
2020年07月31日 00:00


unit 6
Ⅰ. Background Information
For this reading passage, we have many proper names, which contain cultural
background. The following web sites might offer you a lot of information you may
be interested in. The web site, http:, is considered
to be the best for accessing specific information on each of the names listed( or any
other English language names) by the Society of Kabalarians of Canada, a society
devoted to the pursuit of personal wellness. Kabalarians use the Mathematical
Principle to analyze names. You can also take a look at
http:, a web site devoted to the etymology and history of
first names. You can look up almost 9,000 names, or research a name not listed. It is
a great encyclopedic site about language origins, elements of names, meanings,
namesakes and many other subtopics, all of which are based on historical linguistic
Ⅱ. Structure Analysis
Para. 1: Debbie does not feel good about her name.
Para. 2: Her change of name helped bring success
to her career.
Para. 3: It is important to have the right name
because it suggests certain qualities.
Para. 4: Names are attached to specific images.
Para. 5: Names with a positive sense can work for
people, even encourage new acquaintances.
Para. 6: People are sometimes guilty of name
stereotyping in relation to names.
Para. 7: Prejudices against or in favor of certain
names can affect students’ classroom
achievements, objectively graded IQ and
popularity with their peers.
Para. 8: If you think your name does not suit you,
you can change your old name.

Ⅲ. New words

t: ( adj ) (1) 高雅的,优雅的
[短语] elegant in her mannersher speech 举止言谈优雅
(2) (物品) 优美的 精致的
eg. an elegant room 雅致的房间 an elegant piece of furniture 一件
(3) (主意) 有条理的 简单的
an elegant scientific proof 一篇简洁的科学论据
ation ( n.) of ,to, for 应用; 运用, 使用
申请 请求 申请书
eg. I wrote 5 applications for jobs but got nothing.

eg. The application of new scientific discoveries to industrial production
methods usually makes jobs easier to do.
[派生词} apply (v.) for, to 申请 应用, 使用
applied ( adj. ) (尤指科学) 应用的
applicable ( adj.) (1) 适用的
This rule is not applicable to foreigners.
(2) 生效的
The new law is applicable from next Monday.
applicant:(n) (为工作,学位,入场卷等以书面作正式申请之)申请
tute (v.) (1) 以 代替, 取代, 代替
eg. We substituted red balls for blue, to see if the baby would notice.
They don't like potatoes, so we substituted rice.
He substituted for the worker who was ill.
(n.) for (2)代替者,代理人,代用品
eg. There is no substitute for good and exercise.
4 naturally: (adv.) (1)生来,天然地
eg. Her cheeks are naturally red.
Speak naturally when talking on the telephone.
(3)可预期地 自然地
The new safety laws naturally led to higher car prices.
ence: (n.) 信任; 自信 私事,秘密
eg. Jean lacks confidence in herself.
The 2 girls told each other confidences about their boy friends.
[短语] in confidence :私下,秘密地
take (someone) into one's confidence: 向某人吐露心事
[相关词] confident adj. 确信的,有自信的 be confident of: 对 有自信
confidential adj 机密的,秘密的 视为心腹的 信任他人的
: (n.) 天才,才能 有才干的人,人才
[近义词] talent, gift, faculty, aptitude, bent, genius, knack
gift: 它常暗指上帝,自然或命运的偏爱。
faculty: 它指要取得某一特定成就或职能所必须具有的先天或后天获
aptitude: 它指对某项活动天然的喜爱和先天具备的能力。
bent: 它与aptitude意思基本相同,更强调喜好。

talent: 它指一种需要继续开发的显著的天然能力。
genius: 它指给人印象深刻的天生的创造能力,常指使有这种能力的人
knack: 它暗指一种相对次要的特殊能力,使人做起事来轻巧而灵敏。
7. definition: (n.) 界定,限定 定义; 清晰
eg. Your new radio certainly hasgives good definition.
[派生词] define: 下定义 立界限 阐释
definite: 明确的 清楚的 一定的
definitely: 明确地 无疑地
definitive: 确切的 一定的 不可置疑的 决定性的
[同义词] explicit, express, specific, definite
explicit: 它指语言严实清楚,因而不需要推论,也没有理由摸棱两可或
express: 它指清楚,直接而有力的表达。
specific: 它指被精确和完全提及的或被细致或特意处理过的东西。
definite: 它强调精确,清楚的陈述或安排,没有任何不清楚或不能被
conclusive, decisive, determinative, definitive
conclusive: 它用于结束辩论或质疑的推理或逻辑论据。
decisive: 它用于结束论战,争论或任何不确定性的东西。
determinative: 它多出了给出一个确定性的特征,过程或方向的含义。
definitive: 它用于提出来作为最终或永久的东西。
teristic: (adj.) 典型的,有特性的
(n. )of 典型;特性
eg. A useful characteristic of the cat is its ability to catch and kill mice.
[形近词] character: 特色,个性
characterization: 刻画,描绘, 勾勒
al: ( n) 赞成,同意;批准,认可
approve: v 赞成,批准
eg. The father expressed approval of what the son did,
on approval: 包退包换
nod one's approval = nod in approval 点头表示同意
e: (vt ) 保留,预定,登记
eg. These seats are reserved for old and sick people.
(n) 拘谨,矜持,储备量
eg. lose one's reserve in talking. 说着说着变得随和起来
reserve of manner 举止的拘谨
y: ( v) 取得资格,限制,修饰
eg. Being the son of a member of parliament doesn't qualify him to talk
about politics.
[派生词] qualified: adj 有限度的, 有条件的

有资格的,合格的 for
qualification: n 赋予资格,限制,条件,执照 s for
qualitative: adj. 性质上的,质量上的,定性的
quality: n 品质,特性,才能
ent: ( adj.) 重要的,杰出的,著名的
eg. people prominent in science. 科学界的知名人士。
eg. his nose is too prominent. 他的鼻子太高了。
prominence. ( n.) 著名,杰出
bring sth into prominence= come into prominence 著名,杰出
eg. this young artist is coming into prominence.
:( vt.) 1.使文雅,使高尚
eg. refine one's language 使某人的语言更为文雅
oil is industrially refined 燃料油是经工业提炼而成的。
[派生词] 1. refined: 提炼过的,有教养的,感情脆弱的
a refined way of speaking 优雅的谈吐
refined tastes 高尚的情趣
ment: 提炼,文雅,精巧的附件
eg. the new car has many added refinements such as a radio.
r: n. 提炼者,提炼机
ry: n. 提炼厂,精炼厂,提炼设备
[短语] refine onupon (尤指在细节上)改进(方法,计划)
14. acquaintance: ( n.) 相识的人,了解
eg. I have ansome acquaintance with the language.
[短语] make sb's acquaintancemake the acquaintance of sb 认识,了解
tive: ( adj.) 动人的,富有吸引力的
eg. the idea is very attractive. 那个主意很吸引人。
[派生词] attract: (v.) 吸引,招引
attraction: (n.) 吸引,诱惑物
type: ( vt.) 对 形成固定看法
eg. it's wrong to stereotype people, as if they were all alike.
(n.) 固定的形象,陈规,老套,旧框框
eg. she rejects the stereotype that women can only find their true
satisfaction in being mothers.
17confess: ( v.) 承认,坦白
eg. I'm rather bored, I must confess. 我不得不承认我很烦。
[派生词] confessed: 公认的,自己承认的,公开的

confession: 招供,认错
confessional: 告解室, 告解
confessor 听人告解的神父
: (v.) 贴标签于,把 称为
eg. They labeled the boy a thief. 他们把这个男孩叫小偷。
eg. The doctor labeled the bottle poisonous.
n. 称号,标签
eg. This city merits its label as the garden of the world.
out:= fill in 填写,填上
eg. fill out your name on this cheque.
ill at ease:不自在;困窘
eg. He appeared ill at ease at the party.
guilty of:对 有罪责
eg. He was guilty of an important false judgment.

unit 6
Ⅰ. Background Information
For this reading passage, we have many proper names, which contain cultural
background. The following web sites might offer you a lot of information you may
be interested in. The web site, http:, is considered
to be the best for accessing specific information on each of the names listed( or any
other English language names) by the Society of Kabalarians of Canada, a society
devoted to the pursuit of personal wellness. Kabalarians use the Mathematical
Principle to analyze names. You can also take a look at
http:, a web site devoted to the etymology and history of
first names. You can look up almost 9,000 names, or research a name not listed. It is
a great encyclopedic site about language origins, elements of names, meanings,
namesakes and many other subtopics, all of which are based on historical linguistic
Ⅱ. Structure Analysis
Para. 1: Debbie does not feel good about her name.
Para. 2: Her change of name helped bring success
to her career.
Para. 3: It is important to have the right name
because it suggests certain qualities.
Para. 4: Names are attached to specific images.
Para. 5: Names with a positive sense can work for
people, even encourage new acquaintances.
Para. 6: People are sometimes guilty of name
stereotyping in relation to names.
Para. 7: Prejudices against or in favor of certain
names can affect students’ classroom
achievements, objectively graded IQ and
popularity with their peers.
Para. 8: If you think your name does not suit you,
you can change your old name.

Ⅲ. New words

t: ( adj ) (1) 高雅的,优雅的
[短语] elegant in her mannersher speech 举止言谈优雅
(2) (物品) 优美的 精致的
eg. an elegant room 雅致的房间 an elegant piece of furniture 一件
(3) (主意) 有条理的 简单的
an elegant scientific proof 一篇简洁的科学论据
ation ( n.) of ,to, for 应用; 运用, 使用
申请 请求 申请书
eg. I wrote 5 applications for jobs but got nothing.

eg. The application of new scientific discoveries to industrial production
methods usually makes jobs easier to do.
[派生词} apply (v.) for, to 申请 应用, 使用
applied ( adj. ) (尤指科学) 应用的
applicable ( adj.) (1) 适用的
This rule is not applicable to foreigners.
(2) 生效的
The new law is applicable from next Monday.
applicant:(n) (为工作,学位,入场卷等以书面作正式申请之)申请
tute (v.) (1) 以 代替, 取代, 代替
eg. We substituted red balls for blue, to see if the baby would notice.
They don't like potatoes, so we substituted rice.
He substituted for the worker who was ill.
(n.) for (2)代替者,代理人,代用品
eg. There is no substitute for good and exercise.
4 naturally: (adv.) (1)生来,天然地
eg. Her cheeks are naturally red.
Speak naturally when talking on the telephone.
(3)可预期地 自然地
The new safety laws naturally led to higher car prices.
ence: (n.) 信任; 自信 私事,秘密
eg. Jean lacks confidence in herself.
The 2 girls told each other confidences about their boy friends.
[短语] in confidence :私下,秘密地
take (someone) into one's confidence: 向某人吐露心事
[相关词] confident adj. 确信的,有自信的 be confident of: 对 有自信
confidential adj 机密的,秘密的 视为心腹的 信任他人的
: (n.) 天才,才能 有才干的人,人才
[近义词] talent, gift, faculty, aptitude, bent, genius, knack
gift: 它常暗指上帝,自然或命运的偏爱。
faculty: 它指要取得某一特定成就或职能所必须具有的先天或后天获
aptitude: 它指对某项活动天然的喜爱和先天具备的能力。
bent: 它与aptitude意思基本相同,更强调喜好。

talent: 它指一种需要继续开发的显著的天然能力。
genius: 它指给人印象深刻的天生的创造能力,常指使有这种能力的人
knack: 它暗指一种相对次要的特殊能力,使人做起事来轻巧而灵敏。
7. definition: (n.) 界定,限定 定义; 清晰
eg. Your new radio certainly hasgives good definition.
[派生词] define: 下定义 立界限 阐释
definite: 明确的 清楚的 一定的
definitely: 明确地 无疑地
definitive: 确切的 一定的 不可置疑的 决定性的
[同义词] explicit, express, specific, definite
explicit: 它指语言严实清楚,因而不需要推论,也没有理由摸棱两可或
express: 它指清楚,直接而有力的表达。
specific: 它指被精确和完全提及的或被细致或特意处理过的东西。
definite: 它强调精确,清楚的陈述或安排,没有任何不清楚或不能被
conclusive, decisive, determinative, definitive
conclusive: 它用于结束辩论或质疑的推理或逻辑论据。
decisive: 它用于结束论战,争论或任何不确定性的东西。
determinative: 它多出了给出一个确定性的特征,过程或方向的含义。
definitive: 它用于提出来作为最终或永久的东西。
teristic: (adj.) 典型的,有特性的
(n. )of 典型;特性
eg. A useful characteristic of the cat is its ability to catch and kill mice.
[形近词] character: 特色,个性
characterization: 刻画,描绘, 勾勒
al: ( n) 赞成,同意;批准,认可
approve: v 赞成,批准
eg. The father expressed approval of what the son did,
on approval: 包退包换
nod one's approval = nod in approval 点头表示同意
e: (vt ) 保留,预定,登记
eg. These seats are reserved for old and sick people.
(n) 拘谨,矜持,储备量
eg. lose one's reserve in talking. 说着说着变得随和起来
reserve of manner 举止的拘谨
y: ( v) 取得资格,限制,修饰
eg. Being the son of a member of parliament doesn't qualify him to talk
about politics.
[派生词] qualified: adj 有限度的, 有条件的

有资格的,合格的 for
qualification: n 赋予资格,限制,条件,执照 s for
qualitative: adj. 性质上的,质量上的,定性的
quality: n 品质,特性,才能
ent: ( adj.) 重要的,杰出的,著名的
eg. people prominent in science. 科学界的知名人士。
eg. his nose is too prominent. 他的鼻子太高了。
prominence. ( n.) 著名,杰出
bring sth into prominence= come into prominence 著名,杰出
eg. this young artist is coming into prominence.
:( vt.) 1.使文雅,使高尚
eg. refine one's language 使某人的语言更为文雅
oil is industrially refined 燃料油是经工业提炼而成的。
[派生词] 1. refined: 提炼过的,有教养的,感情脆弱的
a refined way of speaking 优雅的谈吐
refined tastes 高尚的情趣
ment: 提炼,文雅,精巧的附件
eg. the new car has many added refinements such as a radio.
r: n. 提炼者,提炼机
ry: n. 提炼厂,精炼厂,提炼设备
[短语] refine onupon (尤指在细节上)改进(方法,计划)
14. acquaintance: ( n.) 相识的人,了解
eg. I have ansome acquaintance with the language.
[短语] make sb's acquaintancemake the acquaintance of sb 认识,了解
tive: ( adj.) 动人的,富有吸引力的
eg. the idea is very attractive. 那个主意很吸引人。
[派生词] attract: (v.) 吸引,招引
attraction: (n.) 吸引,诱惑物
type: ( vt.) 对 形成固定看法
eg. it's wrong to stereotype people, as if they were all alike.
(n.) 固定的形象,陈规,老套,旧框框
eg. she rejects the stereotype that women can only find their true
satisfaction in being mothers.
17confess: ( v.) 承认,坦白
eg. I'm rather bored, I must confess. 我不得不承认我很烦。
[派生词] confessed: 公认的,自己承认的,公开的

confession: 招供,认错
confessional: 告解室, 告解
confessor 听人告解的神父
: (v.) 贴标签于,把 称为
eg. They labeled the boy a thief. 他们把这个男孩叫小偷。
eg. The doctor labeled the bottle poisonous.
n. 称号,标签
eg. This city merits its label as the garden of the world.
out:= fill in 填写,填上
eg. fill out your name on this cheque.
ill at ease:不自在;困窘
eg. He appeared ill at ease at the party.
guilty of:对 有罪责
eg. He was guilty of an important false judgment.







