2020年08月01日 05:05
1. examine topics increasingly relevant有关的
2. the poor old woman all but 几乎
3. nick was a self-made man 白手起家
4. and radio to keep track of 记住
5. different families of bees by subtle微妙的
6. to make lifetime commitmentsd许诺
7. low-priced british foods flooded涌进
8. in the absence不在
9. stop prices from shooting up 暴涨
10. which was scheduled预定
1(Right then and there)…(就在那时候)we started our contact, (followed up by keeping up correspondence)(紧接着我们一直保持通信联系)
2She finally(made a commitment not to let me split)(答应不会让我分担)
3The two spies(gave each other a knowing look and left in a hurry)(心照不宣地对视了一眼并迅速离开)without anyone noticing what had happened
4The food the hostess served was(so great that all guests ate more than enough)(太棒了,客人们都吃得撑不下去了)
5While listening to the lecture ,be sure to take notes,(which will help you keep track of the points you may rely on when you write papers in the future)(这样可以帮助你记住你今后写论文时可能要用的东西)
6The reason why I want to take that course is that the professor(is supposed to be more knowledgeable than any other teacher)(应该比其他任何老师有学问)
1The old lady was greatly hit by her son’s addiction to online dating.(儿子痴迷网上交友,让老太太伤心透了。结果,她的身体开始受到极大的伤害。)
2Between taking care of his sick mother and coping with his heavy courses, he had all but no time to relax a bit.(一方面要照顾生病的父母,一方面又要应付繁重的课程,他几乎没有一点时间可以放松一下)
3Little did I know anything about how to browse information on the Internet one year ago, but now I spend plenty of time on online chatting on a regular basis.(一年前,我对如何浏览因特网上的信息还知之甚少,而现在,我却频频上网聊天,在那儿花了很多时间)
4Only by logging in and signing up will you be able to use/get access to the resources the website offers.(只有通过登录进入网站,注册后你才能使用该网站上提供的资源)
5You don’t need to keep me from telling her the truth; our secret is safe with her as she is my best friend.(你不必阻止我向她透露真情,她是我最好的朋友,不会泄露我们的秘密的)
6There are scores of smokers here. I am not alone in my habits.(这里很多人吸烟,我并不是唯一一个有吸烟习惯的人)
3log on
1. he was unable to (cope with) 处理
2. in 1997 (had weakened) 削减
3. he will (have to do without)
4. in order to (balance)没有也可以
5. the game was (perceived) 把认为
6. mother Linda (viewed/views) 把看做
7. any peaceful (compromise) 妥协
8. of that village (took steps/ had taken steps) 采用
9. in the hallway (were) royghly (pushed aside) 把推开
10. that could (ultimately) 最终
1He lived in a quiet villa, whose balcony (looks over) a scenic lake and a large wooded park.
2Just as he pulled up at the traffic lights, his car (broke down), causing a heavy traffic jam.
3With the open policy of our government , residents on the border are doing more and more business with the (neighbouring) countries.
4Bitter and cruel remarks flew (back and forth) between them, turning two close friends against each other overnight.
5A truck (collided) with a bus on the expressway, causing a lot of death and injures.
6Let’s stop now for lunch and a one-hour nap. and then we’ll (resume) working at 2 o’clock.
7He is (generous) in praising the green hands. No wonder the youth all sing high praise for him.
8During the curfew, the whole street was completely (deserted) and the city seemed lifeless.
9Whenever anyone tries to point out his mistakes, he always (shrugs) his shoulders and simple turns away.
10When he realized that she was about to let out their secrets, he made (gestures) to her, but in vain.
1with dress (called up)
2the panel (broke up)
3out his (sooner or later)
4out his (favorite)
5(chances) are that be will be gone by then
6bedrooms and walks (straight)
7told me (beforehand)
8and failed to (seize)
9that will (go down)
10on whether there is (permanent)
1he would call up into his mind’s eye his girlfriend who had been dead for three years(她就会想起他那已经死去三年的女朋友)
2chances are that you will work under a woman executive(你狠可能就得在一位女经理的手下干活)
3would you come out her to work(你愿意到这儿来工作吗)
4for she’s in a real bind(因为她的麻烦真的很大)
5just to make an impression(就是为了给人留下印象)
6he kept his son standing in the ran for two hours straight(他居然让他儿子在雨中站了整整两个小时)
1As long as you keep practicing, you’ll blaze in your field sooner or later. It’s only a matter of time.(只要你坚持训练,你迟早会在自己的领域里闪耀自己的光芒,那只是个时间问题)
2The fierce confrontation between the two teams kept all the spectators standing to their feet.(两支足球队之间的激烈交锋使得全场观众都坐不住了)
3Before an interview you should make some preparations beforehand on questions that are likely to be raised by the interviewers.(参加面试之前,你应当事先准备一些面试人员可能提出的问题)
4Seeing his name on the roster of the school football team, he
was too excited to fall asleep throughout the night.(看到自己的名字出现在校足球队的花名册上,他激动得一夜没睡着)
5The famous singer was escorted to the press conference by her broker.(那位著名的歌星在她经纪人的陪同下出现在记者招待会上)
6Through years upon years of observation, he finally found out the cause of the disease. His findings will go down in history.(他经过多年的仔细观察终于发现了这种疾病的病因。他的这一发现将被永远载入史册)
had been kind to me, so I felt (obliged) to help her when she was in trouble.
book had been snatched from the shelves and (scattered)all over the floor.
went on to say that it was as important to respect others as(to be respected)by others
put a marker in her book so that she would know where she(left off)
lly speaking, nodding your head is (equivalent)to saying yes.
work will cost over l million, which is more than we can afford(hence) we cannot do it at this time.
is(anything but)optimistic for the future of either man or plantbut on this planet.
8(Contrary to)what is generally assumed, the adjustment to this kind of work is relativly easily made.
9. What's the(point of) protesting if the authorities just turn a deaf ear to our complaints?
10. Just because he failed once, it does not(follow)that he will fail every time. '
11. She was trying to(reassure)me that things weren't as bad as I thought.
12. I wish he would (refrain) from scattering his ash all over the carpet.
Read the following passage and choose the best word for each numbered chers know there are many drugs that can alter our bodily processes in such a way l affect our emotional experiences. One such set of drugs is commonly . 2 as sedatives (镆静剂) or tranquilizers. They act to “slow us down" 3 and make us less responsive. A doctor may 4 a tranquilizer for someone who is very tense or very 5 and who cannot sleep or function because of his over-arousal (过于兴奋).Emotional disorders of extreme over-arousal are often 6 reduced by such drugs.
Another set of drugs is called stimulants (兴奋剂). They "perk us up" emotionally and make us more responsive. A common mild stimulant is caffeine, a drug 7 in most coffees. It is because of its caffeine content 8 coffee often gives us a "lift", wakes us 9 , and helps us be more responsive. Some _ 10 are very potent c有效的) and may effectively counteract extreme depression. _ 11 a doctor's Care, t
(for itself) 12 for eighteen months, now abandons it to the arbitrary conventions and beliefs of society.
But (at least) 13 the child knows something of geometry and numbers,
and it will always (retain) 14 some memory of the early peaceful days, no matter what changes it may suffer later on. The main (reservoir) 15 0f mathematical talent in any society is thus possessed by children who are about two years old.