
2020年07月31日 06:37


Part I: So You Want to Write for Pictures
In tall begins with an idea. You are driving through the city (or stuck in traffic as the case may be) when a childhood memory flashes before your eyes. This would make a great film. You’re reading a newspaper, and a third-page crime scene sparks an array of chilling images. This would make a great film. You’re minding your own business in some public forum when you overhear a startling conversation and — you guessed it — this would make a great film. This part of the book is about the all important idea — finding it, nurturing it, imagining it on the screen. Because you know what? It probably would make a great film, and if you don’t write it, who will?

In This Chapter
_ Getting an overview of the screenwriting process
_ Putting your ideas on paper
_ Revising your work
_ Selling your script
Screenwriting is a craft, and like any craft worth pursuing, you can never know too much about it. You wouldn’t tell a doctor to stop scrutinizing advances in medicine, would you? Can a teacher ever learn enough about education? This chapter provides a glimpse of screenwriting and alerts you to where in the book you can go to find it. Consider it your preview of coming attractions.

Thinking Visually
Quick — in what children’s book does a character require green glasses to enter a city gate? If you answered The Wizard of Oz, you’re absolutely right. Dorothy needs green glasses to enter the Emerald City. And while they cut this detail in the film version, the question is nevertheless relevant to screenwriting. It’s a question of vision — what do you need in order to see where you’re going?
Screenwriting requires a unique vision, eyes trained to scan the world with particular acuity. It seems silly to say that screenwriters look at the world with a visual eye. Of course, they do. Doesn’t everybody? After all, looking is a visual act.
And yet, there’s a distinct difference between what screenwriters see and what people in other occupations see. Screenwriters break the world down into visual clips or scenes — in other words, into moving pictures. And screenwriters see with more than their eyes. Consider for a second that it’s possible to see moving pictures while
_ Observing the world around you
_ Reading a novel, a play, or a poem
_ Reading the newspaper
_ Listening to music
_ Listening to someone else’s story
Screenwriters look for moving pictures in everything, though some sources yield more than others. Want to know how your vision stacks up? Find a public place, sit down for a while with a pad and pen, and write down what you notice. Then, flip to Chapter 2 and find out how visual your eye really is.

Developing the Writer’s Mind
Imagine a storage facility, with aisles and aisles of file cabinets, some overflowing and some empty but for one scrap of paper. Or imagine a playground full of children, yes, but other people as well, people you wouldn’t expect
to see. Maybe two construction workers are playing basketball, or a few CEOs are eating donuts on the lawn; students and couples and blue-collar employees are all in the same space. Or imagine a long hallway full of doors. Occasionally, people emerge, have an exchange of some sort, and return behind those doors. Now, imagine a blank canvas. Paints and brushes sit nearby, but they remain, as of yet, unused. Any one of these spaces may resemble the mind of a writer. Writers collect and store tons of details. They amass images, pieces of conversation, intriguing characters, sounds, expressions, slang, and more. They also costume what they find, envisioning different outcomes. Add some boots, some dust, and a gun — voilà. You’re in a western. Dim the lights, strip away the color, and give everyone a cigar — presto! You have the black-and-white, suspense-filled world of a film noir. Introduce a spaceship or a time machine, and suddenly, the world becomes science fiction. This is how writers spend much of their time — not exactly a dull profession. So, I suppose that the question here is, What does your mind look like? If you want to find out, turn to Chapter 3.

Approaching Screenwriting as a Craft
Writers take their vocation very seriously. They’ll do almost anything to inspire that muse, and I do mean anything. Rumor has it that
_ Alexander Dumas color coordinated his paper with the type of fiction that he was writing. Blue paper was for novels, yellow paper was for poetry, and rose-colored pages were reserved for nonfiction.
_ Mark Twain and Truman Capote had to write lying down.
_ Ernest Hemingway sharpened dozens of pencils before he wrote.
_ Willa Cather read the Bible before writing each day.
_ Poet John Donne liked to lie in an open coffin before picking up a pen.
Now, there’s a story for you.
I’m not implying that to take up the craft of writing you have to become an eccentric, but that may happen of its own accord. Writing is both fun and frustrating; it requires flights of whimsy as well as hard work. It’s equal parts imagination and preparation. Striking a balance between the two worlds is a constant challenge. Catching the muse is one thing, but keeping her with you is another — that’s where the tools of the trade come in handy. If you want a glimpse of some of those tools, turn to Chapter 4 where I discuss the craft of screenwriting. You find advice on how to flex your imagination, channel it onto the page, and maintain the writing schedule necessary to do both.














