
2020年07月31日 12:12


三. 数词作宾语
How many do you want? - I want two.
你要几个?- 我要两个。
四. 名词化的形容词作宾语
They sent the injured to hospital.
五. 不定式或ing形式作宾语
The asked to see my passport.
I enjoy working with you.
六. 从句作宾语
Did you write down what he said?




They married young. 他们结婚时还年轻。
He died happy. 他怀着幸福的心情死去。
No man is born wise. 没有生而知之。

He came in drunk. 他走进来的时候醉醺醺的。
He died a poor man. 他死时很穷。
He died a millionaire. 他死的时候是个百万富翁。

2、宾补: 宾补对宾语加以解释或描述。
使用宾补的句型: 主语+谓语+宾语+宾补(S+V+O+OC)

名词作宾补 I consider him a gentleman.

代词作宾补 Whom do you think me? (Whom是宾补)

形容词作宾补 Wash your hands clean.

副词作宾补 I found him out.

ing形式作宾补 They left me wait.

ed分词作宾补 I heard my name called.

不定式作宾补 I thought him to be a good man.

介词短语作宾补 Make yourself at home.

名词性从句作宾补 His wife has made him what he is.

状语 转引自:/rightdo/blog/item/

My parents often tell us about their bitter life in the past.我父母经常给我们讲他们过去的苦难生活。
She studies hard.她努力学习。
I am very tired.我非常疲倦。
1.副词:Say again.再说一遍。
Suddenly it began to rain.天突然下雨了。
Please come here in the evening.请晚上来这儿。
He wrote with a red pencil.他用红铅笔写的。
He went to see a film.他看电影去了。
My father was surprised to hear the news.
He sat there reading a novel.他坐在那儿看小说。
The students went away laughing.学生们笑着走开了。
Wait a moment.等一会儿。
It can go all day and all night.它能整日整夜地走。
I’ll write to
frozen food 冷冻食品 fallen leaves 落叶

Many men are working there. 许多人在那儿工作。

2、后置定语 (转引自:/?ide2=new3&id=49)

(1) 副词作后置定语。例:

Match the problems and the advice in the form below.

They found no way out.

The weather there is quite special.

The food here doesn’t suit me.

I’ll buy you a dictionary on my way home.

(2) 形容词alive和过去分词left只作后置定语。例:

Who’s the greatest man alive?

Today in the world there are not many pandas alive.

Hurry up. There’s little time left.

There were no trees left in and around the village.

(3) more(另外的,附加的),nearby, upstairs, downstairs, enough(路杰、路明华,1994:12), possible, present, available, obtainable等形容词既可作前置定语又可作后置定语。例:

Today I have to write two letters more ( = two more letters ).

Tomorrow he is going to a village nearby ( = a nearby village ).

The room upstairs ( = The upstairs room ) is filled with people.

Next year we may add a bathroom downstairs ( = a downstairs bathroom ).

I have money enough ( = enough money ) to buy a bike.

The engineers thought about all the plans possible ( = all the possible plans ).

The decision was not made by the villagers present.

We should adapt to the present international situation.

Every available fire-engine ( = Every fire-engine available ) was rushed to the scene.

(4) enough 只能作在句子中具有形容词性质的名词的后置定语(余生泽,1994:8)。例:

I was fool enough to believe what he said.

He wasn’t man enough to admit his mistake.

He is gentleman enough to forgive their being rude.

(5) else 只作后置定语,修饰疑问代词和不定代词;或作为疑问副词的后置修饰语。例:

What else do you need?

Ask somebody else to help you.

There’s nothing else you can take away.

Who else’s umbrella can this be?

When else shall we meet again, if Friday is not convenient for you?

(6) 复合不定代词的定语都是后置定语。例:

So, there’s nothing serious, Doctor?

You’ll know someone important at the ball.

There you can find something useful.

There’s nobody else suitable for the job.

(7) 各种短语都作后置定语,如介词短语、副词短语、形容词短语、数词短语等。例:

The woman in red is my aunt.

His father and his grandfather often told him stories about their family history.

Have you s
een those strangers over there?

He had to borrow books from a library far from here.

She carried a basket full of pears.

We must find a stick two meters long.

(8) 不定式(短语)作后置定语。例:

What do you plan to do in the year to come ?

I have some ways to keep the young plants out of the cold.

The bridge to be built here will cost much.

(9) 不定式(短语)作一些名词如 way, chance, right的后置定语,也可以换成 “of + doing Sth.…”(周贞雄,2003:195)的介词短语结构作后置定语①,此外还有opportunity, determination等。例:

They have found many ways to protect this cultural relic.

= They have found many ways of protecting this cultural relic.

I have had no chance to get away.

= I have had no chance of getting away.

I know I have the right to vote.

= I know I have the right of voting.

There we had few opportunities of meeting interesting people.

I have no opportunity to discuss the matter with her.

(10) 单个分词作前置定语,而分词短语作后置定语;但有时单个分词也可作后置定语②。例:

Can they restore the damaged palace?

Deer don’t like eating fallen leaves.

Take away the crying boy.

What do you plan to do in the coming year?

We hope to have a good harvest in the year coming.

The total money collected had come to over 92 million dollars.

Do you know the pretty girl dancing in the center?

There were over 300 people trapped above the fire.

Following their two teachers, the students entered the ancient temple regarded as the only local cultural relic.

(11) 定语从句都是后置定语③。例:

In the north where it is cold, they grow wheat.

The manager in whose department Mr. Li worked looked down upon women.

I will never forget the day, on which I joined the Party.


I know the only route that leads to the top of the mountain.

= I know the only route leading to the top of the mountain.

Most of the guests who had been invited to the reception were his old friends.

= Most of the guests invited to the reception were his old friends.

Complete the following passage, using the words which have been given.

= Complete the following passage, using the words given.

The teacher has assigned us two exercises which shall be finished before next Monday.

= The teacher has assigned us two exercises to be finished before next Monday.


① 有些名词只用不定式(短语)作后置定语,而另一些名词只用“of + doing Sth.…” 的介词短语结构作后置定语。这个问题不在本文讨论范围。

② 单个分词作前置定语与作后置定语,有时意义有所变化;甚至v-ing形式作前置定语时也有动名词与现在分词之分。如:

The method used is very eff

This is a used bike.(意为“旧的”)

All parties concerned are present.(意为“有关的”)

Concerned parents held a meeting.(意为“忧虑的”)(张莉娟,2006:177)

Take care of the boys in the swimming pool.(动名词作定语,表示“用途”)

Take care of the swimming boys.(现在分词作定语,表示“正在进行”)

③ 非限制性定语从句虽然可以作补充说明用,但仍属后置定语的范畴,除了由as和which引导的没有特定的先行词的情况外,如以下两例:

As was expected, he made a long speech.

It was raining heavily, which kept us indoors







