
2020年07月31日 06:31


Antidote to Common Poisons
time: 30-40 min
points: 7
ingredients: Bezoar (1-17-2)
Mistletoe Berries (1-12-2)
Unicorn Horn (21G)
1. 1 Bezoar to the mortar
2. Crush into a very fine powder using the pestle
3. Add 4 measures of the crushed Bezoar to your cauldron
4. Add 2 measures of Standard Ingredient to your cauldron
5. Heat to a medium temperature for 5 seconds
6. Wave your wand
7. Leave to brew and return in 30 minutes

8. Add 1 pinch of Unicorn Horn to your cauldron
9. Stir 2 times, clockwise
10. Add 2 Mistletoe Berries to your cauldron
11. Stir 2 times, anti-clockwise
12. Wave the wand to complete the potion

Cure for Boils
time: 33-45 min
points: 3
ingredients: Horned Slugs (2-5-2)
Porcupine Quills (2G)
Snake Fangs (2G)
1. Add 6 Snake Fangs to the mortar
2. Crush into a fine powder using the pestle
3. Add 4 measures of the crushed fangs to your cauldron
4. Heat to a high temperature for 10 seconds
5. Wave your wand
6. Leave to brew and return in 33 minutes

7. Add 4 Horned Slugs to your cauldron
8. Add 2 Porcupine Quills to your cauldron
9. Stir 5 times, clockwise
10. Wave your wand to complete the potion

Forgetfulness Potion
time: 45-60 min
points: 9
ingredients: Lethe River Water (4G)
Mistletoe Berries (1-12-2)
Valerian Sprigs (2-5-1)
1. Add 2 drops of Lethe River Water to your cauldron
2. Gently heat for 20 seconds
3. Add 2 Valerian Sprigs to your cauldron
4. Stir 3 times, clockwise
5. Wave your wand
6. Leave to brew and return in 45 minutes

7. Add 2 measured of Standard Ingredient to the mortar
8. Add 4 Mistletoe Berries to the mortar
9. Crush into a medium-fine powder using the pestle
10. Add 2 pinches of the crushed mixture to your cauldron
11. Stir 5 times, anti-clockwise
12. Wave your wand to complete the potion

time: 45-60 min
points: 9
ingredients: Flobberworm Mucus (3-14-1)
Horklump Juice (2-3-2)
Spines of Lionfish (2-5-3)
1. Add 4 Lionfish Spines to the mortar
2. Crush into a rough powder using the pestle
3. Add 2 measures of Standard Ingredient to the mortar
4. Crush into a rough powder
5. Add 3 measures of the crushed mixture to your cauldron
6. Wave your wand
7. Leave to brew and return in 45 mintues

8. Add 2 measures of Horklump Juice to your cauldron
9. Heat to a medium temperature for 10 seconds
10. Add 2 blobs of Flobberworm Mucus to your cauldron
11. Stir 4 times, clockwise
12. Wave your wand to complete the potion

Sleeping Draught
time: 52-60 min
ingredients: Flobberworm Mucus (3-14-1)
Lavender (2-5-1)
Valerian Sprigs (2-5-1)
1. Add 4 sprigs of Lavender to the mortar
2. Add 2 measures of Standard Ingredient to the mortar
3. Crush into a creamy paste using the pestle
4. Add 2 blobs of Flobberworm Mucus to your cauldron
5. Add 2 measures of Standard Ingredient to your cauldron
6. Gently heat for 30 seconds
7. Add 3 measures of the crushed mixture to your cauldron
8. Wave your wand
9. Leave to brew and return in 52 minutes

10. Add 2 measures of Standard Ingredient to your cauldron
11. Heat on a high temperature for 1 minute
12. Add 4 Valerian Sprigs to your cauldron
13. Stir 7 times, clockwise
14. Wave your wand to complete the potion

Swelling Solution
time: 45-60 min
points: 7
ingredients: Bat Spleens (1-10-3)
Dried Nettles (1-8-3)
Pufferfish Eyes (3-14-3)
1. Add 2 scoops of dried nettles to the mortar
2. Add 3 Pufferfish Eyes to the mortar
3. Crush to a medium-fine powder
4. Add 2 measures of the crushed mixture to the cauldron
5. Heat on a medium temperature for 20 seconds
6. Wave your wand
7. Leave to brew and return in 45 minutes

8. Add 1 Bat Spleen to the cauldron
9. Stir 4 times, anti-clockwise
10. Heat to low for 30 seconds
11. Wave your wand to complete the potion

Wideye or Awakening Potion
time: 41-55 min
points: 9
ingredients: Dried Billywig Stings (1-8-3)
Snake Fangs (2G)
Wolfsbane (1-8-3)
1. Add 6 Snake Fangs to the mortar
2. Add 4 measures of Standard Ingredient to the mortar
3. Add 6 Dried Billywig Stings to your cauldron
4. Heat on a medium temperature for 30 seconds
5. Finely crush the ingredients in the mortar
6. Add 4 measures of the crushed ingredients to your cauldron
7. Stir 3 times, clockwise
8. Wave your wand
9. Leave to brew and return in 41 minutes

10. Add 2 sprigs of Wolfsbane to your cauldron
11. Stir 3 times, anti-clockwise
12. Wave your wand to complete the potion







