大学英语第六册 UNIT 3 课后阅读 THE CASE FOR UFOS

2020年07月31日 15:07


re 5, 10 and even 15 billion years older than the Earth. It follows that the Earth is a very recent arrival in the cosmic family of planets, and man is among the youngest denizens of the Universe.
Of course, the fact that life elsewhere is older than man does not necessarily mean that this life is more intelligent. However, other scientific evidence suggests that this is likely to be the case. Throughout the last 300 million years of life on Earth, only one seemingly universal trend can be discerned in evolution; this is the trend toward greater intelligence. Since before the fishes left the water, the most intelligent form of life present on Earth in each era has been the rootstock out of which new and still more intelligent forms have evolved. The line of increasing intelligence stretches unbroken from the fishes to the reptiles to the mammals, the primates and man. Apparently, intelligence--which permits a flexible response to changing conditions-- has a greater survival value than any other single trait.
Now we come to a critical point. Why should a line of evolution that has proceeded unchecked for hundreds of millions of years suddenly stop at the particular level of intelligence that we call “human”? Homo erectus had less brain power than Homo sapiens has; the successors to Homo sapiens should have more. If the past is any guide to the future, our descendants a billion years from now will surpass us in intelligence. And if the Earth is typical of planets in the cosmos--and everything we know in astronomy and geology tells us that it is--intelligent beings who live on planets billions of years older than the Earth have already reached that advanced level of intelligence that our successors will only achieve in the distant future.
This argument, proceeding step by step on the basis of evidence acquired in the basic scientific disciplines, leads to the conclusion that life on other worlds is not only billions of years older than man, but also billions of years beyond him in intelligence.
What does a billion years mean in the evolution of intelligence? For an answer, look again at the fossil record. One billion years ago, the highest form of life on the Earth was a simple, wormlike animal. The creatures who dwell on planets a billion years older than the Earth must possess an intelligence that surpasses ours by as much as we surpass the mindless, soft-bodied creatures who burrow through the soil of our gardens.
These considerations bring me full circle to my opening statement: According to the best scientific evidence, intelligent life on other worlds is likely to be as far beyond man as man is beyond the worm.
Why is it so important, in a discussion of UFOs, to establish a scientific foundation for the existence of races more intelligent than man? The answer is related to the fact that the distances between the stars are so enormously great. If a UFO reaches the Earth, its crew must have covered those enormous distances somehow;
me in 4.6 billion years, our planet is a notable object in the heavens.
If any of those 40 nearby stars harbor intelligent beings, our presence is now known to them. As it took 20 years for our signals to reach these stars, it must take 20 years for their reply, traveling at the same speed, to get back. Unless man is alone in the cosmos, we can expect to receive a message--or a visit--by the end of this century.
And would these superior beings bother to talk to us? “In their eyes,” one observer notes, “Einstein would qualify as a waiter and Thomas Jefferson as a busboy.”
I think they would. They are jaded: they have lived a billion years; they have done nearly everything; they are eager for fresh experiences. After all, where else in the galaxy have they seen a creature like man before?







