
2020年07月30日 23:24


Unit 1
1. 要说开阔眼界,大学是最好的地方;要说交朋结友、刻苦用功、体 育运动、热恋失恋、
2. 其实,在大学里 过得真的很惨是不那么容易的,而比我聪明的人也不是那么多,我当时
3. 这是人类的基本需求,所以不要忽视。哪怕你睡觉只是因为妈妈擅长发现你熬夜或逃课。
4. 大学也许会使你更加现实,更加清楚地认识到拥有一份体面的薪水,一个温暖、支持你
的 家庭以及幸福感与拥有辉煌的事业一样重要,也许更重要。
5. 但是,我真希望当时知道,人生变得 美好,不仅仅是因为按时交作业以及在人生边缘犹
豫再三是否要投身其中,而是要一头扎进去,结交新朋 友,了解新主张,感受新体验。

1. She is a good student, but she is shy and lacks confidence.
2. He confessed that he had not set realistic targets goals, so he did not do as well in the
exams as he had expected.
3. How to organize time and how to make friends are challenges that freshmen are faced
4. It wasn’t until graduation that I realized college life was not all about studying. It could
have been more colorful.
5. College years are the best years of a person’s life. Enjoy your college life because these
moments will never come again.

Unit 2
1. 我们正研究着火锅里面都放了些什么,那沸腾的蒸汽和调料的 味道就冲了上来,迎着火
2. 服务员端来了几盘生食,„„以及一些很难辨认的小块滑溜的肉。在美国吃这种肉?我
3. 然后我解释如何将各种配菜放到煮沸的锅里,烫熟,在各种调味酱中蘸一下,然后吃掉。
4. 我怎么会把他带到这儿来呢?这可是他在中国吃的第一顿饭!我真应该带他去上中餐初
级 班,就像他以前上中文初级班一样。
5. 但是,渐渐地,在中国住了几个月后,我意识到我喜欢的是 中餐的这种感觉,这也是我

1. What puzzles many parents is why their kids are so crazy about foreign fast food.
2. You should have learnt something about Chinese food culture before you came to China.
3. Despite all the attention that has been paid to food safety, it still faces serious problems.
4. Apart from appreciating the beautiful scenery, tasting some local food is also a great
5. The appearance of foreign fast food such as KFC and McDonald’s has had quite an
influence on traditional Chinese food.

Unit 3
1. 我看着他慢慢地沿街走了,然后拿起电话簿,查找我要拨的号码。
2. 我忍不住低声 骂一句,从电话亭里出来,正好和那小个男人打了个照面。他看上去可

怜得就像条丧家之 犬。
3. 他的声音低沉得很不寻常,显得他既害羞,又自信,两种气质奇特地交织在一起。
4. 我无法忍受在那种政府体制下生活,本来是我自己的国家,我却活不下去了。
5. 我都有些想给他几个英镑了,万一他讲的是实情呢,但我自己现金也不多,回家的路

1. People tend to judge a person by first impressions, though sometimes the first
impression is not really reliable.
2. He is very grateful to those who offered help and support when he was in trouble.
3. Generally speaking, Chinese people are more reserved; they are less inclined to talk to
4. It is his virtue of being ready to help others that earns him people’s respect.
5. They established a good relationship, from which both of them benefited a lot.

Unit 4
1. 这个国家是著名的“大熔炉”,有着悠久的种族冲突的历史,也有一些成功融合的例子。
2. 在美国 的某些政治和社交圈子里,人们认为跨种族婚姻只不过是为了让身为移民的一
方得到绿卡,以便在此居留 和工作。
3. 幸运的是,还有很多其他人明白人类的基本价值(如相互吸引)在跨种族婚姻中起着
4. 无论结婚的真正动机是什么,所有这些情侣都会面对不同金钱观与不同传统价值观的
挑战 ,这些传统价值观包括对伴侣的尊重、传统的宗教观、被社区接受、男女分工以
5. 如果某个孩子的父母分属两种文化或两个种族,这个孩子就被称为“第三文化儿童”,
他 们在成长过程中学习两种不同的文化,与任何曾在多个国家或多种文化下生活的人

1. Those who don’t approve of mixed marriages believe that differences in race, religion
and culture may lead to many family conflicts.
2. With globalization, the prejudices against mixed marriages are being removed from
people’s minds.
3. In order for a marriage to succeed, both husband and wife should learn to compromise
at the right time.
4. It is believed by some people that the most romantic love is love at first sight.
5. Today, the Internet provides more opportunities to make friends, and some find their
true love through the Internet.

Unit 5
1. 商店入口处 通常有一个转换地带,也就是进门五米处,购物者在这里逐渐意识到他们已
经不在街上,而是要开始购物 了。
2. 在一层,你会发现很多美容产品、手表和珠宝,因为这些奢侈品设计精美、包装华丽、摆放美观,能够吸引顾客来到店里。
3. 同样,大部分人知道自己在这家百货商店要买什么,并不需要用心理战术吸引他们到店

4. 现在,越来越多的商场设立了娱乐专区,比如电影院,这样就可以把东西卖给原本 来商
5. 有的商店还设有特别区域,男士可以在那里读报纸、 看足球比赛,这样他们就不会催促

1. Stores offer discounts to attract customers during festivals and holidays.
2. More and more people are getting used to shopping online, because it is not only
convenient, but also saves time and money.
3. A commonly seen way to promote sales is for stores to return a certain amount of money
to consumers.
4. Almost all department stores and supermarkets issue loyalty cards to consumers to
guarantee that they come back as regular shoppers.
5. Studies suggest that a significant number of purchases are made on impulse.

Unit 6
1. 这两件事都让我对自己出生的家庭和正在经营的家庭感到自豪。
2. 这些都不是对伊登学业成绩的描 述,但对我来说,如果伊登在上学期间能够保持这些
3. 当天的晚些时候,我听了爸爸在妈妈退休晚宴上的发言,真切地意识到母亲对我的生
活有多么积极的影响 ;她是如此出色的榜样,要做到她那样实在不容易。
4. 在我和兄弟们还很小的时候,妈妈为了养育 我们,舍弃了很多,还放弃了前途光明的
社会工作,她本来可以轻而易举地在事业上获得巨大成功,但她 从来没有一句怨言。
5. 我当时想让大家都知道,她最大的成功是作为母亲的成功;她将我们带到世 界上,赋

1. Despite the fact that parents have the responsibility to educate their children, many of
them have no idea how to play the role well.
2. He advocates that parents should be friends to their kids, and be consistent in what they
say and do.
3. Parents are generally conscious of the importance of academic education while
neglecting emotional education.
4. The positive influence that parents may have on their children’s education is obvious
and self-evident.
5. Be positive about any progress your child is making, no matter how small it is.

Unit 7
1. 对于乔治来说,这个城市就像一个过于熟稔的老太婆,只有从适当的角度,他才能想
起她 当年的美貌,但最近他已经开始厌烦了。
2. 尽管他生性愤世嫉俗、悲观厌世,但却尤其喜欢阅读经 典游记,所以,即便他坐在宽
3. 普罗旺斯 自然环境引人入胜,它背靠阿尔卑斯山低伏的山峦,面朝地中海湛蓝的海水,
有着悠久的农耕和民间手工 艺传统。
4. 经过一番仓促的谈论,他得知自己只消到火车站,就可以乘火车直达普罗旺斯的中心

5. 他感觉到,自己必须急急忙忙地穿过月台,寻找预订的座位,费力地在熙熙攘攘的 旅
6. 家里的扶手椅舒服。

1. Upon reaching the top of the mountain, the tourists were overwhelmed by the beauty of
what they saw.
2. He highly recommended visiting Huashan Mountain, because in comparison with the
mountains we climbed before, Huashan Mountain is more challenging (to climb).
3. During the National Day holidays we went to Huangshan Mountain, the beauty of which
we found is beyond words.
4. For me, travelling is an effective way to relax. I have travelled to many places and really
feel that the benefits have been huge.
5. The trip back to my home town reminded me of the happy days I spent there when I was
a child.

Unit 8
1. 那是春天的事了。那时,冰层本来应该是很厚的,但事实上却比以往要薄很多,于是那
2. 全世界的科学家都已经意识到,我们为了取暖、降温和出行而使用的 天然气、石油和煤
3. 要知道,这些科学家还说,我们可以用可再生资源来满足大多数能源需求,以此来与气
4. 我们从哥本哈根环境峰会上得知,必须要减少二氧化碳的排放量才能增强气温的稳定
性, 使其变化范围保持在1.5-2摄氏度之内。
5. 最重要的是,在你们的学校开展宣传,让大家都知 道你们在做什么,包括你们的家人、
朋友、老师和政界人士,因为知道的人越多,就有越多的人意识到我 们的时间已不多了。

1. The more energy we consume, the more pollution we are likely to produce.
2. The publicity campaign turned out to be quite successful in drawing people’s attention
to environmental protection.
3. The fact is that we are running out of non-renewable resources. How to meet our energy
needs in the future is a major concern for scientists.
4. At the present pace we consume energy, an energy shortage is inevitable.
5. Always remember to switch off electrical equipment like TVs and computers before you
leave the house.

Unit 1
1. 要说开阔眼界,大学是最好的地方;要说交朋 结友、刻苦用功、体育运动、热恋失恋、
2. 其实,在大学里过得真的很惨是不那么容易的,而比我聪明的人也不是那么多,我当时
要 是知道这些就好了!
3. 这是人类的基本需求,所以不要忽视。哪怕你睡觉只是因为妈妈擅长发现你熬夜或逃课。
4. 大学也 许会使你更加现实,更加清楚地认识到拥有一份体面的薪水,一个温暖、支持你
的家庭以及幸福感与拥有 辉煌的事业一样重要,也许更重要。
5. 但是,我真希望当时知道,人生变得美好,不仅仅是因为按 时交作业以及在人生边缘犹
豫再三是否要投身其中,而是要一头扎进去,结交新朋友,了解新主张,感受 新体验。

1. She is a good student, but she is shy and lacks confidence.
2. He confessed that he had not set realistic targets goals, so he did not do as well in the
exams as he had expected.
3. How to organize time and how to make friends are challenges that freshmen are faced
4. It wasn’t until graduation that I realized college life was not all about studying. It could
have been more colorful.
5. College years are the best years of a person’s life. Enjoy your college life because these
moments will never come again.

Unit 2
1. 我们正研究着火锅里面都放了些什么,那沸腾的蒸汽和调料的味道就冲了 上来,迎着火
2. 服务员端来了几盘生食,„„以及一些很难辨认的小块滑溜的肉。在美国吃这种肉?我
3. 然后我解释如何将各种配菜放到煮沸的锅里,烫熟,在各种调味酱中蘸一下,然后吃掉。
4. 我怎么会把他带到这儿来呢?这可是他在中国吃的第一顿饭!我真应该带他去上中餐初
级 班,就像他以前上中文初级班一样。
5. 但是,渐渐地,在中国住了几个月后,我意识到我喜欢的是 中餐的这种感觉,这也是我

1. What puzzles many parents is why their kids are so crazy about foreign fast food.
2. You should have learnt something about Chinese food culture before you came to China.
3. Despite all the attention that has been paid to food safety, it still faces serious problems.
4. Apart from appreciating the beautiful scenery, tasting some local food is also a great
5. The appearance of foreign fast food such as KFC and McDonald’s has had quite an
influence on traditional Chinese food.

Unit 3
1. 我看着他慢慢地沿街走了,然后拿起电话簿,查找我要拨的号码。
2. 我忍不住低声 骂一句,从电话亭里出来,正好和那小个男人打了个照面。他看上去可

怜得就像条丧家之 犬。
3. 他的声音低沉得很不寻常,显得他既害羞,又自信,两种气质奇特地交织在一起。
4. 我无法忍受在那种政府体制下生活,本来是我自己的国家,我却活不下去了。
5. 我都有些想给他几个英镑了,万一他讲的是实情呢,但我自己现金也不多,回家的路

1. People tend to judge a person by first impressions, though sometimes the first
impression is not really reliable.
2. He is very grateful to those who offered help and support when he was in trouble.
3. Generally speaking, Chinese people are more reserved; they are less inclined to talk to
4. It is his virtue of being ready to help others that earns him people’s respect.
5. They established a good relationship, from which both of them benefited a lot.

Unit 4
1. 这个国家是著名的“大熔炉”,有着悠久的种族冲突的历史,也有一些成功融合的例子。
2. 在美国 的某些政治和社交圈子里,人们认为跨种族婚姻只不过是为了让身为移民的一
方得到绿卡,以便在此居留 和工作。
3. 幸运的是,还有很多其他人明白人类的基本价值(如相互吸引)在跨种族婚姻中起着
4. 无论结婚的真正动机是什么,所有这些情侣都会面对不同金钱观与不同传统价值观的
挑战 ,这些传统价值观包括对伴侣的尊重、传统的宗教观、被社区接受、男女分工以
5. 如果某个孩子的父母分属两种文化或两个种族,这个孩子就被称为“第三文化儿童”,
他 们在成长过程中学习两种不同的文化,与任何曾在多个国家或多种文化下生活的人

1. Those who don’t approve of mixed marriages believe that differences in race, religion
and culture may lead to many family conflicts.
2. With globalization, the prejudices against mixed marriages are being removed from
people’s minds.
3. In order for a marriage to succeed, both husband and wife should learn to compromise
at the right time.
4. It is believed by some people that the most romantic love is love at first sight.
5. Today, the Internet provides more opportunities to make friends, and some find their
true love through the Internet.

Unit 5
1. 商店入口处 通常有一个转换地带,也就是进门五米处,购物者在这里逐渐意识到他们已
经不在街上,而是要开始购物 了。
2. 在一层,你会发现很多美容产品、手表和珠宝,因为这些奢侈品设计精美、包装华丽、摆放美观,能够吸引顾客来到店里。
3. 同样,大部分人知道自己在这家百货商店要买什么,并不需要用心理战术吸引他们到店

4. 现在,越来越多的商场设立了娱乐专区,比如电影院,这样就可以把东西卖给原本 来商
5. 有的商店还设有特别区域,男士可以在那里读报纸、 看足球比赛,这样他们就不会催促

1. Stores offer discounts to attract customers during festivals and holidays.
2. More and more people are getting used to shopping online, because it is not only
convenient, but also saves time and money.
3. A commonly seen way to promote sales is for stores to return a certain amount of money
to consumers.
4. Almost all department stores and supermarkets issue loyalty cards to consumers to
guarantee that they come back as regular shoppers.
5. Studies suggest that a significant number of purchases are made on impulse.

Unit 6
1. 这两件事都让我对自己出生的家庭和正在经营的家庭感到自豪。
2. 这些都不是对伊登学业成绩的描 述,但对我来说,如果伊登在上学期间能够保持这些
3. 当天的晚些时候,我听了爸爸在妈妈退休晚宴上的发言,真切地意识到母亲对我的生
活有多么积极的影响 ;她是如此出色的榜样,要做到她那样实在不容易。
4. 在我和兄弟们还很小的时候,妈妈为了养育 我们,舍弃了很多,还放弃了前途光明的
社会工作,她本来可以轻而易举地在事业上获得巨大成功,但她 从来没有一句怨言。
5. 我当时想让大家都知道,她最大的成功是作为母亲的成功;她将我们带到世 界上,赋

1. Despite the fact that parents have the responsibility to educate their children, many of
them have no idea how to play the role well.
2. He advocates that parents should be friends to their kids, and be consistent in what they
say and do.
3. Parents are generally conscious of the importance of academic education while
neglecting emotional education.
4. The positive influence that parents may have on their children’s education is obvious
and self-evident.
5. Be positive about any progress your child is making, no matter how small it is.

Unit 7
1. 对于乔治来说,这个城市就像一个过于熟稔的老太婆,只有从适当的角度,他才能想
起她 当年的美貌,但最近他已经开始厌烦了。
2. 尽管他生性愤世嫉俗、悲观厌世,但却尤其喜欢阅读经 典游记,所以,即便他坐在宽
3. 普罗旺斯 自然环境引人入胜,它背靠阿尔卑斯山低伏的山峦,面朝地中海湛蓝的海水,
有着悠久的农耕和民间手工 艺传统。
4. 经过一番仓促的谈论,他得知自己只消到火车站,就可以乘火车直达普罗旺斯的中心

5. 他感觉到,自己必须急急忙忙地穿过月台,寻找预订的座位,费力地在熙熙攘攘的 旅
6. 家里的扶手椅舒服。

1. Upon reaching the top of the mountain, the tourists were overwhelmed by the beauty of
what they saw.
2. He highly recommended visiting Huashan Mountain, because in comparison with the
mountains we climbed before, Huashan Mountain is more challenging (to climb).
3. During the National Day holidays we went to Huangshan Mountain, the beauty of which
we found is beyond words.
4. For me, travelling is an effective way to relax. I have travelled to many places and really
feel that the benefits have been huge.
5. The trip back to my home town reminded me of the happy days I spent there when I was
a child.

Unit 8
1. 那是春天的事了。那时,冰层本来应该是很厚的,但事实上却比以往要薄很多,于是那
2. 全世界的科学家都已经意识到,我们为了取暖、降温和出行而使用的 天然气、石油和煤
3. 要知道,这些科学家还说,我们可以用可再生资源来满足大多数能源需求,以此来与气
4. 我们从哥本哈根环境峰会上得知,必须要减少二氧化碳的排放量才能增强气温的稳定
性, 使其变化范围保持在1.5-2摄氏度之内。
5. 最重要的是,在你们的学校开展宣传,让大家都知 道你们在做什么,包括你们的家人、
朋友、老师和政界人士,因为知道的人越多,就有越多的人意识到我 们的时间已不多了。

1. The more energy we consume, the more pollution we are likely to produce.
2. The publicity campaign turned out to be quite successful in drawing people’s attention
to environmental protection.
3. The fact is that we are running out of non-renewable resources. How to meet our energy
needs in the future is a major concern for scientists.
4. At the present pace we consume energy, an energy shortage is inevitable.
5. Always remember to switch off electrical equipment like TVs and computers before you
leave the house.







