
2020年07月31日 04:36


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高一 英语基础句型二百句翻译练习(三)


Module 3 Unit 1

1. 这间医院是为了纪念孙中山先生而建的。 (in memory of)
2. 孩子们盼望着万圣节,在那时候他们可以盛装打扮并互相捉弄。(look forward to; dress up;
play tricks on)
3. 他们一获得许可就马上出发去灾区。(set off; permission)
4. 大家都很清楚他在撒谎。(obvious)
5. 他日夜思念故乡,所以这首歌常让他想起故乡。(remind… of)
6. 他屏住气,一头扎进河里。(hold one’s breath)
7. 除夕夜,我所有的亲人都聚集一起吃大餐,意味着团团圆圆。(get together; feast; reunion)
8. 如果你想获得她的原谅,就必须真诚地道歉。(apologize; forgive)
9. 已经7点钟了, 杰克应该来了。(should)
10. 每次我去看他,他总是用自制的糕点招待我。(would; treat)
Module 3 Unit 2
1. 如果你时常请教老师的话,你将会受益匪浅。 (benefit,consult (with))
2. 我不知道他们怎么交这么低的税而未受到惩罚。( get away with )
3. 除非你保持均衡的饮食,否则将会增加体重。 (a balanced diet, put on weight )
4. 他对家乡的巨变十分惊讶。(amaze)
5. 在做了一个令人惊叹的演讲之后,他又赢回了同事们的支持。(win back…)
6. 他谋求良好生活的能力受到了他缺乏教育的限制。(earn a good living, be limited by; lack
7. 在搬进新房子之前, 他扔掉了不需要的东西。(throw…away)
8. 这两姐妹一定是吵架了,因为他们互不理睬。(must have done)
9. 由于债台髙筑,他改掉了赌博的习惯。(in debt, get rid of)
10. 不久她就发现自己犯了一个严重的错误。(before long)
Module 3 Unit 3
1. 这篇新闻报道是完全根据实际情况写的。(base…on)
2. 不知道你是否介意我们问几个问题?(mind sbsb’s doing)
3. 咱们应该怎样处理这些废报纸?(do with)
4. 如果天气允许的话,我们将在树林里野餐。(permit)
5. 当我到达的时候,我发现门被关上了。(find+宾语+补语)
6. 没人能对他的旷课做出解释。(account for)
7. 我决定还是求稳不要冒险。(take a chance;rather than)
9. 这些年,我有很多朋友来到这座大城市追求幸福和成功。(seek one’s fortune)
10. 苏珊出生于巴黎,长大于伦敦。(be born in; bring up)

Module 3 Unit 4
1. 既然你已经通过了驾驶考试,你就可以独自开车了。(now that)
2. 是什么事使他不能参加我们的会议仍然是个谜。(prevent…from)
3. 昨天晚会的气氛非常欢快,每一个人都度过了美好的时光。(atmosphere; joyful)
4. 当他意识到他可以及时到达赶上飞机时,他终于振奋起来。(in time; cheer up)
5. 听说她生了一个如此大的男婴,我们都感到非常惊讶。(give birth to)
6. 我经常感到疑惑,为什么有些家长允许自己的孩子观看暴力影片。(wonder; allow)
7. 宇航员能否浮起来要看引力是否足够小。(whether; depend on)
8. 根据被广泛接受的原理, 宇宙起源于大爆炸. (according to, accept, begin with)
9. 水将对生命发展有关键作用在当时并不明显。(it was…that…; is to; fundamental)
10. 我们离月亮太远,感受不到它的引力。(too…to…; pull)
Module 3 Unit 5
1. 外面的噪音不断,我无法安下心来学习。(settle down)
2. 这个6岁的小孩有讲故事的天赋。(have a gift for)
3. 与其一路乘飞机,他们决定从东海岸坐火车到西海岸。(rather than, all they way)
4. 首相证实了他将举行去温哥华的消息。 (confirm, leave for)
5 想到能看到明星,她们很兴奋。(the thought that, catch sight of)
6. 站在塔顶上,我仍能看到远处的山 ( in the distance)
7. 向东一直走,你会经过上千个湖泊和大城市。(eastward; as well as)
8. 加拿大的淡水比世界上任何其他国家都多。(more…than any other…)
9. 这男孩能走到俄罗斯那么远真令人惊讶。(manage, as far as)
10. 他们直到穿过了山谷才看到美丽的景色。(not…until…; go through)
1. The hospital was built in memory of Dr. Sun Yat-sen.
2. Children always look forward to Halloween when they can dress up and play tricks on each
3. They set off for the disaster-stricken hit area as soon as they got the permission.
4. It was obvious to everyone that he was lying.
5. He misses his hometown day and night, so this song always reminds him of his hometown.
6. He held his breath and dived headlong into the river.
7. On New Year’s Eve, all my family members get together to have a big feast, meaning reunion.
8. If you want her to forgive you, you should sincerely apologize.
9. It’s already seven o’clock. Jack should be here at any moment.
10. Whenever I went to see him, he would treat me with some home-made cakes.

1. You will benefit greatly if you regularly consult (with) your teacher.
2.I don’t know how they manage to get away with paying such low taxes.
3. Unless you keep a balanced diet, you will put on weight.
4. He was amazed at the great changes that had taken place in his hometown.

5. After making a wonderful speech, he was able to win back the support of his colleagues.
6. His ability to earn a good living is limited by his lack of education.
7. Before moving into the new house, he threw away the things he didn’t need.
8. The sisters must have had an argument, for they are no longer talking to each other.
9. Bing heavily in debt, he got rid of the habit of gambling.
10. Before long she found that she had made a great mistake.

1. This news report is based entirely on facts.
2. I wonder whether you’d mind us asking a few questions.
3. What shall we do with the waste paper?
4. We will have a picnic in the woods, weather permitting.
5. When I arrived, I found the door closed.
6. Nobody could account for his absence from school.
7. I decided to play it safe rather than take a chance.
9. In recent years, many of my friends have come to the big city to seek their fortune.
10. Susan was born in Paris and brought up in London.
1. Now that you have passed the driving test, you can drive on your own.
2. What prevented him from attending our meeting still remains a mystery.
3. The atmosphere at the party yesterday was very joyful and everyone had a great time.
4. He finally cheered up when he realized he would arrive in time to catch the plane.
5. We were amazed to hear that she had given birth to such a large baby boy.
6. I often wonder why some parents allow their children to watch violent movies.
7. Whether the astronaut can float depends on whether the force of gravity is small enough.
8. According to the widely accepted theory, the universe began with a “Big Bang”.
9. It was not obvious that water was to be fundamental to the development of life.
10. We’re too far from the moon to feel its pull.
1. With so much noise outside, I couldn’t settle down to study.
2. This 6-year-old boy has a gift for telling stories.
3. Rather than take the plane all the way, they decided to take the train from the east coast to the
west coast.
4. The Prime Minister confirmed the news that he would leave for Vancouver.
5. The thought that they could catch sight of the star was exciting.
6. Standing at the t7. Going eastward, you’ll pass thousands of lakes as well as many large cities.
8. Canada has more fresh water than any other country in the world.
9. It’s amazing that the boy managed to go as far as Russia.
10. They didn’t see the great scenery until they went through the valley.

查看( 19 ) 评论( 1 ) 评分( 5 0 )
高一 英语基础句型二百句翻译练习(三)


Module 3 Unit 1

1. 这间医院是为了纪念孙中山先生而建的。 (in memory of)
2. 孩子们盼望着万圣节,在那时候他们可以盛装打扮并互相捉弄。(look forward to; dress up;
play tricks on)
3. 他们一获得许可就马上出发去灾区。(set off; permission)
4. 大家都很清楚他在撒谎。(obvious)
5. 他日夜思念故乡,所以这首歌常让他想起故乡。(remind… of)
6. 他屏住气,一头扎进河里。(hold one’s breath)
7. 除夕夜,我所有的亲人都聚集一起吃大餐,意味着团团圆圆。(get together; feast; reunion)
8. 如果你想获得她的原谅,就必须真诚地道歉。(apologize; forgive)
9. 已经7点钟了, 杰克应该来了。(should)
10. 每次我去看他,他总是用自制的糕点招待我。(would; treat)
Module 3 Unit 2
1. 如果你时常请教老师的话,你将会受益匪浅。 (benefit,consult (with))
2. 我不知道他们怎么交这么低的税而未受到惩罚。( get away with )
3. 除非你保持均衡的饮食,否则将会增加体重。 (a balanced diet, put on weight )
4. 他对家乡的巨变十分惊讶。(amaze)
5. 在做了一个令人惊叹的演讲之后,他又赢回了同事们的支持。(win back…)
6. 他谋求良好生活的能力受到了他缺乏教育的限制。(earn a good living, be limited by; lack
7. 在搬进新房子之前, 他扔掉了不需要的东西。(throw…away)
8. 这两姐妹一定是吵架了,因为他们互不理睬。(must have done)
9. 由于债台髙筑,他改掉了赌博的习惯。(in debt, get rid of)
10. 不久她就发现自己犯了一个严重的错误。(before long)
Module 3 Unit 3
1. 这篇新闻报道是完全根据实际情况写的。(base…on)
2. 不知道你是否介意我们问几个问题?(mind sbsb’s doing)
3. 咱们应该怎样处理这些废报纸?(do with)
4. 如果天气允许的话,我们将在树林里野餐。(permit)
5. 当我到达的时候,我发现门被关上了。(find+宾语+补语)
6. 没人能对他的旷课做出解释。(account for)
7. 我决定还是求稳不要冒险。(take a chance;rather than)
9. 这些年,我有很多朋友来到这座大城市追求幸福和成功。(seek one’s fortune)
10. 苏珊出生于巴黎,长大于伦敦。(be born in; bring up)

Module 3 Unit 4
1. 既然你已经通过了驾驶考试,你就可以独自开车了。(now that)
2. 是什么事使他不能参加我们的会议仍然是个谜。(prevent…from)
3. 昨天晚会的气氛非常欢快,每一个人都度过了美好的时光。(atmosphere; joyful)
4. 当他意识到他可以及时到达赶上飞机时,他终于振奋起来。(in time; cheer up)
5. 听说她生了一个如此大的男婴,我们都感到非常惊讶。(give birth to)
6. 我经常感到疑惑,为什么有些家长允许自己的孩子观看暴力影片。(wonder; allow)
7. 宇航员能否浮起来要看引力是否足够小。(whether; depend on)
8. 根据被广泛接受的原理, 宇宙起源于大爆炸. (according to, accept, begin with)
9. 水将对生命发展有关键作用在当时并不明显。(it was…that…; is to; fundamental)
10. 我们离月亮太远,感受不到它的引力。(too…to…; pull)
Module 3 Unit 5
1. 外面的噪音不断,我无法安下心来学习。(settle down)
2. 这个6岁的小孩有讲故事的天赋。(have a gift for)
3. 与其一路乘飞机,他们决定从东海岸坐火车到西海岸。(rather than, all they way)
4. 首相证实了他将举行去温哥华的消息。 (confirm, leave for)
5 想到能看到明星,她们很兴奋。(the thought that, catch sight of)
6. 站在塔顶上,我仍能看到远处的山 ( in the distance)
7. 向东一直走,你会经过上千个湖泊和大城市。(eastward; as well as)
8. 加拿大的淡水比世界上任何其他国家都多。(more…than any other…)
9. 这男孩能走到俄罗斯那么远真令人惊讶。(manage, as far as)
10. 他们直到穿过了山谷才看到美丽的景色。(not…until…; go through)
1. The hospital was built in memory of Dr. Sun Yat-sen.
2. Children always look forward to Halloween when they can dress up and play tricks on each
3. They set off for the disaster-stricken hit area as soon as they got the permission.
4. It was obvious to everyone that he was lying.
5. He misses his hometown day and night, so this song always reminds him of his hometown.
6. He held his breath and dived headlong into the river.
7. On New Year’s Eve, all my family members get together to have a big feast, meaning reunion.
8. If you want her to forgive you, you should sincerely apologize.
9. It’s already seven o’clock. Jack should be here at any moment.
10. Whenever I went to see him, he would treat me with some home-made cakes.

1. You will benefit greatly if you regularly consult (with) your teacher.
2.I don’t know how they manage to get away with paying such low taxes.
3. Unless you keep a balanced diet, you will put on weight.
4. He was amazed at the great changes that had taken place in his hometown.

5. After making a wonderful speech, he was able to win back the support of his colleagues.
6. His ability to earn a good living is limited by his lack of education.
7. Before moving into the new house, he threw away the things he didn’t need.
8. The sisters must have had an argument, for they are no longer talking to each other.
9. Bing heavily in debt, he got rid of the habit of gambling.
10. Before long she found that she had made a great mistake.

1. This news report is based entirely on facts.
2. I wonder whether you’d mind us asking a few questions.
3. What shall we do with the waste paper?
4. We will have a picnic in the woods, weather permitting.
5. When I arrived, I found the door closed.
6. Nobody could account for his absence from school.
7. I decided to play it safe rather than take a chance.
9. In recent years, many of my friends have come to the big city to seek their fortune.
10. Susan was born in Paris and brought up in London.
1. Now that you have passed the driving test, you can drive on your own.
2. What prevented him from attending our meeting still remains a mystery.
3. The atmosphere at the party yesterday was very joyful and everyone had a great time.
4. He finally cheered up when he realized he would arrive in time to catch the plane.
5. We were amazed to hear that she had given birth to such a large baby boy.
6. I often wonder why some parents allow their children to watch violent movies.
7. Whether the astronaut can float depends on whether the force of gravity is small enough.
8. According to the widely accepted theory, the universe began with a “Big Bang”.
9. It was not obvious that water was to be fundamental to the development of life.
10. We’re too far from the moon to feel its pull.
1. With so much noise outside, I couldn’t settle down to study.
2. This 6-year-old boy has a gift for telling stories.
3. Rather than take the plane all the way, they decided to take the train from the east coast to the
west coast.
4. The Prime Minister confirmed the news that he would leave for Vancouver.
5. The thought that they could catch sight of the star was exciting.
6. Standing at the t7. Going eastward, you’ll pass thousands of lakes as well as many large cities.
8. Canada has more fresh water than any other country in the world.
9. It’s amazing that the boy managed to go as far as Russia.
10. They didn’t see the great scenery until they went through the valley.







