英语精读Unit 5

2020年07月31日 12:07


Unit 5 Company Introduction
Related Information

The following is a list of things to remember when writing your company introductions:
ce long words with shorter ones.
sure paragraphs are focused.
not over claim or use flowery language.
your product is new, tell the reader what is new about it.
’t write using capital letters, it looks as if you are SHOUTING unless it is important information.
facts not opinions-you must be able to back up statements such as “biggest”, “best”, etc.
Company Information Checklist:
·tThe year your company was established: simply state the year
·tYour company’s location: mention the city/town
·tThe products/services that you offer
·tIf you are a member of a group company
·tAny foreign investment that you may have
·tProduct range/services offered
·tMachinery and technology used
·tProduction experience
·tNumber of staff and foreign language speakers if you have them
·tHow orders are handled
·tShare significant achievements that would be meaningful to buyers
·tQuality certifications

1. Att 2. C t3. B t4. Ct t5. At t6. Bt t7. C

Tape Script:
Manufacturer:tHow do you do, Mr. Kraft. I’ve been expecting you.
Businessman: It’s good of you to show me around. Your plant is much smaller than I expected.
Manufacturer:tOur small size makes us very flexible. As you know, the bicycle business is very much influenced by trends and fashion. Styles change from year to year. Because we’re small, we can respond to changes quickly.
Businessman:tYes, you have a good reputation in the field. We’ve been using a manufacturer in Japan. They are very large and efficient, but they do have trouble getting the new models out quickly.
Manufacturer:tWe certainly hope we can solve that problem for you.
Businessman:tLet’s hope so. Well, shall we get started on our tour?
Manufacturer:tI suggest we start at the beginning of our production line.
Businessman:tFine. How long have you been in the bicycle business, Mr. Chou?
Manufacturer:tI began in 1973.
Businessman:tDoes your factory carry out the entire process of manufacturing?
Manufacturer:tAlmost. A few necessary items like lights and seats are made else-where. Then they are checked for quality at our factory and added to the bicycles.
Businessman:tWhat kind of quality control do you have?
Manufacturer:tIt’s extremely tight. Quality is one of our primary considerations.
Businessman:tWell, thank you for showing me your plant and answering my questions. I’m looking forward to receiving the samples we talked about. If they’re as good as I think they’ll be, my company will be placing an order soon.
Manufacturer:tWe’ll certainly try to meet your requirements.


1. establishment tt2. populart t3. research and developmenttt4. designers t5. capabilitytt6. industry t t7. s
8. online t9. releaset t t10. launchedt
11. sales recordstt12. June 6

1. F t2. T t3. T t4. F t5. T


Text A
Language Study
broad, comprehensive view; a survey; a summary or review
▲tThe president gave a broad overview of the present situation.
▲tHere is an overview of the educational system of China.
synonym: summary, review, survey
ne n.
①ta very large amount of money
▲tHe made a considerable fortune selling waste materials.
▲tHe accumulated a fortune by hard work.
②tchance, esp. regarded as a power affecting people’s lives: (good or bad) luck
▲tI had the good fortune to be employed by this world-famous company.
③tperson’s destiny or future; fate
▲tAt the fair a gypsy told me my fortune by looking at the lines on my hand.
some, our company’s early vision — “A PC on every desk and in every home” — must have seemed like science fiction.
“A PC on every desk and in every home”是our company’s early vision的同位语?
vision n.
①tability to view a subject, problem, etc imaginatively; foresight and wisdom in planning
▲tThe marketing director is a man of great vision.
②tpower of seeing; sight
▲tPeople wear glasses to improve their vision.
③tthing seen vividly in the imagination
▲tTom has visions of opening a company of himself when he grows up.
▲tI had visions of us going on strike.
synonym: sight, dream, fantasy, illusion, image, perception, phantom
establish or found in concert with another or others
▲tThe two men co-founded the first International Workshop on Services Computing in 2005.
▲tThe rich super star and his friend co-founded the school in this poor area.
co- pref. together; joint; jointly; mutually; partner or associate in an activity
envisioned bringing computers to life by developing software — the instructions that make electronic devices work — that would make computing power accessible to everyone.
the instructions that make electronic devices work是software的同位语; that引导定语从句,修饰instructions?that would make...中的that引导定语从句,修饰software?
picture in the mind; to imagine
▲tThe manager envisioned a bright future of the factory.
▲tI cannot envision him as president.
instruction n.
①tword, code, etc that, when input into a computer, makes it perform a particular operation; order or direction given
▲tYou should give the computer the correct instruction to perform what you want.
▲tThey had carried out my instructions to the letter.
▲tThe soldiers had instructions to be home by midnight.
②tprocess of teaching; knowledge or teaching given
▲tIn this course, students receive instruction in basic engineering.
▲tShe gives instruction in mathematics.
③tdetailed directions on procedures
▲tI r
ead the instructions on the bottle.
▲tYou should follow the instructions in a car repair manual.
ssed in digits, especially for use by a computer
▲tA digital watch shows the time by electronically lit up numbers.
▲tThere are all kinds of digital cameras in this market.
ons of people around the world use our technology every day, from multinational corporations that do business in many currencies and languages to small companies that count on just-in-time inventory systems to keep orders flowing.
that do business...中的that引导定语从句,修饰multinational corporations; that count on... 中的that引导定语从句,修饰small companies?
currency n.
①tmoney system in use in a country
▲tThis policy is to stabilize currency.
▲tThe Japanese yen is one of the stronger currencies in the world.
②t(state of being in) common or general use
▲tNewspapers stories gave currency to this scandal.
▲tThe rumor soon gained currency.
currency exchange
the trading of one currency against another
▲tThe currency exchange rate at which one currency can be exchanged for another forms the basis for the modern foreign exchange markets.
synonym: cash, money
count on
to rely on; to depend on; to be confident of; to anticipate
▲tThe boss used to count on his secretary for all his daily arrangements.
▲tThe new employee counted on getting a raise.
work together, especially in a joint intellectual effort
▲tThe professor is planning to collaborate on a book with a colleague.
▲tThe cooperation between Hong Kong and Shenzhen won praise as the most outstanding example of how cities can collaborate to aid their mutual development.
synonym: cooperate, work together with
Microsoft, we’re motivated and inspired every day by how our customers use our software to find creative solutions to business problems, develop breakthrough ideas, and stay connected with what’s most important to them.
how our customers... 中的how引导的是宾语从句,作介词by的宾语; what’s most important... 中的what引导的也是宾语从句,作介词with的宾语?
act of overcoming or penetrating an obstacle or restriction; a major achievement or success that permits further progress, as in technology
▲tThe jet engine was a major breakthrough in air transport.
▲tCritics called it a breakthrough film.
10. mission n.
①tparticular task or duty undertaken by an individual or a group
▲tAn agent on a secret mission was arrested in the US.
▲tThey have accomplished their mission successfully.
▲tThe mission failed in its purpose of obtaining information.
②t(work done by) a group of people sent abroad, esp. on political or commercial business
▲tHe was head of a French trade mission to the United States.
11. Just as we constantly update and improve our products, we want to continually evolve our compan
y to be in the best position to accelerate new technologies as they emerge and to better serve our customers.
just as意为“正像”,引导的是状语从句?as they emerge... 中的as意为“when”,引导状语从句?
update vt.
①tbring (sth) up to date; modernize
▲tThe publishing house is going to update a science textbook.
▲tThe catalogue is updated every year.
②tgive sb the latest information (about sth)
▲tI updated the committee on our progress.
▲tMagazine articles will update you on the international situation.
increase the speed of; to cause to occur sooner than expected
▲tThe manager decided to accelerate the advertising of the product.
▲tThe bad weather accelerated our departure.
come forth from obscurity; to come into existence
▲tA wonderful thought emerged after brainstorming.
▲tNothing emerged from the bilateral talks.
12. fundamental
tial or necessary
▲tHard work is fundamental to success.
▲tModerate exercise is fundamental to good health.
synonym: basic, elementary, essential, primary, underlying
13. comprise vt.
①tto form part of a larger group of people or things
▲tFifty states comprise the Union.
②tto consist of particular parts, groups, etc
▲tThe committee comprises men of widely different views.
synonym: consist of, be composed of, contain, include
14. That truism applies to any industry, but it’s especially meaningful for a software company, where creativity, ideas, and the energy behind those ideas are the driving forces behind great products.
where引导非限制性定语从句,修饰a software company?
apply to
to put into effect to; to make an application or request to
▲tThis rule cannot be applied to every case.
▲tIt is wise to apply to schools that have faculty with interests that fit with you.
nt, intense, or forceful, energetic or active
▲tTheir “Driving Force” comes from established artists who provide encourage-ment for their passion, professional guidance, and individualized instruction.
▲tAlthough you might not know it, your driving personality could be dangerous for you and for others.
synonym: energetic, vigorous
15. Just as people around the world embraced our original vision of a computer on every desk and in every home, we are confident that the future will hold amazing new technologies that will further enable people and businesses around the world to realize their full potential.
just as意为“正像”,引导状语从句;we are confident that... 中的that引导原因状语从句;that will further enable...中的that引导定语从句,修饰amazing new technologies?
①tvt. accept or take (an idea, etc) willingly
▲tHe embraced my offer to employ him.
②tv. take (a person, etc) into one’s arms as a sign of affection
▲tWhen the two businessmen met again after ten years, they embraced each other w
ising, astonishing
▲tThe magician held his audience with his amazing tricks.
▲tIt was amazing that the engineer was able to solve the problem so quickly.

Translation of the Text

1. tBill Gates and Paul Allen
2. tTo bring computers to life by developing software — the instructions that make electronic devices work — that would make computing power accessible to everyone.
are people all around the world, including multinational corporations, small companies, educators, students, families, etc.
4. tIt’s a shared passion for innovation, exploration, and creativity, and a belief in the value of software and the difference it can make in people’s lives.
soft treasures its employees because they believe that the employees’ creativity, ideas, and energy are the driving forces behind great products (or, great people make great companies). Or At Microsoft, we’re extremely proud of our people. As we continue to grow, our goal is to attract even more great people so we can expand the potential of tomorrow’s technology.

1. Dtt t2. Ct t3. A tt4. Bt t5. Ct t6. B
Part 1
1. Btt2. Dt 3. Jtt4. Ft t5. Et t
6. I t 7. Ct t8. At t9. Ht 10. G

Part 2
1. breakthrought2. fundamentalt 3. corporationt 4. has been updated
5. has acceleratedt6. drivingtt 7. apply tott 8. comprisest
9. instructionstt10. overview

Part 3
1. was foundedt2. co-foundedtt3. operates t4. cooperatet
5. existttt6. coexisttt t7. coauthorst8. author

1. committedtt2. potentialt 3. innovativet 4. accessible
5. inspiredtt6. connectedt 7. evolve t t8. accelerate
9. serve t tt10. passiont11. dedicatedtt12. amazing

Example 1
as the French love their wine, the English love their beer.
as Christmas is an important holiday for westerners, so is the Spring Festival to the Chinese.
as salaries differ from company to company, so do benefits.

Example 2
must have reached the agreement, for the boss turned out very excited.
must have got a pay raise since she promised to treat us for dinner tonight after she came out of HR office.
must have completed his work, otherwise, he wouldn’t be enjoying himself by the seaside.

municipal government is looking for innovative ways to guard against local energy shortages.
2. tHe envisioned a bright future in his speech.
3. tI have fixed an electronic device which opens the door automatically.
people can count on having a job for life.
5. tThe new device can accelerate a train by turning on more power.
ng the public is the driving force behind his accomplishments.

ar Focus
well we cooperate
he devoted his spare time to reading
er we have enough experience
er is reliable
she had achieved


Text B
Language Study
① come near or nearer to (sb/sth) in space or time
The time is approaching when I must consider changing the job.
▲tAs you approach the office, the first thing you see is the big logo of that company.
②tvt. go to (sb) for help or support or in order to offer sth
▲tHave you approached the manager about taking a day off next week?
▲tI find the new supervisor difficult to approach.
③tvt. begin to tackle (a task, problem, etc)
▲tBefore trying to solve the puzzle, let us consider the best way to approach it.
find that the desire to taste the newly-released food is irresistible when you see the pictures on the menu — they seem so deliciousue525
to taste the newly-released food是动词不定式,作desire的后置定语?they seem so delicious起到补充说明的作用?
irresistible a.
①ttoo delightful or attractive to be resisted
▲tI cannot refuse this offer; it is irresistible.
②ttoo strong to be resisted
▲tHis arguments were irresistible.
g pleasure, esp. to the senses of taste and smell
▲tThe roast chicken tastes delicious in this restaurant.
n or thing that corresponds to or has the same function as sb or sth else
▲tThe foreign minister is the counterpart of the secretary of state.
▲tThe sales director phoned her counterpart in the other firm.
counter- pref. contrary; opposite; opposing; corresponding; complementary
n. house or other buildings with its outbuildings, land, etc.
▲tThe firm moved to its new premises in 1971.
▲tThe firm is looking for larger premises.
in vt.
①tto keep (sb/sth) alive or in existence; keep (a sound, an effort, etc.) going; maintain
▲tIt was impossible to find food sufficient to sustain life.
▲tThe clapping was sustained for several minutes.
▲tYou need to make a sustained effort to finish off the work.
②tto bear (weight) without breaking or falling; to support
▲tWill this shelf sustain the weight of all these books?
synonym: abide, bear, endure, keep up, maintain, stand, suffer, support, tolerate
standardized business operation apart, the key is excellent inter-cultural management.
Their standardized business operation apart是独立结构,作句子的状语,apart是副词,意为“除外”?
ht into conformity with a standard
▲tOur nation needs standardized education.
▲tModern industry makes a feature of standardized manufacture.
inter- pref. between; among; mutual; mutually
▲tInternational trade is the exchange of goods and services across international boundaries or territories.
▲tThe idea of a two-way effect is essential in the concept of interaction, as opposed to a one-way causal effect.
phere n.
①tfeeling in the mind that is created by a group of people or a place; mood
▲tThe talk was conducted in a cordial atmosphere.
▲tWe work best in a harmonious atmosphere.
▲tThe travelers arrived at a restaurant with an Old
World atmosphere.
②tthe mixture of gases that surrounds the earth, any planet or star; air in or around a place
▲tThese machines can change atmosphere pressure.
▲tThe atmosphere over the city is very much polluted.
synonym: air, mood, tone
①thave or take (sth) esp. in a casual or hasty manner
▲tGrab a seat and make yourself at home.
▲tDad grabbed some breakfast and went off to work.
②tgrasp sth suddenly or roughly; snatch sth selfishly or rudely; take (an opportunity, etc) eagerly
▲tHe grabbed my collar and pulled me towards his office.
▲tWhen I gave him the chance, he grabbed it at once.
synonym: grasp, seize, snatch
er, certain eagle-eyed managers noticed that some people never dropped in when they passed by.
drop in
to visit informally and spontaneously, to visit sb passingly
▲tAfter disappearing for five years, she just dropped in last night.
▲tDo drop in (on me) if you happen to be passingue525
pass by
to proceed past something; to disregard, overlook
▲tA bus has just passed by.
▲tYou should never let an opportunity pass by.
10. So the solution was to adapt: when in Rome, do as the Romans do.
to adapt是动词不定式,作表语?
①tv. become adjusted to new conditions, etc
▲tTommy adapted himself quickly to the new company.
▲tWe have introduced a species that has adapted well to winter climes.
②tvt. make sth suitable for a new use, situation, etc; alter or modify (a text) for television, the stage, etc
▲tThis machine has been specially adapted for use underwater.
▲tThis novel has been adapted for radio from the Russian original.
synonym: adjust, alter, change, modify, vary
11. What is deep-rooted in the Chinese consciousness is the traditional culture of food and drink that features color, fragrance, flavor and variety.
y implanted; well-established
▲tThere are deep-rooted obstacles to the development of private enterprises.
▲tFor me, dancing is a necessity, a deep-rooted need to express myself.
state or condition of being conscious
▲tMan’s social being determines his consciousness.
▲tShe had a consciousness that someone else was in the dark room.
antonym: unconsciousness
synonym: awareness, sense, knowing, realizing
12. Now that curiosity had faded, people returned to their own more extensive cuisine.
now that意为“既然”,引导原因状语从句?
now that
▲tNow that you’ve got promoted, you should stay with the company.
▲tYou ought to have a good rest now that you’ve finished the work.
①pear gradually (from sight, hearing, memory, etc); become indistinct
▲tAll memory of her childhood had faded from her mind.
▲tThe lights and music faded as we set sail from the harbor.
②tv. to lose col
or and brightness or to make something do this
▲tYouthful energy faded over the years.
▲tThe sun had faded the curtains.
▲tFlowers soon fade when cut.
13. absorb vt.
①ttake (sth) in; suck up; include (sth/sb) as part of itself or oneself; incorporate; merge with
▲tClever children absorb knowledge easily.
▲tSo many good ideasue525 It’s too much for me to absorb all at once.
▲tSmall businesses are absorbed by big ones.
②thold the attention or interest of (sb) fully
▲tHis business absorbs him.
▲tThe old man was utterly absorbed in the book.
synonym: assimilate, incorporate, suck up, take in
14. Not content to lag behind, McDonald’s Vegetable and Seafood Soup and Corn Soup were introduced, and the company worked to modify the restaurants’ design.
not content to lag behind是形容词短语,作句子状语?
fail to keep up a pace; to cause to hang back or fall behind
▲tSome of the runners in the race began to lag.
▲tPrices are rising sharply, while incomes are lagging far behind.
change in form or character; to alter
▲tThe manager will hold a meeting to modify the terms of the contract.
▲tWe have to modify our plan a little bit.
15. substance n.
①tmost important or essential part of sth; essential meaning
▲tThe substance of his speech was that he was better than the other candidates.
▲tI agree with the substance of what you say, but differ on points of detail.
②tparticular type of matter
▲tIn works of fiction, we often read about a substance believed to maintain life indefinitely.
▲tThis mixture will resolve into 2 simple substances.
16. This inter-cultural management mode, with American business culture at the core, supplemented by Chinese traditional culture, provides reference for international enterprises which need to adjust, enrich and reconstruct their corporate culture to enhance local market flexibility.
with American business culture at the core, supplemented by Chinese traditional culture是with引导的复合结构,在句中作独立成分,担当This inter-cultural management mode的同位语?
mode n.
①tway or manner in which sth is done
▲tRiding on a donkey is a slow mode of travel.
▲tThe level of formality determines the precise mode of expression.
②tstyle or fashion in clothes, art, drama, etc.
▲tShe is not used to the formal mode of address.
③tarrangement or setting of equipment to perform a certain task
▲tUnder normal conditions, set the camera to the Normal mode.
synonym: fashion, form, manner, method, style, vogue, way
to or complete sth with sth else
▲tHis uncle used to supplement his ordinary income by writing books.
▲tVitamins supplemented his meager diet.
make rich or richer
▲tThe success of the new business has enriched the owners.
▲tMusic can enrich your life.
synonym: better, enhance, improve
construct again; to cause to adapt to social or economic change
▲tEurope reconstructed their cities after the war.
▲tThe government will reconstruct the building that has great historical significance.

Translation of the Text

g Festival 春节
-autumn Festival 中秋节

Part 1
1. Bt t2. A t3. Ct t4. Dt t5. C t6. D

Part 2
convenience, efficient service, comfortable environment, pleasing music and jovial atmosphere
2. tcolor, fragrance, flavor and variety
ct, reco
gnition, and understanding
4. tefficiency, freedom, democracy, equality and humanity

Part 1
1. contenttt 2. modifytt3. enterpriset 4. circumstance
5. supplements 6. incomett7. deep-rootedt 8. pass byt
9. adaptstt10. dropped in

Part 2
1. sustainedt 2. standardizedt3. grabbedt4. heaved and bustledt
5. fadedtt 6. absorbtt7. modifytt8. supplement

Practical Writing
Part 1

Part 2







