
2020年07月31日 00:09


Book 1 Quiz 2
I. Give synonyms: (14%)
1. reverie: day dreamdreamy thinking 2. stunning: attractive 3. agitated: upset
4. adrift: floating 5. prospect: expectation 6. slay: kill
7. bombardment: bombing 8. renown: fame 9. assent: agreement
10. jolt: shock, jerk 11. cataclysm: disaster 12. heave: utter
13. sidewalk: pavement 14. preserve: maintain
II. Explain: (14%)
1. preoccupation: sth that takes up all one’s thoughts, absorption
2. intermezzo: a short light music between the acts of a play or an opera, anything that happens
between two events
3. the ritual formula: form of words used regularly
4. genetic damage: damage that can be passed from parents to children
5. be inhibited: feel restrained, have to suppress one’s feelings
6. hidden wounds: invisible wounds
7. spinal column: backbone
III. Translate phrases: (10%)
1 杂货店 grocery store 2 后视镜 rear-view mirror
3 急转弯 sharp twist 4 徐徐停下来 slip to a stop
5 采访任务 reportorial assignment 6 犯罪现场 the scene of crime
7 十恶不赦的罪行 heinous crime 8 引人注目的景象 arresting spectacle
9 嘎然而止 screech to a halt 10 经过灾难的城市 the martyred city
IV. Complete sentences: (10%)
1. The traffic thundered past our house all night and its _incessant_( unceasing) noise gave us not
a moment of peace.
2. His uncle used to be a carpenter _by trade__ (by occupation).
3. As a social worker in one of the worst slum areas, she _rubs shoulders with_(mixes with) the
poor and the helpless.
4. They are working hard, _oblivious of_ (unmindful of, ignoring) all fatigue.
5. Everybody laughed at the joke but Joe, it took a moment for it _to sink in_(be understood)
before he laughed too.
6. She _confessed_ (admitted) herself completely ignorant of modern art.
7. Far too many beautiful buildings in London are being _demolished_ (pulled down).
8. Many artists _sketched_ (draw roughly) their subjects before putting painting to canvas.
9. Today these practices are no more, but their memory _lingers on__ (lasts).
10. The drunkard _lurched__ (walked unsteadily from one side to another side) across the street in
the dark.


V. Paraphrase: (10%)
1. ... I had a lump in my throat and a lot of sad thoughts on my mind that had little to do with
anything a Nippon railways official might say.
I was so overcome with emotion that I could not speak or think clearly, and I was troubled about
some sad events. My sad thoughts had no connection with what the stationmaster might say.
2. ...the very sight of which would send shivers down the spine of any healthy visitor.
Even healthy visitors would shiver when they see those surgical instruments.
3. I thought somehow I had been spared.
I thought for some reason or other I had not been affected. No harm had been done to me.
4. ...each day of suffering that helps to free me from earthly cares, I make a new little paper bird.
One more day of suffering would mean a day nearer to my death (would bring me closer to death),
I make a new little paper bird.
5. ...the other that would like to get rid of everything, even the monument that was erected at the
point of impact.
Another group of people would like to get rid of everything, even the monument set up at the
exact point over where the bomb exploded.
VI. Point out rhetorical devices: (10%)





VII. Cloze test: (22%)
On Aug. 6, 1945, a B-29, the “Enola Gay”, _dropped_ the first atomic _bomb_ used in
warfare on the _city_ of Hiroshima. _Thousands_ of human beings and most of the city
_vanished_ in a searing flash. Two days _later_ the Soviet Union _ declared_ war on Japan and
entered Manchuria. On Aug. 9 a _second__ atomic bomb leveled the city of Nagasaki. Japan
_surrendered_ on Aug. 14, _bringing_ the Second World War to a close.
The appalling carnage of WWII _claimed_ the lives of 55million _people_, half of them
_civilians_. More than 400000 _Americans_ were killed _despite_ the fact that no _battles_ were
fought on the _soil_ of the continental United States. The _war_ reduced the number of _powers_
to two, the US and the _USSR_, the death knell having been _sounded_ for the British and French


VIII. Proofreading and error correction (10 %)
Heredity or environment, which is strong? The potentialities which a [1]______
person is born naturally relate in some way to what he does in life, but
the belief that what a person is born determines what he will later do, [2]______
and therefore heredity is fate, a kind of predestination, is stultifying and [3]______
damaging. On the other hand, when the heredity is understood in light [4]_____
of scientific fact, it is seen to be a science whose findings enable us to
improve the welfares and happiness of mankind. [5]______
The usual definition of heredity is that it is the innated equipment of [6]_____
the individual—his genetic endowment. This endowment is conferred
on the individual through infinitesimal units called genes, tiny particles
of matter that constitutes the basic genetic material from which an [7]______
individual develops. However, genes do not work in empty vacuum; [8]______
as long as we begin considering the role that they play in the develop- [9]_____
ment of the individual as a functioning organism, we see that it can be [10]____
no development without the interacting environment. No characteristic
is caused exclusively by environment.

1. which: with 2. born: with 3. therefore: that 4. the: delete the
5. welfares: welfare 6. innated: innate 7. constitutes: constitute
8. empty: delete empty 9. long: soon 10. it : there


Book 1 Quiz 2
I. Give synonyms: (14%)
1. reverie: day dreamdreamy thinking 2. stunning: attractive 3. agitated: upset
4. adrift: floating 5. prospect: expectation 6. slay: kill
7. bombardment: bombing 8. renown: fame 9. assent: agreement
10. jolt: shock, jerk 11. cataclysm: disaster 12. heave: utter
13. sidewalk: pavement 14. preserve: maintain
II. Explain: (14%)
1. preoccupation: sth that takes up all one’s thoughts, absorption
2. intermezzo: a short light music between the acts of a play or an opera, anything that happens
between two events
3. the ritual formula: form of words used regularly
4. genetic damage: damage that can be passed from parents to children
5. be inhibited: feel restrained, have to suppress one’s feelings
6. hidden wounds: invisible wounds
7. spinal column: backbone
III. Translate phrases: (10%)
1 杂货店 grocery store 2 后视镜 rear-view mirror
3 急转弯 sharp twist 4 徐徐停下来 slip to a stop
5 采访任务 reportorial assignment 6 犯罪现场 the scene of crime
7 十恶不赦的罪行 heinous crime 8 引人注目的景象 arresting spectacle
9 嘎然而止 screech to a halt 10 经过灾难的城市 the martyred city
IV. Complete sentences: (10%)
1. The traffic thundered past our house all night and its _incessant_( unceasing) noise gave us not
a moment of peace.
2. His uncle used to be a carpenter _by trade__ (by occupation).
3. As a social worker in one of the worst slum areas, she _rubs shoulders with_(mixes with) the
poor and the helpless.
4. They are working hard, _oblivious of_ (unmindful of, ignoring) all fatigue.
5. Everybody laughed at the joke but Joe, it took a moment for it _to sink in_(be understood)
before he laughed too.
6. She _confessed_ (admitted) herself completely ignorant of modern art.
7. Far too many beautiful buildings in London are being _demolished_ (pulled down).
8. Many artists _sketched_ (draw roughly) their subjects before putting painting to canvas.
9. Today these practices are no more, but their memory _lingers on__ (lasts).
10. The drunkard _lurched__ (walked unsteadily from one side to another side) across the street in
the dark.


V. Paraphrase: (10%)
1. ... I had a lump in my throat and a lot of sad thoughts on my mind that had little to do with
anything a Nippon railways official might say.
I was so overcome with emotion that I could not speak or think clearly, and I was troubled about
some sad events. My sad thoughts had no connection with what the stationmaster might say.
2. ...the very sight of which would send shivers down the spine of any healthy visitor.
Even healthy visitors would shiver when they see those surgical instruments.
3. I thought somehow I had been spared.
I thought for some reason or other I had not been affected. No harm had been done to me.
4. ...each day of suffering that helps to free me from earthly cares, I make a new little paper bird.
One more day of suffering would mean a day nearer to my death (would bring me closer to death),
I make a new little paper bird.
5. ...the other that would like to get rid of everything, even the monument that was erected at the
point of impact.
Another group of people would like to get rid of everything, even the monument set up at the
exact point over where the bomb exploded.
VI. Point out rhetorical devices: (10%)





VII. Cloze test: (22%)
On Aug. 6, 1945, a B-29, the “Enola Gay”, _dropped_ the first atomic _bomb_ used in
warfare on the _city_ of Hiroshima. _Thousands_ of human beings and most of the city
_vanished_ in a searing flash. Two days _later_ the Soviet Union _ declared_ war on Japan and
entered Manchuria. On Aug. 9 a _second__ atomic bomb leveled the city of Nagasaki. Japan
_surrendered_ on Aug. 14, _bringing_ the Second World War to a close.
The appalling carnage of WWII _claimed_ the lives of 55million _people_, half of them
_civilians_. More than 400000 _Americans_ were killed _despite_ the fact that no _battles_ were
fought on the _soil_ of the continental United States. The _war_ reduced the number of _powers_
to two, the US and the _USSR_, the death knell having been _sounded_ for the British and French


VIII. Proofreading and error correction (10 %)
Heredity or environment, which is strong? The potentialities which a [1]______
person is born naturally relate in some way to what he does in life, but
the belief that what a person is born determines what he will later do, [2]______
and therefore heredity is fate, a kind of predestination, is stultifying and [3]______
damaging. On the other hand, when the heredity is understood in light [4]_____
of scientific fact, it is seen to be a science whose findings enable us to
improve the welfares and happiness of mankind. [5]______
The usual definition of heredity is that it is the innated equipment of [6]_____
the individual—his genetic endowment. This endowment is conferred
on the individual through infinitesimal units called genes, tiny particles
of matter that constitutes the basic genetic material from which an [7]______
individual develops. However, genes do not work in empty vacuum; [8]______
as long as we begin considering the role that they play in the develop- [9]_____
ment of the individual as a functioning organism, we see that it can be [10]____
no development without the interacting environment. No characteristic
is caused exclusively by environment.

1. which: with 2. born: with 3. therefore: that 4. the: delete the
5. welfares: welfare 6. innated: innate 7. constitutes: constitute
8. empty: delete empty 9. long: soon 10. it : there








