2020年07月31日 03:28
买卖合同 sale contract
电、水、气、热力供应合同 contracts for supply of power, water, gas or heat
赠与合同 gify conrract
借款合同 contract for loan of money
租赁合同 leasiing contract
融资租赁合同 financial leasing contract
承揽合同 work-for-hire contract
建设工程合同 contract for construction projects
运输合同 carriage contract
技术合同 technology contract
保管合同 safe-keeping contract
仓储合同 warehousing contract
委托代理合同 agency appointment contract
委托合同 trading trust contract
行纪合同和居间合同 brokerage contract
劳动合同 labour contract
保密协议 confidentiality agreement
竟业禁止协议 non-compete agreement
人事代理协议 human agency agreement
遗赠抚养协议 legacy-support agreement
离婚协议 divorce agreement
收养协议 adoption agreement
商品房买卖合同 contract of sale for commodity house
土地使用权出让、出租、转让合同 contract for assignment, lease and transfer
of the right to the use of land
抵押合同 mortgage contract
贷款合同 loan contract
物业管理合同 property management contract
建筑工程建设安装承包合同 constrction engineering and installation contract
采购合同 purchase contract
运输合同 carriage/transportation/forwarding contract
进出口合同 import and export contract
补偿贸易合同 contract for compensation trade
供应合同 supply agreement
技术服务合同 technical service contract
技术咨询协议 technical consulting agreement
技术开发协议 technical development agreement
技术转让协议 technical transfer agreement
许可协议 licensing agreement
保险合同 insurance contract
提存协议 secrow/deposit agreement
服务合同 service agreement
风险投资管理协议 venture capital mangement agreement
合伙协议partnership agreement
股权转让协议 share transfer agreement
Agreement on assignment of equity interests
和解协议 composition agreement
法律顾问协议 employment contract for legal consultant
合资企业合同 joint venture contract
公司设立备忘录 memorandum of incorporation
备忘录(合作备忘录) memorandum
公司设立协议 aricles fo incorporation
公司设立章程 articles of association
意向书 letter of intent
意向性协议,框架性协议 heads of agreement
初步协议 preliminary agreement
劳动人事方面 包括:劳动合同(labor contract)、保密协议(confidentiality agreement)、竞业禁止协议
(non-compete agreement)、人事代理协议(human agency agreement);
不动产方面 包括:商品房买卖合同(
contact of sale of commodity houses)、租赁协议(tenancy agreement)、土地使用权出让、出租、转让合同(contract for assignment,lease and transfer of the right to the use of land)、抵押合同(mortgage contract)、贷款合同(loan contract)、物业管理合同(property management contract)、建设工程承包、安装合同(contract for construction engineering and installation of project);
服务类 包括:技术服务(technical service agreement)、咨询(technical consultant agreement)、
开发(technical development agreement)、转让(technical transfer agreement)、
许可协议(licensing agreement)、代理协议(agency agreement)、保险合同(insurance contract)、
融资协议(financing agreement)、风险投资管理协议(ventrure capital management agreement)、
法律顾问协议(employment contract for legal consultant);
公司方面 包括:合资企业(joint venture contract)、章程(articles of association, corporate bylaw)、
合伙协议(partnership agreement)、股权转让协议(agreement on assignment of equity interests)、
和解协议(composition agreement);
物流方面 包括:
买卖合同(sales contact)、采购合同(purchase contact)、运输合同(carriage contact)、
进出口合同(import and export contact)、
仓储保管合同(warehousing and safe-keeping contact)、补偿贸易合同(contact for compensation)
人身方面 包括:遗赠抚养协议(legacy-support agreement)、离婚协议(divorce agreement)