
2020年07月31日 10:26


1. 能听、说、读、写单词“old”,“young”,“kind”,“funny”和“strict”。
2. 能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型“Who’
s your art English maths science music … teacher?”,
“Is he she young old funny kind strict …?”,激发学生进一步了解各科老
3. 能完成“Ask and answer”部分的对话任务。
4. 培养学生自主学习、合作学习的意思和能力,帮助学生树立学好英语的自信心。
1. 能听、说、读、写单词“old”,“young”,“kind”,“funny”和“strict”。
2. 能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型“Who’
s your art English maths science music … teacher?”,
“Is he she young old funny kind strict …?”,激发学生进一步了解各科老
1. 利用教材提供的对话情景,以旧引新,引导学生进入学习状态。 2. 能准确判
1. 教师准备多媒体课件、录音机和录音带、词卡。 2. 教师准备各科教材和各科
老师的照片。 3. 学生准备画笔和画纸。
一、课前热身(Warm-up) 1. Free talk
T: Good morning, everyone. Welcome back to school. How are you today? Ss: Fine, t
hank you. T: Nice to see you again. Ss: Nice to see you, too.
T: This is the first class of our new term. What grade are you in now? Ss: We are in Gr
ade Five now.
2. 简单介绍各科老师。
T: Now let me ask and you answer. (出示英语书) What’s this? Ss: It’
s an English book.
T: And I teach you English. So I am your… Ss: English teacher.
话。 二、课前预习(Preview)
师生就各科老师的体貌特征进行问答练习,如: T: Who’
s your music teacher? Ss: …
T: Is he she thin fat tall short …? Ss: Yes, he she is. (No, he she isn’t.)
T: Now read after me. Thin, thin (Fat, fat Tall, tall Short, short). My music teacher i
s thin (fat tall short).
Ss: Thin, thin (Fat, fat Tall, tall Short, short). My music teacher is thin (fat tall sh
ort). 三、新课呈现(Presentation) 1. A. Let’s learn (1) 教学新单词
① 教学单词“old”和“young”
T: Boys and girls, it’s the new term and let’s meet some new friends.
教师用多媒体课件分别出示动画片《喜羊羊和灰太狼》中羊村村长和喜羊 羊的图

T: Look at the man in the picture. (指着洋村村长的图片) Who is he? Ss: He’
s Manyangyang.
T: You’
re right. Look at Manyangyang. He is old. Read after me. Manyangyang is old. Ss: Man
yangyang is old.
T: Look at other picture. Who is he? Ss: He’s Xiyangyang. T: Is he old? Ss: No, he’
s not old.
T: You’re right. He’s not old. He’
s young. Now read after me, please. Xiyangyang is young.

Ss: Xiyangyang is young. ② 教学单词“kind”和“funny”
如: T: Look at the girl in the picture. Who’s she? Ss: She’s Snow White.
T: Snow White is beautiful. She’
s kind to the seven dwarfs. The seven dwarfs are funny. 然后教师请八位学生上讲
台,分别扮演白雪公主和七个小矮人, 帮助学生明白单词“kind”和“funny”的
③ 教师出示平时比较严厉的一位任课老师的照片,与学生进行对话,如:
T: Look at the picture. Who’s he she? Ss: He’s She’
s … T: Is he she kind? Ss: No, he she isn’t.
T: You’re right. He’s She’s not kind. He’s She’
s very strict. Read after me, please. He’s She’s strict.
Ss: He’s She’s strict.
④ 教师把本节课学习的五个新单词写在黑板上,并用“唱反调”的方式带来学
生读几遍单词。 2. 教师用多媒体课件出示本部分的教学挂图,并简单介绍情景,
T: Oliver and Zhang Peng are talking about the teachers. Let’
s see what their teachers are like. (1) 第一次播放教学录音,全班学生跟着录音读,
了解对话的大致内容。 (2) 第二次播放教学录音,学生听完后回答下面问题:
① Who’s Zhang Peng’s art teacher? ② Is Zhang Peng’s art teacher old? Answer:
① Mr Jones. ② No, he’s young.
(3) 学生同桌合作,利用情景图中提供的信息替换示例对话中的关键词,编写对
S1: Who’s your maths teacher? S2: He’s Mr Li. S1: Is he strict? S2: Yes, he is.
生。 2. A. Ask and answer
(1) 教师出示本班班主任的照片,与学生进行对话,如:
T: Who’s he she in the picture? Ss: He’s She’s Mr Miss …
T: He’s She’s your head teacher. (帮助学生明白词组“head teacher”的意
思) (2) 请两位学生站起来示范读本部分的对话。
S1: Who’s the Mrs Smith?
S2: She’s the head teacher. She’s tall. She’s strict.
(3) 让学生拿出画纸和画笔,画出自己最喜欢的任课老师,仿照示例编写新对话,

S1: Who’s the man woman in your picture? S2: He’s She’s …He’s She’
s thin. He’s She’s kind. 四、巩固延伸(Consolidation & Extension) 1. 猜一猜
T: She’s tall. She’s beautiful. She’s very young. We all like her. Who’
s she? Ss: Is she Miss Sun?
T: Yes, you’re right. She’s Miss Sun. 2. 课堂练习——选择不同类的选
项: ( ) ① A. young B. old C. boy ( ) ② A. funny B. kind C. girl ( ) ③ A.
maths B. music C. class ( ) ④ A. father B. teacher C. brother 3. Check the an
swer ① C, ② C, ③ C, ④ B
1. 师生一起总结本节课学习的词汇和句型。
2. 鼓励学生认真观察各科任老师,并正确总结各科任老师的主要性格特征。 六、
1. 将本节课学习的新单词在四线三格内抄写六遍。 2. 听录音,跟读本部分内容。
3. 准备几张家人或朋友的照片,利用本节课学习的新词汇和句型描述照片中的人
物。 板书设计
Unit 1 What’s he like? A. Let’s learn A. Ask and answer
- Who’
s your art teacher? - Mr Jones. - Is he young? - Yes,
he is.
old young funny kind strict

1. 能听、说、读、写单词“old”,“young”,“kind”,“funny”和“strict”。
2. 能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型“Who’
s your art English maths science music … teacher?”,
“Is he she young old funny kind strict …?”,激发学生进一步了解各科老
3. 能完成“Ask and answer”部分的对话任务。
4. 培养学生自主学习、合作学习的意思和能力,帮助学生树立学好英语的自信心。
1. 能听、说、读、写单词“old”,“young”,“kind”,“funny”和“strict”。
2. 能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型“Who’
s your art English maths science music … teacher?”,
“Is he she young old funny kind strict …?”,激发学生进一步了解各科老
1. 利用教材提供的对话情景,以旧引新,引导学生进入学习状态。 2. 能准确判
1. 教师准备多媒体课件、录音机和录音带、词卡。 2. 教师准备各科教材和各科
老师的照片。 3. 学生准备画笔和画纸。
一、课前热身(Warm-up) 1. Free talk
T: Good morning, everyone. Welcome back to school. How are you today? Ss: Fine, t
hank you. T: Nice to see you again. Ss: Nice to see you, too.
T: This is the first class of our new term. What grade are you in now? Ss: We are in Gr
ade Five now.
2. 简单介绍各科老师。
T: Now let me ask and you answer. (出示英语书) What’s this? Ss: It’
s an English book.
T: And I teach you English. So I am your… Ss: English teacher.
话。 二、课前预习(Preview)
师生就各科老师的体貌特征进行问答练习,如: T: Who’
s your music teacher? Ss: …
T: Is he she thin fat tall short …? Ss: Yes, he she is. (No, he she isn’t.)
T: Now read after me. Thin, thin (Fat, fat Tall, tall Short, short). My music teacher i
s thin (fat tall short).
Ss: Thin, thin (Fat, fat Tall, tall Short, short). My music teacher is thin (fat tall sh
ort). 三、新课呈现(Presentation) 1. A. Let’s learn (1) 教学新单词
① 教学单词“old”和“young”
T: Boys and girls, it’s the new term and let’s meet some new friends.
教师用多媒体课件分别出示动画片《喜羊羊和灰太狼》中羊村村长和喜羊 羊的图

T: Look at the man in the picture. (指着洋村村长的图片) Who is he? Ss: He’
s Manyangyang.
T: You’
re right. Look at Manyangyang. He is old. Read after me. Manyangyang is old. Ss: Man
yangyang is old.
T: Look at other picture. Who is he? Ss: He’s Xiyangyang. T: Is he old? Ss: No, he’
s not old.
T: You’re right. He’s not old. He’
s young. Now read after me, please. Xiyangyang is young.

Ss: Xiyangyang is young. ② 教学单词“kind”和“funny”
如: T: Look at the girl in the picture. Who’s she? Ss: She’s Snow White.
T: Snow White is beautiful. She’
s kind to the seven dwarfs. The seven dwarfs are funny. 然后教师请八位学生上讲
台,分别扮演白雪公主和七个小矮人, 帮助学生明白单词“kind”和“funny”的
③ 教师出示平时比较严厉的一位任课老师的照片,与学生进行对话,如:
T: Look at the picture. Who’s he she? Ss: He’s She’
s … T: Is he she kind? Ss: No, he she isn’t.
T: You’re right. He’s She’s not kind. He’s She’
s very strict. Read after me, please. He’s She’s strict.
Ss: He’s She’s strict.
④ 教师把本节课学习的五个新单词写在黑板上,并用“唱反调”的方式带来学
生读几遍单词。 2. 教师用多媒体课件出示本部分的教学挂图,并简单介绍情景,
T: Oliver and Zhang Peng are talking about the teachers. Let’
s see what their teachers are like. (1) 第一次播放教学录音,全班学生跟着录音读,
了解对话的大致内容。 (2) 第二次播放教学录音,学生听完后回答下面问题:
① Who’s Zhang Peng’s art teacher? ② Is Zhang Peng’s art teacher old? Answer:
① Mr Jones. ② No, he’s young.
(3) 学生同桌合作,利用情景图中提供的信息替换示例对话中的关键词,编写对
S1: Who’s your maths teacher? S2: He’s Mr Li. S1: Is he strict? S2: Yes, he is.
生。 2. A. Ask and answer
(1) 教师出示本班班主任的照片,与学生进行对话,如:
T: Who’s he she in the picture? Ss: He’s She’s Mr Miss …
T: He’s She’s your head teacher. (帮助学生明白词组“head teacher”的意
思) (2) 请两位学生站起来示范读本部分的对话。
S1: Who’s the Mrs Smith?
S2: She’s the head teacher. She’s tall. She’s strict.
(3) 让学生拿出画纸和画笔,画出自己最喜欢的任课老师,仿照示例编写新对话,

S1: Who’s the man woman in your picture? S2: He’s She’s …He’s She’
s thin. He’s She’s kind. 四、巩固延伸(Consolidation & Extension) 1. 猜一猜
T: She’s tall. She’s beautiful. She’s very young. We all like her. Who’
s she? Ss: Is she Miss Sun?
T: Yes, you’re right. She’s Miss Sun. 2. 课堂练习——选择不同类的选
项: ( ) ① A. young B. old C. boy ( ) ② A. funny B. kind C. girl ( ) ③ A.
maths B. music C. class ( ) ④ A. father B. teacher C. brother 3. Check the an
swer ① C, ② C, ③ C, ④ B
1. 师生一起总结本节课学习的词汇和句型。
2. 鼓励学生认真观察各科任老师,并正确总结各科任老师的主要性格特征。 六、
1. 将本节课学习的新单词在四线三格内抄写六遍。 2. 听录音,跟读本部分内容。
3. 准备几张家人或朋友的照片,利用本节课学习的新词汇和句型描述照片中的人
物。 板书设计
Unit 1 What’s he like? A. Let’s learn A. Ask and answer
- Who’
s your art teacher? - Mr Jones. - Is he young? - Yes,
he is.
old young funny kind strict







