
2020年07月31日 12:20


Ielts 2009-1-17 task2
Task 2
In some countries in the world, people can choose to live and work anywhere as they want because of the improvement of the communication technology and transport. To what extent do you think its advantages outweigh its disadvantages?
Unlike those who live in one specific place for generations, more people in modern world can live and work wherever they want due to the development of communication technology and transport. Although this phenomenon brings a few negtive effects, I strongly believe that this is a good trend because its advantages outweigh its disadvantages.

Firtly, this phenomenon provides people with more options of places that they would like to live or work in, so that they can better enjoy their lives. Not everyone likes the place where he or she was born or has been living for a long time. People would be much happier if they live in a land where they have better lives. For example, a land with better welfare guarantees people living there better living standard.

Secondly, if people can live or work anywhere they want in some countries, they can make full use of what is available for them. A country can be divided into several parts that focus on different areas. For example, international commerse can be easily carried out in coastal cities. People can take advantage of different functional areas of a country to obtain what are provided.

Of course, this may also cause some unnecessary problems. No matter how advanced it is, communiation technology can never be better than face to face contact. It may not deliver messages as well as face to face contact does. Likewise, the probability of having a traffic accident is higher as more transportation is conducted.

To sum up, this phenomenon has more advantages than disadvantages. It guarantees a better life and makes our society be efficiently exploited.

Many people believe that countries should produce food for all population and imported food as little as possible. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Food concerns each individual as it is the foundation of people’s lives. Therefore, governments attach great importance to the supply of food. However, in my opinion, a government does not need to provide food for all its population.

Firstly, other fields of a country can be better developed if it only provides food for part of its population.
a country which produces food for all population will find its efforts in other fields are affected. However, with a certain proportion of food being imported, more attention of the country can be paid to improving, for example, industry or education. Because what a country can do is limited and other fields are more concerned with people’s living standard.

Secondly, some countries have an advantage over others to produce certain kinds of food. Not every country can provide its people with all knids of food. For example, seafood can only be provided by coastal countries. The
refore, only when a country introduces food from others can its people have access to diverse kinds of food, which is also why importing food means to better serve its all population.

Admittedly, some food from other countries may not suit the appetite of a specific nation, but it is not necessary for government to import food as little as possible. Imported food can be specially made to comply with the kind a nation is used to, which makes it possible that people can easily adapt to and enjoy food with different zest.

Generally, there is no need for governments to try to provide food for all of its population. They should import food according to the need of people.
(278 words)







