
2020年07月31日 02:22


Finally l saw the status of Yokogawa and Tokyo in bomb

l stared the view of both side of the road.
And the expression of the men and lady on the road.

my impression is... the factories in Yokogawa and Tokyo are disappeared in the bomb.

This time l felt the truth meaning.

Whatever men or lady they and what l saw before 22 years in Japan already so much difference.

Who changed it?

It cannot do not let them take it... Who we are going to disturbed the world tormented
ruined the future of their country.
这却不能不叫我们正要审判的那些战犯们负责!他们扰乱了世界,荼毒了中国,而且 葬送了

A state had good ore result in the evil by themselves,this is a tragedy in the
history,Also an retribution
是一大 教训!

We affirm that,as members of the lnternational Military Tribunal for the Far East,we will duly
administer justice according to law,without fear, favor or affection,according to our
conscience,and the best of our understanding,
我们郑重保证,我们作为远东国际军事法庭的法官,必定依法秉公行其 司法任务,绝无恐惧、偏

And that we will not disclose or discover,the vote or opinion of any particular member of the
Tribunal upon finding or sentence, but will preserve the inviolate secrecy of the counsel of every
我们绝不泄露和透露我们法庭任何人对于判决或定罪之意见及投 票而且要保证每个人的见

We swear to God.我们要向上帝发誓
Please sit down.请坐下
Before we start, there are a few things l would like to of all, we don't need to be overly

polite among ourselves. Please just call me William. We should treat each other as equals and
consider ourselves one big family.
我首先给大家提 个小小的要求,以后不要叫我爵士,大家之间也不必太拘于礼节,太过客气,直
接叫老卫就行了,这样我 们从心理上就很平等像一家人一样.

l hope this would be a pleasant experience for all of us.

As this trial will be conducted on the basis of the Common Law System, the seating of the judges
will be as follows:

The United States, Britain,China, the Soviet Union, Canada France,Australia, the
Netherlands,lndia, New Zealand, and the Philippines.

l will not accept that arrangement.

Pardon me. What do you mean?

l believe the seating order of the judges in this trial should follow the order of signatures on the
Japanese lnstrument of was second on the ore, the judge from China
should be seated right after the United States.我认为应该按《日本受降书》签字顺序安排法官
座次,中国排在第二位, 也就是说,在美国之后应该是中国.

My dear Mei, this is a courtroom,not a reenactment of surrender.

Then perhaps,

Sir William could explain his reasons for this arrangement?

Dr. Mei, this is has been the common practice.

What common practice? Whose practice?

lsn't following the order of signatures in the lnstrument of Surrender a common practice?

Dr. Mei, we are here to judge war criminals. Why are you making fuss over such a trivial matter?

This is no trivial matter. Besides, Our concern here is what's right and what's 's
nothing trivial about it.

Dr. Mei, then please suggest a fair method.

lf we are not going to follow the order on the lnstrument of Surrender... Maybe... it might even be
the fairest...we'll put ourjudges on the scale,and the seating arrangement will be determined by

Dr. Mei, the method you suggest is eminently fair,

lf the seating arrangement is not to be determined by weight,then the only fair method is to follow
the order on the Japanese lnstrument of Surrender.l have no wish at all to allow this international
tribunal to become a boxing ring.
如果不按体重排座次,那么我认为唯一公平的,就是按受降书签字顺序排名,我一点都不希 望


Chinese pig! Get out of Japan!We were beaten to American,Not China! Get out!

Cooperate with me finished the was kept back temporarily.配合美军宪

For the further enquiry xiao Nan and l was both ashamed to the driver. Also sigh with emotion.

Come in.

Dr Mei,there will be a rehearsal for tomorrow's opening ceremony at 4:00 this be
there on time and wearyourjudicial robe; photographers will be present.

Thank you


Good afternoon, sit down.

Since the lnternational Military Tribunal for the Far East formally begins hearing its cases
tomorrow, l will announce the seating order of the judges for final dress rehearsal today...The
seating order of the judges is as follows:
官座位的 排列次序:

United States, Britain,China, the Soviet Union, Canada,France, Australia, the Netherlands,
lndia,New Zealand and the Philippines...
美国、英国、中国、苏联、加拿大 法国、澳大利亚、荷兰、印度 新西兰、菲律宾

Dr. Mei, please let me explain. Please calm down and listen

l'm listening

The main reason l placed the American and British judges on my left and right is because they
have a better understanding of the Common Law,which would make this trial fun more
decision absolutely does not reflect any prejudice against China..
美国法官和英国法官坐在我的左右手,主要是 因为他们对,英美法程式更熟悉一些,这只是

Forgive me for being frank. We all know that this is an international tribunal, not British or
American.l don't see any need to seat the American and British judges in the center.

Dr. Mei, please look at this problem from a different angle. With this arrangement, you will be
seated between the American and French judges, instead of next to the Russian general. l would
imagine that would please you.
梅博士,你 能否从另外一个角度去想这个问题,你想想看,现在你帝国的法官来自美国和法
国,而不是俄国,这对你 将是很愉快的

Sir William, that's insulting. As a Chinese, it is my solemn duty to remind you that l didn't come to
Tokyo to be pleased. My homeland China has been invaded and plundered by the Japanese for
over fifty years. To the Chinese people, trying Japanese war criminals is a heavy responsibility,a
grave responsibility. We are not here for pleasure.
卫勃爵士,这是对我的侮辱。作为一 个中国人,我必须郑重地说,我来东京不是为了愉快。
我的祖国,遭受日本侵略长达五十年,对中国人来 说,审判日本战犯,是一件严肃,沉重的

Doctor Mei, l would like to solemnly remind you as well that. this seating arrangement originated
from an order given by the Supreme Commander, General MacArthur himself lt would be
extremely unfortunate if your refusal to accept this seating arrangement were to cause friction in
Chinese-American government might not agree with your decisions.
我也必须再次提醒你,这个安排是 盟军最高统帅的意思,遗憾地说,如果你拒绝的话,中美

l refuse to accept this arrangement that has ground at all in any law or reason. ln this war against
Japanese aggression China has suffered the most and fought the longest, the hardest. The Britain,
on the other hand, has been retreating and surrendering time and time again. lt's unthinkable that
China's place in this trial should be relegated to a spot below Britain. l do not believe the
government of China will agree to this arrangement...ln addition, l don't believe that this seating
arrangement came from the Supreme Commander himself.
我拒绝接受这种不合理的安排。在日本侵略战争中,中国受侵略最深,抗战最久,牺 牲最大,

Hold on. Let me discuss this with the otherjudges first. l'll have an answer for you in ten minutes.

Dr. Mei, l'm sorry to disappoint you, but my colleagues unanimously see today just as a dress
rehearsal and nothing more. Why don't we just take a few pictures at the rehearsal now, and then
tonight we'll open a full discussion regarding the actual seating order of tomorrow's court?
一些照片,今 晚我们还会再讨论一下,明天正式开庭的安排。

Sir William, l have to disappoint you as well.
l definitely will not participate in the rehearsal for this seating arrangement. The whole world's
photographers and reporters in rehearsal
are now out there in the courtroom. They are going to take photos and write reports on this seating
arrangement. When these reports and photos reach China, do you know what's going to happen?
The entire Chinese people will all reproach me for my weakness and my incompetence. lf l agree
to this arrangement, l'll be insulting my country. l'd be insulting all my countrymen's suffering,
sacrifice, and perseverance in resisting the Japanese aggression. Everything.
Sir William, can you understand? lt is for this reason that l will not take take in this rehearsal. As
for myself, l will report the matter back
to my government to see if they support me. lf they don't, l shall resign immediately and ask them
to replace me.
我决不能出席这样的 座次安排,全世界的摄影记者和新闻记者目前都等在审判大厅,你们必
定要拍照报导,所以我不能接受。 当这些照片和报导到了中国,你知道会怎么样吗?所有的
中国人都会责难我的软弱,我的无能。如果我同 意了这个安排,那我就侮辱了我的国家,我
就侮辱了所有中国人为抗击日本侵略所付出的代价、牺牲、努 力和坚持。一切的一切。

卫勃爵士,你明白吗?所以我绝对不会 出席彩排。至于我自已,我可以向政府请示,如果不

Please do not leave. How about this?l'll get our colleagues' opinion
on this again l absolutely don't want you to go. l'll be back in no more than ten minutes.请等等,要

Alright, l'll wait another ten minutes.

Dr. Mei, you win. Your country should be proud to have a fighter like you.

l'm not a fighter.l'm ajudge, a Chinese judge.我不是斗士…我是法官,中国的法官

My dear Mei, can you do me a little favor?老梅,你能答应我一个小小的要求吗

Of course.当然

Call me William.就叫我老卫吧


Good evening, please give me some wine.晚上好,来半斤清酒

Yousuko, come here and join us.芳子,一块玩一会儿

What's a pity, maybe next time will be ok.真遗憾,下次再玩吧

For Japan's failuer, cheers!为了日本的战败,干杯

Mr Shino,we have promised that we don't talk about the War any more!
Don't talk about the our friendship, cheers

But Japan failed in the war.可日本战败了

Japan really failed?日本战败了吗?

What's the purprose for your coming back? With the prond of a winner, to display your strength to
us?Or to talk about the past with Yousuko?Do you know how Yousuko survived in the American
army's bombs?American army throw out 2500 tons of bombs, Tokyo's 35 sections were blowed
down,80000 people losed their lives ln Hiroshima and Nagazaki,10000 people were died They

were all common they have any fault?
你回来干什么?以胜利者的骄傲来向我 们这些失败者施威吗?还是来和芳子叙旧情,你知道芳
子在美军的轰炸中,是怎么活过来的吗?美国人两 千五百吨的汽油弹,炸毁了东京三十五个区,
死了八万人,原子弹在广岛.长崎,炸死了十万人,那都是 平民啊,他们有什么错?

But do you konw hao many people died in Shanghai and Nanjing? Wuhan bomb, Chongqing
bomb, Huabei butcher, Do you konw how many Chinese common people died in Japan Army? Do
you know how many Chinese women were raped?
少中 国老百姓死在你所谓的日本皇军手里?有多少中国妇女被强奸?

That's a lie! That's a lie for your political purpose!那都是胡说!那是为了政治的欺骗宣传!
Were there any turth in your newspaper?

Youiqi! You care about him?雄一,你心疼了是吗?
The family due to the happiness.这个家庭因为战争的缘故再也没有了欢乐

Fangzi talk to xiaoNan. brother and ZhengFu were back from the war,drunk
know what happen in china. Fang Zi and her sister they have left school,for
responsing the Dong Tiao the battle service never been heard of since.
在中国到底 遇到了什么。芳子的妹妹缨子,自从响应东条内阁号召退学参加了“从征服务团”

xiao Nan is the journalist who was sent to Tokyo by Dagong Newspaper before the war starting he
was studying at Tokyo,Fangzi and xiaonan were his classmate.
肖南是大公报派驻东京跟随采访的记者, 他战前在东京留学,和田芳子和北野雄一都曾经是

xiang, try to look a little more 't forget this is a historic whole world
is watching us!

This whole situation just makes me a little uncomfortable.我有点不习惯这种架势

What's that?为什么?

l feel like l'm putting on a show here.感觉有点像做表演


Please sit down.全体坐下

The lnternational Military Tribunal for the Far East is now in the defendants of this
case were once leaders of Japan for the past several decades when Japanese power was at its
include prime ministers,foreign ministers,treasury ministers, chiefs of staff and military
high matter how high they once stood,their treatment now is no different from
that of the lowest of ordinary soldiers.
We will assure the defendants that a careful examination will be made before this court regarding
the number and nature of the prosecution charges filed against them in the indictment, along with
the declaration of all the applicable laws.
远东国际军事法庭,现在正式开庭。本庭所有被告都是过 去几十年日本国运极盛之时的国家
领导人。有首相、外交大臣、财政大臣、参谋总长和军令部长,不管被 告们过去有过多么高
我们可以向被告 保证,根据你们被起诉罪状的数量和性质,本法庭将对所提出的证据和所适用
的法令,进行最慎重的审查 .

Honorable presiding judge and members of the court,l am Joseph Keenan,the chief prosecutor for
this lnternational Military Tribunal for the Far Eastand for the United States of America,The
charter of the lnternational Military Tribunal for the Far East clearly stipulates five separate
charges with which the defendants have been indicted,as listed:premeditation,
organization,initiation, and or execution of a war in violation of international law,treaties,
agreements or addition to these charges,participation in a common plan or
conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the foregoing is also an offense against humanity...
尊敬的庭长及各位法官大人,我是约瑟夫 纪南,我是此次远东国际军事法庭的检察长,同时我
也是美利坚合众国的首席检察官.远东国际法庭宪章 明确规定以下五项犯罪行为将受到指控.
这五项罪行如下:计划,准备,发动及执行侵略战争,或者违反 国际公法,条约,协定或保证的战
争.除此四项外,为达到上述目的而参与共同计划或阴谋的罪行也包括 在内

Toujyou, l'll kill you东条,我要杀死你
l'll kill you我要杀死你

Bring this people out of the court.把此人带出法庭
l'll kill you我要杀死你

Next,the lnternational Military Tribunal for the Far East will hear the defendants' please to the
charges brought by the prosecution.

l ask Mr Web for blench this with any objections on how this courtroom is ran
should put them in defense's oral argument is completely out of is an
despicable ambush comparable to the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor. l insisted on my l
challenge the qualification of all judges.
方的这种 口头辩论毫无道理是卑鄙的偷袭,就像当年偷袭珍珠港事件一样卑鄙,我坚持我的要
求,并且我对法庭上 ,所有法官的资格都提出异议

Control 's provoking you on purpose.控制情绪,否则就中了他的圈套

This trial totally base on the haughty and bias of the on the nongovernmental spirit
that winner is king and the loser is g the civilian life who exert their utmost effort for
asia peace and co-prosperity.l doubt the court's feel sorrow for the dignity of the law. < br>这次审判完全依据大国沙文主义的傲慢和偏见,依据胜者为王败者为寇的民间感情,来主宰这
些曾 经为亚洲和平和共同繁荣呕心沥血的公务人员的生命.我对法庭的公正性严重质疑,也为
法律的尊严感到 悲哀

Silence! 安静…
Mr. Defense attorney, the courtroom is not preaching grounds for your theories or for your to set
first point concerns me ore, l withhold myself.
被告律师.法庭不是你 宣讲理论和讲条件的地方,你提出的第一个提议关系到我个人,因此我
请求回避.我愿意听候法官会议的 裁决.

l also don't think the other ten judegs have the qualification of the lnternational Military
l think the conference ofjudges will not be fair, too.

l object!我反对

Then in your opinion,what do you think would be fair?那你认为怎样才能公正

Super court in United States of America.美利坚合众国联邦最高法院

That's completely out of question!Court is adjourned.荒唐!现在休庭

How could an international court compose of eleven judges appointed by their respective
democratic governments and organized by the best minds of international law lack the decorum of
one federal court? This is absolute provocation.
由十一个民主国家派出的具有十几年从业经验的法学权威组成的国际法庭, 居然还不如一个

Since l've been the target,l'm willing to abide by the ruling of a conference ofjudges.这件事情因

Ougawajyumei which seemed crazy at court was theorist of the Japanese racialism and
the September eighteen incident's direct identified by allied forces'
legal medical fied he had syphilis cephalitis and ability that identify yes or
this one escaped from war criminal depend on malinger.
刚才在法庭上装疯的大川周明是日本种族主义和军国主义的理论家.“九. 一八”事变直接组织
者和参与者,后经盟军法医鉴定认定他已患梅毒性脑炎而精神失常无区分是非能力. 这是这次

a senior reporter say--Ougawa is a craze,adventurer, typical of great empire filled
with his brain.

After our discussion, the ten judges unanimously agreed with the second article of the
Tribunal,specifying the Allies's Supreme Commander's ability to appoint judges to this court on
the basis of recommendations from their respective national governments. Therefore, we do not
possess the power to decide appointment, dismissal, or withdrawal of any means the
guilt or innocence of the 28 defendants must be based on the final verdict of this military
, we will hear the defendants' plea to the charges.
经过我们十位法官的一致讨论认为:根据法庭宪章第二条 ,法官是由盟军最高统帅,依照各国
政府的推荐而任命的.因此…我们没有权利决定我们之中任何人的任 免或是回避.在座的二十
八名被告有罪无罪,必须接受本军事法庭的最后审判.下面,继续进行认罪传讯 .

The 28 accused shall now state whether they plea guilty or not guilty to the charges the
prosecution brought against them in the indictment of the lnternational Military Tribunal.

Defendant Sadao Araki, how do you plea,guilty or not guilty?
l petiton the court to letmy lawyer answer the question.

Petition court requires you to speak for yourself.法庭要求你必须亲自回答

l'm not guilty.我无罪
l'm not guilty.我无罪
l objected the indictment,我反对法庭对我的指控
l'm not guilty.我无罪

Japanese criminal defend team's vice leader, Who was also Hideki Tojyo's attorney,Named Hirose
itiro,Built a defend team composed of over one hundred used Long-term
stratagem,Never stop to make incident,ln order to throw the court into confusion,Which made the
trial get along.
并且人数众多 达一百多人,辩护团在法庭上采取“延宕战略”,不断制造事端,

lt was no so bad as you thought,l think we must win in first section,Mr. Kinan and l have prepared
two weapons,They must recive applause.
事情没那么坏,我肯定第 一仗会打得很漂亮的。我和季南已经准备了两个杀手锏,肯定会是

The fish was finished二位,鱼好了

Landlady,Your Chinese was so perfect!老板娘汉语讲得很标准嘛

Mr. Kitano,Your brither Gunni was died in the war,lf you have time tommorrow,Please come to
the police office to affirm the reliquary.
北野先生,您的弟弟弘二在中国的战争中牺牲了。如果 你明天有时间请到警察局办理遗物认


Gunni died. Gunni died. Gunni died. lt was your Chinese who killed Gunni.弘二死了(重复)。是你
Go away.你走,快走。
l'll kill is you who killed my brother.我要杀了你们。是你们杀了他!

北野的弟弟弘二是和正夫一起 从征到中国的.现在正夫回来了,弘二却成了游荡的亡魂.北野
对中国人的仇恨因为弘二的死讯而加剧, 这让我们都很担忧

ln that time,Tokyo was involved into the animosity,Which was derived from the war to Chinese.

When was the beginning of the Japan-China war,That was the most important point we concerned
省 后,经常性的挑衅行为,导致此地区的中日关系日趋紧张.最终以一场日军蓄意的谋杀事件,
皇姑屯事件 挑起中日战争

Mr. District attorney arbitrarily accused that the Huanggutun accident were the begining of the
Japanese aggression towards China,it against the truth,it also confused the partly conflict and
formal war.
检方律师武断地指控皇 姑屯事件是日本对中国发动侵略战争的开始.这违背了事实.显然也混

At the time, the Beijing government was the only Chinese government recognized by the
international community and as such it had diplomatic relations with other countries. And, Zhang
Zuolin was the head of that government. l would like to ask the defense, when one country plots
and succeeds in the assassination of the head of another government, if that is not an act of war
between the two countries, then what is it?
争行为 又是什么呢?

Dose Mr. District attorney have any evidence to proof that The Huanghutun accident was done by
Japanese army?

This is a deposition given by the former Japanese Navy Minister Keisuke Okada.

Mr. District could we believe the words a navy officer said?

Then who could give evidence that these events took place?

Of course the lieutenant officer.当然是陆军的官员

Your Honor,the prosecution would like to call the former lieutenant general of the Japanese Army
and former head of the Japanese Army lnternal Affairs Office Ruykichi Tanaka as a witness.

Bring the witness in.带证人入庭

Bring in the witness Ruykichi Tanaka.带证人田中隆吉

Witness, please state your name.证人,请问你的姓名
Tanaka ryuuguqi.田中隆吉
Your nationality?国籍
Your profession?职业
The former lieutenant general of the Japanese Army.原日本军人,现在退役
What was your rank and post before your military retirement?你退役前的军衔及职务?
The former lieutenant general, and former head of the Japanese Army lnternal Affairs Office.陆军
Are you familiarwith the Huanggutun lncident which occurred in China on June 4, 1928?对1928
Do you know who killed Zhang Zuolin?那你知道炸死张作霖的是谁吗?
l had researched the files,lt was planed and carried out by the former brainman of the Guandong
Army,lwamoto ousaku.我查过卷宗,是当时关东军高级参谋河本大佐计划并实施的
Order! Order!安静…请安静

On June third, 1928,At the across of Nanman railway and Jingfeng railway,lwamoto ousaku and
his understrappers,Bombed out the train came from Beijng,Which one just Zhang zuolin was
sitting,And the next day, Zhang zuolin was reported for his die.
1928年6月3日在南满铁路和京奉线交叉处,河本 大佐带领他的手下爆炸了北京开来的列车,


Mr. Tanaka,according to what you just testified,l want a direct answer to the following
question:Do you think the Huanggutun lncident,the Shanghai lncident,the September 18th
lncident,and the July 7th lncident which all occurred on Chinese soil, were planned, instigated and
carried out by Japan?
田中隆吉先生,根据你刚才的证词,我请你直接回答我的这个问题:你发生在中国 的皇姑屯事


Please tell the court the names of the persons,who planned,instigated and
carried out these acts of war.

l can. Some of them were sitting over there.可以.他们有些人就在那边

Please point out the individuals for us.那请你给我们指明一下

Hideki tyoujyou.东条英机
Dohihara kenji土肥原贤二
ltagaki siro板垣征四郎
Order! Order!安静,安静
Mr. Defense attorney... Mr. Defense attorney
Mr. Hirose, please don't waste our time.广濑一郎先生,请你不要浪费我们的时间
lf you have a question, then ask not, please sit down.有问题你就请问,要没有,请下去
Witness,Are you Japanese?Are you Japanese?请问证人.你是日本人吗?你是日本人吗?
Mr. Defense attorney. l'm warning you...辩方律师,我警告你
l have no questions any more...我没有什么可问的了

00:42:27,580 --> 00:42:29,770
1946年8月10日,一直被羁押在苏联伯力看守所的末代皇帝溥仪,在 苏联军方的陪同下,经海

PuYi attended the court,it shocked Tokyo,attracted all of the world's focus.

Asaki News Paper said,This is a epochmaking date in the period of Tokyo Japan empire in
the ted him to the Kangde emperor's son ly attended the court and bear
witness never in the past.
日本《朝日新闻》称,这是东京审判中 “一个划时代的日子”,一个曾经被大日本帝国封为康得

When you were emperor of Manchukuo,what rights did you have?
l don't have any right, everything was determined by Japanese Army.我没有任何权利,一切都是
Absolutely everything?全部吗
Oh, l have only one right,对了,我只有一个权利
What was that?那是什么?
The right they ask me everything to do.那就是听他们告诉我他们所有决定的权利
During this period,did you have freedom of movement?那这期间,你有个人行动自由吗
Freedom?During the these years,l didn't have any freedom,Just like a monky!
Mr. witness,请问证人
The words you said to the brother of the Japanese Emperor,ls said by yourself, is that right?对日
That was prepared by them.那是你们让我准备的
My question was is that said by yourself?我只是问你那是不是你亲口说的
You just need to answer me yes or no.你只要回答我是还是不是

00:44:22,430 --> 00:44:24,520
你为什么眼里含着泪水?你为什么马上要哭了?是因为感激日本天皇对你的 帮助,对你的款待

00:44:51,660 --> 00:44:53,120
那是演戏 ,你在说慌.你是一个骗子.你把一切罪行都推到日本人身上.可是你也是罪犯,最终你
也要以战犯的身 份受到中国的审判的

00:45:20,750 --> 00:45:22,150
整整八天.溥仪创造了东京审判中历时最长的作证纪录,也顶住了以广濑一 郎为首的战犯律师

27-Aug,after the last time witness,PuYi left the court under the protection of Russia and U.S.
PuYi's witness proved that Japan invaded ManZhouLi, is a unlawful e
Japan carried out the news forbiding and forbidden the Japanese army contacting to home,cannot
mention the criminal and wrongdoing actions during the war ans in Japan to the action
butchering captive and civilians few people know it. even many Japanese,Do not believe the
Nanjing massacre.l suggested judger meeting approve take the Nanjing massacre Be a unit to
8月27日,在最后一次作证后,溥仪在苏联和美 军宪兵的保护下退庭.溥仪的作证,直接证明了

日本在满洲里的进 驻是非法的侵略行为.因为日本实行严酷的战时新闻管制,并严令日军官兵
与家人通信时不得提及战争期 间的犯罪和不道德行为.日本国内老百姓对于日军残酷屠杀俘
虏和平民的行为并不为更多人所知.甚至大 部分日本人,都不相信有南京大屠杀事件.经我提

There was no butcher in Nanjing,Like procurator Kinan said,what Japanese army did,to Chinese
common people and women,the accusation which organized and inhumane butcher and rape,were
all libel. Further more, the accusation which over military necessary,and wrecking building and
wealth were all lies.
南京没有发生大屠杀,季南检察官所说的日本 皇军对中国俘虏,平民…妇女实施的所谓的有组
织且残忍的屠杀奸淫的指控,全部都是诬蔑.而且,超过 军事上需要的破坏房屋财产等指控也

My name is Robert Wilson.l'm an American doctor.l lived in Nanjing from January 1936,until
August 1937,l was a professor of history at Jinling 1912 to 1940 l was
pastor of the Episcopalian Church in Nanjing.
我的名字是罗勃特威尔逊,我是美国人,医生.从1936年1月一直到19 40年8月我住在南
l'm Wu changde.我姓伍…叫伍长德
l'm Shang deyi,我叫尚德义
my home was at No 11,Zhongshan road, Nanjing.我家住南京中山路11号
l'm a farmer.我是种田的
Please tell me ,what you saw on December 13, 1937, after the Japanese Army entered Nanjing.请
Nanjing became hell on earth!南京变成了地狱
the Japanese army went into a killing frenzy burning everything in sight.
Endless looting and rape.无休止的抢劫、强奸
Honorable court,This was came from witness Jon Maggie,Which was shut on 22th Dec, 1937.l ask
for the court to let me show it here.
尊敬的庭 上,这是证人约翰麦基在1937年12月22日偷偷拍下来的影像资料.我请求法庭允许
Witness, what's your name?证人,你的姓名
l'm Wang defu.我叫王德福
Your profession?职业
l don't have any profession.我没有职业
Then how do you make a living?你靠什么活的
l'm living in Banruo Temper in Nanjing now.我现在一直住在南京的般若寺
Before that, what did you do?在那以前你是做什么的
A Thief.搞路地(方言)
Please say that clearly.请你说明白一点
They always call me thief.别人都管我叫小偷
Where were you on December 13, the Japanese Army entered Nanjing?Did you leave
the temple at any time?

We leaved.出去过
How many monks went out with you?几个人一起出去的
Four monks. Three real monks and l. We meet some Japanese solider, and then they caught us.我
How many of them were there and what were they doing?日本兵又有几个,他们在做什么
They had over ten persons,they were raping a Chinese girl.他们有十几个人在强奸一个中国姑

What did they want you to do?他们要你们干什么
They asked us to rape the Chinese girl too.他们逼着我们也去强奸那个中国姑娘
Did you rape her?你们答应了吗
What happened next?之后呢
They used bayonet, And ask us to put off our clothes,They ask us to rape that Chinese
ise, they will kill us.他们用刺刀逼着我们,逼着我们把身上的衣服都脱了,他们逼着
And then...之后呢?
Mr. Mingxin didn't answer their request,明心师傅怎么都不肯
What did they do to Mingxin?他们怎么对付明心师傅
They cut off Mingxin's sexual organ.他们把明心师傅身上的那个,男人的东西给割下来了
Did Mingxin die?明心师傅死了吗
He was rolling in the grond.当时他一直在地上滚
The blood was all around his body.身上全是血
What about the Japanese soldiers?What did they do?那些日本兵他们在做什么
Laughing, they were all laughing.笑,他们在那儿笑
Then what happened to the rest of you?之后呢
Mr. Mingkong and Mingfa also didn't answer their request,明空和明法师傅也不肯答应
Did the Japanese soldiers also cut off their sexual organs?那明空和明法两位师傅的生殖器都让
Did they live?他们都活下来没有
You just said that, The Japanese soldiers ask you and three teal monks to rape that Chinese girl
They all didn't agree,因为他们不同意
so at last they died, is that right?所以最后都死了,是吗
And you? Why were you survive?那你呢?你为什么活下来了
Were you agree?你同意了是吗
Answer me.回答我的问题
Did you rape the girl?你奸淫了那个姑娘是吗
Yes, l raped her.是,我是强奸了她
Were you really forced to do你真的是被强迫的

Or yourself also want to do this?还是你自已也想这么做
How can you proof yourself were forced to do?你怎么证明你是被强迫的
How can you proof you were not willing to?你怎么证明你不是自愿的
Damn it!! Asshole! Damn it!我操你妈的!小日本鬼子,我操你妈的!

The war between Japan and China,the brothers of the Asia Big have no choice but to
use some strong is just as after the brother keep his temper for a long time he'll drive
his little brother is in order to make China change his our attitude was a
little wildness,But the original purpose was to do some good things,The elder brother was loving
the little brother. < br>日本同中国之间的战争,就像是亚洲大家庭中兄弟之间的争吵,日本不可避免的要使用一点点
强硬 手段,这同哥哥经过长期忍耐后赶走不听话的弟弟没有什么两样,这样做是为了使中国回
心转意.哥哥对 弟弟态度可能有点粗暴,但哥哥的出发点是为弟弟好,哥哥是爱弟弟的
And might l ask how the younger brother responded to his older brother's solicitude?那我倒要请
The little brother didn't understand our still didn't enjoy this love.
Don't talk about the Brothers any more!Totally bullshit!Bullshit!

ln the last verdict of the international tribunal,To the Nanjing Butcher in China,This cognizance
was made,ln the first six weeks of the Japanese aggression,The number of innocent people who
were butchered was over two hundred was the most discreet estimation Of the
international military number Chinese government announced later Made it clearly
that ln were three hundred thousand people were killed by Japanese Army.
远东国际军事法庭在最终的判决书中 对于发生在中国南京的大屠杀做了如下认定:在侵华日
军占领南京的最初六个星期内,被屠杀的平民和俘 虏总数达二十万以上.这是远东国际军事法
庭最慎重和最保守的估计…而在后来中国方面公布的调查统计 数字显示,在南京遭到侵华日

Sakurako,Sakura was Fangzi's sister,she came back from China,She joined battle service group for
the enthusiasm of dedication to Japanese Army,but finally become sex tool for them.
缨子, 芳子的妹妹缨子从中国回来了,她以一种对日本皇军的献身热情,参加了从征服务团,却
成了日军的泄欲 工具

Hideo, is this Mr. Hideo?正夫君,这不是正夫君吗
That's very fine! You are still living.太好了…你也活着回来了
Please sit down,You'll be free drinking today.快请坐,今天我请客
lt's so good to see you alive.你能活着回来,真是太好了
Mr. xiaonan,肖南
Do you familiar with that person?你认识那个人啊
He's the brother of one of my friends.他是我一个朋友的哥哥
That's fine!太好了

An old friend come here,free drinking today.又来了一个老客人,今天我请客
Mr. Hideo, don't you really remember me?正夫君,你真的不认识我了
Do you know each other你们也认识,太好了
Please forgive me.请原谅
Don't believe Chinese people.不要相信中国人的话
l believe my own judge only.我只相信自已的判断
Yousuko, don't forget that you're Japanese.芳子…不要忘了,你是日本人
Yousuko Yousuko.芳子…芳子
Mr. Hideo.正夫君他
What happened to my brother?我哥怎么啦
Your brother is in the pothouse now你哥,你哥现在在小酒馆
Brother, what's wrong with you?哥哥,你这是做什么
You Chinese people are still so savage in our country.中国人在我们国家还这样猖狂
l'll kill you我要杀了你们
Kill these Chinese.杀了这些中国人
lt's them who make Japan become a humiliator.是他们让我们日本国蒙受羞辱
lt's them who make Japan become a humiliator.是他们让我们日本国蒙受羞辱
lt's them who make us become orphan.让我们家破人亡
Japanese devil!狗日的日本鬼子

lt had been one year when l came to Tokyo,Not only the Chinese governmentBut also l, the party
judge,Was never thought that A legality trial Which the winner country to the defeat
so difficult and also has joy,But not to me,lt belong to other
people,l'm just a visitor.
转眼到东京已经快一年了,不仅中 国政府没想到,就连我这个身在其中的法官,都没有想到,一
场战胜国对战败国罪恶昭著的战犯的合法审 判竟会如此复杂和艰难.这里只有欢乐,可我怎么

The criminals'individual defendance started,What made the pressure of Was the trial to
Doihara kenji and ltagaki two criminals was the leader of The Japanese-Chinese
made the Chinese people into pain and we were beaten by them in the
result will not image.
已经进 入被告战犯个人辩护阶段.对向哲浚他们压力最大的是,马上就要开始的土肥原贤二和
板垣征四郎这两个 战犯.对发起和实施侵华战争起了至关重要的作用,欠下了中国人累累血债.
如果在法庭上被这两个人打 败,后果将不堪设想.

The situation was that,Doihara kenji kept silence until the tried to get rid of the trial with
the loophole of Common Law System ltagaki siro was wrote a 48-pages long
apologia,Said that he would fight with The Chinese prosecution zhengao was the

leader of this team,He came Tokyo to help .
当时的情况是:土肥原贤二采取一言不发的龟缩策略,试图利用英美法系的漏洞来 逃脱审判.
而板垣征四郎很是狂妄,自已写了48页的辩护词,扬言要和中国检察团大战三百回合.倪征 燠

For all of party-Mr. Doihara denied r more he also think that facing all
accusation,He absolutely think it scorn to argue with ore for a Japanese army's
reverence,He gave up justification for themselves.
对所有的指控,我的当事人土肥原贤二先生全部予以否认.而且他也认为,面 对莫须有的这一
切指控,他完全不屑于与检方辩论,因此…为了一个日本军人的尊严,他放弃为自已辩护 ,

l denied all accusations. Since l was charged of landtied officer.l always persist in withdraw,peace,
er what accusal will be sentenced by prosecution team l always be one of
Japanese who love peace!l'm not guilty.
对一 切的指控,我全部否认.难道日本政府能忍心看着东北人民生活在苦难和混战里面吗?难
道我们出于同情 和友谊帮助他们也成为罪过了吗?在我担任陆相以来,我一直主张撤军,主张
和平、主张停战.不管检查 团给我什么罪名,我始终是一个热爱和平的日本人,我没有罪.

You just said that the September 18 lncident,also known as the battle on September 18, 1931,was
never premeditated,nor a conspiracy. ls that correct? 你刚才说918事变也就是1931年9月18号那天的战争,你们事前从来没有策划,也完全不是


However, you admitted earlier that the Kuandong Army did formulate a battle plan before the
Huanggutun you not agree to do it?

l have to explain. this battle plan to you.我想我有必要向你解释一下这个作战计划

l don't want to hear your explanations!我不需要你的解释

My question is,Did you report the battle plan to the central command,and did they approve it?


Then, how can you perpetuate your statement of no premeditation and conspiracy for the
September 18 lncident?

Because comparing our Guangdong army with Chinese Northeast army,for military strength,we

are in inferior position by 1:or we must prevent their just self-defence.
因为我们 关东军跟中国东北军相比,兵力上已处于1比20的劣势,所以我们要防止他们的攻击,

How did you know the Northeast Army was going to attack you?

We received some information,After that we start making this plan.

The information on hand? What information?Mr. ltagaki,don't forget you're in a
the evidence , if you are going to testify that the Northeast Armywas about to launch an
attack on the Japanese Army,then you have to provide your defense brief,you stated that
during the negotiations forthe Three Power Accord between Japan,Germany and ltaly you didn't
advocate expanding the addition,when the Changgufeng lncident occurred on the border
between China and the Soviet Union,you tirelessly sought a peaceful that right?
根据情报 ,什么情报?板垣征四郎先生,我想我有必要提醒你,法庭是个讲证据的地方.你要证
明东北军,将要向 日本军队发起攻击,你必须要有证据.在你的辩护词里,你提到了日本与德国
意大利商讨三国公约时,你 不主张扩大战事,还有关于中国和苏联边境发生的张鼓蜂事件,你


your emperor punished you for your actions.

ls that correct?是吗

lsn't that right?是还是不是

How did you know this?你怎么知道的

l'm the one asking questions here, not you.现在是我在向你进行反诘.不是你来问我

Answer me, lsn't that right?马上回答我,是还是不是

That's not true.没…没有这回事

This document was found by the Chinese prosecution teamin the archives of the Japanese Army
lnternal Affairs is ajournal kept by Saionji and records in detail how the
emperor severely reprimanded ltagaki for both these you have the nerve to deny this
ever happened?Your Honors, l now submit this evidence to the examine it and have it
the end of your term as minister of the army, you sent an emissary to China to meet
with two individuals...the first premier of the Republic of China,Tang Shaoyi,and the former head

of the Northern Warlords, Wu that correct?
这是我们中国检查团从盟军总部得到的一份证据,这是日本元老西圆寺原田的一本日 记,上面
到 中国去见两个人:一个是曾经担任过民国政府第一任国务总理的唐绍仪;一个是前北洋军
阀的统帅吴佩孚 .是吗?


Your emissary's purpose was to entice them to participate. in a puppet organization you were
trying to set up. ls that right?

l don't know.我…我不知道

Well, do you at least remember whom you sent? Was that person none other than the one who
usurped the position of mayor of Shenyang,installed the puppet emperor PuYi,
fraternized with the Japanese Kuandong Army,plotted to bring self-rule to North China,instigated
the independence movement in lnner Mongolia,incited traitors everywhere to set up puppet
governments and traitorous organizations never hesitated to do evil,and now sits in the defendants'
table,namely Kenji Dohihara?ls that him?Answer me.
哦…那你派谁去的你总知道吧? 那个人是不是就是当年僭充沈阳市市长,扶植傀儡溥仪称帝,
勾结关东日军,阴谋华北自治,煽动内蒙独 立,到处唆使汉奸成立伪政权和维持会,喧赫一时,无
恶不作,而今危坐在被告席右端的土肥原贤二,是 不是他?马上给我回答.

This is the most brilliant victory of china's prosecution team!During the 10 days heckle with
itagaki Nizheng'ao rebuted and required those things He mentioned in the y, by the
method that approaching the topic indirectly,He beat the Doihara who not say a word.
到 的事情一一盘问反驳.最终用指东打西的办法将一言不发的土肥原击溃.

The war which was launched and enlarged by t the Asia a very severe
disaster,Also, brought Japan a far-reaching secret secret anguish,Pervaded several
decades after the war finished,Makes the young of that age full of being at sea, despair and even
crazy,The pain of lose destroy many people's spirit .At the very beginning,the holy war to the Asia
Paciffic,And the worship to where should Japan go?During the time that the
young of Japan thinking of the question,Also worry about their own's destiny and is
just like a beast, who licked up life, honor and country,As well as blood and ideal.
由东条内阁操纵扩大的这场战争给亚洲带来灾难的同时,也给日本 带来了深久的隐痛.这种隐
痛在日本弥漫于战时和战后几十年,使得当时的年轻一代充满了迷茫,绝望甚 至疯狂.战败的
惨痛彻底摧毁了很多人,原本对大东亚圣战和东条英机的顶礼膜拜日本向何处去?日本年 轻

Thank you.谢谢光临

Japanese people are all good people,But why they all had blind faith to the emperor?日本人民都
So why the Chinese people had blind faith to the Huangdi?那为什么中国人民那么迷信皇帝呢?
But why the emperor had to start a war?那为什么天皇要打仗呢?
So why Chengjisihan had to crusage towards to the west?Why your Tang Empery start war in
Chinese western areas,And fight broad to Korea?那为什么你们成吉思汗要西征?你们大唐帝国
Emperors all want to start we must send revolutions.是皇帝就得打仗,所以必须革命
Miss Chiba.千叶小姐
What happened?怎么回事
What happened?怎么回事
Miss Chiba.千叶小姐
Hurry! Help!快来人啊

This became a unsettled case in the end, The killer was not found.这件事情后来成了一个悬案,
From that day, xiaonan and l had never went there any more.自那天后,我和肖南再也没去过那个

The trial to Hideki Tojyo,Would be another fierce that time, different public voices came
up all over the was request ofjudging the emperor was a controversial issue in
judges's after the secret discussion between MacArthur and the emperor,The issue
was left on, Sir William showed his standpoint of not charging the emperor and the
imperial family.
接下来就要审判东条英机了,这又将是 一场恶战.当时国际社会再度出现要求审判天皇的舆论
热潮,法官会议也对此颇有争议,但自从麦克阿瑟 和天皇密谈之后,这件事情就不了了之.后来

Brother, l wanner go to eat noodle.哥…我想吃面去
This way please.这边请
YingZi, go and serve the customers.缨子,快去招呼客人
Give me a bowl of noodle and a bunch of fish.来一碗荞麦面,一串烤鱼
Sakurako, go to help your father,缨子,帮帮你爸爸
Little child, never mind please.小孩子,不懂事
What happiness.真幸福

Dong Tiao government called 100 million citizens to go into temporary council passed
3800 million Yenaccording to the request of Prime Misinter Dong Tiao.

Don't change the channel.别换台
Temporary budget for supplement of military expense...临时军费追加预算案…

Firstly l announce here,delegating my party Hideki Tojyo,My party - Hideki Tojyo he except be
evidence by himself,He will not require any other attestor on the addition,he will not
submit any .
首先我 代表我的当事人东条英机先生在此声明:我的当事人东条英机先生,除了自已为自已作
证外,他将不请任 何其他证人出庭作证,另外他也将不出示任何证据声明.完毕.

Next, my party will readout his affidavit.下面我的当事人将宣读他的口供书

Finally, maybe this is the last opportunity on the court permit.l would like to repeat se
empire's national policy was pursued by the officer who occupy the position legally at
that aggression and not just pursued according to constitution and law
still met the rigorous took the national fate to be ante, but we lost.l
insisted on that this was a war of a war of disobeying the lnternational
the responsibility of the war's is my means that l'll take on all of the
Hideki toujyou.
19th, Dec, Syouwa 22 year, Tokyo.
最后…恐怕这是本法庭规则上允许的最后 机会.我在这里重复一下:日本帝国的国策,乃至当
年合法地占据,其职位的官吏所奉行的方针,不是侵 略也不是剥削,我们只是按照宪法,和法律
规定程式列事,但还是遭到了严酷的现实.我们以国家命运为 赌注,但输了.我始终主张这场战
争是自卫战争,不是违反现时人民承认的国际法的战争.关于战败责任 ,这是当时的总理大臣,

Now, according to your reasoning,on the one hand you carried out peaceful negotiations between
Japan and China,but on the other you occupied China with a powerful military 't those
two contradictory?
国 领土.这难道不矛盾吗?

They didn't contradictory any more.没有任何矛盾

Did you ever contemplate that the invasion of Manchuria might turn the Chinese public against
Japan? 那你是否考虑过侵略满洲的结果将引起中国的反日情绪呢?

Chinese public antipathy against Japan was existing long Japan have never aggressed


How many people did the Japanese Army kill?被日本军队杀死的中国人有多少

l don't know.不清楚

This document was published by the Japanese lmperial General reports that
between the period July 1937 and June 1941,the Japanese Army killed two million and fifteen
thousand Chinese people...lsn't it logical that must slaughtering two million Chinese lives could
rouse the fury of the Chinese people?Please answer the question.
这是日本大本营所发表的 据年签上载明,1937年7月至1941年6月间,日本军队杀戮二百零
一万五千中国人.杀戮二百万 以上的中国人,你是否想过这将引起中国人的愤怒?请回答
l also think it was a misfortune.我对此深感不幸

l also think it was a misfortune.但所杀戮者不少是无辜民众,为什么把此种残酷行为施加在无

Many of those you butchered were innocent was the treatment to these
non-involved innocent civilians so atrocious?What is called there is no relation between people
and warChina is same as we the captain of China regime,direct people to oppugn Japan
and insult draw on is the wrong of China relation to us.
所谓民众与战争无关系一节,中国与我们日本都是一样.而作为中国政权的统帅者,居然 指挥

So you insist donot withdraw from r more keep extending the it right?所以你

l don't like answer yes or no.我不喜欢回答是还是不是,
This is a courtroom. Your wants are irrelevant and an answer is , yes or no.这是在法
Object. The procurator didn't have right to ask like that.我抗议.检察官不能这样提问

Objection overruled! The witness must answer the prosecutor's question. with yes or no.抗议无效.

Answer me! Yes or no?回答我…是还是不是


No? Did Japan evacuate troops from China after you received instructions to form a cabinet in
October 1941?

No, but that was

You already answered my question.l don't need an your statement,you said that
Japan's decision to go to war with the United States,Britain and Holland which was the direct
result for those countries freezing Japan assets on July 26, 1941, correct?你刚才的问题已经回答
完了, 我不需要你的解释.你在口供书中说,日本对美国、英国、荷兰发动战争,是因为他们在
1941年7月 26日发布了资产冻结令,是吗?
You already told the court that the emperor loves peace, didn't you?
Furthermore, no Japanese official or commoner would dare to disobey the emperor's orders,is that

What l said was a national sensibility,That was different from the Emperor's responsibility.

But as a matter of fact,did you not initiate hostilities against the United States,Britain and the

That was decision of our council.

lf the emperor opposed the war,would it still have happened?

l have already said lots of times that the Emperor didn't have any responsibility,Japan had no
choice but initiate the war.

Do you think initiating hostilities is morally and legally acceptable?

l think it is acceptable,whenever past now and future,l still think it is acceptable.完全没有任何过

So if you and your colleagues were acquitted,You would go out and do it all over again?You
would continue to allow Japan to launch invasions and start wars?
那么如果你和你的同僚无罪释 放的话,你们还准备一起重复过去做过的事吗?你们还会让日


Dear honours,the procecution'd like to announce that we've completed our cross examination of
Hideki Tojyo.

All be sitted.全体坐下

The 817th session of lnternational Military Tribunal for the Far East is now in , the
prosecution will make its closing argument.
Ladies and gentlemen,Honorable judges,and members of the court...all of the accused,
joined in a formulation and execution of a plan a conspiracy whose publish was to establish
Japan's military, political,and economic domination over the countries within the Pacific and
lndian Oceans!ln order to achieve this goal,Japan alone or working with liked minds,embarked on
a war of aggression to subjugate all who stood in its prosecution team and l have
produced more than enough evidence to prove the participation of the accused in the above
summarized criminal actions.
女士们, 先生们, 尊敬的庭上, 尊敬的各同盟国法官. 全体被告, 参与了这一共同计划的摊
定或执行, 这一共同计划的目的, 是为了日本取得对太平洋及印度洋地区国家的军事 政治
经济的控制地位, 为了达到这个目的, 日 本单独或与其它有相同目的的国家发动侵略战争以
对付反对此侵略目的的国家.我以及我们检察团的全体 同仁用我们的努力和证据证明了上述
Throughout the history of civilization, no one has ever seen human nature at such a peak of
crudity and barbarity. Countless people have died horrendous unthinkable deaths to feed Japan’s
insatiable appetite for expansion. By their actions, they have challenged human civilization! They
have challenged peace! And they have challenged the whole world! Their common objective, their
criminal objective, was to ensure the domination of Japan’s empire, there is no greater crime than
plotting and executing a war of aggression. The security of the world and it’s people was
threatened by this plot and destroyed by this war, the only possible outcome of which is the great
suffering the world has faced,
纵观人类文明史, 其手段之残忍, 残酷, 灭绝人性, 实属罕见, 无数的生命痛苦的消失在日
本侵略野心的枪口和刀口下. 他们的这种行为是对人类文明的挑战, 是对和平的挑战, 是对
整个世界的挑战, 他们的共同的犯罪目的是为了确保天皇的统治地位, 没有比发动和实行侵
略战争更加严重的罪行. 全世界人民的安全,被这场战争所破坏, 这个阴谋的唯一结果就是
Therefore, I, Joshua Kennan, on behalf of my colleague in the allied prosecution team, solemnly
request, the honor of judges of the international military tribunal for the far east to severely punish
those responsible for this horrible war of aggression, in the name of justice, in the spirit of
compassion, and in the name of humanity.
所以, 我约瑟夫季南, 代表同盟国检察团全体同仁, 郑重向远东国际军事法庭庭长及各位法
官提请, 请你们给这些发动并实行侵略战争的被告们以严惩, 请你们以公正之心, 以善良之
名, 以人类之愿.

The presentation of the cases before the lnternational Military Tribunal for the Far East is now
verdict will be announced after the judges' final that time, the

court is in recess.

Yuiqi, what are you doing Revenge.雄一,你要干吗?
for my brother For all persons who died in the war.复仇,为了弘二,为了战场上死去的人.
lt was me who killed your brother.杀弘二的人是我.
Why? why you killed him.为什么…为什么要杀弘二?

Have you seen a child kill persons?你见过一个孩子杀人吗
Yuiqi, what a chastity boy ,But he became a devil in the war, l had to killed him.弘二,那么纯净
Japanese devil!狗日的日本鬼子
l have said that l can accept you not to love ,l can't accept you to love a Chinese!我说过,我
l love you.我爱你
Are you alright? Please say something to me,Please say something to me!l won't go back China l
won't go back China,Please say something to me!Yousuko, Please say something to say
something to me.. ..你没有事的对不对?你说句话好不好?你说话啊…我不回去了.我们不分手
了,你说句话好不好?芳 子,你说话啊!你说话啊

Far east international military tribunal entered the final s from 11 countries have huge
difference for the judgement and appeared opposed ally for the Hidekitojyo and
other 24 criminals.
on the question ifjudge them gallows Occurred it the problem that how to condemn?远东
国际军事法庭进入了最后的量刑阶段 ,十一国法官对量刑意见分歧很大,并且逐渐出现对立情
绪,特别是在对东条英机等25名战犯是否应该 判处绞刑的问题上,发生了激烈争执.是量刑的

A reporter of English Times News,whose forecast is very surprise on the problem whether use
death said, there are 2 splits
among eleven r more it is the most number
which disagree with dead penalty...
昨天英国泰晤士报上一个英国记者,他的预测非常惊人.谈到是否使用死刑的问 题上,他说十

do not ask me any more. l can say nothing to you.什么都别问了我也什么都不能跟你说

people cannot identify the devilishness of the war and crime,until suffer the harm l have never
regret, but today...l to come to Japan.

人…就是要深受其害才能真正意识到战争和罪行的可怕.我从来不后悔什么, 可是今天我自

Thinking of xiangyu's tragedy,l want to commit suicide.至今思项羽,不肯过江东

01:33:22,260 --> 01:33:23,320

Mei,you want to learn xiangYu?And do you want to die?if you died, then the judger could stand
by punish the war criminal,you could jump down from the window,l do not hold
you think you can help by doing so?Bullshit.l think you are probably a you
think you can move god,depend upon your emotion?do you think the judgers will stand by
you,depend upon your temper and your complaint?action, show me your action!there is a logion in
Hunan,as long as you can not fight me died,l will stand up!l will stand no one has anything
new to add,
你想学 项羽是不是,你想死是不是?要是你死就能让法官站在你这一边,就能让那些战犯得到
应有的惩罚,那你 现在就从这个窗口跳下去,老子绝不拦你,你以为这样就能以死明志吗?胡扯!
我看你整个就是个懦夫. 你这么感慨就能够感天动地吗?你这么发发脾气,发发牢骚.那些法官
就会站在你这一面吗?行动,拿出 你的行动来.我们湖南有句老话,只要你打不死老子,老子就

lf no one has anything new to add, we can begin voting...

Alright, since no one has anything left to contribute, let's get started.

Sir William, would l say a few more things before we start voting?

Of course.当然

Thank you.谢谢

Please give me a glass of all agree that the criminals are we cannot agree if
they should be hanged for what they did.A lot of innocent people died for the can only
rest in peace when these criminals are punished by the death penalty.
请给我拿一杯水来.我们都同意罪 犯是有罪的,我们争论的焦点是否对他们处于死刑,战争中
死去了那么多无辜的人只有死刑才能让他们瞑 目.

Mr. Bernard your objection to the death penalty is because you believe a civilized country should
have abolished the death penalty. Am l right?

absolutely right.很正确

ln general, l agree with you. but in this case, l have my doubts...

Mei, l'd be happy to discuss it梅,我很乐意跟你探讨

According to your logic,civilization should be respected but what about life?Shouldn't life be

l don't think l need to answer that should already know
the answer perfectly well.

l'm sure you wouldn't deny the preciousness of life because everyone only lives once,Because
everyone has one e this cup represents humanity and the water
excuse my crudeness Civilization is created by human people
were ruthlessly murdered,how can we talk about civilization?我想您应该不会否认生命是最宝
贵 的.因为对每个人来说生命都只有一次,如果说杯代表人类,水代表文明,请原谅我的粗鲁.
文明是人类 创造出来的,如果没有人类,文明从何谈起呢?
Mr. Bernard.巴尔先生.
Mei, pls. Seat down.梅,请坐下

Mei, you want to discuss Buddhism with me, l don't know a lot about Buddhism, but l have a great
deal of respect for it... when l was a child,l learned from my parents l've known that Buddhism
encourages people to do good and avoid doing evil. Correct? That's a fundamental idea, That's a
fundamental idea Besides the teachings to promoting goodness,
isn't there also punishment of the evil你想跟我探讨佛学吗?对于佛学我知之甚少,但我非常尊
里除了 扬善,是不是还惩恶?

Yes. But Buddhism says that punishment is carried out the next life.

You mean, if someone does evil in this lifetime,he'll pay for it in the next. Right?也就是说,人在

That's right.是这样.

But who will prevent the crime this lifetime?Could Buddha prevent Japan not to start wars
again?Dose Hideki Tojyo believe Buddha?


Buddha will help him believe,Buddha will love him and forgive him for everything he's
the end, Buddha will embrace everyone That's how his power works we are side with Buddha
hoping that in the future, there are no war crime or evil.
佛会让他信的.佛会爱他.佛会原谅他所作的一切.最后每个人都会到达佛的怀抱.这就是 佛的

But expectation in spirit can affect what's happen in unbearable ugliness and
trample on humanity l don't have any doubts
about the power of Buddha,But l doubt that if the people can reach light under the direction of
但精神的期 待能左右现实中发生的种种不堪的丑陋和人性践踏吗?我不怀疑佛的力量,但我
怀疑人间是否都能在佛的 指引下走向光明.

Buddha says believe makes the dream come true,佛家不是说信则灵,不信不灵吗

But what if these criminals do not believe in Buddha at all?l agree to the ancient Greeks'
proverb,What god has will belong to him at last.

Mr. Pal. Why we come to here,the judges from 11 countries,have come to Japan, for what?so,we
msut punish the criminals according to law.

Mei, don't try to persuade me anymore,l still think my viewpoint is correct.

Mr. Pal, l won't try to persuade you any ancient Greeks had a sees the
world more properly than we do.
巴尔先生,我已经不打算再说服您了.我想最后再对您说 一句古希腊谚语.命运的看法比我们

l can see that l'm next. Please...我知道下一个该我了.请

Lao Wei, my dearjudger. All of you here are legal experts from all over the world l want to ask
you what is law and what is the function of hout the 817th long tribunal between the two
years,We finally confirm that they are now we were talking about the civilization and
the religion,Gentlemen,This is not classroom of collage,This is not temper,This is court!What we
need to talk about is how to punish the criminals.l think the role of religion is to tell people what
can be done, to tell people to do good and to forgive. On the other hand, Law prescribes what
cannot be ise,you will be punished by will have to go to the guillotine and
the is is why l insist on imposing the death penalty on the war

s robbing the resource of other countries and expanding his territory,Japan also
killed thousands
of innocent people Japanese army's plundering raping backfiring and killing,They had killed
numerous innocent people-the Chinese, the Koreans, the Filipinos,the Singaporeans,the Americans,
the Englishmen...These crimes are not enough to bring them to justice,lf neither Japan nor the war
criminals receive the severest punishment,who can assure that they will never wage war
again?Who can assure that Japan will never invade other countries?Who can assure that the
Japanese militaristic spirit will never revive?anyone of you here is able to make an assurance like
l wanted to say,
what l should've said, it's done,We can vote now for all those who died in the war...for closing
eyes in . Think it are watching us, watching the pens we hold in our hands...
老卫,我的法官同事,你们都是资深的法学专家, 我想请大家一起考虑这个问题,法律是什么,
法律的作用又是什么.经过了两年多的817次漫长的庭审 ,我们终于认定了他们有罪,可是我们
却一直在讨论文明和宗教.先生们,这不是大学的课堂,这也不是 寺庙,这里是法律的殿堂.我们
需要讨论的是怎么惩罚这些罪犯,我认为宗教是告诉世人怎样做才能到达 天堂.另一方面,法
律明确规定了什么事情我们不能做,否则就要受惩罚.就要上断头台,就要上绞刑架 .这就是法
律.这也是我一直坚持对战犯们使用死刑的原因.除了掠夺别国的资源,扩张自已的领土,日 本
犯以最严 厉的惩罚.谁敢保证日本有一天不会再次挑起战争?谁敢保证日本不会再侵略别的
国家?谁敢保证日本军 国主义的幽灵不会再次复活?在座哪位先生敢作这样的保证.想说的,
该说的我都说完了.我们可以投票 了.为了那些在战争中死难的人.为了让他们死瞑目.请各位

No for the death penalty.反对死刑
Yes for the death penalty.赞同死刑

Gentleman,as you see this 5 to is the last ballot...This one last ballot will decide everything.


l will now read the verdict...the court believes that there is no need to consider whether or not the
accused are guilty of the conspiracy to violate treaties and accords Japan had with other
countries,because charge of executing a plot along with other countries to wage an aggressive war
is already the gravest crime one can court finds all the Japanese defendants guilty as

现在本法庭宣布判决:本法庭对于第一项罪状的条约协定及诺言而发动侵略 战争的阴谋一节,
认为没有考虑的必要,因为实行侵略战争的阴谋已经是最高限度的犯罪.我宣布,所有 的日本

International military tribunal concluded,ln the end, seven criminals
were punished to now, l can't call to mind,on this morning,if the,what will happen to all
the Chinese people,what will happen to the whole world?otherwise,all the judges had pledged in
the beginning we would never disclose that who agree the death sentence and who not agree,what
l what to say was that l have tried my best...
远东国际军事法庭终于走到了今天,最后,七名战犯被处以极刑.至今,我都不 敢回想,如果今
天上午.我们这些赞同死刑的法官里不到六票的话,我会怎么样,中国人又会怎么样,世 界又会
怎么样?还有,我们所有的法官都起过誓,我们永远都不能透露,我们谁赞同了死刑,谁反对了< br>死刑…我只能说,我,尽力了…

Finally l saw the status of Yokogawa and Tokyo in bomb

l stared the view of both side of the road.
And the expression of the men and lady on the road.

my impression is... the factories in Yokogawa and Tokyo are disappeared in the bomb.

This time l felt the truth meaning.

Whatever men or lady they and what l saw before 22 years in Japan already so much difference.

Who changed it?

It cannot do not let them take it... Who we are going to disturbed the world tormented
ruined the future of their country.
这却不能不叫我们正要审判的那些战犯们负责!他们扰乱了世界,荼毒了中国,而且 葬送了

A state had good ore result in the evil by themselves,this is a tragedy in the
history,Also an retribution
是一大 教训!

We affirm that,as members of the lnternational Military Tribunal for the Far East,we will duly
administer justice according to law,without fear, favor or affection,according to our
conscience,and the best of our understanding,
我们郑重保证,我们作为远东国际军事法庭的法官,必定依法秉公行其 司法任务,绝无恐惧、偏

And that we will not disclose or discover,the vote or opinion of any particular member of the
Tribunal upon finding or sentence, but will preserve the inviolate secrecy of the counsel of every
我们绝不泄露和透露我们法庭任何人对于判决或定罪之意见及投 票而且要保证每个人的见

We swear to God.我们要向上帝发誓
Please sit down.请坐下
Before we start, there are a few things l would like to of all, we don't need to be overly

polite among ourselves. Please just call me William. We should treat each other as equals and
consider ourselves one big family.
我首先给大家提 个小小的要求,以后不要叫我爵士,大家之间也不必太拘于礼节,太过客气,直
接叫老卫就行了,这样我 们从心理上就很平等像一家人一样.

l hope this would be a pleasant experience for all of us.

As this trial will be conducted on the basis of the Common Law System, the seating of the judges
will be as follows:

The United States, Britain,China, the Soviet Union, Canada France,Australia, the
Netherlands,lndia, New Zealand, and the Philippines.

l will not accept that arrangement.

Pardon me. What do you mean?

l believe the seating order of the judges in this trial should follow the order of signatures on the
Japanese lnstrument of was second on the ore, the judge from China
should be seated right after the United States.我认为应该按《日本受降书》签字顺序安排法官
座次,中国排在第二位, 也就是说,在美国之后应该是中国.

My dear Mei, this is a courtroom,not a reenactment of surrender.

Then perhaps,

Sir William could explain his reasons for this arrangement?

Dr. Mei, this is has been the common practice.

What common practice? Whose practice?

lsn't following the order of signatures in the lnstrument of Surrender a common practice?

Dr. Mei, we are here to judge war criminals. Why are you making fuss over such a trivial matter?

This is no trivial matter. Besides, Our concern here is what's right and what's 's
nothing trivial about it.

Dr. Mei, then please suggest a fair method.

lf we are not going to follow the order on the lnstrument of Surrender... Maybe... it might even be
the fairest...we'll put ourjudges on the scale,and the seating arrangement will be determined by

Dr. Mei, the method you suggest is eminently fair,

lf the seating arrangement is not to be determined by weight,then the only fair method is to follow
the order on the Japanese lnstrument of Surrender.l have no wish at all to allow this international
tribunal to become a boxing ring.
如果不按体重排座次,那么我认为唯一公平的,就是按受降书签字顺序排名,我一点都不希 望


Chinese pig! Get out of Japan!We were beaten to American,Not China! Get out!

Cooperate with me finished the was kept back temporarily.配合美军宪

For the further enquiry xiao Nan and l was both ashamed to the driver. Also sigh with emotion.

Come in.

Dr Mei,there will be a rehearsal for tomorrow's opening ceremony at 4:00 this be
there on time and wearyourjudicial robe; photographers will be present.

Thank you


Good afternoon, sit down.

Since the lnternational Military Tribunal for the Far East formally begins hearing its cases
tomorrow, l will announce the seating order of the judges for final dress rehearsal today...The
seating order of the judges is as follows:
官座位的 排列次序:

United States, Britain,China, the Soviet Union, Canada,France, Australia, the Netherlands,
lndia,New Zealand and the Philippines...
美国、英国、中国、苏联、加拿大 法国、澳大利亚、荷兰、印度 新西兰、菲律宾

Dr. Mei, please let me explain. Please calm down and listen

l'm listening

The main reason l placed the American and British judges on my left and right is because they
have a better understanding of the Common Law,which would make this trial fun more
decision absolutely does not reflect any prejudice against China..
美国法官和英国法官坐在我的左右手,主要是 因为他们对,英美法程式更熟悉一些,这只是

Forgive me for being frank. We all know that this is an international tribunal, not British or
American.l don't see any need to seat the American and British judges in the center.

Dr. Mei, please look at this problem from a different angle. With this arrangement, you will be
seated between the American and French judges, instead of next to the Russian general. l would
imagine that would please you.
梅博士,你 能否从另外一个角度去想这个问题,你想想看,现在你帝国的法官来自美国和法
国,而不是俄国,这对你 将是很愉快的

Sir William, that's insulting. As a Chinese, it is my solemn duty to remind you that l didn't come to
Tokyo to be pleased. My homeland China has been invaded and plundered by the Japanese for
over fifty years. To the Chinese people, trying Japanese war criminals is a heavy responsibility,a
grave responsibility. We are not here for pleasure.
卫勃爵士,这是对我的侮辱。作为一 个中国人,我必须郑重地说,我来东京不是为了愉快。
我的祖国,遭受日本侵略长达五十年,对中国人来 说,审判日本战犯,是一件严肃,沉重的

Doctor Mei, l would like to solemnly remind you as well that. this seating arrangement originated
from an order given by the Supreme Commander, General MacArthur himself lt would be
extremely unfortunate if your refusal to accept this seating arrangement were to cause friction in
Chinese-American government might not agree with your decisions.
我也必须再次提醒你,这个安排是 盟军最高统帅的意思,遗憾地说,如果你拒绝的话,中美

l refuse to accept this arrangement that has ground at all in any law or reason. ln this war against
Japanese aggression China has suffered the most and fought the longest, the hardest. The Britain,
on the other hand, has been retreating and surrendering time and time again. lt's unthinkable that
China's place in this trial should be relegated to a spot below Britain. l do not believe the
government of China will agree to this arrangement...ln addition, l don't believe that this seating
arrangement came from the Supreme Commander himself.
我拒绝接受这种不合理的安排。在日本侵略战争中,中国受侵略最深,抗战最久,牺 牲最大,

Hold on. Let me discuss this with the otherjudges first. l'll have an answer for you in ten minutes.

Dr. Mei, l'm sorry to disappoint you, but my colleagues unanimously see today just as a dress
rehearsal and nothing more. Why don't we just take a few pictures at the rehearsal now, and then
tonight we'll open a full discussion regarding the actual seating order of tomorrow's court?
一些照片,今 晚我们还会再讨论一下,明天正式开庭的安排。

Sir William, l have to disappoint you as well.
l definitely will not participate in the rehearsal for this seating arrangement. The whole world's
photographers and reporters in rehearsal
are now out there in the courtroom. They are going to take photos and write reports on this seating
arrangement. When these reports and photos reach China, do you know what's going to happen?
The entire Chinese people will all reproach me for my weakness and my incompetence. lf l agree
to this arrangement, l'll be insulting my country. l'd be insulting all my countrymen's suffering,
sacrifice, and perseverance in resisting the Japanese aggression. Everything.
Sir William, can you understand? lt is for this reason that l will not take take in this rehearsal. As
for myself, l will report the matter back
to my government to see if they support me. lf they don't, l shall resign immediately and ask them
to replace me.
我决不能出席这样的 座次安排,全世界的摄影记者和新闻记者目前都等在审判大厅,你们必
定要拍照报导,所以我不能接受。 当这些照片和报导到了中国,你知道会怎么样吗?所有的
中国人都会责难我的软弱,我的无能。如果我同 意了这个安排,那我就侮辱了我的国家,我
就侮辱了所有中国人为抗击日本侵略所付出的代价、牺牲、努 力和坚持。一切的一切。

卫勃爵士,你明白吗?所以我绝对不会 出席彩排。至于我自已,我可以向政府请示,如果不

Please do not leave. How about this?l'll get our colleagues' opinion
on this again l absolutely don't want you to go. l'll be back in no more than ten minutes.请等等,要

Alright, l'll wait another ten minutes.

Dr. Mei, you win. Your country should be proud to have a fighter like you.

l'm not a fighter.l'm ajudge, a Chinese judge.我不是斗士…我是法官,中国的法官

My dear Mei, can you do me a little favor?老梅,你能答应我一个小小的要求吗

Of course.当然

Call me William.就叫我老卫吧


Good evening, please give me some wine.晚上好,来半斤清酒

Yousuko, come here and join us.芳子,一块玩一会儿

What's a pity, maybe next time will be ok.真遗憾,下次再玩吧

For Japan's failuer, cheers!为了日本的战败,干杯

Mr Shino,we have promised that we don't talk about the War any more!
Don't talk about the our friendship, cheers

But Japan failed in the war.可日本战败了

Japan really failed?日本战败了吗?

What's the purprose for your coming back? With the prond of a winner, to display your strength to
us?Or to talk about the past with Yousuko?Do you know how Yousuko survived in the American
army's bombs?American army throw out 2500 tons of bombs, Tokyo's 35 sections were blowed
down,80000 people losed their lives ln Hiroshima and Nagazaki,10000 people were died They

were all common they have any fault?
你回来干什么?以胜利者的骄傲来向我 们这些失败者施威吗?还是来和芳子叙旧情,你知道芳
子在美军的轰炸中,是怎么活过来的吗?美国人两 千五百吨的汽油弹,炸毁了东京三十五个区,
死了八万人,原子弹在广岛.长崎,炸死了十万人,那都是 平民啊,他们有什么错?

But do you konw hao many people died in Shanghai and Nanjing? Wuhan bomb, Chongqing
bomb, Huabei butcher, Do you konw how many Chinese common people died in Japan Army? Do
you know how many Chinese women were raped?
少中 国老百姓死在你所谓的日本皇军手里?有多少中国妇女被强奸?

That's a lie! That's a lie for your political purpose!那都是胡说!那是为了政治的欺骗宣传!
Were there any turth in your newspaper?

Youiqi! You care about him?雄一,你心疼了是吗?
The family due to the happiness.这个家庭因为战争的缘故再也没有了欢乐

Fangzi talk to xiaoNan. brother and ZhengFu were back from the war,drunk
know what happen in china. Fang Zi and her sister they have left school,for
responsing the Dong Tiao the battle service never been heard of since.
在中国到底 遇到了什么。芳子的妹妹缨子,自从响应东条内阁号召退学参加了“从征服务团”

xiao Nan is the journalist who was sent to Tokyo by Dagong Newspaper before the war starting he
was studying at Tokyo,Fangzi and xiaonan were his classmate.
肖南是大公报派驻东京跟随采访的记者, 他战前在东京留学,和田芳子和北野雄一都曾经是

xiang, try to look a little more 't forget this is a historic whole world
is watching us!

This whole situation just makes me a little uncomfortable.我有点不习惯这种架势

What's that?为什么?

l feel like l'm putting on a show here.感觉有点像做表演


Please sit down.全体坐下

The lnternational Military Tribunal for the Far East is now in the defendants of this
case were once leaders of Japan for the past several decades when Japanese power was at its
include prime ministers,foreign ministers,treasury ministers, chiefs of staff and military
high matter how high they once stood,their treatment now is no different from
that of the lowest of ordinary soldiers.
We will assure the defendants that a careful examination will be made before this court regarding
the number and nature of the prosecution charges filed against them in the indictment, along with
the declaration of all the applicable laws.
远东国际军事法庭,现在正式开庭。本庭所有被告都是过 去几十年日本国运极盛之时的国家
领导人。有首相、外交大臣、财政大臣、参谋总长和军令部长,不管被 告们过去有过多么高
我们可以向被告 保证,根据你们被起诉罪状的数量和性质,本法庭将对所提出的证据和所适用
的法令,进行最慎重的审查 .

Honorable presiding judge and members of the court,l am Joseph Keenan,the chief prosecutor for
this lnternational Military Tribunal for the Far Eastand for the United States of America,The
charter of the lnternational Military Tribunal for the Far East clearly stipulates five separate
charges with which the defendants have been indicted,as listed:premeditation,
organization,initiation, and or execution of a war in violation of international law,treaties,
agreements or addition to these charges,participation in a common plan or
conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the foregoing is also an offense against humanity...
尊敬的庭长及各位法官大人,我是约瑟夫 纪南,我是此次远东国际军事法庭的检察长,同时我
也是美利坚合众国的首席检察官.远东国际法庭宪章 明确规定以下五项犯罪行为将受到指控.
这五项罪行如下:计划,准备,发动及执行侵略战争,或者违反 国际公法,条约,协定或保证的战
争.除此四项外,为达到上述目的而参与共同计划或阴谋的罪行也包括 在内

Toujyou, l'll kill you东条,我要杀死你
l'll kill you我要杀死你

Bring this people out of the court.把此人带出法庭
l'll kill you我要杀死你

Next,the lnternational Military Tribunal for the Far East will hear the defendants' please to the
charges brought by the prosecution.

l ask Mr Web for blench this with any objections on how this courtroom is ran
should put them in defense's oral argument is completely out of is an
despicable ambush comparable to the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor. l insisted on my l
challenge the qualification of all judges.
方的这种 口头辩论毫无道理是卑鄙的偷袭,就像当年偷袭珍珠港事件一样卑鄙,我坚持我的要
求,并且我对法庭上 ,所有法官的资格都提出异议

Control 's provoking you on purpose.控制情绪,否则就中了他的圈套

This trial totally base on the haughty and bias of the on the nongovernmental spirit
that winner is king and the loser is g the civilian life who exert their utmost effort for
asia peace and co-prosperity.l doubt the court's feel sorrow for the dignity of the law. < br>这次审判完全依据大国沙文主义的傲慢和偏见,依据胜者为王败者为寇的民间感情,来主宰这
些曾 经为亚洲和平和共同繁荣呕心沥血的公务人员的生命.我对法庭的公正性严重质疑,也为
法律的尊严感到 悲哀

Silence! 安静…
Mr. Defense attorney, the courtroom is not preaching grounds for your theories or for your to set
first point concerns me ore, l withhold myself.
被告律师.法庭不是你 宣讲理论和讲条件的地方,你提出的第一个提议关系到我个人,因此我
请求回避.我愿意听候法官会议的 裁决.

l also don't think the other ten judegs have the qualification of the lnternational Military
l think the conference ofjudges will not be fair, too.

l object!我反对

Then in your opinion,what do you think would be fair?那你认为怎样才能公正

Super court in United States of America.美利坚合众国联邦最高法院

That's completely out of question!Court is adjourned.荒唐!现在休庭

How could an international court compose of eleven judges appointed by their respective
democratic governments and organized by the best minds of international law lack the decorum of
one federal court? This is absolute provocation.
由十一个民主国家派出的具有十几年从业经验的法学权威组成的国际法庭, 居然还不如一个

Since l've been the target,l'm willing to abide by the ruling of a conference ofjudges.这件事情因

Ougawajyumei which seemed crazy at court was theorist of the Japanese racialism and
the September eighteen incident's direct identified by allied forces'
legal medical fied he had syphilis cephalitis and ability that identify yes or
this one escaped from war criminal depend on malinger.
刚才在法庭上装疯的大川周明是日本种族主义和军国主义的理论家.“九. 一八”事变直接组织
者和参与者,后经盟军法医鉴定认定他已患梅毒性脑炎而精神失常无区分是非能力. 这是这次

a senior reporter say--Ougawa is a craze,adventurer, typical of great empire filled
with his brain.

After our discussion, the ten judges unanimously agreed with the second article of the
Tribunal,specifying the Allies's Supreme Commander's ability to appoint judges to this court on
the basis of recommendations from their respective national governments. Therefore, we do not
possess the power to decide appointment, dismissal, or withdrawal of any means the
guilt or innocence of the 28 defendants must be based on the final verdict of this military
, we will hear the defendants' plea to the charges.
经过我们十位法官的一致讨论认为:根据法庭宪章第二条 ,法官是由盟军最高统帅,依照各国
政府的推荐而任命的.因此…我们没有权利决定我们之中任何人的任 免或是回避.在座的二十
八名被告有罪无罪,必须接受本军事法庭的最后审判.下面,继续进行认罪传讯 .

The 28 accused shall now state whether they plea guilty or not guilty to the charges the
prosecution brought against them in the indictment of the lnternational Military Tribunal.

Defendant Sadao Araki, how do you plea,guilty or not guilty?
l petiton the court to letmy lawyer answer the question.

Petition court requires you to speak for yourself.法庭要求你必须亲自回答

l'm not guilty.我无罪
l'm not guilty.我无罪
l objected the indictment,我反对法庭对我的指控
l'm not guilty.我无罪

Japanese criminal defend team's vice leader, Who was also Hideki Tojyo's attorney,Named Hirose
itiro,Built a defend team composed of over one hundred used Long-term
stratagem,Never stop to make incident,ln order to throw the court into confusion,Which made the
trial get along.
并且人数众多 达一百多人,辩护团在法庭上采取“延宕战略”,不断制造事端,

lt was no so bad as you thought,l think we must win in first section,Mr. Kinan and l have prepared
two weapons,They must recive applause.
事情没那么坏,我肯定第 一仗会打得很漂亮的。我和季南已经准备了两个杀手锏,肯定会是

The fish was finished二位,鱼好了

Landlady,Your Chinese was so perfect!老板娘汉语讲得很标准嘛

Mr. Kitano,Your brither Gunni was died in the war,lf you have time tommorrow,Please come to
the police office to affirm the reliquary.
北野先生,您的弟弟弘二在中国的战争中牺牲了。如果 你明天有时间请到警察局办理遗物认


Gunni died. Gunni died. Gunni died. lt was your Chinese who killed Gunni.弘二死了(重复)。是你
Go away.你走,快走。
l'll kill is you who killed my brother.我要杀了你们。是你们杀了他!

北野的弟弟弘二是和正夫一起 从征到中国的.现在正夫回来了,弘二却成了游荡的亡魂.北野
对中国人的仇恨因为弘二的死讯而加剧, 这让我们都很担忧

ln that time,Tokyo was involved into the animosity,Which was derived from the war to Chinese.

When was the beginning of the Japan-China war,That was the most important point we concerned
省 后,经常性的挑衅行为,导致此地区的中日关系日趋紧张.最终以一场日军蓄意的谋杀事件,
皇姑屯事件 挑起中日战争

Mr. District attorney arbitrarily accused that the Huanggutun accident were the begining of the
Japanese aggression towards China,it against the truth,it also confused the partly conflict and
formal war.
检方律师武断地指控皇 姑屯事件是日本对中国发动侵略战争的开始.这违背了事实.显然也混

At the time, the Beijing government was the only Chinese government recognized by the
international community and as such it had diplomatic relations with other countries. And, Zhang
Zuolin was the head of that government. l would like to ask the defense, when one country plots
and succeeds in the assassination of the head of another government, if that is not an act of war
between the two countries, then what is it?
争行为 又是什么呢?

Dose Mr. District attorney have any evidence to proof that The Huanghutun accident was done by
Japanese army?

This is a deposition given by the former Japanese Navy Minister Keisuke Okada.

Mr. District could we believe the words a navy officer said?

Then who could give evidence that these events took place?

Of course the lieutenant officer.当然是陆军的官员

Your Honor,the prosecution would like to call the former lieutenant general of the Japanese Army
and former head of the Japanese Army lnternal Affairs Office Ruykichi Tanaka as a witness.

Bring the witness in.带证人入庭

Bring in the witness Ruykichi Tanaka.带证人田中隆吉

Witness, please state your name.证人,请问你的姓名
Tanaka ryuuguqi.田中隆吉
Your nationality?国籍
Your profession?职业
The former lieutenant general of the Japanese Army.原日本军人,现在退役
What was your rank and post before your military retirement?你退役前的军衔及职务?
The former lieutenant general, and former head of the Japanese Army lnternal Affairs Office.陆军
Are you familiarwith the Huanggutun lncident which occurred in China on June 4, 1928?对1928
Do you know who killed Zhang Zuolin?那你知道炸死张作霖的是谁吗?
l had researched the files,lt was planed and carried out by the former brainman of the Guandong
Army,lwamoto ousaku.我查过卷宗,是当时关东军高级参谋河本大佐计划并实施的
Order! Order!安静…请安静

On June third, 1928,At the across of Nanman railway and Jingfeng railway,lwamoto ousaku and
his understrappers,Bombed out the train came from Beijng,Which one just Zhang zuolin was
sitting,And the next day, Zhang zuolin was reported for his die.
1928年6月3日在南满铁路和京奉线交叉处,河本 大佐带领他的手下爆炸了北京开来的列车,


Mr. Tanaka,according to what you just testified,l want a direct answer to the following
question:Do you think the Huanggutun lncident,the Shanghai lncident,the September 18th
lncident,and the July 7th lncident which all occurred on Chinese soil, were planned, instigated and
carried out by Japan?
田中隆吉先生,根据你刚才的证词,我请你直接回答我的这个问题:你发生在中国 的皇姑屯事


Please tell the court the names of the persons,who planned,instigated and
carried out these acts of war.

l can. Some of them were sitting over there.可以.他们有些人就在那边

Please point out the individuals for us.那请你给我们指明一下

Hideki tyoujyou.东条英机
Dohihara kenji土肥原贤二
ltagaki siro板垣征四郎
Order! Order!安静,安静
Mr. Defense attorney... Mr. Defense attorney
Mr. Hirose, please don't waste our time.广濑一郎先生,请你不要浪费我们的时间
lf you have a question, then ask not, please sit down.有问题你就请问,要没有,请下去
Witness,Are you Japanese?Are you Japanese?请问证人.你是日本人吗?你是日本人吗?
Mr. Defense attorney. l'm warning you...辩方律师,我警告你
l have no questions any more...我没有什么可问的了

00:42:27,580 --> 00:42:29,770
1946年8月10日,一直被羁押在苏联伯力看守所的末代皇帝溥仪,在 苏联军方的陪同下,经海

PuYi attended the court,it shocked Tokyo,attracted all of the world's focus.

Asaki News Paper said,This is a epochmaking date in the period of Tokyo Japan empire in
the ted him to the Kangde emperor's son ly attended the court and bear
witness never in the past.
日本《朝日新闻》称,这是东京审判中 “一个划时代的日子”,一个曾经被大日本帝国封为康得

When you were emperor of Manchukuo,what rights did you have?
l don't have any right, everything was determined by Japanese Army.我没有任何权利,一切都是
Absolutely everything?全部吗
Oh, l have only one right,对了,我只有一个权利
What was that?那是什么?
The right they ask me everything to do.那就是听他们告诉我他们所有决定的权利
During this period,did you have freedom of movement?那这期间,你有个人行动自由吗
Freedom?During the these years,l didn't have any freedom,Just like a monky!
Mr. witness,请问证人
The words you said to the brother of the Japanese Emperor,ls said by yourself, is that right?对日
That was prepared by them.那是你们让我准备的
My question was is that said by yourself?我只是问你那是不是你亲口说的
You just need to answer me yes or no.你只要回答我是还是不是

00:44:22,430 --> 00:44:24,520
你为什么眼里含着泪水?你为什么马上要哭了?是因为感激日本天皇对你的 帮助,对你的款待

00:44:51,660 --> 00:44:53,120
那是演戏 ,你在说慌.你是一个骗子.你把一切罪行都推到日本人身上.可是你也是罪犯,最终你
也要以战犯的身 份受到中国的审判的

00:45:20,750 --> 00:45:22,150
整整八天.溥仪创造了东京审判中历时最长的作证纪录,也顶住了以广濑一 郎为首的战犯律师

27-Aug,after the last time witness,PuYi left the court under the protection of Russia and U.S.
PuYi's witness proved that Japan invaded ManZhouLi, is a unlawful e
Japan carried out the news forbiding and forbidden the Japanese army contacting to home,cannot
mention the criminal and wrongdoing actions during the war ans in Japan to the action
butchering captive and civilians few people know it. even many Japanese,Do not believe the
Nanjing massacre.l suggested judger meeting approve take the Nanjing massacre Be a unit to
8月27日,在最后一次作证后,溥仪在苏联和美 军宪兵的保护下退庭.溥仪的作证,直接证明了

日本在满洲里的进 驻是非法的侵略行为.因为日本实行严酷的战时新闻管制,并严令日军官兵
与家人通信时不得提及战争期 间的犯罪和不道德行为.日本国内老百姓对于日军残酷屠杀俘
虏和平民的行为并不为更多人所知.甚至大 部分日本人,都不相信有南京大屠杀事件.经我提

There was no butcher in Nanjing,Like procurator Kinan said,what Japanese army did,to Chinese
common people and women,the accusation which organized and inhumane butcher and rape,were
all libel. Further more, the accusation which over military necessary,and wrecking building and
wealth were all lies.
南京没有发生大屠杀,季南检察官所说的日本 皇军对中国俘虏,平民…妇女实施的所谓的有组
织且残忍的屠杀奸淫的指控,全部都是诬蔑.而且,超过 军事上需要的破坏房屋财产等指控也

My name is Robert Wilson.l'm an American doctor.l lived in Nanjing from January 1936,until
August 1937,l was a professor of history at Jinling 1912 to 1940 l was
pastor of the Episcopalian Church in Nanjing.
我的名字是罗勃特威尔逊,我是美国人,医生.从1936年1月一直到19 40年8月我住在南
l'm Wu changde.我姓伍…叫伍长德
l'm Shang deyi,我叫尚德义
my home was at No 11,Zhongshan road, Nanjing.我家住南京中山路11号
l'm a farmer.我是种田的
Please tell me ,what you saw on December 13, 1937, after the Japanese Army entered Nanjing.请
Nanjing became hell on earth!南京变成了地狱
the Japanese army went into a killing frenzy burning everything in sight.
Endless looting and rape.无休止的抢劫、强奸
Honorable court,This was came from witness Jon Maggie,Which was shut on 22th Dec, 1937.l ask
for the court to let me show it here.
尊敬的庭 上,这是证人约翰麦基在1937年12月22日偷偷拍下来的影像资料.我请求法庭允许
Witness, what's your name?证人,你的姓名
l'm Wang defu.我叫王德福
Your profession?职业
l don't have any profession.我没有职业
Then how do you make a living?你靠什么活的
l'm living in Banruo Temper in Nanjing now.我现在一直住在南京的般若寺
Before that, what did you do?在那以前你是做什么的
A Thief.搞路地(方言)
Please say that clearly.请你说明白一点
They always call me thief.别人都管我叫小偷
Where were you on December 13, the Japanese Army entered Nanjing?Did you leave
the temple at any time?

We leaved.出去过
How many monks went out with you?几个人一起出去的
Four monks. Three real monks and l. We meet some Japanese solider, and then they caught us.我
How many of them were there and what were they doing?日本兵又有几个,他们在做什么
They had over ten persons,they were raping a Chinese girl.他们有十几个人在强奸一个中国姑

What did they want you to do?他们要你们干什么
They asked us to rape the Chinese girl too.他们逼着我们也去强奸那个中国姑娘
Did you rape her?你们答应了吗
What happened next?之后呢
They used bayonet, And ask us to put off our clothes,They ask us to rape that Chinese
ise, they will kill us.他们用刺刀逼着我们,逼着我们把身上的衣服都脱了,他们逼着
And then...之后呢?
Mr. Mingxin didn't answer their request,明心师傅怎么都不肯
What did they do to Mingxin?他们怎么对付明心师傅
They cut off Mingxin's sexual organ.他们把明心师傅身上的那个,男人的东西给割下来了
Did Mingxin die?明心师傅死了吗
He was rolling in the grond.当时他一直在地上滚
The blood was all around his body.身上全是血
What about the Japanese soldiers?What did they do?那些日本兵他们在做什么
Laughing, they were all laughing.笑,他们在那儿笑
Then what happened to the rest of you?之后呢
Mr. Mingkong and Mingfa also didn't answer their request,明空和明法师傅也不肯答应
Did the Japanese soldiers also cut off their sexual organs?那明空和明法两位师傅的生殖器都让
Did they live?他们都活下来没有
You just said that, The Japanese soldiers ask you and three teal monks to rape that Chinese girl
They all didn't agree,因为他们不同意
so at last they died, is that right?所以最后都死了,是吗
And you? Why were you survive?那你呢?你为什么活下来了
Were you agree?你同意了是吗
Answer me.回答我的问题
Did you rape the girl?你奸淫了那个姑娘是吗
Yes, l raped her.是,我是强奸了她
Were you really forced to do你真的是被强迫的

Or yourself also want to do this?还是你自已也想这么做
How can you proof yourself were forced to do?你怎么证明你是被强迫的
How can you proof you were not willing to?你怎么证明你不是自愿的
Damn it!! Asshole! Damn it!我操你妈的!小日本鬼子,我操你妈的!

The war between Japan and China,the brothers of the Asia Big have no choice but to
use some strong is just as after the brother keep his temper for a long time he'll drive
his little brother is in order to make China change his our attitude was a
little wildness,But the original purpose was to do some good things,The elder brother was loving
the little brother. < br>日本同中国之间的战争,就像是亚洲大家庭中兄弟之间的争吵,日本不可避免的要使用一点点
强硬 手段,这同哥哥经过长期忍耐后赶走不听话的弟弟没有什么两样,这样做是为了使中国回
心转意.哥哥对 弟弟态度可能有点粗暴,但哥哥的出发点是为弟弟好,哥哥是爱弟弟的
And might l ask how the younger brother responded to his older brother's solicitude?那我倒要请
The little brother didn't understand our still didn't enjoy this love.
Don't talk about the Brothers any more!Totally bullshit!Bullshit!

ln the last verdict of the international tribunal,To the Nanjing Butcher in China,This cognizance
was made,ln the first six weeks of the Japanese aggression,The number of innocent people who
were butchered was over two hundred was the most discreet estimation Of the
international military number Chinese government announced later Made it clearly
that ln were three hundred thousand people were killed by Japanese Army.
远东国际军事法庭在最终的判决书中 对于发生在中国南京的大屠杀做了如下认定:在侵华日
军占领南京的最初六个星期内,被屠杀的平民和俘 虏总数达二十万以上.这是远东国际军事法
庭最慎重和最保守的估计…而在后来中国方面公布的调查统计 数字显示,在南京遭到侵华日

Sakurako,Sakura was Fangzi's sister,she came back from China,She joined battle service group for
the enthusiasm of dedication to Japanese Army,but finally become sex tool for them.
缨子, 芳子的妹妹缨子从中国回来了,她以一种对日本皇军的献身热情,参加了从征服务团,却
成了日军的泄欲 工具

Hideo, is this Mr. Hideo?正夫君,这不是正夫君吗
That's very fine! You are still living.太好了…你也活着回来了
Please sit down,You'll be free drinking today.快请坐,今天我请客
lt's so good to see you alive.你能活着回来,真是太好了
Mr. xiaonan,肖南
Do you familiar with that person?你认识那个人啊
He's the brother of one of my friends.他是我一个朋友的哥哥
That's fine!太好了

An old friend come here,free drinking today.又来了一个老客人,今天我请客
Mr. Hideo, don't you really remember me?正夫君,你真的不认识我了
Do you know each other你们也认识,太好了
Please forgive me.请原谅
Don't believe Chinese people.不要相信中国人的话
l believe my own judge only.我只相信自已的判断
Yousuko, don't forget that you're Japanese.芳子…不要忘了,你是日本人
Yousuko Yousuko.芳子…芳子
Mr. Hideo.正夫君他
What happened to my brother?我哥怎么啦
Your brother is in the pothouse now你哥,你哥现在在小酒馆
Brother, what's wrong with you?哥哥,你这是做什么
You Chinese people are still so savage in our country.中国人在我们国家还这样猖狂
l'll kill you我要杀了你们
Kill these Chinese.杀了这些中国人
lt's them who make Japan become a humiliator.是他们让我们日本国蒙受羞辱
lt's them who make Japan become a humiliator.是他们让我们日本国蒙受羞辱
lt's them who make us become orphan.让我们家破人亡
Japanese devil!狗日的日本鬼子

lt had been one year when l came to Tokyo,Not only the Chinese governmentBut also l, the party
judge,Was never thought that A legality trial Which the winner country to the defeat
so difficult and also has joy,But not to me,lt belong to other
people,l'm just a visitor.
转眼到东京已经快一年了,不仅中 国政府没想到,就连我这个身在其中的法官,都没有想到,一
场战胜国对战败国罪恶昭著的战犯的合法审 判竟会如此复杂和艰难.这里只有欢乐,可我怎么

The criminals'individual defendance started,What made the pressure of Was the trial to
Doihara kenji and ltagaki two criminals was the leader of The Japanese-Chinese
made the Chinese people into pain and we were beaten by them in the
result will not image.
已经进 入被告战犯个人辩护阶段.对向哲浚他们压力最大的是,马上就要开始的土肥原贤二和
板垣征四郎这两个 战犯.对发起和实施侵华战争起了至关重要的作用,欠下了中国人累累血债.
如果在法庭上被这两个人打 败,后果将不堪设想.

The situation was that,Doihara kenji kept silence until the tried to get rid of the trial with
the loophole of Common Law System ltagaki siro was wrote a 48-pages long
apologia,Said that he would fight with The Chinese prosecution zhengao was the

leader of this team,He came Tokyo to help .
当时的情况是:土肥原贤二采取一言不发的龟缩策略,试图利用英美法系的漏洞来 逃脱审判.
而板垣征四郎很是狂妄,自已写了48页的辩护词,扬言要和中国检察团大战三百回合.倪征 燠

For all of party-Mr. Doihara denied r more he also think that facing all
accusation,He absolutely think it scorn to argue with ore for a Japanese army's
reverence,He gave up justification for themselves.
对所有的指控,我的当事人土肥原贤二先生全部予以否认.而且他也认为,面 对莫须有的这一
切指控,他完全不屑于与检方辩论,因此…为了一个日本军人的尊严,他放弃为自已辩护 ,

l denied all accusations. Since l was charged of landtied officer.l always persist in withdraw,peace,
er what accusal will be sentenced by prosecution team l always be one of
Japanese who love peace!l'm not guilty.
对一 切的指控,我全部否认.难道日本政府能忍心看着东北人民生活在苦难和混战里面吗?难
道我们出于同情 和友谊帮助他们也成为罪过了吗?在我担任陆相以来,我一直主张撤军,主张
和平、主张停战.不管检查 团给我什么罪名,我始终是一个热爱和平的日本人,我没有罪.

You just said that the September 18 lncident,also known as the battle on September 18, 1931,was
never premeditated,nor a conspiracy. ls that correct? 你刚才说918事变也就是1931年9月18号那天的战争,你们事前从来没有策划,也完全不是


However, you admitted earlier that the Kuandong Army did formulate a battle plan before the
Huanggutun you not agree to do it?

l have to explain. this battle plan to you.我想我有必要向你解释一下这个作战计划

l don't want to hear your explanations!我不需要你的解释

My question is,Did you report the battle plan to the central command,and did they approve it?


Then, how can you perpetuate your statement of no premeditation and conspiracy for the
September 18 lncident?

Because comparing our Guangdong army with Chinese Northeast army,for military strength,we

are in inferior position by 1:or we must prevent their just self-defence.
因为我们 关东军跟中国东北军相比,兵力上已处于1比20的劣势,所以我们要防止他们的攻击,

How did you know the Northeast Army was going to attack you?

We received some information,After that we start making this plan.

The information on hand? What information?Mr. ltagaki,don't forget you're in a
the evidence , if you are going to testify that the Northeast Armywas about to launch an
attack on the Japanese Army,then you have to provide your defense brief,you stated that
during the negotiations forthe Three Power Accord between Japan,Germany and ltaly you didn't
advocate expanding the addition,when the Changgufeng lncident occurred on the border
between China and the Soviet Union,you tirelessly sought a peaceful that right?
根据情报 ,什么情报?板垣征四郎先生,我想我有必要提醒你,法庭是个讲证据的地方.你要证
明东北军,将要向 日本军队发起攻击,你必须要有证据.在你的辩护词里,你提到了日本与德国
意大利商讨三国公约时,你 不主张扩大战事,还有关于中国和苏联边境发生的张鼓蜂事件,你


your emperor punished you for your actions.

ls that correct?是吗

lsn't that right?是还是不是

How did you know this?你怎么知道的

l'm the one asking questions here, not you.现在是我在向你进行反诘.不是你来问我

Answer me, lsn't that right?马上回答我,是还是不是

That's not true.没…没有这回事

This document was found by the Chinese prosecution teamin the archives of the Japanese Army
lnternal Affairs is ajournal kept by Saionji and records in detail how the
emperor severely reprimanded ltagaki for both these you have the nerve to deny this
ever happened?Your Honors, l now submit this evidence to the examine it and have it
the end of your term as minister of the army, you sent an emissary to China to meet
with two individuals...the first premier of the Republic of China,Tang Shaoyi,and the former head

of the Northern Warlords, Wu that correct?
这是我们中国检查团从盟军总部得到的一份证据,这是日本元老西圆寺原田的一本日 记,上面
到 中国去见两个人:一个是曾经担任过民国政府第一任国务总理的唐绍仪;一个是前北洋军
阀的统帅吴佩孚 .是吗?


Your emissary's purpose was to entice them to participate. in a puppet organization you were
trying to set up. ls that right?

l don't know.我…我不知道

Well, do you at least remember whom you sent? Was that person none other than the one who
usurped the position of mayor of Shenyang,installed the puppet emperor PuYi,
fraternized with the Japanese Kuandong Army,plotted to bring self-rule to North China,instigated
the independence movement in lnner Mongolia,incited traitors everywhere to set up puppet
governments and traitorous organizations never hesitated to do evil,and now sits in the defendants'
table,namely Kenji Dohihara?ls that him?Answer me.
哦…那你派谁去的你总知道吧? 那个人是不是就是当年僭充沈阳市市长,扶植傀儡溥仪称帝,
勾结关东日军,阴谋华北自治,煽动内蒙独 立,到处唆使汉奸成立伪政权和维持会,喧赫一时,无
恶不作,而今危坐在被告席右端的土肥原贤二,是 不是他?马上给我回答.

This is the most brilliant victory of china's prosecution team!During the 10 days heckle with
itagaki Nizheng'ao rebuted and required those things He mentioned in the y, by the
method that approaching the topic indirectly,He beat the Doihara who not say a word.
到 的事情一一盘问反驳.最终用指东打西的办法将一言不发的土肥原击溃.

The war which was launched and enlarged by t the Asia a very severe
disaster,Also, brought Japan a far-reaching secret secret anguish,Pervaded several
decades after the war finished,Makes the young of that age full of being at sea, despair and even
crazy,The pain of lose destroy many people's spirit .At the very beginning,the holy war to the Asia
Paciffic,And the worship to where should Japan go?During the time that the
young of Japan thinking of the question,Also worry about their own's destiny and is
just like a beast, who licked up life, honor and country,As well as blood and ideal.
由东条内阁操纵扩大的这场战争给亚洲带来灾难的同时,也给日本 带来了深久的隐痛.这种隐
痛在日本弥漫于战时和战后几十年,使得当时的年轻一代充满了迷茫,绝望甚 至疯狂.战败的
惨痛彻底摧毁了很多人,原本对大东亚圣战和东条英机的顶礼膜拜日本向何处去?日本年 轻

Thank you.谢谢光临

Japanese people are all good people,But why they all had blind faith to the emperor?日本人民都
So why the Chinese people had blind faith to the Huangdi?那为什么中国人民那么迷信皇帝呢?
But why the emperor had to start a war?那为什么天皇要打仗呢?
So why Chengjisihan had to crusage towards to the west?Why your Tang Empery start war in
Chinese western areas,And fight broad to Korea?那为什么你们成吉思汗要西征?你们大唐帝国
Emperors all want to start we must send revolutions.是皇帝就得打仗,所以必须革命
Miss Chiba.千叶小姐
What happened?怎么回事
What happened?怎么回事
Miss Chiba.千叶小姐
Hurry! Help!快来人啊

This became a unsettled case in the end, The killer was not found.这件事情后来成了一个悬案,
From that day, xiaonan and l had never went there any more.自那天后,我和肖南再也没去过那个

The trial to Hideki Tojyo,Would be another fierce that time, different public voices came
up all over the was request ofjudging the emperor was a controversial issue in
judges's after the secret discussion between MacArthur and the emperor,The issue
was left on, Sir William showed his standpoint of not charging the emperor and the
imperial family.
接下来就要审判东条英机了,这又将是 一场恶战.当时国际社会再度出现要求审判天皇的舆论
热潮,法官会议也对此颇有争议,但自从麦克阿瑟 和天皇密谈之后,这件事情就不了了之.后来

Brother, l wanner go to eat noodle.哥…我想吃面去
This way please.这边请
YingZi, go and serve the customers.缨子,快去招呼客人
Give me a bowl of noodle and a bunch of fish.来一碗荞麦面,一串烤鱼
Sakurako, go to help your father,缨子,帮帮你爸爸
Little child, never mind please.小孩子,不懂事
What happiness.真幸福

Dong Tiao government called 100 million citizens to go into temporary council passed
3800 million Yenaccording to the request of Prime Misinter Dong Tiao.

Don't change the channel.别换台
Temporary budget for supplement of military expense...临时军费追加预算案…

Firstly l announce here,delegating my party Hideki Tojyo,My party - Hideki Tojyo he except be
evidence by himself,He will not require any other attestor on the addition,he will not
submit any .
首先我 代表我的当事人东条英机先生在此声明:我的当事人东条英机先生,除了自已为自已作
证外,他将不请任 何其他证人出庭作证,另外他也将不出示任何证据声明.完毕.

Next, my party will readout his affidavit.下面我的当事人将宣读他的口供书

Finally, maybe this is the last opportunity on the court permit.l would like to repeat se
empire's national policy was pursued by the officer who occupy the position legally at
that aggression and not just pursued according to constitution and law
still met the rigorous took the national fate to be ante, but we lost.l
insisted on that this was a war of a war of disobeying the lnternational
the responsibility of the war's is my means that l'll take on all of the
Hideki toujyou.
19th, Dec, Syouwa 22 year, Tokyo.
最后…恐怕这是本法庭规则上允许的最后 机会.我在这里重复一下:日本帝国的国策,乃至当
年合法地占据,其职位的官吏所奉行的方针,不是侵 略也不是剥削,我们只是按照宪法,和法律
规定程式列事,但还是遭到了严酷的现实.我们以国家命运为 赌注,但输了.我始终主张这场战
争是自卫战争,不是违反现时人民承认的国际法的战争.关于战败责任 ,这是当时的总理大臣,

Now, according to your reasoning,on the one hand you carried out peaceful negotiations between
Japan and China,but on the other you occupied China with a powerful military 't those
two contradictory?
国 领土.这难道不矛盾吗?

They didn't contradictory any more.没有任何矛盾

Did you ever contemplate that the invasion of Manchuria might turn the Chinese public against
Japan? 那你是否考虑过侵略满洲的结果将引起中国的反日情绪呢?

Chinese public antipathy against Japan was existing long Japan have never aggressed


How many people did the Japanese Army kill?被日本军队杀死的中国人有多少

l don't know.不清楚

This document was published by the Japanese lmperial General reports that
between the period July 1937 and June 1941,the Japanese Army killed two million and fifteen
thousand Chinese people...lsn't it logical that must slaughtering two million Chinese lives could
rouse the fury of the Chinese people?Please answer the question.
这是日本大本营所发表的 据年签上载明,1937年7月至1941年6月间,日本军队杀戮二百零
一万五千中国人.杀戮二百万 以上的中国人,你是否想过这将引起中国人的愤怒?请回答
l also think it was a misfortune.我对此深感不幸

l also think it was a misfortune.但所杀戮者不少是无辜民众,为什么把此种残酷行为施加在无

Many of those you butchered were innocent was the treatment to these
non-involved innocent civilians so atrocious?What is called there is no relation between people
and warChina is same as we the captain of China regime,direct people to oppugn Japan
and insult draw on is the wrong of China relation to us.
所谓民众与战争无关系一节,中国与我们日本都是一样.而作为中国政权的统帅者,居然 指挥

So you insist donot withdraw from r more keep extending the it right?所以你

l don't like answer yes or no.我不喜欢回答是还是不是,
This is a courtroom. Your wants are irrelevant and an answer is , yes or no.这是在法
Object. The procurator didn't have right to ask like that.我抗议.检察官不能这样提问

Objection overruled! The witness must answer the prosecutor's question. with yes or no.抗议无效.

Answer me! Yes or no?回答我…是还是不是


No? Did Japan evacuate troops from China after you received instructions to form a cabinet in
October 1941?

No, but that was

You already answered my question.l don't need an your statement,you said that
Japan's decision to go to war with the United States,Britain and Holland which was the direct
result for those countries freezing Japan assets on July 26, 1941, correct?你刚才的问题已经回答
完了, 我不需要你的解释.你在口供书中说,日本对美国、英国、荷兰发动战争,是因为他们在
1941年7月 26日发布了资产冻结令,是吗?
You already told the court that the emperor loves peace, didn't you?
Furthermore, no Japanese official or commoner would dare to disobey the emperor's orders,is that

What l said was a national sensibility,That was different from the Emperor's responsibility.

But as a matter of fact,did you not initiate hostilities against the United States,Britain and the

That was decision of our council.

lf the emperor opposed the war,would it still have happened?

l have already said lots of times that the Emperor didn't have any responsibility,Japan had no
choice but initiate the war.

Do you think initiating hostilities is morally and legally acceptable?

l think it is acceptable,whenever past now and future,l still think it is acceptable.完全没有任何过

So if you and your colleagues were acquitted,You would go out and do it all over again?You
would continue to allow Japan to launch invasions and start wars?
那么如果你和你的同僚无罪释 放的话,你们还准备一起重复过去做过的事吗?你们还会让日


Dear honours,the procecution'd like to announce that we've completed our cross examination of
Hideki Tojyo.

All be sitted.全体坐下

The 817th session of lnternational Military Tribunal for the Far East is now in , the
prosecution will make its closing argument.
Ladies and gentlemen,Honorable judges,and members of the court...all of the accused,
joined in a formulation and execution of a plan a conspiracy whose publish was to establish
Japan's military, political,and economic domination over the countries within the Pacific and
lndian Oceans!ln order to achieve this goal,Japan alone or working with liked minds,embarked on
a war of aggression to subjugate all who stood in its prosecution team and l have
produced more than enough evidence to prove the participation of the accused in the above
summarized criminal actions.
女士们, 先生们, 尊敬的庭上, 尊敬的各同盟国法官. 全体被告, 参与了这一共同计划的摊
定或执行, 这一共同计划的目的, 是为了日本取得对太平洋及印度洋地区国家的军事 政治
经济的控制地位, 为了达到这个目的, 日 本单独或与其它有相同目的的国家发动侵略战争以
对付反对此侵略目的的国家.我以及我们检察团的全体 同仁用我们的努力和证据证明了上述
Throughout the history of civilization, no one has ever seen human nature at such a peak of
crudity and barbarity. Countless people have died horrendous unthinkable deaths to feed Japan’s
insatiable appetite for expansion. By their actions, they have challenged human civilization! They
have challenged peace! And they have challenged the whole world! Their common objective, their
criminal objective, was to ensure the domination of Japan’s empire, there is no greater crime than
plotting and executing a war of aggression. The security of the world and it’s people was
threatened by this plot and destroyed by this war, the only possible outcome of which is the great
suffering the world has faced,
纵观人类文明史, 其手段之残忍, 残酷, 灭绝人性, 实属罕见, 无数的生命痛苦的消失在日
本侵略野心的枪口和刀口下. 他们的这种行为是对人类文明的挑战, 是对和平的挑战, 是对
整个世界的挑战, 他们的共同的犯罪目的是为了确保天皇的统治地位, 没有比发动和实行侵
略战争更加严重的罪行. 全世界人民的安全,被这场战争所破坏, 这个阴谋的唯一结果就是
Therefore, I, Joshua Kennan, on behalf of my colleague in the allied prosecution team, solemnly
request, the honor of judges of the international military tribunal for the far east to severely punish
those responsible for this horrible war of aggression, in the name of justice, in the spirit of
compassion, and in the name of humanity.
所以, 我约瑟夫季南, 代表同盟国检察团全体同仁, 郑重向远东国际军事法庭庭长及各位法
官提请, 请你们给这些发动并实行侵略战争的被告们以严惩, 请你们以公正之心, 以善良之
名, 以人类之愿.

The presentation of the cases before the lnternational Military Tribunal for the Far East is now
verdict will be announced after the judges' final that time, the

court is in recess.

Yuiqi, what are you doing Revenge.雄一,你要干吗?
for my brother For all persons who died in the war.复仇,为了弘二,为了战场上死去的人.
lt was me who killed your brother.杀弘二的人是我.
Why? why you killed him.为什么…为什么要杀弘二?

Have you seen a child kill persons?你见过一个孩子杀人吗
Yuiqi, what a chastity boy ,But he became a devil in the war, l had to killed him.弘二,那么纯净
Japanese devil!狗日的日本鬼子
l have said that l can accept you not to love ,l can't accept you to love a Chinese!我说过,我
l love you.我爱你
Are you alright? Please say something to me,Please say something to me!l won't go back China l
won't go back China,Please say something to me!Yousuko, Please say something to say
something to me.. ..你没有事的对不对?你说句话好不好?你说话啊…我不回去了.我们不分手
了,你说句话好不好?芳 子,你说话啊!你说话啊

Far east international military tribunal entered the final s from 11 countries have huge
difference for the judgement and appeared opposed ally for the Hidekitojyo and
other 24 criminals.
on the question ifjudge them gallows Occurred it the problem that how to condemn?远东
国际军事法庭进入了最后的量刑阶段 ,十一国法官对量刑意见分歧很大,并且逐渐出现对立情
绪,特别是在对东条英机等25名战犯是否应该 判处绞刑的问题上,发生了激烈争执.是量刑的

A reporter of English Times News,whose forecast is very surprise on the problem whether use
death said, there are 2 splits
among eleven r more it is the most number
which disagree with dead penalty...
昨天英国泰晤士报上一个英国记者,他的预测非常惊人.谈到是否使用死刑的问 题上,他说十

do not ask me any more. l can say nothing to you.什么都别问了我也什么都不能跟你说

people cannot identify the devilishness of the war and crime,until suffer the harm l have never
regret, but today...l to come to Japan.

人…就是要深受其害才能真正意识到战争和罪行的可怕.我从来不后悔什么, 可是今天我自

Thinking of xiangyu's tragedy,l want to commit suicide.至今思项羽,不肯过江东

01:33:22,260 --> 01:33:23,320

Mei,you want to learn xiangYu?And do you want to die?if you died, then the judger could stand
by punish the war criminal,you could jump down from the window,l do not hold
you think you can help by doing so?Bullshit.l think you are probably a you
think you can move god,depend upon your emotion?do you think the judgers will stand by
you,depend upon your temper and your complaint?action, show me your action!there is a logion in
Hunan,as long as you can not fight me died,l will stand up!l will stand no one has anything
new to add,
你想学 项羽是不是,你想死是不是?要是你死就能让法官站在你这一边,就能让那些战犯得到
应有的惩罚,那你 现在就从这个窗口跳下去,老子绝不拦你,你以为这样就能以死明志吗?胡扯!
我看你整个就是个懦夫. 你这么感慨就能够感天动地吗?你这么发发脾气,发发牢骚.那些法官
就会站在你这一面吗?行动,拿出 你的行动来.我们湖南有句老话,只要你打不死老子,老子就

lf no one has anything new to add, we can begin voting...

Alright, since no one has anything left to contribute, let's get started.

Sir William, would l say a few more things before we start voting?

Of course.当然

Thank you.谢谢

Please give me a glass of all agree that the criminals are we cannot agree if
they should be hanged for what they did.A lot of innocent people died for the can only
rest in peace when these criminals are punished by the death penalty.
请给我拿一杯水来.我们都同意罪 犯是有罪的,我们争论的焦点是否对他们处于死刑,战争中
死去了那么多无辜的人只有死刑才能让他们瞑 目.

Mr. Bernard your objection to the death penalty is because you believe a civilized country should
have abolished the death penalty. Am l right?

absolutely right.很正确

ln general, l agree with you. but in this case, l have my doubts...

Mei, l'd be happy to discuss it梅,我很乐意跟你探讨

According to your logic,civilization should be respected but what about life?Shouldn't life be

l don't think l need to answer that should already know
the answer perfectly well.

l'm sure you wouldn't deny the preciousness of life because everyone only lives once,Because
everyone has one e this cup represents humanity and the water
excuse my crudeness Civilization is created by human people
were ruthlessly murdered,how can we talk about civilization?我想您应该不会否认生命是最宝
贵 的.因为对每个人来说生命都只有一次,如果说杯代表人类,水代表文明,请原谅我的粗鲁.
文明是人类 创造出来的,如果没有人类,文明从何谈起呢?
Mr. Bernard.巴尔先生.
Mei, pls. Seat down.梅,请坐下

Mei, you want to discuss Buddhism with me, l don't know a lot about Buddhism, but l have a great
deal of respect for it... when l was a child,l learned from my parents l've known that Buddhism
encourages people to do good and avoid doing evil. Correct? That's a fundamental idea, That's a
fundamental idea Besides the teachings to promoting goodness,
isn't there also punishment of the evil你想跟我探讨佛学吗?对于佛学我知之甚少,但我非常尊
里除了 扬善,是不是还惩恶?

Yes. But Buddhism says that punishment is carried out the next life.

You mean, if someone does evil in this lifetime,he'll pay for it in the next. Right?也就是说,人在

That's right.是这样.

But who will prevent the crime this lifetime?Could Buddha prevent Japan not to start wars
again?Dose Hideki Tojyo believe Buddha?


Buddha will help him believe,Buddha will love him and forgive him for everything he's
the end, Buddha will embrace everyone That's how his power works we are side with Buddha
hoping that in the future, there are no war crime or evil.
佛会让他信的.佛会爱他.佛会原谅他所作的一切.最后每个人都会到达佛的怀抱.这就是 佛的

But expectation in spirit can affect what's happen in unbearable ugliness and
trample on humanity l don't have any doubts
about the power of Buddha,But l doubt that if the people can reach light under the direction of
但精神的期 待能左右现实中发生的种种不堪的丑陋和人性践踏吗?我不怀疑佛的力量,但我
怀疑人间是否都能在佛的 指引下走向光明.

Buddha says believe makes the dream come true,佛家不是说信则灵,不信不灵吗

But what if these criminals do not believe in Buddha at all?l agree to the ancient Greeks'
proverb,What god has will belong to him at last.

Mr. Pal. Why we come to here,the judges from 11 countries,have come to Japan, for what?so,we
msut punish the criminals according to law.

Mei, don't try to persuade me anymore,l still think my viewpoint is correct.

Mr. Pal, l won't try to persuade you any ancient Greeks had a sees the
world more properly than we do.
巴尔先生,我已经不打算再说服您了.我想最后再对您说 一句古希腊谚语.命运的看法比我们

l can see that l'm next. Please...我知道下一个该我了.请

Lao Wei, my dearjudger. All of you here are legal experts from all over the world l want to ask
you what is law and what is the function of hout the 817th long tribunal between the two
years,We finally confirm that they are now we were talking about the civilization and
the religion,Gentlemen,This is not classroom of collage,This is not temper,This is court!What we
need to talk about is how to punish the criminals.l think the role of religion is to tell people what
can be done, to tell people to do good and to forgive. On the other hand, Law prescribes what
cannot be ise,you will be punished by will have to go to the guillotine and
the is is why l insist on imposing the death penalty on the war

s robbing the resource of other countries and expanding his territory,Japan also
killed thousands
of innocent people Japanese army's plundering raping backfiring and killing,They had killed
numerous innocent people-the Chinese, the Koreans, the Filipinos,the Singaporeans,the Americans,
the Englishmen...These crimes are not enough to bring them to justice,lf neither Japan nor the war
criminals receive the severest punishment,who can assure that they will never wage war
again?Who can assure that Japan will never invade other countries?Who can assure that the
Japanese militaristic spirit will never revive?anyone of you here is able to make an assurance like
l wanted to say,
what l should've said, it's done,We can vote now for all those who died in the war...for closing
eyes in . Think it are watching us, watching the pens we hold in our hands...
老卫,我的法官同事,你们都是资深的法学专家, 我想请大家一起考虑这个问题,法律是什么,
法律的作用又是什么.经过了两年多的817次漫长的庭审 ,我们终于认定了他们有罪,可是我们
却一直在讨论文明和宗教.先生们,这不是大学的课堂,这也不是 寺庙,这里是法律的殿堂.我们
需要讨论的是怎么惩罚这些罪犯,我认为宗教是告诉世人怎样做才能到达 天堂.另一方面,法
律明确规定了什么事情我们不能做,否则就要受惩罚.就要上断头台,就要上绞刑架 .这就是法
律.这也是我一直坚持对战犯们使用死刑的原因.除了掠夺别国的资源,扩张自已的领土,日 本
犯以最严 厉的惩罚.谁敢保证日本有一天不会再次挑起战争?谁敢保证日本不会再侵略别的
国家?谁敢保证日本军 国主义的幽灵不会再次复活?在座哪位先生敢作这样的保证.想说的,
该说的我都说完了.我们可以投票 了.为了那些在战争中死难的人.为了让他们死瞑目.请各位

No for the death penalty.反对死刑
Yes for the death penalty.赞同死刑

Gentleman,as you see this 5 to is the last ballot...This one last ballot will decide everything.


l will now read the verdict...the court believes that there is no need to consider whether or not the
accused are guilty of the conspiracy to violate treaties and accords Japan had with other
countries,because charge of executing a plot along with other countries to wage an aggressive war
is already the gravest crime one can court finds all the Japanese defendants guilty as

现在本法庭宣布判决:本法庭对于第一项罪状的条约协定及诺言而发动侵略 战争的阴谋一节,
认为没有考虑的必要,因为实行侵略战争的阴谋已经是最高限度的犯罪.我宣布,所有 的日本

International military tribunal concluded,ln the end, seven criminals
were punished to now, l can't call to mind,on this morning,if the,what will happen to all
the Chinese people,what will happen to the whole world?otherwise,all the judges had pledged in
the beginning we would never disclose that who agree the death sentence and who not agree,what
l what to say was that l have tried my best...
远东国际军事法庭终于走到了今天,最后,七名战犯被处以极刑.至今,我都不 敢回想,如果今
天上午.我们这些赞同死刑的法官里不到六票的话,我会怎么样,中国人又会怎么样,世 界又会
怎么样?还有,我们所有的法官都起过誓,我们永远都不能透露,我们谁赞同了死刑,谁反对了< br>死刑…我只能说,我,尽力了…







