新视野大学英语读写教程第3版第1册unit2 SectionA电子教案
2020年08月01日 02:39
2 "I'm 18," she'd told me so often that my teeth ached. "I am an adult!"
3 I thought, is that tru
e? Just yesterday you watched some cartoons. What changed between
yesterday and today?
揑抦 18, she抎 told me so often that my teeth ached. (Para. 2)
Meaning beyond words: By saying repeatedly that she was 18, the daughter was constantly
reminding her mom that she ha
d grown up into an adult, old enough to make her own decisions.
This made the mother unhappy and annoyed.
Note: Here the mother uses
my teeth ached
to show extreme annoyance, comparable to the
sharp pain of an aching tooth. For example: I hate the scrap
e of chalk on the blackboard; it makes
my teeth ache.
Just yesterday you watched some cartoons. What changed between yesterday and today? (Para.
Meaning beyond words: When someone likes watching cartoons, we tend to think that th
ey are
still a child. What the mother means here is that her daughter is still a child, though she kept saying
she was already an adult.
Note: The use of you instead of my daughter or she puts the mother in the position of talking directly
to her daughter
as if the conversation were face
face between her and her daughter.
4 Today she's gone, off to be an adult far away from me. I'm glad she's gone. It means she
made it,
and that I'm finally free of 18 years of responsibilities. And yet I wonder if she could take good care
of herself.
Today she抯 gone, off to be an adult far away from me. I抦 glad she抯 gone. It means she made
it, and that I抦 finally free of 18 years of responsibilities. And yet I wonder if she
could take good
care of herself. (Para. 4)
Meaning beyond words: This shows that the mother is between two minds. On the one hand, she
is happy her daughter is gone because this means her daughter starts to be independent and she
can be free of responsibil
ities for her daughter; on the other hand, she is worried about whether
her daughter could take good care of herself. In the mother抯 mind, her daughter is still a child.
5 She left a mess. Her bathroom is an embarrassment
of damp towels, rusted shaving blades, hair
in the sink, and nearly empty tubes of toothpaste. I bring a box of big black garbage bags upstairs.
Eye shadow, face cream, nail polish
all go into the trash. I dump drawers, sweep shelves clear
and clean the
sink. When I am finished, it is as neat and impersonal as a hotel bathroom.
She left a mess. Her bathroom is an embarrassment of damp towels, rusted shaving
blades, hair
in the sink, and nearly empty tubes of toothpaste. (Para. 5)
Meaning beyond words: Here the mother describes how messy her daughter抯 bathroom is. It is so
messy that she thinks it is an embarrassment.
Eye shadow, face cream, nail polish
all go into the trash. (Para. 5)
Meaning: Eye shadow, face cream, and nail polish are all put into the garbage bag.
Note: The word go as in all go into the trash means
be put in the position where it is supposed
to be
. Another example can be found in
Paragraph 10: Donations to charity go into the trunk of
my car; trash goes to the curb.
I dump drawers, (Para. 5)
Meaning: I get rid of the things in the drawers.
When I am finished, it is as neat and impersonal as
a hotel bathroom. (Para. 5)
Meaning: When I finished cleaning the bathroom, it becomes tidy and shows no personal features,
just like a hotel bathroom.
impersonal: a. used about a place that does not seem friendly because there are no personal
Hospitals always seem such impersonal places
rows of identical beds in dull gray rooms.
Note: H
ere by using impersonal, the mother emphasizes the lack of personal connection in the
bathroom since she has thrown away most of her daughter抯 personal stuff. After the bathroom is
cleaned, it looks nothing special, just like a hotel bathroom.
6 In her bedroom I
find mismatched socks under her bed and purple pants on the closet floor. Desk
drawers are filled with school papers, filed by year and subject. I catch myself reading through
poems and essays, admiring high scores on tests and reading her name, printed o
r typed neatly in
the upper right
hand corner of each paper. I pack the desk contents into a box. Six months, I think.
I will give her six months to collect her belongings, and then I will throw them all away. That is fair.
ups pay for storage.
Desk dr
awers are filled with school papers, filed by year and subject. (Para. 6)
Meaning: Desk drawers are full of my daughter抯 school papers, which are kept in order according
to year and subject.
file: vt. keep papers, documents, etc. in a particular place so
that you can find them easily
Please file those letters by arrival date.
I catch myself reading through poems and essays, admiring high scores on tests and reading
her name, printe
d or typed neatly in the upper right
hand corne
r of each paper. (Para. 6)
Meaning: Suddenly I realize I am reading the poems and essays written by my daughter, looking at
her excellent test scores with pride, and reading her name which is printed or typed tidily and
carefully in the upper right
hand co
rner of each paper.
admire: vt. look at sth. and think how beautiful or impressive it is
They stopped at the top of the hill to admire the scenery.
print: v. write words by hand without joining the letters
Please print your name clearly in the top right
hand corner of the page.
Usage note: Pay attention to the expression upper right
hand corner (
). Other similar
expressions include:
upper left
hand corner
lower left
hand corner
bottom left
hand corner
top left
hand corner
I pack the desk contents into a box. Six months, I think. I will give her six months to collect her
belongings, and then I will throw them all away
. That is fair. Grown
ups pay for storage. (Para. 6)
Meaning beyond words: Paragraph 6 describes how the mother is between two minds
annoyance and love. She is much annoyed that her daughter leaves the room in a mess. However,
while she is reading and ad
miring her daughter抯 poems and essays, high scores on tests, etc., she
feels proud of her. She decides to keep her daughter抯 things for six months, and then she will throw
them into the trash if her daughter does not come back and collect them by then. T
he mother thinks
she is right in handling her daughter抯 stuff in this way. Her daughter, an adult now, should pay for
storage cost. At this point, the mother shows again her doubt and scorn for her daughter抯 claim to
be an adult.
content: n. (~s) [pl.]
1 the things that are inside a box, bag, room, etc.
I emptied the contents of the fridge into boxes.
2 the things that are written in a letter, book, etc.
She kept the contents of the letter a secret.
3 a
list at the beginning of a book or magazine, showing the parts in which the book or magazine
is divided
I can
t find it in the contents.
7 I have to pause at the books. Comic books, teen fictio
n, romantic novels, historical novels, and
textbooks. A lifetime of reading; each book beloved. I want to be practical, to stuff them in paper
sacks for the used bookstore. But I love books as much as she does, so I stack them onto a single
bookshelf to de
al with later.
I have to pause at the books. (Para. 7)
Meaning beyond words: The mother has to think about the books before she decides what to do
with them. We do not know exactly why the mother pauses, but one thing is for sure: Books are
different from damp towels, rusted shaving blades, mismatched socks, e
tc., which can be thrown
away without any hesitation. As we read on, we will find that all the books are important to both
the daughter and the mother because they are both book
Comic books, teen fiction, romantic novels, historical novels, an
d textbooks. (Para. 7)
Note: Comic books are not only for children. They are also read, collected, and traded at comic book
fairs by adults of all ages. Some famous comic books are Superman, Wonder Woman, and James
Usage note: historical, historic
historical event
historical novel
historical context
historical research
historical material
historical gure
places of historical interest
The book I bough
t yesterday is based on historical facts.
Could you name two historical events on October 1?
2 historic
historic moment
historic progress
historic leap
historic level
historic meeting
historic building
From the perspective of mankind
s achievements, the moon landing was a historic event.
More people hope to travel into
space after the historic flight of Dennis Tito, who paid 20 millions
of dollars to travel into space.
A lifetime of reading; each book beloved. (Para. 7)
Meaning: Reading is something that lasts a lifetime;
each book is a treasure for those who love
I want to be practical, to stuff them in paper sacks for the used bookstore. (Para. 7)
Meaning: I want to deal with the books in a practical way: to put them in paper bags and take them
to a bookstor
e which sells used books.
But I love books as much as she does, so I stack them onto a single bookshelf to deal with later.
(Para. 7)
Meaning: Like my daughter, I love books very much, so I pile all of them neatly on one bookshelf to
handle later.
e: Paragraph 7 describes the daughter抯 joy of reading. Many people in the US who love reading
purchase books and then save every book they抳e ever read, as a way of cherishing the sweet
memories of reading. Some readers make notes so as to return to a boo
k and re
read their favorite
passages. Others re
read their favorite books from time to
r the local self
service laundries. They work similarly to regular
washing machines except that they require coins to work.
feed sth. into sth.: put sth. into sth. else, esp. gradually and through a small hole
The workers are carefully feeding the materials into the machine.
for fre
e: without having to pay for sth. that you would normally have to pay for
I wasn
t expecting you to do it for free.
12 I will turn her room into a crafts room. Or create the fancy guest room I've always wanted.
13 I turn the bed over. A large brown envelope is marked "DO NOT THROW AWAY." I open it. More
papers. I dump the contents onto the floor. There are old family photographs, letters, greeting
cards, and love notes from us to her. There are comics clipped fr
om newspapers and magazines.
Every single item in this envelope has passed from our hands to hers. These are all things that we
gave her. Suddenly, I feel very emotional.
There are comics clipped from newspapers and magazines. (Para. 13)
Meaning: There are comics that were cut from newsp
apers and magazines.
Every single item in this envelope has passed from our hands to hers. (Para. 13)
Meaning: Each one of the things in this envelope has been given to our daughter by my husband
and me.
every single: used to emphasize that you are ta
lking about every person or thing
You don
t need to write down every single word I say.
Suddenly, I feel very emotional. (Para. 13)
Meaning beyond words: Suddenly, the mother is overwhelmed with strong feelings. The mother
arts the narration with a sort of conflicting mind. All the old family photographs, letters, greeting
cards, and love notes have been kept by her daughter in a big envelope marked with 揇O NOT
THROW AWAY. This deeply moves the mother. This can be taken as
a turning point of the narration,
which is proved in the forthcoming paragraphs.
15 My kid
my clutter bug
knows me too well. As I read through the cards and notes, I think
maybe the truck wasn't su
ch a bad idea, after all. Maybe it helps her to feel less small in a big world.
My kid
my clutter bug
knows me too well. As I read through the cards and notes, I think
maybe the truck wasn抰 such a bad idea, after all. Maybe it helps her to feel
less small in a big world.
(Para. 15)
Meaning beyond words: Her
e we have more evidence of how the mother is changing her ideas. The
daughter knows her mother so well that she put down the note 揇O NOT THROW AWAY to remind
her mother not to throw away the envelope. The more the mother reads th
e cards and notes, the
more she gets to understand her daughter: It may be not a bad idea for her to buy a big truck, for
she might be feeling more powerful with the big truck.
Note: Clutter bug is a common idiom used to refer to someone who has an obsess
ive hobby of
collecting clutter. Often, the items a clutter bug keeps are small personal items that hold important
memories. This is probably why the daughter has marked 揇O NOT THROW AWAY on the envelope.
16 I reverse myself and bring back the garbage bags from the car and the curb.
Clothes and shoes
go back into the closet. I remake the bed and pile it with stuffed animals. My husband comes home
and calls up the stairs.
I reverse myself and bring back the garbage
bags from the car and the curb. (Para. 16)
Meaning: I change my mind and bring back the garbage bags I have put in the car and at the curb.
I remake the bed and pile it with stuffed animals. (Para. 16)
Meaning beyond words: Compare what we read in Par
agraph 5 and Paragraph 11 with what we
read now in Paragraph 16. In Paragraph 5 揥hen I am finished, it is as neat and impersonal as a
hotel bathroom means that the mother is happy to make her daughter抯 bedroom clean and tidy.
In Paragraph 11, 揑 strip o
ff the comforter, blanket, sheets, and pillows. But after the mother sees
the envelope marked with 揇O NOT THROW AWAY and all the items inside, she changes her mind.
As described in Paragraph 16, she rearranges her daughter抯 bed and puts her daughter抯
animals on the bed. In this way, the mother makes her daughter抯 room appear as if she were still
living at home.
make the/one
s bed: tidy the bed
s covers after one has slept in it
s mother asked him to make his bed when he was only f
17 "Just straightening up," I tell him. "Can
you find some boxes for her stuff?"
18 He brings up boxes from the basement.
19 "She left a mess," he says.
20 "I don't mind," I reply. Silence.
21 Then he says softly, "She's not coming back." I feel my throat tighten at the sadness in his voice.
I try ha
rd to keep back my tears.
22 My little baby, my dependent child, isn't coming back. But someday my daughter, the
independent woman, will return home. Tokens of her childhood will await her. So will we, with
open arms.
揓ust straightening up, I tell him. 揅an you find some boxes for her stuff? (Para. 17) / He
brings up boxes from the basement. (Para. 18) / 揝he left a mess, he says. (Para. 19) / 揑 don抰
mind, I reply. Silence. (Para.
20) / Then he says softly, 揝he抯 not coming back. I feel my throat
tighten at the sadness in his voice. I try hard to keep back my tears. (Para. 21)
Meaning beyond words: From Paragraph 17 to Paragraph 21, the conversation between husband
and wife clear
ly tells us that both of them feel at a loss when their daughter has finally left home
and they are sad that their daughter is not coming back. Actually, when the father speaks in a sad
voice, the mother feels sad too. She tries her best not to cry. The mo
ther is no longer complaining;
she just wants to deal with the messy room now.
v. become stiff or make a part of your body become stiff
His mouth tightened into a thin, angry line.
vt. close or fasten sth.
firmly by turning it
The number plate on the car came loose and had to be tightened.
My little baby, my dependent child, isn抰 coming back. But someday my daughter, the
independent woman, will return home. (Para. 22)
Meaning: M
y little baby, who has depended on me all these years, has left home. But there is no
place like home, and she will come back someday, as an independent grown
Tokens of her childhood will await her. So will we, with open arms. (Para. 22)
The things my daughter collected as a child carry her childhood memories and they will
be there waiting for her. We will also be happy to welcome her back home.
Sentence structure note:
so + be/have/do/will/
Next week, he will fly to New York and attend a meeting there. So will I.
Jane can dance beautifully, and so can her little sister.
I don
t think he is clever. Nor is his little sister.
I don
t know who objects to the plan. Nor does anybody else.