
2020年07月31日 12:04



第一季 第一集

That's it. 完成了

Can I just,you know,look at it for a minute? 能让我欣赏下吗?

You're an artist,Sid. 你真是个艺术家 Sid

You're telling me you're just gonna walk out of here 你打算就这么走出门

and I'm never going to see it again. 我就再也看不到这个杰作了?

There's a good chance of that,yes. 是的

Most guys,you know,for the first one, 大部分人刚开始纹身的时候

they start with something small. 都会先画些小的东西

"Mom",girlfriend's initials,something like that. “妈妈”、女朋友名字缩写什么的

Not you. 而你不是

You get a full set of sleeves,all in a couple of months. 才几个月的工夫就做了整个一套

Takes guys a few years to get the ink you got. 换了别人要做好几年呢

I don't have a few years. 我没有好几年的工夫

Wish to hell I did. 我巴不得有

The vault. Open it. 把保险柜打开

We can't. The branch manager's not here. 不行,分行长不在

Where is he? 他在哪里?

It's 's at White Castle. 现在是午饭时间,他在白色城堡

White Castle? 白色城堡?

It's a fast food restaurant. 是个快餐厅

those little squ 供应那些方形的汉堡

I know what it is. 我知道那是什么

I'm not playing games. 我不是在玩游戏

Open it. 打开

Sir,you have a half a million dollars cash in your bag. 先生,你袋子里已经有50万美元的现金

Don't you think it would be better...? 你是不是可以再重新考虑一下

This is the police. 我们是警察

You are completely surrounded. 你已被完全包围

Put down your weapon. 放下武器

Put down your weapon now. 马上放下武器

Rarely in the case of armed robbery do we hear a plea of no contest. 我们几乎没见过武装抢劫案件中 辩方完全不抗辩

Are you sure about this,Mr. Scofield? Scofield先生,你肯定吗?

I'm sure,Your Honor. 我肯定,法官大人

Your Honor,we'd like to recess if we could. 法官大人 我们想请求休庭

My client's a bit confused at the moment. 我的委托人头脑有点不清楚

I'm not,Your Honor. 我没有,法官大人

He is, Your Honor. 他有,法官大人

Perhaps you should heed your representation's advice, 也许你该听从你律师的意见

take some additional time to consider your response. 再好好考虑考虑

I've already done that,Your Honor. 我已经考虑好了 法官大人

I'll retire to my chambers to determine sentencing. 我会在办公室里研究究竟该怎么判

Court's recessed until 1:30. 现在休庭 下午1点半继续开庭

Come on,Let's go. 我们走

Uncle Mike? Mike叔叔?

I didn't want you to come. 我没让你来

Go home,LJ. LJ 回家去

I didn't want you to see this. 我不想让你看到我这样

na take this well. 他一时会接受不了的

Can you blame him? He's your n

I wouldn't get excited,though,if I were you,Fish. 新来的 我要是你 可不会太激动

You sniffing' none of P.I. 监狱工厂你是没指望了

Why's that? 为什么?

'Cause John Abruzzi runs it. 因为是John Abruzzi在经营

John Abruzzi John Abruzzi? John Abruzzi John Abruzzi?

John Abruzzi John Abruzzi. John Abruzzi John Abruzzi

Why you wanna see Burrows so bad anyhow? 你为什么这么急着要见Burrows?

Because he's my brother. 因为他是我哥哥

They denied the do it again. -他们驳回上诉了 -那就继续上诉

I can't. That's it. 不行了 没办法了

May 11. That's the date,man. 5月11日就是...

That's the date they,uh... you know... 就是

execute me. 执行死刑的日子

I know. 我知道

I didn't kill that man,Michael. 我没杀那个人 Michael

The evidence says you did. 可证据表明是你杀了

I don't care what the evidence says.I didn't kill him. 我才不管证据怎么说 我知道我没有杀人

Swear to me. 向我发誓

I swear to you,Michael. 我发誓 Michael

But how did they get it wrong then? 可他们怎么会弄错了呢?

The courts,the appeals... 法庭 上诉...

Don't know. Don't know. 我不知道 我不知道

All I keep thinking,looking back on it is,uh... 我现在仔细想来...

I was set up. 我是被陷害的

And,whoever it was that set me up wants me in the ground as quickly as possible. 不管是谁想陷害我 他巴不得我早点入土

What's another word for "love"? “爱”的近义词是什么?

What's the context? 什么语境?

Oh,you know. 哦你也知道的

The "I love you so much "I ain't never knocking “我爱你呀” “我再也不

over "a liquor store again" context. 在酒店醉酒闹事了”的语境

Except,you know,classy. 不要太花哨的

I'm proposing to my girl,if you gotta know. 其实我是向我女朋友求婚

In a letter? 写信求婚?

You got a better way? 你还有别的好办法?

Face-to-face works pretty good. 面对面很有效呀

This place ain't exactly the romantic spot. 这种地方可不是什么浪漫之都

I'm gonna have her go get on the Staten Island Ferry. 让她去史坦顿岛渡轮

Then,once she can see the Empire State Building, 一旦可以看见帝国大厦

she opens 她就打开信

Ex that I won't be there. 我就好像和她在一起了

ikng there 当然我不是真和她在一起

Try "passion." 用“激情”一词吧 (激情:passion)

Ooh! Ooh! "Passion. Passion" That's dope. 哦 哦 “激情” “激情” 这个酷

Passion. 激情?

How do you spell that? 怎么写啊?

Is it "pash..."? Uh-uh. 是“pash...”?

No "h"? 没有“h”?

LJ,hold up. LJ 等等

Hold up. 等等

I don't think I can go through with this. 我可能撑不下来

Everything's going to be fine. 一切都没事的

Trust me. 相信我

We understand ea
floor. 你想得美 这里可不允许瘾君子

I'm the farthest thing from a junkie. Trust me. 我是绝对不会吸毒得 相信我

I got news for you,Michael. 实话和你说了吧 Michael

"Trust me" means absolutely zero inside these walls. “相信我”这话在高墙内没任何分量

The only way you're getting that insulin is if I'm administering it. 你得到胰岛素得唯一途径就是我来注射

Guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other,then,huh? 看来我们以后会常见面了 是吗?

I guess so. 是呀

We're all clear on the Burrows execution. Burrows的死刑一切准备就绪

Good. Except for one thing. -很好 -不过还有件事

Bishop McMorrow is not in the fold. McMorrow主教还不知情

He's got a lot of influence with the governor. 他在州长那很有影响力

They went to prep school together,apparently. 他们以前好像念的同一所公立学校

Look,the closer it gets, 日子越接近

the more I'm worried that the bottom is going to fall out of this whole thing. 我越担心最后会出纰漏

Well,maybe it's time you arranged a visit with the good bishop then. 也许你可以安排一下去见见我们的主教大人

Look,in one month, 一个月后

it'll all be over. 这事就过去了

The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men 上帝之子将交给罪人

and be crucified and,the third day,rise again. 在十字架上处死 三天后又复活

And they remembered his words,and so should you. 他们记住了他留下的箴言 你们也应该记住

Good day, God be with you. 各位好 愿上帝与你们同在

Michael. Michael

Why? 你来干什么?

I'm getting you out of here. 我要救你出去

Burrows,roll it up. Happy hour's over. Burrows 快点走 欢乐时光结束了

It's impossible. 那不可能

Not if you design the place that isn't. 除非这个监狱并不是那么完美

Too formal. 太正式了

Too greeting card. 象问候贺卡

make a decision sooner or later,you know. 我们迟早得定下来

,in time 我们有的是时间呀

actually. 其实我们没有

I mean,at some point, 到了某个时候

we got to pull the trigger on this thing. 该做的总得要做呀

I don't want to rush this. 我可不想那么急

We're only going to do it once. 我们可就做一次

We have to get it right. 怎么也得做好了

Honey,can I ask you something? 亲爱的 我能问个问题吗?

Of course. 当然可以

Are you putting this off? 你是不是想推迟?

What do you mean? 什么意思?

I... I mean,are you having second thoughts? 我...我是说你是不是后悔了?

No. Honey,no. 没有 亲爱的 没有

I'm not. 我没有

I don't know. 我也不知道怎么了

I just can't help thinking this is about... Not. 可我老认为这个和... 不

I love you... 我爱你...

and I want to be your wife. 我想成为你的妻子

? 激情?

What were you thinking? 你是怎么想的?

Hey,you went for it. 嘿 你自己也同意了

She probably thinks I went sissy up in here. 她说不定认为我在这变得女人气了

"Passion." Got more than one syllable, “激情” 超过一个音节了

too much talkin'. 废话太多

That's me from now on. 现在我改规矩了

One-syllable Sucre. 以后只写单音节的词

Yes. No. Love. Hate. Love. 是 不 爱 恨 爱

Give it time. 要点时间的嘛

Are you kidding? 你开什么玩笑?

I proposed to her. 我这是在求婚!

That doesn't take time. 可不能等

Si or no. 是 还是 不

One syllable,man. 单音节

She's supposed to come around for a conjugal on Tuesday. 她应该周二就来探监了

She's always calling me beforehand, 她以前总是提前打电话

letting me know she's coming. 告诉我她要过来

This time,man,I ain't heard a peep. 这次什么消息也没有

You spooked her. 你把她吓着了

Scofield... Scofield...

get it together. 起来吧

Pope wants to see you. 监狱长要见你

No good,Fish. 不是好事啊 新来的

No one gets an audience with the Pope. 没人去见监狱长

Not unless he's real interested in what you got going on. 除非他对你做的事感兴趣

Top of your class at Loyola. Loyola的尖子生

Magna cum laude,in fact. 获优等成绩

I can't help wondering what someone 我就纳闷了象你这么优秀的人才

with your credentials is doing in a place like this. 跑到这种鬼地方干什么

Took a wrong turn a few months back,I guess. 也许是几个月前拐错弯了

You make it sound like a traffic infraction. 你说的好像是交通违规似的

Like all you did was turn the wrong way up a one-way street. 就像在单行道上开错方向

Everyone turns up one sooner or later. 人人迟早都会发生点意外

The reason I called you here... 我叫你过来是因为...

I noticed in your I-file,under occupation, 我发现你在你档案的“职业”一栏

you put down 'unemployed.' 写的是“无业”

That's not true,now,is it? 这不是真的吧?

I know you're a structural engineer,Scofield. 我知道你其实是名结构工程师 Scofield

Shah Jahan built the Taj Majal as a monument 沙迦汗造了泰姬陵

to his undying love for his wife. 为了表达他对妻子永恒的爱

My wife is quite fond of the story. 我妻子很喜欢这个故事

It appeals to the romantic in her. 这唤起了她内心的浪漫情怀

Being married to someone in Corrections... terrible job. 嫁给一位在监狱工作的人

Wouldn't wish it on anyone. 谁愿意呢

And yet,in 39 years my wife has never complained. 但是结婚39年来 我妻子从来没抱怨过

And the worst part about it is,I've never thanked her. 可让我更愧疚的是 我从来没感谢过她

So,because I couldn't say it, 因为我说不出口

I thought,you know,I could b

Thanks. 谢谢

Michael was right. Michael说的没错

Sink,you got a visitor. “水槽” 有人探监

He was arrested. 他被警察抓了

Possession F 什么事?

Possession F of marijuana. 携带大麻

I figured he could use some fatherly advice before it's 我想他需要听听父亲的忠告 在你...

? 永远离开之前?

didn't mean that. 我不是这个意思

I know you didn't. 我知道你不是

Thanks,Lisa. 谢谢 Lisa

Sit down. 坐吧

? 毒品是吧?

Using or dealing? 吸毒还是贩毒?

What's the difference? 有区别吗?

Then what,you,uh,think it gives you socred? 你以为你这样就能在街头混混 那混个名声出来?

You got a piece o Take advantage. 你现在过的是日子 要珍惜

Look,I get it. 听着 我懂

The whole thing. 你们那一套

She drags me in here,you give me a big speech, 她把我拉到这来 你给我上一课

I walk away a changed man. 我出去后就脱胎换骨了

Straight "A's."Harvard. 全优 哈佛

Grow up and be a dentist. 长大成人 当个牙医

It's better than being here. 总比在这好

You got to realize who's getting punished 你得看清楚了 你做那些事

when you're doing the things you're doing. 到最后受惩罚究竟是谁

You think it's me; it's you. 你以为是我 其实是你

I did the same thing 我也这么做过

punished the old man 'cause he was gone. 因为父亲离开了 就惩罚他

Look where it got me. 可看看我现在身处的地方

I'm not asking you to love me. 我不是在恳求你再爱我

I already screwed up that chance long ago. 很久以前我就失去了这个机会

I'm asking you to love yourself. 我是让你要自爱

You can still put the brakes on this thing. 亡羊补牢 为时不晚

So,that's what fatherly advice is like. 原来这就是所谓的父亲的忠告

Where are you going? 你去哪?

I got homework. 我得写作业

They're putting me to death,LJ. 他们判了我死刑 LJ

In a month's time,I'll be dead. 一个月后 我就死了

You get that? 你明白了吗?

You're already dead to me. 在我心中 你早就死了

Yes. 好的

W-what? You mean yes yes? 什么?你是说那个“好的”

Yes! 是的

Oh,there's just one thing. 还有件事

Of course. 说吧

Mama wants us to wait till you get out. 妈妈想等你出来

Of course,mi amor. 当然 我的爱人

Oh,and we have to get married in a church. 还得在教堂结婚

Okay. Esta bien. A Catholic church. 好的 没问题 要在天主教教堂

Wouldn't want to mess with the Catholic roots,would we? 谁也不想破坏天主教传统 是吧?

You went to Loyola. 你去过Loyola

You've been checking up on me. 你查了我的档案

I like to get to know my patients. 我喜欢了解一下我的病人

I went to ted two years after you did. 我上的是西北大学 在你两年后毕业的

Maybe w
e met before-- you know, 说不定我们还见过呢

drunk,out at a bar somewhere. 比如 在什么酒吧呀 喝醉酒了

I would have remembered. 要真见过 我会记得的

That a compliment? 是在夸我吗?

No. 不是

What? 怎么了?

Your blood glucose is at 50 milligrams per deciliter. 你血液中的葡萄糖含量是每分升50毫克

So? That's hypoglycemic. -怎么了? -血糖过低

Your body's reacting to the insulin like you're not a diabetic. 你身体对胰岛素的反应不象是 糖尿病患者

You're sure it's Type One diabetes you've got? 你肯定你得的是1型糖尿病?

Ever since I was a kid. 从小就是

All right. 好吧

You're not experiencing any tingling sensation,cold sweats or 你身体是否有麻刺的感觉或者出冷汗?

Infirmary. 医务室?

Yes. 是的

Yeah.I did. 是的

No,I did and I do; I need them. 不 我现在就要

Okay. Um,great,well,I'll call him after lunch,then. 好的 午饭后我就给他打电话

Thanks; I'm with a patient. Okay. 谢谢 我这还有别人 好的

I'd like to run some tests next time you're in. 你下次来的时候我要作些检查

Last thing I want is to be administering insulin to a man 我可不想给一个不需要胰岛素的 人注射胰岛素

who Yeah; sure. 好的

Okay. 好吧

How'd you get here,by the way? 你怎么来的?、

Oh,you know. 你知道呀

I don't; that's why I asked. 我不知道 所以我才问

You know. Hector. 你知道的 是Hector

What?! 什么?!

I didn't have any money for the bus, 我连乘车的钱都没有

so he offered me a ride. 他就开车送我过来的

He was really sweet. 他人很好

Honey,he's just a friend. 亲爱的 他不过是我们的朋友

No,he's not "just a friend." 不 他不是什么“朋友”

I know Hector; I know men. 我了解Hector 我了解男人

Men and women can't be friends. 男人和女人不可能成为朋友

A guy doesn't drive a girl 500 miles 一个男的跨越州界驱车500英里

across state lines because he wants to be friends. 送一个女的 恐怕不是为了交朋友吧

Casanova,wrap it up. Casanova 快点

Hey,you got nothing to worry about,okay? 嘿 别担心 好吗?

It's you I'm marrying. 我嫁的是你

It's not you I'm worried about. 我担心的不是你

16 more months. 还有16个月

I love you. 我爱你

Be easy,son,all right? 悠着点 小子

Sucre tells me you're the local pharmacy. Sucre告诉我你是这里的配药师

What you need,man? 你要什么?

Fugnac. Fugnac

I only speak English,white boy. 说通俗点 小子

It's an insulin blocker. 是阻止胰岛素吸收的药物

Standard over-the-counter variety. 非处方药

You can get it at any pharmacy. 任何药店都买的到

You can get that at medical then. 那你去医务室也能搞到

I can't get it at medical. 我搞不到

Why not? 为什么?

Because th
ey're already giving me insulin shots. 因为他们已经给我注射了胰岛素

You're one mixed-up cracker,you know that? 你还真能折腾

Can you get it for me,or not? 你究竟能不能搞到?

Only if you tell me why it is that you want to keep going 前提是你必须告诉我你为什么

back up to medical to get a insulin shot for which you don't need. 老去医务室注射你并不需要的胰岛素

I like the ambiance. 我喜欢那的气氛

We in business? 成交?

Scofield. I don't know what you did, Scofield 我不知道你怎么干的

but Abruzzi wanted me to give you this P.I. card. 不过Abruzzi让我把这个 监狱工作证交给你

Congratulations. 恭喜啊

You just joined the ranks of the employed. 你现在算是有工作一族了

Kudos,Fish. 恭喜你 新手

You got spine. 你有胆量

All right,cons,break it down! 好了 结束了

Move it,guys. 向前走

Saw Veronica came by yesterday. 我昨天看见Veronica了

Still engaged to that guy? 还是和那人订的婚?

Yup. 是的

Could have been me. 本来是我的

If you hadn'estruc? 如果你没有自暴自弃的话

? 你以为我喜欢?

I was just being stupid. 我当时是糊涂了

Hurt. 受到了伤害

Shouldn't have pushed her away,though. 不过不应该把她拒之门外

You pushed everyone away. 你把谁都拒之门外

I'm an anchor. 我就象船锚

All I'll do is drag him down with me. 会拖累别人的

Why did you hire him? 你干吗要雇他?

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. 要和朋友靠在一起 而与敌人要靠的更近

You mean what you said earlier? 你之前说的是真的?

I'm not here on vacation; trust me. 我来这肯定不是度假的

Getting outside these walls,that's just the beginning. 逃出去只是个开始

You're going to need money. 你需要钱

I'll have it. 我会有的

And people on the outside-- 还需要外面接应的人--

people that can help you disappear. 要帮我们消声匿迹

I've already got them. 我找到了

They just don't know it yet, 他们还不清楚我的计划而已

Look,whatever you got going on,fill me in, 不管你想做什么 你要告诉我

'cause I'm in the dark here. 因为我完全不知情

Chaparral Associates got the contract to retrofit this place in '99. Chaparral Associates1999年 接下了翻新这个监狱的合同

$$4 million contract. 400万的合同

Head partner couldn't crack it. 负责人没法搞定这个项目

So,he subcontracted out 他就偷偷地

an under-the-table sort of deal with a former associate. 让给了一个以前的同事去做

That guy was one of the partners in my firm. 而那个人以前是我公司的合伙人之一

We basically ghost-wrote the whole plan 我们基本上造了假

crossed the "t's," dotted the "i's," grouted the tiles. 这边拆拆 那边补补 粉饰下砖瓦

You've seen the t







