2020年07月31日 03:52
Most of my teaching at Fudan takes place in a yellow concrete four-storied building spanning 100 meters in width, referred to plainly as Instruction Building No. 5. There are two entrances on the first floor, facing each other, on the east side of the building. The building can also be entered through the Humanities Hall, linked to Building No. 5 by passageways, one on each floor, on the west side. The bridging structure forms a rectangular space with the walls of the two buildings, which is often used as a small garden, with a corner for parking bikes. At the west end of the first floor of Building No. 5, there is a notice board, covered routinely in large-sized flyers for lectures, contests, and elections. The cement stairs are plain, almost crude, lined with plastic railings, twice as broad as standard stairs in multi-storied buildings that you may find on quaint college campuses in Europe or America. With no paint or carpeting, though, the stairs in Building No.5 are at least pleasantly odorless. The hallways are just as nondescript and bare, but the humble wooden doors on both sides open onto surprisingly well-equipped smart classrooms, differing in size and seating arrangements, but invariably furnished with a white podium, remotely controlled from a certain room in an adjacent building. Seats in the classrooms are rarely sloped as in film auditoriums, but an instructor can see every student and engage the class when she makes an effort.
She steps into a classroom on the fourth floor of the No.5 building, where she attended courses as a college student many years ago. Long separation often makes places from one’s childhood seem smaller than how they are remembered, but buildings from college days don’t shrink that easily. Nevertheless, she’s no longer intimidated by the idea of taking control of the room. She takes her place comfortably in front of it, standing on a slightly raised platform. For the next two hours, this will be her stage. It’s a modest and limited space that she has to share with an over-sized white podium, but it brings possibilities like any other stage. Nothing but sudden wafts of smell and noise from outside the big windows punctuate the magic of this bubble of a room. When she opens the lid of the podium, a screen rolls out from the scroll on top of the board and comes down to its bottom edge, reminding her of a full sail on a sloop, with herself as the captain. Rows of seats unfold in front of her, all taken. She knows that
she belongs here, right in front of the room, and only she knows how long it has taken her to feel this way.
1. 怎么增加词汇?阅读速度慢生词多怎么办?
这个说来话长,阅读的时候除了精读材料,一般不要查阅太多生词。不过增加词汇量也不能只靠阅读(除非你从小就在读),要背专门的词汇书(托福GRE这种),或者找特殊的分类词典来帮助记忆。名词(Oxford Pictorial English Dictionary) 和动词 (various dictionaries of phrasal verbs)分别有自己的词典。
Flannery O’Connor, All That Rises Must Converge
Ernest Hemingway, Men Without Women
William Faulkner, Selected Short Stories
James Joyce, Dubliners
中篇小说(novella)经典的不少,可以看看这个单子: /2011/12/29/20-brilliant-novellas-you-should-read/
等。 广。