
2020年07月31日 12:12


Unit 5 The Land Where There Were No old Men(2009-03-18 17:36:54)转载▼标签: unit5校园 分类: 综合英语4

After finishing this unit , you should be able to

1. Speaking TOPICS:

Fighting Prejudice

2. Master the use of That-clause as apposition to noun phrase & other related structures.

3. Learn the list of new words by heart and master the key phrase & structures in the text.

4. Practice the writing topic:

Social Prejudice


Against Women: a nag, capricious反覆无常的;任性的, emotional, illogical, having longer hair than insight, talkative, wordy, mouthy, nagging, rigid固执的, less intelligent than men, whimsical异想天开的,古怪的;, inconsistent矛盾的, fretful易忿怒的, bossy发号施令

Against Men: rough, selfish, cold-blooded, careless, irresponsible, unreliable, indifferent, unfeeling无情的, domineering专横的, headstrong刚愎自用的

Against Old People: senile衰老的, over-the-hill垂暮之年的, stubborn, out-dated, old-fashioned, old foggy模糊, having seen better days, dogmatic教条的,武断的, boring

Against Young People: immature, wasting time by fooling around, green, cheeky放肆的和无礼的, inexperienced, good-for-nothing, unreliable

Against Poor People: lazy, stupid, inferior, dirty, dishonest, the needy极穷的, the have-nots穷人, idiot

Against Wealthy People: greedy, selfish, pompous自负的; 傲慢的, pretentious自命不凡的, ostentatious炫耀的, arrogant, heartless; haves

Against Successful People: join the rat race, workaholic, sell-out, winning is everything, the ruthless succeed, sell one’s soul

Against Unsuccessful People: failure, washout, loser, humble, beaten, good-for-nothing, stupid, lazy, incompetent, have made her/his compromises

Reading Comprehension

The Land Where There Were No Old Men

I. Pre-reading Task

Discuss the following quotations fro Lin Yutang’s article, “On Growing Old Gracefully” from The Importance of living (refer to the supplementary reading: “On Growing Old Gracefully”)

A natural man loves his children, but a cultured man loves his parents.

(1) How can one be thought wise unless one is thought to be old?

(2) The debts to one’s friends may be numbered, but the debts to one’s parents are beyond number.

(3) Old people are even more dependent than the young because their fears are more definite and their desires are more delimited.

(4) I have no doubt that the fact that the old men of America still insist on being so busy and active can be directly traced to individualism carried to a foolish extent. It is their pride and their love of independence and their shame of being dependent upon their children.[western people]

(5) It is to be assumed that if man were to live this life like a poem, he would be able to look upon the sunset of his life as his happiest period, and instea
d of trying to postpone the much feared old age, be able actually to look forward to it, and gradually build up to it as the best and happiest period of his existence.

II. Words Study

1. What was the use of doing…?

2. …white beard and all: all the other signs of old age, such as feebleness and uselessness.

3. .and that was that: so there was no more to be said or done.

s and plough lands shriveled and withered.

l shrivel vi. vt.

To become or make shrunken and wrinkled, often by drying:


Leaves die, fall, and shrivel. 叶子凋零、飘落枯萎了

The heat shriveled the unwatered seedlings. 酷热使得未浇水的秧苗都枯萎了

My enthusiasm shriveled as the project wore on. 随着计划的进行我的热情消减了

He has a shrivelled face.


wither . v. tr. To dry up or shrivel from or as if from loss of moisture.


The flowers withered in the cold.



She withered him with a look.


5. thick and fast adv. in rapid successions 纷至沓来; 密集地

6. scrape vt.

To remove (an outer layer, for example) from a surface by forceful strokes of an edged or rough instrument:


scraped the wallpaper off before painting the wall.


cf. scrap n. 小片,小块;碎屑

7. councilor 议员, 评议员

8. a man’s reaping (harvesting )where he hadn’t sown. (scatter seeds)

Language Work

a. In other words

1. councilors 2. thoughtful 3. sprout 4. pardoned 5. shriveling 6. stacked

b. Work with sentences

1….reach the chairman’s ear. --- the chairman get to hear it, too.

2. …a disaster was going to strike the “unsinkable” ship. --- a disaster was to come upon the “unsinkable” ship.

3. , and that’s final. --- and that’s that.

4. …and some other things. --- and all.

5. …to get rid of those regulations…___to do away with those…

6. …new technologies come out at a surprising fast speed. __-_ new technologies come out thick and fast.

7. to tolerate--- to put up with

8. …immediately---straight away.

c. Word study (omitted)

2. Read More

The Classroom Slitherer

slither vi. To glide or slide like a reptile. 滑行象爬行动物一样滑行

See: slide [here it means to get inot the classroom quietly.]

slitherer n. a person who behaves scrupulously (stealthily; carefully)

terrific [ironically here] wonderful

Mr Kozodoy stopped in mid-sentence as soon as he saw Sam.

detain . To keep from proceeding; delay or retard.阻止;拖延

扣留, 拘留

detain sb. as a sus

I was detained by an unexpected caller that morning.那天早晨我被一个突然的来访者缠住了。

caustically : sarcastically讽刺的

caustic adj.

Corrosive and bitingly trenchant锋利的; cutting. 刻薄的恶意讽刺的且十分锐利的;讽刺的See: sarcastic

Causing a burning or stinging sensation, as from intense emotion:


Most of all, there is caustic shame for my own stupidity.



pantomime n. 哑剧;手势 [here in the text it is a ., means “To represent or express by pantomime:以哑剧来讲述或表达:”]

e.g. Some tourists make themselves understood abroad by pantomime.


pantomine a story on the stage; 在舞台上表演哑剧故事;

guffaw n. A hearty, boisterous burst of laughter. 哄笑,狂笑开心的,兴高采烈的一阵大笑

guffaw .

To laugh heartily and boisterously.哄然大笑开心地,兴高采烈地大笑

clutch at his stomach: doubled his back because of too much laughing.

clutch vt. To grasp and hold tightly.抓紧,紧握紧紧抓住

To seize; snatch.抓住;抓取

clutch . To attempt to grasp or seize: clutch(与at连用)试图抓住; 抓住,

e.g. clutch at a life raft.试图抓住救生筏

He clutched at the branch but could not reach it.


He clutched at the rope we threw to him.


…tensed in anticipation

tense vi. get nervous变紧; 变为紧张

e.g. He tensed as he heard it slow down.


in anticipation/ in anticipation (of)预先; 预料, 期待

by anticipation预先, 事先

be gunned down : be shot down

bite the dust被杀;一败涂地

Mr Kozodoy sounded like a clock that marked the hours with a thud[重砰击声] rather than a gong. [(铜)锣;鸣钟弹簧]

The book hit the floor with a thud.这书砰的一声落在地板上。

to the obbligato伴奏of …giggling : accompanying the sound of

show your contempt of us

to answer in contempt of the rules of the court [动宾关系]


3. Grammar Work(omitted)

4. Work with Words

1. respected 2. based 3. experience 4. true 5. store 6. knowledgeable

7. major 8. status 9. reliable 10. types 11. intelligent 12. ideas

5. Translation

1. We took pity on the couple waiting for a bus in the rain and so gave them a lift.

2. He finds it difficult to put up with the noise of the construction site.

3. Mary and John fell out of love finally. They are not even on speaking terms now.

4. Listeners’ letters o
n this topic have been coming in thick and fast.

5. I came upon this bundle of letters when I was sorting out the documents.

6. My boss is so conservative that another of my great ideas bites the dust.

7. Smoking does more harm than good to the health.

8. The manager was late for the meeting because he was detained in the office by some unexpected visitors.

9. Computerization has enabled us to do away with a lot of paperwork.







