2020年07月30日 23:41
科目:航海英语 试卷代号:905
1. Which one of the following anchor orders is uncommon term for using?
A. Four(4)on deck B. Up and down
C. Six(6)in the water D. Seven(7)on the bottom
2. A lookout can leave his station ______.
A. at the end of the watch
B. at any time
C. only when properly relieved
D. 15 minutes before the end of the watch
3. Orders of the Master to the officers of the watch which he must comply with are ______.
A. Night orders
B. Standing orders
C. Commands by master
D. Requirements by master
4. Midships refers to rudder to be held ______.
A. in position to starboard
B. in position to port
C. in position to anywhere
D. in position fore and aft
5. These vessels are all sailing for Shanghai.
A. arriving B. bound C. loading D. discharging
6. The ship is ______ of these ships.
A. larger B. the large C. the largest D. largest
7. The quartermaster is ______ the wheel.
A. at B. in C. on D. for
8. Of all the extinguishing agents listed below,which one has the greatest capacity for heat absorption?
A. Water fog B. Carbon dioxide
C. Dry chemical D. Solid stream of water
9. Get everything ready ______ mooring.
A. of B. on C. to D. for
10. Mooring lines both _____ were let go.
A. for and aft B. from and aft C. all and after D. fore and aft
11. I have been _____ that we are to shift from the wharf to buoys No.12 and No.13.
A. noted B. noticed C. notificated D. notified
12. The ship is going to get _____ wharf.
A. on B. in C. from D. alongside
13. _____ is the chain?
A. How B. What C. Why D. How about
14. The quays are connected _____ the railway system.
A. for B. to C. with D. from
15. The pilot will ______ your ship at 0800 hours tomorrow morning.Please keep stand by on channel 12.
A. get B. board C. go D. come
16. Heave up both anchors.
A. drag B. dredge C. weigh D. lie
17. Sorry to have kept you _____ for a long time.
A. waiting B. wait C. waited D. to wait
18. The dunnage planks are ______ more enough.
A. so B. too
C. restricted in her ability to maneuver D. engaged in pilotage duty
76. Collision Rules apply to ____ vessels upon the high seas.
A. some B. a few C. few D. all
77. The VTS has been designed to aid in ______.
A. the prevention of collision
B. the promotion of the traffic flow
C. the complying of port regulation
D. the development of navigational technique
78. A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall so far as practicable _____ a traffic separation line or separation zone.
A. keep well clear B. keep very far C. keep clear of D. keep clear from
79. A vessel hearing a fog signal forward of her beam has not determined if risk of collision exists. She shall reduce speed to _____.
A. moderate speed tB. safe speed C. half speed tD. bare steerageway
80. More exact assessment of visibility when ______ is used to determine the range of vessel or other objects in the vicinity.
A. radar t B. omega C. satellite navigator t D. DF