哈姆雷特 英国文学赏析
Appreciation of English Literature
This story is about prince of
Denmark Hamlet revenge his uncle,who killed his
father, with his own life being end. In the
first part of the story, Hamlet was anger for
unchastity of his mother. At latter, the ghost
of the old Hamlet, father of Hamlet , told
Hamlet that he was killed by Claudius, and
asked Hamlet to revenge for him. The
ghost is
a significant character in this story because it
let Hamlet know the truth of
the death of his
father, and then the whole story developed around
In the second part of
the story, Hamlet pretended to be a madman. He
a drama which was similar with the
truth of the death of his father to evaluate
whether the words of the ghost is true. After
affirming that his father was killed by
Claudius, Hamlet decided to revenge for his
father. When Claudius was ashamed of
his evil
behavior in the garden, Hamlet abandon to kill his
uncle in this time. Then his
mother called him
to her palace. Polonius hided behind the curtain
to eavesdrop on
the talk between queen and
Hamlet. But Hamlet was supposed he was king
and stabbed him with sword.
In the last part, Hamlet had a competition with
Laertes, but he didn’t know
Claudius and
Laertes had a evil conspiracy to kill him. At last
the queen drunk the
poisonous wine to died,
Claudius was stabbed to died by Hamlet, Hamlet was
stabbed to died by Laertes, and Laertes was
also killed by Hamlet. In this tragedy, all
people related to the revenge were dead at the
end. Horatio, the friend of Hamlet
was the
only one still alive who knew the truth.
Characters: Hamlet was the
protagonist of
Hamlet. Once this drama was wrote, many scholars
and expert have
studied what characters Hamlet
has. Different people have different ideas about
character. In my perspective, he was
upright, courageous, wise, principled, firm and
so on.
Many people think that Hamlet was
irresolute, because when he had a chance
to kill the king Claudius, he abandon
this chance. Some people think he payed too
much energy in making decision to have courage
to take actions, and he was just
However, I don’t think so. Hamlet was a kind-
hearted man,though he
was a prince, having
high and honored rank, he treat his friend with no
prejudice. He
hated to achieve his goal with
devious ways, and also hated people who do like
He will not do anything beyond his
principle. Obviously, we can simply explain why
Hamlet give up to make a sneak attack . Hamlet
felt that if a man was killed when he
confessed to the god, he would go to the
heaven because his guilt was pardoned.
more, a devout Christian was pretty believed in
god and their belief. When
Ophelia drawn in
the water, the clown had said a suicide man can
not be burial
according to the Christian
ceremony. So I think Hamlet was a man with strong
principle not irresolution. There is another
evidence proving this. The queen talked
Hamlet in her palace following the instruction of
the Claudius. When Hamlet
became excited, the
cries of Polonius hiding behind the curtain made
regarded him as Claudius, and Hamlet
stabbed him to died. Hamlet’s behavior
hesitation can show his firm decision and strong
power in actions.
Unfortunately, who he killed
was the father of his lover, which a principal
contribution of the tragic end.
personalty of Hamlet I intend to refer was his
wisdom. When he knew
the truth of the death of
his father, he was really sad and sorrow. His mind
seriously stroked and destroyed, so that
he can not hide his mood perfectly. He came
with a idea pretending to be a madman. A madman ’s
crazy and unusual action
could hide the real
emotion of Hamlet and secured to reduce the
suspicion of
Claudius. Furthermore, becoming a
madman, Hamlet can observe whether Claudius
did the evil thing secretly. In the drama,
Hamlet had a large number of crazy actions
words, his faultless performance made everyone
including the king and the
queen believe in
his mad. The drama Hamlet arranged exposed his
wisdom in
another hand. When Hamlet decided to
go back Denmark, he tampered the content
of the secret letter, and let the king
of the England execute Rosencrantz and
Guildenstern, which also show wisdom of
In Hamlet, Shakespeare depicted many
characters having various characteristics.
king Claudius was cunning and shameless, he never
lowered his vigilance to
Hamlet and catch any
chance to kill Hamlet. The queen was unchaste,
indecisive but have a heart to her
son. Her hoped Hamlet followed with Claudius to
survival, and she took care of marriage of
Hamlet. Ophelia is a pure and kindhearted
weak girl, she desired to love but submitted to
her father and brother.
Appreciation: “to be
or not to be, it’s a question” Complying with the
reality for
surviving or fighting with the
reality. Many people will struggle with this
problem and
be in a dilemma. In the movie
Twelve years a slave , most slaves just went to be
slaves and complied with their master. A few
slaves were reluctant to be slaves and
but they just died. The protagonist seemed to
abandon his past identify
according his
performance, but in his heart, he was always a
freeman, and he looked
for any hope to help
him to be a freeman again, though sometimes the
contained dangers. With his endeavor, a
Canadian helped him and he came to be a
freeman after twelve years life of slave.
Solomon was one of a less number of slaves
be saved. Sometimes, the reality is pretty cruel,
and cold. But living with a light
can made
people a litter comfort. This light can made the
life seem a litter warm.
Fighting with the
reality is the best choice for Hamlet. We make a
assumption that
Hamlet complied with Claudius,
forgot the hatred and unchastity of his mother,
pretended to know nothing. Hamlet may really
be mad, because he need to
changeover his
personality to achieve this choice. As a result, a
man’s all choice
depended on his
Characters like Hamlet, I am
still able to catch the essential points of Hamlet
the first time to read original literature
works. Sorts of brief but classical dialogues
make an impressive impression on me ,part of
which have become famous proverbs
being widely
used till nowadays. For instance, Hamlet’s
remarks” to be or not to be,
is the
question” is constantly been quoted when modern
individuals are trying to
make a hard decision
whether to give up or not. Having accomplished the
work, a
couple of leading of characters
impress me deeply. Hamlet once is an optimistic,
happy prince, while becomes heavyhearted after
his father’s death and his mother’
s over-hasty
marriage. It rightly turns out a usual saying that
a person’s characteristic
change up to the
circumstance to be right. I have great sympathy
for Ophelia, a fairy
kindhearted girl. She has
to deny Hamlet’s affection for her in her
situation and bear
huge pain alone within
heart. She loses her lover as well as his father.
Therefore, she
is driven into desperate
states. She dies at last. As to Laertes, he is
completely taken
advantage of by foxy Claudius
for his urgent mentality to average his father a
ending. Claudius, a murderer and a
poisoner, should be blamed for the tragedy. I’ll
analyze his characteristic in detail. First of
all, Claudius is cruel person. He uses such a
cruel method that pours poison in the king’s
ears to murder his brother when the
king is in
the sleeping. He also takes up his brother’s wife
regardless of feeling of
brothers. At the end
of the story, Claudius does further think double
ways to kill
Hamlet. That is, to pour poison
on both Hamlet’s cup and Laertess’s sword. Above
all, he is rather cold-blooded and self
despite that Claudius has done sorts of
wrongdoings, he is still in upset. He comforts
himself that his fault is past, and
his doing to ambition, which is ridiculous.
Claudius prays that god forgives
his foul
murder. Moreover,Claudius is doubtful and foxy.
When Polonius concludes
that Hamlet is mad for
his love, Ophelia. Claudius doubts Hamlet’s
madness and
thinks out kinds of ways to test
of him. When he knows Hamlet is not really crazy,
assumes that Hamlet is full of threats and
some danger to him. So he is meant to
Hamlet out of the country and have Hamlet murder.
In addition, Claudius takes
advantage of
others as his tool to reach his purpose. He lets
Gratrude to talk with
Hamlet and sends
Polonius to hear their conference. Both Laertes
and his father are
used by Claudius,
with ending of dying. Let’s see how Claudius
persuades Laertes to
fight with Hamlet.
Firstly, Claudius announces that he is guiltless
of Polonius’s death
and most sensible in grief
for it. He shows that he has nothing to do with
father’s killing to get close to
Laertes. What’s more, he wants to purchase Laertes
with money, power. Claudius even promises to
give his kingdom, crown and life to
Laertes in
his satisfaction. Of course, he definitely knows
laertes will not accept.
Claudius takes
further measures to win Laertes’s father. These
fake words come from
Claudius. Finally,
Claudius’s comspriracy is realized, he asks
Laertes “ will you be
ruled by me”, Laertes us
urges Laertes to undertake the action with the
words “to show yourself your father’s son in
deed more than in words”. That’s how
makes use of Laertes step by step. Claudius dies
and gets punishment what
he deserves at last.
Reading hamlet is quiet a valuable experience
in which I understand a lot. The
ending is
miserable, all the main characters die, while it
deserves thinking deeply.
Self Assessment I
choose the appreciation of British and American
classical as the
elective course this
semester. I think it is a good opportunity for me
to learn
specialized knowledge about the
classical British and American literature. Under
guidance of teacher, I can enjoy the good
movies both classical and modern more in
Appreciation of
English Literature
This story is
about prince of Denmark Hamlet revenge his
uncle,who killed his
father, with his own life
being end. In the first part of the story, Hamlet
was anger for
unchastity of his mother. At
latter, the ghost of the old Hamlet, father of
Hamlet , told
Hamlet that he was killed by
Claudius, and asked Hamlet to revenge for him. The
ghost is a significant character in this story
because it let Hamlet know the truth of
death of his father, and then the whole story
developed around Hamlet’s
In the
second part of the story, Hamlet pretended to be a
madman. He arranged
a drama which was similar
with the truth of the death of his father to
whether the words of the ghost is
true. After affirming that his father was killed
Claudius, Hamlet decided to revenge for his
father. When Claudius was ashamed of
his evil
behavior in the garden, Hamlet abandon to kill his
uncle in this time. Then his
mother called him
to her palace. Polonius hided behind the curtain
to eavesdrop on
the talk between queen and
Hamlet. But Hamlet was supposed he was king
and stabbed him with sword.
In the last part, Hamlet had a competition with
Laertes, but he didn’t know
Claudius and
Laertes had a evil conspiracy to kill him. At last
the queen drunk the
poisonous wine to died,
Claudius was stabbed to died by Hamlet, Hamlet was
stabbed to died by Laertes, and Laertes was
also killed by Hamlet. In this tragedy, all
people related to the revenge were dead at the
end. Horatio, the friend of Hamlet
was the
only one still alive who knew the truth.
Characters: Hamlet was the
protagonist of
Hamlet. Once this drama was wrote, many scholars
and expert have
studied what characters Hamlet
has. Different people have different ideas about
character. In my perspective, he was
upright, courageous, wise, principled, firm and
so on.
Many people think that Hamlet was
irresolute, because when he had a chance
to kill the king Claudius, he abandon
this chance. Some people think he payed too
much energy in making decision to have courage
to take actions, and he was just
However, I don’t think so. Hamlet was a kind-
hearted man,though he
was a prince, having
high and honored rank, he treat his friend with no
prejudice. He
hated to achieve his goal with
devious ways, and also hated people who do like
He will not do anything beyond his
principle. Obviously, we can simply explain why
Hamlet give up to make a sneak attack . Hamlet
felt that if a man was killed when he
confessed to the god, he would go to the
heaven because his guilt was pardoned.
more, a devout Christian was pretty believed in
god and their belief. When
Ophelia drawn in
the water, the clown had said a suicide man can
not be burial
according to the Christian
ceremony. So I think Hamlet was a man with strong
principle not irresolution. There is another
evidence proving this. The queen talked
Hamlet in her palace following the instruction of
the Claudius. When Hamlet
became excited, the
cries of Polonius hiding behind the curtain made
regarded him as Claudius, and Hamlet
stabbed him to died. Hamlet’s behavior
hesitation can show his firm decision and strong
power in actions.
Unfortunately, who he killed
was the father of his lover, which a principal
contribution of the tragic end.
personalty of Hamlet I intend to refer was his
wisdom. When he knew
the truth of the death of
his father, he was really sad and sorrow. His mind
seriously stroked and destroyed, so that
he can not hide his mood perfectly. He came
with a idea pretending to be a madman. A madman ’s
crazy and unusual action
could hide the real
emotion of Hamlet and secured to reduce the
suspicion of
Claudius. Furthermore, becoming a
madman, Hamlet can observe whether Claudius
did the evil thing secretly. In the drama,
Hamlet had a large number of crazy actions
words, his faultless performance made everyone
including the king and the
queen believe in
his mad. The drama Hamlet arranged exposed his
wisdom in
another hand. When Hamlet decided to
go back Denmark, he tampered the content
of the secret letter, and let the king
of the England execute Rosencrantz and
Guildenstern, which also show wisdom of
In Hamlet, Shakespeare depicted many
characters having various characteristics.
king Claudius was cunning and shameless, he never
lowered his vigilance to
Hamlet and catch any
chance to kill Hamlet. The queen was unchaste,
indecisive but have a heart to her
son. Her hoped Hamlet followed with Claudius to
survival, and she took care of marriage of
Hamlet. Ophelia is a pure and kindhearted
weak girl, she desired to love but submitted to
her father and brother.
Appreciation: “to be
or not to be, it’s a question” Complying with the
reality for
surviving or fighting with the
reality. Many people will struggle with this
problem and
be in a dilemma. In the movie
Twelve years a slave , most slaves just went to be
slaves and complied with their master. A few
slaves were reluctant to be slaves and
but they just died. The protagonist seemed to
abandon his past identify
according his
performance, but in his heart, he was always a
freeman, and he looked
for any hope to help
him to be a freeman again, though sometimes the
contained dangers. With his endeavor, a
Canadian helped him and he came to be a
freeman after twelve years life of slave.
Solomon was one of a less number of slaves
be saved. Sometimes, the reality is pretty cruel,
and cold. But living with a light
can made
people a litter comfort. This light can made the
life seem a litter warm.
Fighting with the
reality is the best choice for Hamlet. We make a
assumption that
Hamlet complied with Claudius,
forgot the hatred and unchastity of his mother,
pretended to know nothing. Hamlet may really
be mad, because he need to
changeover his
personality to achieve this choice. As a result, a
man’s all choice
depended on his
Characters like Hamlet, I am
still able to catch the essential points of Hamlet
the first time to read original literature
works. Sorts of brief but classical dialogues
make an impressive impression on me ,part of
which have become famous proverbs
being widely
used till nowadays. For instance, Hamlet’s
remarks” to be or not to be,
is the
question” is constantly been quoted when modern
individuals are trying to
make a hard decision
whether to give up or not. Having accomplished the
work, a
couple of leading of characters
impress me deeply. Hamlet once is an optimistic,
happy prince, while becomes heavyhearted after
his father’s death and his mother’
s over-hasty
marriage. It rightly turns out a usual saying that
a person’s characteristic
change up to the
circumstance to be right. I have great sympathy
for Ophelia, a fairy
kindhearted girl. She has
to deny Hamlet’s affection for her in her
situation and bear
huge pain alone within
heart. She loses her lover as well as his father.
Therefore, she
is driven into desperate
states. She dies at last. As to Laertes, he is
completely taken
advantage of by foxy Claudius
for his urgent mentality to average his father a
ending. Claudius, a murderer and a
poisoner, should be blamed for the tragedy. I’ll
analyze his characteristic in detail. First of
all, Claudius is cruel person. He uses such a
cruel method that pours poison in the king’s
ears to murder his brother when the
king is in
the sleeping. He also takes up his brother’s wife
regardless of feeling of
brothers. At the end
of the story, Claudius does further think double
ways to kill
Hamlet. That is, to pour poison
on both Hamlet’s cup and Laertess’s sword. Above
all, he is rather cold-blooded and self
despite that Claudius has done sorts of
wrongdoings, he is still in upset. He comforts
himself that his fault is past, and
his doing to ambition, which is ridiculous.
Claudius prays that god forgives
his foul
murder. Moreover,Claudius is doubtful and foxy.
When Polonius concludes
that Hamlet is mad for
his love, Ophelia. Claudius doubts Hamlet’s
madness and
thinks out kinds of ways to test
of him. When he knows Hamlet is not really crazy,
assumes that Hamlet is full of threats and
some danger to him. So he is meant to
Hamlet out of the country and have Hamlet murder.
In addition, Claudius takes
advantage of
others as his tool to reach his purpose. He lets
Gratrude to talk with
Hamlet and sends
Polonius to hear their conference. Both Laertes
and his father are
used by Claudius,
with ending of dying. Let’s see how Claudius
persuades Laertes to
fight with Hamlet.
Firstly, Claudius announces that he is guiltless
of Polonius’s death
and most sensible in grief
for it. He shows that he has nothing to do with
father’s killing to get close to
Laertes. What’s more, he wants to purchase Laertes
with money, power. Claudius even promises to
give his kingdom, crown and life to
Laertes in
his satisfaction. Of course, he definitely knows
laertes will not accept.
Claudius takes
further measures to win Laertes’s father. These
fake words come from
Claudius. Finally,
Claudius’s comspriracy is realized, he asks
Laertes “ will you be
ruled by me”, Laertes us
urges Laertes to undertake the action with the
words “to show yourself your father’s son in
deed more than in words”. That’s how
makes use of Laertes step by step. Claudius dies
and gets punishment what
he deserves at last.
Reading hamlet is quiet a valuable experience
in which I understand a lot. The
ending is
miserable, all the main characters die, while it
deserves thinking deeply.
Self Assessment I
choose the appreciation of British and American
classical as the
elective course this
semester. I think it is a good opportunity for me
to learn
specialized knowledge about the
classical British and American literature. Under
guidance of teacher, I can enjoy the good
movies both classical and modern more in