2020年07月31日 18:50
垃圾邮件 junk e-mail
垃圾债券 junk bond
拉动经济增长 fuel economic growth
拉关系 try to curry favor with
拉拉队长 "cheer-leader, rooter king"
拉尼娜现象 La Nina phenomenon
拉选票 seek a vote
啦啦队 cheering squad
来电 fall in love with someone
来电显示 caller ID
来电显示电话机 caller ID telephone
来料加工 process materials supplied by clients; accept customers' materials for processing
蓝筹股 blue chips
蓝光光盘 Blue-ray Disc
蓝领 Blue-collar (指靠双手劳动谋生的工人,因为工作环境要求他们要穿较深色的衣服上班)
蓝牙技术 bluetooth
劳动合同制 labor contract system
劳动预备制度 vocational training system
劳动争议 labor dispute
劳务输出 export of labor services
老三届 junior and senior high school graduates of 1966~1968; school leavers of 1966~1968
老少边穷地区 "former revolutionary base areas, areas inhabited by minority nationalities, remote and border areas and poverty-stricken areas "
老生常谈,陈词滥调 cut and dried, cliché
老油条 wily old bird; old slicker
老字号 an old and famous shop or enterprise; time-honoured brand
离岸金融市场 offshore market
离退办 office for the affairs of the retired workers
离退休人员基本养老金 basic pensions for retirees
篱笆墙 barriers/ blockage to inter-regional trading
礼尚往来 Courtesy calls for reciprocity.
礼仪小姐 ritual girl
理财 arrange the finance
理货公司 tally company
理论联系实际 linking theory with practice
理顺经济秩序 straighten out the economic order
立体农业 three-dimensional agriculture
利改税 substitution of tax payment for profit delivery
利好因素 wrinkle
利基 niche
连带责任 joint liability
连续抽烟的人 chain smoker
联产承包责任制 system of contracted responsibility linking remuneration to output; contract system with remuneration linked to output
联合国环境署 UNEP (United Nations Environment Program)
联合国会费 the UN membership dues (fee)
联合国开发计划署 UNDP (United Nations Development Program)
联合国粮农组织 FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation)
联合兼并 conglomeration and merger of enterprises
联合联络小组 joint liaison group
联合投标 syndicated tender
联想集团 Legend Group
廉洁奉公,以正治国 (of an official) clean and devoted, and govern the state with his own example of uprightness
廉政、勤政、务实、高效政府 an honest, diligent, pragmatic
and efficient government
廉政公署 Independent Commission Against
Corruption (ICAC)
廉政建设 construction of a clean and honest administration
练摊 to be a vendor
恋父情结 Electra complex
恋母情结 Oedipus complex
良性循环 virtuous circle
粮食收购部门 (government's) grain procurement (purchasing) agencies
两岸直航促进会 Association for Promotion of Cross-Straits Direct Transportation
两弹一艇 "A-bomb, H-bomb and nuclear-powered submarine"
两弹一星 atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb and artificial satellite
两个对等的政治实体 two equal political entities
两个文明一起抓 place equal emphasis on material and ethical progress
两会 two Conferences (i.e. the National People's Congress and the Chinese Political Consultative Conference)
两手抓两手都要硬 We must address ourselves to the problem of both material and spiritual civilization(both material as well as culture and ideological progress) without any letup. grasp both links at the same time and attach sufficient importance to both
两思(致富思源,富而思进) to think of the source of getting rich and of making progress after becoming affluence
零和博奕 zero-sum game; zero game
零配件 spare and accessory parts
领海 territorial waters
领头羊 bellwether
另类 a different, special, completely new or fashionable type or trend
另类音乐,非正统音乐 alternative music
流动人口 transient population
流动图书馆 travelling library; bookmobile
流通股 circulation stock
流星雨 meteor shower
留得青山在,不怕没柴烧 "Where there is life, there is hope."
留学咨询 consulting on the study abroad
留职停薪 retain the job but suspend the salary
六艺:礼、乐、射、御、书、数 "six classical arts: rites, music, archery, riding, writing, arithmetic"
龙头产品 flagship product
录取分数线 enrollment mark
录取通知书 letter of admission
路演 road show
旅客列车票价 price of passenger train tickets
旅行结婚 have a honeymoon trip
绿地覆盖率 forest coverage rate
绿化 afforestation
绿色奥运,科技奥运,人文奥运 green, high-tech and people friendly Olympic Games
绿色急救通道 emergency green path
绿色食品 green food
绿色通道(办证快捷通道) green channel; landscaped roadways
乱集资、乱摊派、乱收费 "unwarranted pooling of funds, arbitrary requisition of donations and exaction of fees from enterprises "
乱码 messy code
乱收费、乱摊派、乱罚款 "arbitrary charges, fund-raising quotas and fines"
席 chairman on duty
论文答辩 (thesis) oral defense
裸机 bare mobile phone
职工工资集体协商制度 management-labor negotiation system for determining employee
职工股 staff share
职能转换 transformation of functions
职务发明 on-duty invention
职务犯罪 crime by taking advantage of duty
职业高中(职高) vocational high school
职业介绍所 career service center; job center
职业经理人 professional manager
职业培训 job training
职业资格证书制度 professional qualification certificate system
植物群落 plant community
植物人 human vegetable; vegetable
只读存储器 read-only-memory (ROM)
纸包不住火 Truth will come to light sooner or later.
纸上谈兵 be an armchair strategist
制海权 command of the sea
制空权 air space control; air supremacy; command of the air; air mastery; air domination
制止外汇流失 prevent foreign exchange flight
治理整顿 improve the environment and rectify the order; improvement and rectification
质量管理 quality control
质量认证体系认证证书 certificate of the system of quality certification
质量守恒定律 law of conservation of mass
致命要害 Achilles' heel
掷钱猜先 toss
智力引进 recruit / introduce (foreign) talents
智力支持 intellectual support
智囊团、思想库 the brain trust; think tank
智商 intelligence quotient (IQ)
滞后影响 lagged effect
滞销商品 unmarketable goods
置业 house purchasing
中程导弹 intermediate-range missile; medium-range missile
中东和平进程 the Middle East peace process
中关村科技园区 Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park
中国出口商品交易会(广交会) China Export Commodities Fair (Guangzhou Fair)
中国电信 China Telecom
中国工程院 the Chinese Academy of Engineering
中国结 Chinese knot
中国经济景气监测中心 China Economic Monitoring Center
中国联通公司 China Unicom
中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会 (简称 全国政协) National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)
中国新经济峰会 China New Economy Summit
中国新闻出版报社 China Press and Publication News
中国沿海专属经济区 China's exclusive economic waters
中国移动通信公司 China Mobile
中国预防医学科学院 the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine
中国证监会 China's Securities Regulatory Commission
中国证券监督管理委员会 China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC)
中国政协委员 member of the National Committee of CPPCC
中华人民共和国渔政渔港监督管理局 Administration of Fishery and Fishing Harbor Supervision of the PRC
中华世纪坛 China Millennium Monument
中华医学会 Chinese Medical Associati
中介 intermediary agent
中立国 neutralized state
中流砥柱 mainstay; chief cornerstone
中美战略核武器互不瞄准对方 non-targeting strategic nuclear weapons against each other
中日友好四项原则: 和平友好,平等
互利,互相信赖,长期稳定 The four principles of Sino-Japanese friendship: peace and friendship, equality and mutual benefit, mutual trust, and long-term stability
中山装 Chinese tunic suit
中式快餐 Chinese fast food
中文信息处理系统 Chinese information processing system
中心环节 key link
中型商用飞机 mid-size G200 business jets
中央大型企业工委 Central Work Committee for Large Enterprises
中央国家机关 China's State organs
中央纪律检查委员会 Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the CPC
中央经济工作会议 the Central Economic Working Conference
中央领导集体 central collective leadership
中央商务区 central business district (CBD)
中央统战部 United Front Work Department of CPC Central Committee
中央综治委“严打”整治斗争检查组 Strike-hard Campaign Inspection Group of Central Committee for Comprehensive Management of Public Security.
中药 traditional Chinese medicine
中专生 secondary specialized or technical school student
终点控制区 terminal control area
终端服务器 terminal server
终身职务制 life-long tenure
终审权 right of adjudication; right of giving final approval
种植业 crop farming
众口难调 It is difficult to cater to all tastes.; One man's meat is another man's poison.
众矢之的 target of public criticism
重点发展 prioritize
重复建设 building redundant project; duplication of similar projects
重复生产 duplication of production
重复引进 inroduction of redundant technical facilities; importation of redundant technical facilities
重合同,守信用 abide by contracts and keep one's words; honor credit and promise
重合同、守信用的原则 the principle of equality and mutual benefit and “honoring contracts adn standing by reputation”
重灾区 the harder-hit area
洲际弹道导弹 intercontinental ballistic missiles
珠穆朗玛峰 Mount Qomolangma
诸边协议 plurilateral agreement
主板市场 main board of the stock market
主办2008年奥运会 host the 2008 Olympic Games
主持人 anchorperson
主叫方付费 caller-pays system
主渠道 main channel
主权豁免 sovereign immunity
主体经济 the mainstay of the economy
主体思想 (DPRK) Juche Idea
主页 home page
住房分配货币化进程 capitalization process of housing distribution/allocation
住房零首付 zero-yuan first payment (for apartments)
住宅小区 residence community
助跑 "approach run, run-up"
助学行动 activity to assist the impo
verished students
注册会计师 certificated public accountant (CPA)
注册资本 registered capital
驻港部队 People's Liberation Army garrison in Hong Kong
抓大放小 to invigorate large enterprises while relaxing control over small ones; focus on the restructuring of major enterprises and leave minor ones to fend
for themselves
抓大放小,三改一加强 (Efforts were focused on) the reform, reorganization, upgrading and better management of enterprises, aiming at well managing large enterprises while adopting more flexible policies toward small ones
抓住机遇 seize the opportunity
抓住机遇,深化改革,扩大开放,促进发展,保持稳定 seize the current opportunity, deepen the reform, open China wider to the outside world, promote development and maintain stability
专访 exclusive interview
专利产品,仿冒必究 patented product(s), counterfeiting not allowed
专卖店 exclusive agency; franchised store
专门的营销机构 market boards
专门人才 professional personnel; special talents
专升本 upgrade from junior college student to university student; students with the diploma of junior college try to obtain the undergraduate diplomat through self-taught study
专题报道 special coverage
专业化分工 division of labor based on specialization
专业化经营 specialized operation
专属经济区 exclusive economic zone
转败为胜 turn the tables (on someone)
转轨 transfer to a different track; retracking
转轨经济 economies in transition; transition economy
转化机制 (of State-owned enterprises) to shift to new management mechanisms
转基因生物 GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms)
转基因食品 GM food (genetically modified food)
转配股 transferred allotted shares
转世灵童 reincarnated soul boy
转体 truck rotation, turn, twist
转业 transferred to civilian work
转移支付 transfer payment
撞线 breast the tape
追潮族 fashion follower
追车族 auto fan
追赶型和跨越式发展 pursuant and leap-forward development
追究责任 call to account; ascertain where the responsibility lies
追平 produce the equalizer
追星族 star fan; groupie
坠落的残骸、碎片 falling debris
准备金 reserve fund; capital reserves
准博士 all but dissertation (ABD)
准上市公司 pro-listed companies
资本充足率 capital adequacy
资本额过多 overcapalisation
资本利润率 rate of return on capital
资本外逃 capital flight
资不抵债 insolvency
资产保值增值 maintain and increase the value of assets; maintenance and appreciation of assets value
资产剥离 peel off (bad) assets of a company
资产调控 assets control
资产负债表 balance sheet
资产阶级自由化 bourgeois liberalization
资产评估 asset assessment
资产置换 replacement of
资产重组 reorganized assets; assets reorganization
资金到位 fully funded (project)
资金划拨 capital allocation
资金汇划 fund remittance and transfer
资源配置 the distribution (allocation) of resources
资源优化配置 most optimum distribution of resources
姊妹楼, 又称双子座, 美国世贸中心的主要建筑 twin towers
员机 automatic teller machine (ATM)
自发罢工,野猫式罢工(未经工会批准的罢工) wildcat strikes
自费留学 go to study abroad at one's own expense
自律机制 the self-discipline system
自然保护区 natural reserve; nature preservation zone
自然耗损 natural wearing
自然资源保护区 natural resource protection areas
自我保护意识 self-protection awareness
自学成才 become well-educated through self-study
自学考试 self-taught examination
自营 self-run
自营性存款 self-operating deposit
自由港 free-trade port, free port
自由竞争 free competition
自由流通 free flow
自由贸易区 free-trade zone
自由职业者 free lance
自治权 right ti autonomy; autonomy
自主经营,自负盈亏 make one's own management decisions and take full responsibility for one's own profits and losses
自助银行 self-help bank
自足经济 self-sufficient economy
自作自受 stew in one’s own juice
综合国力 comprehensive national strength
综合经济效益 overall economic efficiency; composite economic results
综合授信 comprehensive credit line
综合素质 comprehensive quality
综合业务数字网 ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)
综合整治 comprehensive improvement
综合指数 composite index
综合治理 comprehensive treatment
综艺节目 variety show
总裁助理 assistant president
总经理负责制 general manager responsibility system
走过场 go through the motions
走后门 get in by the back door
走上良性发展的轨道 going on the track of sound progress
走新型工业化道路 Take a new road to industrialization
走穴 "(actors, singers, etc.) perform for outside salary income without approval by the unit they belong to "
阻碍司法 obstruction of justice
组委会 organizing committee
祖传 handed down from one's ancestors
祖国和平统一大业 peaceful reunification of the motherland
最不发达国家 LDCs (Least-developed countries)
最初谈判权(初谈权) INRs (Initial Negotiating Rights)
最低工资保障制度 minimum wage guarantee system
最低生活保证制度 system for ensuring a minimum standard of living
最后的投票 make the final vote
业主 home owner
杂费 miscellaneous (incidental) express
砸牌子 ruin reputation
灾民 flood victims; flood-stricken people
宰客 swindle money out of cus
宰人 rip off
载人卫星 manned satellite
再贷款 re-lending; subloan
再就业服务中心 re-employment service center
再就业工程 re-employment project / program
再生纸 recycled writing paper
在孵(孵化器)企业 incubated enterprises (incubator)
在建项目后续资金 additional funding for projects under construction
在途资金 fund in float
在线 (计算机) on-line
在线网上书店 online bookstore
在职博士生 on-job doctorate
在职研究生 on-job postgraduates
在字面上兜圈子 festoons of words
赃款赃物 proceeds of crime
脏弹 dirty bomb
脏乱差 dirty, disorderly and bad
糟粕 dross
早恋 puppy love
早市 morning session
造假帐 falsified accounts
造林运动 afforestation drive (campaign)
噪声治理 noise abatement
责任编辑 editor in charge
责任追究制度 system of accountability
增发股票 increase issues in stocks
增加信任,减少麻烦,发展合作,不搞对抗 enhance trust, reduce trouble, develop cooperation and avoid confrontation
增强人民体质 build up people's health
增强型短信服务 EMS (Enhanced Message Service)
增值税 value added tax(VAT)
渣打银行 The Chartered Bank
斋月(伊斯兰教) Ramadan/ month of fast
债台高筑 become debt-ridden
债务人持有资产 debtor-in-possession (DIP)
债转股 debt-to-equity swap
沾光 benefit from one's association
占便宜 profit at others' expense
占着茅坑不拉屎 be a dog in the manger
战俘 prisoner of war (POW)
战俘营 prisoner-of-war (POW) camp
战斧式巡航导弹 Tomahawk cruise missile
战略防御计划 Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)
战略伙伴关系 strategic partnership
站得住脚 hold water
站票 standing-room-only ticket
站台票 platform ticket
涨落线 advance balance line
掌上电脑 palm pilot
帐外设帐 keep additional accounts in addition to the authorized ones
招标 invite a bid
招标投标制 the system of public bidding for project
招财进宝 Money and treasures will be plentiful
招股说明书 prospectus
招牌菜 signature dishes
招商局 China Merchants Steam Navigation Co. Ltd. (China Merchants)
招商引资 attract/bid for/invite investments (from overseas)
招生就业指导办公室 enrolment and vocation guidance office
折旧费 depreciation charge
折衷方案 a compromise proposal
侦察飞机 surveillance plane
珍爱之人或物 apple of one's eyes
珍稀濒危植物 rare or endangered species
真空包装 vacuum packing
真善美 the true, the good and the beautiful; truth, good and beauty
振兴经济 revitalize the economy
振兴中华 make China powerful and strong; revitalize the Chinese nation
震感 seismaesthesia, feel of the earthquake(tremor)
震级 earthq
uake magnitude
震区 seismic zone
震源 focus (of an earthquake), seismic origin
震中 epicenter
震中烈度 epicentral intensity
震中区 epicentral area
争端解决机构 dispute settlement body
争议地区 disputed area
正气 uprightness; integrity; probity; rectitude
正式会计师 Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
正式照会 formal note
证券化 securitisation
证券监督管理委员会 securities supervision commission
证券交易委员会 Securities and Exchange Commission
券营业部 stock exchange; security exchange
政策倾斜 policy support
政策性贷款 policy-based lending; policy-related loan
政策性亏损 policy-related losses; losses incurred due to policy decisions
政策性住房 "policy-related house, policy-based house"
政策银行 policy banks
政策组合 policy mix
政法委 politics and law committee
政府采购 government procurement
政府搭台,部门推动,企业唱戏 "Governments set up the stage, various departments cooperate and enterprise put in the show. "
政府干预 government intervention
政府工作报告 government work report
政府廉洁高效 a clean and efficient government
政府上网工程 Government Online Project
政府特殊津贴获得者 winner of special government allowance
政府贴息贷款 discount government loans
政府职能转变 transform/shift the government functions
政改方案(英国对香港) constitutional package
政企不分 without a clear line between the functions of the government and enterprises; the functions of the government and enterprises mixed up
政企分开 separate government functions from enterprise management
政务公开 make government affairs public
政治合格,军事过硬,作风优良, 纪律严明,保障有力 "be qualified politically and competent militarily, have a fine style of work, maintain strict discipline and be assured of adequate logistical support"
政治局 politburo
政治局常委 member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau
政治迫害 political persecution; witch hunt
政治体制改革 political restructuring
政治协商、民主监督、参政议政 exercise political consultation and democratic supervision and participate in deliberating and administration of state affairs
支付能力 payment capacity
支原体 mycoplasma
支柱产业 pillar / cornerstone industry
知己知彼,百战不殆 Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat.
知识产权 intellectual property
知识经济 knowledge economy , knowledge-base economy
知识就是力量 Knowledge is power.
知识密集 knowledge-intensive
知识转让 transfer of knowledge
知识资本 knowledge capital
执法人员 law enforcement officials; l
aw-executor; law enforcer
直播 "live broadcast, live telecast"
直接道歉 a straight-out apology
直接三通与双向交流 three direct links (mail, air and shipping services and trade) and bilateral exchanges
直接选举 direct election
直辖市 municipality directly under the Central Government
直销 direct marketing; door-to-door sale
职称 professional title
卡丁车 kart
开标 bid opening
开发公司 development company
开发式扶贫 poverty reduction through development projects; development-oriented poverty relief
代 (产品) to develop this generation of products while researching on the next generation of products
开放带动战略 strategy spearheaded by opening-up
开放式基金 open-ended fund
开工不足 enterprises running under their production capacity
开工典礼 commencement ceremony
开后门 under-the-counter deals; offer advantages to one's friends or relatives by underhand means
开门红to begin well, to make a good start
开题报告 opening speech; opening report
开小灶 give special favor
开夜车 burn the midnight oil; work over night
坎儿井 karez
侃价 bargain
看跌/看涨期权 put / call option
看守政府,看守内阁,过渡政府 caretaker cabinet
抗美援朝战争 War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea
抗震棚 quake-proof shelter
考研 take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools
考研热 the craze for graduate school
烤烟型卷烟 Virginian-type cigarette
科技成果市场化、产业化 commercialize scientific and technological results; to gear sicentific and technological achievements to the market and production
科技成果转化 the commercialization of research findings
科技成果转化为生产力 transfer of scientific and technological achievements
科技含量 technology content
科技是第一生产力 Science and technology constitute a primary productive force.
科教兴国 rely on science and education to rejuvenate the nation
科研攻关 scientific research and tackle the key research project
可持续发展 sustainable development
可持续发展战略 strategy of sustainable development
可转换债券 convertible bond
刻录机 CD writer; disc-carving machine
课件(教师多媒体教学演示片) courseware
空嫂 married stewardess
空头支票 accommodation note, lip service
空中小姐 air hostess; air stewardess
恐怖大亨 terrorist mastermind
控股公司 holding company, controlling company
口蹄疫 foot-and-mouth disease
口头禅 pet phrase
扣帽子 put a label on
酷毙 extremely cool; the coolest
跨境交付(服务贸易) cross border supply
跨世纪工程 a trans-century project
跨越式发展 develop by strides
跨越式发展 great-leap-forward development
快速反应部队 rapid response force
快速立法 f
ast track
快速消费品 fast-moving consumer goods
快讯 news flash; flash
宽带(ADSL技术即非对称数字用户环路技术) ADSL (Asymetric Digital Subscriber Line)
宽带接入 broadband access
宽带接入网 broadband access network
宽带网 broadband networks
宽限期 grace period
亏损企业 enterprises running in the red/under deficit
困难职工 the needy
扩大公民有序的政治参与 Expand citizens' participation in political affairs in an orderly way
扩大内需,刺激消费 expand domestic demand and consumption
扩大中等收入者比重 Raise the proportion of the middle-income group
扩容 market expansion
简政放权 streamline admin
istration and delegate power; streamline administration and institute decentralization
见面会 meet-and-greet
建仓 open a position
建设公债 public bonds for construction
建筑面积 floorage; floor space
渐近尾声 draw to a close
渐进式台独 gradual Taiwan independence
江南水乡 the south of the lower reaches of the Yangze River
讲诚信,反欺诈 : honor credibility and oppose cheating
奖励工资制度 a bonus wages system; a system of higher pay for better performance
降落伞候选人,外来候选人(应召而来参加本人非所在地区竞选的政党候选人) parachute candidate
降息 reduction of interest
交叉报复 cross retaliation
交钥匙工程 turn-key project
焦土政策 “Scorched Earth” plan
侥幸球 fluke
矫情 use lame arguments
脚踩两只船 sit on the fence
脚踏实地 be down-to-earth
叫板 challenge; pick a quarrel
叫座 a box-office success; draw a large audience
教书育人 impart knowledge and educate people
教务处 dean's office
教学法 pedagogy; teaching method
教育部社政司 Social Science Research and Ideological Work Department of the Ministry of Education
阶段性就业 periodic employment
阶梯教室 lecture theatre; terrace classroom
接口 interface
街道企业 neighborhood enterprise
街心花园 park at an intersection; garden in the city center
节水龙头 water-saving taps
节奏布鲁斯音乐(RMB音乐) rhythm blues
结构工资制 structual wage system
结售汇制度 "the system of exchange, settlement and sales "
解放生产力 emancipate the productive forces
解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进 Emancipate the mind, Seek truth from the facts, Keep pace with the times
解放思想、实事求是的思想路线 ideological line of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts
解困基金 anti-poverty funds
戒毒所 drug rehabilitation center
戒急用忍 "overcome impetuosity and exercise patience; no haste, be patient "
借调 temporarily transfer
借读生 transient student
金本位 gold standard
金边债券 gilt-edged bonds
经 Vajracchedika-sutra
金降落伞 golden parachute
金融电子化 computerize financ
cial services
金融工具 financial instruments
金融危机 financial crisis
金融违规行为 financial irregularities /improprieties
金融重组 financial reorganization
金融自由化 financial liberalization
金融租赁 financial lease
金税工程 the Golden Tax Project (a national taxation computer network)
金无足赤,人无完人 Gold can't be pure and man can't be perfect.
金玉满堂 Treasures fill the home
紧箍咒 inhibiting magic phrase
紧密型企业集团 tightly-knit groups of enterprises
紧追 cling to, shadow, thunder on one's trail
劲射 power shot
近海渔业 offshore fishery
月 "First come, first served; A water-front pavilion gets the moonlight first--the advantage of being in a favored position."
进出口商会 chamber of import and export trade
进口差价税 import variable duties
进口附加税 import surcharge
进口环节税 import linkage tax
进口渗透 import penetration
进项税 input tax
进修班 class for further studies
禁渔期 closed fishing seasons
禁止在任何地方、任何环境进行一切方式的释放核能的核武器试验保爆炸 prohibit any nuclear weapon test explosion which releases nuclear energy at any place and in any environment
京剧票友 Peking Opera fan
京剧人物脸谱 types of facial make-up in Beijing opera
经常项目顺差 favorable balance of current account, surplus of current account
经常性贷款 commercial lending
经常性支出 running expenses
经济担保书 financial guarantee
经济的持续高速发展 sustained and rapid development of economy
经济调整 economic restructure
经济房 low-cost housing
经济复苏 economic resurgence
经济和技术合作 ECOTECH cooperation (Economic and technology cooperation)
经济林 cash tree
经济全球化 economic globalization; economic integration
经济失调指数 misery index
经济师 economic engineer; economic manager; economist
经济适用房 (economically) affordable housing
经济头脑 commercially minded people; people with business sense
经济总量 economic aggregate
经营管理高度科学化的现代化大企业 modern big enterprise with highly scientific management system