2020年08月01日 04:53
Unit 11
1. 许多人认为吸烟无疑是慢性自杀。
Many people believe that smoking is little less than gradual suicide.
2. 如果Shaka把Gala也杀了,祖鲁人后来的命运会如何呢?
Had Shaka killed Gala, too, what would have happened to the Zulus?
3. 他听到飞机坠毁的消息时,吓得目瞪口呆。
She gasped with horror at the news of the air-crash.
4. 警方正在追捕那个杀人不眨眼的凶手。
The police were in hot pursuit of that unhesitating cold-blooded killer.
5. 困兽犹斗。一个人在绝望的时候什么事都干得出来。
A cornered beast will put up a desperate fight. When a man is in desperation, he will
do anything.
6. 她是一个很善于抓住机会的人。
She is very good at seizing every opportunity when it comes.
7. 警察打开了汽车的行李箱,发现里面装满了毒品。
Opening the trunk, the police found it stuffed with drugs.
He has been in a low spirit ever since his business failed. What is most important
to him at the moment is to pull himself together.
9. 洪水逼来,村民的处境十分危急,他们的生命危在旦夕。
The approaching flood threw the villagers into a desperate state, and they may die
at any moment.
10. 正当全城人们欢庆新年时,一场意想不到的悲剧发生了:一场大地震将整座城市夷为平
An unexpected tragedy struck when the whole city was celebrating the New Year’s Day;
a violent earthquake leveled the whole city to the ground.
Unit 12
1. 今年的雨季来得特别早。
The rainy season has set in very early this year.
2. 银行被抢劫后,该地区的警察立即出动
The policemen of the district set out searching the criminal immediately after the
bank was robbed.
3. 当他赶到长途汽车站时,最后一班车已在10分钟前开走了。
He reached the long-distance bus station only to find the last bus of the day had
left ten minutes before.
4. 如果你阅读时每当遇到一个新单词就查词典,你的阅读速度就不能提高。
It’s unlikely for you to improve your reading speed if you look every new word up
in a dictionary while writing.
5. 住在深山里的村民第一次看到电影时笑得合不拢嘴。
When the villagers living in the depth of the mountains saw the film for the first
time, they laughed from ear to ear.
6. 人人都说他长得酷似其父。
Everyone said that he took after his father.
7. 船遇到了暴风雨,更糟的是船底出现了一个大洞。
The ship was in the grip of the storm. To make matters worse, there was a big hole
in the bottom of the ship.
8. 她疲惫不堪的部分原因是旅途辛劳,部分原因是天气炎热。
She was exhausted, partly because of the tiring journey and partly because of the
9. 你要的书目前没有货,但已在订购中。
The book
s you want are out of stock, but they are on order.
10. 我已数次听他说要确保你免受伤害。
I have heard him speak several times that he would make sure you would come to no
Unit 13
1. 这块料子摸上去真像丝。
This material feels like real silk.
2. 跟我一起去公园散步如何?
Do you feel like going out for a walk with me in the park?
3. 那个小女孩冻得发抖,她的手脚都冻僵了。
The little girl was shivering with cold, with her hands and feet all numb.
4. 父亲用旧木板给我做了一只箱子。
Father made a case out of old planks for me.
5. 总统发表电视讲话,号召全国人民团结一致,共度目前所处的困难时期。
The president made a speech on television, asking the whole nation to keep united
and work together to pull through the hard times they were in.
6. 派到出事地点的联合国官员努力确保每一个难民都能分到食品。
The United Nations officials sent to that troubled area tried to make sure that food
was distributed to every refugee.
7. 那些高年级学生不是太自私了吗?他们将那个乒乓球房占为己有,不许其他人使用。
Aren’t those top year students very selfish? They have the ping-pong room all to
themselves, and allow nobody else to use it.
8. 公司一定出了大事。总经理从来没有显得如此痛苦。
Something terrible must have happened to the company. The general manager has never
looked so distressed.
9. 我觉得那个指定发言人不是在阐明问题,而是在把我们弄糊涂。
I think the appointed speaker is confusing us rather than expounding the matter.
10. 他打破令人难堪的沉默,开始谈论其他一些可以使生意重新启动的方法。
He broke the embarrassed silence and began to talk about some alternative ways of
starting the business again.
Unit 14
1. 你不在背后说他的坏话是很明智的。
It is very wise of you not to run him down behind his back.
2. 那位历史教授认为,500年前美国就已作为一个国家出现在北美。
As far as that history teacher is concerned, the United States began its existence
as a nation as early as 500 years ago.
3. 海关官员瞧了一眼这可疑的年轻人,要他把箱子打开。
The customs officer cast an eye on the suspicious young man and told him to open his
4. 他今天早晨没来上班,请打电话查问一下他是否安好。
He has not come for work this morning. Would you please call him up to make sure that
he is all right.
5. 政府采取了一切有效措施,以防这座大都市被洪水淹没。
The government took every possible effective measure to prevent this metropolitan
city from being submerged by the flood.
6. 外国旅游者们怀着极大的兴趣观看了京剧团演出的“孙悟空”。
The foreign tourists watched with great interest the performance of the Monkey King
staged by the Beijing Opera Troupe.
7. 虽
Though we often have dictation in class now and then, we still ask the teacher for
more dictation passages for us to do after class.
8. 我们的地理教师讲课时有一个不时耸肩的习惯动作。
Our geography teacher has the habitual move of shrugging his shoulders while
9. 他为失去了一次极好的机会同那个德高望重的经济学教授见面而感到难受,因为那天他要
He felt very sad for having lost the good opportunity to meet the respected professor
of economics, because he had an important business appointment to fill on that day.
10. 他最终遭到失败的主要原因是,最初的成功使他越发自高自大,他拒不听取同事们的任
The major reason for his ultimate failure is that his egotism was enlarged by his
initial success and that he refused to listen to any advice and warning from his
Unit 15
1. 那个小女孩在轰炸中存活下来确实是一个奇迹。
It was actually a miracle that the little girl survived the bombing.
2. 把这辆车作为我的生日礼物说明我姑母的爱心和慷慨。
This car as my birthday gift speaks of my aunt’s love and generosity.
3. 人们喜欢到那家饭店吃午饭是因为那里的菜肴既丰富又可口。
People like to go to that restaurant for lunch because the food is both substantial
and delicious.
4. 英国的首相和美国的总统在职位方面并非完全相对应。
Britain’s Prime Minister is not exactly the correspondence of the US President in
their function.
5. 我悄悄地走近他们,从树枝中偷看,只见他们正在愉快地享用野餐。
I crept upon on them and, peering through the branches, saw them enjoying a picnic.
6. 蚕靠吃桑叶维持生命。
Silkworms feed on the leaves of mulberry trees.
7. 由于国际社会和地区政府的共同努力,这一地区各民族的人民和睦相处已达10年之久。
Thanks to the joint efforts of the international community and regional governments,
the peoples of this district have lived in harmony for a decade.
8. 美国新英格兰地区的秋天格外美丽,枫叶使整个大地披上了金黄、火红的盛装。
The fall of New England in the United States is extremely beautiful, with the maple
tree leaves setting up a blaze of yellow and red colors that flame across the land.
9. 自当地居民中发生了几起莫名其妙的死亡事件后,小镇便成了一座空城。
The town was deserted after the occurrence of several mysterious deaths to the local
10. 人类必须共同对人为的污染打一场持久战,这是一个明摆着的不可再回避的事实。
That human beings have to fight a protracted war against man-made pollution is a stark
Unite 1
Every time he returned home from work at midnight, he would tiptoe upstairs, trying
not to disturb his neighbours.
To establish some kind of rapport with his new neighbour, Mr. Green lost no chance
in offering to carry her luggage to the house.
The article recommended by Dr. Miller centres on the problem of air pollution;
meanwhile, it touches upon other issues such as water pollution, noise pollution and
visual pollution.
If it had not been for the constant encouragement and help from her friend, she couldn’
t have accomplished anything.
It was only a few days ago that he was full of contempt for the new project, but now
he is working hard with zest for its realization. What a battling change!
Judging from her autobiography, she always had mixed feelings for that pianist.
Whiling waiting in the lounge for the flight, he struck up a conversation with two
American travellers and touched on many interesting cross-cultural issues.
These girls all dread working alone on night duty.
I don’t mind working overtime. What I do mind is working on those insignificant trivial
things during the weekend.
Actually nobody asked them to do anything on the first day of school. When they saw
the classroom in such a mess, however, they cleaned it spontaneously.
An unknown disease affected his brain so badly that he lost his memory completely.
The protesting crowds outside the courthouse had no effect at all on the judges and
the jury of this Pacific island country.
A guilty man apprehends danger in every sound.
Her soft voice and gracious smile
put everyone in the room at ease.
Not until you have a good command of a scale of styles can you speak English
appropriately in different situations.
His haphazard knowledge of modern economics was one of the reasons why he failed in
his business.
The new general manager did not feel very comfortable with the way he was addressed
by his colleagues in the company.
No matter how hard he had tried his efforts to improve his image in the mind of the
public proved to be ineffective.
It was the last thing that occurred to the commander that his soldiers would defy
his orders.
Although the composition teacher considers these expressions nothing but clichés,
they appeal very much to the students.
Unit 3
Holding out his work-gnarled hands, the old fishman with a weather-beaten face started
to tell us about the hardship of his life on the sea.
The little girl is apparently badly injured. She’s been crying for hours and she’
s still moaning.
As the Nobel Prize winner went onto the platform escorted by the chairman, the whole
hall rocked with cheers and clapping.
When the dance party was in full swing, music and songs swirled all around the
For reasons that are not quite understood, there has been a revival of strong interest
in traditional Chinese drama, such as Beijing Opera and Shaoxing Opera, among the
college students.
The traffic downtown was held up for a while because crowds of people swarmed into
the streets to watch the annual holiday parade.
When he say his heart-broken parents, the young man felt so ashamed of himself for
causing so much trouble to the family that he went on his knees and begged their
He was very excited at the sight of his son, whom he had not met for a long time,
getting off the ship .But it was quite out of expectation that his son pretended not
to see him, and turning his back to his father, the young man walked off right away.
The two neighbouring countries stopped the decade-long war and signed a peace
agreement .From them on, their economic exchange and bilateral trade developed by
leaps and bounds.
As soon as the winner of Nobel Prize of physics appeared before the faculty and
students, the hall broke into a sea of cheers .And his speech was punctuated by
deafening clapping.
Unit 4
You are not likely to grasp an article on logic unless you think actively in the course
while writing.
According to the author, one of the most effective ways to read a good book is by
writing between the lines while reading.
He was so absorbed in one of his cloning experiments that he wasn’t aware of my entering
the laboratory at all.
I don’t think happiness consists in obtaining what you need; I believe happiness
consists in doing what you can for society.
Air pressure, oxygen and temperature are among the conditions indispensable to the
survival of the astronauts on the moon.
In a certain sense, postgraduate students are also researchers.
He would rather set down what he has observed, important or trivial, in his notebook
than commit it to his memory, because he believes in the remark that “The worst pen
is better than the best memory”.
He was suppose to explain to the students why sharp observation and logical thinking
were indispensable qualities to research work ,but his talk was more confusing than
clarifying .
According to his theory of foreign language learning, one can better learn English
in a state of relaxation than in a state of concentration.
Planning and outlining are only a prelude to writing .Drafting, revising and editing
are necessary steps required of thesis writing.
Unit 5
1. 如果你上因特网,接上网就可以在线查询各种有关时事、教育、科技、金融、卫生、娱乐
If you have access to the Internet and log on it ,you can get information online about
current affairs, education, science and technology, finance, public health and
2. 由于现代化电信手段的快速发展,国际间通信基本上可以不受时空的限制。
Thanks to the rapid development of modern means of telecommunication, international
communication is generally unencumbered by time or space.
3. 她是一个少说话多做事的科学家。譬如,这个实验小组里没有一个成员像她那样在这项研
She is a scientist of action. For one thing, she more than anyone else in the experiment
group has devoted so much time and energy to this project.
4. 我真弄不懂他为什么整天在摆弄那台老掉牙的电脑。
I really don’t understand why he noodles around that
antiquatedoutmodedold-fashioned computer all day long.
5. 万一你无法进入中央数据库,可以打电话给我们的技术服务部请求帮助。
In case you fail to get into the central database, you can call our Technical Support
Service Development for help.
6. 语言中的介词和冠词是有限的,而名词和动词则是无限的,每天都有新的名词和动词诞生。
A language has a limited number of prepositions and articles, but its nouns and verbs
are open-ended and infinite—new words are born every day.
7. 越来越多的年轻人意识到英语是全球通行的语言,所以都在业余努力学习英语。
With the awareness that the English language is the lingua franca of the world, an
increasing number of young people try to learn English as much as they can in their
spare time.
8. 这个小伙子的与众不同之处在于,他喜欢以非常常规的方式进行思考,不愿同传统观念作
What distinguishes this young man from others is that he is inclined to think
unconventionally, and would make no compromise with traditional ideas.
9. 这家研究所是一家非赢利性的机构,其研究项目通常都由一些跨国公司资助。
This research institute is a nonprofit institution whose research projects are
usually funded by some multi-national corporations.
10. 我公司的总经理完全是一个以市场经济为取向的人。公司发展
Our general manager is one who is completely oriented toward the market economy. At
every critical juncture in the business development of the corporation, he would
choose nothing but the market road.
Unit 11
1. 许多人认为吸烟无疑是慢性自杀。
Many people believe that smoking is little less than gradual suicide.
2. 如果Shaka把Gala也杀了,祖鲁人后来的命运会如何呢?
Had Shaka killed Gala, too, what would have happened to the Zulus?
3. 他听到飞机坠毁的消息时,吓得目瞪口呆。
She gasped with horror at the news of the air-crash.
4. 警方正在追捕那个杀人不眨眼的凶手。
The police were in hot pursuit of that unhesitating cold-blooded killer.
5. 困兽犹斗。一个人在绝望的时候什么事都干得出来。
A cornered beast will put up a desperate fight. When a man is in desperation, he will
do anything.
6. 她是一个很善于抓住机会的人。
She is very good at seizing every opportunity when it comes.
7. 警察打开了汽车的行李箱,发现里面装满了毒品。
Opening the trunk, the police found it stuffed with drugs.
He has been in a low spirit ever since his business failed. What is most important
to him at the moment is to pull himself together.
9. 洪水逼来,村民的处境十分危急,他们的生命危在旦夕。
The approaching flood threw the villagers into a desperate state, and they may die
at any moment.
10. 正当全城人们欢庆新年时,一场意想不到的悲剧发生了:一场大地震将整座城市夷为平
An unexpected tragedy struck when the whole city was celebrating the New Year’s Day;
a violent earthquake leveled the whole city to the ground.
Unit 12
1. 今年的雨季来得特别早。
The rainy season has set in very early this year.
2. 银行被抢劫后,该地区的警察立即出动
The policemen of the district set out searching the criminal immediately after the
bank was robbed.
3. 当他赶到长途汽车站时,最后一班车已在10分钟前开走了。
He reached the long-distance bus station only to find the last bus of the day had
left ten minutes before.
4. 如果你阅读时每当遇到一个新单词就查词典,你的阅读速度就不能提高。
It’s unlikely for you to improve your reading speed if you look every new word up
in a dictionary while writing.
5. 住在深山里的村民第一次看到电影时笑得合不拢嘴。
When the villagers living in the depth of the mountains saw the film for the first
time, they laughed from ear to ear.
6. 人人都说他长得酷似其父。
Everyone said that he took after his father.
7. 船遇到了暴风雨,更糟的是船底出现了一个大洞。
The ship was in the grip of the storm. To make matters worse, there was a big hole
in the bottom of the ship.
8. 她疲惫不堪的部分原因是旅途辛劳,部分原因是天气炎热。
She was exhausted, partly because of the tiring journey and partly because of the
9. 你要的书目前没有货,但已在订购中。
The book
s you want are out of stock, but they are on order.
10. 我已数次听他说要确保你免受伤害。
I have heard him speak several times that he would make sure you would come to no
Unit 13
1. 这块料子摸上去真像丝。
This material feels like real silk.
2. 跟我一起去公园散步如何?
Do you feel like going out for a walk with me in the park?
3. 那个小女孩冻得发抖,她的手脚都冻僵了。
The little girl was shivering with cold, with her hands and feet all numb.
4. 父亲用旧木板给我做了一只箱子。
Father made a case out of old planks for me.
5. 总统发表电视讲话,号召全国人民团结一致,共度目前所处的困难时期。
The president made a speech on television, asking the whole nation to keep united
and work together to pull through the hard times they were in.
6. 派到出事地点的联合国官员努力确保每一个难民都能分到食品。
The United Nations officials sent to that troubled area tried to make sure that food
was distributed to every refugee.
7. 那些高年级学生不是太自私了吗?他们将那个乒乓球房占为己有,不许其他人使用。
Aren’t those top year students very selfish? They have the ping-pong room all to
themselves, and allow nobody else to use it.
8. 公司一定出了大事。总经理从来没有显得如此痛苦。
Something terrible must have happened to the company. The general manager has never
looked so distressed.
9. 我觉得那个指定发言人不是在阐明问题,而是在把我们弄糊涂。
I think the appointed speaker is confusing us rather than expounding the matter.
10. 他打破令人难堪的沉默,开始谈论其他一些可以使生意重新启动的方法。
He broke the embarrassed silence and began to talk about some alternative ways of
starting the business again.
Unit 14
1. 你不在背后说他的坏话是很明智的。
It is very wise of you not to run him down behind his back.
2. 那位历史教授认为,500年前美国就已作为一个国家出现在北美。
As far as that history teacher is concerned, the United States began its existence
as a nation as early as 500 years ago.
3. 海关官员瞧了一眼这可疑的年轻人,要他把箱子打开。
The customs officer cast an eye on the suspicious young man and told him to open his
4. 他今天早晨没来上班,请打电话查问一下他是否安好。
He has not come for work this morning. Would you please call him up to make sure that
he is all right.
5. 政府采取了一切有效措施,以防这座大都市被洪水淹没。
The government took every possible effective measure to prevent this metropolitan
city from being submerged by the flood.
6. 外国旅游者们怀着极大的兴趣观看了京剧团演出的“孙悟空”。
The foreign tourists watched with great interest the performance of the Monkey King
staged by the Beijing Opera Troupe.
7. 虽
Though we often have dictation in class now and then, we still ask the teacher for
more dictation passages for us to do after class.
8. 我们的地理教师讲课时有一个不时耸肩的习惯动作。
Our geography teacher has the habitual move of shrugging his shoulders while
9. 他为失去了一次极好的机会同那个德高望重的经济学教授见面而感到难受,因为那天他要
He felt very sad for having lost the good opportunity to meet the respected professor
of economics, because he had an important business appointment to fill on that day.
10. 他最终遭到失败的主要原因是,最初的成功使他越发自高自大,他拒不听取同事们的任
The major reason for his ultimate failure is that his egotism was enlarged by his
initial success and that he refused to listen to any advice and warning from his
Unit 15
1. 那个小女孩在轰炸中存活下来确实是一个奇迹。
It was actually a miracle that the little girl survived the bombing.
2. 把这辆车作为我的生日礼物说明我姑母的爱心和慷慨。
This car as my birthday gift speaks of my aunt’s love and generosity.
3. 人们喜欢到那家饭店吃午饭是因为那里的菜肴既丰富又可口。
People like to go to that restaurant for lunch because the food is both substantial
and delicious.
4. 英国的首相和美国的总统在职位方面并非完全相对应。
Britain’s Prime Minister is not exactly the correspondence of the US President in
their function.
5. 我悄悄地走近他们,从树枝中偷看,只见他们正在愉快地享用野餐。
I crept upon on them and, peering through the branches, saw them enjoying a picnic.
6. 蚕靠吃桑叶维持生命。
Silkworms feed on the leaves of mulberry trees.
7. 由于国际社会和地区政府的共同努力,这一地区各民族的人民和睦相处已达10年之久。
Thanks to the joint efforts of the international community and regional governments,
the peoples of this district have lived in harmony for a decade.
8. 美国新英格兰地区的秋天格外美丽,枫叶使整个大地披上了金黄、火红的盛装。
The fall of New England in the United States is extremely beautiful, with the maple
tree leaves setting up a blaze of yellow and red colors that flame across the land.
9. 自当地居民中发生了几起莫名其妙的死亡事件后,小镇便成了一座空城。
The town was deserted after the occurrence of several mysterious deaths to the local
10. 人类必须共同对人为的污染打一场持久战,这是一个明摆着的不可再回避的事实。
That human beings have to fight a protracted war against man-made pollution is a stark
Unite 1
Every time he returned home from work at midnight, he would tiptoe upstairs, trying
not to disturb his neighbours.
To establish some kind of rapport with his new neighbour, Mr. Green lost no chance
in offering to carry her luggage to the house.
The article recommended by Dr. Miller centres on the problem of air pollution;
meanwhile, it touches upon other issues such as water pollution, noise pollution and
visual pollution.
If it had not been for the constant encouragement and help from her friend, she couldn’
t have accomplished anything.
It was only a few days ago that he was full of contempt for the new project, but now
he is working hard with zest for its realization. What a battling change!
Judging from her autobiography, she always had mixed feelings for that pianist.
Whiling waiting in the lounge for the flight, he struck up a conversation with two
American travellers and touched on many interesting cross-cultural issues.
These girls all dread working alone on night duty.
I don’t mind working overtime. What I do mind is working on those insignificant trivial
things during the weekend.
Actually nobody asked them to do anything on the first day of school. When they saw
the classroom in such a mess, however, they cleaned it spontaneously.
An unknown disease affected his brain so badly that he lost his memory completely.
The protesting crowds outside the courthouse had no effect at all on the judges and
the jury of this Pacific island country.
A guilty man apprehends danger in every sound.
Her soft voice and gracious smile
put everyone in the room at ease.
Not until you have a good command of a scale of styles can you speak English
appropriately in different situations.
His haphazard knowledge of modern economics was one of the reasons why he failed in
his business.
The new general manager did not feel very comfortable with the way he was addressed
by his colleagues in the company.
No matter how hard he had tried his efforts to improve his image in the mind of the
public proved to be ineffective.
It was the last thing that occurred to the commander that his soldiers would defy
his orders.
Although the composition teacher considers these expressions nothing but clichés,
they appeal very much to the students.
Unit 3
Holding out his work-gnarled hands, the old fishman with a weather-beaten face started
to tell us about the hardship of his life on the sea.
The little girl is apparently badly injured. She’s been crying for hours and she’
s still moaning.
As the Nobel Prize winner went onto the platform escorted by the chairman, the whole
hall rocked with cheers and clapping.
When the dance party was in full swing, music and songs swirled all around the
For reasons that are not quite understood, there has been a revival of strong interest
in traditional Chinese drama, such as Beijing Opera and Shaoxing Opera, among the
college students.
The traffic downtown was held up for a while because crowds of people swarmed into
the streets to watch the annual holiday parade.
When he say his heart-broken parents, the young man felt so ashamed of himself for
causing so much trouble to the family that he went on his knees and begged their
He was very excited at the sight of his son, whom he had not met for a long time,
getting off the ship .But it was quite out of expectation that his son pretended not
to see him, and turning his back to his father, the young man walked off right away.
The two neighbouring countries stopped the decade-long war and signed a peace
agreement .From them on, their economic exchange and bilateral trade developed by
leaps and bounds.
As soon as the winner of Nobel Prize of physics appeared before the faculty and
students, the hall broke into a sea of cheers .And his speech was punctuated by
deafening clapping.
Unit 4
You are not likely to grasp an article on logic unless you think actively in the course
while writing.
According to the author, one of the most effective ways to read a good book is by
writing between the lines while reading.
He was so absorbed in one of his cloning experiments that he wasn’t aware of my entering
the laboratory at all.
I don’t think happiness consists in obtaining what you need; I believe happiness
consists in doing what you can for society.
Air pressure, oxygen and temperature are among the conditions indispensable to the
survival of the astronauts on the moon.
In a certain sense, postgraduate students are also researchers.
He would rather set down what he has observed, important or trivial, in his notebook
than commit it to his memory, because he believes in the remark that “The worst pen
is better than the best memory”.
He was suppose to explain to the students why sharp observation and logical thinking
were indispensable qualities to research work ,but his talk was more confusing than
clarifying .
According to his theory of foreign language learning, one can better learn English
in a state of relaxation than in a state of concentration.
Planning and outlining are only a prelude to writing .Drafting, revising and editing
are necessary steps required of thesis writing.
Unit 5
1. 如果你上因特网,接上网就可以在线查询各种有关时事、教育、科技、金融、卫生、娱乐
If you have access to the Internet and log on it ,you can get information online about
current affairs, education, science and technology, finance, public health and
2. 由于现代化电信手段的快速发展,国际间通信基本上可以不受时空的限制。
Thanks to the rapid development of modern means of telecommunication, international
communication is generally unencumbered by time or space.
3. 她是一个少说话多做事的科学家。譬如,这个实验小组里没有一个成员像她那样在这项研
She is a scientist of action. For one thing, she more than anyone else in the experiment
group has devoted so much time and energy to this project.
4. 我真弄不懂他为什么整天在摆弄那台老掉牙的电脑。
I really don’t understand why he noodles around that
antiquatedoutmodedold-fashioned computer all day long.
5. 万一你无法进入中央数据库,可以打电话给我们的技术服务部请求帮助。
In case you fail to get into the central database, you can call our Technical Support
Service Development for help.
6. 语言中的介词和冠词是有限的,而名词和动词则是无限的,每天都有新的名词和动词诞生。
A language has a limited number of prepositions and articles, but its nouns and verbs
are open-ended and infinite—new words are born every day.
7. 越来越多的年轻人意识到英语是全球通行的语言,所以都在业余努力学习英语。
With the awareness that the English language is the lingua franca of the world, an
increasing number of young people try to learn English as much as they can in their
spare time.
8. 这个小伙子的与众不同之处在于,他喜欢以非常常规的方式进行思考,不愿同传统观念作
What distinguishes this young man from others is that he is inclined to think
unconventionally, and would make no compromise with traditional ideas.
9. 这家研究所是一家非赢利性的机构,其研究项目通常都由一些跨国公司资助。
This research institute is a nonprofit institution whose research projects are
usually funded by some multi-national corporations.
10. 我公司的总经理完全是一个以市场经济为取向的人。公司发展
Our general manager is one who is completely oriented toward the market economy. At
every critical juncture in the business development of the corporation, he would
choose nothing but the market road.