新概念第三册课文精读详解50篇 (10)
2020年08月01日 04:51
People travelling long distances frequently have to decide whether they would prefer to go by land, sea, or air. Hardly anyone can positively enjoy sitting in a train for more than a few hours. Train compartments soon get cramped and stuffy. It is almost impossible to take your mind off the journey. Reading is only a partial solution, for the monotonous rhythm of the wheels clicking on the rails soon lulls you to sleep. During the day, sleep comes in snatches. At night, when you really wish to go to sleep, you rarely manage to do so. If you are lucky enough to get a sleeper, you spend half the night staring at the small blue light in the ceiling, or fumbling to find your ticket for inspection. Inevitably you arrive at your destination almost exhausted. Long car journeys are even less pleasant, for it is quite impossible even to read. On motorways you can, at least, travel fairly safely at high speeds, but more often than not, the greater part of the journey is spent on roads with few service stations and too much traffic. By comparison, fferry trips or cruises offer a great variety of civilized comforts. You can stretch your legs on the spacious decks, play games, meet interesting people and enjoy good food--always assuming, of course, that the sea is calm. If it is not, and you are likely to get seasick, no form of transport could be worse. Even if you travel in ideal weather, sea journeys take a long time. Relatively few people are prepared to sacrifice up to a third of their holidays for the pleasure of travelling by sea.
Aeroplanes have the reputation of being dangerous and even hardened travellers are intimidated by them. They also have the disadvantage of being tan expensive form of transport. But nothing can match them for speed and comfort. Travelling at a height of 30,000 feet, far above the clouds, and at over 500 miles an hour is an exhilarating experience. You do not have to devise ways of taking your mind off the journey, for an aeroplane gets you to your destination rapidly. For a few hours, you settle back in a deep armchair to enjoy the flight. The real escapist can watch a free film show and sip champagne on some services. But even when such refinements are not available, there is plenty to keep you occupied. An aeroplane offers you an unusual and breathtaking view of the world. You soar effortlessly over high mountains and deep valleys. You really see the shape of the land. If the landscape is hidden from view, you can enjoy the extraordinary sight of unbroken cloud plains that stretch out for miles before you, while the sun shines brilliantly in a clear sky. The journey is so smooth that there is nothing to prevent you from reading or sleeping. However you decide to spend your time, one thing is certain: you will arrive at your destination fresh and uncrumpled. You will not have to spend the next few days recovering from a long and arduous journey.
二、【New words and expressions】 生词和短语
●positively adv. 绝对地,完全地
●compartment n. 列车客车厢内的分隔间(或单间)
●cramped adj. 窄小的
●stuffy adj. 憋气的,闷气的
●monotonous adj. 枯燥的,乏味的,单调的
●rhythm n. 有节奏的运动
●click v. 发出咔哒声
●lull v. 催人欲睡
●snatch n. 短时,片段
●sleeper n. 卧铺
●fumble v. 乱摸,摸索
●inspection n. 检查
●inevitably adv. 必然地,不可避免地
●destination n. 目的地
●exhaust v. 使精疲力尽
●motorway n. 快车道
●ferry n. 渡船
●cruise n. 巡游船
●civilize v. 使文明;civilization n. 文明;civilized adj. 文明的
●spacious adj. 宽敞的
●seasick adj. 晕船的;airsick adj. 晕飞机的;carsick adj. 晕车的
●intimidate v. 恐吓,恫吓
●disadvantage n. 短处,缺点
●exhilarating adj. 使人高兴的,令人兴奋的
●escapist n. 逍遥者
●sip v. 呷,啜
●champagne n. 香槟酒
●refinement n. 精心的安排
●breathtaking adj. 激动人心的;不寻常的
●soar v. 高飞,翱翔
●effortlessly adv. 不费力地
●landscape n. 景色
●fresh adj. 精神饱满的
●uncrumpled adj. 没有跨下来
◆positively adv. 绝对地,完全地
in a positive way
doubt; doubtful; uncertain; dubious 表示不是很肯定
The food is positively uneatable.
Can you really do it positively?
在这儿相当于sure, of cause, certainly, no problem
a piece of cake, no sweat, it’s a snack 都表示不成问题
I bet 我肯定
◆compartment n. 列车客车厢内的分隔间(或单间)
◆cramped adj. 窄小的
◆stuffy adj. 憋气的,闷气的
== airless
That classroom must be stuffy.
◆rhythm n. 有节奏的运动
◆click v. 发出咔哒声
roar 车辆飞快行驶发出的声音
bark 狗叫
Don’t bark your order at me.
◆monotonous adj. 枯燥的,乏味的,单调的
tedious, dull, uninteresting
monotonous == lacking variety
Eg: I don’t like the way of your teaching, it is monotonous.
I hate the monotonous rhythm of travelling by train.
tedious 乏味的(重点突出long and uninteresting 冗长乏味的 )
Eg: Your article is tedious.
dull 语意比较弱,= uninteresting
Eg: I can’t get along well with Mary, she is a dull girl.
Look at that dull person.
Tiresome == tiring 由于疲劳而厌倦
Eg: He is tired of sleeping on the floor, because he has done so for ten years.
Long lasting meetings are tiring .
You are tiresome.
You are a little bit tiresome.
bore v.
bored adj.
boring adj. 持续时间过长而厌倦
Eg : I am tired of doing so.
I am bored with doing so. 我厌烦这么做。
be tired of
be bored with
◆lull v. 催人欲睡
vt. ==cause sb. to sleep
Eg: The mother lulled her baby to sleep.
lull sb to sleep 催人入睡
lull vi.风和日丽
What a good day, the wind lulled.
laby 催眠曲
◆◆◆snatch n. 短时,片段
catch, seize, grab,
in snatches 断断续续地
Eg: On the train, we sleep in snatches.
◆sleeper n. 卧铺
◆fumble vt. 乱摸,摸索
Eg: He fumbled the door open. 他摸索着把门打开了。
He put his hand into his pocket to take the key out.
He fumbled in his pocket for the key.
search for
◆inspection n. 检查
◆◆◆inevitably adv. 必然地,不可避免地
Eg: Human beings are mortal, so inevitable we make mistakes, no matter how wise and eminent you are.
◆destination n. 目的地
◆exhaust vt. 使精疲力尽
exhausted adj.
exhausting adj.
tire out
Eg: I’m exhausted. 我精疲力尽了。
What exhausts you? 什么使你精疲力尽呀?
I’m tired out.
wear out 使疲劳,使磨损
worn out
Eg: Look, your dress is worn out. 瞧,你的衣服穿坏了。
After a day’s work hard, I am worn out.
knock out
Knock sb out 1,把某人打晕,2,某人筋疲力尽
Eg: The arduous work knocked me out. 这项艰难的工作使我精疲力尽。
Fatigue 使筋疲力尽,使疲劳(书面)
Eg: The piece of work fatigues me.
Does your work fatigue you?
◆motorway n. 快车道
express way, highway
◆ferry n. 渡船
◆cruise n. 巡游船
◆civilize v. 使文明
◆spacious adj. 宽敞的
Eg: Is your classroom spacious?
Our classroom is not so spacious as that one.
I would like to lie in the spacious classroom instead of sitting here.
a roomy house
capacious 容量大的
capacity 容量
commodious 宽敞的,便利的 (== roomy and convenient )
Eg: The cinema is both roomy and convenient.
The cinema is commodious.
expansive 易膨胀的,广阔的
Eg: I’d like to appreciate expansive sea / ocean. 我喜欢欣赏浩瀚的海洋。
vast 幅员辽阔的
Eg: The desert in our country is vast, that is a major problem.
extensive 广泛的,广阔的
extensive reading 泛读
intensive reading 精读
Eg: You can enlarge you vocabulary by intensive reading.
widespread 流传广的,分布广的
Eg: The kind of news is widespread.
far-reaching 触及很远的,流传久远的
Eg: I have a good idea and it is far-reaching.
◆seasick adj. 晕船的
airsick 晕飞机的
carsick 晕车的
bicyclesick 晕自行车的
homesick 想家的
homesickness 思乡之情
◆intimidate v. 恐吓,恫吓
frighten, horrify, terrify
Eg: Nothing can intimidate me.
◆disadvantage n. 短处,缺点
◆◆◆exhilarating adj. 使人高兴的,令人兴奋的
exhilarate vt. == very much excite 比excite 语义强烈得多,正式得多
Eg: I’m exhilatated by your visit. 对于你的来访我是高兴极了。
stimulate 刺激,激励
stimulate sb to do sth 激励某人做某事
Eg: Your courage stimulated me to do so.
Inspire sb to do 激励某人做某事(通过
Stir 鼓动,鼓舞
Eg: Who stired you to do it like this? You should look before you leap. 谁鼓动你这么做?你应该三思而后行。
spur 刺激
Eg: His rude remarks spured me.
Eg: He always encourages me to study hard when I’m unwilling to do so.
◆escapist n. 逍遥者
◆sip v. 呷,啜
vt & n.
== drink a little at a time.
take a sip of sth 喝一点
Eg: I’m really thirsty, would you mind my taking a sip of your coffee?
have a taste of sth 尝一点
Eg: I’m so hungry that I want to have a taste of your cake.
You can take a sip of my coffee, but my cake only belongs to me.
◆champagne n. 香槟酒
◆◆◆refinement n. 精心的安排
refine 使人精力充沛
Eg: Coffee always refined us.
Coffee always made us fresh.
◆breathtaking adj. 激动人心的;不寻常的
Eg: The picture takes my breath. 这幅画太美了。
The girl takes my breath.
The beautiful dress takes my breath.
decide to go for a trip 决定旅行
Eg: We decided to go for a breathtaking trip.
◆soar v. 高飞,翱翔
Eg: We can’t soar in the blue sky without wings.
soar effortlessly 自由翱翔
◆effortlessly adv. 不费力地
◆landscape n. 景色
landscape 指从高处或远处远望高看的这种大地的漂亮的风光
spectacle == extroordinary sight
scenery 自然风光
scene 场面
view 透过窗户看到的景色
Eg: Our classroom doesn’t have a good view.
The rising sun in the Tai Mountain is a spectacle / landscape.
◆fresh adj. 精神饱满的
a fresh man
Eg: Look at that guy, he is really fresh.他很帅
◆uncrumpled adj. 没有跨下来
Eg: He went home fresh and uncrumpled.
Key sentence:
People travelling long distances frequently have to decide whether they would prefer to go by land, sea, or air.
people who travel long distance frequently
frequently 定期地,经常地 quite often
have to decide== have to make up their mind
would rather; would sooner 要和动词原形搭配
had better do 最好地
would prefer to do
would rather do
hardly + anyone 等不定代词时不倒装,在这相当于nobody; 或 nearly nobody, virtually nobody
Key sentence:
You concentrate your mind on the journey itself, nothing can help you to keep away from it.
take your mind off sth 把某人注意力从…转移开
Eg: A holiday can take your mind off your anxiety.
Do keep your mind off your unhappiness.
I can’t take my mind off my examination, because examination day is coming.
partial solution == one part of solution
Inevitably you arrive at your destination almost exhausted.
exhausted 在这里是形容词做状语
wear out; tire out; fatigue; knock out 筋疲力尽
Key sentence:
Long car journeys are even less pleasant, for it is quite impossible even to read.
The writer emphasize disadvantage of travelling by train.
Travelling by car is moeunpleasant than travelling in the train.
fairly 的语气是最弱的
more often than not 主要用在书面语言当中,means very often, usually, frequetly
By comparison 通过对比
offer == provide
comforts 在这儿指代service
Be likely to do 有可能……
== it is probable that
could not be + 形容词比较级, can not be +形容词比较级,no… could be 表示“没有什么比…”
Eg: Nobody can be more beautiful than you.
No place can / could be better. 没有什么地方比这儿更好。
relatively 相对来讲
Eg: A large number of people are prepared to sacrifice their higher pay for the privilege of becoming white collar.
Relatively, few people are prepared to sacrifice their holiday time for the dubious pleasure of travelling by sea.
dubious == uncertain == doubtful
Aeroplanes are famous / well-known for its being dangerous.
have the disadvantage of
have the reputation of
match sb. for
but nothing can be equal to them.
It is almost impossible to take your mindoff the journey.
You don’t have to / needn’t devise ways of taking your mind off the journey.
hardly… when
You had hardly had time to feel tired when you arrived at your destination.
on some services 在这里指代on airplane
Keep one’s mind off 转移注意力
Keep sb. occupied 集中注意力
however == no matter how
Key sentence:
If you can do without the few pleasures of travelling by land, you will find aeroplanes provide up with the best.
1. 起 (开篇,引出论点): at first, first, firstly, in the beginning(起初), first of all, at present(目前), nowadays, currently, to start with, to begin with ,for one thing(首先), for another(其次), in one hand 一方面, in the other hand 另一方面
2. 承: to start with, at the same time, at any rate无论如何,
besides此外,除了…之外还有,apart from, in addition, in addition to, furthermore,
in fact 事实上,actually, as a matter of fact, in reality , moreover, no doubt, without any doubt,
similarly 同样地, in the same way , meanwhile, in the meantime, obviously明显地,particularly,
such as, for example, for instance, consequently, as a consequence, as a result,
what is more, what is worse, what is better
above all
3.折: after all 毕竟,终究, all the same 虽然,但是, anyway 无论如何, somehow, but, however, nevertheless, nonetheless, by the time 到这个时候,此时,conversely, on the contrary, despite, in spite of , in contempt of, in disregard of, by contrast, by comparison, fortunately, in other words 换句话说,on the other hand, unlike 和……不同,不像, whereas然而,
Eg: He made a mistake, after all he is a child aged 5.
Even though you are not of most help, I’m grateful to you just th
e same.
I had expected myself to pass the examination, somehow I failed.
I don’t have the ability to do the work, fortunately my friends romise me to help me.
4.合: 主要是用来小结上文的或是用作结尾段: accordingly于是,因此,as has been noted (above) 如前所述的,as has been mentioned, as has been talked of,
at last, finally, lastly, at length,
briefly简而言之,in brief, in short, in a word, in conclusion, in sum, in summary, to sum up, to summarize, to conclude, on the whole 总起说来
no doubt 毫无疑问, undoubtedly, truly, certainly, positively, surely, obviously,
Lesson 45 The power of the press 新闻报道的威力
In democratic countries any efforts to restrict the freedom of the press are rightly condemned. However, this freedom can easily be abused. Stories about people often attract far more public attention than political events. Though we may enjoy reading about the lives of others, it is extremely doubtful whether we would equally enjoy reading about ourselves. Acting on the contention that facts are sacred, reporters can cause untold suffering to individuals by pub- lishing details about their private lives. Newspapers exert such tremendous influence that they can not only bring about major changes to the lives of ordinary people but can even overthrow a government.
The story of a poor family that acquired fame and fortune overnight, dramatically illustrates the power of the press. The family lived in Aberdeen, a small town of 23,000 inhabitants in South Dakota. As the parents had five children, life was a perpetual struggle against poverty. They were expecting their sixth child and faced with even more pressing economic problems. If they had only had one more child, the fact would have passed unnoticed. They would have continued to struggle against economic odds and would have lived in obscurity. But they suddenly became the parents of quintuplets, four girls and a boy, an event which radically changed their lives. The day after the birth of the five children, an aeroplane arrived in Aberdeen bringing sixty reporters and photographers.
The rise to fame was swift. Television cameras and newspapers carried the news to everyone in the country. Newspapers and magazines offered the family huge sums for the exclusive rights to publish stories and photographs. Gifts poured in not only from unknown people, but from baby food and soap manufacturers who wished to advertise their products. The old farmhouse the family lived in was to be replaced by a new $$500,000 home. Reporters kept pressing for interviews so lawyers had to be employed to act as spokesmen for the family at press conferences. While the five babies were still quietly sleeping in oxygen tents in a hospital nursery, their parents were paying the price for fame. It would never again be possible for them to lead normal lives. They had become the victims of com
mercialization, for their names had acquired a market value. Instead of being five new family members, these children had immediately become a commodity.
二、【New words and expressions】 生词和短语
●democrat 民主的
●restrict v. 限制
●abuse v. 滥用
●contention n. 论点
●untold adj. 数不尽的,无限的
●South Dakota 南达科他州 (美国)
●perpetual adj. 永久的
●quintuplet n. 五胞胎之一
●obscurity n. 默默无闻
●radically adv. 彻底地,完全地
●exclusive adj. 独占的,独家的
●nursery n. 育婴室,保育室
●commercialization n. 商品化
●commodity n. 商品
◆democrat 民主的
◆restrict v. 限制
keep within a certain limit
Eg: The prisoners’ activity is restricted within marrow limits.
limit: 表示时间、空间、程度等方面的限定,且限定到某一个点
restrict: 只说明限定范围
Eg: Land development must be limited.
He restricts himself to two cigarettes a day.
restrict sb. to 限制在......范围内
confine sb. to
Eg: The boy is confined to the dark room.
The boy is restricted to the dark room.
cramp 限制(限制某人的活动或是限制动植特的生长)
Eg: No body can cramp children.
You can not cramp my activity.
hamper 限制,妨碍;困累
Eg: What hampered you to do so?
The housewife has a lots to do every day, because she is hampered by poverty.
My limited vocabulary hampered my reading.
I am hampered by my limited vocabulary.
★★★impede 限制;妨碍
impede doing sth.
Eg: Nothing will impede my studying English.
bound 限定,以......为界限
◆abuse v. 滥用
Eg: Don’t abuse your authority. 不要滥用职权。
We shouldn’t abuse our rights.不能乱用自己的权力。
For VIP, they shouldn’t abuse their privilege.
◆contention n. 论点
◆◆◆untold adj. 数不尽的,无限的
==too many to be counted
Eg: There are untold stars in the sky.
I am afflicted by / with untold anxieties.
numerous 无数的
countless anxieties 无数的烦恼
Eg: As human being, we can’t keep ourselves free from countless anxieties.
countable: can be counted
numberless 无数的,没有房号的
Eg: This is a numberless room.这是一个没有房号的房间。
numberable 数得清的
innumberable 不能数得清的
◆South Dakota 南达科他州 (美国)
◆◆◆perpetual adj. 永久的
lasting for a long time
perpetual : 不休止的,一直持续下去的,不易受阻的
Eg: They are as poor as church mouse, they have to struggle against perpetual poverty.
constant 连续的,不断的
Eg: It is raining constantly. 雨不停地下着。
continuous 连续不断的
Eg: They have continuous discussion.
They have continuous attempt.
They made great success in their continuous attempt.
continual 频繁的
continually adj.
Eg: It rains contin
It is raining continuously / constantly.
everlasting 持久的,耐久的
Eg: The pair of trousers is lasting.
Generally speaking, jeans are lasting.
Eg: You can appreciate endless unbroken clouds.
Studying English is our perpetual task.
eternal adj. 永恒的,永久的,不朽的
Eg: His name is immortal because the longest suspension bridge was named for him.
temporary job.
permanent 非临时的,永久的
Eg: In a big city, sometimes we can not get permanent job.
constant; continuous; everlasting; lasting; endless; eternal; permanent; perpetual
◆quintuplet n. 五胞胎之一
◆obscurity n. 默默无闻
in obscurity
Eg: He is in obscurity.
obscure adj. 不起眼的
Eg: The bus stopped at a obscure bus stop.
◆radically adv. 彻底地,完全地
completely, entirely, thoroughly, fully, inclusive
◆◆◆exclusive adj. 独占的,独家的
exclusive 独占的,独家的 (not share with others )
Eg: The swimming pool is for my exclusive use.
exclusive right 独权
Eg: The newspaper offered a large sum of money to the person to get exclusive right to publish his article.
exclusive 排外的,排它的
inclusive 包括在其中的
Eg: The school is exclusive, only very clever children can go to it.
The store is exclusive, only very wealthy people can visit it.
◆nursery n. 育婴室,保育室
◆commercialization n. 商品化
◆commodity n. 商品
commodity economy 商品经济
commodity market 商品市场
goods, wares
Key sentence:
In fact, the power of the press is beyond our description.
any efforts are rightly condemned.
effort 企图
try; attempt 尝试
make every effort; spare no effort; make every endeavor
go to great lenghts
condemn 正式的谴责
Eg: Your deeds should be rightly condemned.
forest authorities 森林当局
education authorities 教育当局
the authorities 有关当局
the authorities of the press 新闻当局
According to this sentence, we know we are much more interested in private stories.
Sometimes some people even want to smell out people’s secrets or particular scandals.
lives of others: 替代story about people
extremely doubtful == extremely uncertain == extremely dubious.
Eg: If a family skeleton is reviewed, one’s reputation will be damaged / destroyed / spoiled / ruined immediately.
equally == in the same way = alile
We wouldn’t like our secret to be reviewed.
Acting on 以......来行事,遵循......来行事
that引导的部分是contention 的同位语从句
Key sentence:
When stories published in details by the press are wonderful, you will become famous very soon
If the story is terrible, your reputation will be ruined immediately.
exert... on sth.
bring about 带来,导致
lead to
result in
major: great, considerable
In the first paragraph the writer illustrate how powerful the press is in the general way.
acquire: gain == obtain
acquire fortune: 发财
acuire fame 出了名
make fortune
the city dweller 城市居住者
the country dweller 乡村居住者
expect a baby
in the interesting condition
in the family way
be faced with 面临
The window faces the south. 窗户朝南
In the process of studying English, We are faced with a great many problems, which should be surmounted.
surmount 克服
solve problem 解决问题
In teh process of studying English, we are faced with a great many problems, which should be surmounted / got rid of / removed as quickly as possible.
economic: problems = poverty
pressing 紧迫的
unnoticed 形容词做状语
odds n. 各种让人烦的小事
bear 容忍;生育 born 是bear的过去分词
attract the attention of the press
The rise to the fame is swift==Their being famous was rapid.
huge sums ==huge sums of money
care for 关心
press for == demand
Eg: The students kept pressing for examinations.