
2020年07月31日 00:24



Part One. Multiple Choice
Choice For each italicized word or expression, choose the best meaning below.

1. The old fat man looks ridiculous in the old jeans. B
A. smart B. silly C. youthful D. high-spirited
2. The negotiations are at a very delicate stage..D
A. elegant B. sensitive C. important D. crucial
3. I can't recall where we met last month.. C
A. tell B. describe C. remember D. find
4. We are under no obligation to give what he wants.B
A. promise B. duty C. pressure D. agreement
5. The accident generated a of public interest in the nuclear power issue.B
A. sopped B. produced C. increased D. decreased
6. Some people are struck down by the stresses of modern life.A
A. difficulties B. luxury C. expense D. tension
7. A little girl was sitting sobbing in the corner.C
A. laughing B. talking C. weeping D. smiling
8. With an intense will to recover, the patient follows the doctor's order quite willingly.C
A. a weak B. an inclined C. a strong D. an intending or the weekend.
9. They went to the shooting lodge in Scotland for the weekend. A
A. A hut B. a villa C. a palace D. a mansion
10. This poem conveys the poet's deep love of is wife.A
A. expresses B. takes C. hides D. means
11. Once the drug is approved for sale, doctors will be able to ________ it for users.A
A. prescribe B. describe C. deceive D. perceive
12 . Some scientists think average global temperatures have risen due to the greenhouse effect. Others are
________ of global warming.A
A. skeptical B. flexible C. optimistic D. universal
13.. Some think that cloned human beings will be ________ of freedom or dignity or personal identity.C
A. confessed B. alleged C. deprived D. stressed
14. As a teacher you have to ________ your methods to suit the needs of slower children. C
A. propose B. enhance C. adjust D. inspire
15. Inflation is likely to ________ this year, adding further upward pressure on interest rates.A
A. exceed B. approach C. accelerate D. overstate
16. I rang Jill and ________ her that the conference had been cancelled.B
A. reminded B. alerted C. predicted D. recalled
17. The doctors have ________ the cause of the illness to an unknown virus.B
A. converted B. attributed C. contributed D. diverted
18. A ________of the Chinese diet has revealed that a growing number of children in cities are
A. survey B. controversy C. factor D. sector
19. It ________ that the fashionable young lady he spoke to was a pickpocket.A


A. turned up B. turned in C. turned down D. turned out
20. You are distorting

his argument.D
A. giving a truthful account of B. giving a false account of
C. giving a bad account of D. Giving an exact account of
21. They accepted that what you are doing is relevant to their problems.B
A. troublesome B. helpful C. practical D. useless
22. It was a contest in verbal skills.A
A. using words B. using signs C. using strength D. using methods
23. I interpret his silence as a refusal.A
A. understood B. examined C. remembered D. forget
24. A. She showed great aptitude for learning languages.A
A. natural ability B. keen interest C. great passion D. emotion
25. He was more involved in sports than in scholastic achievements.C
sional B. vocational C. academic D. vacatioal
a nuisance! I have forgotten my ticket.A
A. something that causes annoyance or inconvenience
B. something that brings joy or comfort
C. something that brings destruction or disaster.
ing that denotes convenience.
27. She slung her coat over her shoulder.C
A. hung loosely B. stayed C. hung strangely
28. He checked in at the hotel at 9 o'clock in the evening under a false name.B
A. searched B. booked C. left D. looked
29. Take it easy! You won't fall off ths ladder as it is quite stable.A
A. steady B. new C. old D. new
30. He burst into tears when he heard his mother's bad news.B
A. cried suddenly B. talked sadly C. felt depressed D. lost his mind
31. To obtain the job, you must have of residence in Michigan, such as a Michigan ID card..A
A. proof B. prove C. presence D. present
32. Roger was quite stubborn and it was almost impossible to _______ him _______ his mistakes.D
A. convince; about B. convince; of C. convert; on D. convert; to
33. He knew he had said the wrong thing and _______ the conversation to a less embarrassing subject.D

A. infected B. reflected C. dismissed D. switched
34. They have done pretty well in _______ the problem of storing radioactive waste.B
A. keeping up B. coping with C. going on D. turning away
35. It’s ________ of you to postpone the meeting to next Friday.D
A. considerable B. considered C. considerate D. considering
36. Once Amelia sets her mind _______ something she wouldn’t easily give up.A
A. into B. over C. on D. in
37. You can go out and enjoy yourself if you like, but I _______ stay home and read.B
A. instead B. besides C. would rather D. other than


38. The language barrier between us made communication _______ impossible.C
A. absolutely B. solely C. hardly D. only
39. It wasn’t until after midnight that the meeting _______.B
A. broke out B. broke up C. broke in D. broke off
40. The new dormitory completed a fortnight ago is large enough to _______ over two hundred students.B
A. comment B. accommodate C. pool D. stuff
41. As it turned out, the speaker was shouted down by the _______ crowd.A
A. hostile B. creative C. friendly D. kind
42. Mrs. Bliss kept the door and the windows shut lest the noise outside should _______ her son’s sleep.D
A. neglect B. infer C. refer to D. interfere with
43. Many university students experience severe ________ as final exams draw near.
44. If you try to _______ the problem _______, it would be impossible for you to make any progress in this
A. pass; on B. pass; by C. pass; away D. pass; out
45. Miss Main kept practicing until she finally _______ herself for the job.B
A. qualified B. approached C. bound D. claimed
46. The dove, poetically _______ as the symbol of peace, is adored by peace-loving people all over the
A. thought B. awarded C. confirmed D. regarded
47. I was greatly shocked by the way Henry _______ the affairs of such a big business.B
A. dismissed B. committed C. concluded D. conducted
48. Perhaps you shouldn’t _______ the suggestion Mary put forward during the discussion.B
A. brush off B. bring up C. brush aside D. bring through
49. Greater efforts are needed before we can _______ our goal of economic reform.A
A. attain B. contain C. retain D. sustain
50. To our surprise, her _______ remark about the mission should have caused a political storm.C
A. careful B. casual C. due D. obvious
51. Unfortunately medical tests _______ the fact that the baby was not their own child.C
A. supplied B. established C. provided D. fanned
52. On most of the nights, Jane _______ reading classical literature.C
A. stayed in B. stayed on C. stayed up D. stayed over
53. For him reading novels was a(n) _______ from the harsh realities of his time.A
A. escape B. effect C. affect D. view
54. After a careful examination, the doctor ________ a new medicine and a three-day rest for her.D
A. prescribed B. gave C. described D. instructed
55. The newly appointed director is trying to _______ the working conditions in the factory.A
A. cope B. deal C. best D. better
56. We _______ a collection to buy presents for Roger and Ruth who were getting married.A
A. took up B. took in C. took over D. took on
57. The visit to the computer center has _______ the pupil’s interest in computer science.B
A. switched B. risen C. stimulated D. reflected


58. According to the evening newscast, several villages in the area have been _______ by the heavy
A. isolated B. shifted C. tucked D. divided
59. For my own part, everything is O.K. I have nothing to _______ of.C
A. apologize B. conduct C. complain D. dismiss
60. Many young girls like to _______ a diary for recording their private thoughts and feelings. B
A. keep B. write C. take D. make

Part Two. Read The Following Short Passages And Choose The Best Answer.

Passage 1

There are a lot of dangerous and terrible pests in Northeastern India, but the tree-bees are the most
terrible. They are killers. Unlike most bees, which will sting you only if they are disturbed or annoyed,
tree-bees will attack you in thousands for no apparent reason. And then they will chase you for your life.
Walking along a dusty road one sunny morning, while I was on holiday there last year, I found myself,
without the least warning, the center of such an attack. The air above me suddenly became thick with bees.
Despite the heat, I went cold all over. Until then I had never heard of Indian tree- bees, but I had recently
seen a film called
I began to run to the village about half a mile away. But I was soon covered from head to foot with
bees. They crawled in thousands all over me, stinging with terrible pain. I tore them away in handfuls, only
to make room for others. Each time I opened my lips for breath, more bees entered my mouth, until my
tongue was stung to twice its normal size and I could hardly breathe.
When I reached the village, I ran towards a house that was being built. As soon as the men working
there saw the bees that were accompanying me, they ran for safety at top speed.
Soon my eyes had completely closed. I fell into a heap of brick dust used for building. I pushed myself
frantically down into this until my head and shoulders were covered. I immediately found myself in a
worse situation, the dust choking out what little life I had left. When I struggled up out of the brick dust, the
angry swarm made a new attack on me. I was now at the end of my tether. I ran weakly about in circles.
Then I went down, in a state of come.
My rescue was made by two quick-witted Gurkhas who raced to a heap of dry grass and quickly
surrounded me with a thick wall of fire and smoke until the bees were driven away. They remained with me,
I later learned, taking stings out of my swollen body for the next three hours until a doctor was found and

1. Which of the following is not true about the tree-bees in Northeastern India?
A) They are most dangerous and terrible.
B) They attack people in large numbers.
C) They will not attack unless they are annoyed
D) They will sting people to death.
2. What was the principal reason the writer had for feeling frightened when he saw the tree-bees?


A) He was surrounded without warning.
B) He thought of the film he had recently seen about killer-bees.
C) He knew that Indian tree-bees were most dangerous.
D) The temperature of the atmosphere suddenly went cold.
3. When the men building the house saw the bees chasing the writer, they ________.
A) ran over to save him B) ran away as fast as they could
C) ran to the top of the building D) ran to light a heap of dry grass
4. The writer felt that he had reached the end of his tether. Which of the following is not the reason for that?
A) His eyes were stung so badly that he could not open them.
B) He fell into a heap of brick dust, which almost choked him to death.
C) The angry swarm of bees made a new attack on him.
D) He was frightened out of his wits.
5. What seems to be most effective in driving away the tree-bees?
A) Quick-witted Gurkhas. B) Dry grass.
C) Brick dust. D) Smoke and fire.

Passage 2

The earliest films were short, lasting only one minute or less. People could, for one cent, see simple
action films of trains, fire engines, parades, crowds on city streets, and similar subjects. Soon 20-minute
pictures of news items were being shown in theaters at the end of the regular stage show. Later, films used
a new method (putting the beginning of one scene upon the end of the scene before) for magical effects and
to tie a story together. In 1903 a film was made about a train robbery. Much of the action took place at the
same time---the robbers escaping, the men meeting and planning to capture them---and the scenes moved
smoothly, back and forth, from one scene to another instead of unnaturally showing each scene separately.
This was the earliest successful film in which scenes were filmed at different places and times and they
combined to make a logical story. A short time later, theaters showed for five cents a whole hour's
entertainment of short films---comedy, travel, and drama. These films were simple and rough, and many
were vulgar. Gradually, the audiences improved as the techniques improved.
Before 1910 actors were employed in films without their names being given, because the producers
were afraid that, if an actor became well known, he might demand more money. But later it became known
that a film with a popular actor in it could be sold at a higher price to theater owners than could a film in
which the actor was not known. Soon
more popular stars were earning as much as $$2,000 a week, and large theaters were being built downtown
in all the larger cities to show films alone. The films shown in those theaters were of several types:
comedies, emphasizing speed, movement, and camera tricks;
American cowboy fighting on the side of law and justice; murder mysteries and crime stories, and special
films on art, music, and other cultural subjects.

6. Pictures of paradox shown in the first films went on for no more than________.
A) one minute B) 20 minutes


C) a whole hour D) about two minutes
7. It was not until 1903 that people began to make films________.
A) by using magical effects
B) by naturally joining the scenes together in a story
C) at a railroad station
D) by putting the beginning of one scene upon the end of another
8. The first successful film in which the pictures were taken at different places and times and then put
together logically was about ________.
A) a train accident B) the robbery of a train
C) a story of a train D) the capturing of the robbers
9. It was most likely that
A) as early as 1903 B) not until 1910
C) in 1915 D) after 1915
10. This passage is mainly about ________.
A) modern movie development
B) early movie stars
C) various types of films in the early 20th century
D) history of film-making

Passage 3

On May 13, 1787, a fleet of English ships set sail for Australia with about 750 people. These men and
women were no ordinary passengers. They were sent to Australia as punishment for their
Laws in England during this period were very harsh, and people were punished severely for even the
smallest crimes. A man could be sentenced to death for hunting on another man’s property or he could be
put to death for chopping down someone else’s tree. For many other crimes, the punishment was
“transportation” .The guilty person was shipped to a distant land where he was forced to work without pay.
Often women and children were shipped to other land, too.
In 1770, Captain Cook had discovered the continent of Australia and claimed it for England. At first,
England found no use for this vast land on the other side of the world, but then the American Revolution
took place. England could no longer ship her convicts to the American colonies. So she turned to Australia
as a good place for her prisoners.
A former naval captain was picked to accompany the convicts to the new colony. His job was to help
them build a settlement which he would govern. The captain was glad to go. He believes the convicts could
learn to live in peace. He felt they would obey the laws in new country.
In January 1788, the English fleet and its stranger cargo landed in Australia. After days of searching,
the captain found a fine harbor. The land nearby had tree and streams. The convicts colony made a new
beginning here. Australia’s history had begun.

11. What is implied but not directly stated in the passage?


A) People were not often punished in England long ago.
B) England’s laws have changed very much since 1787.
C) Laws in England remain the same since 1787.
D) Captain Cook claimed Australia for the convicts.
12. On the whole, the article tells about _______.
A) a fleet of English ships
B) hunting on other people’s property
C) a convict settlement in Australia
D) the transportation of Cook
13. Which statement does the article lead you to believe?
A) A new chance may de good for many people.
B) All English fleets have very stranger cargo.
C) The men on the English ships were ordinary.
D) Captain Cook could not govern the new country.
14. Why did England sent convicts to Australia?
A) It wanted to make Captain Cook happy about Australia.
B) It wanted convicts to find a fine harbor and good land.
C) It could not feed its overpopulation.
D) It could no longer send convicts to America.
15. Which statement seems true according to the passage?
A) Former naval captains always start new colonies.
B) The American Revolution took place in Australia.
C) A great country may grow from a small colony.
D) Convicts are not easy to be governed.

Part Three.Cloze
Fill in each blank with a word given below. Change the form of the word if necessary.

subject give advantage meaningful read
picture unsatisfactory express arise disadvantage

One advantage of the essay is that it reduces the element of luck. The student cannot get a high score
just by making a lucky guess. Another _________________ is that it shows the examiner more about the
student's ability to put facts together into a ________________ whole. It should show how deeply he has
thought about the subject. Sometimes, though, essay tests have ___________________ , too. Some
students are able to write rather good answers without really knowing much about the
___________________., while other students who actually know the material have trouble
_________________ their ideas in essay form..
Besides, on an essay test the student's score may depend on the examiner's feelings at the time of
_______________ the answer.
Most teachers and students would probably agree that examinations are ________________. Students


don't like to take them; teachers dislike _____________ them and scoring students' answers. Whether an
objective teat or an essay test is used, problems ______________. When some objective questions are used
along with some essay questions, however, a fairly clear ________________ of the student's knowledge
can usually be obtained.

Part Four. Multiple Choices for Synonyms (1——5)& Multiple Choices for antonyms(6

1. competitive A. friendly B. auxiliary C. rival
2. ultimate A. final B chief C. primary
3. diversity A. uniformity B. variety C. similarity
4. private A. public B. open C. personal
5. exclude A. include B. incorporate C. bar
6. retrieve A. recover B. regain C. lose
7. vertical A. upright B. horizontal C. erect
8. prolific A . fertile B. sterrile C. fruitful
9. novel A. original B. new C. old
10. diverse A. identical B. different C. various

Part Five. Multiple Choices (Skimming and Scanning)

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.

One day a police officer managed to get some fresh mushrooms. He was so pleased with what he had
bought that he offered to share the mushrooms with his fellow officers. When their breakfast arrived the
next day, each officer found some mushrooms on his plate.
“Let the dog examine a piece first,” suggested one careful officer who was afraid that the mushrooms
might be poisonous.
The dog seemed to enjoy his mushroom, and the officers then began to eat their meal, saying the
mushrooms had a very strange but quite pleasant taste.
An hour later, however, they were all astonished when the gardener rushed in and said seriously that
the dog was dead. Immediately, the officers jumped into their cars and rushed to the nearest hospital.
Pumps were used and the officers had a very hard time getting rid of the mushrooms that remained in their
When they returned to the police station, they sat down and started to discuss the mushroom poisoning.
Each man complained the pains that he had felt. The gardener was called to tell the way in which the poor
dog had died. “Did it suffer much before death?” asked one of the officers, feeling very pleased that he had
escaped a painful death himself. “No,” the gardener looked rather surprised. “It was killed the moment a
car hit it.”

1. From the first paragraph, we can see that the police officer _______.


A) acted like selfish motives B) was very kind to his friends
C) did things foolishly D) was a slow-minded person
2. The careful officer wanted the dog to eat first because ________.
A) he liked the dog very
B) nobody seemed to like the mushrooms
C) he suspected the mushrooms to be poisonous
D) he was afraid that there were not enough
3. In the 4
paragraph, the expression “had a very hard time” probably means _______.
A) to examine very carefully B) to work hard to get things done
C) to live a hard life D) to suffer terribly
4. The reason why the dog died suddenly is _______.
A) that it had just eaten the mushrooms
B) that it died from hunger
C) that it died in traffic accident
D) that it died of a serious illness
5. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A) An Unnecessary Surprise B) The Delicious Mushrooms
C) Dog and Mushrooms D) Police Officers and Dog
Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage.

Male pilots flying general aviating (private) aircraft in the United States are more likely to crash due
to inattention or flawed decision-making, while female pilots are more likely to crash from mishandling the
aircraft. These are the results of a study by researchers at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School
of Public Health.
The study identifies the differences between male and female pilots in terms of circumstances of the
crash and the type of pilots error involved. “Crashes of general aviation aircraft account for 85 percent of
all aviation deaths in the United States. The crash rate for male pilots, as for motor vehicle drivers, exceeds
that of crashes of female pilots,” explains Susan P. Baker, MPH, professor of health policy and
management at the Bloomberg School of Public Health. “Because pilot youth and inexperience are
established contributors to aviation crashes, we focused on only mature pilots, to determine the gender
differences in the reasons for the crash. ”
The researchers extracted data for this study from a large research project on pilot aging and flight
safety. The data were gathered from general aviation crashes of airplanes and helicopters between 1983 and
1997, involving 144 female pilots and 267 male pilots aged 40-63. Female pilots were matched with male
pilots in a 1:2 ratio, by age, classes of medical and pilot certificates, state or area of crash, and year of crash.
Then the circumstances of the crashes and the pilot error involved were categorized and coded without
knowledge of pilot gender.
The researchers found that loss of control on landing or takeoff was the most common circumstance
for both sexes, leading to 59 percent of female pilots’ crashes and 36 percent of males. Experiencing
mechanical failure, running out of fuel, and landing the plane with the landing gear up were among the
factors more likely with males, while stalling was more likely with females.


The majority of the crashes—95 percent for females and 88 percent for males—involved at least
one type of pilot error. Mishandling aircraft kinetics was the most common error for both sexes, but was
more common among females (accounting for 81 percent of the crashes) than males (accounting for 48
percent). Males, however, appeared more likely to be guilty of poor decision-making, risk- taking, and
inattentiveness, examples of which include misjudging weather and visibility or flying an aircraft with a
known defect. Females, though more likely to mishandle or lose control of the aircraft, were generally
more careful than their male counterparts.

6. What is the research at Johns Hopkins University about?
A) Causes of aircraft crash.
B) Gender difference in relation to types of aircraft crashes.
C) Causes of mishandling aircraft.
D) Gender discrimination in general aviation in the United States.
7. Which of the statements is NOT true according to the second paragraph?
A) Crashes of general aviation aircraft is a major source of aviation accidents in the United
B) Male pilots, like male vehicle drivers, are more likely to have accidents than female pilots.
C) It is commonly known that aircraft crashes are mostly caused by young and inexperienced pilots.
D) Only mature pilots are studied to determine the gender differences in the reasons for
aircraft crash.
8. How did the researchers carry out their study?
A) They studied the findings of several previous research projects.
B) They conducted a questionnaire with 411 pilots.
C) They collected data from the database at the Johns Hopkins University.
D) They analyzed the circumstances of the crashes involved.
9. What is the most common circumstance of crash with female pilots?
A) Mechanical failure and running out of fuel.
B) Loss of control on landing or takeoff and stalling.
C) Loss of control on landing or takeoff and running out of fuel.
D) Stalling and landing with the gear up.
10. In the comparison of female and male pilots.
A) female pilots are found to be more courageous and risk-taking.
B) male pilots are found to be more professional and attentive.
C) female pilots are found to make more errors out of carelessness.
D) male pilots are found to make more errors in decision-making.

(The End)




Part One. Multiple Choice
Choice For each italicized word or expression, choose the best meaning below.

1. The old fat man looks ridiculous in the old jeans. B
A. smart B. silly C. youthful D. high-spirited
2. The negotiations are at a very delicate stage..D
A. elegant B. sensitive C. important D. crucial
3. I can't recall where we met last month.. C
A. tell B. describe C. remember D. find
4. We are under no obligation to give what he wants.B
A. promise B. duty C. pressure D. agreement
5. The accident generated a of public interest in the nuclear power issue.B
A. sopped B. produced C. increased D. decreased
6. Some people are struck down by the stresses of modern life.A
A. difficulties B. luxury C. expense D. tension
7. A little girl was sitting sobbing in the corner.C
A. laughing B. talking C. weeping D. smiling
8. With an intense will to recover, the patient follows the doctor's order quite willingly.C
A. a weak B. an inclined C. a strong D. an intending or the weekend.
9. They went to the shooting lodge in Scotland for the weekend. A
A. A hut B. a villa C. a palace D. a mansion
10. This poem conveys the poet's deep love of is wife.A
A. expresses B. takes C. hides D. means
11. Once the drug is approved for sale, doctors will be able to ________ it for users.A
A. prescribe B. describe C. deceive D. perceive
12 . Some scientists think average global temperatures have risen due to the greenhouse effect. Others are
________ of global warming.A
A. skeptical B. flexible C. optimistic D. universal
13.. Some think that cloned human beings will be ________ of freedom or dignity or personal identity.C
A. confessed B. alleged C. deprived D. stressed
14. As a teacher you have to ________ your methods to suit the needs of slower children. C
A. propose B. enhance C. adjust D. inspire
15. Inflation is likely to ________ this year, adding further upward pressure on interest rates.A
A. exceed B. approach C. accelerate D. overstate
16. I rang Jill and ________ her that the conference had been cancelled.B
A. reminded B. alerted C. predicted D. recalled
17. The doctors have ________ the cause of the illness to an unknown virus.B
A. converted B. attributed C. contributed D. diverted
18. A ________of the Chinese diet has revealed that a growing number of children in cities are
A. survey B. controversy C. factor D. sector
19. It ________ that the fashionable young lady he spoke to was a pickpocket.A


A. turned up B. turned in C. turned down D. turned out
20. You are distorting

his argument.D
A. giving a truthful account of B. giving a false account of
C. giving a bad account of D. Giving an exact account of
21. They accepted that what you are doing is relevant to their problems.B
A. troublesome B. helpful C. practical D. useless
22. It was a contest in verbal skills.A
A. using words B. using signs C. using strength D. using methods
23. I interpret his silence as a refusal.A
A. understood B. examined C. remembered D. forget
24. A. She showed great aptitude for learning languages.A
A. natural ability B. keen interest C. great passion D. emotion
25. He was more involved in sports than in scholastic achievements.C
sional B. vocational C. academic D. vacatioal
a nuisance! I have forgotten my ticket.A
A. something that causes annoyance or inconvenience
B. something that brings joy or comfort
C. something that brings destruction or disaster.
ing that denotes convenience.
27. She slung her coat over her shoulder.C
A. hung loosely B. stayed C. hung strangely
28. He checked in at the hotel at 9 o'clock in the evening under a false name.B
A. searched B. booked C. left D. looked
29. Take it easy! You won't fall off ths ladder as it is quite stable.A
A. steady B. new C. old D. new
30. He burst into tears when he heard his mother's bad news.B
A. cried suddenly B. talked sadly C. felt depressed D. lost his mind
31. To obtain the job, you must have of residence in Michigan, such as a Michigan ID card..A
A. proof B. prove C. presence D. present
32. Roger was quite stubborn and it was almost impossible to _______ him _______ his mistakes.D
A. convince; about B. convince; of C. convert; on D. convert; to
33. He knew he had said the wrong thing and _______ the conversation to a less embarrassing subject.D

A. infected B. reflected C. dismissed D. switched
34. They have done pretty well in _______ the problem of storing radioactive waste.B
A. keeping up B. coping with C. going on D. turning away
35. It’s ________ of you to postpone the meeting to next Friday.D
A. considerable B. considered C. considerate D. considering
36. Once Amelia sets her mind _______ something she wouldn’t easily give up.A
A. into B. over C. on D. in
37. You can go out and enjoy yourself if you like, but I _______ stay home and read.B
A. instead B. besides C. would rather D. other than


38. The language barrier between us made communication _______ impossible.C
A. absolutely B. solely C. hardly D. only
39. It wasn’t until after midnight that the meeting _______.B
A. broke out B. broke up C. broke in D. broke off
40. The new dormitory completed a fortnight ago is large enough to _______ over two hundred students.B
A. comment B. accommodate C. pool D. stuff
41. As it turned out, the speaker was shouted down by the _______ crowd.A
A. hostile B. creative C. friendly D. kind
42. Mrs. Bliss kept the door and the windows shut lest the noise outside should _______ her son’s sleep.D
A. neglect B. infer C. refer to D. interfere with
43. Many university students experience severe ________ as final exams draw near.
44. If you try to _______ the problem _______, it would be impossible for you to make any progress in this
A. pass; on B. pass; by C. pass; away D. pass; out
45. Miss Main kept practicing until she finally _______ herself for the job.B
A. qualified B. approached C. bound D. claimed
46. The dove, poetically _______ as the symbol of peace, is adored by peace-loving people all over the
A. thought B. awarded C. confirmed D. regarded
47. I was greatly shocked by the way Henry _______ the affairs of such a big business.B
A. dismissed B. committed C. concluded D. conducted
48. Perhaps you shouldn’t _______ the suggestion Mary put forward during the discussion.B
A. brush off B. bring up C. brush aside D. bring through
49. Greater efforts are needed before we can _______ our goal of economic reform.A
A. attain B. contain C. retain D. sustain
50. To our surprise, her _______ remark about the mission should have caused a political storm.C
A. careful B. casual C. due D. obvious
51. Unfortunately medical tests _______ the fact that the baby was not their own child.C
A. supplied B. established C. provided D. fanned
52. On most of the nights, Jane _______ reading classical literature.C
A. stayed in B. stayed on C. stayed up D. stayed over
53. For him reading novels was a(n) _______ from the harsh realities of his time.A
A. escape B. effect C. affect D. view
54. After a careful examination, the doctor ________ a new medicine and a three-day rest for her.D
A. prescribed B. gave C. described D. instructed
55. The newly appointed director is trying to _______ the working conditions in the factory.A
A. cope B. deal C. best D. better
56. We _______ a collection to buy presents for Roger and Ruth who were getting married.A
A. took up B. took in C. took over D. took on
57. The visit to the computer center has _______ the pupil’s interest in computer science.B
A. switched B. risen C. stimulated D. reflected


58. According to the evening newscast, several villages in the area have been _______ by the heavy
A. isolated B. shifted C. tucked D. divided
59. For my own part, everything is O.K. I have nothing to _______ of.C
A. apologize B. conduct C. complain D. dismiss
60. Many young girls like to _______ a diary for recording their private thoughts and feelings. B
A. keep B. write C. take D. make

Part Two. Read The Following Short Passages And Choose The Best Answer.

Passage 1

There are a lot of dangerous and terrible pests in Northeastern India, but the tree-bees are the most
terrible. They are killers. Unlike most bees, which will sting you only if they are disturbed or annoyed,
tree-bees will attack you in thousands for no apparent reason. And then they will chase you for your life.
Walking along a dusty road one sunny morning, while I was on holiday there last year, I found myself,
without the least warning, the center of such an attack. The air above me suddenly became thick with bees.
Despite the heat, I went cold all over. Until then I had never heard of Indian tree- bees, but I had recently
seen a film called
I began to run to the village about half a mile away. But I was soon covered from head to foot with
bees. They crawled in thousands all over me, stinging with terrible pain. I tore them away in handfuls, only
to make room for others. Each time I opened my lips for breath, more bees entered my mouth, until my
tongue was stung to twice its normal size and I could hardly breathe.
When I reached the village, I ran towards a house that was being built. As soon as the men working
there saw the bees that were accompanying me, they ran for safety at top speed.
Soon my eyes had completely closed. I fell into a heap of brick dust used for building. I pushed myself
frantically down into this until my head and shoulders were covered. I immediately found myself in a
worse situation, the dust choking out what little life I had left. When I struggled up out of the brick dust, the
angry swarm made a new attack on me. I was now at the end of my tether. I ran weakly about in circles.
Then I went down, in a state of come.
My rescue was made by two quick-witted Gurkhas who raced to a heap of dry grass and quickly
surrounded me with a thick wall of fire and smoke until the bees were driven away. They remained with me,
I later learned, taking stings out of my swollen body for the next three hours until a doctor was found and

1. Which of the following is not true about the tree-bees in Northeastern India?
A) They are most dangerous and terrible.
B) They attack people in large numbers.
C) They will not attack unless they are annoyed
D) They will sting people to death.
2. What was the principal reason the writer had for feeling frightened when he saw the tree-bees?


A) He was surrounded without warning.
B) He thought of the film he had recently seen about killer-bees.
C) He knew that Indian tree-bees were most dangerous.
D) The temperature of the atmosphere suddenly went cold.
3. When the men building the house saw the bees chasing the writer, they ________.
A) ran over to save him B) ran away as fast as they could
C) ran to the top of the building D) ran to light a heap of dry grass
4. The writer felt that he had reached the end of his tether. Which of the following is not the reason for that?
A) His eyes were stung so badly that he could not open them.
B) He fell into a heap of brick dust, which almost choked him to death.
C) The angry swarm of bees made a new attack on him.
D) He was frightened out of his wits.
5. What seems to be most effective in driving away the tree-bees?
A) Quick-witted Gurkhas. B) Dry grass.
C) Brick dust. D) Smoke and fire.

Passage 2

The earliest films were short, lasting only one minute or less. People could, for one cent, see simple
action films of trains, fire engines, parades, crowds on city streets, and similar subjects. Soon 20-minute
pictures of news items were being shown in theaters at the end of the regular stage show. Later, films used
a new method (putting the beginning of one scene upon the end of the scene before) for magical effects and
to tie a story together. In 1903 a film was made about a train robbery. Much of the action took place at the
same time---the robbers escaping, the men meeting and planning to capture them---and the scenes moved
smoothly, back and forth, from one scene to another instead of unnaturally showing each scene separately.
This was the earliest successful film in which scenes were filmed at different places and times and they
combined to make a logical story. A short time later, theaters showed for five cents a whole hour's
entertainment of short films---comedy, travel, and drama. These films were simple and rough, and many
were vulgar. Gradually, the audiences improved as the techniques improved.
Before 1910 actors were employed in films without their names being given, because the producers
were afraid that, if an actor became well known, he might demand more money. But later it became known
that a film with a popular actor in it could be sold at a higher price to theater owners than could a film in
which the actor was not known. Soon
more popular stars were earning as much as $$2,000 a week, and large theaters were being built downtown
in all the larger cities to show films alone. The films shown in those theaters were of several types:
comedies, emphasizing speed, movement, and camera tricks;
American cowboy fighting on the side of law and justice; murder mysteries and crime stories, and special
films on art, music, and other cultural subjects.

6. Pictures of paradox shown in the first films went on for no more than________.
A) one minute B) 20 minutes


C) a whole hour D) about two minutes
7. It was not until 1903 that people began to make films________.
A) by using magical effects
B) by naturally joining the scenes together in a story
C) at a railroad station
D) by putting the beginning of one scene upon the end of another
8. The first successful film in which the pictures were taken at different places and times and then put
together logically was about ________.
A) a train accident B) the robbery of a train
C) a story of a train D) the capturing of the robbers
9. It was most likely that
A) as early as 1903 B) not until 1910
C) in 1915 D) after 1915
10. This passage is mainly about ________.
A) modern movie development
B) early movie stars
C) various types of films in the early 20th century
D) history of film-making

Passage 3

On May 13, 1787, a fleet of English ships set sail for Australia with about 750 people. These men and
women were no ordinary passengers. They were sent to Australia as punishment for their
Laws in England during this period were very harsh, and people were punished severely for even the
smallest crimes. A man could be sentenced to death for hunting on another man’s property or he could be
put to death for chopping down someone else’s tree. For many other crimes, the punishment was
“transportation” .The guilty person was shipped to a distant land where he was forced to work without pay.
Often women and children were shipped to other land, too.
In 1770, Captain Cook had discovered the continent of Australia and claimed it for England. At first,
England found no use for this vast land on the other side of the world, but then the American Revolution
took place. England could no longer ship her convicts to the American colonies. So she turned to Australia
as a good place for her prisoners.
A former naval captain was picked to accompany the convicts to the new colony. His job was to help
them build a settlement which he would govern. The captain was glad to go. He believes the convicts could
learn to live in peace. He felt they would obey the laws in new country.
In January 1788, the English fleet and its stranger cargo landed in Australia. After days of searching,
the captain found a fine harbor. The land nearby had tree and streams. The convicts colony made a new
beginning here. Australia’s history had begun.

11. What is implied but not directly stated in the passage?


A) People were not often punished in England long ago.
B) England’s laws have changed very much since 1787.
C) Laws in England remain the same since 1787.
D) Captain Cook claimed Australia for the convicts.
12. On the whole, the article tells about _______.
A) a fleet of English ships
B) hunting on other people’s property
C) a convict settlement in Australia
D) the transportation of Cook
13. Which statement does the article lead you to believe?
A) A new chance may de good for many people.
B) All English fleets have very stranger cargo.
C) The men on the English ships were ordinary.
D) Captain Cook could not govern the new country.
14. Why did England sent convicts to Australia?
A) It wanted to make Captain Cook happy about Australia.
B) It wanted convicts to find a fine harbor and good land.
C) It could not feed its overpopulation.
D) It could no longer send convicts to America.
15. Which statement seems true according to the passage?
A) Former naval captains always start new colonies.
B) The American Revolution took place in Australia.
C) A great country may grow from a small colony.
D) Convicts are not easy to be governed.

Part Three.Cloze
Fill in each blank with a word given below. Change the form of the word if necessary.

subject give advantage meaningful read
picture unsatisfactory express arise disadvantage

One advantage of the essay is that it reduces the element of luck. The student cannot get a high score
just by making a lucky guess. Another _________________ is that it shows the examiner more about the
student's ability to put facts together into a ________________ whole. It should show how deeply he has
thought about the subject. Sometimes, though, essay tests have ___________________ , too. Some
students are able to write rather good answers without really knowing much about the
___________________., while other students who actually know the material have trouble
_________________ their ideas in essay form..
Besides, on an essay test the student's score may depend on the examiner's feelings at the time of
_______________ the answer.
Most teachers and students would probably agree that examinations are ________________. Students


don't like to take them; teachers dislike _____________ them and scoring students' answers. Whether an
objective teat or an essay test is used, problems ______________. When some objective questions are used
along with some essay questions, however, a fairly clear ________________ of the student's knowledge
can usually be obtained.

Part Four. Multiple Choices for Synonyms (1——5)& Multiple Choices for antonyms(6

1. competitive A. friendly B. auxiliary C. rival
2. ultimate A. final B chief C. primary
3. diversity A. uniformity B. variety C. similarity
4. private A. public B. open C. personal
5. exclude A. include B. incorporate C. bar
6. retrieve A. recover B. regain C. lose
7. vertical A. upright B. horizontal C. erect
8. prolific A . fertile B. sterrile C. fruitful
9. novel A. original B. new C. old
10. diverse A. identical B. different C. various

Part Five. Multiple Choices (Skimming and Scanning)

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.

One day a police officer managed to get some fresh mushrooms. He was so pleased with what he had
bought that he offered to share the mushrooms with his fellow officers. When their breakfast arrived the
next day, each officer found some mushrooms on his plate.
“Let the dog examine a piece first,” suggested one careful officer who was afraid that the mushrooms
might be poisonous.
The dog seemed to enjoy his mushroom, and the officers then began to eat their meal, saying the
mushrooms had a very strange but quite pleasant taste.
An hour later, however, they were all astonished when the gardener rushed in and said seriously that
the dog was dead. Immediately, the officers jumped into their cars and rushed to the nearest hospital.
Pumps were used and the officers had a very hard time getting rid of the mushrooms that remained in their
When they returned to the police station, they sat down and started to discuss the mushroom poisoning.
Each man complained the pains that he had felt. The gardener was called to tell the way in which the poor
dog had died. “Did it suffer much before death?” asked one of the officers, feeling very pleased that he had
escaped a painful death himself. “No,” the gardener looked rather surprised. “It was killed the moment a
car hit it.”

1. From the first paragraph, we can see that the police officer _______.


A) acted like selfish motives B) was very kind to his friends
C) did things foolishly D) was a slow-minded person
2. The careful officer wanted the dog to eat first because ________.
A) he liked the dog very
B) nobody seemed to like the mushrooms
C) he suspected the mushrooms to be poisonous
D) he was afraid that there were not enough
3. In the 4
paragraph, the expression “had a very hard time” probably means _______.
A) to examine very carefully B) to work hard to get things done
C) to live a hard life D) to suffer terribly
4. The reason why the dog died suddenly is _______.
A) that it had just eaten the mushrooms
B) that it died from hunger
C) that it died in traffic accident
D) that it died of a serious illness
5. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A) An Unnecessary Surprise B) The Delicious Mushrooms
C) Dog and Mushrooms D) Police Officers and Dog
Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage.

Male pilots flying general aviating (private) aircraft in the United States are more likely to crash due
to inattention or flawed decision-making, while female pilots are more likely to crash from mishandling the
aircraft. These are the results of a study by researchers at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School
of Public Health.
The study identifies the differences between male and female pilots in terms of circumstances of the
crash and the type of pilots error involved. “Crashes of general aviation aircraft account for 85 percent of
all aviation deaths in the United States. The crash rate for male pilots, as for motor vehicle drivers, exceeds
that of crashes of female pilots,” explains Susan P. Baker, MPH, professor of health policy and
management at the Bloomberg School of Public Health. “Because pilot youth and inexperience are
established contributors to aviation crashes, we focused on only mature pilots, to determine the gender
differences in the reasons for the crash. ”
The researchers extracted data for this study from a large research project on pilot aging and flight
safety. The data were gathered from general aviation crashes of airplanes and helicopters between 1983 and
1997, involving 144 female pilots and 267 male pilots aged 40-63. Female pilots were matched with male
pilots in a 1:2 ratio, by age, classes of medical and pilot certificates, state or area of crash, and year of crash.
Then the circumstances of the crashes and the pilot error involved were categorized and coded without
knowledge of pilot gender.
The researchers found that loss of control on landing or takeoff was the most common circumstance
for both sexes, leading to 59 percent of female pilots’ crashes and 36 percent of males. Experiencing
mechanical failure, running out of fuel, and landing the plane with the landing gear up were among the
factors more likely with males, while stalling was more likely with females.


The majority of the crashes—95 percent for females and 88 percent for males—involved at least
one type of pilot error. Mishandling aircraft kinetics was the most common error for both sexes, but was
more common among females (accounting for 81 percent of the crashes) than males (accounting for 48
percent). Males, however, appeared more likely to be guilty of poor decision-making, risk- taking, and
inattentiveness, examples of which include misjudging weather and visibility or flying an aircraft with a
known defect. Females, though more likely to mishandle or lose control of the aircraft, were generally
more careful than their male counterparts.

6. What is the research at Johns Hopkins University about?
A) Causes of aircraft crash.
B) Gender difference in relation to types of aircraft crashes.
C) Causes of mishandling aircraft.
D) Gender discrimination in general aviation in the United States.
7. Which of the statements is NOT true according to the second paragraph?
A) Crashes of general aviation aircraft is a major source of aviation accidents in the United
B) Male pilots, like male vehicle drivers, are more likely to have accidents than female pilots.
C) It is commonly known that aircraft crashes are mostly caused by young and inexperienced pilots.
D) Only mature pilots are studied to determine the gender differences in the reasons for
aircraft crash.
8. How did the researchers carry out their study?
A) They studied the findings of several previous research projects.
B) They conducted a questionnaire with 411 pilots.
C) They collected data from the database at the Johns Hopkins University.
D) They analyzed the circumstances of the crashes involved.
9. What is the most common circumstance of crash with female pilots?
A) Mechanical failure and running out of fuel.
B) Loss of control on landing or takeoff and stalling.
C) Loss of control on landing or takeoff and running out of fuel.
D) Stalling and landing with the gear up.
10. In the comparison of female and male pilots.
A) female pilots are found to be more courageous and risk-taking.
B) male pilots are found to be more professional and attentive.
C) female pilots are found to make more errors out of carelessness.
D) male pilots are found to make more errors in decision-making.

(The End)









