2020年08月01日 05:04
This movie is worth checking out. Even though it's predictable, the events that happen as this movie unfolds are funny as hell. Especially the part when Eddie has the baby in his lap under his coat and the police are asking him whether or not he has seen any babies today. The baby lights Eddie's lighter - the rest you'll have to see to believe. I rated this 10 out of 10 stars, and I agree with the first person who said "Drink your bottle of milk and enjoy this predictable film," because that's exactly what you should do. Don't take it seriously or else you'll miss the point.
Imagine that you're a villain in a John Hughes film. What do you do? A good bet might be to find someplace safe and secure to hide, especially if you catch sight of any kids under the age of twelve.
Like someone unwilling to venture down an untrodden road, Hughes has yet again come back to the worn-out Home Alone concept, this time substituting a nine-month old toddler for wisecracking Macaulay Culkin. In this cased, however, the baby's smiles and chuckles are more endearing than Culkin's one-liners.
There are three villains instead of two. And while their names aren't Larry, Curly, and Moe, the similarities are neither superficial nor incidental. These Three Stooges (played by Joe Mantegna, Joe Pantoliano, and Brian Haley) are out to make $$5 million by kidnapping Baby Bink (Adam and Jacob Worton), the son of the ultra-rich, ultra-chic Benningtons (Lara Flynn Boyle and Matthew Glave). What they didn't count on was their own incompetence and, once the baby slips through their fingers, they're always a crawl behind him.
For someone over the age of ten (or thereabouts), Baby's Day Out has enough slapstick to be amusing - at least for a while. There isn't a scintilla of intellectual humor in the whole movie, and the repeated bashings and burnings received by the hapless villains get tiring after the first hour. There also seem to be an inordinate number of jokes dealing with the crushing, mutilation, or incineration of male reproductive organs.
Young children will also laugh at this film, but there's a question about whether the content is suitable. With Home Alone, most of the damage done to the thugs was relatively minor, at least compared to what happens in Baby's Day Out. This time around, the cartoon mentality is taken to its Wiley Coyote absolute, with the Stooges constantly surviving crippling or should-be-fatal accidents. Somehow, it's more disturbing than funny when it happens to reel people, as opposed to animated creatures.
Other than the slapstick, there's little to recommend this movie. A