东京审判 精彩片断

2020年07月31日 02:28


The hightlights of The Tokyo Trial 东京审判 精彩片断

John Henry Cox as Joesph Keanan 约瑟夫。季南(美国检察官)
Damian Lau as Doctor Mei 梅汝璈(中国法官)
Daying as 倪征燠(中国检察官)

精彩片断一(Joseph Keanan的结案陈词,非常震撼和精彩):

“Ladies and gentlemen,Honorable judges,and members of the court.
All of the accused,joined in a formulation and execution of a plan a conspiracy
whose publish was to establish Japan's military, political,and economic domination over
the countries within the Pacific and lndian Oceans!ln order to achieve this goal,Japan
alone or working with liked minds,embarked on a war of aggression to subjugate all who
stood in its prosecution team and l have produced more than enough evidence to
prove the participation of the accused in the above summarized criminal actions.

Throughout the history of civilization, no one has ever seen human nature at such
a peak of crudity and barbarity. Countless people have died horrendous unthinkable deaths
to feed Japan’s insatiable appetite for expansion. By their actions, they have challenged
human civilization! They have challenged peace! And they have challenged the whole world!
Their common objective, their criminal objective, was to ensure the domination of Japan’s
empire, there is no greater crime than plotting and executing a war of aggression. The
security of the world and it’s people was threatened by this plot and destroyed by this
war, the only possible outcome of which is the great suffering the world has faced,

Therefore, I, Joseph Keanan, on behalf of my colleague in the allied prosecution
team, solemnly request, the honor of judges of the international military tribunal for
the far east to severely punish those responsible for this horrible war of aggression,
in the name of justice, in the spirit of compassion, and in the name of humanity.

女士们, 先生们, 尊敬的庭长, 尊敬的各同盟国法官. 全体被告, 参与了这一共同计划的
摊定或执行, 这一共同计划的目的, 是为了日本取得对太平洋及印度洋地区国家的军事 政治
经济的控制地位, 为了达到这个目的, 日 本单独或与其它有相同目的的国家发动侵略战争以对
付反对此侵略目的的国家.我以及我们检察团的全体 同仁用我们的努力和证据证明了上述目的的

纵观人类文明史, 其手段之残忍, 残酷, 灭绝人性, 实属罕见, 无数的生命痛苦的消失在日
本侵略野心的枪口和刀口下. 他们的这种行为是对人类文明的挑战, 是对和平的挑战, 是对整
个世界的挑战, 他们的共同的犯罪目的是为了确保天皇的统治地位, 没有比发动和实行侵略战
争更加严重的罪行. 全世界人民的安全,被这场战争所破坏, 这个阴谋的唯一结果就是使全世界

所以, 我约瑟夫季南, 代表同盟国检察团全体同仁, 郑重向远东国际军事法庭庭长及各位法

Joesph Kennan对东条英机的反诘)

Now, according to your reasoning,on the one hand you carried out peaceful negotiations
between Japan and China,but on the other you occupied China with a powerful military
't those two contradictory?
那么按照你的逻辑,你一方面进行中日之间所谓 的和平交涉,另一方面却以强大的兵力占领中国

They didn't contradictory any more.没有任何矛盾

Did you ever contemplate that the invasion of Manchuria

might turn the Chinese public
against Japan? 那你是否考虑过侵略满洲的结果将引起中国的反日情绪呢?

Chinese public antipathy against Japan was existing long Japan have never
aggressed China.中国对日本的反感早就有了,但是日本绝对没有侵略满洲的行为.


How many people did the Japanese Army kill?被日本军队杀死的中国人有多少

l don't know.不清楚

This document was published by the Japanese lmperial General reports
that between the period July 1937 and June 1941,the Japanese Army killed two million
and fifteen thousand Chinese people...lsn't it logical that must slaughtering two
million Chinese lives could rouse the fury of the Chinese people?Please answer the
这是日本大本营所发表的据年签上载明,193 7年7月至1941年6月间,日本军队杀戮二百零一万五
千中国人.杀戮二百万以上的中国人,你是否 想过这将引起中国人的愤怒?请回答
l also think it was a misfortune.我对此深感不幸

l also think it was a misfortune.但所杀戮者不少是无辜民众,为什么把此种残酷行为施加在

Many of those you butchered were innocent was the treatment to these
non-involved innocent civilians so atrocious?What is called there is no relation between
people and warChina is same as we the captain of China regime,direct people
to oppugn Japan and insult draw on is the wrong of China
relation to us.
所谓民众与战争无关系一节,中国与我们日本都是一样.而 作为中国政权的统帅者,居然指挥民众
抗击日本和侮辱日本,以至于招来虐杀.这是中国统帅者的错误, 跟我们无关.

So you insist donot withdraw from r more keep extending the it right?

l don't like answer yes or no.我不喜欢回答是还是不是,
This is a courtroom. Your wants are irrelevant and an answer is , yes or

The procurator didn't have right to ask like that.我抗议.检察官不能这样提问

Objection overruled!

The witness must answer the prosecutor's question.

with yes or no.

Answer me! Yes or no?回答我…是还是不是


No? Did Japan evacuate troops from China after you received instructions to form a cabinet
in October 1941?

No, but that was

You already answered my question.l don't need an your statement,you said
that Japan's decision to go to war with the United States,Britain and Holland which was
the direct result for those countries freezing Japan assets on July 26, 1941, correct?
你刚才的问题已经回答完了,我不需要你的解释.你在口供书中说,日本对美国、英国 、荷兰发动
You already told the court that the emperor loves peace, didn't you?
Furthermore, no Japanese official or commoner would dare to disobey the emperor's
orders,is that correct?

What l said was a national sensibility,That was different from the Emperor's

But as a matter of fact,did you not initiate hostilities against the United
States,Britain and the Netherland?

That was decision of our council.

lf the emperor opposed the war,would it still have happened?

l have already said lots of times that the Emperor didn't have any responsibility,Japan
had no choice but initiate the war.

Do you think initiating hostilities is morally and legally acceptable?

l think it is acceptable,whenever past now and future,l still think it is acceptable.

So if you and your colleagues were acquitted,You would go out and do it all over again?You
would continue to allow Japan to launch invasions and start wars?
那么如果你和你的同僚无罪释 放的话,你们还准备一起重复过去做过的事吗?你们还会让日本继


Dear honours,the procecution'd like to announce that we've completed our cross
examination of Hideki Tojyo.


You just said that the September 18 lncident,also known as the battle on September 18,
1931,was never premeditated,nor a conspiracy. ls that correct? 你刚才说918事变也就是1931年9月18号那天的战争,你们事前从来没有策划,也完全不是一个阴< br>谋,是吗?


However, you admitted earlier that the Kuandong Army did formulate a battle plan before
the Huanggutun you not agree to do it?

l have to explain.

this battle plan to you.我想我有必要向你解释一下这个作战计划

l don't want to hear your explanations!我不需要你的解释

My question is,Did you report the battle plan to the central command,and did they approve
it? 我要问的是,你的这个作战计划是报告给了中央并得到同意了是吗?


Then, how can you perpetuate your statement of no premeditation and conspiracy for the
September 18 lncident?

Because comparing our Guangdong army with Chinese Northeast army,for military
strength,we are in inferior position by 1:or we must prevent their
just self-defence.
因为我们关东军跟中国东北军相比,兵力上已处于1 比20的劣势,所以我们要防止他们的攻击,我

How did you know the Northeast Army was going to attack you?

We received some information,After that we start making this plan.

The information on hand? What information?Mr. ltagaki,don't forget you're in a
the evidence , if you are going to testify that the Northeast
Armywas about to launch an attack on the Japanese Army,then you have to provide
your defense brief,you stated that during the negotiations forthe Three Power Accord
between Japan,Germany and ltaly you didn't advocate expanding the addition,when
the Changgufeng lncident occurred on the border between China and the Soviet Union,you
tirelessly sought a peaceful that right?
北军 ,将要向日本军队发起攻击,你必须要有证据.在你的辩护词里,你提到了日本与德国意大利
商讨三国公 约时,你不主张扩大战事,还有关于中国和苏联边境发生的张鼓蜂事件,你一直努力设
法就地解决,是吗 ?


your emperor punished you for your actions.

ls that correct?是吗

lsn't that right?是还是不是

How did you know this?你怎么知道的

l'm the one asking questions here,

not you.现在是我在向你进行反诘.不是你来问我

Answer me, lsn't that right?马上回答我,是还是不是

That's not true.没…没有这回事

This document was found by the Chinese prosecution teamin the archives of the Japanese
Army lnternal Affairs is ajournal kept by Saionji and records in
detail how the emperor severely reprimanded ltagaki for both these you
have the nerve to deny this ever happened?Your Honors, l now submit this evidence to
the examine it and have it the end of your term as minister
of the army, you sent an emissary to China to meet with two individuals...the first
premier of the Republic of China,Tang Shaoyi,and the former head of the Northern Warlords,
Wu that correct? 这是我们中国检查团从盟军总部得到的一份证据,这是日本元老西圆寺原田的一本日记,上面详
细记 载了日本天皇.因为上述两件事对板垣征四郎进行了严厉的呵斥,你居然说没有这回事,现在
我向法庭承 上这份证据,请庭上查验并予以登记在案,在你任陆军大臣的后期,曾经派人到中国去
见两个人:一个是 曾经担任过民国政府第一任国务总理的唐绍仪;一个是前北洋军阀的统帅吴佩


Your emissary's purpose was to entice them to participate.

in a puppet organization you
were trying to set up. ls that right?

l don't know.我…我不知道

Well, do you at least remember whom you sent?

Was that person none other than the one
who usurped the position of mayor of Shenyang,installed the puppet emperor PuYi,
fraternized with the Japanese Kuandong Army,plotted to bring self-rule to North
China,instigated the independence movement in lnner Mongolia,incited traitors
everywhere to set up puppet governments and traitorous organizations never hesitated
to do evil,and now sits in the defendants' table,namely Kenji Dohihara?ls that him?Answer
哦…那你派谁去的你总 知道吧?那个人是不是就是当年僭充沈阳市市长,扶植傀儡溥仪称帝,勾结
关东日军,阴谋华北自治,煽 动内蒙独立,到处唆使汉奸成立伪政权和维持会,喧赫一时,无恶不作,
而今危坐在被告席右端的土肥原 贤二,是不是他?马上给我回答.

This is the most brilliant victory of china's prosecution team!During the 10 days heckle
with itagaki Nizheng'ao rebuted and required those things He mentioned in the
y, by the method that approaching the topic indirectly,He beat the
Doihara who not say a word.
这是中国检察团最华彩的一次胜 利!在对板垣整整10天的反诘中,倪征燠对他答辩词中所提到的

事情一一盘问反驳.最 终用指东打西的办法将一言不发的土肥原击溃.


Lao Wei, my dearjudger.

All of you here are legal experts from all over the world l want
to ask you what is law and what is the function of hout the 817th long tribunal
between the two years,We finally confirm that they are now we were talking
about the civilization and the religion,Gentlemen,This is not classroom of collage,This
is not temper,This is court!What we need to talk about is how to punish the criminals.l
think the role of religion is to tell people what can be done, to tell people to do good
and to forgive. On the other hand, Law prescribes what cannot be ise,you will
be punished by will have to go to the guillotine and the is
is why l insist on imposing the death penalty on the war s robbing the
resource of other countries and expanding his territory,Japan also killed thousands
of innocent people Japanese army's plundering raping backfiring and killing,They had
killed numerous innocent people-the Chinese, the Koreans, the Filipinos,the
Singaporeans,the Americans, the Englishmen...These crimes are not enough to bring them
to justice,lf neither Japan nor the war criminals receive the severest punishment,who
can assure that they will never wage war again?Who can assure that Japan will never invade
other countries?Who can assure that the Japanese militaristic spirit will never
revive?anyone of you here is able to make an assurance like l wanted to say,
what l should've said, it's done,We can vote now for all those who died in the war...for
closing eyes in . Think it are watching us, watching the pens we hold
in our hands...
老卫,我的法官同事,你们都是资深的法 学专家,我想请大家一起考虑这个问题,法律是什么,法律
的作用又是什么.经过了两年多的817次漫 长的庭审,我们终于认定了他们有罪,可是我们却一直
在讨论文明和宗教.先生们,这不是大学的课堂, 这也不是寺庙,这里是法律的殿堂.我们需要讨论
的是怎么惩罚这些罪犯,我认为宗教是告诉世人怎样做 才能到达天堂.另一方面,法律明确规定了
什么事情我们不能做,否则就要受惩罚.就要上断头台,就要 上绞刑架.这就是法律.这也是我一直
坚持对战犯们使用死刑的原因.除了掠夺别国的资源,扩张自已的 领土,日本还杀害了无数无辜的
平民.日本军队抢劫、强奸、放火、杀戮,杀害了无数中国、菲律宾、英 国、美国以及其他国家人
民的生命,这还不足以被判处死刑吗?如果法律不给日本,不给这些战犯以最严 厉的惩罚.谁敢保
证日本有一天不会再次挑起战争?谁敢保证日本不会再侵略别的国家?谁敢保证日本军 国主义的
幽灵不会再次复活?在座哪位先生敢作这样的保证.想说的,该说的我都说完了.我们可以投票 了.

l will now read the verdict...the court believes that there is no need to consider whether
or not the accused are guilty of the conspiracy to violate treaties and accords Japan
had with other countries,because charge of executing a plot along with other countries

to wage an aggressive war is already the gravest crime one can court finds
all the Japanese defendants guilty as charged!
现在本法庭宣布 判决:本法庭对于第一项罪状的条约协定及诺言而发动侵略战争的阴谋一节,认
为没有考虑的必要,因为 实行侵略战争的阴谋已经是最高限度的犯罪.我宣布,所有的日本被告有

International military tribunal concluded,ln the end, seven criminals
were punished to now, l can't call to mind,on this morning,if the,what will
happen to all the Chinese people,what will happen to the whole world?otherwise,all the
judges had pledged in the beginning we would never disclose that who agree the death
sentence and who not agree,what l what to say was that l have tried my best...
远东国际军事法庭终于走到了今天,最后,七名战犯被处以极刑.至今,我都不敢回想 ,如果今天
上午.我们这些赞同死刑的法官里不到六票的话,我会怎么样,中国人又会怎么样,世界又会 怎么
样?还有,我们所有的法官都起过誓,我们永远都不能透露,我们谁赞同了死刑,谁反对了死刑…< br>我只能说,我,尽力了…

Hideki tyoujyou.东条英机
Dohihara kenji土肥原贤二
ltagaki siro板垣征四郎

The hightlights of The Tokyo Trial 东京审判 精彩片断

John Henry Cox as Joesph Keanan 约瑟夫。季南(美国检察官)
Damian Lau as Doctor Mei 梅汝璈(中国法官)
Daying as 倪征燠(中国检察官)

精彩片断一(Joseph Keanan的结案陈词,非常震撼和精彩):

“Ladies and gentlemen,Honorable judges,and members of the court.
All of the accused,joined in a formulation and execution of a plan a conspiracy
whose publish was to establish Japan's military, political,and economic domination over
the countries within the Pacific and lndian Oceans!ln order to achieve this goal,Japan
alone or working with liked minds,embarked on a war of aggression to subjugate all who
stood in its prosecution team and l have produced more than enough evidence to
prove the participation of the accused in the above summarized criminal actions.

Throughout the history of civilization, no one has ever seen human nature at such
a peak of crudity and barbarity. Countless people have died horrendous unthinkable deaths
to feed Japan’s insatiable appetite for expansion. By their actions, they have challenged
human civilization! They have challenged peace! And they have challenged the whole world!
Their common objective, their criminal objective, was to ensure the domination of Japan’s
empire, there is no greater crime than plotting and executing a war of aggression. The
security of the world and it’s people was threatened by this plot and destroyed by this
war, the only possible outcome of which is the great suffering the world has faced,

Therefore, I, Joseph Keanan, on behalf of my colleague in the allied prosecution
team, solemnly request, the honor of judges of the international military tribunal for
the far east to severely punish those responsible for this horrible war of aggression,
in the name of justice, in the spirit of compassion, and in the name of humanity.

女士们, 先生们, 尊敬的庭长, 尊敬的各同盟国法官. 全体被告, 参与了这一共同计划的
摊定或执行, 这一共同计划的目的, 是为了日本取得对太平洋及印度洋地区国家的军事 政治
经济的控制地位, 为了达到这个目的, 日 本单独或与其它有相同目的的国家发动侵略战争以对
付反对此侵略目的的国家.我以及我们检察团的全体 同仁用我们的努力和证据证明了上述目的的

纵观人类文明史, 其手段之残忍, 残酷, 灭绝人性, 实属罕见, 无数的生命痛苦的消失在日
本侵略野心的枪口和刀口下. 他们的这种行为是对人类文明的挑战, 是对和平的挑战, 是对整
个世界的挑战, 他们的共同的犯罪目的是为了确保天皇的统治地位, 没有比发动和实行侵略战
争更加严重的罪行. 全世界人民的安全,被这场战争所破坏, 这个阴谋的唯一结果就是使全世界

所以, 我约瑟夫季南, 代表同盟国检察团全体同仁, 郑重向远东国际军事法庭庭长及各位法

Joesph Kennan对东条英机的反诘)

Now, according to your reasoning,on the one hand you carried out peaceful negotiations
between Japan and China,but on the other you occupied China with a powerful military
't those two contradictory?
那么按照你的逻辑,你一方面进行中日之间所谓 的和平交涉,另一方面却以强大的兵力占领中国

They didn't contradictory any more.没有任何矛盾

Did you ever contemplate that the invasion of Manchuria

might turn the Chinese public
against Japan? 那你是否考虑过侵略满洲的结果将引起中国的反日情绪呢?

Chinese public antipathy against Japan was existing long Japan have never
aggressed China.中国对日本的反感早就有了,但是日本绝对没有侵略满洲的行为.


How many people did the Japanese Army kill?被日本军队杀死的中国人有多少

l don't know.不清楚

This document was published by the Japanese lmperial General reports
that between the period July 1937 and June 1941,the Japanese Army killed two million
and fifteen thousand Chinese people...lsn't it logical that must slaughtering two
million Chinese lives could rouse the fury of the Chinese people?Please answer the
这是日本大本营所发表的据年签上载明,193 7年7月至1941年6月间,日本军队杀戮二百零一万五
千中国人.杀戮二百万以上的中国人,你是否 想过这将引起中国人的愤怒?请回答
l also think it was a misfortune.我对此深感不幸

l also think it was a misfortune.但所杀戮者不少是无辜民众,为什么把此种残酷行为施加在

Many of those you butchered were innocent was the treatment to these
non-involved innocent civilians so atrocious?What is called there is no relation between
people and warChina is same as we the captain of China regime,direct people
to oppugn Japan and insult draw on is the wrong of China
relation to us.
所谓民众与战争无关系一节,中国与我们日本都是一样.而 作为中国政权的统帅者,居然指挥民众
抗击日本和侮辱日本,以至于招来虐杀.这是中国统帅者的错误, 跟我们无关.

So you insist donot withdraw from r more keep extending the it right?

l don't like answer yes or no.我不喜欢回答是还是不是,
This is a courtroom. Your wants are irrelevant and an answer is , yes or

The procurator didn't have right to ask like that.我抗议.检察官不能这样提问

Objection overruled!

The witness must answer the prosecutor's question.

with yes or no.

Answer me! Yes or no?回答我…是还是不是


No? Did Japan evacuate troops from China after you received instructions to form a cabinet
in October 1941?

No, but that was

You already answered my question.l don't need an your statement,you said
that Japan's decision to go to war with the United States,Britain and Holland which was
the direct result for those countries freezing Japan assets on July 26, 1941, correct?
你刚才的问题已经回答完了,我不需要你的解释.你在口供书中说,日本对美国、英国 、荷兰发动
You already told the court that the emperor loves peace, didn't you?
Furthermore, no Japanese official or commoner would dare to disobey the emperor's
orders,is that correct?

What l said was a national sensibility,That was different from the Emperor's

But as a matter of fact,did you not initiate hostilities against the United
States,Britain and the Netherland?

That was decision of our council.

lf the emperor opposed the war,would it still have happened?

l have already said lots of times that the Emperor didn't have any responsibility,Japan
had no choice but initiate the war.

Do you think initiating hostilities is morally and legally acceptable?

l think it is acceptable,whenever past now and future,l still think it is acceptable.

So if you and your colleagues were acquitted,You would go out and do it all over again?You
would continue to allow Japan to launch invasions and start wars?
那么如果你和你的同僚无罪释 放的话,你们还准备一起重复过去做过的事吗?你们还会让日本继


Dear honours,the procecution'd like to announce that we've completed our cross
examination of Hideki Tojyo.


You just said that the September 18 lncident,also known as the battle on September 18,
1931,was never premeditated,nor a conspiracy. ls that correct? 你刚才说918事变也就是1931年9月18号那天的战争,你们事前从来没有策划,也完全不是一个阴< br>谋,是吗?


However, you admitted earlier that the Kuandong Army did formulate a battle plan before
the Huanggutun you not agree to do it?

l have to explain.

this battle plan to you.我想我有必要向你解释一下这个作战计划

l don't want to hear your explanations!我不需要你的解释

My question is,Did you report the battle plan to the central command,and did they approve
it? 我要问的是,你的这个作战计划是报告给了中央并得到同意了是吗?


Then, how can you perpetuate your statement of no premeditation and conspiracy for the
September 18 lncident?

Because comparing our Guangdong army with Chinese Northeast army,for military
strength,we are in inferior position by 1:or we must prevent their
just self-defence.
因为我们关东军跟中国东北军相比,兵力上已处于1 比20的劣势,所以我们要防止他们的攻击,我

How did you know the Northeast Army was going to attack you?

We received some information,After that we start making this plan.

The information on hand? What information?Mr. ltagaki,don't forget you're in a
the evidence , if you are going to testify that the Northeast
Armywas about to launch an attack on the Japanese Army,then you have to provide
your defense brief,you stated that during the negotiations forthe Three Power Accord
between Japan,Germany and ltaly you didn't advocate expanding the addition,when
the Changgufeng lncident occurred on the border between China and the Soviet Union,you
tirelessly sought a peaceful that right?
北军 ,将要向日本军队发起攻击,你必须要有证据.在你的辩护词里,你提到了日本与德国意大利
商讨三国公 约时,你不主张扩大战事,还有关于中国和苏联边境发生的张鼓蜂事件,你一直努力设
法就地解决,是吗 ?


your emperor punished you for your actions.

ls that correct?是吗

lsn't that right?是还是不是

How did you know this?你怎么知道的

l'm the one asking questions here,

not you.现在是我在向你进行反诘.不是你来问我

Answer me, lsn't that right?马上回答我,是还是不是

That's not true.没…没有这回事

This document was found by the Chinese prosecution teamin the archives of the Japanese
Army lnternal Affairs is ajournal kept by Saionji and records in
detail how the emperor severely reprimanded ltagaki for both these you
have the nerve to deny this ever happened?Your Honors, l now submit this evidence to
the examine it and have it the end of your term as minister
of the army, you sent an emissary to China to meet with two individuals...the first
premier of the Republic of China,Tang Shaoyi,and the former head of the Northern Warlords,
Wu that correct? 这是我们中国检查团从盟军总部得到的一份证据,这是日本元老西圆寺原田的一本日记,上面详
细记 载了日本天皇.因为上述两件事对板垣征四郎进行了严厉的呵斥,你居然说没有这回事,现在
我向法庭承 上这份证据,请庭上查验并予以登记在案,在你任陆军大臣的后期,曾经派人到中国去
见两个人:一个是 曾经担任过民国政府第一任国务总理的唐绍仪;一个是前北洋军阀的统帅吴佩


Your emissary's purpose was to entice them to participate.

in a puppet organization you
were trying to set up. ls that right?

l don't know.我…我不知道

Well, do you at least remember whom you sent?

Was that person none other than the one
who usurped the position of mayor of Shenyang,installed the puppet emperor PuYi,
fraternized with the Japanese Kuandong Army,plotted to bring self-rule to North
China,instigated the independence movement in lnner Mongolia,incited traitors
everywhere to set up puppet governments and traitorous organizations never hesitated
to do evil,and now sits in the defendants' table,namely Kenji Dohihara?ls that him?Answer
哦…那你派谁去的你总 知道吧?那个人是不是就是当年僭充沈阳市市长,扶植傀儡溥仪称帝,勾结
关东日军,阴谋华北自治,煽 动内蒙独立,到处唆使汉奸成立伪政权和维持会,喧赫一时,无恶不作,
而今危坐在被告席右端的土肥原 贤二,是不是他?马上给我回答.

This is the most brilliant victory of china's prosecution team!During the 10 days heckle
with itagaki Nizheng'ao rebuted and required those things He mentioned in the
y, by the method that approaching the topic indirectly,He beat the
Doihara who not say a word.
这是中国检察团最华彩的一次胜 利!在对板垣整整10天的反诘中,倪征燠对他答辩词中所提到的

事情一一盘问反驳.最 终用指东打西的办法将一言不发的土肥原击溃.


Lao Wei, my dearjudger.

All of you here are legal experts from all over the world l want
to ask you what is law and what is the function of hout the 817th long tribunal
between the two years,We finally confirm that they are now we were talking
about the civilization and the religion,Gentlemen,This is not classroom of collage,This
is not temper,This is court!What we need to talk about is how to punish the criminals.l
think the role of religion is to tell people what can be done, to tell people to do good
and to forgive. On the other hand, Law prescribes what cannot be ise,you will
be punished by will have to go to the guillotine and the is
is why l insist on imposing the death penalty on the war s robbing the
resource of other countries and expanding his territory,Japan also killed thousands
of innocent people Japanese army's plundering raping backfiring and killing,They had
killed numerous innocent people-the Chinese, the Koreans, the Filipinos,the
Singaporeans,the Americans, the Englishmen...These crimes are not enough to bring them
to justice,lf neither Japan nor the war criminals receive the severest punishment,who
can assure that they will never wage war again?Who can assure that Japan will never invade
other countries?Who can assure that the Japanese militaristic spirit will never
revive?anyone of you here is able to make an assurance like l wanted to say,
what l should've said, it's done,We can vote now for all those who died in the war...for
closing eyes in . Think it are watching us, watching the pens we hold
in our hands...
老卫,我的法官同事,你们都是资深的法 学专家,我想请大家一起考虑这个问题,法律是什么,法律
的作用又是什么.经过了两年多的817次漫 长的庭审,我们终于认定了他们有罪,可是我们却一直
在讨论文明和宗教.先生们,这不是大学的课堂, 这也不是寺庙,这里是法律的殿堂.我们需要讨论
的是怎么惩罚这些罪犯,我认为宗教是告诉世人怎样做 才能到达天堂.另一方面,法律明确规定了
什么事情我们不能做,否则就要受惩罚.就要上断头台,就要 上绞刑架.这就是法律.这也是我一直
坚持对战犯们使用死刑的原因.除了掠夺别国的资源,扩张自已的 领土,日本还杀害了无数无辜的
平民.日本军队抢劫、强奸、放火、杀戮,杀害了无数中国、菲律宾、英 国、美国以及其他国家人
民的生命,这还不足以被判处死刑吗?如果法律不给日本,不给这些战犯以最严 厉的惩罚.谁敢保
证日本有一天不会再次挑起战争?谁敢保证日本不会再侵略别的国家?谁敢保证日本军 国主义的
幽灵不会再次复活?在座哪位先生敢作这样的保证.想说的,该说的我都说完了.我们可以投票 了.

l will now read the verdict...the court believes that there is no need to consider whether
or not the accused are guilty of the conspiracy to violate treaties and accords Japan
had with other countries,because charge of executing a plot along with other countries

to wage an aggressive war is already the gravest crime one can court finds
all the Japanese defendants guilty as charged!
现在本法庭宣布 判决:本法庭对于第一项罪状的条约协定及诺言而发动侵略战争的阴谋一节,认
为没有考虑的必要,因为 实行侵略战争的阴谋已经是最高限度的犯罪.我宣布,所有的日本被告有

International military tribunal concluded,ln the end, seven criminals
were punished to now, l can't call to mind,on this morning,if the,what will
happen to all the Chinese people,what will happen to the whole world?otherwise,all the
judges had pledged in the beginning we would never disclose that who agree the death
sentence and who not agree,what l what to say was that l have tried my best...
远东国际军事法庭终于走到了今天,最后,七名战犯被处以极刑.至今,我都不敢回想 ,如果今天
上午.我们这些赞同死刑的法官里不到六票的话,我会怎么样,中国人又会怎么样,世界又会 怎么
样?还有,我们所有的法官都起过誓,我们永远都不能透露,我们谁赞同了死刑,谁反对了死刑…< br>我只能说,我,尽力了…

Hideki tyoujyou.东条英机
Dohihara kenji土肥原贤二
ltagaki siro板垣征四郎







