
2020年07月31日 00:31


安徽大学20 12 —20 13 学年第 1 学期





《 基础英语(三) 》考试试卷(A卷)
(闭卷 时间120分钟)


题 号
得 分


Part I Dictation (15 points)

Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four
times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand
the meaning. For the second and the third readings, the passage will be read sentence by
sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at
normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2
minutes to check through your work once more.
Please write the whole passage on your ANSWER SHEET.

Part II Grammar and Vocabulary (30 points, 1 point for each)
the one that BEST completes the sentence.
Please write the answers on your ANSWER SHEET.

1. The less the surface of the ground yields to the weight of a fully-loaded truck, to the
A. the greater the stress is B. greater is the stress
C. the stress is greater D. the greater the stress

Directions: There are 30 items in this part. Beneath each part there are four choices. Choose

2. It is imperative that students their term papers on time.
A. handed in B. would hand in C. have to hand in D. hand in

第 1 页 共 7 页

3. If only I play the guitar as well as you!
A. would B. could C. should D. might
4. , the wool merchant led his family out into the nightmare of the streets.
A. Having lighted a torch B. To light a torch
C. Lighting a torch D. Having been lighting a torch
5. He unwisely, but he was at least trying to do something helpful.
A. may have acted B. must have acted C. should act D. would act
6. For some time now, world leaders out the necessity for agreement on arms
A. had been pointing B. have been pointing C. were pointing D. pointed
7. Arriving at the bus stop, waiting there.
A. a lot of people were B. he found a lot of people
C. a lot of people D. people were found
8. A hibernating animal needs hardly any food all through the winter, ?
A. need it B. needn’t it C. does it D. doesn’t it
9. I have never been to London, but that is the city .
A. where I like to visit most B. I’d most like to visit
C. which I like to visit mostly D. where I’d like most to visit
10. the advances of the science, the discomforts of old age will no doubt always be with
A. As for B. Despite C. Except D. Besides
11. In international matches, prestige is so important that the only thing that matters is to
avoid .
A. from being beaten B. being beaten C. beating D. to be beaten
12. Mary has grown from a shy girl to a charming lady. She was no longer the girl she
was ten years ago.
A. which B. whom C. who D. that
13. Given their growing importance, the tests have to have better security measures than now.
A. existed B. have existed C. exist D. existing
14. She will have my support, .
A. was she right or wrong B. whether right or wrong
C. were she right or wrong D. be she right or wrong

第 2 页 共 7 页

15. The president is said the country.
A. leaving B. to leave C. to have left D. having left
16. When he heard the news, he was infuriated .
A. without words B. beyond words C. speechless D. at a loss for words
17. The police burst into the door and found the room was . No furniture, no nothing,
just the four __________ walls.
A. vacant, hollow B. empty, bare C. bare, vacant D. hollow, empty
18. we seem to have conquered nature. But we are wrong. Scientists in fact now say
that we should stop ________ nature before it is too late.
A. In the surface, tempering with B. On the surface, tampering with
C. On surface, tampering against D. In surface, interfering with
19. The government has several campaigns to crack _________ pirating.
A. launched, down to B. settled, down on C. launched, down on D. settled, down to
20. The insurance business is now . The sector’s total income ________ by 15
percent compared with last year.
A. thriving, went up

B. thriving, is up
D. prospering, increased C. prospering, has been up
21. Today more and more people in the world believe that the next big wars will be fought _____
water resources. Already, potential international conflicts are __________ in many areas.
A. over, looming large B. against, looming up C. for, looming up D. in, looming large
22. In spite of the women’s liberation movement, people are still not yet completely free _ __
prejudice _______women.
A. for, against B. from, for C. from, against D. in, towards
23. By buying ten books every month, he soon a good library.
A. accumulated B. assembled C. collected D. acquired
24. People want serious reform, but the king only paid lip service their demands.
Then last August, the economy plummeted _________ an all-time low.
A. for, in B. to, till C. to, into D. for, with
25. After the last bad fall, she had managed to forget the and loneliness and to
______ happiness.
A. exhaust, recover B. tire, return C. weary, return D. fatigue, recapture
26. It is universally that dogs have an acute sense of smell.
A. confessed B. acknowledged C. admitted D. conceded
第 3 页 共 7 页

27. He has been with a certain form of mental disorder for twenty years.
A. afflicted B. addicted C. affiliated D. consulted
28. Though she began her by singing in a local pop group, she is now a famous
Hollywood movie star.
A.employment B.career C.occupation D.profession
29. His companions have threatened to his crimes to the police.
A. impose B. express C. enclose D. expose
30. His novel some light on life in China in Ming Dynasty.
A. sends B. provides C. throws D. puts

Part III Word Formation (15 points, 1 for each)
the word provided in the parentheses.
Please write your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.

1. That morning General Lee made the ____________ decision that he's going to surrender.
2. Well, if globalization is so good, why is it also so risky? The answer is that two problems
could ____________ its potential benefits. (neutral)
3. Many people lost their family members in that terrible accident, but they behaved with more
____________ than I had expected. (restrained)
4. My grandmother's condition ____________ me beyond words, for an 89-year-old should not
have to carry around everything she owns in a bag. (sad)
5. As I cleared my throat to lecture, my son gazed at me with an expression of ____________
resignation. (utter)
6. It is ____________ that two nations so friendly for centuries should now be at war. (conceive)
7. He was overoptimistic. He ____________ the difficulties involved in the endeavor to
outcompete the leading world powers. (estimate)
8. It seems most unlikely that any reasonably sane person will become a drug ____________ if
he knows in advance what the danger is going to be like. (addiction)
9. For any problem that is ____________ cultural, there is no quick fix. (ultimate)
10. Considering the whole span of earthly time, the effect in which life modifies its surroundings
第 4 页 共 7 页


Directions: There are 15 items in this part. Complete each sentence with the appropriate form of

has been ____________ slight. (relate)
11. I think we should stop using poisonous and biologically potent chemicals ____________.
12. With that ____________ which Aristotle had taught him, Alexander determined to call upon
Diogenes. (generous)
13. He was much more mature. He had lost all that dreamy vagueness and ____________. Now
he had the air of a man who had found his place in life. (decide)
14. I did not read from a sense of ____________, or advancement, or even learning. I read
because I love it more than any other activity on earth. (superior)
15. How people see themselves is ____________ a part of their identity. (question)

Part IV Cloze (20 points, 1 for each)
in the corresponding blanks.
Please write your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.

When women do become managers, do they bring a different style and different skills to the
job? Are they better, or worse, managers than men? Are women more highly motivated and
(1)_______ than male managers?
Some research (2) ______ the idea that women bring different attitudes and skills to
management jobs, such as greater (3) _______, an emphasis on affiliation and attachment, and a
(4) ________ to bring emotional factors to bear (5) _______ making workplace decisions. These
differences are (6) ______ to carry advantages for companies, (7) _________ they expand the
range of techniques that can be used to (8) _______ the company manage its workforce (9)
A study commissioned by the International Women's Forum (10) _______ a management
style used by some women managers (and also by some men) that (11) _______ from the
command-and-control style (12) ______ used by male managers. Using this
leadershipapproach, (13) ______ participation, share power and information, (14)
________ other people's self-worth, and get others excited about their work. All these (15)
_______ reflect their belief that allowing (16) _______ to contribute and to feel (17) _______
and important is a win-win (18) ______ good for the employees and the
第 5 页 共 7 页


Directions: Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted

study's director (19) _______ that leadership may emerge (20) _______ the
management style of choice for many organizations

1. A. confronted
2. A. supports
3. A. combination
4. A. willingness
5. A. by
6. A. disclosed
7. A. therefore
8.A. help

9.A. evidently
11.A. derives
B. commanded
B. argues
B. loyalty
B. in

C. confined
C. opposes
C. coherence
C. sensitivity
C. at
C. revised
C. because
C. support
C. discovered
C. descends
C. disapprove
C. ignore
C. researches
C. employees
C. skillful
C. predict
C. as

D. committed
D. despises
D. correlation
D. virtue
D. with
D. seen
D. nonetheless
D. direct
D. effectively
D. located
D. detaches
D. occasionally
D. engage
D. degrade
D. things
D. males
D. thoughtful
D. position
D. has predicted
D. for

B. cooperativeness
B. watched
B. whereas
B. enable
B. precisely
B. invented
B. differs
C. aggressively
10.A. developed
12. A. inherently
13. A. encourage
14. A. enhance
15. A. themes
17.A. faithful

16. A. managers
18. A. situation
19.A. predicted
20. A. into
B. traditionally
B. dismiss
B. enlarge
B. subjects
B. women
B. powerful
B. status
B. from

B. predicts
C. conditionally
C. circumstance

Part V Proof-reading (20 points, 2 for each)
of ONE error. You should proofread the sentences and correct them.
Please write the answers on your ANSWER SHEET.

Directions: The following ten sentences contain TEN errors. Each sentence contains a maximum
1. That is troubling me is that I don’t have much experience in international commerce.
2. Not until my mother told me the sad news last night did I knew
第 6 页 共 7 页

that our neighbor Dr. Li was killed in a car accident the week before.
3. Since the beginning of this century, more and more scientists
have become interested in the way how the human brain works.
4. Dr. Nolen was honest enough to admit to make errors in judgment on more than one occasion.
5. Jeremy is such a careless person that he has five wallets stolen by pickpockets this year.
6. No matter whatever happens , we’re determined to do our best and make the
experiment a success .
7. Maradona, who led Argentina to their World Cup triumph in Mexico in June 1986,
is undoubtedly one of the greatest soccer player the world has ever produced.
8. Johnnie was not barely able to walk without help because of the bad injury in his left leg.
9. Mary said to her husband that she didn’t feel like to go to the movies that night
because she was tired out after a day’s work.
10. They say Mexico City is more populous than any city in the world.
第 7 页 共 7 页

安徽大学20 12 —20 13 学年第 1 学期





《 基础英语(三) 》考试试卷(A卷)
(闭卷 时间120分钟)


题 号
得 分


Part I Dictation (15 points)

Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four
times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand
the meaning. For the second and the third readings, the passage will be read sentence by
sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at
normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2
minutes to check through your work once more.
Please write the whole passage on your ANSWER SHEET.

Part II Grammar and Vocabulary (30 points, 1 point for each)
the one that BEST completes the sentence.
Please write the answers on your ANSWER SHEET.

1. The less the surface of the ground yields to the weight of a fully-loaded truck, to the
A. the greater the stress is B. greater is the stress
C. the stress is greater D. the greater the stress

Directions: There are 30 items in this part. Beneath each part there are four choices. Choose

2. It is imperative that students their term papers on time.
A. handed in B. would hand in C. have to hand in D. hand in

第 1 页 共 7 页

3. If only I play the guitar as well as you!
A. would B. could C. should D. might
4. , the wool merchant led his family out into the nightmare of the streets.
A. Having lighted a torch B. To light a torch
C. Lighting a torch D. Having been lighting a torch
5. He unwisely, but he was at least trying to do something helpful.
A. may have acted B. must have acted C. should act D. would act
6. For some time now, world leaders out the necessity for agreement on arms
A. had been pointing B. have been pointing C. were pointing D. pointed
7. Arriving at the bus stop, waiting there.
A. a lot of people were B. he found a lot of people
C. a lot of people D. people were found
8. A hibernating animal needs hardly any food all through the winter, ?
A. need it B. needn’t it C. does it D. doesn’t it
9. I have never been to London, but that is the city .
A. where I like to visit most B. I’d most like to visit
C. which I like to visit mostly D. where I’d like most to visit
10. the advances of the science, the discomforts of old age will no doubt always be with
A. As for B. Despite C. Except D. Besides
11. In international matches, prestige is so important that the only thing that matters is to
avoid .
A. from being beaten B. being beaten C. beating D. to be beaten
12. Mary has grown from a shy girl to a charming lady. She was no longer the girl she
was ten years ago.
A. which B. whom C. who D. that
13. Given their growing importance, the tests have to have better security measures than now.
A. existed B. have existed C. exist D. existing
14. She will have my support, .
A. was she right or wrong B. whether right or wrong
C. were she right or wrong D. be she right or wrong

第 2 页 共 7 页

15. The president is said the country.
A. leaving B. to leave C. to have left D. having left
16. When he heard the news, he was infuriated .
A. without words B. beyond words C. speechless D. at a loss for words
17. The police burst into the door and found the room was . No furniture, no nothing,
just the four __________ walls.
A. vacant, hollow B. empty, bare C. bare, vacant D. hollow, empty
18. we seem to have conquered nature. But we are wrong. Scientists in fact now say
that we should stop ________ nature before it is too late.
A. In the surface, tempering with B. On the surface, tampering with
C. On surface, tampering against D. In surface, interfering with
19. The government has several campaigns to crack _________ pirating.
A. launched, down to B. settled, down on C. launched, down on D. settled, down to
20. The insurance business is now . The sector’s total income ________ by 15
percent compared with last year.
A. thriving, went up

B. thriving, is up
D. prospering, increased C. prospering, has been up
21. Today more and more people in the world believe that the next big wars will be fought _____
water resources. Already, potential international conflicts are __________ in many areas.
A. over, looming large B. against, looming up C. for, looming up D. in, looming large
22. In spite of the women’s liberation movement, people are still not yet completely free _ __
prejudice _______women.
A. for, against B. from, for C. from, against D. in, towards
23. By buying ten books every month, he soon a good library.
A. accumulated B. assembled C. collected D. acquired
24. People want serious reform, but the king only paid lip service their demands.
Then last August, the economy plummeted _________ an all-time low.
A. for, in B. to, till C. to, into D. for, with
25. After the last bad fall, she had managed to forget the and loneliness and to
______ happiness.
A. exhaust, recover B. tire, return C. weary, return D. fatigue, recapture
26. It is universally that dogs have an acute sense of smell.
A. confessed B. acknowledged C. admitted D. conceded
第 3 页 共 7 页

27. He has been with a certain form of mental disorder for twenty years.
A. afflicted B. addicted C. affiliated D. consulted
28. Though she began her by singing in a local pop group, she is now a famous
Hollywood movie star.
A.employment B.career C.occupation D.profession
29. His companions have threatened to his crimes to the police.
A. impose B. express C. enclose D. expose
30. His novel some light on life in China in Ming Dynasty.
A. sends B. provides C. throws D. puts

Part III Word Formation (15 points, 1 for each)
the word provided in the parentheses.
Please write your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.

1. That morning General Lee made the ____________ decision that he's going to surrender.
2. Well, if globalization is so good, why is it also so risky? The answer is that two problems
could ____________ its potential benefits. (neutral)
3. Many people lost their family members in that terrible accident, but they behaved with more
____________ than I had expected. (restrained)
4. My grandmother's condition ____________ me beyond words, for an 89-year-old should not
have to carry around everything she owns in a bag. (sad)
5. As I cleared my throat to lecture, my son gazed at me with an expression of ____________
resignation. (utter)
6. It is ____________ that two nations so friendly for centuries should now be at war. (conceive)
7. He was overoptimistic. He ____________ the difficulties involved in the endeavor to
outcompete the leading world powers. (estimate)
8. It seems most unlikely that any reasonably sane person will become a drug ____________ if
he knows in advance what the danger is going to be like. (addiction)
9. For any problem that is ____________ cultural, there is no quick fix. (ultimate)
10. Considering the whole span of earthly time, the effect in which life modifies its surroundings
第 4 页 共 7 页


Directions: There are 15 items in this part. Complete each sentence with the appropriate form of

has been ____________ slight. (relate)
11. I think we should stop using poisonous and biologically potent chemicals ____________.
12. With that ____________ which Aristotle had taught him, Alexander determined to call upon
Diogenes. (generous)
13. He was much more mature. He had lost all that dreamy vagueness and ____________. Now
he had the air of a man who had found his place in life. (decide)
14. I did not read from a sense of ____________, or advancement, or even learning. I read
because I love it more than any other activity on earth. (superior)
15. How people see themselves is ____________ a part of their identity. (question)

Part IV Cloze (20 points, 1 for each)
in the corresponding blanks.
Please write your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.

When women do become managers, do they bring a different style and different skills to the
job? Are they better, or worse, managers than men? Are women more highly motivated and
(1)_______ than male managers?
Some research (2) ______ the idea that women bring different attitudes and skills to
management jobs, such as greater (3) _______, an emphasis on affiliation and attachment, and a
(4) ________ to bring emotional factors to bear (5) _______ making workplace decisions. These
differences are (6) ______ to carry advantages for companies, (7) _________ they expand the
range of techniques that can be used to (8) _______ the company manage its workforce (9)
A study commissioned by the International Women's Forum (10) _______ a management
style used by some women managers (and also by some men) that (11) _______ from the
command-and-control style (12) ______ used by male managers. Using this
leadershipapproach, (13) ______ participation, share power and information, (14)
________ other people's self-worth, and get others excited about their work. All these (15)
_______ reflect their belief that allowing (16) _______ to contribute and to feel (17) _______
and important is a win-win (18) ______ good for the employees and the
第 5 页 共 7 页


Directions: Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted

study's director (19) _______ that leadership may emerge (20) _______ the
management style of choice for many organizations

1. A. confronted
2. A. supports
3. A. combination
4. A. willingness
5. A. by
6. A. disclosed
7. A. therefore
8.A. help

9.A. evidently
11.A. derives
B. commanded
B. argues
B. loyalty
B. in

C. confined
C. opposes
C. coherence
C. sensitivity
C. at
C. revised
C. because
C. support
C. discovered
C. descends
C. disapprove
C. ignore
C. researches
C. employees
C. skillful
C. predict
C. as

D. committed
D. despises
D. correlation
D. virtue
D. with
D. seen
D. nonetheless
D. direct
D. effectively
D. located
D. detaches
D. occasionally
D. engage
D. degrade
D. things
D. males
D. thoughtful
D. position
D. has predicted
D. for

B. cooperativeness
B. watched
B. whereas
B. enable
B. precisely
B. invented
B. differs
C. aggressively
10.A. developed
12. A. inherently
13. A. encourage
14. A. enhance
15. A. themes
17.A. faithful

16. A. managers
18. A. situation
19.A. predicted
20. A. into
B. traditionally
B. dismiss
B. enlarge
B. subjects
B. women
B. powerful
B. status
B. from

B. predicts
C. conditionally
C. circumstance

Part V Proof-reading (20 points, 2 for each)
of ONE error. You should proofread the sentences and correct them.
Please write the answers on your ANSWER SHEET.

Directions: The following ten sentences contain TEN errors. Each sentence contains a maximum
1. That is troubling me is that I don’t have much experience in international commerce.
2. Not until my mother told me the sad news last night did I knew
第 6 页 共 7 页

that our neighbor Dr. Li was killed in a car accident the week before.
3. Since the beginning of this century, more and more scientists
have become interested in the way how the human brain works.
4. Dr. Nolen was honest enough to admit to make errors in judgment on more than one occasion.
5. Jeremy is such a careless person that he has five wallets stolen by pickpockets this year.
6. No matter whatever happens , we’re determined to do our best and make the
experiment a success .
7. Maradona, who led Argentina to their World Cup triumph in Mexico in June 1986,
is undoubtedly one of the greatest soccer player the world has ever produced.
8. Johnnie was not barely able to walk without help because of the bad injury in his left leg.
9. Mary said to her husband that she didn’t feel like to go to the movies that night
because she was tired out after a day’s work.
10. They say Mexico City is more populous than any city in the world.
第 7 页 共 7 页







