
2020年07月31日 09:41


木板漂浮在漆黑的海面上,冰冷的海水让Rose 开始绝望,Jack鼓励她坚强地活下去:“你会离开这儿,继
续活下去,生许多孩子,看着他们长大… …”生离死别的时刻,心爱的人说上几句对未来的憧憬,就会激起
生的渴望,也会刻骨铭心一辈子。—— 重温一下那凄凉但绝对温馨的一幕:
Rose: I love you, Jack.
Jack: Don't you do that. Don't you say your good-byes. Not yet. Do you understand me?
Rose: I'm so cold.
Jack: Listen, Rose. You're going to get out of here. You're going to go on and you can make a lot of
babies and watch them grow and you're going to die and old and old lady, warm in your bed. Not here.
Not this night. Not like this. You understand me?
Rose: I can't feel my body.
Jack: Winning that ticket was the best thing that ever happened to me. It brought me to you. And I'm
thankful for that, Rose. I'm thankful. You must do me this honor. You promise me that you will survive..;
that you won't give up... no matter what happens… no matter how hopeless. Promise me now, Rose, and
never let go off that promise.
Rose: I promise.
Jack: Never let go.
Rose: I will never let go, Jack. I'll never let go.

Rose的一句“I love you”显然 是为了诀别,Jack马上阻止了她,“不要这样,收起你的再见,现在不是
时候”。Not yet经常在口语中用到,表示直至目前尚未到时候,不使用完整句子。
go on作为一个词组,这里的意思是继续活下去。下面Jack说“不是在这里,不是今晚,不是像这
样死 去”,用了三个排比句,都是由not加上表示地点、时间或状态的副词或副词短语组成。
Jack要Rose不要放弃(give up放弃)。他说,赢得那张船票使他们相识,他为此心存感激(be
thankful for),他要Rose发誓活下去,无论发生什么,无论多绝望(hopeless),永不背弃(go off从……

Joe的大型连锁书店开张不久,生意兴 隆;Kathleen的儿童书店受到冲击,门庭冷落:两个现实中的冤家
对头却在网上聊成了朋友,并 相约在咖啡馆见面。这之前,Joe比Kathleen先知道了对方的身份。于是,
有趣的一幕出现了 ——Kathleen一边称赞着即将见面的网友,一边数落着面前的Joe——Joe Fox——Joe
(Someone comes into; Kathleen raises her head and looks forward.)
Joe: Take a wild guess that's not him either. So who is he, I wonder? Certainly not I, neither the world's
greatest living expert on Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, but somebody else entirely different. And will you
be mean to him too?
Kathleen: No, I will not, because the man who is coming here tonight is completely unlike you. The man
who is coming here tonight is kind and funny and he's got the most wonderful sense of humor.
Joe: But, he's not here.
Kathleen: Well, if he's not here he has a reason because there's not a cruel or careless bone in his body.
But I wouldn't expect you to understand anybody like that. You with your theme park multi-level
homogenize the world mochachino land. You've deluded yourself into thinking that you're some sort of
benefactor bringing books to the masses. But no one will ever remember you Joe Fox and maybe no one
will remember me either, but plenty of people remember my mother and they think she was fine and they
think her store was something special. You are nothing but a suit.
Joe: That's my cue. Have a good night.
有人进了咖啡馆,Kathleen马 上抬头看看是不是她要等的人。Joe调侃她,这个人会是谁呢?肯定不是
他,也不是还活在世上的参加 过尤利乌斯和伊塞尔•罗森伯格案件的侦探专家。living表示活着的、在世的。

末了,他还加问一句,“你不会也对他发这么大脾气(be mean to sb.)吧?”mean的原意是 卑微的、
不雅的,这里的意思是坏脾气的。Kathleen立刻回答说,她今晚要见的人善良(kin d)、风趣(funny)、
极具幽默感(sense of humor)。


一样冷酷漠然(cruel and careless);Joe只会用他的连锁店使世界变得毫无特色的趋同(homogenize v. 使同质化,使均质化);Joe误认为自己是把书籍带向大众的恩主(benefactor)。词组del ude somebody
with something(into doing something),欺骗,使某人有错误想法。
为了解气,Kathleen最后说,Joe只是个徒有其表的人(nothing but a suit), (suit整套的衣服)。
而Joe的回答则复杂得多——郎有心、妹无意,只好无奈地见好就收——“ 这就是你对我的看法”(That’s my
cue.)cue本来意思是提醒演员上台的提示词,引 申为暗指、提示、指点,这里也可以说成“多谢指教”——

家庭教师Jane相貌平平的,自幼失去双亲 ;Rochester先生则身处上层社会。她知道,她是爱他的,他也
是爱她的,可出于骄傲与自尊她 不愿承认。在最近的一次晚宴上,Blanch小姐的不可一世和客人们的傲慢
无礼刺痛了Jane,她 痛心地说出,“只是因为我没有财富、没有美貌就认定我没有感情么?”
Jane: Why do you confide in me like this? What are you and she to me? You think that because I'm
poor and plain, I have no feelings? I promise you, if God had gifted me with wealth and beauty, I would
make it as hard for you to leave me now as it is for me to leave you. But He did not. But my spirit can
address yours, as if both have passed through the grave and stood before heaven equal. Let me go, sir.
Rochester: I love you. I love you!
Jane: No, don't make me foolish.
Rochester: Foolish? I need you. What's Blanch to me? I know what I am to her, money to manure
her father's land with. Marry me, Jane,say you marry me.
Jane: You mean it?
Rochester: You torture me with your doubts. Say yes, say yes. God forgive me. And let no men
meddle with me. She is mine, mine.
Rochester跑来安慰她,Jane倔强地反问,何必要和她说这些,Roch ester和他的客人和她有什么
关系,就因为她普通、贫穷就该受嘲弄?她说,若上帝赐予她美貌与财 富,她一样可以随心所欲。confide

Jane相信,当最终走向坟墓、走向死亡,人在上帝面前是平等的。 她爱着Rochester,但坚持着自
己的原则,即便Rochester向她解释,Blanch只 是为了他的财产,他的心里只有Jane。Manure原意是给……
施肥,这里指使土地、财产增加。 address用到的意思是向……致辞、演说,Jane是说,灵魂不分尊卑,
Rochester要Jane嫁给他,Jane又是不相信地问“你真的要这样做? ”mean这里的意思是想要。You
mean it? 就等Do you really want to do that?
Rochester回答多少有些咬文嚼字。 他说,Jane的怀疑是对他的折磨。Torture本意是拷打,就引申
为折磨、使难受。Meddl e with作为一个词组,意思是乱动(他人之物),这里表达的是不与他人分享。

男主人(Jon)让猫抓耗子,猫(Garfield)却和 耗子Louis达成君子协议。猫让耗子好好听他的话,耗子说欠猫
Garfield: Ahh, so much time and so little I need to do.
Jon: Mouse!
Garfield: No, thanks, I'm full.
Jon: Get him, Garfield!
Garfield: Get him, Jon. It's always got to be smashing and crashing. Nobody poisons anymore.
There's my ball!
Jon: What good is a cat if he can't chase a mouse?
Garfield: I don't do the “chase” thing.
Jon:I know you don't hear me, but can't you just listen?
Garfield: Louis, what are you doing in the house, in Jon's home?
Louis: Sorry, Garfield, and I couldn't help it.
Garfield: Look, when he sees you here, he expects more from me, don't you get that?
Louis: Yes, he's got that mint cookie. I'm trying to maintain, you understand?
Garfield: Sure, as long as you understand I have to eat you.
Louis: Ohh...

Jon: Oh, good boy! See I know you can do it if you put your mind to it! You are the best kind of cat
I could have.
Garfield: Have you tasted yourself lately?
Louis: Hey, it wasn't exactly the first-class laundry there for me!
Garfield: Get yourself washed, Louis. Take a powder for a couple of days, get a haircut and grow
Louis: Cool! I owe you one, G
1. 注意hear和 listen的区别,hear表示听的结果, listen表示动作。
例句: I listened but I didn't hear anything. 我听了但是什么都没听见。
2. I couldn't help it. 我忍不住。 help后面还可以加上动词的现在分词形式, 表示忍不住做某事。
例句: I couldn't help laughing. 我忍不住大笑起来。
3. put one's mind to something 表示认真做某事,相当于 put one's heart on something
4. I owe you one, G. 我欠你一个人情,加菲。这里G是加菲猫的简称。
摘自77 届奥斯卡热门影片《杯酒人生》(Sideways)中Maya与Miles的一段对话。—— Miles热衷品酒,
在这里他评论Pinot Noir的几句感悟准确、精到,堪称艺术英语的典范 。影片英文原名“Sideways”,也暗
Maya: Why are you so into Pinot Noir? I mean, it's like a thing with you.
Miles: I don't know, um, it's a hard grape to grow, as you know, right? It's thin-skinned,
temperamental, ripens early, you know. It's not a survivor like Cabernet, which can just grow anywhere
and thrive even when it's neglected. No, Pinot Noir needs constant care and attention. In fact, it can grow
only in these really specific tucked-away corners of the world. And only the most patient and nurturing of
growers can do it, really. Only somebody who really takes the time to understand Pinot Noir's potential
can then coax it into its full expression. And then, I mean, oh, its flavors. They're just the most haunting
and brilliant and thrilling and subtle and ancient on the planet. No, I mean you know, cabernets can be
powerful and exalting too, but they seem prosaic to me, by comparison. What about you?

Pinot Noir是一种黑葡萄酒,下面提到的Cabernet则是一种味道普通的红葡萄酒。Miles 是说,与
Cabernet的生长不同,Pinot Noir需要不断的爱护与关注,它精致却娇嫩, 就像空谷幽兰;只有肯花时间
be into相当于be interested in,be fond of,意思是喜欢,对某事感兴趣。thing是指特别着迷于某
一些描述这种葡萄特性的形容词:薄皮的(thin- skinned)、敏感的(temperamental)、生于隐蔽
角落的(in tucked- away corner)。其中,tuck本意是折起来、叠起来,tucked- away就用来形容不易被
之后Miles又用了 一组形容词描述这种葡萄酒的味道:绵长(haunting)、夺目(brilliant)、震撼
( thrilling)、精致(subtle)、古老(ancient)。其中,haunt本意是神出鬼没、 徘徊不去,变为形容词
最后,在与红葡萄酒的比较中又用了三个词,说Cabernet虽然劲很大(pow erful)、喝起来飘飘欲
仙(exalting),但和Pinot Noir比,就显得有些平庸 (prosaic)了。prosaic总是与poetic相对出现,前
者的意思是散文化的、平淡的 ;后者的意思是诗意的、有味道的。
再特别讲讲其中的一个表达。Miles说只有园丁最大的耐心与培育才能让Pinot Noir生长,才能coax
it into its full expression。coax 本意是哄、耐心地使,这里是说,就像使尽心思哄女孩子开心、使她展现
出各种各样的风情,只有那些用 心去发现、去感受的人,才能体味到Pinot Noir的丰厚内涵。

又是一对战火硝烟中的苦命鸳鸯。Katharine身 受重伤,她在山洞里等待徒步走出沙漠求救的情人Sharif
归来,带给她生的希望。借着手电筒的最 后一点光亮,被寒冷、饥饿、伤痛折磨的Katharine写下这几行
诀别的文字:国家本没有边界, 我想要的,只是与你漫步在没有地图界限的土地上,携手于风中……
Katharine: My darling, I am waiting for you. How long is a day in the dark? Or a week? The fire is gone
now, and I'm horribly cold. I really ought to drag myself outside, and there would be the sun. I am afraid I
waste the light on the paintings, and on writing these words.

We die, we die rich with lovers, and tribes, tastes we have swallowed, bodies we have entered and
swum up like rivers, fears we've hidden in, like the wretched cave. I want all this marked on my
body. We are the real countries, not the boundaries drawn on maps with names of powerful men.
I know you will come and carry me out in the palace of winds. That's all I've wanted, to walk in such a
place with you, with friends, an earth without maps.
The lamp is gone out, and I'm writing in the darkness.
当Sharif不惜以地图向敌军交换汽油、架着飞机赶回沙漠,看到的只是Katharine弥留之际惜别的 文
wait for是比较常用的固定搭配,表示等候、等待。gone是过去分词变化 成的形容词作表语,意思是
熄灭的、逝去的。因为Sharif离去前点燃的篝火已经熄灭,手电筒又支 撑不了多久,山洞里漆黑阴冷、不
分昼夜,Katharine才说,不知道已经过去了一天还是一个星 期,她渴望见到阳光。drag原意就是拖、缓
Kat harine说,我们死去,与不同种族的人(tribes)一起,带着对爱人(lover)的记忆,带着经 历
过的人生百味(taste)酸甜苦辣的回味,带着我们心底曾经的恐惧胆怯(fear),以及灵魂 栖身其中的这
副皮囊(body),所以即使是死亡,也是充实而丰富的(rich)。这里使用了两个 生动的动词:swallow,
吞下,与“味道”的比喻相得益彰;enter,进入,强调了灵魂的独 立,并不是与身体合二为一的。hide in,
正常生活 被战争颠覆,阳光、清风、与心爱的人相知相守,这些和平年月唾手可得的东西在动荡的
岁月中显得遥不 可及。Katharine告诉爱人她最后的领悟:国家不是用画在地图上的边界(boundaries drawn
on maps)围成的,不是以女王或首相的意志铸就的,我们——实实在在的人,才是国家的真正组成。

酒过三巡,辛德勒(Shindler)与纳粹军官阿蒙哥特(Amon Goeth)到阳台闲聊。平 常,Goeth经常无缘无故开
枪射击,乱杀无辜,他认为,随意杀人就是权力。Shindler却说 ,“正义”才是能让一个人操生杀大权的原因,
宽恕才是权力。——看看Shindler的原话是怎么 说的:
Goeth: You know, I look at you. I watch you, and you're never drunk. Oh, that's...that's real control.
Control is power. That's power. Is that why they fear us? We have the fucking power to kill, that's why

they fear us. They fear us because we have the power to kill arbitrarily. A man commits a crime, he
should know better. We have him killed, and feel good about it. Or we kill him ourselves and we feel even
Shindler: That's not power, though. That's justice. It's different than power. Power is when we have
every justification to kill, and we don't.
Goeth: You think that's power?
Shindler: That's what the emperors had. A man stole something; he's brought in before the
emperor. He throws himself down on the ground, he begs for mercy. He knows he's going to die. And
the emperor... pardons him. This worthless man, he lets him go.
Goeth: I think you are drunk.
Shindler: That's power, Amon.
look a t,固定搭配的词组,意思是看、观察。drunk,喝醉了的。Goeth说Shindler从不喝醉,显示
亲 手杀了他,就更有快感了。commit a crime,犯罪,可以当作一个固定搭配来记忆。
Shindler却提出了不同的见解。他认为,正义(justice)使我们有权杀死一个犯了罪的人。真正 的权
力是,我们有充足的理由去处死他,而我们却不去这样做。every,每一个,全部的,引申为充 分的;
justification,认为有理,认为正当,理由。他解释说,就像小偷乞求(beg for)宽恕,皇帝原谅(pardon)
了他,让这个毫无价值的人(worthless)继续苟且 偷生,皇帝(emperor)们拥有的就是权力而不是正义。
throw oneself on the ground,匍匐在地。
再做些文字外的注释,以便更透彻地理解这段话 。Shindler话外的意思是,“权力”是存在于人与人的
关系中的,可以使用,可以执行;“正义 ”却不是一个人或一群人与生俱来的,它是一种参照的标准,是独
立于人之外的。当一个人或一群人以正 义的化身自居的时候,这个世界也就危险了。


< p>
该片是喜剧片《拜见岳父大人》的续集。讲述了Greg正在与女友策划结婚事宜时,他未来的岳父 大人Jack
却突发奇想,带领一家人出发去探望Greg的父母。由于这两对亲家的性格、爱好乃至家 庭观价值观都大
相径庭,把夹在中间的Greg折腾得苦不堪言。下面这段对话发生在一家人出发之前。 Jack正在逗自己的
Jack:He is taking you in. He has a very keen sense of people.
Greg:He's a chip off the old block, huh? We might have another CIA man on our hands here, Mr.
Munchkinhead. You little…
Jack:Greg, Greg, Don't infantilize him. Talk to him like an adult. He's a little person. His
communication skills aren't verbal yet, but he understands. Observe.
Greg:Oh, yeah. I've heard about this, this baby signing stuff. This is like cutting edge.
格雷格:他很像你呀,是不?我们 可能又要有一个中央情报局的特工了。曼基康大头宝宝先生。你
他能明 白。你看。
用 来形容婴儿对格雷格进行的观察和吸收,非常形象。
off the old b lock直译为“木块上砍下来的木片”,这里用来形容孙子和爷爷非常相像。在剧中,
这位未来的岳父 是中央情报局的退休特工,几十年来一直从事观察和分析别人的工作。所以格雷格会产生
祖孙酷似的错觉 。后文杰克用来逗弄婴儿的Munchkinhead,是指美国一种名牌婴儿用具包装上的婴儿头
g edge原意是指“刀锋边缘”,但在美国口语中已经常用来形容“最先进的(技 术、工艺)”。有时
讲话时 则力求严谨正规,一板一眼,有时候甚至给人咬文嚼字的感觉。二者相映成趣。

摘自轻喜剧影片《律政悄佳人II》(Legally BlondeII)中Woods演讲的一段。 ——为了给自己心爱的小狗
Bruiser争取权利,身为律师的女主人公Elle Woods只身来 到华盛顿。国会里,穿着时尚的金发美女站在
黑压压的一群西服革履的议员面前,没有政治家贯有的高谈 阔论,只是以自己失败的新发型为例,告诉人
短短一小段演讲却起伏不断。比如,她看到高深莫测的国会议员们对她表现出不以为然 ,便刻意强
调“我要告诉你们的远比一项单一的法案重要,这对每一个美国人都至关重要”,议员们的注 意力被调动起
Elle: I came to Washington to help my dog Bruiser...and somewhere around the way...I learned a
really unexpected lesson. I know what you are thinking--- Who's this girl? And what could this simple,
small-town girl from Bel Air...have to say to all of us? I'll tell you. It's about something that's bigger than
me...or any single act of legislation. This is about a matter that should be at...the highest importance to
every American...My hair.
There's this salon in Beverly Hills. It's really fancy and beautiful. It's impossible to get an
appointment. Unless you're Julia Roberts or from
called me. They had an opening. So I was going to finally get the chance...to sit in one of those sacred
beauty chairs. I was so excited. Then the colorist...gave me Brassy Brigitte instead of Harlow Honey. The
shampoo girl washed my hair with spiral perm solution...instead of color-intensive moisturizing shampoo.
Finally stylist...gave me a bob...with bangs. Suffice to say, it was just wrong. All wrong. For me, you
First I was angry. Then I realized my anger was completely misdirected. This wasn't salon's
fault. I had sat there and witnessed this injustice...and had let it happen. I didn't get involved in the
process. I forgot to use my voice. I forgot to believe in myself. But now I know better. I know that one
honest voice can be louder than a crowd. I know that if we lose our voice...or if we let those who speak on
our behalf...compromise our voice, then this country...this country is in for a really bad haircut. So speak
up, America. Speak up! Speak up for the home of the brave. Speak up for the land of the free gift with
purchase. Speak up, America. Speak up! And remember...you're beautiful. Thank you.

Woods是说,这个她梦寐以求的美容店平时是预约不上的(appointment 预订),在终于给了
她享受服务一次机会(opening 空缺)后,却把她的发型整得很糟糕:不是 她想要的颜色,没有用她希望
的洗发香波,最后还把浓密的长发剪得很短。她在气愤之余认识到,这不是 美容店的错,是因为自己没有
参与其中,只作为旁观者任由别人摆布。她借此发出感言,人们应该大胆而 诚实地表达自己的意愿,不要
让它打折扣(compromise使妥协),要大声说出来(speak up)。否则,这个国家就会像她剪了个失败
的头型一样遭受不幸(be in for要遭到)。
影片中出现的“Beauty Salon”是一个美容、美发、美甲的场所。对白中 与理发相关的词还有:
colorist(n.染发工)、stylist(n.发型设计师)、sha mpoo(n.洗发,洗发水)、spiral(a.螺旋型的,盘旋
的)、perm(n.电烫,烫发 )、haircut(n.剪发的方式)、moisturize(v.使增加水分,变潮湿,补水)、

Anna是万众瞩目的大明星,家住毫宅、年薪逾千万, William则是平头百姓。偶然的机会他俩相遇,互生
好感。她提出交往,他不敢接受。考虑再三, William还是来找Anna,磕磕巴巴、胆战心惊地拒绝了——
William: Anna, look, I'm a fairly levelheaded bloke, not often in and out of love. But, can I just say
no to your kind request and, leave it at that?
Anna: Yes.
William: Fine. Of course, I, of course, I'll just be going, then. It was nice to see you. The thing is,
with you I'm in real danger. It seems like a perfect situation, apart from that foul temper of yours, but my
relatively inexperienced heart would, I fear, not recover, if I was once again cast aside, as I would
absolutely expect to be. There are just too many pictures of you, too many films. You'd go and I'd be, well,
buggered, basically. That really is a real no, isn't it? I live in Notting Hill. You live in Beverly Hills.
Everyone in the world knows who you are. My mother has trouble remembering my name.
Anna: Fine. Fine. Good decision. Good decision. The fame thing isn't really real, you know. And
don't forget I'm-- I'm also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.

levelheaded指头脑清醒的、头脑冷静的,block原意是就是木料、材料 。他说,自己过于理智,是
个不容易坠入爱河的人,也没有太多的感情经历(not often in and out of love),能不能简单地对她的提
接 下来William解释了自己的顾虑在哪些方面。和她在一起虽然看起来完满无缺(perfect),但他会
冒很大的风险:首先,她的脾气很烂(foul)。apart from,除……之外、且不说……,表示这还远不是主
cast sb. aside 是个固定搭配,表示把某人抛在一边、抛弃某人。William说,主要的是 ,如果我再
被抛到一边、不闻不问,那么恐怕我那颗脆弱的、阅历不多的(relatively experienced)心是经不起折腾
的、是很难再治愈的(not recover),而这几乎 是必然(absolutely)要再发生的。这里,expect不是期
待的意思,而是指料想、以为 。鉴于他俩的天壤之别,William认为,与其迫于现实结束(a real no)不如
对于William的没有自信,Anna还能说 什么呢?Anna只是提醒她,无论她多有名气、多富有,她也
只是一个女孩,站在一个男孩面前,请求 他爱她。——有些凄凉。

《爱是妥协》(Something's Gotta Give)是一部言情喜剧。老人哈里(杰克• 尼克尔森饰)有钱有事业,
四处寻欢。不料心脏病发作,由一名年轻医生(基努•李维斯饰)照看,医生 将他安置在自己女友玛琳的母
亲艾丽卡(黛安•基顿饰)家。哈里与艾丽卡产生恋情,而医生也发现自己 未来的丈母娘魅力无穷。这部电
影的台词轻松诙谐。下面这段对话选自哈里第一次在艾丽卡家用餐时的情 景。
Marin:So, Mom, how's the new play? Are you getting happy with it?
Erica:Well, you know the thing about me. I'm 90% hard work, 10% talent and so far the talent part
hasn't exactly kicked in yet.
Harry: What's your play about?
Erica:Well, it's about a divorced woman, a writer, she's a highly strung, over-amped, controlling,
know-it-all neurotic. . .Who's incredibly cute and lovable. It's a comedy. Ever been married, Harry?
Harry:No. No, I haven't.
Erica:Wow. Now why do you think that is?

Harry:Some people just don't fit the mold. And so far, you know...
Erica:Hey, if they aren't broke.
艾丽卡:嗯,你知道我这人 。我是90%的努力,10%的天分。不过到目前为止,天分的那部分还没
艾丽卡:嗯,是讲一个离婚妇女的。她是个作家,是个 紧张兮兮,吵吵嚷嚷,指手画脚,自以为是
的神经质……她挺聪明挺可爱的。这是出喜剧。哈里,你结过 婚吗?
战争终于过 去,活下来的Roy满心欢喜地回到家乡,在火车站遇到了已沦入风尘的恋人Mara。男的是喜
出望外 、讲起话来喋喋不休;女的却只重复着那一句话“你还活着”:生活的辛酸、无奈与阴错阳差,都在
下面 这短短的几句话里:
Roy: Mara! Mara! I can't believe it! It is you, isn't it? It is really you!
Mara: Oh Roy!
Roy: It's really you! Let me look at you -- I'm not dreaming, am I? To think of it--you're waiting for
me, it's--it's a miracle!
Mara: Oh Roy, you're alive!
Roy: Several months and I've been waiting for this moment and I began to think it would never
come. How did you know I was coming? Did you telephone? Mother...? Oh, don't darling, now lift your
head. Do you know...Where's your nerve? It's over, darling, it's all over. We're together for always.
Mara: Roy, you're alive.
Roy: Yes, extravagantly.
Mara: Oh, my poor darling, come, we'll go sit down.

Roy认为,Mara在车站等 他,这是老天的安排,是奇迹(miracle)。他并不知道,战争期间报纸上
登出的他阵亡的消息以 及生活的压力,已经迫使Mara落入风尘,她是来火车站拉客的。
Roy一个劲地 自言自语,“让我看看你”“我是不是在做梦”“想想看,你在等我!”“你怎么知道我今天回
来?打电 话了?给妈妈么?”。他太兴奋了,战争没有夺去他的生命,他又能和家里人、和他心爱的女人在
一起了 。
面队爱人的兴高采烈,Mara的反应是不知所措。无论对方说什么,她只叨念着“你还活着(alive a. 活
着的)。Roy却错误地理解为她是单纯地高兴而忘了回应,回答了一句,是的,还活着,很奢侈。e xtravagantly

Maya通过前夫拥有的大酒窖而开始了对酒的钟爱。她在酒里解释了一生百态:从葡 萄的照管、采摘
到成品的酿造,从味道的逐渐醇厚到不可挽回的消退——就像人生的成长与际遇,色彩斑 斓却转瞬即过……
Miles: why are you into wine?
Maya: oh, I'm I think I, I originally got into wine through my ex-husband, you know. He had this big,
you know, sort of show-off cellar, you know. But then I discovered I had a really sharp palate. And the
more I drank, the more I liked what it made me think about.
Miles: like what?
Maya: Like what a fraud he was. No, I like to think about the life of wine, you know. How it's a living
thing. I like to think about what was going on the year of grapes were growing. How the sun was shining,
if it rained. I like to think about all the people who tended and picked the grapes. And if it is an old wine,
how many of them must be dead by now. I like how wine continues to evolve; like if I opened a bottle of
wine today, it would taste different than if I opened it on any other day, because a bottle of wine is
actually alive, and it is constantly evolving and gaining complexity. That is until it peaks, like you '61, and
then it begins its steady, inevitable decline…

Maya说,因为前夫(ex- husband)有个很张扬的(show- off)大酒窖,她才开始接触酒,并且
发现自己的味觉很敏锐。这里,show- off的意思是卖弄、炫耀、做表面文章,sharp palate是敏锐的味觉,
她喜欢在品酒中浮想联翩:想酒的一生,比如,葡萄种植的一年里都发生(go on)了什么,是
阳光 普照,或是阴雨连绵;比如,做成的酒是如何不断演变(evolve)、风味逐渐醇厚的(gain complexity),
又是如何在达到巅峰状态(peak v. 达到最高点)之后慢慢变味的。
Maya认为,酒不仅仅是供人消费的饮料,它本身是有生命的(a living thing, be alive),它的
味道不断变化发展,它的成长倾注了许多人的劳动。同样一瓶 酒在不同时间打开就都会尝到不同的滋味,

一次偶然的机会,小哈里波特发现了魔镜,他能在镜子 里看到自己素未谋面的爸爸妈妈。于是,每到夜深
人静,他几次穿着爸爸留给他的隐身衣,躲过门卫的检 查,来到魔镜前。这天,他遇到了校长邓不利多,
邓不利多开导他说,要远离耽于幻想的魔镜,要现实地 生活——
D: I see that you, like many before you, have discovered the delights of the Mirror of Erised. I trust by now
you realize what it does. Let me give you a clue. The happiest man on earth would look in the mirror and
see only himself, exactly as he is.
H: So then, it shows us what we want, whatever we want.
D: Yes, and no. It shows us nothing more or less than the deepest and most desperate desires of our
hearts. Now you, Harry, who have never known your family, you see them standing beside you. But
remember this, Harry, This mirror gives us neither knowledge or truth. Men have wasted away in front of
it. Even gone mad. This is why tomorrow it will be moved to a new house. And I must ask you not to go
looking for it again. It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.
delight,乐趣,好处。邓不利多告诉哈里,他猜想现在哈 里已经知道镜子的好处了。他说,世上最幸

and no.)。它展现的我是我们内心最深切(deep)、最强烈(desper ate)的渴望。因为哈里从生下来就
没有见过父母,所以他在镜子里看到的就是一家三口其乐融融的景 象。词组nothing more or less than,正
但 是,邓布利多话锋一转,这个镜子既不给我们知识,也无法告诉我们真相(neither…or…既不……也不……)。人们在它面前浪费了太多的时间,甚至会为它而发疯。词组wasted away,荒废,白 白耗费。
邓布利多警告哈里,不要再去找这个魔镜,不要踯躅于幻想而忘记了现实地生活(dwell on dreams and
forget to live)。

伏地魔命令奇洛教授抢夺哈里波特手中的魔法石。就在 奇洛教授快掐死哈里的时候,哈里发现,奇洛被哈
里的手碰到的地方就会腐烂。哈里借机打败了伏地魔, 自己也昏死过去。当他在学校的医务室醒来,校长
邓布利多就在他床头,点醒了他这个问题,为什么哈里 有如此的威力——
D: Harry, do you know why Professor Quirrell couldn’t bear to have you touch him? It was because of
your mother. She sacrificed herself for you. And that kind of act leaves a mark.
(Harry touches his scar)
D: No, this kind of mark cannot be seen. It lives in your very skin.
H: What is it?
D: Love, Harry, love.
邓布利多说,是因为哈里的妈妈,在当初伏地魔企图杀害他们的那个晚上,妈妈 牺牲(sacrifice)了
自己保全了哈里。这个举动(act)自然留下了痕迹,留下了标志(m ark)。
哈里以为指的是留在他额头上的疤痕(scar),不自觉的摸了一下。邓布利多洞悉 了他的心思,解释
说,不,这种印记肉眼是看不到的,它留在你的每寸肌肤里(It lives in your very skin)。它是什么?它就
是——“爱”。爱是最强大的武器,再高强的魔法也 无力战胜,那是一位母亲用生命换来的。

《哈里波特2》:能力? 还是选择?
这是影片将要结束的时候哈里波特(Harry Potter)与魔法学校校长邓布利多(Dumbl edore)之间的谈话。
波特因为自己也会说伏地魔(Voldemort)的语言“蛇语”(Par seltongue)而惴惴不安。老校长开导他:决
Dumbledore: I sense that something is troubling you. Am I right, Harry?
Harry: It's just....you see, sir, I couldn't help but notice certain things, certain....certain similarities
between Tom Riddle and me.
Dumbledore: I see. Well, you can speak Parseltongue, Harry. Why? Because Lord Voldemort can
speak Parseltongue. If I'm not mistaken, Harry......he transferred some of his powers to you......the night
he gave you that scar.
Harry: Voldemort transferred some of his powers to me?
Dumbledore: Not intentionally......but yes.
Harry: So the Sorting Hat was right. I should be in Slytherin.
Dumbledore: It's true. You possess many of the qualities that Voldemort himself prizes.
Determination, resourcefulness......and if I may say so, a certain disregard for the rules. Why, then,
did the Sorting Hat place you in Gryffindor?
Harry: Because I asked it to.
Dumbledore: Exactly, Harry, exactly, which makes you different from Voldemort. It is not our
abilities that show what we truly are. It is our choices.
Voldemort是魔法界无恶不作的坏魔法师,在密室里波特和他的化身Tom Riddle争斗的时候发 现,
自己天生就具有Voldemort的某种能力——会说“蛇语”,因此向老校长Dumbledo re提出了自己的疑问。
couldn't help but do表示忍不住、禁不住要做某事。
老校长说,如果他没有弄错的话(be mistaken,犯错的、错误的),是因 为Voldemort在杀死波特
父母的那个夜晚,在波特额头上留下伤疤的同时也把他的法力转给波特 一部分。transfer,转移、迁移、
转让。intentionally,有意地、故意地。老校 长下一句话的意思是,Voldemort不是故意要这样做,但确

Sorting Hat,是当初新生入学的时候把学生进行分院划分 的“分院帽”。Gryffindor(格兰芬多)是四
个学院中培养伟大魔法师的地方;Slythe rin(斯莱特林)却总是出Voldemort那样能力很强、出身世家但

波特拥有许多Voldemort自己也赞赏的品质,坚定果敢(determinat ion)、足智多谋(resourcefulness)
以及对纪律的漠视(disregard for the rules)。之所以波特没有被分到斯莱特林学院而是被分到格兰芬多
学院就是因为 他强烈的要求。所以,在这个意义上,校长Dumbledore才说,选择而不是能力,使我们展
现出 真我、决定了我们是谁。(It is not our abilities that show what we truly are. It is our choices.)

新学期本该喜气洋洋,可哈里波特和他的小伙伴们却被 一层阴云笼罩着。他们在开往学校的火车上遇
到了搜查车厢的阴森森的摄魂怪(dementor),据 说他们是在追捕阿兹卡班监狱(Azkaban)越狱的
犯人小天狼星布莱克(Sirius Blac k)。新学期的开学典礼上,校长邓布利多再次警告了学生们,离
这些不得不招待的客人们——摄魂怪— —远一点……
D: Finally, on a more disquieting note, at the request of the Ministry of Magic, Hogwarts will, until
further notice, play host to the dementors of Azkaban. Until such a time as Sirius Black is
dementors will be stationed at every entrance to the grounds. Now whilst I've been
guaranteed that their presence will not disrupt our day-to-day activities.
A word of coution. Dementors are vicious creatures. They'll not distinguish between the one they
hunt and the one who gets in their way. Therefore, I must warn each and every one of you to give
them no reason to harm you.
It is not in the nature of a dementor to be forgiving. But you know, happiness can be found even in
the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.
邓布利多讲话的最后一部分,说到了霍格沃茨学校(Hogwarts)应魔法部(Ministry of Magic)的的
要求,不得不招待阿兹卡班监狱的看守——摄魂怪。词组at the request of,应……的要求、请求。
因为摄魂怪会吸走人身上的所有快乐,所以他们的 到来是不受欢迎的,甚至是让人担忧的,所以开始
的时候,邓布利多就说,下面要说的关于摄魂怪的是事 情是关于一个令人不安的说明(on a more disquieting
校长警告他的学生们,“没别的,就是一个词,小心”(A word of coution)。 摄魂怪是种邪恶的(vicious)
生物,他们不会区别对待(distinguish)追捕的对象 和任何一个挡住他们去路的人。词组get in one’s way,

可是,邓布利多不是只吓唬吓唬学生,他还要给学生以信心和希望。他说,虽然摄魂 怪的本性是不仁
慈的(not forgiving),但是,只要一个人时刻想着点亮灯火,即使在最 黑暗的岁月,幸福还是可以预期的
(happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.)。他

魔法学校第三年开的课程中有一门是占卜课(divi nation)。课下,小高材生赫敏曾经对波特和罗恩说过,
她觉得占卜是一门缺乏科学依据和理论分 析的学问,是不可靠的。转过天来,教授在占卜课上讲授如何在
水晶球里预见未来,赫敏终于受到打击了 ——
P: Together we shall cast ourselves into the future. The truth lies buried like a sentence deep within a
book, waiting to be read. But first, you must broaden your minds. First you must look beyond. Use your
Inner Eye to see the future. Only then can you see. Try again.
H: Do you mind me trying?
P: My dear. From the first moment you stepped foot in my class I sensed that you did not possess the
proper spirit for the noble art of Divination. No. You may be young in years, but your heart is as shriveled
as an old maid’s, your soul as dry as the pages of the books to which you so desperately cleave.
教授在占卜课上满怀激情地说,让我们将自己投向未来。动词cast是很常用的,最基本的意思就 是,
投射,抛,掷。接着她用了一个比喻让学生敞开心扉:真相往往事被掩盖的,就像书本中的词句等待 阅读
理解一样,真相是有待发掘的(The truth lies buried like a sentence deep within a book, waiting to be
喜欢在课堂上出风头、抢答问题的赫敏又忍不住问:您介意让我试试吗?(Do you mind me trying?)
占卜课的这位女教授很尖刻地告诉赫敏,她没有领悟占卜这门高贵艺术的天赋(not possess the proper
spirit for the noble art of Divination) 。也许赫敏的年龄并不大,但她的心枯燥(shriveled)得像个老女人,
她的灵魂干瘪得就像她 如此钟情的书本的每一页。词组cleave to,本意是粘住,这里的意思是忠诚于……,
钟情于… …。副词desperately形容这种钟情的程度,指拼命地,不顾一切地。
下面的情节是赫 敏把水晶球扔到地上,摔门而去。一个很爱读书又成绩很好的小姑娘在大庭广众之下

受到 抢白自然是受不了的。这里我们看到的是作者的态度:小书虫式的学习只能让一个孩子未老先衰,只
有清 澈的心才能洞悉未来。
黑魔法防御课上卢平教授(L upin)讲的是如何祛除幻形怪(boggart)。正如赫敏回答的那样,幻形怪并
没有固定的外形 ,它会变成你心中最害怕的那种东西,也许是一条毒蛇,也许是哪个严厉的教授,也许是
对你最致命的场 景,这是它最可怕的地方。不过,幸好,祛除它的咒语并不难学——
H: Boggarts are shape-shifters. They take the shape of whatever a person fears the most. That's what
makes them so terrifying.
L: Yes. Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a boggart. Let's practice it now. Without wands,
please. After me. Ridikulus!
S: Ridikulus!
L: You see, the incantation alone is not enough. What really finishes a boggart is laughter. You need to
force it to assume a shape you find truly amusing. Let me explain
祛除(repel)幻形 怪的魔咒(charm)是Ridikulus,这个词是ridiculous(荒谬的)的变形体。换句话说,作者要告诉我们就是,祛除心底的恐惧,最好的方法就是蔑视它,认为它不值一提。
当 然,只有药方是不够的,还要有个药引子,那就是——笑声。在心中给恐惧想个好笑的(amusing)
《狮子王》:生生不息的大自然 一个国王统治的时代就像日升日落,总有起止,总有边界——老国王木法沙(Mufasa)语重心长地告诉 小
狮子辛巴(Simba)——要懂得大自然的微妙平衡,要尊重每一种生物;永远不要灰心,永远不要 放弃,
Mufasa: A king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun. One day, Simba, the sun will set on my
time here, and will rise with you as the new king.
Simba: And this will all be mine?
Mufasa: Everything.

Simba: Everything the light touches. What about that shadowy place?
Mufasa: That's beyond our borders. You must never go there, Simba.
Simba: But I thought a king can do whatever he wants.
Mufasa: Oh, there's more to being king than... getting your way all the time.
Simba: There's more?
Mufasa: Simba... Everything you see exists together, in a delicate balance. As king, you need to
understand that balance, and respect all the creatures --- from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope.
Simba: But, Dad, don't we eat the antelope?
Mufasa: Yes, Simba but let me explain. When we die, our bodies become the grass. And the
antelope eat the grass. And so we are all connected in the great Circle of Life. Simba let me tell you
something that my father told me. Look at the stars. The great kings of the past look down on us from
those stars.
Simba: Really?
Mufasa: Yes, so whenever you feel alone, just remember that those kings will always be there to
guide you, and so am I.
木法沙以“光照不到的地方”(shadowy a. 有阴影的)为比喻,告诉小辛巴,国王的权力不是无限大 ,
永远不要越过边界(border),一个国王该懂得的远远超越于“时时刻刻随心所欲(getti ng your way all the
对小狮子来说,这些道理太深奥了。老国王接着解释说,从爬行的蚂蚁(crawl vi 爬,ant 蚂蚁)到
跳跃的羚羊(leap v. 跳,antelope羚羊),大自然是环环相扣(be connected in the Circle of Life)的:
已故去 的伟大国王们——包括他(so am I,一个表示“也……”的倒装句式)——会看着你,指引你,永远。
另外,特别需要记住的几个动词或词组:set on 使开始;rise and fall 太阳升起和落下,都是不及物
动词;touch原意是触摸,这里指光之所及、所照耀;look at 看。

史莱克是 个绿色的小怪物,为了从法克大人那里拿回自己被占领的土地,不得不和贫嘴的毛驴一起去解救
被困在火 龙塔里的公主。回来的路上,小毛驴开始计划要回来的土地怎么用,没想到史莱克竟然很不客气
地说,沼 泽地是他一个人的,他要建堵墙把他的地围起来……
S: We? Donkey, there's no swamp. The first thing I'm
gonna do is to build a ten-foot wall around my land.
D: You cut me deep. Shrek. You know what I think? I think this whole wall thing is just a way to
keep something out. Are you hiding something?
S: Never mind, donkey.
D: Oh, this is another one of those onion things, isn't?
S: No, this is one of those drop-it and leave-it-alone things.
D: Why don't you want to talk about it?
S: Why do you want to?
D: Why are you blocking?
S: I'm not blocking.
D: Oh yes, you are. Who you trying to keep out?
S: Everyone. Okay?
D: Oh, now we're getting somewhere.
S: Oh! For the love of Pete!
D: What's your problem? What you've got against the whole world?
S: I'm not the one with problem, okay? It's the world seems to have a problem with me. People
take one look at me and go,ogre!
know me. That's why I'm better off alone.
史莱克说,沼泽地(swamp)是他一个人的,小毛驴一下子 耷拉下了长长的耳朵,酸溜溜地说,
你伤害了我。动词cut在这里不是常用的切、削等意思,而是“刺 穿,刺痛”。
接着,小毛驴很有悟性地说,史莱克筑墙是在掩藏什么,是在推却什么(keep something out, hide
something)。虽然史莱克失口否认,小毛驴认准 了史莱克就是在隔绝什么事情。动词block的本意是用木

块、石块阻塞,这里是说史 莱克心里为自己打造了一个壳,拒绝与人交往。
当问到你想把谁排斥在外(keep out 使在外)、史莱克的答案是所有人的时候,毛驴松了口气,“我
们的谈话终于有进展了”(now we're getting somewhere.)。
后来,史莱克很伤心地告诉毛驴,所有 的人一看到他,就大喊大叫,认为他长得丑就认为他是个吃人
的野人(ogre,民间传说中的吃人的怪 物,魔鬼)。人们不并了解他就瞎评判他(judge me before they even
know me),所以,自卑的他选择了逃避,他认为,最好的办法就是,他躲得远远地(be off),一个人谁
也不理(be alone)。最后两个副词用得恰倒好处。
Joel相恋多年的女友clemenetine突然变成了一个对自 己没有丝毫感觉的陌生人。只因为clementine在一
次接受精神病专家霍华德博士的实验中失忆 了。昔日的恋人如今却象陌生人一样在搭讪——
Clementine:Okay if I sit closer? How far are you going?
Joel:Uh, Rockville Center.
Clementine:Get out, me too.
Clementine:What are the odds? Do I know you? Do you ever shop at Barnes &
Clementine:I've seen you, man. Book slave there for ,like, five years now. It might be the hair. The
color. It might be the hair. That changes a lot. That's why you might not recognize me. It's called blue ruin.
The color. Snappy name, huh?
Joel:I like it.

克莱门汀:我见过你,哥们。我在那儿卖书卖了差不多五年了。可能是头发吧,这颜 色。可能就是头
发。颜色染了好几回。可能因此你就认不出我来了。这个叫“蓝色废墟”。这个颜色。挺 时髦的叫法吧?啊?
如果一个人对另一个人直呼“Get out!”,那是呵斥对方“滚开”的意思。但是克莱门汀这句“Get out, me
too.”则不能这样理解。这里的“get out”是美国口语中表达不相信、不 同意、不愿再听的一种方式,类似于
汉语中的“一边儿去”。如:-I finished the crossword in 2 minutes.-Get out. Show me now.(-我用两分
odds有“可能性,事情发生的概率”的意思,如What are the odds of me passing the test?(我考试
过关的把握有几成?)但这里的“What are the odds?”则不含“可能性”的意思,而是“那有什么大不了?”。
此外,英语中还有一句话 :What are the odds as long as you are happy?直译是“只要你高兴,有什么大不
在 这段对话中,男女主角的性格一览无余。乔尔是比较内向,克莱门汀则生性开朗,用词风格也非常
活泼。 例如不直接说自己是“卖书的”,而代之以自我解嘲式的“book slave”,等(Barnes & Noble是美国一
另一方面,她的对白中极少有结构复杂的句 子,通常都是一个简单的主谓句,令平日离群索居的乔尔
一上来就有耳目一新之感,但性格差异大也引发 了矛盾。在影片后面的情节中,乔尔这样抱怨自己的女友:
“She is not educated. She is more of a magazine-reading girl.”(她没怎么受教育,她更像个只会阅读杂志

警官肖恩(Sean)为了换取情报,勉强同意了上司 的建议,秘密地做了变脸手术,冒充匪徒首领,进入监
狱接近知情人。真正的匪首却在医院意外醒来,杀 死了所有知道此事的警官和医生,冒充肖恩坐镇警局。
肖恩越狱之后找到自己的妻子,告诉她真相。妻子 依芙(Eve)也不相信他,肖恩无奈之下,回忆起他们
一次约会的情景,昔日甜蜜的爱情场景竟成了今 天验明正身的关键——
S: I was hoping you'd come here. Thank you for trusting me.
E: Right now I don't trust anyone.
S: Eve, where'd you get that gun?

E: I took it from my fake husband.
S: Put it down. You know I'm Sean.
E: Do I? Maybe Sean's already dead, huh?
S: I'm moving very slowly. ... I was thinking the other day, I remember. I once took a date out,
for surf and turf, not knowing she was vegetarian. So she ate bread. And, uh, and broke her tooth on a
rye seed. And we, we drove around all night, looking for a all-night dentist. And he, he was drunk. He
fixed the wrong tooth. And it, when I finally brought her home, even though it must have hurt like hell,
you kissed me.
夜晚,依芙偷偷跑到医院化验她假丈 夫的血型,想验证肖恩是否说的是真话。因为做了变脸手术
的人虽然能够改变声音,但是不会改变血型。 当结果刚刚出来的时候,肖恩出现在化验室的门口,他说,
谢谢依芙肯相信他。面对仍然将信将疑的妻子 ,肖恩流着眼泪开始讲述那次难忘的约会经历。
他说,想起那次出去约会,去吃牛排,但不知道那个女孩是个素食者。名词date,约会,surf and turf
肖恩接着说,所以她只能吃面包,结果被里面夹的黑麦粒(rye seed)咯坏了牙(break toot h)。他
们不得不整夜开车去找牙医(dentist),而且是上夜班的牙医。这里要注意这个表达, 上夜班的、夜里也
倒霉的是,好不容易找到了牙医,却是个酒鬼医生,迷迷糊糊中补错了牙(补牙,fix the tooth) 。最

一大家子十几口人热热闹闹地准备过圣诞节。 小Kevin又闯祸了,他和哥哥在争吵中把餐厅搞得一塌糊涂。
妈妈赶过来劈头盖脸就开始教训Kev in,让他去楼上一个人去反省,舅舅也在旁边敲锣边。Kevin当然很委
屈了,本来就不是他一个人 的错嘛——
Mom: Stop! What's the matter with you?
Kevin: He started it! He ate my pizza on purpose! He knows I hate sausages and olives...
Uncle Frank: Look what you did, you little jerk!
Mom: Kevin, get upstairs right now.

Kevin: Why?
Brother: Kevin, you're such a disease.
Kevin: shut up!
Dad: Kevin, upstairs!
Mom: Say good night, Kevin.
Kevin: Good night, Kevin. Why do I always get treated like scum?
Mom: Oh, I'm sorry, this house is just crazy. We got all these extra kids running around and my
brother-in-law's in from Ohio today. It's just nuts.
Kevin: How come you didn't bring more cheese pizzas?
Pizza boy: Nice tip, thanks a lot!
Mom: Thanks.
Henry: Having a reunion or something?
Mom: No, my husband's brother transferred to Paris last summer and the kids still went to
school here and I guess he missed the whole family so he's giving us this trip to Paris for the holiday...so
we'll be together.
Henry: You're taking a trip to Paris?
Mom: Yes, we hope to leave tomorrow morning.
Henry: Excellent, excellent.
Mom: If you'll excuse me, this one's a little out of sorts. I'll be right back.
Henry: Don't worry about me. I spoke to your husband already. And don't worry about your
home. It's in good hands.
妈妈赶过来,气冲冲地问:“你们俩怎么回事?”(What's the matter with you? )。Kevin说,哥
哥明明知道他不喜欢吃香肠(sausage)和橄榄油(olive),还故意 (on purpose)吃了他的奶酪比萨。
妈妈却不分青红皂白让Kevin立刻到楼上反省。Je rk是弗兰克舅舅说Kevin的,原意是性情古怪的人,这
妈妈、舅舅、爸爸都不向着他说话,Kevin自言自语,为什么他总是像垃圾一样被 对待。scum
的意思是浮渣、泡沫、糟粕;treated是一个过去分词做状语,前面与系动词ge t连用。

妈妈接着向警察亨利解释,家里太乱了,一下子多了许多 孩子,是个棘手的问题(nut),因为
她哥哥从俄亥俄州赶过来。文中的用法是be in from Ohio,其中的in不是通常理解的“在里面”,而是“在家、
已经到达”的意思;nut本意是坚果 ,这里指不好解决的、闹心的问题。送比萨的小男孩在回答Kevin关于
下次多送些奶酪比萨的建议时 ,回答说“Nice tip”,tip这里的意思就是“暗示、提示”。
要去处理一下Kevin的问题,其中,be out of sorts是个惯用的短语,意思是“不 守规矩的”。之后,妈
妈向亨利解释圣诞节全家都要去巴黎以后,他保证说,你们家会被照料得很好。b e in good hands本意是
在可靠的人手里,这里一语双关,实际亨利心里正在打着坏主意 ——圣诞节来家里行窃。

这是母亲去世前,阿甘(Forrest Gump)在母亲面前听到的最后一次微言大义。“妈妈,为 什么你会死?”“妈
妈,我的命运会怎样?”乍看起来幼稚可笑的问题,还原了人最本真的状态,问出了 许多我们心底曾经或仍
然在问的疑惑。而妈妈的回答则告诉我们一个寻常人对生活的领悟:生活本来就不 麻烦,生活其实是一件
Gump: What's the matter, Mama?
Mum: I'm dying, Forrest. Come on in, sit down over here.
Gump: Why are you dying, Mama?
Mum: It's my time. It's just my time. Oh, now...don't you be afraid, sweet heart. Death is just a part
of life. Something we're all destined to do. I didn't know it, but I was destined to be your mama. I did the
best I could.
Gump: You did good.
Mum: Well...I happen to believe you make your own destiny. You have to do the best with what
God gave you.
Gump: What's my destiny, Mama?
Mum: You're going to have to figure that out for yourself. Life is a box of chocolates, Forrest. You
never know what you're going to get.

be dying,垂死的、就要死去的,和下面那句“It's my time.”都是妈妈告诉阿甘,自己的时间不多了,
快要离开这个世界了。她让甘不要害怕(be not afraid),因为死亡只是从属于生活的一部分,是命中注
be destined to do,注定做某事,动词destine多用它的被动形式,destiny是 这个动词的名词形式,
意思是,命运。妈妈说,我们都会死亡,就像我命中注定要做你的妈妈,我也不知 道为什么,但我尽自己
最大的努力去做(do the best)了。所以你也要以上帝赋予你的一切天赋、能力去做到最好,去履行好自
阿甘想问妈妈自己的命运会怎样,妈妈说出了那个广为人知的比喻:生活就像一盒巧克 力,你永远
不知道你将得到什么。figure out,原意是合计为、计算出,引申意就是,解决、领悟到。
小老鼠斯图亚特(Stuart)被领养回家,不仅小男孩乔治不喜欢他,连宠物猫Snowbell也 把他当成眼中钉。
正巧,妈妈洗衣服的时候把乔治的脏衣服裹着Stuart一起仍进了全自动洗衣机。 洗衣机开始进水,清洁剂
也流进去了,好不容易等到洗衣房的门开了,等来的却是那只不共戴天的猫…… M: Snowbell! Thank
goodness you're here. I'm Locked in the water! Can you help me? Can you Turn this thing off?
C: Why would I turn it off? It's my favorite show.
M: That's funny. Snowbell. You can't leave me!
C: Talk to the butt.
M: Where are you going?
C: I've gotta stare at traffic, yawn, lick myself. And believe me, that could take hours if do it
小老鼠急切地呼唤着唯一的救星,谢天谢地(Thank goodness)你在这儿。他问,能不能帮他把
洗衣机关掉。词组turn off表示,关掉,关上。
没想到老猫懒洋洋地说,我为什么要关上它,这是我最想看到的一幕(It's my favorite show)。小老
猫咪一边走一边气人地说,要去看看街景(stare at,凝视,盯住),打打呵欠,伸伸懒腰(yawn) ,
舔舔毛(lick)。最后还假装好心地告诉小老鼠,如果操作正确,一部刚刚开动的洗衣机可以转上 几个小时。

小弗罗多(F rodo)原本平静祥和的生活因为一枚象征黑暗权力的魔戒而被颠覆。他不得不和伙伴山姆
(Sam) 一起,踏上毁灭戒指、保全人类的艰辛之旅途。在又一次死里逃生之后,Frodo开始动摇、灰心,
他 想他们是不可能完成这样艰巨的使命了,下面摘录的即是Sam表达的感想。这也应该是《指环王》三部
F: I can't do this, Sam.

S: I know. It's all wrong. By rights, we shouldn't even be here. But we are. It's like in the great stories,
Mr. Frodo, the ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you
don't want to know the end, because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the
way it was when so much bad had happened?

But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will
come. And when the sun shines, it will shine out the clearer. These were the stories that stayed with you.
That meant something evne if you were too small to understand.

But I think, Mr. Frodo. I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turing
back, only they didn't. They kept going. Because they were holding on to something.

F: What are we holding on to, Sam?

S: That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it's worth fight for.


当Frodo说他不能完成这 个任务的时候,Sam并没有马上接口说,你能行。他肯定了Frodo的想法,
他说,整件事情本身就 是个错误,按理,我们根本就不该在这里。副词短语by rights表示的是,正当地,

但是,当他们已经陷于摧毁魔戒的艰难道路,已经置身于不知道结果、也不敢知道结 果的故事里,这
些已经到来的黑暗与危险就是真正至关重要的。不及物动词matter的意思就是,有 关系的,要紧的。因为
但是,Sam话锋一转,虽然没有允诺一个必定幸福的结局,但所有不快终将过去(a passing thi ng),
阳光终将照耀,即使我们太渺小、还不能完全理解这些已经发生或即将发生的事情。句型too …to就是
但是,Sam接着说,故事里的人们不是没有机会退缩的,他们有许多机会可以走回头路(chance of
turning back),只是他们没有。他们仍在继续前进(keep doing,继续不断地做某事)。因为,他们在坚
持着什么。词组hold on to表示的就是,继续,坚持。
我们在坚持什么呢?Frodo问Sam,什么事是我们需要忍受 如此艰辛去坚持的呢?答案就是——这世
上毕竟是有些美好的东西、美好的感情、美好的事物的,它们值 得我们为之战斗(there's some good in this
world and it's worth fight for)。

节选自影片《西线无战事》(All Quiet On The Western Front)最开 头教授的战争鼓吹。第一次世界大站即
将爆发,德国某个中学,窗外是即将开赴前线的雄赳赳进军的士兵 ,教室里是极力鼓动孩子们去充当炮灰

Now, my beloved class, this is what we must do: Strike with all our power. Give every ounce of strength
to win victory before the end of the year. It is reluctance that I bring this subject up again. You are the life
of the fatherland, you boys. You are the iron men of Germany. You are the heroes who will repulse the
enemy when you are called upon to do so ……
Perhaps some will say that you should not be allowed to go yet, that you are too youg, that you have
homes, mothers, fathers, that you should not be torn away.

Are your father so forgetful of their fatherland that they would let it perish rather than you? Are your
mother so weak that they cannot send a son to defend the land which gave them birth? And after all, is a
little experience such a bad thing for a boy? Is the honor of wearing a uniform something from which we

should run?


先给戴上高帽:你们是祖国的生力军,你们是德意志的铁人,你们会是击退敌人的英雄。Repul se,
接着,估计了几种可能出现的反对理由。然后在第三段中,使用了四 个连续的反问排比句,极具煽动
性。记不记得Partrick Herry那个“不自由勿宁死”的著名演讲?里面也有个类似的反问句:“Is life so dear or
peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains or slavery?”(生命是如此珍贵、和平是如此甜
蜜,以 致可以用忍受奴役、镣铐加身作为交换么?)生活用语中很少用到这样的句式,但在饱含激情的讲
演或文 章中是经常能够看到的。
教授是在驳斥反对参军的理由:父亲会如此忘恩负义以致让祖国先于他的 儿子毁灭?母亲会如此软弱
以致不能让她的儿子去保卫哺育他的国家?穿上军装这么光荣的事会让我们避 之惟恐不及?这一点点的砺

在年轻学生心中 ,远离现实的幻想最容易挑起激情。这些还没有经过世事沧桑的满腔热情也最容易被
误导。当影片的男主 角Paul牺牲前最后一次返回家乡,听到教授对着教授对着教室里的孩子鼓吹着同样的
话,他再没有出 征前的意气风发,因为他已经亲身体验到了战争的残酷。可孩子们宁愿相信教授,他们认
为Paul是胆 小的懦夫。有句话不是说么,“很多事情,当我们年轻的时候不懂得,当我们懂得的时候已不

没有玫瑰,没有钻戒,甚至没有甜言蜜语; 迈克(Michael)提出,凯(Kay)首肯:现实中的爱情总没有想象的
美好。看到《教父》中的 这一段,你只会得出一个结论——不管你是不是赞同——婚姻不是因为“爱”,至
少不是双方都有,而是 因为“需要”。

Kay: How long have you been back?

Michael: I've been back a year. Longer than that, I think. It's good to see you, Kay. I'm working for my
father now, Kay. He's been sick. Very sick.

Kay: Michael, why did you come here? Why? What do you want with me after all this time? I've been
calling and writing.

Michael: I came because I need you. I care for you.

Kay: Please stop it, Michael.

Michael: Because... I want you to marry me.

Kay: It's too late.

Michael: Please, Kay...I'll do anything you ask to make up for what's happened to us. Because that's
important, Kay. Because what's important is that...we have each other. That we have a life together. That
we have children. Our children. Kay, I need you. And I love you.



前后近两年时间,迈克没和凯以任何方式联系过,虽然凯一直在往他家打电话或是写信(I've been
calling and writing现在完成进行时)。所以凯质问他,“为什么要来这儿”“在 经历过这许多时日后还来找她
做什么”(What do you want with me after all this time)
迈克的回答前两句“因为我需要你”(need)“因为我关心你”(care for,关怀)让凯很快阻止了 。接着

迈克作出保证,说只要凯要求,他回尽力弥补这段时间发生在他们之间的事(ma ke up,弥补,补偿)。
最后一句话是最直白的:凯,我需要你,而且我爱你(Kay, I need you. And I love you.)。——人们穿衣
服,是为御寒还是为美观?— —首先是为御寒,然后才是美观。——ugly, but it is true.

安迪杜弗伦(Andy Dufresne)沉冤狱中1 9年,这是他与道貌岸然的典狱长诺顿(Norton)的第一次正面
交锋。诺顿平时总以卫道士的嘴脸 自居,私下却干尽坏事。他风闻安迪入狱前是个银行家,借查房之名试
探安迪,想让安迪帮他洗黑钱。这 段对白中两次引用圣经原文,场景不同,各有指代。

Norton: Pleased to see you reading this. Any favorite passages?


Norton: Mark 13:35. I've always liked that one. But I prefer
followeth me shall have the light of life.

Andy: John, chapter 8, verse 12.

Norton: I hear you're good with numbers. How nice. Man should have a skill…explain this.

Andy: It's called a rock blanket. It's for shaping and polishing rocks. A little hobby of mine.

Norton: It's pretty clean. Some contraband here, but nothing to get in a twist over. …I can't say I
approve of this. But I suppose exceptions can be made. …Lock them up! …I almost forgot. I'd hate to
deprive you of this. Salvation lies within.

Andy: Yes, sir.


看到安迪手里拿着一本圣经,诺顿借机搭讪:“很高兴看到你读圣经。有什么喜的段落么?”——用 了
两个省略句,都省去了主语和谓语。be pleased to,乐于,满足于。passage, 节,段。安迪回答了一句
马克福音(Mark)第13章第35节中的经文:“所以你们要警醒,因为不 知道家主何时到来。” (Watch ye,
therefore, for ye know not when the master of the house cometh.)
在圣 经的这一章中,耶酥坐在橄榄山上对他的四个门徒说,只有当众星坠落、天势震动的苦难显现,
人子才会 驾云降临,来显示他的大能力、大荣耀。没有人知道这个确切的时间。然后耶酥用了一个比喻:
好比一个 人离家远行,授权于仆人,分派每个人该做的工作,又吩咐看门人警醒。——所以,每个人都当
警醒,因 为不知道主人什么时候回来。显然,安迪在暗指诺顿的到来。
诺顿则说,他更喜欢(prefer )另一句:“我是世界的光。跟从我的,就不在黑暗里走。必要得着生命
的光。(”I am the light of the world, he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light
of life.)语出约翰福音(John)第8章第12句(verse)。诺顿是以主比喻自己,也是在暗示安迪 ,听他
下面,安迪向诺顿解释了用于打磨石头的类似砂纸的磨石毡(rock blanket)之后,诺顿才满意而归 。
临走,他评价说,这里虽然有一些违禁品(contraband n. 走私品,违法交易),但没有重大违规行为。
twist,拧,纽,使扭曲,使成螺旋状;twist over,满拧、南辕北辙之类的状况,这里指监狱中的重大违规。
get in,陷入……的状态,达到。
诺顿走形式地说,他对安迪挂的美女海报表示不满(approve of,赞成,满意)。他还差点忘记把圣
经还给安迪(deprive sb. of sth.,剥夺某人的某物)。在吩咐狱警锁上(lock up)牢门之后,他对安迪说
的最后一句话是:“得救之道,就在其中”(Salvation lies within)。

木板漂浮在漆黑的海面上,冰冷的海水让Rose开始绝望,Jack鼓励她坚强地活下去:“你会离开 这儿,继
续活下去,生许多孩子,看着他们长大……”生离死别的时刻,心爱的人说上几句对未来的憧憬 ,就会激起
Rose: I love you, Jack.
Jack: Don't you do that. Don't you say your good-byes. Not yet. Do you understand me?
Rose: I'm so cold.
Jack: Listen, Rose. You're going to get out of here. You're going to go on and you can make a lot of
babies and watch them grow and you're going to die and old and old lady, warm in your bed. Not here.
Not this night. Not like this. You understand me?
Rose: I can't feel my body.
Jack: Winning that ticket was the best thing that ever happened to me. It brought me to you. And I'm
thankful for that, Rose. I'm thankful. You must do me this honor. You promise me that you will survive..;
that you won't give up... no matter what happens… no matter how hopeless. Promise me now, Rose, and
never let go off that promise.
Rose: I promise.
Jack: Never let go.
Rose: I will never let go, Jack. I'll never let go.

Rose的一句“I love you”显然是为了诀别,Jack马上阻止了她,“不要这样,收起你的再见 ,现在不是
时候”。Not yet经常在口语中用到,表示直至目前尚未到时候,不使用完整句子。
go on作为一个词组,这里的意思是继续活下去。下面Jack说“不是在这里 ,不是今晚,不是像这
样死去”,用了三个排比句,都是由not加上表示地点、时间或状态的副词或副 词短语组成。
Jack要Rose不要放弃(give up放弃)。他说,赢得那张船票使他们相识,他为此心存感激(be
thankful for),他要Rose发誓活下去,无论发生什么,无论多绝望(hopeless),永不背弃(go off从……

Joe的大型连锁书店开张不久,生意兴 隆;Kathleen的儿童书店受到冲击,门庭冷落:两个现实中的冤家
对头却在网上聊成了朋友,并 相约在咖啡馆见面。这之前,Joe比Kathleen先知道了对方的身份。于是,
有趣的一幕出现了 ——Kathleen一边称赞着即将见面的网友,一边数落着面前的Joe——Joe Fox——Joe
(Someone comes into; Kathleen raises her head and looks forward.)
Joe: Take a wild guess that's not him either. So who is he, I wonder? Certainly not I, neither the world's
greatest living expert on Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, but somebody else entirely different. And will you
be mean to him too?
Kathleen: No, I will not, because the man who is coming here tonight is completely unlike you. The man
who is coming here tonight is kind and funny and he's got the most wonderful sense of humor.
Joe: But, he's not here.
Kathleen: Well, if he's not here he has a reason because there's not a cruel or careless bone in his body.
But I wouldn't expect you to understand anybody like that. You with your theme park multi-level
homogenize the world mochachino land. You've deluded yourself into thinking that you're some sort of
benefactor bringing books to the masses. But no one will ever remember you Joe Fox and maybe no one
will remember me either, but plenty of people remember my mother and they think she was fine and they
think her store was something special. You are nothing but a suit.
Joe: That's my cue. Have a good night.
有人进了咖啡馆,Kathleen马 上抬头看看是不是她要等的人。Joe调侃她,这个人会是谁呢?肯定不是
他,也不是还活在世上的参加 过尤利乌斯和伊塞尔•罗森伯格案件的侦探专家。living表示活着的、在世的。

末了,他还加问一句,“你不会也对他发这么大脾气(be mean to sb.)吧?”mean的原意是 卑微的、
不雅的,这里的意思是坏脾气的。Kathleen立刻回答说,她今晚要见的人善良(kin d)、风趣(funny)、
极具幽默感(sense of humor)。


一样冷酷漠然(cruel and careless);Joe只会用他的连锁店使世界变得毫无特色的趋同(homogenize v. 使同质化,使均质化);Joe误认为自己是把书籍带向大众的恩主(benefactor)。词组del ude somebody
with something(into doing something),欺骗,使某人有错误想法。
为了解气,Kathleen最后说,Joe只是个徒有其表的人(nothing but a suit), (suit整套的衣服)。
而Joe的回答则复杂得多——郎有心、妹无意,只好无奈地见好就收——“ 这就是你对我的看法”(That’s my
cue.)cue本来意思是提醒演员上台的提示词,引 申为暗指、提示、指点,这里也可以说成“多谢指教”——

家庭教师Jane相貌平平的,自幼失去双亲 ;Rochester先生则身处上层社会。她知道,她是爱他的,他也
是爱她的,可出于骄傲与自尊她 不愿承认。在最近的一次晚宴上,Blanch小姐的不可一世和客人们的傲慢
无礼刺痛了Jane,她 痛心地说出,“只是因为我没有财富、没有美貌就认定我没有感情么?”
Jane: Why do you confide in me like this? What are you and she to me? You think that because I'm
poor and plain, I have no feelings? I promise you, if God had gifted me with wealth and beauty, I would
make it as hard for you to leave me now as it is for me to leave you. But He did not. But my spirit can
address yours, as if both have passed through the grave and stood before heaven equal. Let me go, sir.
Rochester: I love you. I love you!
Jane: No, don't make me foolish.
Rochester: Foolish? I need you. What's Blanch to me? I know what I am to her, money to manure
her father's land with. Marry me, Jane,say you marry me.
Jane: You mean it?
Rochester: You torture me with your doubts. Say yes, say yes. God forgive me. And let no men
meddle with me. She is mine, mine.
Rochester跑来安慰她,Jane倔强地反问,何必要和她说这些,Roch ester和他的客人和她有什么
关系,就因为她普通、贫穷就该受嘲弄?她说,若上帝赐予她美貌与财 富,她一样可以随心所欲。confide

Jane相信,当最终走向坟墓、走向死亡,人在上帝面前是平等的。 她爱着Rochester,但坚持着自
己的原则,即便Rochester向她解释,Blanch只 是为了他的财产,他的心里只有Jane。Manure原意是给……
施肥,这里指使土地、财产增加。 address用到的意思是向……致辞、演说,Jane是说,灵魂不分尊卑,
Rochester要Jane嫁给他,Jane又是不相信地问“你真的要这样做? ”mean这里的意思是想要。You
mean it? 就等Do you really want to do that?
Rochester回答多少有些咬文嚼字。 他说,Jane的怀疑是对他的折磨。Torture本意是拷打,就引申
为折磨、使难受。Meddl e with作为一个词组,意思是乱动(他人之物),这里表达的是不与他人分享。

男主人(Jon)让猫抓耗子,猫(Garfield)却和 耗子Louis达成君子协议。猫让耗子好好听他的话,耗子说欠猫
Garfield: Ahh, so much time and so little I need to do.
Jon: Mouse!
Garfield: No, thanks, I'm full.
Jon: Get him, Garfield!
Garfield: Get him, Jon. It's always got to be smashing and crashing. Nobody poisons anymore.
There's my ball!
Jon: What good is a cat if he can't chase a mouse?
Garfield: I don't do the “chase” thing.
Jon:I know you don't hear me, but can't you just listen?
Garfield: Louis, what are you doing in the house, in Jon's home?
Louis: Sorry, Garfield, and I couldn't help it.
Garfield: Look, when he sees you here, he expects more from me, don't you get that?
Louis: Yes, he's got that mint cookie. I'm trying to maintain, you understand?
Garfield: Sure, as long as you understand I have to eat you.
Louis: Ohh...

Jon: Oh, good boy! See I know you can do it if you put your mind to it! You are the best kind of cat
I could have.
Garfield: Have you tasted yourself lately?
Louis: Hey, it wasn't exactly the first-class laundry there for me!
Garfield: Get yourself washed, Louis. Take a powder for a couple of days, get a haircut and grow
Louis: Cool! I owe you one, G
1. 注意hear和 listen的区别,hear表示听的结果, listen表示动作。
例句: I listened but I didn't hear anything. 我听了但是什么都没听见。
2. I couldn't help it. 我忍不住。 help后面还可以加上动词的现在分词形式, 表示忍不住做某事。
例句: I couldn't help laughing. 我忍不住大笑起来。
3. put one's mind to something 表示认真做某事,相当于 put one's heart on something
4. I owe you one, G. 我欠你一个人情,加菲。这里G是加菲猫的简称。
摘自77 届奥斯卡热门影片《杯酒人生》(Sideways)中Maya与Miles的一段对话。—— Miles热衷品酒,
在这里他评论Pinot Noir的几句感悟准确、精到,堪称艺术英语的典范 。影片英文原名“Sideways”,也暗
Maya: Why are you so into Pinot Noir? I mean, it's like a thing with you.
Miles: I don't know, um, it's a hard grape to grow, as you know, right? It's thin-skinned,
temperamental, ripens early, you know. It's not a survivor like Cabernet, which can just grow anywhere
and thrive even when it's neglected. No, Pinot Noir needs constant care and attention. In fact, it can grow
only in these really specific tucked-away corners of the world. And only the most patient and nurturing of
growers can do it, really. Only somebody who really takes the time to understand Pinot Noir's potential
can then coax it into its full expression. And then, I mean, oh, its flavors. They're just the most haunting
and brilliant and thrilling and subtle and ancient on the planet. No, I mean you know, cabernets can be
powerful and exalting too, but they seem prosaic to me, by comparison. What about you?

Pinot Noir是一种黑葡萄酒,下面提到的Cabernet则是一种味道普通的红葡萄酒。Miles 是说,与
Cabernet的生长不同,Pinot Noir需要不断的爱护与关注,它精致却娇嫩, 就像空谷幽兰;只有肯花时间
be into相当于be interested in,be fond of,意思是喜欢,对某事感兴趣。thing是指特别着迷于某
一些描述这种葡萄特性的形容词:薄皮的(thin- skinned)、敏感的(temperamental)、生于隐蔽
角落的(in tucked- away corner)。其中,tuck本意是折起来、叠起来,tucked- away就用来形容不易被
之后Miles又用了 一组形容词描述这种葡萄酒的味道:绵长(haunting)、夺目(brilliant)、震撼
( thrilling)、精致(subtle)、古老(ancient)。其中,haunt本意是神出鬼没、 徘徊不去,变为形容词
最后,在与红葡萄酒的比较中又用了三个词,说Cabernet虽然劲很大(pow erful)、喝起来飘飘欲
仙(exalting),但和Pinot Noir比,就显得有些平庸 (prosaic)了。prosaic总是与poetic相对出现,前
者的意思是散文化的、平淡的 ;后者的意思是诗意的、有味道的。
再特别讲讲其中的一个表达。Miles说只有园丁最大的耐心与培育才能让Pinot Noir生长,才能coax
it into its full expression。coax 本意是哄、耐心地使,这里是说,就像使尽心思哄女孩子开心、使她展现
出各种各样的风情,只有那些用 心去发现、去感受的人,才能体味到Pinot Noir的丰厚内涵。

又是一对战火硝烟中的苦命鸳鸯。Katharine身 受重伤,她在山洞里等待徒步走出沙漠求救的情人Sharif
归来,带给她生的希望。借着手电筒的最 后一点光亮,被寒冷、饥饿、伤痛折磨的Katharine写下这几行
诀别的文字:国家本没有边界, 我想要的,只是与你漫步在没有地图界限的土地上,携手于风中……
Katharine: My darling, I am waiting for you. How long is a day in the dark? Or a week? The fire is gone
now, and I'm horribly cold. I really ought to drag myself outside, and there would be the sun. I am afraid I
waste the light on the paintings, and on writing these words.

We die, we die rich with lovers, and tribes, tastes we have swallowed, bodies we have entered and
swum up like rivers, fears we've hidden in, like the wretched cave. I want all this marked on my
body. We are the real countries, not the boundaries drawn on maps with names of powerful men.
I know you will come and carry me out in the palace of winds. That's all I've wanted, to walk in such a
place with you, with friends, an earth without maps.
The lamp is gone out, and I'm writing in the darkness.
当Sharif不惜以地图向敌军交换汽油、架着飞机赶回沙漠,看到的只是Katharine弥留之际惜别的 文
wait for是比较常用的固定搭配,表示等候、等待。gone是过去分词变化 成的形容词作表语,意思是
熄灭的、逝去的。因为Sharif离去前点燃的篝火已经熄灭,手电筒又支 撑不了多久,山洞里漆黑阴冷、不
分昼夜,Katharine才说,不知道已经过去了一天还是一个星 期,她渴望见到阳光。drag原意就是拖、缓
Kat harine说,我们死去,与不同种族的人(tribes)一起,带着对爱人(lover)的记忆,带着经 历
过的人生百味(taste)酸甜苦辣的回味,带着我们心底曾经的恐惧胆怯(fear),以及灵魂 栖身其中的这
副皮囊(body),所以即使是死亡,也是充实而丰富的(rich)。这里使用了两个 生动的动词:swallow,
吞下,与“味道”的比喻相得益彰;enter,进入,强调了灵魂的独 立,并不是与身体合二为一的。hide in,
正常生活 被战争颠覆,阳光、清风、与心爱的人相知相守,这些和平年月唾手可得的东西在动荡的
岁月中显得遥不 可及。Katharine告诉爱人她最后的领悟:国家不是用画在地图上的边界(boundaries drawn
on maps)围成的,不是以女王或首相的意志铸就的,我们——实实在在的人,才是国家的真正组成。

酒过三巡,辛德勒(Shindler)与纳粹军官阿蒙哥特(Amon Goeth)到阳台闲聊。平 常,Goeth经常无缘无故开
枪射击,乱杀无辜,他认为,随意杀人就是权力。Shindler却说 ,“正义”才是能让一个人操生杀大权的原因,
宽恕才是权力。——看看Shindler的原话是怎么 说的:
Goeth: You know, I look at you. I watch you, and you're never drunk. Oh, that's...that's real control.
Control is power. That's power. Is that why they fear us? We have the fucking power to kill, that's why

they fear us. They fear us because we have the power to kill arbitrarily. A man commits a crime, he
should know better. We have him killed, and feel good about it. Or we kill him ourselves and we feel even
Shindler: That's not power, though. That's justice. It's different than power. Power is when we have
every justification to kill, and we don't.
Goeth: You think that's power?
Shindler: That's what the emperors had. A man stole something; he's brought in before the
emperor. He throws himself down on the ground, he begs for mercy. He knows he's going to die. And
the emperor... pardons him. This worthless man, he lets him go.
Goeth: I think you are drunk.
Shindler: That's power, Amon.
look a t,固定搭配的词组,意思是看、观察。drunk,喝醉了的。Goeth说Shindler从不喝醉,显示
亲 手杀了他,就更有快感了。commit a crime,犯罪,可以当作一个固定搭配来记忆。
Shindler却提出了不同的见解。他认为,正义(justice)使我们有权杀死一个犯了罪的人。真正 的权
力是,我们有充足的理由去处死他,而我们却不去这样做。every,每一个,全部的,引申为充 分的;
justification,认为有理,认为正当,理由。他解释说,就像小偷乞求(beg for)宽恕,皇帝原谅(pardon)
了他,让这个毫无价值的人(worthless)继续苟且 偷生,皇帝(emperor)们拥有的就是权力而不是正义。
throw oneself on the ground,匍匐在地。
再做些文字外的注释,以便更透彻地理解这段话 。Shindler话外的意思是,“权力”是存在于人与人的
关系中的,可以使用,可以执行;“正义 ”却不是一个人或一群人与生俱来的,它是一种参照的标准,是独
立于人之外的。当一个人或一群人以正 义的化身自居的时候,这个世界也就危险了。


< p>
该片是喜剧片《拜见岳父大人》的续集。讲述了Greg正在与女友策划结婚事宜时,他未来的岳父 大人Jack
却突发奇想,带领一家人出发去探望Greg的父母。由于这两对亲家的性格、爱好乃至家 庭观价值观都大
相径庭,把夹在中间的Greg折腾得苦不堪言。下面这段对话发生在一家人出发之前。 Jack正在逗自己的
Jack:He is taking you in. He has a very keen sense of people.
Greg:He's a chip off the old block, huh? We might have another CIA man on our hands here, Mr.
Munchkinhead. You little…
Jack:Greg, Greg, Don't infantilize him. Talk to him like an adult. He's a little person. His
communication skills aren't verbal yet, but he understands. Observe.
Greg:Oh, yeah. I've heard about this, this baby signing stuff. This is like cutting edge.
格雷格:他很像你呀,是不?我们 可能又要有一个中央情报局的特工了。曼基康大头宝宝先生。你
他能明 白。你看。
用 来形容婴儿对格雷格进行的观察和吸收,非常形象。
off the old b lock直译为“木块上砍下来的木片”,这里用来形容孙子和爷爷非常相像。在剧中,
这位未来的岳父 是中央情报局的退休特工,几十年来一直从事观察和分析别人的工作。所以格雷格会产生
祖孙酷似的错觉 。后文杰克用来逗弄婴儿的Munchkinhead,是指美国一种名牌婴儿用具包装上的婴儿头
g edge原意是指“刀锋边缘”,但在美国口语中已经常用来形容“最先进的(技 术、工艺)”。有时
讲话时 则力求严谨正规,一板一眼,有时候甚至给人咬文嚼字的感觉。二者相映成趣。

摘自轻喜剧影片《律政悄佳人II》(Legally BlondeII)中Woods演讲的一段。 ——为了给自己心爱的小狗
Bruiser争取权利,身为律师的女主人公Elle Woods只身来 到华盛顿。国会里,穿着时尚的金发美女站在
黑压压的一群西服革履的议员面前,没有政治家贯有的高谈 阔论,只是以自己失败的新发型为例,告诉人
短短一小段演讲却起伏不断。比如,她看到高深莫测的国会议员们对她表现出不以为然 ,便刻意强
调“我要告诉你们的远比一项单一的法案重要,这对每一个美国人都至关重要”,议员们的注 意力被调动起
Elle: I came to Washington to help my dog Bruiser...and somewhere around the way...I learned a
really unexpected lesson. I know what you are thinking--- Who's this girl? And what could this simple,
small-town girl from Bel Air...have to say to all of us? I'll tell you. It's about something that's bigger than
me...or any single act of legislation. This is about a matter that should be at...the highest importance to
every American...My hair.
There's this salon in Beverly Hills. It's really fancy and beautiful. It's impossible to get an
appointment. Unless you're Julia Roberts or from
called me. They had an opening. So I was going to finally get the chance...to sit in one of those sacred
beauty chairs. I was so excited. Then the colorist...gave me Brassy Brigitte instead of Harlow Honey. The
shampoo girl washed my hair with spiral perm solution...instead of color-intensive moisturizing shampoo.
Finally stylist...gave me a bob...with bangs. Suffice to say, it was just wrong. All wrong. For me, you
First I was angry. Then I realized my anger was completely misdirected. This wasn't salon's
fault. I had sat there and witnessed this injustice...and had let it happen. I didn't get involved in the
process. I forgot to use my voice. I forgot to believe in myself. But now I know better. I know that one
honest voice can be louder than a crowd. I know that if we lose our voice...or if we let those who speak on
our behalf...compromise our voice, then this country...this country is in for a really bad haircut. So speak
up, America. Speak up! Speak up for the home of the brave. Speak up for the land of the free gift with
purchase. Speak up, America. Speak up! And remember...you're beautiful. Thank you.

Woods是说,这个她梦寐以求的美容店平时是预约不上的(appointment 预订),在终于给了
她享受服务一次机会(opening 空缺)后,却把她的发型整得很糟糕:不是 她想要的颜色,没有用她希望
的洗发香波,最后还把浓密的长发剪得很短。她在气愤之余认识到,这不是 美容店的错,是因为自己没有
参与其中,只作为旁观者任由别人摆布。她借此发出感言,人们应该大胆而 诚实地表达自己的意愿,不要
让它打折扣(compromise使妥协),要大声说出来(speak up)。否则,这个国家就会像她剪了个失败
的头型一样遭受不幸(be in for要遭到)。
影片中出现的“Beauty Salon”是一个美容、美发、美甲的场所。对白中 与理发相关的词还有:
colorist(n.染发工)、stylist(n.发型设计师)、sha mpoo(n.洗发,洗发水)、spiral(a.螺旋型的,盘旋
的)、perm(n.电烫,烫发 )、haircut(n.剪发的方式)、moisturize(v.使增加水分,变潮湿,补水)、

Anna是万众瞩目的大明星,家住毫宅、年薪逾千万, William则是平头百姓。偶然的机会他俩相遇,互生
好感。她提出交往,他不敢接受。考虑再三, William还是来找Anna,磕磕巴巴、胆战心惊地拒绝了——
William: Anna, look, I'm a fairly levelheaded bloke, not often in and out of love. But, can I just say
no to your kind request and, leave it at that?
Anna: Yes.
William: Fine. Of course, I, of course, I'll just be going, then. It was nice to see you. The thing is,
with you I'm in real danger. It seems like a perfect situation, apart from that foul temper of yours, but my
relatively inexperienced heart would, I fear, not recover, if I was once again cast aside, as I would
absolutely expect to be. There are just too many pictures of you, too many films. You'd go and I'd be, well,
buggered, basically. That really is a real no, isn't it? I live in Notting Hill. You live in Beverly Hills.
Everyone in the world knows who you are. My mother has trouble remembering my name.
Anna: Fine. Fine. Good decision. Good decision. The fame thing isn't really real, you know. And
don't forget I'm-- I'm also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.

levelheaded指头脑清醒的、头脑冷静的,block原意是就是木料、材料 。他说,自己过于理智,是
个不容易坠入爱河的人,也没有太多的感情经历(not often in and out of love),能不能简单地对她的提
接 下来William解释了自己的顾虑在哪些方面。和她在一起虽然看起来完满无缺(perfect),但他会
冒很大的风险:首先,她的脾气很烂(foul)。apart from,除……之外、且不说……,表示这还远不是主
cast sb. aside 是个固定搭配,表示把某人抛在一边、抛弃某人。William说,主要的是 ,如果我再
被抛到一边、不闻不问,那么恐怕我那颗脆弱的、阅历不多的(relatively experienced)心是经不起折腾
的、是很难再治愈的(not recover),而这几乎 是必然(absolutely)要再发生的。这里,expect不是期
待的意思,而是指料想、以为 。鉴于他俩的天壤之别,William认为,与其迫于现实结束(a real no)不如
对于William的没有自信,Anna还能说 什么呢?Anna只是提醒她,无论她多有名气、多富有,她也
只是一个女孩,站在一个男孩面前,请求 他爱她。——有些凄凉。

《爱是妥协》(Something's Gotta Give)是一部言情喜剧。老人哈里(杰克• 尼克尔森饰)有钱有事业,
四处寻欢。不料心脏病发作,由一名年轻医生(基努•李维斯饰)照看,医生 将他安置在自己女友玛琳的母
亲艾丽卡(黛安•基顿饰)家。哈里与艾丽卡产生恋情,而医生也发现自己 未来的丈母娘魅力无穷。这部电
影的台词轻松诙谐。下面这段对话选自哈里第一次在艾丽卡家用餐时的情 景。
Marin:So, Mom, how's the new play? Are you getting happy with it?
Erica:Well, you know the thing about me. I'm 90% hard work, 10% talent and so far the talent part
hasn't exactly kicked in yet.
Harry: What's your play about?
Erica:Well, it's about a divorced woman, a writer, she's a highly strung, over-amped, controlling,
know-it-all neurotic. . .Who's incredibly cute and lovable. It's a comedy. Ever been married, Harry?
Harry:No. No, I haven't.
Erica:Wow. Now why do you think that is?

Harry:Some people just don't fit the mold. And so far, you know...
Erica:Hey, if they aren't broke.
艾丽卡:嗯,你知道我这人 。我是90%的努力,10%的天分。不过到目前为止,天分的那部分还没
艾丽卡:嗯,是讲一个离婚妇女的。她是个作家,是个 紧张兮兮,吵吵嚷嚷,指手画脚,自以为是
的神经质……她挺聪明挺可爱的。这是出喜剧。哈里,你结过 婚吗?
战争终于过 去,活下来的Roy满心欢喜地回到家乡,在火车站遇到了已沦入风尘的恋人Mara。男的是喜
出望外 、讲起话来喋喋不休;女的却只重复着那一句话“你还活着”:生活的辛酸、无奈与阴错阳差,都在
下面 这短短的几句话里:
Roy: Mara! Mara! I can't believe it! It is you, isn't it? It is really you!
Mara: Oh Roy!
Roy: It's really you! Let me look at you -- I'm not dreaming, am I? To think of it--you're waiting for
me, it's--it's a miracle!
Mara: Oh Roy, you're alive!
Roy: Several months and I've been waiting for this moment and I began to think it would never
come. How did you know I was coming? Did you telephone? Mother...? Oh, don't darling, now lift your
head. Do you know...Where's your nerve? It's over, darling, it's all over. We're together for always.
Mara: Roy, you're alive.
Roy: Yes, extravagantly.
Mara: Oh, my poor darling, come, we'll go sit down.

Roy认为,Mara在车站等 他,这是老天的安排,是奇迹(miracle)。他并不知道,战争期间报纸上
登出的他阵亡的消息以 及生活的压力,已经迫使Mara落入风尘,她是来火车站拉客的。
Roy一个劲地 自言自语,“让我看看你”“我是不是在做梦”“想想看,你在等我!”“你怎么知道我今天回
来?打电 话了?给妈妈么?”。他太兴奋了,战争没有夺去他的生命,他又能和家里人、和他心爱的女人在
一起了 。
面队爱人的兴高采烈,Mara的反应是不知所措。无论对方说什么,她只叨念着“你还活着(alive a. 活
着的)。Roy却错误地理解为她是单纯地高兴而忘了回应,回答了一句,是的,还活着,很奢侈。e xtravagantly

Maya通过前夫拥有的大酒窖而开始了对酒的钟爱。她在酒里解释了一生百态:从葡 萄的照管、采摘
到成品的酿造,从味道的逐渐醇厚到不可挽回的消退——就像人生的成长与际遇,色彩斑 斓却转瞬即过……
Miles: why are you into wine?
Maya: oh, I'm I think I, I originally got into wine through my ex-husband, you know. He had this big,
you know, sort of show-off cellar, you know. But then I discovered I had a really sharp palate. And the
more I drank, the more I liked what it made me think about.
Miles: like what?
Maya: Like what a fraud he was. No, I like to think about the life of wine, you know. How it's a living
thing. I like to think about what was going on the year of grapes were growing. How the sun was shining,
if it rained. I like to think about all the people who tended and picked the grapes. And if it is an old wine,
how many of them must be dead by now. I like how wine continues to evolve; like if I opened a bottle of
wine today, it would taste different than if I opened it on any other day, because a bottle of wine is
actually alive, and it is constantly evolving and gaining complexity. That is until it peaks, like you '61, and
then it begins its steady, inevitable decline…

Maya说,因为前夫(ex- husband)有个很张扬的(show- off)大酒窖,她才开始接触酒,并且
发现自己的味觉很敏锐。这里,show- off的意思是卖弄、炫耀、做表面文章,sharp palate是敏锐的味觉,
她喜欢在品酒中浮想联翩:想酒的一生,比如,葡萄种植的一年里都发生(go on)了什么,是
阳光 普照,或是阴雨连绵;比如,做成的酒是如何不断演变(evolve)、风味逐渐醇厚的(gain complexity),
又是如何在达到巅峰状态(peak v. 达到最高点)之后慢慢变味的。
Maya认为,酒不仅仅是供人消费的饮料,它本身是有生命的(a living thing, be alive),它的
味道不断变化发展,它的成长倾注了许多人的劳动。同样一瓶 酒在不同时间打开就都会尝到不同的滋味,

一次偶然的机会,小哈里波特发现了魔镜,他能在镜子 里看到自己素未谋面的爸爸妈妈。于是,每到夜深
人静,他几次穿着爸爸留给他的隐身衣,躲过门卫的检 查,来到魔镜前。这天,他遇到了校长邓不利多,
邓不利多开导他说,要远离耽于幻想的魔镜,要现实地 生活——
D: I see that you, like many before you, have discovered the delights of the Mirror of Erised. I trust by now
you realize what it does. Let me give you a clue. The happiest man on earth would look in the mirror and
see only himself, exactly as he is.
H: So then, it shows us what we want, whatever we want.
D: Yes, and no. It shows us nothing more or less than the deepest and most desperate desires of our
hearts. Now you, Harry, who have never known your family, you see them standing beside you. But
remember this, Harry, This mirror gives us neither knowledge or truth. Men have wasted away in front of
it. Even gone mad. This is why tomorrow it will be moved to a new house. And I must ask you not to go
looking for it again. It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.
delight,乐趣,好处。邓不利多告诉哈里,他猜想现在哈 里已经知道镜子的好处了。他说,世上最幸

and no.)。它展现的我是我们内心最深切(deep)、最强烈(desper ate)的渴望。因为哈里从生下来就
没有见过父母,所以他在镜子里看到的就是一家三口其乐融融的景 象。词组nothing more or less than,正
但 是,邓布利多话锋一转,这个镜子既不给我们知识,也无法告诉我们真相(neither…or…既不……也不……)。人们在它面前浪费了太多的时间,甚至会为它而发疯。词组wasted away,荒废,白 白耗费。
邓布利多警告哈里,不要再去找这个魔镜,不要踯躅于幻想而忘记了现实地生活(dwell on dreams and
forget to live)。

伏地魔命令奇洛教授抢夺哈里波特手中的魔法石。就在 奇洛教授快掐死哈里的时候,哈里发现,奇洛被哈
里的手碰到的地方就会腐烂。哈里借机打败了伏地魔, 自己也昏死过去。当他在学校的医务室醒来,校长
邓布利多就在他床头,点醒了他这个问题,为什么哈里 有如此的威力——
D: Harry, do you know why Professor Quirrell couldn’t bear to have you touch him? It was because of
your mother. She sacrificed herself for you. And that kind of act leaves a mark.
(Harry touches his scar)
D: No, this kind of mark cannot be seen. It lives in your very skin.
H: What is it?
D: Love, Harry, love.
邓布利多说,是因为哈里的妈妈,在当初伏地魔企图杀害他们的那个晚上,妈妈 牺牲(sacrifice)了
自己保全了哈里。这个举动(act)自然留下了痕迹,留下了标志(m ark)。
哈里以为指的是留在他额头上的疤痕(scar),不自觉的摸了一下。邓布利多洞悉 了他的心思,解释
说,不,这种印记肉眼是看不到的,它留在你的每寸肌肤里(It lives in your very skin)。它是什么?它就
是——“爱”。爱是最强大的武器,再高强的魔法也 无力战胜,那是一位母亲用生命换来的。

《哈里波特2》:能力? 还是选择?
这是影片将要结束的时候哈里波特(Harry Potter)与魔法学校校长邓布利多(Dumbl edore)之间的谈话。
波特因为自己也会说伏地魔(Voldemort)的语言“蛇语”(Par seltongue)而惴惴不安。老校长开导他:决
Dumbledore: I sense that something is troubling you. Am I right, Harry?
Harry: It's just....you see, sir, I couldn't help but notice certain things, certain....certain similarities
between Tom Riddle and me.
Dumbledore: I see. Well, you can speak Parseltongue, Harry. Why? Because Lord Voldemort can
speak Parseltongue. If I'm not mistaken, Harry......he transferred some of his powers to you......the night
he gave you that scar.
Harry: Voldemort transferred some of his powers to me?
Dumbledore: Not intentionally......but yes.
Harry: So the Sorting Hat was right. I should be in Slytherin.
Dumbledore: It's true. You possess many of the qualities that Voldemort himself prizes.
Determination, resourcefulness......and if I may say so, a certain disregard for the rules. Why, then,
did the Sorting Hat place you in Gryffindor?
Harry: Because I asked it to.
Dumbledore: Exactly, Harry, exactly, which makes you different from Voldemort. It is not our
abilities that show what we truly are. It is our choices.
Voldemort是魔法界无恶不作的坏魔法师,在密室里波特和他的化身Tom Riddle争斗的时候发 现,
自己天生就具有Voldemort的某种能力——会说“蛇语”,因此向老校长Dumbledo re提出了自己的疑问。
couldn't help but do表示忍不住、禁不住要做某事。
老校长说,如果他没有弄错的话(be mistaken,犯错的、错误的),是因 为Voldemort在杀死波特
父母的那个夜晚,在波特额头上留下伤疤的同时也把他的法力转给波特 一部分。transfer,转移、迁移、
转让。intentionally,有意地、故意地。老校 长下一句话的意思是,Voldemort不是故意要这样做,但确

Sorting Hat,是当初新生入学的时候把学生进行分院划分 的“分院帽”。Gryffindor(格兰芬多)是四
个学院中培养伟大魔法师的地方;Slythe rin(斯莱特林)却总是出Voldemort那样能力很强、出身世家但

波特拥有许多Voldemort自己也赞赏的品质,坚定果敢(determinat ion)、足智多谋(resourcefulness)
以及对纪律的漠视(disregard for the rules)。之所以波特没有被分到斯莱特林学院而是被分到格兰芬多
学院就是因为 他强烈的要求。所以,在这个意义上,校长Dumbledore才说,选择而不是能力,使我们展
现出 真我、决定了我们是谁。(It is not our abilities that show what we truly are. It is our choices.)

新学期本该喜气洋洋,可哈里波特和他的小伙伴们却被 一层阴云笼罩着。他们在开往学校的火车上遇
到了搜查车厢的阴森森的摄魂怪(dementor),据 说他们是在追捕阿兹卡班监狱(Azkaban)越狱的
犯人小天狼星布莱克(Sirius Blac k)。新学期的开学典礼上,校长邓布利多再次警告了学生们,离
这些不得不招待的客人们——摄魂怪— —远一点……
D: Finally, on a more disquieting note, at the request of the Ministry of Magic, Hogwarts will, until
further notice, play host to the dementors of Azkaban. Until such a time as Sirius Black is
dementors will be stationed at every entrance to the grounds. Now whilst I've been
guaranteed that their presence will not disrupt our day-to-day activities.
A word of coution. Dementors are vicious creatures. They'll not distinguish between the one they
hunt and the one who gets in their way. Therefore, I must warn each and every one of you to give
them no reason to harm you.
It is not in the nature of a dementor to be forgiving. But you know, happiness can be found even in
the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.
邓布利多讲话的最后一部分,说到了霍格沃茨学校(Hogwarts)应魔法部(Ministry of Magic)的的
要求,不得不招待阿兹卡班监狱的看守——摄魂怪。词组at the request of,应……的要求、请求。
因为摄魂怪会吸走人身上的所有快乐,所以他们的 到来是不受欢迎的,甚至是让人担忧的,所以开始
的时候,邓布利多就说,下面要说的关于摄魂怪的是事 情是关于一个令人不安的说明(on a more disquieting
校长警告他的学生们,“没别的,就是一个词,小心”(A word of coution)。 摄魂怪是种邪恶的(vicious)
生物,他们不会区别对待(distinguish)追捕的对象 和任何一个挡住他们去路的人。词组get in one’s way,

可是,邓布利多不是只吓唬吓唬学生,他还要给学生以信心和希望。他说,虽然摄魂 怪的本性是不仁
慈的(not forgiving),但是,只要一个人时刻想着点亮灯火,即使在最 黑暗的岁月,幸福还是可以预期的
(happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.)。他

魔法学校第三年开的课程中有一门是占卜课(divi nation)。课下,小高材生赫敏曾经对波特和罗恩说过,
她觉得占卜是一门缺乏科学依据和理论分 析的学问,是不可靠的。转过天来,教授在占卜课上讲授如何在
水晶球里预见未来,赫敏终于受到打击了 ——
P: Together we shall cast ourselves into the future. The truth lies buried like a sentence deep within a
book, waiting to be read. But first, you must broaden your minds. First you must look beyond. Use your
Inner Eye to see the future. Only then can you see. Try again.
H: Do you mind me trying?
P: My dear. From the first moment you stepped foot in my class I sensed that you did not possess the
proper spirit for the noble art of Divination. No. You may be young in years, but your heart is as shriveled
as an old maid’s, your soul as dry as the pages of the books to which you so desperately cleave.
教授在占卜课上满怀激情地说,让我们将自己投向未来。动词cast是很常用的,最基本的意思就 是,
投射,抛,掷。接着她用了一个比喻让学生敞开心扉:真相往往事被掩盖的,就像书本中的词句等待 阅读
理解一样,真相是有待发掘的(The truth lies buried like a sentence deep within a book, waiting to be
喜欢在课堂上出风头、抢答问题的赫敏又忍不住问:您介意让我试试吗?(Do you mind me trying?)
占卜课的这位女教授很尖刻地告诉赫敏,她没有领悟占卜这门高贵艺术的天赋(not possess the proper
spirit for the noble art of Divination) 。也许赫敏的年龄并不大,但她的心枯燥(shriveled)得像个老女人,
她的灵魂干瘪得就像她 如此钟情的书本的每一页。词组cleave to,本意是粘住,这里的意思是忠诚于……,
钟情于… …。副词desperately形容这种钟情的程度,指拼命地,不顾一切地。
下面的情节是赫 敏把水晶球扔到地上,摔门而去。一个很爱读书又成绩很好的小姑娘在大庭广众之下

受到 抢白自然是受不了的。这里我们看到的是作者的态度:小书虫式的学习只能让一个孩子未老先衰,只
有清 澈的心才能洞悉未来。
黑魔法防御课上卢平教授(L upin)讲的是如何祛除幻形怪(boggart)。正如赫敏回答的那样,幻形怪并
没有固定的外形 ,它会变成你心中最害怕的那种东西,也许是一条毒蛇,也许是哪个严厉的教授,也许是
对你最致命的场 景,这是它最可怕的地方。不过,幸好,祛除它的咒语并不难学——
H: Boggarts are shape-shifters. They take the shape of whatever a person fears the most. That's what
makes them so terrifying.
L: Yes. Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a boggart. Let's practice it now. Without wands,
please. After me. Ridikulus!
S: Ridikulus!
L: You see, the incantation alone is not enough. What really finishes a boggart is laughter. You need to
force it to assume a shape you find truly amusing. Let me explain
祛除(repel)幻形 怪的魔咒(charm)是Ridikulus,这个词是ridiculous(荒谬的)的变形体。换句话说,作者要告诉我们就是,祛除心底的恐惧,最好的方法就是蔑视它,认为它不值一提。
当 然,只有药方是不够的,还要有个药引子,那就是——笑声。在心中给恐惧想个好笑的(amusing)
《狮子王》:生生不息的大自然 一个国王统治的时代就像日升日落,总有起止,总有边界——老国王木法沙(Mufasa)语重心长地告诉 小
狮子辛巴(Simba)——要懂得大自然的微妙平衡,要尊重每一种生物;永远不要灰心,永远不要 放弃,
Mufasa: A king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun. One day, Simba, the sun will set on my
time here, and will rise with you as the new king.
Simba: And this will all be mine?
Mufasa: Everything.

Simba: Everything the light touches. What about that shadowy place?
Mufasa: That's beyond our borders. You must never go there, Simba.
Simba: But I thought a king can do whatever he wants.
Mufasa: Oh, there's more to being king than... getting your way all the time.
Simba: There's more?
Mufasa: Simba... Everything you see exists together, in a delicate balance. As king, you need to
understand that balance, and respect all the creatures --- from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope.
Simba: But, Dad, don't we eat the antelope?
Mufasa: Yes, Simba but let me explain. When we die, our bodies become the grass. And the
antelope eat the grass. And so we are all connected in the great Circle of Life. Simba let me tell you
something that my father told me. Look at the stars. The great kings of the past look down on us from
those stars.
Simba: Really?
Mufasa: Yes, so whenever you feel alone, just remember that those kings will always be there to
guide you, and so am I.
木法沙以“光照不到的地方”(shadowy a. 有阴影的)为比喻,告诉小辛巴,国王的权力不是无限大 ,
永远不要越过边界(border),一个国王该懂得的远远超越于“时时刻刻随心所欲(getti ng your way all the
对小狮子来说,这些道理太深奥了。老国王接着解释说,从爬行的蚂蚁(crawl vi 爬,ant 蚂蚁)到
跳跃的羚羊(leap v. 跳,antelope羚羊),大自然是环环相扣(be connected in the Circle of Life)的:
已故去 的伟大国王们——包括他(so am I,一个表示“也……”的倒装句式)——会看着你,指引你,永远。
另外,特别需要记住的几个动词或词组:set on 使开始;rise and fall 太阳升起和落下,都是不及物
动词;touch原意是触摸,这里指光之所及、所照耀;look at 看。

史莱克是 个绿色的小怪物,为了从法克大人那里拿回自己被占领的土地,不得不和贫嘴的毛驴一起去解救
被困在火 龙塔里的公主。回来的路上,小毛驴开始计划要回来的土地怎么用,没想到史莱克竟然很不客气
地说,沼 泽地是他一个人的,他要建堵墙把他的地围起来……
S: We? Donkey, there's no swamp. The first thing I'm
gonna do is to build a ten-foot wall around my land.
D: You cut me deep. Shrek. You know what I think? I think this whole wall thing is just a way to
keep something out. Are you hiding something?
S: Never mind, donkey.
D: Oh, this is another one of those onion things, isn't?
S: No, this is one of those drop-it and leave-it-alone things.
D: Why don't you want to talk about it?
S: Why do you want to?
D: Why are you blocking?
S: I'm not blocking.
D: Oh yes, you are. Who you trying to keep out?
S: Everyone. Okay?
D: Oh, now we're getting somewhere.
S: Oh! For the love of Pete!
D: What's your problem? What you've got against the whole world?
S: I'm not the one with problem, okay? It's the world seems to have a problem with me. People
take one look at me and go,ogre!
know me. That's why I'm better off alone.
史莱克说,沼泽地(swamp)是他一个人的,小毛驴一下子 耷拉下了长长的耳朵,酸溜溜地说,
你伤害了我。动词cut在这里不是常用的切、削等意思,而是“刺 穿,刺痛”。
接着,小毛驴很有悟性地说,史莱克筑墙是在掩藏什么,是在推却什么(keep something out, hide
something)。虽然史莱克失口否认,小毛驴认准 了史莱克就是在隔绝什么事情。动词block的本意是用木

块、石块阻塞,这里是说史 莱克心里为自己打造了一个壳,拒绝与人交往。
当问到你想把谁排斥在外(keep out 使在外)、史莱克的答案是所有人的时候,毛驴松了口气,“我
们的谈话终于有进展了”(now we're getting somewhere.)。
后来,史莱克很伤心地告诉毛驴,所有 的人一看到他,就大喊大叫,认为他长得丑就认为他是个吃人
的野人(ogre,民间传说中的吃人的怪 物,魔鬼)。人们不并了解他就瞎评判他(judge me before they even
know me),所以,自卑的他选择了逃避,他认为,最好的办法就是,他躲得远远地(be off),一个人谁
也不理(be alone)。最后两个副词用得恰倒好处。
Joel相恋多年的女友clemenetine突然变成了一个对自 己没有丝毫感觉的陌生人。只因为clementine在一
次接受精神病专家霍华德博士的实验中失忆 了。昔日的恋人如今却象陌生人一样在搭讪——
Clementine:Okay if I sit closer? How far are you going?
Joel:Uh, Rockville Center.
Clementine:Get out, me too.
Clementine:What are the odds? Do I know you? Do you ever shop at Barnes &
Clementine:I've seen you, man. Book slave there for ,like, five years now. It might be the hair. The
color. It might be the hair. That changes a lot. That's why you might not recognize me. It's called blue ruin.
The color. Snappy name, huh?
Joel:I like it.

克莱门汀:我见过你,哥们。我在那儿卖书卖了差不多五年了。可能是头发吧,这颜 色。可能就是头
发。颜色染了好几回。可能因此你就认不出我来了。这个叫“蓝色废墟”。这个颜色。挺 时髦的叫法吧?啊?
如果一个人对另一个人直呼“Get out!”,那是呵斥对方“滚开”的意思。但是克莱门汀这句“Get out, me
too.”则不能这样理解。这里的“get out”是美国口语中表达不相信、不 同意、不愿再听的一种方式,类似于
汉语中的“一边儿去”。如:-I finished the crossword in 2 minutes.-Get out. Show me now.(-我用两分
odds有“可能性,事情发生的概率”的意思,如What are the odds of me passing the test?(我考试
过关的把握有几成?)但这里的“What are the odds?”则不含“可能性”的意思,而是“那有什么大不了?”。
此外,英语中还有一句话 :What are the odds as long as you are happy?直译是“只要你高兴,有什么大不
在 这段对话中,男女主角的性格一览无余。乔尔是比较内向,克莱门汀则生性开朗,用词风格也非常
活泼。 例如不直接说自己是“卖书的”,而代之以自我解嘲式的“book slave”,等(Barnes & Noble是美国一
另一方面,她的对白中极少有结构复杂的句 子,通常都是一个简单的主谓句,令平日离群索居的乔尔
一上来就有耳目一新之感,但性格差异大也引发 了矛盾。在影片后面的情节中,乔尔这样抱怨自己的女友:
“She is not educated. She is more of a magazine-reading girl.”(她没怎么受教育,她更像个只会阅读杂志

警官肖恩(Sean)为了换取情报,勉强同意了上司 的建议,秘密地做了变脸手术,冒充匪徒首领,进入监
狱接近知情人。真正的匪首却在医院意外醒来,杀 死了所有知道此事的警官和医生,冒充肖恩坐镇警局。
肖恩越狱之后找到自己的妻子,告诉她真相。妻子 依芙(Eve)也不相信他,肖恩无奈之下,回忆起他们
一次约会的情景,昔日甜蜜的爱情场景竟成了今 天验明正身的关键——
S: I was hoping you'd come here. Thank you for trusting me.
E: Right now I don't trust anyone.
S: Eve, where'd you get that gun?

E: I took it from my fake husband.
S: Put it down. You know I'm Sean.
E: Do I? Maybe Sean's already dead, huh?
S: I'm moving very slowly. ... I was thinking the other day, I remember. I once took a date out,
for surf and turf, not knowing she was vegetarian. So she ate bread. And, uh, and broke her tooth on a
rye seed. And we, we drove around all night, looking for a all-night dentist. And he, he was drunk. He
fixed the wrong tooth. And it, when I finally brought her home, even though it must have hurt like hell,
you kissed me.
夜晚,依芙偷偷跑到医院化验她假丈 夫的血型,想验证肖恩是否说的是真话。因为做了变脸手术
的人虽然能够改变声音,但是不会改变血型。 当结果刚刚出来的时候,肖恩出现在化验室的门口,他说,
谢谢依芙肯相信他。面对仍然将信将疑的妻子 ,肖恩流着眼泪开始讲述那次难忘的约会经历。
他说,想起那次出去约会,去吃牛排,但不知道那个女孩是个素食者。名词date,约会,surf and turf
肖恩接着说,所以她只能吃面包,结果被里面夹的黑麦粒(rye seed)咯坏了牙(break toot h)。他
们不得不整夜开车去找牙医(dentist),而且是上夜班的牙医。这里要注意这个表达, 上夜班的、夜里也
倒霉的是,好不容易找到了牙医,却是个酒鬼医生,迷迷糊糊中补错了牙(补牙,fix the tooth) 。最

一大家子十几口人热热闹闹地准备过圣诞节。 小Kevin又闯祸了,他和哥哥在争吵中把餐厅搞得一塌糊涂。
妈妈赶过来劈头盖脸就开始教训Kev in,让他去楼上一个人去反省,舅舅也在旁边敲锣边。Kevin当然很委
屈了,本来就不是他一个人 的错嘛——
Mom: Stop! What's the matter with you?
Kevin: He started it! He ate my pizza on purpose! He knows I hate sausages and olives...
Uncle Frank: Look what you did, you little jerk!
Mom: Kevin, get upstairs right now.

Kevin: Why?
Brother: Kevin, you're such a disease.
Kevin: shut up!
Dad: Kevin, upstairs!
Mom: Say good night, Kevin.
Kevin: Good night, Kevin. Why do I always get treated like scum?
Mom: Oh, I'm sorry, this house is just crazy. We got all these extra kids running around and my
brother-in-law's in from Ohio today. It's just nuts.
Kevin: How come you didn't bring more cheese pizzas?
Pizza boy: Nice tip, thanks a lot!
Mom: Thanks.
Henry: Having a reunion or something?
Mom: No, my husband's brother transferred to Paris last summer and the kids still went to
school here and I guess he missed the whole family so he's giving us this trip to Paris for the holiday...so
we'll be together.
Henry: You're taking a trip to Paris?
Mom: Yes, we hope to leave tomorrow morning.
Henry: Excellent, excellent.
Mom: If you'll excuse me, this one's a little out of sorts. I'll be right back.
Henry: Don't worry about me. I spoke to your husband already. And don't worry about your
home. It's in good hands.
妈妈赶过来,气冲冲地问:“你们俩怎么回事?”(What's the matter with you? )。Kevin说,哥
哥明明知道他不喜欢吃香肠(sausage)和橄榄油(olive),还故意 (on purpose)吃了他的奶酪比萨。
妈妈却不分青红皂白让Kevin立刻到楼上反省。Je rk是弗兰克舅舅说Kevin的,原意是性情古怪的人,这
妈妈、舅舅、爸爸都不向着他说话,Kevin自言自语,为什么他总是像垃圾一样被 对待。scum
的意思是浮渣、泡沫、糟粕;treated是一个过去分词做状语,前面与系动词ge t连用。

妈妈接着向警察亨利解释,家里太乱了,一下子多了许多 孩子,是个棘手的问题(nut),因为
她哥哥从俄亥俄州赶过来。文中的用法是be in from Ohio,其中的in不是通常理解的“在里面”,而是“在家、
已经到达”的意思;nut本意是坚果 ,这里指不好解决的、闹心的问题。送比萨的小男孩在回答Kevin关于
下次多送些奶酪比萨的建议时 ,回答说“Nice tip”,tip这里的意思就是“暗示、提示”。
要去处理一下Kevin的问题,其中,be out of sorts是个惯用的短语,意思是“不 守规矩的”。之后,妈
妈向亨利解释圣诞节全家都要去巴黎以后,他保证说,你们家会被照料得很好。b e in good hands本意是
在可靠的人手里,这里一语双关,实际亨利心里正在打着坏主意 ——圣诞节来家里行窃。

这是母亲去世前,阿甘(Forrest Gump)在母亲面前听到的最后一次微言大义。“妈妈,为 什么你会死?”“妈
妈,我的命运会怎样?”乍看起来幼稚可笑的问题,还原了人最本真的状态,问出了 许多我们心底曾经或仍
然在问的疑惑。而妈妈的回答则告诉我们一个寻常人对生活的领悟:生活本来就不 麻烦,生活其实是一件
Gump: What's the matter, Mama?
Mum: I'm dying, Forrest. Come on in, sit down over here.
Gump: Why are you dying, Mama?
Mum: It's my time. It's just my time. Oh, now...don't you be afraid, sweet heart. Death is just a part
of life. Something we're all destined to do. I didn't know it, but I was destined to be your mama. I did the
best I could.
Gump: You did good.
Mum: Well...I happen to believe you make your own destiny. You have to do the best with what
God gave you.
Gump: What's my destiny, Mama?
Mum: You're going to have to figure that out for yourself. Life is a box of chocolates, Forrest. You
never know what you're going to get.

be dying,垂死的、就要死去的,和下面那句“It's my time.”都是妈妈告诉阿甘,自己的时间不多了,
快要离开这个世界了。她让甘不要害怕(be not afraid),因为死亡只是从属于生活的一部分,是命中注
be destined to do,注定做某事,动词destine多用它的被动形式,destiny是 这个动词的名词形式,
意思是,命运。妈妈说,我们都会死亡,就像我命中注定要做你的妈妈,我也不知 道为什么,但我尽自己
最大的努力去做(do the best)了。所以你也要以上帝赋予你的一切天赋、能力去做到最好,去履行好自
阿甘想问妈妈自己的命运会怎样,妈妈说出了那个广为人知的比喻:生活就像一盒巧克 力,你永远
不知道你将得到什么。figure out,原意是合计为、计算出,引申意就是,解决、领悟到。
小老鼠斯图亚特(Stuart)被领养回家,不仅小男孩乔治不喜欢他,连宠物猫Snowbell也 把他当成眼中钉。
正巧,妈妈洗衣服的时候把乔治的脏衣服裹着Stuart一起仍进了全自动洗衣机。 洗衣机开始进水,清洁剂
也流进去了,好不容易等到洗衣房的门开了,等来的却是那只不共戴天的猫…… M: Snowbell! Thank
goodness you're here. I'm Locked in the water! Can you help me? Can you Turn this thing off?
C: Why would I turn it off? It's my favorite show.
M: That's funny. Snowbell. You can't leave me!
C: Talk to the butt.
M: Where are you going?
C: I've gotta stare at traffic, yawn, lick myself. And believe me, that could take hours if do it
小老鼠急切地呼唤着唯一的救星,谢天谢地(Thank goodness)你在这儿。他问,能不能帮他把
洗衣机关掉。词组turn off表示,关掉,关上。
没想到老猫懒洋洋地说,我为什么要关上它,这是我最想看到的一幕(It's my favorite show)。小老
猫咪一边走一边气人地说,要去看看街景(stare at,凝视,盯住),打打呵欠,伸伸懒腰(yawn) ,
舔舔毛(lick)。最后还假装好心地告诉小老鼠,如果操作正确,一部刚刚开动的洗衣机可以转上 几个小时。

小弗罗多(F rodo)原本平静祥和的生活因为一枚象征黑暗权力的魔戒而被颠覆。他不得不和伙伴山姆
(Sam) 一起,踏上毁灭戒指、保全人类的艰辛之旅途。在又一次死里逃生之后,Frodo开始动摇、灰心,
他 想他们是不可能完成这样艰巨的使命了,下面摘录的即是Sam表达的感想。这也应该是《指环王》三部
F: I can't do this, Sam.

S: I know. It's all wrong. By rights, we shouldn't even be here. But we are. It's like in the great stories,
Mr. Frodo, the ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you
don't want to know the end, because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the
way it was when so much bad had happened?

But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will
come. And when the sun shines, it will shine out the clearer. These were the stories that stayed with you.
That meant something evne if you were too small to understand.

But I think, Mr. Frodo. I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turing
back, only they didn't. They kept going. Because they were holding on to something.

F: What are we holding on to, Sam?

S: That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it's worth fight for.


当Frodo说他不能完成这 个任务的时候,Sam并没有马上接口说,你能行。他肯定了Frodo的想法,
他说,整件事情本身就 是个错误,按理,我们根本就不该在这里。副词短语by rights表示的是,正当地,

但是,当他们已经陷于摧毁魔戒的艰难道路,已经置身于不知道结果、也不敢知道结 果的故事里,这
些已经到来的黑暗与危险就是真正至关重要的。不及物动词matter的意思就是,有 关系的,要紧的。因为
但是,Sam话锋一转,虽然没有允诺一个必定幸福的结局,但所有不快终将过去(a passing thi ng),
阳光终将照耀,即使我们太渺小、还不能完全理解这些已经发生或即将发生的事情。句型too …to就是
但是,Sam接着说,故事里的人们不是没有机会退缩的,他们有许多机会可以走回头路(chance of
turning back),只是他们没有。他们仍在继续前进(keep doing,继续不断地做某事)。因为,他们在坚
持着什么。词组hold on to表示的就是,继续,坚持。
我们在坚持什么呢?Frodo问Sam,什么事是我们需要忍受 如此艰辛去坚持的呢?答案就是——这世
上毕竟是有些美好的东西、美好的感情、美好的事物的,它们值 得我们为之战斗(there's some good in this
world and it's worth fight for)。

节选自影片《西线无战事》(All Quiet On The Western Front)最开 头教授的战争鼓吹。第一次世界大站即
将爆发,德国某个中学,窗外是即将开赴前线的雄赳赳进军的士兵 ,教室里是极力鼓动孩子们去充当炮灰

Now, my beloved class, this is what we must do: Strike with all our power. Give every ounce of strength
to win victory before the end of the year. It is reluctance that I bring this subject up again. You are the life
of the fatherland, you boys. You are the iron men of Germany. You are the heroes who will repulse the
enemy when you are called upon to do so ……
Perhaps some will say that you should not be allowed to go yet, that you are too youg, that you have
homes, mothers, fathers, that you should not be torn away.

Are your father so forgetful of their fatherland that they would let it perish rather than you? Are your
mother so weak that they cannot send a son to defend the land which gave them birth? And after all, is a
little experience such a bad thing for a boy? Is the honor of wearing a uniform something from which we

should run?


先给戴上高帽:你们是祖国的生力军,你们是德意志的铁人,你们会是击退敌人的英雄。Repul se,
接着,估计了几种可能出现的反对理由。然后在第三段中,使用了四 个连续的反问排比句,极具煽动
性。记不记得Partrick Herry那个“不自由勿宁死”的著名演讲?里面也有个类似的反问句:“Is life so dear or
peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains or slavery?”(生命是如此珍贵、和平是如此甜
蜜,以 致可以用忍受奴役、镣铐加身作为交换么?)生活用语中很少用到这样的句式,但在饱含激情的讲
演或文 章中是经常能够看到的。
教授是在驳斥反对参军的理由:父亲会如此忘恩负义以致让祖国先于他的 儿子毁灭?母亲会如此软弱
以致不能让她的儿子去保卫哺育他的国家?穿上军装这么光荣的事会让我们避 之惟恐不及?这一点点的砺

在年轻学生心中 ,远离现实的幻想最容易挑起激情。这些还没有经过世事沧桑的满腔热情也最容易被
误导。当影片的男主 角Paul牺牲前最后一次返回家乡,听到教授对着教授对着教室里的孩子鼓吹着同样的
话,他再没有出 征前的意气风发,因为他已经亲身体验到了战争的残酷。可孩子们宁愿相信教授,他们认
为Paul是胆 小的懦夫。有句话不是说么,“很多事情,当我们年轻的时候不懂得,当我们懂得的时候已不

没有玫瑰,没有钻戒,甚至没有甜言蜜语; 迈克(Michael)提出,凯(Kay)首肯:现实中的爱情总没有想象的
美好。看到《教父》中的 这一段,你只会得出一个结论——不管你是不是赞同——婚姻不是因为“爱”,至
少不是双方都有,而是 因为“需要”。

Kay: How long have you been back?

Michael: I've been back a year. Longer than that, I think. It's good to see you, Kay. I'm working for my
father now, Kay. He's been sick. Very sick.

Kay: Michael, why did you come here? Why? What do you want with me after all this time? I've been
calling and writing.

Michael: I came because I need you. I care for you.

Kay: Please stop it, Michael.

Michael: Because... I want you to marry me.

Kay: It's too late.

Michael: Please, Kay...I'll do anything you ask to make up for what's happened to us. Because that's
important, Kay. Because what's important is that...we have each other. That we have a life together. That
we have children. Our children. Kay, I need you. And I love you.



前后近两年时间,迈克没和凯以任何方式联系过,虽然凯一直在往他家打电话或是写信(I've been
calling and writing现在完成进行时)。所以凯质问他,“为什么要来这儿”“在 经历过这许多时日后还来找她
做什么”(What do you want with me after all this time)
迈克的回答前两句“因为我需要你”(need)“因为我关心你”(care for,关怀)让凯很快阻止了 。接着

迈克作出保证,说只要凯要求,他回尽力弥补这段时间发生在他们之间的事(ma ke up,弥补,补偿)。
最后一句话是最直白的:凯,我需要你,而且我爱你(Kay, I need you. And I love you.)。——人们穿衣
服,是为御寒还是为美观?— —首先是为御寒,然后才是美观。——ugly, but it is true.

安迪杜弗伦(Andy Dufresne)沉冤狱中1 9年,这是他与道貌岸然的典狱长诺顿(Norton)的第一次正面
交锋。诺顿平时总以卫道士的嘴脸 自居,私下却干尽坏事。他风闻安迪入狱前是个银行家,借查房之名试
探安迪,想让安迪帮他洗黑钱。这 段对白中两次引用圣经原文,场景不同,各有指代。

Norton: Pleased to see you reading this. Any favorite passages?


Norton: Mark 13:35. I've always liked that one. But I prefer
followeth me shall have the light of life.

Andy: John, chapter 8, verse 12.

Norton: I hear you're good with numbers. How nice. Man should have a skill…explain this.

Andy: It's called a rock blanket. It's for shaping and polishing rocks. A little hobby of mine.

Norton: It's pretty clean. Some contraband here, but nothing to get in a twist over. …I can't say I
approve of this. But I suppose exceptions can be made. …Lock them up! …I almost forgot. I'd hate to
deprive you of this. Salvation lies within.

Andy: Yes, sir.


看到安迪手里拿着一本圣经,诺顿借机搭讪:“很高兴看到你读圣经。有什么喜的段落么?”——用 了
两个省略句,都省去了主语和谓语。be pleased to,乐于,满足于。passage, 节,段。安迪回答了一句
马克福音(Mark)第13章第35节中的经文:“所以你们要警醒,因为不 知道家主何时到来。” (Watch ye,
therefore, for ye know not when the master of the house cometh.)
在圣 经的这一章中,耶酥坐在橄榄山上对他的四个门徒说,只有当众星坠落、天势震动的苦难显现,
人子才会 驾云降临,来显示他的大能力、大荣耀。没有人知道这个确切的时间。然后耶酥用了一个比喻:
好比一个 人离家远行,授权于仆人,分派每个人该做的工作,又吩咐看门人警醒。——所以,每个人都当
警醒,因 为不知道主人什么时候回来。显然,安迪在暗指诺顿的到来。
诺顿则说,他更喜欢(prefer )另一句:“我是世界的光。跟从我的,就不在黑暗里走。必要得着生命
的光。(”I am the light of the world, he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light
of life.)语出约翰福音(John)第8章第12句(verse)。诺顿是以主比喻自己,也是在暗示安迪 ,听他
下面,安迪向诺顿解释了用于打磨石头的类似砂纸的磨石毡(rock blanket)之后,诺顿才满意而归 。
临走,他评价说,这里虽然有一些违禁品(contraband n. 走私品,违法交易),但没有重大违规行为。
twist,拧,纽,使扭曲,使成螺旋状;twist over,满拧、南辕北辙之类的状况,这里指监狱中的重大违规。
get in,陷入……的状态,达到。
诺顿走形式地说,他对安迪挂的美女海报表示不满(approve of,赞成,满意)。他还差点忘记把圣
经还给安迪(deprive sb. of sth.,剥夺某人的某物)。在吩咐狱警锁上(lock up)牢门之后,他对安迪说
的最后一句话是:“得救之道,就在其中”(Salvation lies within)。







