
2020年07月31日 10:09



Unit One Come with me!

Objectives and Requirements目标与要求
1、Review复习: 1)Is this your dictionary? No, it’s not. It’s Tony’s dictionary.
2)What does she do ? She‘s a doctor.
2、Additional附加:Come with me!
3、Sounds and words 语音和单词:^
二、Vocabulary 词汇
1、 Key 重点:farmer, factory ,worker, aunt, uncle, cousin, calendar,dictionary, diary
2、 Additional 附加:magazine, newspaper, planner
3、 Sounds and words 语音和单词:sun, cut, fun ,mother, son, month
三、Teaching key points(教学重点):
1、 New words(略)。
2、 Drills: 1) Is this your dictionary? No, it’s not. It’s Tony’s dictionary.
2) What does she do? She‘s a doctor.
四、Teaching difficult points(教学难点):
1、 Sounds: 字母u和o在单词中的发音。
五、Teaching aids(教具):
1、 Gogo, Tony和Jenny的头饰;
2、 挂图、单词图片和实物(杂志、报纸、日程计划簿等);
3、 自制课件、录音带等。
六、Teaching procedure(分为三课时)

The First Period
Step 1 Revision
the old words and the sentences, using the pictures:

What does shehe do?
SheHe is a teacher(doctor, nurse, taxi driver, student, etc).
Step2 presentation
the pictures and the sentences to teach the new words:
1)What does heshe do?
Farmer factory worker.
2) What‘s this?
Dictionary calendardiary
2. Draw a family tree to help explain and teach the following new words:
Aunt uncle cousin
the tape and have Ss repeat the new words.
4. Play the word games:
1)Guessing: 学完新单词后,老师用口型表示出单词( 不出声),让学生们猜词。
2)Spelling bee: 教师将学生分为两组排队站好,当老师举起本课的一张图画卡
学生说对了 ,教师让他把该单词用粉笔写在黑板上。如写对了,该学生所在的组
得一分。如写错了,另外一组的学生 获得机会出来拼写单词。然后这两组的S1
回到各组的队尾,另外两个S2出来继续游戏,直至所有单词 正确拼出。
First, teacher shows one of hisher personal belongings to the class and says This is
my (dictionary).Then T puts it on a table at the front of the room. Ask all Ss to bring
one of their own items to the front. As each student comes to the front , heshe holds
up the item and says, e.g. This is my (notebook).Then heshe puts the item on the
table. When everyone is finished, ask S1 to come to the front .S1chooses one of the
items on the table and says This is (S2‘s name)‘s (planner).Then S1 gives the item
back to another student goes to the front, makes a sentence and give the item
to the owner. Continue until all Ss have had a turn .If a student isn‘t sure who owns an
item , heshe can ask questions. e.g.(S3‘s name),is this your (pen)?
2) Ask the students to listen to the tape and repeat.
6. Practice 1.

1) Getting ready
a. Ask four Ss to write the questions A-D on the board.
b. Ask another four Ss to read the questions aloud.
2) Using the book
a).Have Ss look at the pictures for A.
Write He‘s .underneath question A on the board.
T:(Point to each picture. ) What does he do?[Ss: He‘s a (teacher).]
b).T: Let‘s listen to the tape.
Play the tape for A, and then pause.
T: What does he do?[Ss: He‘s a factory worker.]
T: Put a checkmark in the box for picture 2.
c).Repeat the procedures with the other three questions.
7. Practice 2.
1) Getting ready
Have Ss look at the questions on the page.
Ask S1 to read the first question. [S1:What does your mom or dad do?]
T: My mom‘s a (teacher).
T:(S2‘s name),ask(S3‘s name)the second question.
[S2: What do you want to be?][S3:I want to be a (doctor).]
2) Using the book
T: Now, write your answers on the top row.
Ask the first question and have Ss write their answers.
Do the same with the second question.
Walk around the classroom to help Ss if needed.
Put Ss into groups of three and have them interview the two other members of the
T: Write the answers on the page.
When Ss are finished ,ask volunteers to report to the class ,e.g.(S1‘s name) wants
to be a (farmer).

Step3 Homework
1. Copy the new words and remember them.
The Second Period
Step 1 Revision
1. Revise the sentences:
1) Is this your…?
2) What does heshe do?
2. Dictate the new words.
Step2 presentation
1 .Introduce and teach the bonus vocabulary , magazine, newspaper and planner,
using object.
2. Conversation
1) Introduce the characters of the book and their relationships, using the Picture Cards:
Gogo, Tony and Jenny.
2) Use the CAI:
a. The teacher tell the story about Gogo, Tony and Jenny first, then ask the Ss to look
at the pictures and listen to the tape.
b. Teach the new word: island
c. Play the tape again, pausing after each sentence to let Ss repeat.
d. Put Ss into groups of three and have them practice acting out the dialogue.
e. Ask volunteers to perform in front of the class.
1)a. Introduce the characters of the song first: Aunt Sally, Uncle Jimmy, Cousin Sue,
Cousin Lu, then ask and answer:
Who‘s this?
What‘s herhis name?
b. Read out the lyrics and have Ss repeat.
c. Play the tape and point to each word as it is sung.

d. Play the tape again for Ss to practice singing together.
e. Ask volunteers to sing in front of the class.
2) a. Revise the family words first:
family, father, mother ,brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother,
uncle, aunt, cousin
b. Ask the Ss to find and circle the family words ,then check the answers with the
whole class.
Step3 Homework
1. Recite the conversation.
2.《书写本》P2-- 3,Ex.3,4.

The Third Period
Step 1 Revision
1. Ask some Ss to recite the conversation.
2. Sing the song.
Step2 presentation
1. Activity
1) Draw a family tree of Tony and Jenny.
2) Give Ss some time to read the passage silently.
3) Ask some Ss to read the sentences aloud.
4) Ask and answer the questions with the Ss.
5) Let the Ss write down the answers of the questions, and the teacher walk around
the classroom to check Ss‘ writing.
2. Sounds and words
1) A. Use the pictures to revise the old words and teach the new ones: son, month.
Ask the Ss to sum up the same sound: ^ .
B .Let the Ss look at the pictures, play the tape and have Ss point to each word as the
tape says it.
C. Play the tape again, have Ss repeat after the tape.

D. After enough practice, point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the words.
E. Point out that the sound can be made by the letters u or o.
2) A. Have Ss look at the sentences.
B. Read out the five sentences on the page and have Ss circle the words that have the
sound ^ .
C. Read out the sentences and have Ss repeat.
D. Give Ss some time to practice on their own.
E. Ask individual Ss to read the sentences aloud.
F. When Ss are used to the sound in the sentences, have them read the sentences
quickly like tongue twisters.
Ex: 《活动手册》,P4,Ex4
Step3 Homework
1. 《书写本》P4,Ex.7.
2. Revise the contents of this unit.

Unit two Do you have any glue?
一、 Teaching objectives
1、 Language functions
Asking about and describing possessions
2、 Language structures
Do you have any ……? Yes ,I do.( No, I don‘t.)
Does Jenny have any stamps ? Yes, she dose.
3、 New vocabulary
staples 装订书针 scissors 剪刀
stamps 邮票 envelopes 信封
paper clips 纸夹 paper 纸

tape 贴胶带 glue 胶水
4、 Skills
Listening:能听懂Do you have any „? Yes, I do(No, I don’t)
Dose Jenny have any „? Yes, she dose. 这一类的询问及回答;
二、 Teaching key points
三、 Teaching difficult points
pet , cat , carrot, bat, rabbit, parrot 中的[t]发音。
四、Teaching aids
1、 TV.
2、 Computer.
3、 Real objects: staples, scissors , stamps , envelopes ,
paper clips , paper , tape , glue
四、 Teaching procedure(分三课时)

The first period(vocabulary---Target)
Step 1 Revision
1、 Revise the old words in Unit 1,using the pictures and the drills:
Is this your …?
Step 2 Presentation
1、 Vocabulary:
1) Look at the pictures, listen to the tape first;
2) Use the pictures (or the thing) and the drills: Is this your …? To teach the new
staples, scissors , stamps , envelopes , paper clips , paper , tape , glue
3) Read the new words together or in pairs.

4)Play a game:
a)看谁认得快又准: 以竞赛形式,让学生看闪烁的图片拼读单词。
b)老师将一些实物(如: staples, scissors等)放入一个纸箱内,请学生上台蒙着眼
去摸,并让全班提问:What’s this? 让这个学生去猜:It’s aan„ 猜对的则给
2、 Target:
1) Look at the pictures, listen to the tape first;
2) Look at the pictures and sentences, listen and repeat;
3) Write down the new sentences on the blackboard and teach:
Do you have any ……? Yes, I do.( No, I don‘t.)
Does Jenny have any …… ? Yes, she dose.
4) Practice the new sentences.
5) Pair work: Let the students use the real objects to practice the dialogue in pairs,
then act it out.
6) Books open at Page 10,read Target together.
3、Extension activity:
利用新单词进行拓展句型的练习:让学生把以学生学过的句型进行对话,并注意< br>把它组织成一段条理清晰的话。
Step 3 Homework
1、 Copy the new words and remember them.
2、 Recite Target.
3、 In advance Conversation

The second period
Step 1 Revision
1、 Look at the pictures and read together:
2、 Look at the pictures and revise the drills:
Do you have any ……? Yes ,I do.( No, I don‘t.)
Does XXX have any …… ? Yes, she dose.

Step 2 Presentation
1) Look at the pictures, listen to the tape first;
2) Look at the pictures and sentences, listen and repeat;
3) Practice the new sentences.
4) Pair work: Let the students use the real objects to practice the dialogue in groups,
then act it out.
6) Books open at Page 9,read together.
2、 Do Exercise:(p11、p13详见课件)
一、 Practice 1
二、 Practice 2
三、 Activity: look and write
1) Have Ss look at the page. Go over the characters‘ names if necessary.
2) Asks and answer.
3) Writing.
3、Song activity:
1) Sing an English song―do you have any staples?‖.
2) Write and sing.(先让学生小组完成后,进行唱歌。)
Step 3 Homework
1、 Recite conversation
2、 Do U2 in workbook, Page 8.

The Third period(Sounds and words)
Step 1 Revision
1、 Recite p9----p10..
2、 Dictate the new words and the sentences.
Step 2 Presentation
1、 Listen, point and say:
1) Write ―pet‖ and ―cat‖ on the board and underling the ending -t .
2) (Point to –t ) Let‘s practice this sound.

3) 让学生看老师的口型,使他们明白发[t]音时,舌头贴着下齿龈。
4) Look at the pictures, listen to the tape first;
5) Look at the pictures, listen and repeat;
6)Have Ss repeat after the tape.
7) After enough practice, point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the words.
2、 Read, say and circle.
1) Have Ss look at the passages on the page..
2) Listen to the sentences. Circle the words that have the final [t].
3) Teacher will read the passages slowly and check if Ss circled the right words.
4) Answer key :A---pet, white, rabbit, It, eat, carrot, rabbit, not, parrot, But, it, lot
B---Kate, cat, at, eight, eat, breakfast, at, Nat, Nat, best
5) Give some tine for Ss to practice reading aloud to themselves.
6) When Ss are ready, ask some confident Ss to read the passages out loud.
7) 让学生回忆以前还有哪些单词的发音含有[t]的。
3、 check if workbook, Page 2-8.
4、 Play a game:
老师预先准备好剪贴画:请学生们分 小组将本课学到的单词运用到剪贴画中,边
Step 3 Homework
1、 Revise the new words and the sounds.

教学后记:____________________________ ___________________
Unit Three What do we need?

Teaching Objectives:
1. What do we have? We have some sugar. Do we have any salt? No, we don‘t. We
need some salt. Do we have any tofu? No, we don‘t. We need some tofu, too.
2. New words: juice, rice, salt, sugar, meat, vegetables, tofu, fruit

3. Sounds and words: toys, noise, soy sauce, boiling, coins

Teaching keys points
1. Vocabulary and Target.

Teaching difficult points
1.不可数名词的使用与区别:juice, rice, salt, meat, tofu, sugar„
、any 的区别及使用。

Teaching Comprehension:
The First Period
(Vocabulary Target)
Step1. Vocabulary
3、Listen to the tape and read after the tape.
5、T: How do you spell juice? Ss: J-U-I-C-E.
6、Continue with the rest of the cards.

1、 T: Open your book. Now listen to the tape and point to each word.
2、 Play the tape again, and have Ss repeat.
3、 Hold up Picture cards and have Ss say the words and spell them.

Step3. Target
1、 在黑板上贴出一个大冰箱,和一张“Things we need”的清单(把词汇都写
2、 把三、四张图画卡片贴在冰箱上。

3、 教师指着冰箱说:What do we need? Ss: We need some sugartofumeat„„
4、 在清单里找出一种冰箱没有的食品。T: Do we have any (salt)? Ss: No, we don’
t. We have some (salt)?
5、 T:Let’s listen to the tape and repeat.
6、 Play the tape and pause after each sentence, allowing Ss time to repeat.
7、 Put Ss into pairs to practice the Q&A exchanges.

Step4. Play game
1、 在黑板上画出下表。
Have Need
juice rice meat tofu fruit
vegetables sugar salt water
2、T: Let’s made lunch. Let’s cook fried rice. What do we have? 让一个到前面来
指着Have下面的一个单词回答,例如We have rice.教师再问:Do we have any
water?让另一个学生到前面来回答:No, we don’t have any water. We need water.
并将单词water写在Need 一栏里。以此方法继续练习其余单词。

Step5. Homework
Homework:1、copy the vocabulary; 2、Recite Target.

The Second Period
(Conversation Practice1 Practice 2)
Step1. Review
1、 Revision (recall the new words together, dictation)
2、 将单词图片贴在黑板上,图画一面向外。
3、 T: We are going to cook. What so we need? 教师向学生提出问题并给学生时间
思考,然后指着图画卡片引导学生回答)Ss: We need (vegetables and meat.)
Step2. Conversation
1、 将Conversation的投影片投影到电视上。

2、 T: Let’s listen to the tape and read the story.
3、 播放录音,让学生听。
4、 再次播放录音,让学生跟读(鼓励学生尽量模仿录音中的人物语音语调。)
5、 把学生分成三组,让他们分别扮演Jenny, Tony, Gogo。
6、 将投影片上的对话内容去掉,只显示图画,让各小组练习表演对话。

Step3. Practice1
1、 将四个问题朗读一次
2、 读出每题里各个选择的食品名称,并写在书本上。
3、 Listen to the tape and choose the right answer.
4、 Check the answer.

Step4. Practice2
1、 首先阅读本页的问题,然后让个别学生到前面就每幅图画的内容提一个正确
2、 T: Now, write your answers next to the picture.
3、 Check the answers.
4、 Put Ss into pairs and have them ask each other.

Step5. Homework
1、 熟读Conversation和Target的对话
2、 抄写Conversation的句子。

The Third period
(Chant activity Sounds and words)
Step1. Chant activity
1、 朗读一次歌词。
2、 播放录音,跟唱。
3、 小组比赛,看哪一组唱得好。

4、 完成“Write and chant”的练习。
5、 让学生朗读句子
6、 播放录音,学生跟着唱原来的歌谣,然后唱新的歌词。
Step2. Activity
1、 Give Ss time to write the answers on the page.
2、 Have someone write the correct answers on the board so that other Ss can check
their work.

Step3. Sounds and words
1、 出示单词图片,并用颜色笔画出字母组合oy, oi,发音。
2、 听录音,学生跟读。
3、 熟读单词。
4、 让学生总结出oy, oi的发音。
5、 播放录音,边听边指着歌词。
6、 播放录音,跟唱。
7、 分小组活动, 让学生想想还有其他什么有oi或oy音的单词,并把它写在黑
板上。然后各组用这些单词再编一些绕口 令,请各组选一个代表上台表演。并选

Step4. Homework
1、 抄写Sounds and words的单词
2、 自编绕口令

教学后记:____________________________________ ____________
_________________________________ ____________________________________
__________ ___________________________________

Unit4: Review 1

T: Now listen to the tape.
T:I want to be a „ (示意学生回答)〔Ss: farmer.〕
T:See the circle around the correct answer? Now listen and circle the answers.
T:(指着图中的教师)What does she do? 〔Ss: She’s a teacher.〕
T:(指着图中的胶水)What do I have? 〔Ss: You have some glue.〕
T: Let‘s listen to the tape.
T: What does he do ? 〔Ss: He’s a factory worker.〕
T: Put a checkmark in the box for the correct picture.
教师将cousin, father, uncle和aunt的图画卡片贴在黑板上,图画一面朝外。

T: i, i. Toys. let’s play the tape and find the sound i.
T: See the circles around the other words with the sound i?
T: now, listen and circle.
回家复习from unit 1 to unit 4。准备测验。
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Unit Five It‘s cold in winter.
一、 学习目标:(Teaching objectives)
1、Vocabulary: spring, summer, fall, winter, sunny, rainy, windy, cloudy, snail, smell,
pencil, tail, hell, hole.
2、Conversation: A. What’s the weather like in spring?
B. It‘s rainy in spring.

A. Is it rainy in fall?
B. No, it‘s not.
二、 教学重点:(Teaching key points)
A: Where are you going?
B: I‘m going to ...
三、 教学难点:(Teaching key points)
What‘s the weather like…?
It‘s rainy …
四、 教学手段:(Teaching medium)
magazine picture of the four seasons, Picture Cards 25-32, paper, chalk markers, a
map of China, classical music (e.g. Vivaldi‘s The Four Seasons)
六、教学步骤:(Teaching procedure)
The first period
Step 1 Review
1. What do we have?
2. Do we have any salt?
juice, rice, salt, sugar, meat, vegetable, tofu, fruit, toys, noise, boys, soy sauce, boiling,
Step 2
Getting ready
 Bring in pictures to show the four seasons.
 T: (Write seasons on the board.) There are four seasons in a year.
 T: (Show the picture of spring.) It‘s spring.
 Do the same with the other pictures to introduce summer, fall and winder.
Using the books
 Have Ss look at the page.
 T: Let‘s listen to the tape and read the story.

 Have Ss follow the dialog by pointing to the sentences in their books.
 T: Look at the first pictures. What season is this? [Ss: It‘s spring.]
 Ask about other pictures.
 T: Let‘s listen again and repeat.
 Play the tape, pausing after each sentence to have Ss repeat.
 Encourage Ss to use the same voice expressions as the characters‘ voices.
 Put Ss in groups of three and give them the roles of Jenny, Tony and Gogo.
 Have groups practice acting out the dialog. Encourage Ss to add lots of actions,
such as shivering in winter and fanning themselves in summer.
Extension activity
教师在黑板上写Do you like spri ng?然后在spring的下面写summer,fall和
winter。让个别学生向教师提问每 一个问题。教师作如下回答:1-Yes, I do. I like
spring. It’s warm in spring. 2-No, I don’t. It’s warm in summer. It’s hot in summer.
3-Yes, I do. I like fall. The leaves are red, yellow and orange. 4-No, I don’t. I don’t
like winter. It’s cold in winter. 然后,教师让学生结对子互相提问对方是否喜欢
某个季节,学生如实回答。教师 在教室里巡视,帮助有需要的学生。
Getting ready
 Bring in picture Cards 25-32.
 Show the picture side of the picture Card spring.
 T: Repeat. Spring. [Ss: Spring.]
 Show the word side of the card.
 T: How do you spell spring? (Point to each letter for Ss to say.) [Ss: S-P-R-I-N-G.]
 Continue with the rest of the cards.
Using the book
 T: Open your book. Listen to the tape and point to each word.
 Have Ss point to the words.
 Play the tape again, and have Ss repeat each word.
 Hold up picture cards in random order (picture-side up) and have Ss say the words
and spell them. Allow Ss to write the words on paper before saying the letters.

Extension activity 教师将图画卡片25-32贴在黑板上。将学生结对,并给每个学生发一张纸。在黑
板上写It’s ______. S1选取一个词来造句。如:It’s (winter). S2则要按照S1的
描 述,迅速画一幅简图来描述该天气。接着由S2造句,S1画图。学生做完练习
以后,教师收集学生的作 品,贴在墙上展出。
Getting ready
 Put the picture Cards on the board, word-side up.
 Write It‘s ______ in (winter). Underneath the cards.
 Write spring, summer and fall underneath winter.
 T: (Point to winter.)
 What‘s the weather like in winter? [Ss: It‘s (cold) in winter.]
 Continue with the rest.
Using the book
 T: Now let‘s look at the dialogs on page 26.
 Point to the pictures and model the Q&A exchanges.
 T: Let‘s listen to the tape and repeat.
 Play the tape and pause after each sentence, allowing Ss time to repeat.
 Put Ss in pairs to practice the Q&A exchanges.
Extension activity
在学生结对练习目标 语言后,让他们将对话范围扩大到谈论在种天气下他们
能做什么和不能做什么。例如,在学生练习第2个 问答对话Is it rainy in fall? No,
it’s not. It’s windy.后, 教师再问:What do you like doing in fall? S1回答:I like
(riding bicycle).教师又问:What don’t you like doing in fall? S2回答: I don’t like
(going to the beach).在学生开始练习自编对话之前,教师让全班学生一齐动脑 筋,
板上作为提 示,然后让学生结对进行问答练习。
Practice 1
Getting ready
Have Ss look at the symbols at the top of the page and review the words.

Write It‘s and on the board.
T:(Point to the first picture.) Can you make a sentence? [Ss: It‘s windy and rainy.]
Continue with the other pictures.
Using the book
T: Let‘s listen to the tape.
Play the tape for A, and then pause.
T: What‘s the weather like in summer? [Ss: It‘s hot and summer.]
T: Find the picture for hot and sunny. Put a checkmark in the box.
Repeat the procedure with the other there questions.
Extension activity
全班学生一齐动脑筋,想出 有关衣物的名称并将单词写在黑板上。然后,把学生
分成小组,并给每组发纸张。教师给学生假定一种天 气,如It’s (cold). 并问学
生What do you wear?各组写出一些衣物的 名称,并快速画出一个人穿着所有这些
衣物的简图。在教师假定了几种不同的天气以后,让各组学生与班 上其他同学交
流自己所画的图画,如:It’s (cold). You wear a (sweater) and (boots).
Practice 2
Getting ready
T: (Point to the window.) What‘s the weather like today? [Ss: It‘s (cold) and (cloudy).]
T: What‘s the weather like in spring, (S1‘s name)? [S1: It‘s (cloudy)
and (rainy).]
T: What‘s your favorite season, (S2‘s name)? [S1:I like (winter).]
Using the book
Have Ss book at the questions on the page.
Ask individual Ss to read the questions out loud for the class.
T: Now write your answers on the page.
Walk around the classroom and provide help if needed.
Check the answers with the whole class.
Put Ss into pairs and have them ask and answer.
Extension activity

教师在黑板上写What’s your favorite season?接着说I like (fall). I like
(walking in the park)in fall.说完后教师问:(S1’s name), what’s your favorite season?
等S1回答后,将学生分成小组进行问答练习。要求学生说出自己 喜欢的季节,
组 里其他学生所说的话。如:(S2’s name) likes (winter). HeShe likes (ice-skating)
in (winter).
Chant activity
Getting ready
Have Ss cover the lyrics with their hands and look at the pictures
next to the lyrics.
T: (Point to the boy who is swimming.) What‘s he doing? [Ss: He‘s swimming.]
Continue with the other people in the picture.
T: Is it hot or cold? [Ss: It‘s hot.]
T: What season is this? [Ss: It‘s summer.]
Using the book
T: Let‘s read out the lyrics.
Ask individual Ss to read out the sentences.
T: Let‘s listen to the tape.
Play the tape and point to each word as it is chanted.
Play the tape again for Ss to practice chanting together.
Getting ready
Have Ss look at the pictures next to the lyrics.
T: (Point to the man skiing.) What‘s he doing? [Ss: He‘s skating.]
Continue with the other people in the picture.
T: Is it hot or cold? [Ss: It‘s cold.]
T: What season in this? [Ss: It‘s winter.]
Using the book
T: Now you write a new chant! (Point to the blanks) Write Cold! Cold! So cold! on

the board as an example.
Give Ss time to finish writing.
T: Let‘s check the answer together.
Have Ss read the sentences aloud.
T: Let‘s chant!
Play the music. Ss chant the original chant with the recorded voices, then chant the
new lyrics with the karaoke version.
Extension activity
教师在墙上挂一幅中国地图,先和学生一起 复习几个大家都熟悉的城市,用
别针和写着地名的纸条在地图上将这些城市标出来。请一个学生到教室前 面来,
气情况, 如:In (Beijing), it’s (hot) and (sunny) today.说完以后, 该学生可将hot
和sunny的学生卡贴在地图上Beijing附近。教师再让其他学生轮流扮演气 象播
Sounds and words
Getting ready
Write snail and smell on the board and underline l.
T: Repeat after me. snail [Ss: Snail.]Smell. [Ss: Smell.]
T: (point to l.) Let‘s practice this sound.
T: 1. [Ss:1.]
Using the book
Have Ss book at the pictures on the page.
T: Let‘s listen to the tape.
Play the tape and have Ss point to each word as the tape say it .
T: Let‘s listen again and this time, repeat.
Have Ss repeat after the tape.
After enough practice, point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the words.
Getting ready

T: Now close your book. Con you spell snail?
[Ss: S-N-A-I-L.]
T: Yes, that‘s correct. That‘s not correct. Can you try again?
Have three Ss ask the whole class questions of the sane structure. [S
1:Can you spell (small)?]
If necessary, give Ss some help to make questions. Prompt the class to spell the word.
Using the book
# Have Ss look at the lyrics on the page.
T: Let‘s listen and chant.
# Play the tape and pause after each paragraph.
# Have Ss repeat after the tape.
#T: Look at the pictures. (Point to the ball.) Can you spell ball? [Ss: B-A- L-L.]
# Continue with the other picture on the page.
Extension activity
将学生分成小组,每个小组试着编一个带l音的绕口令,如The tail of the snail
makes a funny smell. 教师围绕教室走动,帮助有需要的学生。然 后让每组学生教
Unit 6 When can we go ice—skating ?

1、学习Part A对话,重点学会Is May before winter holiday ? No, May is after
winter holiday . When is winter holiday ? It’s in January and February .句型。
2、在学习对话的过程学会新单词:when , go ice—skating , May , winter holiday,
January , February , before , after , March 。
1、利用图片复习单词spring , summer , fall , winter。(教师举出图片学生说出单

A: What do they do ?
B: They are go ice- skating. But we can’ t go ice-skating now .教学ice- skating 滑
冰,接着问: When can we go ice-skating ?边问边板书课题然后教学when 什么
然后问:When is winter holiday ?(边问边板书)教学winter holiday。
5、示意举着图画卡片January和February的学生回答It’s in January and February .
7、教师自问自答Is February before January ? No, February is after January .(边
8、教学before , after 。
9、让学生看着课本Part A部分的图画及对话听录音两次。
11、教学单词May 。
14、读黑板上的新句型并用新句型Is „before„? No, „is after„ .教学单词
March , April , June 。
16、先听录音后跟读Part B的单词。

3、完成课本33页的Practice 1, 2。
2、教师问:When is winter holidaysummer holidayNew YearChildren’s Day ?
让学生回答:It’s in January and FebruaryJuly and AugustJanuaryJune .
3、教师再问:Is March after April ? No, it’s before April .
6、自由阅读书本33页Practice 1的内容。
Is (English) class before (Chinese) class ? Yes, (English) class is before (Chinese)
class . No, (English) class is after (Chinese) class .
10、然后问:Is (art) class after (math) class ?
16、让学生看着书上的图画。教师边指着January边问:Which month is this ? 学
生回答:It’s January .
17、教师再问:Is January after February ?
18、引导学生完整回答问题:No, January is before February .


3、熟读书本36页2 的内容。
2、检查学生的作业 情况,让个别学生到黑板完成教师评讲,最后播放音乐让学
在黑板上。其 他学生看着黑板,教师在每个单词中的y下划线。
5、指出y在这些单词中的读音有别于以y结尾的单词如:sunny, cloudy等词的
8、教师在黑板上写yell, yellow, yogurt, Yuck !。
9、让学生在这些单词中的j读音下划线。(yell , yellow , yogurt , Yuck! )

10、给学生解释funny smell的意思。


Unit 7 When‘s your birthday?

1. Teaching contents:
(1)When‘s your birthday? My birthday‘s October 20th. What‘s the date today? It‘s
October is my birthday!
(2)January,F ebruary,March,April,May,June,July,August,September ,October,Novembe
(3)sounds and words: station, cone, train, queen, button, bone
2. Teaching difficulty:
What‘s the date today? It‘s October is my birthday!
3. The key:
the words and expressions
4. Teaching Materials:
Large calendar ,Picture Cards 41-52,Ordinal Numbers cards.

The first period
Step 1(3minutes

1. greeting
T: Hello! How are you today?
S: I‘m very well, thank you.
a song ‗one ,two, one two……‘.
g ready
T: Today we‘ll learn about the months of one year, and let me know about your

Step 2( 15minutes)
ng words
(1) January :Show the calendar to the students, and show January, teacher read and let
the students repeat.
(2) February: show the calendar to the students, and show January, teacher read and
let the students repeat.
(3)March: Show the calendar to the students, and show January ,teacher read and let
the students repeat.
ng ordinal Numbers from 1to 20.
Writing on the blackboard.
ng the sentence: ‗What‘s the date today?‘ ‗It‘s…… .‘ ‗It‘s my birthday today!‘
use the words(January ,February, March) and ordinal Numbers fro m 1to 20.
(1)T: What‘s the date today? It‘s January 1st. And explain the date what is the first day
in January.(show the calendar of January)
(2)T: What‘s the date today?(point to the January 2nd,call a student to answer the
S1:It‘s January 2nd.
(3)Continue using the calendar about January, February, March and ordinal Numbers1
to 20.
T: What‘s the date today?
Ss: It‘s February ‘s March 4th.

ng words
(1)April: Show the calendar to the students, and show January, teacher read and let the
students repeat.
(2) May: show the calendar to the students, and show January, teacher read and let the
students repeat.
(3)June: Show the calendar to the students, and show January, teacher read and let the
students repeat.
ng ordinal Numbers from 21 to 31.
Writing on the blackboard.

6 .Read words and ordinal numbers.
7. Pair work :
S1: What‘s the date today?
S2: It‘s April 5th.
And call some pairs to perform.

Step 3 (12 minutes)
1. teaching the names of month from July to September.
(1) July: Show the calendar to the students and show January, teacher read and let the
students repeat.
(2) August: show the calendar to the students, and show January, teacher read and let
the students repeat.
(3)September: show the calendar to the students, and show January, teacher read and
let the students repeat.

ng ordinal Numbers fro m 21to 31.

ce with the months from January to September.


step 4 (7minutes)
Let the students reform..

Step 5 (2 minutes)
Listen to the tapes

step 6 ( 1 minute)
1. Writing the new words

The second period
Step 1 (5 minutes)
1. greeting
T: Hello! How are you today?
S: I‘m very well, thank you.
the words and ordinal numbers.(show the pictures)
the sentence
T: What‘s the date today?(show the calendar)
Ss: It;s…….(use the months of January……)It‘s my birthday today!

Step 2 (20minutes)
ng the names of month from July to December.
(1)July: Show the calendar to the students, and show January, teacher read and let the
students repeat.
(2) August: show the calendar to the students, and show January, teacher read and let
the students repeat.
(3)September: show the calendar to the students, and show January, teacher read and

let the students repeat.

ng ordinal Numbers fro m 21to 31.
Writing on the blackboard.

ng the sentence:
(1) T: When‘s your birthday?
My birthday‘s October 20th.
(2)T: When‘s your birthday?
S1:My birthday‘s October 20th.
(3)the teacher point to the calendar ‗December 1st‘
and ask: When‘s your birthday?
Ss: My birthday‘s December 1st.
(4)continue practicing

Step 3 (7minutes)
to the tape P37,and read after the tape.

Step 4 (6 minutes)

and words P42
station cone train queen button bone
step 5 (2 minutes)
the workbook p23, p26,3,4.
the conversation P37 with your group.

The third period

Step 1

1. Let the groups peform the conversation and give some prizes.
2. listening comprehension:P39 practice 1
3. Activity (ask and answer) P41.

1. P39,pair work: Practice 2
2. Chant activity
3. P42 :read ,say and circle.

Step 3 homework
8 Review 2 (第一课时)

1、句型:What’s the weather like? It’s rainy in spring. Is it rainy in fall? No, it’s not.
It’s windy. What’s the weather like today? It’s sunny and hot. When’s winter
holiday? It’s in January and February. Is January after February? No, January is
before February. When‘s your birthday? It‘s on 20th October. What‘s the date today?
It‘s October 20th. Today is my birthday.
2、单词:spring summer fall winter sunny rainy windy cloudy January February March
April May June July August September October November December.
3、日期的缩写形式:1st 2nd „31st
4、语音和单词:snail smell pencil tail bell hole yell year yacht yawn yogurt yesterday
station cone train queen button bone.

1 、Play the tape.
T: In Summer, what‘s the weather like?[Ss: It‘s hot and sunny.]
T: Now, circle the correct answers.
What’s the date today? What’s the weather like today? 学生回答后播放录音,完
T: What are they doing? [They‘re having a birthday party.]
When‘s the girl‘s birthday? How old is she?
4、Play the tape, students listen first. Then teach [j] yawn. Let’s find the sound [j].
Play the tape again.
再找出发[n] [l]的单词,然后分类。
Read after the tape.

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8 Review 2 (第二课时)

一、 Revision
When‘s your birthday? What‘s the date today? When‘s wintersummer
holiday? What‘s the weather like in summerwinter?
How many months are there in a year? What are they? etc.
二、 Books opened. Get into groups. Ask and answer about birthdays. Then fill in the
first table.
三、 Let some students ask questions, like When’s winter holiday? When’s spring
term? When’s summer holiday? When’s fall term?
Write down the answers in the second table.
四、 Get into groups. Students ask and answer about the weather in each season.
Write down the answers in the third table.
五、 Get into groups. Each group chooses a month and makes a chart including all the
information they gathered about that month. Like the last table on page 46.
六、 Put all the groups’ charts together and make a class calendar.

Unit 9 It was clean but it‘s dirty now.
一、 教学目标
1 学会一般过去时的意义及结构,使学生灵活运用一般过去时。
2 学生能很好地区分一般现在时与一般过去时,能运用到日常对话中。
3 学会本单元的新单词: warm wet cool dry clean dirty messy mouse
cow house south loud 等。
二、 教学重点与难点
1 学会本单元的新单词。

2 学会一般过去时的运用及be动词的过去式的表示方法
is——was are——were
三、 教具:

一、 Review
1 Read the words: spring summer fall winter
2 T: What‘s the weather like in fall ?
S1: It‘s windy in fall.
T: What‘s the weather like today ?
S2:It is sunny.
3 Talk about the weather in pairs.
二、 Presentation
1 T: What‘s the weather like in spring ?
S: It‘s rainy.
T: Yes. It‘s rainy ,it‘s warm too.
Teach: warm 温暖的
2 T:Is it rainy in fall ?
S: No, it isn‘t.
T: Right. But it’s cool in fall. (教 cool 凉爽的)
3 情景教学单词wet and dry : 两件衣服一件弄湿,一件是干的
wet_对应词_ dry
4 T: What day is it today ?
S: It‘s Monday.
T: What about yesterday ? It was Sunday.
教单词 was yesterday is _过去式__was

T:What’s the weather like today ?
S: It‘s warm. What was the weather yesterday ?
T: It was wet.
三、 Drills
1 听录音,图出所听到的单词。
2 听录音,完成书本P49 Practice 1 A B
四、 Practice
1 Read the new words
2 Pair work : talk about the weather today and yesterday.
五、 Homework
Unit 9 It was clean but it‘s dirty now.

一 Review
1 Read the words in the pictures : warm wet cool dry sunny rainy windy
2 Look at the picture and answer the questions:
What‘s the weather like todayin summer ?
What was the weather like yesterday ? is __过去式_was
一、 Presentation
1 T: What‘s that ?
S: It is a desk .
T: Good. The desk is tidy now, but it was messy this morning .(摆出一张整洁的桌
教学单词: tidy 整洁的 messy 凌乱的
tidy 对应词 messy
2 T: What are they ?
S: They are shoes .

T: Yes, they are dirty ,but they were clean this morning .(出示两幅鞋的图片,一幅
有干净的鞋 ,一幅有脏的鞋进行比较)
教单词: clean 干净的 dirty 脏的
clean 对应词 dirty
were (are的过去式) are 过去式were
3 T: These are my books . Where are they now ?
S: They are on the desk now .
T: But my books were on the floor this morning .
S: The books are on the desk now , they were on the floor this morning .
4 T: Is it a desk ?
S: No, it isn‘t.
T: It is d bedroom. Is it tidy now ?
S: Yes ,it is .But it was messy this morning .
5 Listen to the tape : Target.
二、 Drills
1 Read ―Target ‖
2 Sing a song ― What can we do ?‖
3 Finish ―Practice 1‖ C & D
( 1 ) Ask and answer
( 2 ) Listen and check.
三、 Exercise
1 按要求写词
clean 反义词 ( ) tidy 反义词 ( ) is 过去式( )
2 填空
(1) Your bedroom _____ messy this morning , but now it is _____.
(2) My books _____ on the floor the morning , they ____ on the desk now .
四、 Homework:

Unit 9 It was clean but it‘s dirty now.

一、 Review
1 Sing a song ―What can we do ?‖
2 Read P48 ―Vocabulary‖ & ―Target‖
二、 Presentation
1 T: What is this ? It‘s garbage (object)
Let‘s put the garbage there .
教单词:garbage 垃圾 there 那里
2 Show the picture of ―Conversation‖
T: Look, it‘s dirty .listen to the tape ―what happened‖
3 Listen to the tape and read by the Ss the let one or two students read.
4 Act.
三、 Drills
1 Pair work : Practice 2
2 Check the answer.
四、 Exercise
1 Finish ―Song activity 2 ‖
They were _______ before . But they‘re _______ now.
What can we do ?
They were ______ before.
But they‘re ______ now .
What can we do ?
We can make them _______. ______ ________ __________.
We can make them _______. ______ ________ __________.
五、 Homework
Unit 9 It was clean but it‘s dirty now.

一、 Review
1 Sing ―Activity‖
2 Read ―Conversation‖
二、 Presentation
1 What‘s the weather like todayin summer ?
What was the weather like yesterday ?
2 Show a letter about ―Activity‖
(1) 老师带读一遍
(2) Read by the Ss one minute
(3) Finish the questions in four Ss
(4) Check the answer.
3 T: What‘s this ?
S: It‘ a mouse.
教单词 mouse 老鼠 ou [ ]
同理教单词 cow south mouth house
2让学生归纳 ou ow 在这些单词中发[
三、 Drills and exercises
1 Listen to the tape ―Loud sound‖
2 Number the words.
四、 Homework
Review the new words
找出发[ ]的单词。

Unit 10 I planted trees.

is __过去式_was

Objectives and Requirements
Target: Did you study yesterday? No, I didn’, I did.
What did you do yesterday , Ben ? I planted trees yesterday.
Sounds and words: [t] [d] [id]
Key: planted watched washed cooked listened helped painted and called
Sounds and words: helped, listened, painted, used, carried, acted
Pictures, tape Flash cards
Teaching periods:
The First Period
Teaching points:
Conversation, Vocabulary, Target
the words:
planted, watched, washed, cooked, listened, helped, painted, called
2. Learn the sentences:
Did you study yesterday? No,Yes.
What did you do yesterday, Ben ? I planted trees yesterday.
Teaching steps:
1.Show the pictures about vocabulary, use present continuous tense say
She is planting trees. He is watching TV.
Tom is washing dishes. Mary is cooking dinner.
Tony is listening to the radio.
Jenny is helping the old man.
My sister is painting . I am calling my mother.
2.Review the words:
Plant, watch, cook, listen, help, paint, call

二.New teaching
(一)Learn the words
at Picture 1 ,answer the question
What did she do yesterday? She planted trees.
to ask in pair about Pictures2 to 8.(Pay attention: the pronounce of
[t] [d] [id]
3. Guide to learn the rules of the past tense.

一般情况,在词尾加-ed 词尾有字母的词只加-d 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读
闭音节词,双写该辅音字母后,加ed 结尾“辅字母+y”的词,改y为i,再加
过去形式 help
helped love
loved stop
stoped study

[id] 例词

4.Games: Play the cards, Paper Scissor Stone
1.Look at the pictures and guide to answer the questions
(Picture 1)What did Jenny do yesterday?
(Picture 2)What did Tony do yesterday?
(Picture 3)Did Peter wash the dishes yesterday?
(Picture 4)Did Amy cook yesterday?
2.Ask the students answer the questions
What did you do yesterday?
Did you study yesterday?
3.Listen to the tape and guide to read.
4.Practice in pair.
(三)Practice 1
1.Guide to understand the pictures.
2.Listen to the tape ,and do the listening
3.Check them
4.Guide to read
(四)Practice 2
1.Guide to understand the title.
2.Work in pair.
3.Report to our classmates.

4.Sum up
三.Sum up
1.The methods of the past tense.
2.Read the words.
四.Set homework
1.Copy the new words for 4 times.
2.Read “Vocabulary” and “Target”3 times.
The second period

一、 教学目标
1. 掌握对话部分并能表述出来。
2. 学习Chant activity.
3. 听力练习。
二、 学习重点难点
1. 要求对过去时句型中的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的运用。
2. 掌握Chant activity.
三、 教学过程
1. Use the pictures to revise the words, then ask and answer with teacher or students.
A: Did you …… yesterday? B: Yes, I did. No, I didn‘t.
A: What did you did do yesterday?
B: I …… yesterday.
2. Use the calendar to revise the dates.
3. Bring in a monthly calendar and ask,
T: When is Trees Planting Day?
Elicit responses from students.
4. T: What did you do on Trees Planting Day?
Did you plant trees?
5. Have the students listen to the tape about the conversation twice. T: What‘re
Gogo and Jenny talking about?
6. Play the tape and have the students follow by looking at the page and repeat.

7. Put the students into pairs to practice acting out the dialog.
8. Ask volunteers to perform for the class.
9. Do listening exercises ( workbook) 1.
10. Have the students look at the pictures.
T: What did he doing?
(This is yesterday) What did he do yesterday?
Ask a volunteer to write planted in the blank.
11. Do the same with the other two pictures.
12. Ask individual Ss to read the lyrics out loud.
13. Play the tape and point to each words as it is chanted and repeat.
14. Have Ss read out the lyrics and fill in the blanks.
15. Do listening exercise ( workbook) 3.
四、 作业
1. Read conversation.
2. Finish exercise 2 in workbook.

The third period
1、 掌握动词过去式词尾ed的读音。
2、 掌握单词:helped,used,listened,carried,painted,acted。
3、 进一步巩固一般过去时的问句和答句。
1、掌握Sounds and words 中的单词。
1、 掌握动词过去式词尾ed的读音规则。
(一) 复习

2、师生问答:What did you(he,she„) do yesterday?
Did you(he,she„)„yesterday?
(二) 新课
1、 引入:学生回答教师的问题后,教师接着问:“What about Tony and Jenny,
what did they do?”
2、 投影仪出示书本P57Activity图(不要让学生打开书本),让学生看图回答问
3、 让学生两人一组看图用句型:What did „do?或Did„?互相问答。
4、 让学生打开书本完成Activity。集体订正后齐读问句和答句。
5、 教师说:“Yesterday my mother cooked supper,I helped he r.”重复help,然后
出示help图片教授单词。学生学会读help,并知道其意思后,教师在 黑板上出
示句子I help my mother yesterday.让学生补充,然后教师教授helped读音。
6、 教师在黑板上板书hel ped,used,listened,carried,painted和acted(ed用
颜色笔 写)。指着单词带读,边带读边板书 ed的发音。
7、 引导学生说出每组单词中的两个ed的发音 相同,也可尝试让学生说说ed的
8、 让学生打开书本听录音并跟读单词。
9、 让学生独立完成书本P58 Sounds and words②Read,write and say.并鼓励学生
10、 请个别学生大声朗读句子,然后全班齐读。
(三) 练习
1、 游戏:将 学生分成三组,即[t]组、[d]组和[id]组,教师大声说出“词汇”和
“语音和单词”部分中的 单词。听到以自己那组的音结尾的单词时,该组学生便
站起来并将该音再读一遍。没有听到以自己那组的 音结尾的小组则仍坐在原位。
2、 完成活动手册P36④Read and write.练习。先让学生自己做,然后集体订正。
1、 小结本单元学习的时态及动词的变化。

2、 小结动词词尾ed的读音规则。
1、 读熟Sounds and words中的单词。
2、 依照书本P58 Sounds and words②写一篇周记。
五、 教学后记

Unit 11 What did you do, Gogo?
(The first period)

1.教学目标:What did you do yesterday?
I played basketball.
What did you do the day before yesterday?
I played basketball, of course.
2.教学重点、难点: a. v-ed: used, studied, played, visited, practiced, talked,
jumped, cleaned
b. Prasses: last night, the day before yesterday, last Sunday
3. 教具: pictures, word cards, a basketballfootball, tape, recorder
Step 1 Revision
a. v-ed using pictures and word cards in Unit 10.
b. Ask and answer using pictures.
eg. T: What did Jenny do yesterday?
P1: She painted.
T: Did you painted yesterday?
P1: Yes, I didNo, I didn't.
Step 2 Presentation
a. Ask and answer using pictures.

T: Tom, what did you do yesterday?
P2: I played watched TV.
T: What about you, Peter?
P3: I watched TV, too.
T: Mary, what did you do yesterday?
P4: I basketballfootball.
T: What did you do the day before yesterday? (Repeat.)
P4: I played basketballfootball, too.
T: You can say,
b. Teach
c. Teach v. and v-ed at P60 using word cards, picturesobjects.
eg. T: What did you do the day before yesterday?
P5: I practiced piano. What about you, Miss Wu?
T: I visited my good friend.(Repeat.)
(Write these two pairs of v. and v-ed on the Bb. And ask the students to read them one
by one. Tell them how to pronounce and the ways of the pronounciation. Teach other
words in the same way.)
Step3 Listen and repeat.
Step4 Practice in pairs using word cards from WB.
Read v-ed and make sentences using them.
Step5 Ask answer and write.
Finish P61 Practice 2.
Step6 Ask and answer.
Step7 Summary.
Step8 Homework.
a. Try to recite Target.
b. Remember v. and v-ed.

Blackboard writing:

use- used play-played What did you do yesterdaylast nightSunday?
practice- practiced study-studied I played basketball.

talk-talked visit-visited What did you do the day before yesterday?
jump-jumped clean-cleaned I played basketball, of course.


Unit 11 What did you do, Gogo?
(The second period)

1.教学目标:What did you do in the parade?
I played the trumpet.
2.教学重点、难点: a. 灵活运用所学的句型进行对话。
b. 单词 trumpet 的读音
3. 教具: pictures, word cards, a trumpet, tape, recorder
4. 教学过程:
Step 1 Revision
a. Revise v-ed using pictures and word cards.
b. Ask and answer using pictures .
eg. T: May, what did you do yesterday?
P1: I played basketball.
T: What did you do the day before yesterday?
P1: I played basketball, of course.
T: Jane, what did May do the day before yesterday?
P2: She played basketball.

Step 2 Presentation
a. Showing a trumpet and ask.
T: What's this in English?
P: Sorry, we don't know.
T: It's a trumpet.(Repeat and write it on the Bb. Read it one by one.)
T: Can you play it?
P: Yes, I canNo, I can't.
T: I can play the trumpet in the parade.(Repeat.)
(Showing a picture on the Bb and writea paradeon the Bb. Ask the
students to read them.)
T: What did you do in the parade?
P3: I danced.
T: I played the trumpet.(Repeat.) How about you?(Piont to two students.)
P4P5: We watched.
b. Listen to tape twice without looking at the book or picture.
c. Look at the picture or book and read after the tape twice.
d. Read dialogue by themselves.
Step2. Practice in pairsgroups.
Step3. Act dialogue.
Step4. Listening at P61 practice1.
Step5. Chant activity at P62.
a. Listen and chant.
b. Look, write and chant.
c. Check answers.
d. Finish WB P40 3.
Step6. Exercises.
a. Do exercises in WB P37 2.
b. Check answers.
Step7. Summary.
Step8. Homework.

a. Try to recite dialogue.
b. Finish P63 Look and write.

Blackboard writing:
What did you do in the parade?
parade I dancedplayed the trumpet.
trumpet We watched.

Unit 11 What did you do, Gogo?
(The third period)
1.教学目标:语音和单词:toad, goat, road, board, row, slow
2. 教学重点、难点: a. 字母组合oa, ow在单词中的发音。
b. 能独立完成WB P40 4。
3. 教具: pictures, word cards, tape, recorder
Step 1 Revision
a. Revise P59~60 using pictures and word cards quickly.
b. Chant activity
c. Listening in WB P37 1
Step2 Presentation
eg. T: What's this? a. Teaching the word using pictures and word cards.
P: It's a goat. (Write
(Showing other picture and ask)
T: Is this a goat, too?
P: No, it isn't.
T: It's a toad.(Repeat and write

b. Teach


Unit One Come with me!

Objectives and Requirements目标与要求
1、Review复习: 1)Is this your dictionary? No, it’s not. It’s Tony’s dictionary.
2)What does she do ? She‘s a doctor.
2、Additional附加:Come with me!
3、Sounds and words 语音和单词:^
二、Vocabulary 词汇
1、 Key 重点:farmer, factory ,worker, aunt, uncle, cousin, calendar,dictionary, diary
2、 Additional 附加:magazine, newspaper, planner
3、 Sounds and words 语音和单词:sun, cut, fun ,mother, son, month
三、Teaching key points(教学重点):
1、 New words(略)。
2、 Drills: 1) Is this your dictionary? No, it’s not. It’s Tony’s dictionary.
2) What does she do? She‘s a doctor.
四、Teaching difficult points(教学难点):
1、 Sounds: 字母u和o在单词中的发音。
五、Teaching aids(教具):
1、 Gogo, Tony和Jenny的头饰;
2、 挂图、单词图片和实物(杂志、报纸、日程计划簿等);
3、 自制课件、录音带等。
六、Teaching procedure(分为三课时)

The First Period
Step 1 Revision
the old words and the sentences, using the pictures:

What does shehe do?
SheHe is a teacher(doctor, nurse, taxi driver, student, etc).
Step2 presentation
the pictures and the sentences to teach the new words:
1)What does heshe do?
Farmer factory worker.
2) What‘s this?
Dictionary calendardiary
2. Draw a family tree to help explain and teach the following new words:
Aunt uncle cousin
the tape and have Ss repeat the new words.
4. Play the word games:
1)Guessing: 学完新单词后,老师用口型表示出单词( 不出声),让学生们猜词。
2)Spelling bee: 教师将学生分为两组排队站好,当老师举起本课的一张图画卡
学生说对了 ,教师让他把该单词用粉笔写在黑板上。如写对了,该学生所在的组
得一分。如写错了,另外一组的学生 获得机会出来拼写单词。然后这两组的S1
回到各组的队尾,另外两个S2出来继续游戏,直至所有单词 正确拼出。
First, teacher shows one of hisher personal belongings to the class and says This is
my (dictionary).Then T puts it on a table at the front of the room. Ask all Ss to bring
one of their own items to the front. As each student comes to the front , heshe holds
up the item and says, e.g. This is my (notebook).Then heshe puts the item on the
table. When everyone is finished, ask S1 to come to the front .S1chooses one of the
items on the table and says This is (S2‘s name)‘s (planner).Then S1 gives the item
back to another student goes to the front, makes a sentence and give the item
to the owner. Continue until all Ss have had a turn .If a student isn‘t sure who owns an
item , heshe can ask questions. e.g.(S3‘s name),is this your (pen)?
2) Ask the students to listen to the tape and repeat.
6. Practice 1.

1) Getting ready
a. Ask four Ss to write the questions A-D on the board.
b. Ask another four Ss to read the questions aloud.
2) Using the book
a).Have Ss look at the pictures for A.
Write He‘s .underneath question A on the board.
T:(Point to each picture. ) What does he do?[Ss: He‘s a (teacher).]
b).T: Let‘s listen to the tape.
Play the tape for A, and then pause.
T: What does he do?[Ss: He‘s a factory worker.]
T: Put a checkmark in the box for picture 2.
c).Repeat the procedures with the other three questions.
7. Practice 2.
1) Getting ready
Have Ss look at the questions on the page.
Ask S1 to read the first question. [S1:What does your mom or dad do?]
T: My mom‘s a (teacher).
T:(S2‘s name),ask(S3‘s name)the second question.
[S2: What do you want to be?][S3:I want to be a (doctor).]
2) Using the book
T: Now, write your answers on the top row.
Ask the first question and have Ss write their answers.
Do the same with the second question.
Walk around the classroom to help Ss if needed.
Put Ss into groups of three and have them interview the two other members of the
T: Write the answers on the page.
When Ss are finished ,ask volunteers to report to the class ,e.g.(S1‘s name) wants
to be a (farmer).

Step3 Homework
1. Copy the new words and remember them.
The Second Period
Step 1 Revision
1. Revise the sentences:
1) Is this your…?
2) What does heshe do?
2. Dictate the new words.
Step2 presentation
1 .Introduce and teach the bonus vocabulary , magazine, newspaper and planner,
using object.
2. Conversation
1) Introduce the characters of the book and their relationships, using the Picture Cards:
Gogo, Tony and Jenny.
2) Use the CAI:
a. The teacher tell the story about Gogo, Tony and Jenny first, then ask the Ss to look
at the pictures and listen to the tape.
b. Teach the new word: island
c. Play the tape again, pausing after each sentence to let Ss repeat.
d. Put Ss into groups of three and have them practice acting out the dialogue.
e. Ask volunteers to perform in front of the class.
1)a. Introduce the characters of the song first: Aunt Sally, Uncle Jimmy, Cousin Sue,
Cousin Lu, then ask and answer:
Who‘s this?
What‘s herhis name?
b. Read out the lyrics and have Ss repeat.
c. Play the tape and point to each word as it is sung.

d. Play the tape again for Ss to practice singing together.
e. Ask volunteers to sing in front of the class.
2) a. Revise the family words first:
family, father, mother ,brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother,
uncle, aunt, cousin
b. Ask the Ss to find and circle the family words ,then check the answers with the
whole class.
Step3 Homework
1. Recite the conversation.
2.《书写本》P2-- 3,Ex.3,4.

The Third Period
Step 1 Revision
1. Ask some Ss to recite the conversation.
2. Sing the song.
Step2 presentation
1. Activity
1) Draw a family tree of Tony and Jenny.
2) Give Ss some time to read the passage silently.
3) Ask some Ss to read the sentences aloud.
4) Ask and answer the questions with the Ss.
5) Let the Ss write down the answers of the questions, and the teacher walk around
the classroom to check Ss‘ writing.
2. Sounds and words
1) A. Use the pictures to revise the old words and teach the new ones: son, month.
Ask the Ss to sum up the same sound: ^ .
B .Let the Ss look at the pictures, play the tape and have Ss point to each word as the
tape says it.
C. Play the tape again, have Ss repeat after the tape.

D. After enough practice, point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the words.
E. Point out that the sound can be made by the letters u or o.
2) A. Have Ss look at the sentences.
B. Read out the five sentences on the page and have Ss circle the words that have the
sound ^ .
C. Read out the sentences and have Ss repeat.
D. Give Ss some time to practice on their own.
E. Ask individual Ss to read the sentences aloud.
F. When Ss are used to the sound in the sentences, have them read the sentences
quickly like tongue twisters.
Ex: 《活动手册》,P4,Ex4
Step3 Homework
1. 《书写本》P4,Ex.7.
2. Revise the contents of this unit.

Unit two Do you have any glue?
一、 Teaching objectives
1、 Language functions
Asking about and describing possessions
2、 Language structures
Do you have any ……? Yes ,I do.( No, I don‘t.)
Does Jenny have any stamps ? Yes, she dose.
3、 New vocabulary
staples 装订书针 scissors 剪刀
stamps 邮票 envelopes 信封
paper clips 纸夹 paper 纸

tape 贴胶带 glue 胶水
4、 Skills
Listening:能听懂Do you have any „? Yes, I do(No, I don’t)
Dose Jenny have any „? Yes, she dose. 这一类的询问及回答;
二、 Teaching key points
三、 Teaching difficult points
pet , cat , carrot, bat, rabbit, parrot 中的[t]发音。
四、Teaching aids
1、 TV.
2、 Computer.
3、 Real objects: staples, scissors , stamps , envelopes ,
paper clips , paper , tape , glue
四、 Teaching procedure(分三课时)

The first period(vocabulary---Target)
Step 1 Revision
1、 Revise the old words in Unit 1,using the pictures and the drills:
Is this your …?
Step 2 Presentation
1、 Vocabulary:
1) Look at the pictures, listen to the tape first;
2) Use the pictures (or the thing) and the drills: Is this your …? To teach the new
staples, scissors , stamps , envelopes , paper clips , paper , tape , glue
3) Read the new words together or in pairs.

4)Play a game:
a)看谁认得快又准: 以竞赛形式,让学生看闪烁的图片拼读单词。
b)老师将一些实物(如: staples, scissors等)放入一个纸箱内,请学生上台蒙着眼
去摸,并让全班提问:What’s this? 让这个学生去猜:It’s aan„ 猜对的则给
2、 Target:
1) Look at the pictures, listen to the tape first;
2) Look at the pictures and sentences, listen and repeat;
3) Write down the new sentences on the blackboard and teach:
Do you have any ……? Yes, I do.( No, I don‘t.)
Does Jenny have any …… ? Yes, she dose.
4) Practice the new sentences.
5) Pair work: Let the students use the real objects to practice the dialogue in pairs,
then act it out.
6) Books open at Page 10,read Target together.
3、Extension activity:
利用新单词进行拓展句型的练习:让学生把以学生学过的句型进行对话,并注意< br>把它组织成一段条理清晰的话。
Step 3 Homework
1、 Copy the new words and remember them.
2、 Recite Target.
3、 In advance Conversation

The second period
Step 1 Revision
1、 Look at the pictures and read together:
2、 Look at the pictures and revise the drills:
Do you have any ……? Yes ,I do.( No, I don‘t.)
Does XXX have any …… ? Yes, she dose.

Step 2 Presentation
1) Look at the pictures, listen to the tape first;
2) Look at the pictures and sentences, listen and repeat;
3) Practice the new sentences.
4) Pair work: Let the students use the real objects to practice the dialogue in groups,
then act it out.
6) Books open at Page 9,read together.
2、 Do Exercise:(p11、p13详见课件)
一、 Practice 1
二、 Practice 2
三、 Activity: look and write
1) Have Ss look at the page. Go over the characters‘ names if necessary.
2) Asks and answer.
3) Writing.
3、Song activity:
1) Sing an English song―do you have any staples?‖.
2) Write and sing.(先让学生小组完成后,进行唱歌。)
Step 3 Homework
1、 Recite conversation
2、 Do U2 in workbook, Page 8.

The Third period(Sounds and words)
Step 1 Revision
1、 Recite p9----p10..
2、 Dictate the new words and the sentences.
Step 2 Presentation
1、 Listen, point and say:
1) Write ―pet‖ and ―cat‖ on the board and underling the ending -t .
2) (Point to –t ) Let‘s practice this sound.

3) 让学生看老师的口型,使他们明白发[t]音时,舌头贴着下齿龈。
4) Look at the pictures, listen to the tape first;
5) Look at the pictures, listen and repeat;
6)Have Ss repeat after the tape.
7) After enough practice, point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the words.
2、 Read, say and circle.
1) Have Ss look at the passages on the page..
2) Listen to the sentences. Circle the words that have the final [t].
3) Teacher will read the passages slowly and check if Ss circled the right words.
4) Answer key :A---pet, white, rabbit, It, eat, carrot, rabbit, not, parrot, But, it, lot
B---Kate, cat, at, eight, eat, breakfast, at, Nat, Nat, best
5) Give some tine for Ss to practice reading aloud to themselves.
6) When Ss are ready, ask some confident Ss to read the passages out loud.
7) 让学生回忆以前还有哪些单词的发音含有[t]的。
3、 check if workbook, Page 2-8.
4、 Play a game:
老师预先准备好剪贴画:请学生们分 小组将本课学到的单词运用到剪贴画中,边
Step 3 Homework
1、 Revise the new words and the sounds.

教学后记:____________________________ ___________________
Unit Three What do we need?

Teaching Objectives:
1. What do we have? We have some sugar. Do we have any salt? No, we don‘t. We
need some salt. Do we have any tofu? No, we don‘t. We need some tofu, too.
2. New words: juice, rice, salt, sugar, meat, vegetables, tofu, fruit

3. Sounds and words: toys, noise, soy sauce, boiling, coins

Teaching keys points
1. Vocabulary and Target.

Teaching difficult points
1.不可数名词的使用与区别:juice, rice, salt, meat, tofu, sugar„
、any 的区别及使用。

Teaching Comprehension:
The First Period
(Vocabulary Target)
Step1. Vocabulary
3、Listen to the tape and read after the tape.
5、T: How do you spell juice? Ss: J-U-I-C-E.
6、Continue with the rest of the cards.

1、 T: Open your book. Now listen to the tape and point to each word.
2、 Play the tape again, and have Ss repeat.
3、 Hold up Picture cards and have Ss say the words and spell them.

Step3. Target
1、 在黑板上贴出一个大冰箱,和一张“Things we need”的清单(把词汇都写
2、 把三、四张图画卡片贴在冰箱上。

3、 教师指着冰箱说:What do we need? Ss: We need some sugartofumeat„„
4、 在清单里找出一种冰箱没有的食品。T: Do we have any (salt)? Ss: No, we don’
t. We have some (salt)?
5、 T:Let’s listen to the tape and repeat.
6、 Play the tape and pause after each sentence, allowing Ss time to repeat.
7、 Put Ss into pairs to practice the Q&A exchanges.

Step4. Play game
1、 在黑板上画出下表。
Have Need
juice rice meat tofu fruit
vegetables sugar salt water
2、T: Let’s made lunch. Let’s cook fried rice. What do we have? 让一个到前面来
指着Have下面的一个单词回答,例如We have rice.教师再问:Do we have any
water?让另一个学生到前面来回答:No, we don’t have any water. We need water.
并将单词water写在Need 一栏里。以此方法继续练习其余单词。

Step5. Homework
Homework:1、copy the vocabulary; 2、Recite Target.

The Second Period
(Conversation Practice1 Practice 2)
Step1. Review
1、 Revision (recall the new words together, dictation)
2、 将单词图片贴在黑板上,图画一面向外。
3、 T: We are going to cook. What so we need? 教师向学生提出问题并给学生时间
思考,然后指着图画卡片引导学生回答)Ss: We need (vegetables and meat.)
Step2. Conversation
1、 将Conversation的投影片投影到电视上。

2、 T: Let’s listen to the tape and read the story.
3、 播放录音,让学生听。
4、 再次播放录音,让学生跟读(鼓励学生尽量模仿录音中的人物语音语调。)
5、 把学生分成三组,让他们分别扮演Jenny, Tony, Gogo。
6、 将投影片上的对话内容去掉,只显示图画,让各小组练习表演对话。

Step3. Practice1
1、 将四个问题朗读一次
2、 读出每题里各个选择的食品名称,并写在书本上。
3、 Listen to the tape and choose the right answer.
4、 Check the answer.

Step4. Practice2
1、 首先阅读本页的问题,然后让个别学生到前面就每幅图画的内容提一个正确
2、 T: Now, write your answers next to the picture.
3、 Check the answers.
4、 Put Ss into pairs and have them ask each other.

Step5. Homework
1、 熟读Conversation和Target的对话
2、 抄写Conversation的句子。

The Third period
(Chant activity Sounds and words)
Step1. Chant activity
1、 朗读一次歌词。
2、 播放录音,跟唱。
3、 小组比赛,看哪一组唱得好。

4、 完成“Write and chant”的练习。
5、 让学生朗读句子
6、 播放录音,学生跟着唱原来的歌谣,然后唱新的歌词。
Step2. Activity
1、 Give Ss time to write the answers on the page.
2、 Have someone write the correct answers on the board so that other Ss can check
their work.

Step3. Sounds and words
1、 出示单词图片,并用颜色笔画出字母组合oy, oi,发音。
2、 听录音,学生跟读。
3、 熟读单词。
4、 让学生总结出oy, oi的发音。
5、 播放录音,边听边指着歌词。
6、 播放录音,跟唱。
7、 分小组活动, 让学生想想还有其他什么有oi或oy音的单词,并把它写在黑
板上。然后各组用这些单词再编一些绕口 令,请各组选一个代表上台表演。并选

Step4. Homework
1、 抄写Sounds and words的单词
2、 自编绕口令

教学后记:____________________________________ ____________
_________________________________ ____________________________________
__________ ___________________________________

Unit4: Review 1

T: Now listen to the tape.
T:I want to be a „ (示意学生回答)〔Ss: farmer.〕
T:See the circle around the correct answer? Now listen and circle the answers.
T:(指着图中的教师)What does she do? 〔Ss: She’s a teacher.〕
T:(指着图中的胶水)What do I have? 〔Ss: You have some glue.〕
T: Let‘s listen to the tape.
T: What does he do ? 〔Ss: He’s a factory worker.〕
T: Put a checkmark in the box for the correct picture.
教师将cousin, father, uncle和aunt的图画卡片贴在黑板上,图画一面朝外。

T: i, i. Toys. let’s play the tape and find the sound i.
T: See the circles around the other words with the sound i?
T: now, listen and circle.
回家复习from unit 1 to unit 4。准备测验。
------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----
------------------------------------------ ---------------

Unit Five It‘s cold in winter.
一、 学习目标:(Teaching objectives)
1、Vocabulary: spring, summer, fall, winter, sunny, rainy, windy, cloudy, snail, smell,
pencil, tail, hell, hole.
2、Conversation: A. What’s the weather like in spring?
B. It‘s rainy in spring.

A. Is it rainy in fall?
B. No, it‘s not.
二、 教学重点:(Teaching key points)
A: Where are you going?
B: I‘m going to ...
三、 教学难点:(Teaching key points)
What‘s the weather like…?
It‘s rainy …
四、 教学手段:(Teaching medium)
magazine picture of the four seasons, Picture Cards 25-32, paper, chalk markers, a
map of China, classical music (e.g. Vivaldi‘s The Four Seasons)
六、教学步骤:(Teaching procedure)
The first period
Step 1 Review
1. What do we have?
2. Do we have any salt?
juice, rice, salt, sugar, meat, vegetable, tofu, fruit, toys, noise, boys, soy sauce, boiling,
Step 2
Getting ready
 Bring in pictures to show the four seasons.
 T: (Write seasons on the board.) There are four seasons in a year.
 T: (Show the picture of spring.) It‘s spring.
 Do the same with the other pictures to introduce summer, fall and winder.
Using the books
 Have Ss look at the page.
 T: Let‘s listen to the tape and read the story.

 Have Ss follow the dialog by pointing to the sentences in their books.
 T: Look at the first pictures. What season is this? [Ss: It‘s spring.]
 Ask about other pictures.
 T: Let‘s listen again and repeat.
 Play the tape, pausing after each sentence to have Ss repeat.
 Encourage Ss to use the same voice expressions as the characters‘ voices.
 Put Ss in groups of three and give them the roles of Jenny, Tony and Gogo.
 Have groups practice acting out the dialog. Encourage Ss to add lots of actions,
such as shivering in winter and fanning themselves in summer.
Extension activity
教师在黑板上写Do you like spri ng?然后在spring的下面写summer,fall和
winter。让个别学生向教师提问每 一个问题。教师作如下回答:1-Yes, I do. I like
spring. It’s warm in spring. 2-No, I don’t. It’s warm in summer. It’s hot in summer.
3-Yes, I do. I like fall. The leaves are red, yellow and orange. 4-No, I don’t. I don’t
like winter. It’s cold in winter. 然后,教师让学生结对子互相提问对方是否喜欢
某个季节,学生如实回答。教师 在教室里巡视,帮助有需要的学生。
Getting ready
 Bring in picture Cards 25-32.
 Show the picture side of the picture Card spring.
 T: Repeat. Spring. [Ss: Spring.]
 Show the word side of the card.
 T: How do you spell spring? (Point to each letter for Ss to say.) [Ss: S-P-R-I-N-G.]
 Continue with the rest of the cards.
Using the book
 T: Open your book. Listen to the tape and point to each word.
 Have Ss point to the words.
 Play the tape again, and have Ss repeat each word.
 Hold up picture cards in random order (picture-side up) and have Ss say the words
and spell them. Allow Ss to write the words on paper before saying the letters.

Extension activity 教师将图画卡片25-32贴在黑板上。将学生结对,并给每个学生发一张纸。在黑
板上写It’s ______. S1选取一个词来造句。如:It’s (winter). S2则要按照S1的
描 述,迅速画一幅简图来描述该天气。接着由S2造句,S1画图。学生做完练习
以后,教师收集学生的作 品,贴在墙上展出。
Getting ready
 Put the picture Cards on the board, word-side up.
 Write It‘s ______ in (winter). Underneath the cards.
 Write spring, summer and fall underneath winter.
 T: (Point to winter.)
 What‘s the weather like in winter? [Ss: It‘s (cold) in winter.]
 Continue with the rest.
Using the book
 T: Now let‘s look at the dialogs on page 26.
 Point to the pictures and model the Q&A exchanges.
 T: Let‘s listen to the tape and repeat.
 Play the tape and pause after each sentence, allowing Ss time to repeat.
 Put Ss in pairs to practice the Q&A exchanges.
Extension activity
在学生结对练习目标 语言后,让他们将对话范围扩大到谈论在种天气下他们
能做什么和不能做什么。例如,在学生练习第2个 问答对话Is it rainy in fall? No,
it’s not. It’s windy.后, 教师再问:What do you like doing in fall? S1回答:I like
(riding bicycle).教师又问:What don’t you like doing in fall? S2回答: I don’t like
(going to the beach).在学生开始练习自编对话之前,教师让全班学生一齐动脑 筋,
板上作为提 示,然后让学生结对进行问答练习。
Practice 1
Getting ready
Have Ss look at the symbols at the top of the page and review the words.

Write It‘s and on the board.
T:(Point to the first picture.) Can you make a sentence? [Ss: It‘s windy and rainy.]
Continue with the other pictures.
Using the book
T: Let‘s listen to the tape.
Play the tape for A, and then pause.
T: What‘s the weather like in summer? [Ss: It‘s hot and summer.]
T: Find the picture for hot and sunny. Put a checkmark in the box.
Repeat the procedure with the other there questions.
Extension activity
全班学生一齐动脑筋,想出 有关衣物的名称并将单词写在黑板上。然后,把学生
分成小组,并给每组发纸张。教师给学生假定一种天 气,如It’s (cold). 并问学
生What do you wear?各组写出一些衣物的 名称,并快速画出一个人穿着所有这些
衣物的简图。在教师假定了几种不同的天气以后,让各组学生与班 上其他同学交
流自己所画的图画,如:It’s (cold). You wear a (sweater) and (boots).
Practice 2
Getting ready
T: (Point to the window.) What‘s the weather like today? [Ss: It‘s (cold) and (cloudy).]
T: What‘s the weather like in spring, (S1‘s name)? [S1: It‘s (cloudy)
and (rainy).]
T: What‘s your favorite season, (S2‘s name)? [S1:I like (winter).]
Using the book
Have Ss book at the questions on the page.
Ask individual Ss to read the questions out loud for the class.
T: Now write your answers on the page.
Walk around the classroom and provide help if needed.
Check the answers with the whole class.
Put Ss into pairs and have them ask and answer.
Extension activity

教师在黑板上写What’s your favorite season?接着说I like (fall). I like
(walking in the park)in fall.说完后教师问:(S1’s name), what’s your favorite season?
等S1回答后,将学生分成小组进行问答练习。要求学生说出自己 喜欢的季节,
组 里其他学生所说的话。如:(S2’s name) likes (winter). HeShe likes (ice-skating)
in (winter).
Chant activity
Getting ready
Have Ss cover the lyrics with their hands and look at the pictures
next to the lyrics.
T: (Point to the boy who is swimming.) What‘s he doing? [Ss: He‘s swimming.]
Continue with the other people in the picture.
T: Is it hot or cold? [Ss: It‘s hot.]
T: What season is this? [Ss: It‘s summer.]
Using the book
T: Let‘s read out the lyrics.
Ask individual Ss to read out the sentences.
T: Let‘s listen to the tape.
Play the tape and point to each word as it is chanted.
Play the tape again for Ss to practice chanting together.
Getting ready
Have Ss look at the pictures next to the lyrics.
T: (Point to the man skiing.) What‘s he doing? [Ss: He‘s skating.]
Continue with the other people in the picture.
T: Is it hot or cold? [Ss: It‘s cold.]
T: What season in this? [Ss: It‘s winter.]
Using the book
T: Now you write a new chant! (Point to the blanks) Write Cold! Cold! So cold! on

the board as an example.
Give Ss time to finish writing.
T: Let‘s check the answer together.
Have Ss read the sentences aloud.
T: Let‘s chant!
Play the music. Ss chant the original chant with the recorded voices, then chant the
new lyrics with the karaoke version.
Extension activity
教师在墙上挂一幅中国地图,先和学生一起 复习几个大家都熟悉的城市,用
别针和写着地名的纸条在地图上将这些城市标出来。请一个学生到教室前 面来,
气情况, 如:In (Beijing), it’s (hot) and (sunny) today.说完以后, 该学生可将hot
和sunny的学生卡贴在地图上Beijing附近。教师再让其他学生轮流扮演气 象播
Sounds and words
Getting ready
Write snail and smell on the board and underline l.
T: Repeat after me. snail [Ss: Snail.]Smell. [Ss: Smell.]
T: (point to l.) Let‘s practice this sound.
T: 1. [Ss:1.]
Using the book
Have Ss book at the pictures on the page.
T: Let‘s listen to the tape.
Play the tape and have Ss point to each word as the tape say it .
T: Let‘s listen again and this time, repeat.
Have Ss repeat after the tape.
After enough practice, point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the words.
Getting ready

T: Now close your book. Con you spell snail?
[Ss: S-N-A-I-L.]
T: Yes, that‘s correct. That‘s not correct. Can you try again?
Have three Ss ask the whole class questions of the sane structure. [S
1:Can you spell (small)?]
If necessary, give Ss some help to make questions. Prompt the class to spell the word.
Using the book
# Have Ss look at the lyrics on the page.
T: Let‘s listen and chant.
# Play the tape and pause after each paragraph.
# Have Ss repeat after the tape.
#T: Look at the pictures. (Point to the ball.) Can you spell ball? [Ss: B-A- L-L.]
# Continue with the other picture on the page.
Extension activity
将学生分成小组,每个小组试着编一个带l音的绕口令,如The tail of the snail
makes a funny smell. 教师围绕教室走动,帮助有需要的学生。然 后让每组学生教
Unit 6 When can we go ice—skating ?

1、学习Part A对话,重点学会Is May before winter holiday ? No, May is after
winter holiday . When is winter holiday ? It’s in January and February .句型。
2、在学习对话的过程学会新单词:when , go ice—skating , May , winter holiday,
January , February , before , after , March 。
1、利用图片复习单词spring , summer , fall , winter。(教师举出图片学生说出单

A: What do they do ?
B: They are go ice- skating. But we can’ t go ice-skating now .教学ice- skating 滑
冰,接着问: When can we go ice-skating ?边问边板书课题然后教学when 什么
然后问:When is winter holiday ?(边问边板书)教学winter holiday。
5、示意举着图画卡片January和February的学生回答It’s in January and February .
7、教师自问自答Is February before January ? No, February is after January .(边
8、教学before , after 。
9、让学生看着课本Part A部分的图画及对话听录音两次。
11、教学单词May 。
14、读黑板上的新句型并用新句型Is „before„? No, „is after„ .教学单词
March , April , June 。
16、先听录音后跟读Part B的单词。

3、完成课本33页的Practice 1, 2。
2、教师问:When is winter holidaysummer holidayNew YearChildren’s Day ?
让学生回答:It’s in January and FebruaryJuly and AugustJanuaryJune .
3、教师再问:Is March after April ? No, it’s before April .
6、自由阅读书本33页Practice 1的内容。
Is (English) class before (Chinese) class ? Yes, (English) class is before (Chinese)
class . No, (English) class is after (Chinese) class .
10、然后问:Is (art) class after (math) class ?
16、让学生看着书上的图画。教师边指着January边问:Which month is this ? 学
生回答:It’s January .
17、教师再问:Is January after February ?
18、引导学生完整回答问题:No, January is before February .


3、熟读书本36页2 的内容。
2、检查学生的作业 情况,让个别学生到黑板完成教师评讲,最后播放音乐让学
在黑板上。其 他学生看着黑板,教师在每个单词中的y下划线。
5、指出y在这些单词中的读音有别于以y结尾的单词如:sunny, cloudy等词的
8、教师在黑板上写yell, yellow, yogurt, Yuck !。
9、让学生在这些单词中的j读音下划线。(yell , yellow , yogurt , Yuck! )

10、给学生解释funny smell的意思。


Unit 7 When‘s your birthday?

1. Teaching contents:
(1)When‘s your birthday? My birthday‘s October 20th. What‘s the date today? It‘s
October is my birthday!
(2)January,F ebruary,March,April,May,June,July,August,September ,October,Novembe
(3)sounds and words: station, cone, train, queen, button, bone
2. Teaching difficulty:
What‘s the date today? It‘s October is my birthday!
3. The key:
the words and expressions
4. Teaching Materials:
Large calendar ,Picture Cards 41-52,Ordinal Numbers cards.

The first period
Step 1(3minutes

1. greeting
T: Hello! How are you today?
S: I‘m very well, thank you.
a song ‗one ,two, one two……‘.
g ready
T: Today we‘ll learn about the months of one year, and let me know about your

Step 2( 15minutes)
ng words
(1) January :Show the calendar to the students, and show January, teacher read and let
the students repeat.
(2) February: show the calendar to the students, and show January, teacher read and
let the students repeat.
(3)March: Show the calendar to the students, and show January ,teacher read and let
the students repeat.
ng ordinal Numbers from 1to 20.
Writing on the blackboard.
ng the sentence: ‗What‘s the date today?‘ ‗It‘s…… .‘ ‗It‘s my birthday today!‘
use the words(January ,February, March) and ordinal Numbers fro m 1to 20.
(1)T: What‘s the date today? It‘s January 1st. And explain the date what is the first day
in January.(show the calendar of January)
(2)T: What‘s the date today?(point to the January 2nd,call a student to answer the
S1:It‘s January 2nd.
(3)Continue using the calendar about January, February, March and ordinal Numbers1
to 20.
T: What‘s the date today?
Ss: It‘s February ‘s March 4th.

ng words
(1)April: Show the calendar to the students, and show January, teacher read and let the
students repeat.
(2) May: show the calendar to the students, and show January, teacher read and let the
students repeat.
(3)June: Show the calendar to the students, and show January, teacher read and let the
students repeat.
ng ordinal Numbers from 21 to 31.
Writing on the blackboard.

6 .Read words and ordinal numbers.
7. Pair work :
S1: What‘s the date today?
S2: It‘s April 5th.
And call some pairs to perform.

Step 3 (12 minutes)
1. teaching the names of month from July to September.
(1) July: Show the calendar to the students and show January, teacher read and let the
students repeat.
(2) August: show the calendar to the students, and show January, teacher read and let
the students repeat.
(3)September: show the calendar to the students, and show January, teacher read and
let the students repeat.

ng ordinal Numbers fro m 21to 31.

ce with the months from January to September.


step 4 (7minutes)
Let the students reform..

Step 5 (2 minutes)
Listen to the tapes

step 6 ( 1 minute)
1. Writing the new words

The second period
Step 1 (5 minutes)
1. greeting
T: Hello! How are you today?
S: I‘m very well, thank you.
the words and ordinal numbers.(show the pictures)
the sentence
T: What‘s the date today?(show the calendar)
Ss: It;s…….(use the months of January……)It‘s my birthday today!

Step 2 (20minutes)
ng the names of month from July to December.
(1)July: Show the calendar to the students, and show January, teacher read and let the
students repeat.
(2) August: show the calendar to the students, and show January, teacher read and let
the students repeat.
(3)September: show the calendar to the students, and show January, teacher read and

let the students repeat.

ng ordinal Numbers fro m 21to 31.
Writing on the blackboard.

ng the sentence:
(1) T: When‘s your birthday?
My birthday‘s October 20th.
(2)T: When‘s your birthday?
S1:My birthday‘s October 20th.
(3)the teacher point to the calendar ‗December 1st‘
and ask: When‘s your birthday?
Ss: My birthday‘s December 1st.
(4)continue practicing

Step 3 (7minutes)
to the tape P37,and read after the tape.

Step 4 (6 minutes)

and words P42
station cone train queen button bone
step 5 (2 minutes)
the workbook p23, p26,3,4.
the conversation P37 with your group.

The third period

Step 1

1. Let the groups peform the conversation and give some prizes.
2. listening comprehension:P39 practice 1
3. Activity (ask and answer) P41.

1. P39,pair work: Practice 2
2. Chant activity
3. P42 :read ,say and circle.

Step 3 homework
8 Review 2 (第一课时)

1、句型:What’s the weather like? It’s rainy in spring. Is it rainy in fall? No, it’s not.
It’s windy. What’s the weather like today? It’s sunny and hot. When’s winter
holiday? It’s in January and February. Is January after February? No, January is
before February. When‘s your birthday? It‘s on 20th October. What‘s the date today?
It‘s October 20th. Today is my birthday.
2、单词:spring summer fall winter sunny rainy windy cloudy January February March
April May June July August September October November December.
3、日期的缩写形式:1st 2nd „31st
4、语音和单词:snail smell pencil tail bell hole yell year yacht yawn yogurt yesterday
station cone train queen button bone.

1 、Play the tape.
T: In Summer, what‘s the weather like?[Ss: It‘s hot and sunny.]
T: Now, circle the correct answers.
What’s the date today? What’s the weather like today? 学生回答后播放录音,完
T: What are they doing? [They‘re having a birthday party.]
When‘s the girl‘s birthday? How old is she?
4、Play the tape, students listen first. Then teach [j] yawn. Let’s find the sound [j].
Play the tape again.
再找出发[n] [l]的单词,然后分类。
Read after the tape.

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8 Review 2 (第二课时)

一、 Revision
When‘s your birthday? What‘s the date today? When‘s wintersummer
holiday? What‘s the weather like in summerwinter?
How many months are there in a year? What are they? etc.
二、 Books opened. Get into groups. Ask and answer about birthdays. Then fill in the
first table.
三、 Let some students ask questions, like When’s winter holiday? When’s spring
term? When’s summer holiday? When’s fall term?
Write down the answers in the second table.
四、 Get into groups. Students ask and answer about the weather in each season.
Write down the answers in the third table.
五、 Get into groups. Each group chooses a month and makes a chart including all the
information they gathered about that month. Like the last table on page 46.
六、 Put all the groups’ charts together and make a class calendar.

Unit 9 It was clean but it‘s dirty now.
一、 教学目标
1 学会一般过去时的意义及结构,使学生灵活运用一般过去时。
2 学生能很好地区分一般现在时与一般过去时,能运用到日常对话中。
3 学会本单元的新单词: warm wet cool dry clean dirty messy mouse
cow house south loud 等。
二、 教学重点与难点
1 学会本单元的新单词。

2 学会一般过去时的运用及be动词的过去式的表示方法
is——was are——were
三、 教具:

一、 Review
1 Read the words: spring summer fall winter
2 T: What‘s the weather like in fall ?
S1: It‘s windy in fall.
T: What‘s the weather like today ?
S2:It is sunny.
3 Talk about the weather in pairs.
二、 Presentation
1 T: What‘s the weather like in spring ?
S: It‘s rainy.
T: Yes. It‘s rainy ,it‘s warm too.
Teach: warm 温暖的
2 T:Is it rainy in fall ?
S: No, it isn‘t.
T: Right. But it’s cool in fall. (教 cool 凉爽的)
3 情景教学单词wet and dry : 两件衣服一件弄湿,一件是干的
wet_对应词_ dry
4 T: What day is it today ?
S: It‘s Monday.
T: What about yesterday ? It was Sunday.
教单词 was yesterday is _过去式__was

T:What’s the weather like today ?
S: It‘s warm. What was the weather yesterday ?
T: It was wet.
三、 Drills
1 听录音,图出所听到的单词。
2 听录音,完成书本P49 Practice 1 A B
四、 Practice
1 Read the new words
2 Pair work : talk about the weather today and yesterday.
五、 Homework
Unit 9 It was clean but it‘s dirty now.

一 Review
1 Read the words in the pictures : warm wet cool dry sunny rainy windy
2 Look at the picture and answer the questions:
What‘s the weather like todayin summer ?
What was the weather like yesterday ? is __过去式_was
一、 Presentation
1 T: What‘s that ?
S: It is a desk .
T: Good. The desk is tidy now, but it was messy this morning .(摆出一张整洁的桌
教学单词: tidy 整洁的 messy 凌乱的
tidy 对应词 messy
2 T: What are they ?
S: They are shoes .

T: Yes, they are dirty ,but they were clean this morning .(出示两幅鞋的图片,一幅
有干净的鞋 ,一幅有脏的鞋进行比较)
教单词: clean 干净的 dirty 脏的
clean 对应词 dirty
were (are的过去式) are 过去式were
3 T: These are my books . Where are they now ?
S: They are on the desk now .
T: But my books were on the floor this morning .
S: The books are on the desk now , they were on the floor this morning .
4 T: Is it a desk ?
S: No, it isn‘t.
T: It is d bedroom. Is it tidy now ?
S: Yes ,it is .But it was messy this morning .
5 Listen to the tape : Target.
二、 Drills
1 Read ―Target ‖
2 Sing a song ― What can we do ?‖
3 Finish ―Practice 1‖ C & D
( 1 ) Ask and answer
( 2 ) Listen and check.
三、 Exercise
1 按要求写词
clean 反义词 ( ) tidy 反义词 ( ) is 过去式( )
2 填空
(1) Your bedroom _____ messy this morning , but now it is _____.
(2) My books _____ on the floor the morning , they ____ on the desk now .
四、 Homework:

Unit 9 It was clean but it‘s dirty now.

一、 Review
1 Sing a song ―What can we do ?‖
2 Read P48 ―Vocabulary‖ & ―Target‖
二、 Presentation
1 T: What is this ? It‘s garbage (object)
Let‘s put the garbage there .
教单词:garbage 垃圾 there 那里
2 Show the picture of ―Conversation‖
T: Look, it‘s dirty .listen to the tape ―what happened‖
3 Listen to the tape and read by the Ss the let one or two students read.
4 Act.
三、 Drills
1 Pair work : Practice 2
2 Check the answer.
四、 Exercise
1 Finish ―Song activity 2 ‖
They were _______ before . But they‘re _______ now.
What can we do ?
They were ______ before.
But they‘re ______ now .
What can we do ?
We can make them _______. ______ ________ __________.
We can make them _______. ______ ________ __________.
五、 Homework
Unit 9 It was clean but it‘s dirty now.

一、 Review
1 Sing ―Activity‖
2 Read ―Conversation‖
二、 Presentation
1 What‘s the weather like todayin summer ?
What was the weather like yesterday ?
2 Show a letter about ―Activity‖
(1) 老师带读一遍
(2) Read by the Ss one minute
(3) Finish the questions in four Ss
(4) Check the answer.
3 T: What‘s this ?
S: It‘ a mouse.
教单词 mouse 老鼠 ou [ ]
同理教单词 cow south mouth house
2让学生归纳 ou ow 在这些单词中发[
三、 Drills and exercises
1 Listen to the tape ―Loud sound‖
2 Number the words.
四、 Homework
Review the new words
找出发[ ]的单词。

Unit 10 I planted trees.

is __过去式_was

Objectives and Requirements
Target: Did you study yesterday? No, I didn’, I did.
What did you do yesterday , Ben ? I planted trees yesterday.
Sounds and words: [t] [d] [id]
Key: planted watched washed cooked listened helped painted and called
Sounds and words: helped, listened, painted, used, carried, acted
Pictures, tape Flash cards
Teaching periods:
The First Period
Teaching points:
Conversation, Vocabulary, Target
the words:
planted, watched, washed, cooked, listened, helped, painted, called
2. Learn the sentences:
Did you study yesterday? No,Yes.
What did you do yesterday, Ben ? I planted trees yesterday.
Teaching steps:
1.Show the pictures about vocabulary, use present continuous tense say
She is planting trees. He is watching TV.
Tom is washing dishes. Mary is cooking dinner.
Tony is listening to the radio.
Jenny is helping the old man.
My sister is painting . I am calling my mother.
2.Review the words:
Plant, watch, cook, listen, help, paint, call

二.New teaching
(一)Learn the words
at Picture 1 ,answer the question
What did she do yesterday? She planted trees.
to ask in pair about Pictures2 to 8.(Pay attention: the pronounce of
[t] [d] [id]
3. Guide to learn the rules of the past tense.

一般情况,在词尾加-ed 词尾有字母的词只加-d 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读
闭音节词,双写该辅音字母后,加ed 结尾“辅字母+y”的词,改y为i,再加
过去形式 help
helped love
loved stop
stoped study

[id] 例词

4.Games: Play the cards, Paper Scissor Stone
1.Look at the pictures and guide to answer the questions
(Picture 1)What did Jenny do yesterday?
(Picture 2)What did Tony do yesterday?
(Picture 3)Did Peter wash the dishes yesterday?
(Picture 4)Did Amy cook yesterday?
2.Ask the students answer the questions
What did you do yesterday?
Did you study yesterday?
3.Listen to the tape and guide to read.
4.Practice in pair.
(三)Practice 1
1.Guide to understand the pictures.
2.Listen to the tape ,and do the listening
3.Check them
4.Guide to read
(四)Practice 2
1.Guide to understand the title.
2.Work in pair.
3.Report to our classmates.

4.Sum up
三.Sum up
1.The methods of the past tense.
2.Read the words.
四.Set homework
1.Copy the new words for 4 times.
2.Read “Vocabulary” and “Target”3 times.
The second period

一、 教学目标
1. 掌握对话部分并能表述出来。
2. 学习Chant activity.
3. 听力练习。
二、 学习重点难点
1. 要求对过去时句型中的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的运用。
2. 掌握Chant activity.
三、 教学过程
1. Use the pictures to revise the words, then ask and answer with teacher or students.
A: Did you …… yesterday? B: Yes, I did. No, I didn‘t.
A: What did you did do yesterday?
B: I …… yesterday.
2. Use the calendar to revise the dates.
3. Bring in a monthly calendar and ask,
T: When is Trees Planting Day?
Elicit responses from students.
4. T: What did you do on Trees Planting Day?
Did you plant trees?
5. Have the students listen to the tape about the conversation twice. T: What‘re
Gogo and Jenny talking about?
6. Play the tape and have the students follow by looking at the page and repeat.

7. Put the students into pairs to practice acting out the dialog.
8. Ask volunteers to perform for the class.
9. Do listening exercises ( workbook) 1.
10. Have the students look at the pictures.
T: What did he doing?
(This is yesterday) What did he do yesterday?
Ask a volunteer to write planted in the blank.
11. Do the same with the other two pictures.
12. Ask individual Ss to read the lyrics out loud.
13. Play the tape and point to each words as it is chanted and repeat.
14. Have Ss read out the lyrics and fill in the blanks.
15. Do listening exercise ( workbook) 3.
四、 作业
1. Read conversation.
2. Finish exercise 2 in workbook.

The third period
1、 掌握动词过去式词尾ed的读音。
2、 掌握单词:helped,used,listened,carried,painted,acted。
3、 进一步巩固一般过去时的问句和答句。
1、掌握Sounds and words 中的单词。
1、 掌握动词过去式词尾ed的读音规则。
(一) 复习

2、师生问答:What did you(he,she„) do yesterday?
Did you(he,she„)„yesterday?
(二) 新课
1、 引入:学生回答教师的问题后,教师接着问:“What about Tony and Jenny,
what did they do?”
2、 投影仪出示书本P57Activity图(不要让学生打开书本),让学生看图回答问
3、 让学生两人一组看图用句型:What did „do?或Did„?互相问答。
4、 让学生打开书本完成Activity。集体订正后齐读问句和答句。
5、 教师说:“Yesterday my mother cooked supper,I helped he r.”重复help,然后
出示help图片教授单词。学生学会读help,并知道其意思后,教师在 黑板上出
示句子I help my mother yesterday.让学生补充,然后教师教授helped读音。
6、 教师在黑板上板书hel ped,used,listened,carried,painted和acted(ed用
颜色笔 写)。指着单词带读,边带读边板书 ed的发音。
7、 引导学生说出每组单词中的两个ed的发音 相同,也可尝试让学生说说ed的
8、 让学生打开书本听录音并跟读单词。
9、 让学生独立完成书本P58 Sounds and words②Read,write and say.并鼓励学生
10、 请个别学生大声朗读句子,然后全班齐读。
(三) 练习
1、 游戏:将 学生分成三组,即[t]组、[d]组和[id]组,教师大声说出“词汇”和
“语音和单词”部分中的 单词。听到以自己那组的音结尾的单词时,该组学生便
站起来并将该音再读一遍。没有听到以自己那组的 音结尾的小组则仍坐在原位。
2、 完成活动手册P36④Read and write.练习。先让学生自己做,然后集体订正。
1、 小结本单元学习的时态及动词的变化。

2、 小结动词词尾ed的读音规则。
1、 读熟Sounds and words中的单词。
2、 依照书本P58 Sounds and words②写一篇周记。
五、 教学后记

Unit 11 What did you do, Gogo?
(The first period)

1.教学目标:What did you do yesterday?
I played basketball.
What did you do the day before yesterday?
I played basketball, of course.
2.教学重点、难点: a. v-ed: used, studied, played, visited, practiced, talked,
jumped, cleaned
b. Prasses: last night, the day before yesterday, last Sunday
3. 教具: pictures, word cards, a basketballfootball, tape, recorder
Step 1 Revision
a. v-ed using pictures and word cards in Unit 10.
b. Ask and answer using pictures.
eg. T: What did Jenny do yesterday?
P1: She painted.
T: Did you painted yesterday?
P1: Yes, I didNo, I didn't.
Step 2 Presentation
a. Ask and answer using pictures.

T: Tom, what did you do yesterday?
P2: I played watched TV.
T: What about you, Peter?
P3: I watched TV, too.
T: Mary, what did you do yesterday?
P4: I basketballfootball.
T: What did you do the day before yesterday? (Repeat.)
P4: I played basketballfootball, too.
T: You can say,
b. Teach
c. Teach v. and v-ed at P60 using word cards, picturesobjects.
eg. T: What did you do the day before yesterday?
P5: I practiced piano. What about you, Miss Wu?
T: I visited my good friend.(Repeat.)
(Write these two pairs of v. and v-ed on the Bb. And ask the students to read them one
by one. Tell them how to pronounce and the ways of the pronounciation. Teach other
words in the same way.)
Step3 Listen and repeat.
Step4 Practice in pairs using word cards from WB.
Read v-ed and make sentences using them.
Step5 Ask answer and write.
Finish P61 Practice 2.
Step6 Ask and answer.
Step7 Summary.
Step8 Homework.
a. Try to recite Target.
b. Remember v. and v-ed.

Blackboard writing:

use- used play-played What did you do yesterdaylast nightSunday?
practice- practiced study-studied I played basketball.

talk-talked visit-visited What did you do the day before yesterday?
jump-jumped clean-cleaned I played basketball, of course.


Unit 11 What did you do, Gogo?
(The second period)

1.教学目标:What did you do in the parade?
I played the trumpet.
2.教学重点、难点: a. 灵活运用所学的句型进行对话。
b. 单词 trumpet 的读音
3. 教具: pictures, word cards, a trumpet, tape, recorder
4. 教学过程:
Step 1 Revision
a. Revise v-ed using pictures and word cards.
b. Ask and answer using pictures .
eg. T: May, what did you do yesterday?
P1: I played basketball.
T: What did you do the day before yesterday?
P1: I played basketball, of course.
T: Jane, what did May do the day before yesterday?
P2: She played basketball.

Step 2 Presentation
a. Showing a trumpet and ask.
T: What's this in English?
P: Sorry, we don't know.
T: It's a trumpet.(Repeat and write it on the Bb. Read it one by one.)
T: Can you play it?
P: Yes, I canNo, I can't.
T: I can play the trumpet in the parade.(Repeat.)
(Showing a picture on the Bb and writea paradeon the Bb. Ask the
students to read them.)
T: What did you do in the parade?
P3: I danced.
T: I played the trumpet.(Repeat.) How about you?(Piont to two students.)
P4P5: We watched.
b. Listen to tape twice without looking at the book or picture.
c. Look at the picture or book and read after the tape twice.
d. Read dialogue by themselves.
Step2. Practice in pairsgroups.
Step3. Act dialogue.
Step4. Listening at P61 practice1.
Step5. Chant activity at P62.
a. Listen and chant.
b. Look, write and chant.
c. Check answers.
d. Finish WB P40 3.
Step6. Exercises.
a. Do exercises in WB P37 2.
b. Check answers.
Step7. Summary.
Step8. Homework.

a. Try to recite dialogue.
b. Finish P63 Look and write.

Blackboard writing:
What did you do in the parade?
parade I dancedplayed the trumpet.
trumpet We watched.

Unit 11 What did you do, Gogo?
(The third period)
1.教学目标:语音和单词:toad, goat, road, board, row, slow
2. 教学重点、难点: a. 字母组合oa, ow在单词中的发音。
b. 能独立完成WB P40 4。
3. 教具: pictures, word cards, tape, recorder
Step 1 Revision
a. Revise P59~60 using pictures and word cards quickly.
b. Chant activity
c. Listening in WB P37 1
Step2 Presentation
eg. T: What's this? a. Teaching the word using pictures and word cards.
P: It's a goat. (Write
(Showing other picture and ask)
T: Is this a goat, too?
P: No, it isn't.
T: It's a toad.(Repeat and write

b. Teach







