
2020年07月31日 08:05


Ranks of ship’s crew(船员职务)
crew 船员
captain(master) 船长
chief officer 大副
or chief mate(first mate)
second chief 二副
or second mate
third officer 三副
or third mate
assistant officer 驾助
radio officer(radio 报务员operator, wireless operator)
purser (chief purser) 管事,事物长
clerk 事务员
boatswain or bosun 水手长
cassab 副水手长
quartermaster 舵工
coxswain 舵工,艇长
able seaman 全能水手,一水
a.b.(able bodied seaman) 全能水手
e. D.h. , d.h.u. 全能水手
o.s.(ordinary seaman) 普通水手,二水
seaman, mariner 普通水手,海员
deck boy 甲板员
engineer 轮机员
chief engineer 轮机长,大车,老轨
second engineer 大管轮,二车,二轨
third engineer 二管轮,三车,三轨
fourth engineer 三管轮,四车,四轨
assistant engineer 轮助
mechanic 机工
fireman 生火
cleaner or wiper 清洁工
chief steward 大管事
(or catering officer)
second steward 二管事
chief cook 大厨
second cook 二厨
supernumerary 额外人员
ship’scomplement 船上的定员
deck serang 水手长
deck tindal 副水手长
seacunny 舵工

Names of marine organizations and their( 船务机关名称及工作人员)
harbour administration bureau (or harbour bureau) 港务局
the joint inspection party-inward and outward 进口联合检查组
harbour supervision office 港务监督
the customs 海关
frontier inspection station 边防检查站
quarantine office (s0ervice) 卫生检疫所
animal and plant quarantine service 动植物检疫所
china commodity inspection and testing bureau(ccitb) 中国商品检验局
china marine bunker supply corporation 中国船舶燃料供应公司
china national chartering corporation(zhongzu) 中国租船公司
china ocean shipping agency 中国外轮代理公司
china ocean shipping company (cosco) 中国远洋运输公司
china ocean shipping company chartering department(coschard)
中国远洋轮船公司租船部 (“中远租”)
chian ocea
n shipping tally company 中国外轮理货公司
china ocean shipping supply corporation(supco.) 中国外轮供应公司
the ~ office of the register of shipping of the people’s republic of china 中华人民共和国船舶检验局~办事处
joint inspection party 联检小组
customs officer 海关官员
harbour officer 港务监督员
frontier defence officer (inspector ,guard) 边防检查组
Quarantine officer(dotor) 卫生检疫员
customs boarding office 登轮官员
customs searching party 海关检查组
docker 码头工人(广义)
longshoreman 码头工人(在岸上装卸)
stevedore 码头工人(在船上装卸)
foreman 装卸队长
pilot 引水员
cargo surveyor 商品检验员
marine or ship surveyor 验船师
chief tallyman 理货员
waterman 加水工人
agent 代理
Marine loading and discharging gear and harbour facilities
barge 驳船
beacon 航标灯
belt conveyor 皮带运输机
board palnk 木版
bridge crane 桥吊,装卸桥
bunkering tanker 供燃料船
buoy 浮筒,浮标
can hook,barrel sling 吊桶钩
canvas 帆布
canvas sling 吊货帆布袋
cargo tray 吊货盘
cargo runner 吊货钢丝绳
chafing plate 防擦板
chafing mat 防擦席
chain sling 链条吊索
crane 吊车
cold storage 冷藏仓库
conveyor belt 传送带
crowbar 撬杠
customs launch 海关关艇
dolphin 系缆桩
dunnage 垫仓物料
electric crane 电吊
elevator 升降机
ferry boat 轮渡船
fire boat 消防船
floating crane 浮吊
footboard 踏板
fork - lift 铲车,叉车
funnel 漏斗
gangboard 跳板
gantry crane 龙门吊
garbage(sludge,sewage) boat 垃圾船
grab 抓斗
rain elevator 吸粮机
hammer 铁锤
handcart 手推车
harbour light 港口灯标
iron nail 铁钉
landing pier 登岸码头
lifting maget 西铁吊具
lighter 驳船
light house 灯塔
light ship 灯船
manila rope 白棕绳
mat 席子
mobile crane 流动吊车
mooring anchorage 系泊锚地
mooring buoy 系泊浮筒
motor launch 小汽艇
nylon rope 尼龙绳
oil hose 输油软管
open yard 露天货场
personnelboat 交通艇
pilot boat 引水船
plate hook 钢板吊钩
pontoon 浮码头
pontoon bridge 浮桥
quarantine anchorage 检疫锚地
quarantine vessel 检疫船
refrigerator car 冷藏车
rope sling 绳吊索
saw 锯
semi-portal crane 半门吊
shifting board 防动板
signal tower 信号台
steam launch 小汽艇
steel wire 钢丝绳
tower crane 塔吊
tractor 牵引车
traffic boat 交通艇
tug boat(motor tug) 拖轮
warehouse 仓库
water boat 供水船
watr lever indicator 水深标尺
wire cargo net 钢丝网络
wire sling 钢丝吊索
various kind of vessels(各种船舶)
air cushion craft 气垫船
bage-carrier 载驳货船
bulb-bowed ship 球鼻首船
bulk-carrier 散货船
cargo liner 定期货船
collier 散货船
crew boat (船员)联络船
diesel boat 柴油机船
dry cargo ship 干货船
dumb lighter 驳船(没有机器的)
freighter 货船
oil barge 油驳
ore carrier(ore ship) 矿砂船
reefer(refrigerator ship) 冷冻船
salvage vessel 救助船
grain carrier 运量船
ice-breaker 破冰船
light ship 未载货的货船
lumber carrier(timber carrier) 运木船
meat ship 肉类船
moto ship 内燃机船
ocean-going vessel 远洋船
sister ship 姐妹船
steam ship 蒸汽机船
stor carrier 补给船
tanker(oil tanker) 油驳
trawler 拖网渔船
Major marine papers and cert
application for bunkers 加(燃油)申请书
application for tallyman 理货申请书
bill of lading 提单
booking note 订舱单
boat note 订载单
cargo receipt 交货收据
cargo tally sheet 理货记数单
copy 副本
damaged cargo report 货物残损报告书
declaration 申报单
delivery order 交货单
dock receipt 码头收据
gang record 工班报单
hatch(cargo)list 分舱单
inward manifest 进口舱单
license 许可证
mate’s receipt 收货单
notice of arrival 到货通知书
motice of claim 索赔通知
notice of readiness 准备就绪通知书
on-spot record 现场记录
original 正本
outward manifest 出口舱单
parcel receipt 小包收据
sailing orders 开航通知
shipper’s export declaration 货物出口申请书
shipping list 装货通知书
shipping permit 准运单
short/overlanded cargo list 货物溢短单
short/overlanded cargo report 货物溢短报告单
tally daily report 理货日报告
tally sheet 理货单
tally shift report 理货工班报告
2 )certificates ( 证书,证件)
certificate of freeboard 干舷证书
certificate of health 无疫证书
certificate of origin 产地证书
ceitificate of port registry 船籍港证书
certicficate of survey 船舶检验证
classification certificate 船级证书
deratting certificate 除鼠证书
deratting exemption certificate 免予除鼠证书
inspection certificate 验讫单
international loading certificate 国际载重线证书
maritime declaration of health 航海健康申明书
navigation certificate seaworthiness certificate 适行证书
outward clearance certificate 出国证书
panama canal tonnage certificate巴拿马运河吨位证书
passport 护照
safety radio telegraphy certificate无线电报安全证书
ship’s safety certificate 船舶安全证书
sues canal special tonnage certificate 苏伊士运河专用吨位证书
tonnage certificate 吨位证书
tonnage dues certificate 吨税证书
wireless inspection certificate 无线电安全证书
The structure of a ship(船舶结构)
accomodation 房间
accomodation ladder 舷梯
aerial(antenna) 天线
aft part(after part) 船尾部
air siren 汽笛
aldis lamp 闪光信号灯
alleyway 走道
anchor 锚
anchor chain 锚链
auxiliary machinery 辅机
bilge 船底沟
binnacle 罗盘支架
bitts(bollards) 系缆柱
block 滑轮
boom 吊杆
bow 船头
port bow 左舷船头
starboard bow 右舷船头
break 夹板台阶
bridge 船桥,驾驶台
brow (从船上到岸上的)舷梯
bulwarks 舷墙
bunker 燃料舱
cabin 船舱
pilot’s cabin 引水员房间
cable 锚链
capstan 绞盘
cargo hold 货舱
catwalk 狭窄的舷梯
awning 帆布蓬
baggage room 行李房
barometer 气压表
basic line 吨位标志线
balk(blulk) , beam 船梁
hatch beam 舱盖横梁
port beam 左舷
starboard beam 右舷
chain locker 锚链舱
chronometer 经纬仪
coamings 舱口栏板
compass 罗盘
course recorder 航向记录仪
crane 起重机
davit 挂艇架
deck 甲板
boat deck 救生艇甲板
lower deck 下甲板
lower tween deck 二层柜
main deck 正甲板
poop deck 船尾上面的甲板
promenade deck 保护甲板之上甲板
shelter deck 遮蔽甲板
tonnage deck 量吨甲板
tween(between)deck 二层柜
upper deck 上甲板
upper tween deck 三层柜
deck house 甲板室
derrick 吊杆
diesel engine 柴油机
double bottom 双层底
draught marks(draft marks) 吃水标志
dynamo(generator) 发电机
echo sounder 测深仪
engine roon 机舱
engin roon department 机舱部
escape trunk 救生道
fan room 打风间
falg-staff 旗杆
forecastle 船首楼
forecastle head 船头甲板
foremast 头柜
forepart 船头部
freeboard deckling 干舷甲板线
gangway 舷梯
glass (口语)气压表
guy 稳索
gyro compass(gyro) 电罗经
halliard ,halyard 旗帜之升降索
hatch 舱口
hatch bord 舱盖板
hatch coaming 舱口栏板
hatch cover 舱口盖
hawse hole 锚链孔
helm 舵轮;舵柄
hawser 船缆;锚链
hull 舱壳
jack ladder(jacob’s ladder)软梯,绳梯
jackstaff 船头小旗杆
jigger mast 尾
jumbo(derrick 重吊(杆)
keel 龙骨
life belt 救生带
life bort 救生艇
life buoy 救生圈
life jacket 救生衣
life raft 救生筏
life-saving apparatus 救生设备
load ling 载重线,装载水线
man-rope 绳索
mizzen mast
monkey island 瞭望台
pilot ladder 领港梯子
piston 活塞
plimsol’s mark 载重线标志
poop 船尾楼
port 港口,舱口,左舷
port -hole 舷舱,舱口
propeller 螺旋桨
pulley 滑轮
pump 水泵
purchase 绳索,滑轮
quarter 船舷的后部
port quarter 左舷后部
starboard quarter 右舷后部
radar 雷达
radio 无线电
radio direction finder 无线电测向器
radio room 无线电室
radio transmitter 无线电发射机
rast 救生筏
rail,railings 扶手,栏杆
rat-guard 缆绳上的防鼠隔
ratlines 绳梯横索
refrigerated hold 冷藏舱
rig 帆索
rudder 舵
screw 螺丝钉
scupper 排水管
scupper board 挡水板
scanner 雷达扫描设备
sextant 六分仪
shaft tunnel 地轴弄
shackle 钩环
shifting board 防动板,防舱板
signal rocket 信号火箭
siren 汽笛
sling 吊索
starboard 右舷
steam engine 蒸汽引擎
steering gear
stem 船头
stern 船尾
storeroom 贮藏室
tackle 滑车,吊具
tank 液体舱
ballast tank 压载水舱
cofferdam tank 隔离沧
deep tank 深舱,深水柜







