思是“我十分感谢我的同事在开辟新专栏的准备工作中所提供的帮助”。因此D项
acknowledge是答案。D项acknowledge意为“答谢,感谢”。例如:We must not fail to acknowledge
his services to the town.我们必须感谢他对本市的贡献。C项 verify意为“核实,证实”。例如:
The police are verifying the prisoner's statement by questioning several witnesses.警察询问
着几个证人,查证罪犯的口供。B项confess 意为“承认(错误、过失);坦白”。例如: She confessed
that she'd broken the speed limit.她承认自己超速了。A项express意为“表达”。
6. To survive in the intense trade competition between countries, we must ______ the qualities
and varieties of products we make to the world-market demand.
A. improve
C. guarantee
B. enhance
D. gear
Key: D.该句意 思是“要想在国与国之间的激烈的贸易竞争中生存下去,必须使我们产品的质量和品种符
合世界市场的需 求”。因此D项gear是答案。D项gear意为“用齿轮连接”,常与介词to构成固定搭配,
ge ar „„to意为使适合,使一致”。例如:Education should be geared to the children's needs and
abilities.教育应该适应儿童的需要 和能力。A项improve意为“增进,改善”。B项enhance意为“增
加,提高”。C项gu arantee意为“担保,保证”,都受题干后半句短语 to the market demand的限制,
7. There were no tickets ______ for Friday's performance.
A. preferable
C. possible
B. considerable
D. available
Key: D.该句意思是“星期五演出的入场券搞不到了”。因 此D项available为正确答案。D项available
意为“可取得的”,它修饰名词时,可 以放在被修饰名词之前,也可以放在被修饰名词之后。例如: all

the available data或 all the data available一切可以得到的数据:employ all available means或
employ all means available 采用一切可以采用的方法。A项 pref erable意为“更可取的,更好的”,
表示两个事物进行比较,但本句没有比较之意。另外,这个词 常用做表语。例如: The first choice is
preferable to the second.第一个选项比第二个更可取些。B项 considerable 意为“相当的,相当大
(长、重)的”。例 如:He has achieved considerable success .他已经取得了相当大的成功。C项
possible 意为“可能的,做得到的”。例如: They have done everything possible to help us.他
8. Many new ______ will be opened up in the future for those with a university education.
A. opportunities
C. necessities
B. realities
D. probabilities
Key: A.该句意思是“受过高等教育的人将来会有 很多新的机会”。因此A项opportunities为正确答案。
A项 opportunity 意为“机会”; open up opportunity 意为“提供机会”。 C项 necessities 是
necessity 的复数形式,表示“必需品”。例如: Food and clothes are necesssity of life.食物和
衣服是生活的必需品。B项 reality作为可数名词,意为“事实,实物”。例如: Our hope has become
a reality.我们的愿望变成了现实。D项probability做可数名词时,是指“可能 发生的事情,可能的结
果”。例如:The probabilities are in our favour .趋势对我们有利。
9. The rain was heavy and ______ the land was flooded.
A. consequently
C. constantly
B. continuously
D. consistently
Key: A.该句意思是“雨下得很大,因此田地被淹没 了”。因此A项consequently为正确答案。A项
consequently 意为“因而,所以”,是一个表示因果关系的副词,相当于 so,therefore,as a result 的
意思,表示上文所述内容产生的结果。例如:He didn't review his lessons.Consequently he failed
his exams.他 没有复习功课,因此没有考及格。B项continuously意为“连续不断地”。C项constantl y
10. Don’t ______ this news to the public until we give you the go-ahead.
A. release
C. relate
B. relieve
D. retain
Key: A.该句意思是“在我们同意之前,你们不要向公众公布这条消息”。因此A项 release为正确答案。
A项 release 意为“发布,宣布”, release the news 意为“发布消息”。例如:Details of the scheme
have not yet been released to the public.本方案的细节尚未向公众宣布。B项 relieve 意为“减轻,
解除”。例如:His fears about the test were relieved after he talked with the teacher.跟老
师谈话以后,他对考试的害怕情绪便减轻了。C项 relate 意为“讲述,叙述”。例如: relate somebody’s
experience 讲述某人的经历。D项 retain意为“保留,保持”。

11. This company has the _____ right to print Mr. Green's book.
A. exclusive
C. flexible
B. virtual
D. overall1
Key: A.该句意思是“这家公司有格林先生这本书的独家出版权”。因此A项exclusive 是答案。A项
exclusive 意为“独有的”。例如:I have the exclusive rights for the sale of Ford cars in this
town.在这镇上我有独家出售福特汽车的权力。表示独家经营权、销售权常用 exclusive,其他选项不符
12. We get milk on ______ days because it is not delivered every day.
A. alternate
C. alterable
B. alternative
D. changing
Key: A.该句意思是“我们隔一天能拿到牛奶,因为牛奶不是天天送”。因此A项 alternate是答案。A
项 alternate 意为“交替的,交错的”。例如:He goes to the Spare-time school on alternate days.他
隔一天上一次夜校。B项 alternative 意为“两者选一的”。C项 alterable 意为“可改变的”。
13. Even before he got to the chemist's he had lost the_____ for the medicine, and had to go
back to the doctor to get another one.
A. receipt
C. recipe

Key: D.该句意思是“在他去开药之前把药方丢了„„”。 因此D项prescription是答案。D项
prescription意为“处方,药方”。A项 receipt 意为“收据”。B项remedy意为“治疗,补救”。C
项recipe意为“食谱”。例如:a recipe for making chocolate cake 巧克力蛋糕的制法; a recipe book
14. When you read his book you have to read between the lines; there's so much ______ in his
A. ironyB. grammar
D. idiom
B. remedy
D. prescription
C. vocabulary
Key: A.该句意思是“读他的 书你得领会言外之意,因为他用了太多的讽刺”。因此A项irony是答案。A
项irony 意为“嘲讽,讥讽”, read between the lines意为“领会言外之意”,与irony 相呼应,因

15. Successful scientist needs imagination if he wants to make ______ of how processes work and
how events take place.
A. statement
C. hypotheses
B. truth
D. lies
Key: C.该句意思是“成功的科学家需要想象力来假设发展的进程及事件的发生情况”。因此 C项
hypotheses 是答案。C项 hypotheses 是hypothesis 的复数形式,意为“假设”,与题中的imagination
相呼应。例如: The hypothesis has been proved by the results of experiments.这一假设已为实
16. The queer- looking man ______ me as I stepped off the elevator.
C. confirmed
B. confronted
D. confused
Key: B.该句意思是“我走出电梯时遇到了一个长相怪异的人”。因此B项confronted 是答案。B项
confront 意为“面临,面对”。例如:The new system was confronted with great difficulties at the
start.新制度一开始就面临很大的困难。A 项conflict 意为“抵触,冲突”。C项 confirm 意为“证
17. I was impressed by the way he ______ confidence and kindness.
A. radiated
C. propagated
B. propelled
D. quantified
Key: A.该句意思是“他流露出自信和善良的样子,给我留下了很深的印象”。因此 A项radiated 是答
案。A项radiate 意为“散发,发出,表现”。例如:a woman who radiates happiness 一个洋溢着快
乐的好人。B项 propel 意为“推动,推进”。C项 propagate 意为“传插、传递”。D项quantify 意
18. I claim that your last argument was a ______ to make us forget the main point.
A. conversion
C. reverse
B. version
D. diversion
Key: D.该句意思是“我认为你最后一个论点分散了我们的注意力,使我们忘记了要点”。因此D项
diversion 是答案.D项diversion意为“转向,转移”。例如:A magican's talk creates a diversion
of attention so that people do not see how he does his tricks.魔术家一说话就转移了人们的注
意力,结果人们没有看见他是怎么变的戏法。A项 conversion 意为“转变,转化”。B项version意为

19. Fingerprints left in the room proved the murderer's _______.
A. guilt
C. fault
B. mistake
D. defect
Key: A.该句意思是“房间里留下的指纹证实了杀人犯的罪行”。因此 A项 guilt是答案。A项guilt 意
为“罪行”,与murderer 相呼应。其他三项mistake,fault,defect 只有“缺点,错误”之意,与题
20. One of the ______ at the post office is for local mail and the other one is for out-of-town
A. slips
C. sleets
B. slots
D. slats
Key: B.该句意思是“邮局里有两个信槽,一个是放当地的邮件的,一个是放外市邮件的”。因此 B项 slots
是答案。B项slot意为“狭孔,缝,槽”。例如:to put a coin in the slot把硬币投人缝中。A项slip
意为“小纸条”。C项sleet意为“冻雨, 雨夹雪”。D项slat意为“板条”。
21. The giant corporation was making a take-over ______ for a fertilizer plant.
A. control
C. bid

Key: C.该句意思是“这家大公司出价来收购一个化肥厂”。因此C项bid是答案。C项bid 意为“出价,
投标”。例如: Will no one make a higher bid for this fine painting?再没有人出更高的价买这
22. If you continue to be absent from classes we will have to _____ your sponsor.
A. sanctify
C. modify
B. notify
D. horrify
B. proposal
D. choice
Key: B.该句意思是“如果你继续逃课,我们将通知你的保证人”。因此B项 notify是答案。B项notify
意为“通知”。例如:I'll notify my lawyer to write out the agreement.我将通知我的律师把这份
协 议写出来。其他三项与notify词形相近,但意思完全不同。A项sanctify 意为“使神圣,使净化”。
C项 modify 意为“缓和,减轻”。D项horrify意为“使恐怖”.

23. The popularity of the magazine has been proven by a rise in_______.
A. circleB. publication
D. cycle C. circulation
Key: C.该句意思是“这本杂志很畅销,发行量又上升了”。因此C项 circulation 是答案。 C项
circulation 意为“流通.发行量,销路”。例如:The local newspaper has a circulation of 10,
000 copies a day.本地报纸每天销售1万份。
24. An extra part was added to the house in 1950, which spoilt the ______ of its front.
A. symmetry
C. symptom
B. synthesis
D. symphony
Key: A.该句意思是“在1850年房子增建了一个附加部分,破坏了前部的对称性”。因此A项 symmetry 是
答案。A项symmetry意为“对称”,spoilt the symmetry与 an extra part相呼应。其他三项与symmetry
词形相近,但意思相差甚远。B项synt hesis意为“合成”。C项symptom 意为“症状,症候”。D项symphony
25. Electric power can be ______ the sun-warmed surface waters of the ocean.
A. derived from
C. arisen from
B. come from
D. stemmed from

Key: A.该句意思是“电力可以从晒热的海洋水面获得”。因此A项 derived from是答案。 A项 derive
from 意为“取得,获得”。例如: He derives a lot of pleasure from meeting new people.他从结
交新朋友中得到许多乐趣。D项 stem from 意为“出自,起源于”,相当于不及物动词,不用于被动语态。
例如: Her interest in books stems from her childhood.她对书本的兴趣是从童年开始的。C项arise
from 意为“由„„引起,由„„产生”,也不用于被动语态。例如:Development arises from the
contradiction inside a thing .事物的发展起因于它内部的矛盾。B项come from 意为“来自,源于”,
26. Tourism has also been greatly ______ the rapid developmentof some developing nations.
A. lain inB. consisted in
D. accounted for C. responsible for
Key: C.该句意思是“旅游业对于一些发展中国家的迅速发展也起了重要作用”。因此 C项 responsible
for是答案.C项 be responsible for意为“对„„负责,形成„„的主要因素”。例如:The pilot of
the plane is responsible for the safety of the passengers.飞机驾驶员应对旅客的安全负责。A项

lie in, B项 consist in 都表示“在于”。D项 account for 意为“解释,说明”。后三个词组都不
27. In developing nations, however, the problem of pollution is ignored______development.
A. at the mercy of
C. of benefit to
B. for the sake of
D. in line with
Key: B.该句意思是“但是,发展中国家却为了发展而忽视了污染问题”。因此B项for the sake of 是
答案。B项 for the sake of 意为“为了„„的目的”。例如:He's just talking for the sake of hearing
his own voice.他谈话的目的只是为听到自己的声音。A项 at the mercy of 意为“受„„支配,在„„
支配下”。例如:They were last at eas,at the mercy of wind and weather.他们在海上迷失了方
向,任凭风和天气摆布。C项of benefit to 意为“对„„有好处”。例如:It is of great benefit to
everyone.这对于每个人都有极大的好处。D项 in line with 意为“跟„„一致,符合”。例如:That isn't
in line with my ideas at all. 那跟我的想法完全不一致。
28. It is a great pity that in the world of light the gift of sight is used only as a mere convenience
_______ as a means of adding fullness to life.
A. or rather
C. but rather
B. rather than
D. other than
Key: B.该句意思是“非常遗憾,在具有视力的人中,天赋的视力只被当 做一种单纯的方便,而不是一种
使生活臻于完善的手段”。因此B项rather than 是答案。B项rather than 意为“而不是”。例如:He
resigned rather than take part such a dishonest transaction.他宁愿辞职也不愿参加这种欺诈的
交易。D项 other than 意为“不同于”。例如:I do not wish her other than she is.我不希望她改
变目前的样子。I borrowed some books other than novles..我借了几本书,都不是小说。 A项or rather
意为“更确切地说”。例如: He came home very late last night,or rather very early this morning.他
昨晚回家很晚。或者更确切地说,已是今天凌晨。C项 but rather意为“反而”。例如:The patient was
no better but rather grew worse.病人的情况不但没有见好,反而进一步恶化了。
29. I, ______, do not believe that the era of the pioneer is at an end; I only believe that the
area for pioneering has changed.
A. for oneB. for one's good
D. for oneself C. for one's part
Key: A.该句意思是“有人不认为拓荒时代已经结束,我就是持这种看法的一个;我只认为开拓的领域改
变了 ”。因此,A项for one是答案。A项for one意为“就是一例,拿„„来说” 。例如:Many people
do not like certain foods. I for one dislike cabbage.许多人都有自己不喜欢吃的食物,我就是一
例,不喜欢吃洋白菜。B项for one's good意为“为„„的好处”。例如:I'm giving you this advice

for your good.我这样劝你是为你好。C项for one's part意为“就„„而言”。例如:For my part I am
quite happy about the division of the money.对我而言,我对于那笔钱的分配相当满意。
30. You ought to thank God tonight if, ______ your years, you are young enough in spirit to dream
dreams and see visions.
A. regardless of
C. instead of
B. according to
D. owing to
Key: A.该 句意思是“不论你们年岁几何,倘若你们精神上青春常在并富于理想的话,今夜你们就该感谢
上帝”。因 此A项 regardless of是答案。A项regardless Of 意为“不管,不顾”。例如:They decorated
the house regardless of the cost.他们不计费用多少,把房屋装修一新。C项 instead of 意为“取
代,而不”。例如:I should be at school instead of lying here in bed.我应当在学校,而不是在
这儿躺在床上。B项 according to 意为“根据”。D项 owing to 意为“由于,因为”。

1. Ms. Green has been living in town for only one year, yet she seems to be ______ with everyone
who comes to the store.
A. acceptedB. admitted
C. admiredD. acquainted
Key: D.该句意思是“格林女士在城里仅住了一年,可她似乎对店里来的每个人都认识”。因此D 项
acquainted是答案。D项be acquainted with 意为“熟悉,认识”。例如: I have heard about your friend
but I am not acquainted with him. 我听说过你的朋友,但却不认识他。A项 accept意为“接受”。B
项admit意为“承认”。C项 admire意为“钦佩,羡慕”。
2. I never trusted him because I always thought of him as such a _____ character.
A. gracious
C. unique
B. suspicious
D. particular
Key: B.该句意思是“我总觉得他是个可疑人物,从不信任他”。因此B 项suspicious是答案。B项
suspicious 意为“可疑的;怀疑的”,与题中“从不信任他”相吻合。例如:A man was hanging about
the house in a suspicious manner。 一男子一直鬼 鬼祟祟地围着这栋房子转游。A项gracious意为“有
礼貌的,和蔼可亲的”。C项unique 意为“独一无二的”。D项particular意为“特别的”。
3. Changing from solid to liquid, water takes in heat from all substances near it, and this ______
produces artificial cold surrounding it.
A. absorption
C. consumption
B. transition
D. interaction
Key: A.该句意思是“水由固体变为液体时,吸收其周 围所有物体的热量,从而在其周围形成人工低温”。
因此A项absorption是答案。A项 absorption意为“吸收”,与题中 take in(吸收)相吻合。例如:
In the absorption of light rays by black objects, light energy is changed to heat energy.在
黑色物体吸收光线过程中, 光能转变为热能。B项transition意为“转变,过渡”。C项consumption意
为“ 消耗,消费”。D项interaction意为“相互作用”。
4. I didn't say anything like that at all. You are purposely ______ my ideas to prove your point.
A. revising
C. distorting
B. contradicting
D. distracting
Key: C.该句意思是“我根本没有那样说,你是为了证明你的观点正确有意歪曲了我的想法”。因此 C项
distorting是答案。C项 distort意为“歪曲,曲解”。例如: He gave a distorted account of what

had happened.他歪曲地讲述了事情的经过。A项revise意为“修正,修改”。例如:I can see I'll have
to revise my ideas about Tom;he's really quite clever.我看我得改变对Tom的看法,他确实很聪
明。B项contradict意为 相矛盾,相抵触”。例如:The reports contradict each other.这些报告
互相矛盾。D项 distract意为“使分心,使分散注意力”。例如:She was distracted by the noise
5. I ______ with thanks the help of my colleagues in the preparation of this new column.
A. express
B. confess
C. verify
D. acknowledge
Key: D.该句意思是“我十分感谢我的同事在开辟新专栏的准备工作中所提供的帮助”。因此D项
acknowledge是答案。D项acknowledge意为“答谢,感谢”。例如:We must not fail to acknowledge
his services to the town.我们必须感谢他对本市的贡献。C项 verify意为“核实,证实”。例如:
The police are verifying the prisoner's statement by questioning several witnesses.警察询问
着几个证人,查证罪犯的口供。B项confess 意为“承认(错误、过失);坦白”。例如: She confessed
that she'd broken the speed limit.她承认自己超速了。A项express意为“表达”。
6. To survive in the intense trade competition between countries, we must ______ the qualities
and varieties of products we make to the world-market demand.
A. improve
C. guarantee
B. enhance
D. gear
Key: D.该句意 思是“要想在国与国之间的激烈的贸易竞争中生存下去,必须使我们产品的质量和品种符
合世界市场的需 求”。因此D项gear是答案。D项gear意为“用齿轮连接”,常与介词to构成固定搭配,
ge ar „„to意为使适合,使一致”。例如:Education should be geared to the children's needs and
abilities.教育应该适应儿童的需要 和能力。A项improve意为“增进,改善”。B项enhance意为“增
加,提高”。C项gu arantee意为“担保,保证”,都受题干后半句短语 to the market demand的限制,
7. There were no tickets ______ for Friday's performance.
A. preferable
C. possible
B. considerable
D. available
Key: D.该句意思是“星期五演出的入场券搞不到了”。因 此D项available为正确答案。D项available
意为“可取得的”,它修饰名词时,可 以放在被修饰名词之前,也可以放在被修饰名词之后。例如: all

the available data或 all the data available一切可以得到的数据:employ all available means或
employ all means available 采用一切可以采用的方法。A项 pref erable意为“更可取的,更好的”,
表示两个事物进行比较,但本句没有比较之意。另外,这个词 常用做表语。例如: The first choice is
preferable to the second.第一个选项比第二个更可取些。B项 considerable 意为“相当的,相当大
(长、重)的”。例 如:He has achieved considerable success .他已经取得了相当大的成功。C项
possible 意为“可能的,做得到的”。例如: They have done everything possible to help us.他
8. Many new ______ will be opened up in the future for those with a university education.
A. opportunities
C. necessities
B. realities
D. probabilities
Key: A.该句意思是“受过高等教育的人将来会有 很多新的机会”。因此A项opportunities为正确答案。
A项 opportunity 意为“机会”; open up opportunity 意为“提供机会”。 C项 necessities 是
necessity 的复数形式,表示“必需品”。例如: Food and clothes are necesssity of life.食物和
衣服是生活的必需品。B项 reality作为可数名词,意为“事实,实物”。例如: Our hope has become
a reality.我们的愿望变成了现实。D项probability做可数名词时,是指“可能 发生的事情,可能的结
果”。例如:The probabilities are in our favour .趋势对我们有利。
9. The rain was heavy and ______ the land was flooded.
A. consequently
C. constantly
B. continuously
D. consistently
Key: A.该句意思是“雨下得很大,因此田地被淹没 了”。因此A项consequently为正确答案。A项
consequently 意为“因而,所以”,是一个表示因果关系的副词,相当于 so,therefore,as a result 的
意思,表示上文所述内容产生的结果。例如:He didn't review his lessons.Consequently he failed
his exams.他 没有复习功课,因此没有考及格。B项continuously意为“连续不断地”。C项constantl y
10. Don’t ______ this news to the public until we give you the go-ahead.
A. release
C. relate
B. relieve
D. retain
Key: A.该句意思是“在我们同意之前,你们不要向公众公布这条消息”。因此A项 release为正确答案。
A项 release 意为“发布,宣布”, release the news 意为“发布消息”。例如:Details of the scheme
have not yet been released to the public.本方案的细节尚未向公众宣布。B项 relieve 意为“减轻,
解除”。例如:His fears about the test were relieved after he talked with the teacher.跟老
师谈话以后,他对考试的害怕情绪便减轻了。C项 relate 意为“讲述,叙述”。例如: relate somebody’s
experience 讲述某人的经历。D项 retain意为“保留,保持”。

11. This company has the _____ right to print Mr. Green's book.
A. exclusive
C. flexible
B. virtual
D. overall1
Key: A.该句意思是“这家公司有格林先生这本书的独家出版权”。因此A项exclusive 是答案。A项
exclusive 意为“独有的”。例如:I have the exclusive rights for the sale of Ford cars in this
town.在这镇上我有独家出售福特汽车的权力。表示独家经营权、销售权常用 exclusive,其他选项不符
12. We get milk on ______ days because it is not delivered every day.
A. alternate
C. alterable
B. alternative
D. changing
Key: A.该句意思是“我们隔一天能拿到牛奶,因为牛奶不是天天送”。因此A项 alternate是答案。A
项 alternate 意为“交替的,交错的”。例如:He goes to the Spare-time school on alternate days.他
隔一天上一次夜校。B项 alternative 意为“两者选一的”。C项 alterable 意为“可改变的”。
13. Even before he got to the chemist's he had lost the_____ for the medicine, and had to go
back to the doctor to get another one.
A. receipt
C. recipe

Key: D.该句意思是“在他去开药之前把药方丢了„„”。 因此D项prescription是答案。D项
prescription意为“处方,药方”。A项 receipt 意为“收据”。B项remedy意为“治疗,补救”。C
项recipe意为“食谱”。例如:a recipe for making chocolate cake 巧克力蛋糕的制法; a recipe book
14. When you read his book you have to read between the lines; there's so much ______ in his
A. ironyB. grammar
D. idiom
B. remedy
D. prescription
C. vocabulary
Key: A.该句意思是“读他的 书你得领会言外之意,因为他用了太多的讽刺”。因此A项irony是答案。A
项irony 意为“嘲讽,讥讽”, read between the lines意为“领会言外之意”,与irony 相呼应,因

15. Successful scientist needs imagination if he wants to make ______ of how processes work and
how events take place.
A. statement
C. hypotheses
B. truth
D. lies
Key: C.该句意思是“成功的科学家需要想象力来假设发展的进程及事件的发生情况”。因此 C项
hypotheses 是答案。C项 hypotheses 是hypothesis 的复数形式,意为“假设”,与题中的imagination
相呼应。例如: The hypothesis has been proved by the results of experiments.这一假设已为实
16. The queer- looking man ______ me as I stepped off the elevator.
C. confirmed
B. confronted
D. confused
Key: B.该句意思是“我走出电梯时遇到了一个长相怪异的人”。因此B项confronted 是答案。B项
confront 意为“面临,面对”。例如:The new system was confronted with great difficulties at the
start.新制度一开始就面临很大的困难。A 项conflict 意为“抵触,冲突”。C项 confirm 意为“证
17. I was impressed by the way he ______ confidence and kindness.
A. radiated
C. propagated
B. propelled
D. quantified
Key: A.该句意思是“他流露出自信和善良的样子,给我留下了很深的印象”。因此 A项radiated 是答
案。A项radiate 意为“散发,发出,表现”。例如:a woman who radiates happiness 一个洋溢着快
乐的好人。B项 propel 意为“推动,推进”。C项 propagate 意为“传插、传递”。D项quantify 意
18. I claim that your last argument was a ______ to make us forget the main point.
A. conversion
C. reverse
B. version
D. diversion
Key: D.该句意思是“我认为你最后一个论点分散了我们的注意力,使我们忘记了要点”。因此D项
diversion 是答案.D项diversion意为“转向,转移”。例如:A magican's talk creates a diversion
of attention so that people do not see how he does his tricks.魔术家一说话就转移了人们的注
意力,结果人们没有看见他是怎么变的戏法。A项 conversion 意为“转变,转化”。B项version意为

19. Fingerprints left in the room proved the murderer's _______.
A. guilt
C. fault
B. mistake
D. defect
Key: A.该句意思是“房间里留下的指纹证实了杀人犯的罪行”。因此 A项 guilt是答案。A项guilt 意
为“罪行”,与murderer 相呼应。其他三项mistake,fault,defect 只有“缺点,错误”之意,与题
20. One of the ______ at the post office is for local mail and the other one is for out-of-town
A. slips
C. sleets
B. slots
D. slats
Key: B.该句意思是“邮局里有两个信槽,一个是放当地的邮件的,一个是放外市邮件的”。因此 B项 slots
是答案。B项slot意为“狭孔,缝,槽”。例如:to put a coin in the slot把硬币投人缝中。A项slip
意为“小纸条”。C项sleet意为“冻雨, 雨夹雪”。D项slat意为“板条”。
21. The giant corporation was making a take-over ______ for a fertilizer plant.
A. control
C. bid

Key: C.该句意思是“这家大公司出价来收购一个化肥厂”。因此C项bid是答案。C项bid 意为“出价,
投标”。例如: Will no one make a higher bid for this fine painting?再没有人出更高的价买这
22. If you continue to be absent from classes we will have to _____ your sponsor.
A. sanctify
C. modify
B. notify
D. horrify
B. proposal
D. choice
Key: B.该句意思是“如果你继续逃课,我们将通知你的保证人”。因此B项 notify是答案。B项notify
意为“通知”。例如:I'll notify my lawyer to write out the agreement.我将通知我的律师把这份
协 议写出来。其他三项与notify词形相近,但意思完全不同。A项sanctify 意为“使神圣,使净化”。
C项 modify 意为“缓和,减轻”。D项horrify意为“使恐怖”.

23. The popularity of the magazine has been proven by a rise in_______.
A. circleB. publication
D. cycle C. circulation
Key: C.该句意思是“这本杂志很畅销,发行量又上升了”。因此C项 circulation 是答案。 C项
circulation 意为“流通.发行量,销路”。例如:The local newspaper has a circulation of 10,
000 copies a day.本地报纸每天销售1万份。
24. An extra part was added to the house in 1950, which spoilt the ______ of its front.
A. symmetry
C. symptom
B. synthesis
D. symphony
Key: A.该句意思是“在1850年房子增建了一个附加部分,破坏了前部的对称性”。因此A项 symmetry 是
答案。A项symmetry意为“对称”,spoilt the symmetry与 an extra part相呼应。其他三项与symmetry
词形相近,但意思相差甚远。B项synt hesis意为“合成”。C项symptom 意为“症状,症候”。D项symphony
25. Electric power can be ______ the sun-warmed surface waters of the ocean.
A. derived from
C. arisen from
B. come from
D. stemmed from

Key: A.该句意思是“电力可以从晒热的海洋水面获得”。因此A项 derived from是答案。 A项 derive
from 意为“取得,获得”。例如: He derives a lot of pleasure from meeting new people.他从结
交新朋友中得到许多乐趣。D项 stem from 意为“出自,起源于”,相当于不及物动词,不用于被动语态。
例如: Her interest in books stems from her childhood.她对书本的兴趣是从童年开始的。C项arise
from 意为“由„„引起,由„„产生”,也不用于被动语态。例如:Development arises from the
contradiction inside a thing .事物的发展起因于它内部的矛盾。B项come from 意为“来自,源于”,
26. Tourism has also been greatly ______ the rapid developmentof some developing nations.
A. lain inB. consisted in
D. accounted for C. responsible for
Key: C.该句意思是“旅游业对于一些发展中国家的迅速发展也起了重要作用”。因此 C项 responsible
for是答案.C项 be responsible for意为“对„„负责,形成„„的主要因素”。例如:The pilot of
the plane is responsible for the safety of the passengers.飞机驾驶员应对旅客的安全负责。A项

lie in, B项 consist in 都表示“在于”。D项 account for 意为“解释,说明”。后三个词组都不
27. In developing nations, however, the problem of pollution is ignored______development.
A. at the mercy of
C. of benefit to
B. for the sake of
D. in line with
Key: B.该句意思是“但是,发展中国家却为了发展而忽视了污染问题”。因此B项for the sake of 是
答案。B项 for the sake of 意为“为了„„的目的”。例如:He's just talking for the sake of hearing
his own voice.他谈话的目的只是为听到自己的声音。A项 at the mercy of 意为“受„„支配,在„„
支配下”。例如:They were last at eas,at the mercy of wind and weather.他们在海上迷失了方
向,任凭风和天气摆布。C项of benefit to 意为“对„„有好处”。例如:It is of great benefit to
everyone.这对于每个人都有极大的好处。D项 in line with 意为“跟„„一致,符合”。例如:That isn't
in line with my ideas at all. 那跟我的想法完全不一致。
28. It is a great pity that in the world of light the gift of sight is used only as a mere convenience
_______ as a means of adding fullness to life.
A. or rather
C. but rather
B. rather than
D. other than
Key: B.该句意思是“非常遗憾,在具有视力的人中,天赋的视力只被当 做一种单纯的方便,而不是一种
使生活臻于完善的手段”。因此B项rather than 是答案。B项rather than 意为“而不是”。例如:He
resigned rather than take part such a dishonest transaction.他宁愿辞职也不愿参加这种欺诈的
交易。D项 other than 意为“不同于”。例如:I do not wish her other than she is.我不希望她改
变目前的样子。I borrowed some books other than novles..我借了几本书,都不是小说。 A项or rather
意为“更确切地说”。例如: He came home very late last night,or rather very early this morning.他
昨晚回家很晚。或者更确切地说,已是今天凌晨。C项 but rather意为“反而”。例如:The patient was
no better but rather grew worse.病人的情况不但没有见好,反而进一步恶化了。
29. I, ______, do not believe that the era of the pioneer is at an end; I only believe that the
area for pioneering has changed.
A. for oneB. for one's good
D. for oneself C. for one's part
Key: A.该句意思是“有人不认为拓荒时代已经结束,我就是持这种看法的一个;我只认为开拓的领域改
变了 ”。因此,A项for one是答案。A项for one意为“就是一例,拿„„来说” 。例如:Many people
do not like certain foods. I for one dislike cabbage.许多人都有自己不喜欢吃的食物,我就是一
例,不喜欢吃洋白菜。B项for one's good意为“为„„的好处”。例如:I'm giving you this advice

for your good.我这样劝你是为你好。C项for one's part意为“就„„而言”。例如:For my part I am
quite happy about the division of the money.对我而言,我对于那笔钱的分配相当满意。
30. You ought to thank God tonight if, ______ your years, you are young enough in spirit to dream
dreams and see visions.
A. regardless of
C. instead of
B. according to
D. owing to
Key: A.该 句意思是“不论你们年岁几何,倘若你们精神上青春常在并富于理想的话,今夜你们就该感谢
上帝”。因 此A项 regardless of是答案。A项regardless Of 意为“不管,不顾”。例如:They decorated
the house regardless of the cost.他们不计费用多少,把房屋装修一新。C项 instead of 意为“取
代,而不”。例如:I should be at school instead of lying here in bed.我应当在学校,而不是在
这儿躺在床上。B项 according to 意为“根据”。D项 owing to 意为“由于,因为”。







