2020年07月31日 00:03
A : 正确
B : 错误
请选择答案: A B
2: [判断题]
引导定语从句的关系副词包括that, which, when,where,why 等副词。 B
A : 正确
B : 错误
请选择答案: A B
3: [判断题]
在阅读的过程中,要注意训练自己的快速阅读、跳读、猜词、逻辑思维、推理判断等能力。 A
A : 正确
B : 错误
请选择答案: A B
4: [判断题]
A : 正确
B : 错误
5: [判断题]
分词相当于 a.和 ad.,在句中可以作宾语补足语、表语、定语和状语。A
A : 正确
B : 错误
请选择答案: A B
6: [判断题]
expense— expensive是一组反义词。 B
A : 正确
B : 错误
请选择答案: A B
7: [判断题]
分词包括现在分词和过去分词,其中现在分词表示被动,用过去时;过去分词表示主动,用进行时。 B
A : 正确
B : 错误
8: [判断题]
记忆的规律是短期、中期多重复,这样有利于长久记忆。 A
A : 正确
B : 错误
9: [判断题]
名词性从句指的是主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。 A
A : 正确
B : 错误
10: [判断题]
笔记最大的价值在于用来复习所学过的功课,所有的笔记只能在书本上做。 B
A : 正确
B : 错误
11: [判断题]
快读、跳读、略读、细读、查读,都是提高阅读能力的方法。 A
A : 正确
B : 错误
12: [判断题]
So he went outside and looked round at someone to help him.该句没有毛病。 B
A : 正确
B : 错误
13: [判断题]
阅读多了能加强你的篇章意识,能提高你的推理判断能力。 A
A : 正确
B : 错误
14: [判断题]
英语的连词包括并列连词和从属连词。 A
A : 正确
B : 错误
15: [判断题]
the, a, an都属于英语中的不定冠词。B
A : 正确
B : 错误
16: [判断题]
except for意思是:除…之外,是个介词短语。 A
A : 正确
B : 错误
17: [判断题]
amaze, astonish, surprise, shock是一组同义词。A
A : 正确
B : 错误
18: [判断题]
boring, dull是一对反义词。 B
A : 正确
B : 错误
19: [判断题]
A : 正确
B : 错误
20: [判断题]
absent, acci
dent, accent, accept, account在记忆上其实是一组易混词。 A
A : 正确
B : 错误
21: [单项选择题]
He was on his way to visit his mother in other town.对这个病句正确的修改是 C
A : was改成were
B : on改成in
C : other改成another
D : his改成her
22: [单项选择题]
“你是每天服用 VE丸还是没隔一天服用,这没什么关系。”该句的正确翻译是 B
A : It doesn’ t matter either you take the vitamin E pills every day or every other day
B : It doesn’ t matter whether you take the vitamin E pills every day or every other day.
C : It doesn’ t matter neither you take the vitamin E pills every day or every other day.
D : It doesn’ t matter if you take the vitamin E pills every day or every other day
请选择答案: A B C D
23: [单项选择题] D
A : It is not important which you paint during practice.
B : It is not important that you paint during practice.
C : It is not important when you paint during practice.
D : It is not important what you paint during practice.
24: [单项选择题] C
However, ( ), as they did not have any money and did not have a house in Taiwan, they had to stay at a relative’ s house.
A : on time
B : in time
C : at the time
D : up time
25: [单项选择题] D
A : seem to be
B : appear to be
C : can’ t help
D : due to
26: [单项选择题]
请找出下列词中的定冠词 A
A : the
B : a
C : an
D : which
请选择答案: A B C D
27: [单项选择题]
“It was a long wait in the wind and snow.”该句正确的翻译是 C
A : 要很长时间才会有风和雪。
B : 风雪交加的天气持续了很久。
C : 在风雪里等了很久。
D : 等待风雪是一个漫长的过程。
28: [单项选择题]
“There is a sad look in his eyes.”对该句的正确翻译是 B
A : 这里有一双悲哀的眼睛。
B : 他眼中有难过的神色。
C : 他的眼睛很难受。
D : 难过的看着他的眼睛。
29: [单项选择题]
They not only make it (B ) to sleep at night, but they are doing damage to our houses and shops.
A : terrible
B : difficult
C : uncomfortable
D : unpleasant
30: [单项选择题]
“虽然他成绩很好,但他并不骄傲”,对该句正确的翻译是 D
A : Although he studies well, but he is not proud.
B : he studies well, he is not proud.
C : Well as studies he, he is not proud.
D : Well
as he studies, he is not proud.
31: [单项选择题]
下列句子正确的一句是 A
A : Child as he is, he understands his mother very well.
B : Child as is he, he understands his mother very well.
C : As he is child, he understands his mother very well.
D : As is he child, he understands his mother very well.
32: [单项选择题]
Zhao Benshan is very ( ) in arts. C
A : interest
B : interesting
C : interested
D : be interest
33: [单项选择题]
英语思维不同于我们的中文思维,英语思维是 A
A : 文法思维
B : 意象思维
C : 静态思维
D : 动态思维
34: [单项选择题] A
( ) she had never acted in a TV serial before, her performance in“ My MVP Valentine” caught the eye of many viewers.
A : Fortunately
B : With
C : Because
D : Although
35: [单项选择题] B
( ) save as much money as possible,every meal was as economical as possible.
A : So that
B : In order to
C : Although
D : With
36: [单项选择题] A
Zhang Shaohan, the latest pop ( ) that is sweeping across South-East Asia and China arose from humble beginnings.
A : sensation
B : sense
C : sensitive
D : senseless
37: [单项选择题]
The place , ( ) name is Wingjing ,has changed a lot. D
A : that
B : which
C : where
D : whose
38: [单项选择题] B
The place( ) I once visited , has change a lot.
A : that
B : which
C : where
D : whom
39: [单项选择题] C
Do you know the student,( ) father is a painter?
A : who
B : whom
C : whose
D : when
40: [单项选择题]
引导定语从句的关系副词中,指代原因的词是 D
A : which
B : when
C : where
D : why
41: [多项选择题]
“他长得很困难。”这句话用英语可以表示为 BCD
A : He is bad.
B : He is ugly.
C : He is a bad-looking man.
D : He has an ugly face.
42: [多项选择题] AB
A : 中文是意象思维
B : 中文语言不十分规范
C : 中文是文法思维
D : 中文语法十分规范
43: [多项选择题]
下列可以接动名词的动词和动词短语的有 BCD
A : instead of
B : keep
C : give up
D : can’t help
44.“在历史上有很多残疾人获得成功的例子。”该句的正确翻译包括 CD
A : In history there are many disabled people who success.
B : In history there are many disabled people who successed.
C : In history there are many disabled people who are successful.
D : In history there are many disabled people who get success.
45: [多项选择题] BC
I still remember the date , ( ) we two have a long talk.
A : in which
B : when
C : on which
D : that
46: [多项选择题] AB
Do you know the reason ( ) he told me?
A : that
B : which
C : why
D : whose
47: [多项选择题]
“他在会议上的一席话使在座的每个人都感到惊讶。”对该句翻译正确的有 AC
A : What he said at the meeting astonished everybody present.
B : That he said at the meeting astonished everybody present.
C : What he said at the meeting surprised everybody present.
D : What he said at the meeting astonishing everybody present.
you know the reason ( ) he is angry? AC
A : why
B : when
C : for which
D : where
49: [多项选择题]
I still remember the day , ( ) is your birthday. A
A : which
B : that
C : when
D : whose
50: [多项选择题]
单词change通过添加前后缀,可以构成其反义词,具体包括 AC
A : changeable
B : unchange
C : changeless
D : changeness