2020年07月30日 23:42
When instructions have been received that the main engine is to be prepared for running. The
following procedure for any make of marine diesel engine should be followed: 在接到主机将要
Check that the fuel, lubricating oil and cooling water are at working level and drain any water
or sludge from all lubricating oil and fuel tanks. 检查燃油、滑油及冷却水在工作液位, 燃/滑油
柜放残。The purified fuel tanks to be raised to the required temperature. 净化的燃油柜加温至
所需温度。Switch on the power to various auxiliaries and to the control console.控制板及各辅助
Check that all valves in the various systems are operational and check the jacket water and
lubricating pumps. Any leaks to be rectified immediately. 检查各系统中所有阀件均可操作,检
Start up jacket water pumps and check pressures. 起动缸套冷却水泵并检查其压力。Bring
into operation the heating system of the cooling water. 缸套冷却水加热系统投入工作。The
temperature of the cooling water returns from the jackets, liners and pistons should be raised
gradually to 60℃(140℉). 缸套、缸衬及活塞的冷却水出口温度逐渐加温至60℃(140℉)。
The warming through period should extend over a period of approximately four hours. 整个暖机
Check through the crankcase, etc. for any tools, obstructions, or waste material and remove
same and make sure that everything is correct. 检查曲拐箱等是否遗留工具、障碍物、废物等,
Start up lubricating oil pumps and check that at working pressure, oil flows uniformly(均一地)
from all the bearings and then close up the crankcase. 起动滑油泵,在工作压力下检查各轴承
油流是否均匀一致,之后关闭曲拐箱。On engines having oil cooled pistons the lubricating oil
pre‐heater must be put into operation and the rate of heating so arranged that the temperature
of the piston cooling oil returns are 32℃ to 35℃ over a period of at least two‐hours. 对油冷式
35℃的间隔至少为2 h。
Start up injector cooling pumps, check pressures. 起动油头冷却水泵,检查其压力。Bring into
operation the heating system for the fuel injector cooling water tank to raise the temperature of
the water to 60℃ over a period of about two hours. 油头冷却水柜加热系统投入使用,加热温
度至60℃持续约2h。If the engine is to be started on high viscosity fuel the temperature of the
water should be raised to 77℃ to 82℃. 若柴油机用高粘性燃油起动,则水温应加热至77℃
If hoppers or sight glasses are fitted check that there is as adequate flow of coolant through
each piston, cylinder head, cylinder jacket, turbocharger casing and injector. 若安装有漏斗或观
Check that any vents in the systems are clear to allow the free flow of air from the cylinder
cooling passages and turbochargers. 检查系统中各放气管畅通,自由释放气缸冷却腔及增压
器中空气。The charge air coolers should also be vented. 空冷器(冷却水侧)亦需放气。Unvented
spaces encourage the formation of steam, corrosion, erosion and local overheating. 未放气腔室
Start up fuel priming pumps, check pressure. 起动燃油供油泵,检查压力。The system should
be cleared of air by means of the various air vent cocks or valves.通过各放气旋塞和放气阀释放
系统中空气。With the fuel oil at about the working pressure, check for leakages. 在接近工作压
力的情况下,检查是否有燃油漏泄。If the engine can be started and maneuvered on high
viscosity fuel, the temperature of the fuel reaching the injectors should be raised to such a point
that the viscosity is less than the required value, i. e. 27 centistokes. 若柴油机在起动或机动操
纵时使用高粘性燃油,则进机燃油加热温度需加热到使燃油粘度低于要求值即27 厘斯。
Check that the level of oil in the turbochargers is correct. 查验增压器油位是否正常。Ensure
that starting and control air valves are shut off and engage the turning gear.确保起动和控制空
Start the turning gear, and with some one hand‐operating the cylinder lubricators at regular
intervals, and with the indicator cocks open, and with the control gear in the “stop” position, give
the engine at least one complete turn. 在示功旋塞打开,控制机构在“停车”位置,有人不断
手摇气缸注油器的情况下,起动盘车机,转车至少一整转。Whilst the engine is turning check
to see that no water is leaking into the case, scavenge air belt, or from the indicator cocks. 在转
车过程中,确认无水漏入曲拐箱、扫气道或从示功旋塞冲出。Having found all correct, take out
the turning gear. 一切正常后脱开盘车机。
Pump up the starting air reservoirs to their maximum pressure and drain the air reservoirs and
air system. 向空气瓶打气至最高压力,将空气瓶及空气系统放残。The scavenge drains should
be cracked open. The drains from diaphragm glands should be slightly open. 稍稍开启扫气箱放
残阀和横隔板填料箱放残阀。 All hand oil‐ and grease‐lubricated bearing must be checked to
see that their lubrication is correct, the control linkage is well lubricated and easi
ly operated. 检
Check the engine room telegraph for proper functioning and at the same time check the
telephones to the bridge and Chief Engineer’s office. 确认机舱车钟功能正常,同时查看(机舱)
Check the reversing and control gear, running direction safety interlocks, auto‐shut‐down
devices, alarm devices for correct functioning. 检查倒车及控制机构、转向安全互锁机构、自
Open shut‐off valve for starting air tank, close the drain valve on the starting air manifold. 打
Check and if necessary, adjust oil, water and fuel pressure and temperatures. 检查并调整(如
Switch the controls on the auxiliary blower to the automatic position and start the fuel booster
pump. 将辅助风机控制开关转至自动位置,起动燃油增压泵。
Inform bridge that engine room would like to turn engine over slowly on air. 通知驾驶台,机
舱准备缓慢转车。On engine with bridge control the control selector must be turned to the
desired position 对于具有驾驶台控制的发动机,控制的选择开关必须转到所需要的位置。
Start the engine on air briefly on both direction and then close all indicator cocks. 进行正倒车
Finally, before “stand‐by” is rung on the engine telegraph, it is usually to give the main diesel
engine a brief trial on power ahead and astern. 最后,在发出“备车”车钟前,通常要对主机