2020年07月31日 23:05
Les Miserables (Synopsis)
Jean Valjean, released on parole after 19 years on the chain gang, finds that the yellow ticket-of-leave condemns him to be an outcast. Only the saintly Bishop of Digne treats him kindly and Valjean, embittered by years of hardship, repays him by stealing some silver. Valjean is caught and brought back by police, and is astonished when the Bishop lies to the police to save him and also gives him two precious candlesticks. Valjean decides to start his life anew.
Eight years have passed and Valjean, having broken his parole and changed his name to Monsieur Madeleine, has risen to become mayor of Montreuil. Javert, a police sergeant who has been tracking the parole-breaker for years, discovers Valjean’s true identity and swears to put him back in jail. To keep his promise to Fantine, a dying woman, Valjean escapes from Javert and rescues Cossette, Fauntine’s illegitimate daughter, from the Thenardiers who have been lodging and mistreating the girl for five years. Valjean is again in disguise and lives a quiet life in Paris with Cossette, his “daughter”. He rescues Marius, a revolutionist who is in love with Cossette, from the fierce battle at the barricade. He is given the chance to kill Javert, but instead lets him go.
Valjean confesses the truth of his past to Marius before the young couple gets married and Maruis decides that Valjean shou
ld keep away from Cossette so as not to taint the sanctity and safety of their union. Thenardier tries to blackmail Marius, only to reveal the truth that it is Valjean who saved Marius from the barricade that night. Marius and Cossette go to Valjean before the old man dies. Moved by Valjean’s generosity and kindness, Jarvet gives up his duty as a police sergeant and commits suicide. The miserable world is enlightened by the glory of humanity.
在书中,出狱后的冉阿让背负着囚犯的身份,饱受着他人的歧视。社会的不公与排斥,一点点的磨灭了他重新做人的希望,改过向善的信心。是慈悲为怀的主教伸出慷慨的,无私的援助之手收容了走投无路的冉阿让。他不仅不计较冉阿让偷他的银器具,反而将那一对银制烛台送给了他并叮嘱道:“答应我一定要把这些钱用到好的地方。把这些银器卖掉,用这些钱让自己过得好一些。” 我开始深深的感悟到,原来,在当时那个无情的资本主义社会竟然也有这样的世外圣人存在,正是主教的宽大和仁慈深深感化了冉阿让,是他重新燃起了冉阿让心中那快熄灭的希望之火,使他彻底悔悟,开始新的生活。所以说,冉阿让的命运并不是永远都是那么的悲惨,悲惨的是那时候的整个世界观,就是因为有了主教这样的人,整个世界才有了救世主,整个世界才有可能在水生火热之中艰苦摸索前进。 在主教的感化下,冉阿让开始变得乐于助人,见义勇为得到人民的爱戴,摇身一变成了受人尊敬的市长。 这一切得转变使我既倍感欣慰。从囚犯到市长,简直是天壤之别,这无疑是人性的巨大转变。 面对着穷困潦倒,世态炎凉,将会产生两种人:第一种是卑微低劣的人。他们丑陋、自私、贪婪的本性再也无法隐藏。就如书中的德纳第,他为了钱财不惜一切,一会声称是演员,一会儿又变成了画家,但他再高明也无论如何掩盖不住他丑陋本性的事实。 另一种是无论在什么情况下都能永保光明、善良、宽容的拥有高尚情操的人。洗新革面后的冉阿让变得宽大、善良。正是那个慈悲为怀的心感化了冷酷、固执,曾一味追捕他的警长沙威。 其实,在当今社会也不乏有一些为了眼前利益而不择手段的卑鄙小人。如一些凭借职权贪污受贿者;在重大赛事中为得到好成绩而服用兴奋剂者;还有小到考试作弊的人…… 作者想告诉我们的是:做一个真正的自己,任何刻意的伪装都将被识破,虚伪在事实面前只有被革灭。我再一次被人性的巨大力量所震撼。愿我们身边多一些主教般光明的使者,愿他们像纯洁的天使般永远守护着人们心中那份慈悲为怀的心,更希望有更多的人能加入到助人为乐、见义勇为