
2020年07月31日 09:23


To be disgustingly disagreeable or offensive. 令人讨厌。
eg.: You suck. 你真讨厌。(生气的时候说)
It sucks. 太令人讨厌了。(表示不喜欢)

check out
eg.: Check this out. 看看(听听)这个。
Check out this ring. 看看这个戒指。

make up
To put together; construct or compose: 虚构, 拼凑
e.g.: It's not true. I made up the story.

stand firm
We stand firm at $$10. 我们坚持要(只给)10块钱。(讨价还价时用)

patch up
I still think we should try to patch things up.

adj: certain to get successful or expected results <a surefire recipe>

shut up
v: to cause (a person) to stop talking 使闭嘴

eg.: I only know of two surefire ways to shut a man up. And one of them is sex.

eg: She just dumped her boyfriend. 她刚刚蹬了男朋友。

water under the bridge
n: something we have forgotten about 已经忘了的事
e.g.: It's water under the bridge, forget it!

We say "water under the bridge" to refer to past experiences and conflicts which we have decided to forget. This idiom compares these memories of the past to water which has passing under [the] bridge. Example: "Aren't you still angry about what he said?" Answer: "No, that was a long time ago. It's all water under the bridge."

v. 1)To mock playfully; tease. 2) To deceive in fun; fool.
You've got to be kidding me. 你一定是在耍我。
Are you kidding me? 你在耍我吧?
No kidding. 别开玩笑
I'm kidding. 我说着玩的。

hang out
To pass time idly; loiter: 无所事事,耗时间
I think I'm just gonna hang out here tonight. It's been kinda a long day.

give/make the toast
Every year Ross makes the toast, it's always really moving and makes them cry.

freak out
v. 1)Experience or cause to experience hallucinations, paranoia, or other frightening feelings as a result of taking a mind-altering drug. For example, They were freaking out on LSD or some other drug. [Slang; mid-1960s]
2) Behave or cause to behave irrationally and uncontrollably, with enthusiasm, excitement, fear, or madness. For example, The band's wild playing made the audience freak out, or It was such a close accident, it really freaked me out, or She freaked out and ended up in the psychiatric ward. [Slang; 1960s] Also see flip one's lid; wig out.

prep. In support of; on the side of:
We're with you. 我们支持你。(可用来安慰别人,或表示支持和理解)

let it go
Let it go, Ross. (劝别人忘了某事)

hold on
v. To wait for something
wanted or requested, especially to keep a telephone connection open.
Hold on a second. 等一等。(=wait a second)

cut off
To interrupt or break the line of communication of:
Hi, the machine cut me off again. 刚才电话又断了(电话重新拨通时说)。

v. To put on other clothing: 换衣服
I'm gonna go change. I've got a date.

deja vu
n. 似曾相识的感觉
I'm getting a deja vu. 好像在哪见(听)过。
(记得电影《黑客帝国》(Matrix)中,Leo看见一条黑猫,立刻说了句 deja vu。)

break up
v. (男女间)分手
I've decided to break up with Allan. 我已决定跟 Allen 分手
I think we should break up. 我想我们应该分手。
We broke up. 我们分手了。

adj. Angry; resentful. 生气的
Oh, come on, Dora, don't be mad. 别生气。

HEY!Give me five.
YOU are the dead meat!
Don't put me around

n. A person regarded as strange, eccentric, or crazy.
He is a kook. 他是个怪人。

run a tight ship

My mum feels proud of herself, she runs our house as a tight ship.

Sport 的另外一个用法:

Empire State Building sports one of the 7 wonders of modern world.
表示这个Empire State Building真的算的上是 7个modern wonder之一。

freak out
v. 1)Experience or cause to experience hallucinations, paranoia, or other frightening feelings as a result of taking a mind-altering drug. For example, They were freaking out on LSD or some other drug. [Slang; mid-1960s]
2) Behave or cause to behave irrationally and uncontrollably, with enthusiasm, excitement, fear, or madness. For example, The band's wild playing made the audience freak out, or It was such a close accident, it really freaked me out, or She freaked out and ended up in the psychiatric ward. [Slang; 1960s] Also see flip one's lid; wig out.
I got freaked out. 我突发奇想。

In DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES, Susen forbids her daughter to meet Zak. So when Zak comes to send a party invitation to Susen daughter, she says: "My mom will be home at any minutes. She'll freak when she sees you here."

So freak here means "be upset"

According the "金山词霸“

Freak means:

To behave or cause to behave irrationally and uncontrollably. Often used with out. 放浪形骸举止或使举止不合理性且无法控制。常和 out连用
To become or cause to become greatly excited or upset. Often used with out. 使变得极度兴奋使变的极度兴奋或不安。常和 out连用

black out
v. To cause a failure of electrical power in: Storm damage blacked out mu
ch of the region.
e.g.: The entire city is blacked out. 整个城市都停电了。

n. 停电
Who am I gonna meet in a blackout? Power company guys? Eligible looters?

have a crush on
v. Also, have a case on(迷上了某人). Be
infatuated with someoneas, in He's had a case on her for years, or Teenage girls often have a crush on this teacher. The first slangy term dates from the mid-1800s; the second, a colloquialism, dates from the late 1800s.
e.g.: I was the last one to know when you had a crush on Joey when he was moving in.







