
2020年08月01日 05:06


Lesson 44 Speed and comfort 又快捷又舒适
If I ask you to write a composition about the advantage of travelling by air, what will you illustrate, how will you arrange your composition?
refer to L41
1. offer your topic of the advantage of travelling by air.
2. 通过对比法
3. State your view
【New words and expressions】 生词和短语
●positively adv. 绝对地,完全地
●compartment n. 列车客车厢内的分隔间(或单间)
●cramped adj. 窄小的
●stuffy adj. 憋气的,闷气的
●monotonous adj. 枯燥的,乏味的,单调的
●rhythm n. 有节奏的运动
●click v. 发出咔哒声
●lull v. 催人欲睡
●snatch n. 短时,片段
●sleeper n. 卧铺
●fumble v. 乱摸,摸索
●inspection n. 检查
●inevitably adv. 必然地,不可避免地
●destination n. 目的地
●exhaust v. 使精疲力尽
●motorway n. 快车道
●ferry n. 渡船
●cruise n. 巡游船
●civilize v. 使文明;civilization n. 文明;civilized adj. 文明的
●spacious adj. 宽敞的
●seasick adj. 晕船的;airsick adj. 晕飞机的;carsick adj. 晕车的
●intimidate v. 恐吓,恫吓
●disadvantage n. 短处,缺点
●exhilarating adj. 使人高兴的,令人兴奋的
●escapist n. 逍遥者
●sip v. 呷,啜
●champagne n. 香槟酒
●refinement n. 精心的安排
●breathtaking adj. 激动人心的;不寻常的
●soar v. 高飞,翱翔
●effortlessly adv. 不费力地
●landscape n. 景色
●fresh adj. 精神饱满的
●uncrumpled adj. 没有跨下来

◆positively adv. 绝对地,完全地
in a positive way
doubt; doubtful; uncertain; dubious 表示不是很肯定
The food is positively uneatable.
Can you really do it positively?
在这儿相当于sure, of cause, certainly, no problem
a piece of cake, no sweat, it’s a snack 都表示不成问题
I bet 我肯定

◆compartment n. 列车客车厢内的分隔间(或单间)
◆cramped adj. 窄小的
◆stuffy adj. 憋气的,闷气的
== airless
That classroom must be stuffy.

◆rhythm n. 有节奏的运动
◆click v. 发出咔哒声
roar 车辆飞快行驶发出的声音
bark 狗叫
Don’t bark your order at me.

◆monotonous adj. 枯燥的,乏味的,单调的
tedious, dull, uninteresting
monotonous == lacking variety
Eg: I don’t like the way of your teaching, it is monotonous.
I hate the monotonous rhythm of travelling by train.
tedious 乏味的(重点突出long and uninteresting 冗长乏味的 )
Eg: Your article is tedious.
dull 语意比较弱,= uninteresting
Eg: I can’t get along well with Mary, she is a dull girl.
Look at that dull person.
Tiresome == tiring 由于疲劳而厌倦
Eg: He is tired of sleeping on the floor, because he has done so for ten years.
Long lasting meetings are tiring .
You are tiresome.
You are a little bit tiresome.
bore v.
bored adj.
boring adj. 持续时
Eg : I am tired of doing so.
I am bored with doing so. 我厌烦这么做。
be tired of
be bored with

◆lull v. 催人欲睡
vt. ==cause sb. to sleep
Eg: The mother lulled her baby to sleep.
lull sb to sleep 催人入睡
lull vi.风和日丽
What a good day, the wind lulled.
lullaby 催眠曲

◆◆◆snatch n. 短时,片段
catch, seize, grab,
in snatches 断断续续地
Eg: On the train, we sleep in snatches.

◆sleeper n. 卧铺
◆fumble vt. 乱摸,摸索
Eg: He fumbled the door open. 他摸索着把门打开了。
He put his hand into his pocket to take the key out.
He fumbled in his pocket for the key.
search for

◆inspection n. 检查
◆◆◆inevitably adv. 必然地,不可避免地
Eg: Human beings are mortal, so inevitable we make mistakes, no matter how wise and eminent you are.

◆destination n. 目的地

L44-01 end 18’05”

L44-02 begin 18’48”
◆exhaust vt. 使精疲力尽
exhausted adj.
exhausting adj.
tire out
Eg: I’m exhausted. 我精疲力尽了。
What exhausts you? 什么使你精疲力尽呀?
I’m tired out.
wear out 使疲劳,使磨损
worn out
Eg: Look, your dress is worn out. 瞧,你的衣服穿坏了。
After a day’s work hard, I am worn out.
knock out
Knock sb out 1,把某人打晕,2,某人筋疲力尽

Eg: The arduous work knocked me out. 这项艰难的工作使我精疲力尽。
Fatigue 使筋疲力尽,使疲劳(书面)
Eg: The piece of work fatigues me.
Does your work fatigue you?

◆motorway n. 快车道
express way, highway

◆ferry n. 渡船
◆cruise n. 巡游船
◆civilize v. 使文明
◆◆◆spacious adj. 宽敞的
Eg: Is your classroom spacious?
Our classroom is not so spacious as that one.
I would like to lie in the spacious classroom instead of sitting here.
a roomy house
capacious 容量大的
capacity 容量
commodious 宽敞的,便利的 (== roomy and convenient )
Eg: The cinema is both roomy and convenient.
The cinema is commodious.
expansive 易膨胀的,广阔的
Eg: I’d like to appreciate expansive sea / ocean. 我喜欢欣赏浩瀚的海洋。
vast 幅员辽阔的
Eg: The desert in our country is vast, that is a major problem.
extensive 广泛的,广阔的
extensive reading 泛读
intensive reading 精读
Eg: You can enlarge you vocabulary by intensive reading.
widespread 流传广的,分布广的
Eg: The kind of news is widespread.
far-reaching 触及很远的,流传久远的
Eg: I have a good idea and it is far-reaching.

◆seasick adj. 晕船的
airsick 晕飞机的
carsick 晕车的
bicyclesick 晕自行车的
Homesick 想家的
Homesickness 思乡之情

◆intimidate v. 恐吓,恫吓
frighten, horrify, terrify
Eg: Nothing can intimidate me.

◆disadvantage n. 短处,缺点
◆◆◆exhilarating adj. 使人高兴的,令人兴
exhilarate vt. == very much excite 比excite 语义强烈得多,正式得多
Eg: I’m exhilatated by your visit. 对于你的来访我是高兴极了。
stimulate 刺激,激励
stimulate sb to do sth 激励某人做某事
Eg: Your courage stimulated me to do so.
Inspire sb to do 激励某人做某事(通过言辞)
Stir 鼓动,鼓舞
Eg: Who stired you to do it like this? You should look before you leap. 谁鼓动你这么做?你应该三思而后行。
spur 刺激
Eg: His rude remarks spured me.
Eg: He always encourages me to study hard when I’m unwilling to do so.

◆escapist n. 逍遥者
◆sip v. 呷,啜
vt & n.
== drink a little at a time.
take a sip of sth 喝一点
Eg: I’m really thirsty, would you mind my taking a sip of your Coffee?
have a taste of sth 尝一点
Eg: I’m so hungry that I want to have a taste of your cake.
You can take a sip of my Coffee, but my cake only belongs to me.

◆champagne n. 香槟酒
◆◆◆refinement n. 精心的安排
refine 使人精力充沛
Eg: Coffee always refined us.
Coffee always made us fresh.

L44-02 end 18’48”

L44-03 begin 18’33”

◆breathtaking adj. 激动人心的;不寻常的
Eg: The picture takes my breath. 这幅画太美了。
The girl takes my breath.
The beautiful dress takes my breath.
decide to go for a trip 决定旅行
Eg: We decided to go for a breathtaking trip.

◆soar v. 高飞,翱翔
Eg: We can’t soar in the blue sky without wings.
soar effortlessly 自由翱翔

◆effortlessly adv. 不费力地
◆landscape n. 景色
landscape 指从高处或远处远望高看的这种大地的漂亮的风光
spectacle == extroordinary sight
scenery 自然风光
scene 场面
view 透过窗户看到的景色
Eg: Our classroom doesn’t have a good view.
The rising sun in the Tai Mountain is a spectacle / landscape.

◆fresh adj. 精神饱满的
a fresh man
Eg: Look at that guy, he is really fresh.他很帅

◆uncrumpled adj. 没有跨下来
Eg: He went Home fresh and uncrumpled.


People travelling long distances frequently have to decide whether they would prefer to go by land, sea, or air.
people who travel long distance frequently
frequently 定期地,经常地 quite often
have to decide== have to make up their mind
would rather; would sooner 要和动词原形搭配
had better do 最好地
would prefer to do
would rather do

hardly + anyone 等不定代词时不倒装,在这相当于nobody; 或 nearly nobody, virtually nobody

You concentrate your mind on the journey itself, nothing can help you to keep away from it.

take your mind off sth 把某人注意力从…转移开
Eg: A holiday can take your mind off your anxiety.
Do keep your mind off your unHappiness.
I can’t take my mind off my examination, because examination day is coming.

partial solution =
= one part of solution

L44-03 end 18’33”

L44-04 begin 18’35”

Inevitably you arrive at your destination almost exhausted.
exhausted 在这里是形容词做状语
wear out; tire out; fatigue; knock out 筋疲力尽

Long car journeys are even less pleasant, for it is quite impossible even to read.
The writer emphasize disadvantage of travelling by train.
Travelling by car is moeunpleasant than travelling in the train.

fairly 的语气是最弱的
more often than not 主要用在书面语言当中,means very often, usually, frequetly

By comparison 通过对比
offer == provide
comforts 在这儿指代service

Be likely to do 有可能……
== it is probable that
could not be + 形容词比较级, can not be +形容词比较级,no… could be 表示“没有什么比…”
Eg: Nobody can be more beautiful than you.
No place can / could be better. 没有什么地方比这儿更好。

relatively 相对来讲
Eg: A large number of people are prepared to sacrifice their higher pay for the privilege of becoming white collar.
Relatively, few people are prepared to sacrifice their holiday time for the dubious pleasure of travelling by sea.
dubious == uncertain == doubtful

paragraph 2

Aeroplanes are famous / well-known for its being dangerous.

L44_42-04 end 18’35”

L44-05 begin 18’52”

have the disadvantage of
have the reputation of

match sb. for
but nothing can be equal to them.

It is almost impossible to take your mindoff the journey.
You don’t have to / needn’t devise ways of taking your mind off the journey.

hardly… when
You had hardly had time to feel tired when you arrived at your destination.
on some services 在这里指代on airplane

Keep one’s mind off 转移注意力
Keep sb. occupied 集中注意力

however == no matter how

If you can do without the few pleasures of travelling by land, you will find aeroplanes provide up with the best.

Please illustrate the disadvantage and advantage of studying abroad.
at first, you must illustrate your topic
the disadvantage of studying at Home.
the disadvantage of studying abroad.

参见Lesson 41

L44-05 end 18’52”
Lesson44A end 1:32:39

Lesson44B begin 1:12:29
L44-06 begin 18’43”

Eg: 1. The discrimination agaist women is very obvi
ous in the world.
2. The discrimination agaist women is especially obvious in the job of marketing.
3. The discrimination agaist women began in 1910.
topic 应为2。

1. 起 (开篇,引出论点): at first, first, firstly, in the beginning(起初), first of all, at present(目前), nowadays, currently, to start with, to begin with ,for one thing(首先), for another(其次), in one hand 一方面, in the other hand 另一方面
2. 承: to start with, at the same time, at any rate无论如何,
besides此外,除了…之外还有,apart from, in addition, in addition to, furthermore,
in fact 事实上,actually, as a matter of fact, in reality , moreover, no doubt, without any doubt,
similarly 同样地, in the same way , meanwhile, in the meantime, obviously明显地,particularly,
such as, for example, for instance, consequently, as a consequence, as a result,
what is more, what is worse, what is better
above all

L44-06 end (43-02 ) 18’43”

L44-07 begin 16’36”

3.折: after all 毕竟,终究, all the same 虽然,但是, anyway 无论如何, somehow, but, however, nevertheless, nonetheless, by the time 到这个时候,此时,conversely, on the contrary, despite, in spite of , in contempt of, in disregard of, by contrast, by comparison, fortunately, in other words 换句话说,on the other hand, unlike 和……不同,不像, whereas然而,
Eg: He made a mistake, after all he is a child aged 5.
Even though you are not of most help, I’m grateful to you just the same.
I had expected myself to pass the examination, somehow I failed.
I don’t have the ability to do the work, fortunately my friends romise me to help me.

4.合: 主要是用来小结上文的或是用作结尾段: accordingly于是,因此,as has been noted (above) 如前所述的,as has been mentioned, as has been talked of,
at last, finally, lastly, at length,
briefly简而言之,in brief, in short, in a word, in conclusion, in sum, in summary, to sum up, to summarize, to conclude, on the whole 总起说来
L44-07 end 16’36”
L44-08 begin 15’56”

no doubt 毫无疑问, undoubtedly, truly, certainly, positively, surely, obviously,
Topic 主题
1. 可以使用谚语作为topic
as the saying goes; as proverb goes
2. 定义法
What is advertisement, it is the words or pictures on a media to promote product / the sale of product.
作业:illustrate your opinion about advertisements on media.
3. 可以使用提问法:Lesson 7
illustrate your opinion about friendship
Do you have a good / large circle of friends?
4. 概括法:出现在开头段的首句或末句。
I qu
ite agree with this idea.
5. 间接开头法:先叙述别人的观点,然后引出自己的真实看法。
Eg: People often say that money can buy all the things, but I think it is not true.

1. 注意结构安排
2. 找出文章关键词
3. 注意每一自然段的段首段尾。

L44-08 end 15’56”

L44-09 begin 11’23”

【Vocabulary 】Page 206
cramped and stuffy: not roomy, not sacious,
lacking space, airless lacking space and air
monotonous 单调乏味的 unchanging
lulls: cause to sleep
in snatches: not continuously
destination: terminal
Destination is a place where someone is going.
stretch your legs: have a rest, go for a walk
sarifice : give up for a purpose

【Multiple choice questions】
1. The great disadvantage shared by train and car travel alike is _____ .
a. the fact that one cannot get to sleep on either form of transport
b. the fact that one cannot concentrate on what one is reading
c. the monotony of travelling at fast speeds along railway lines or roads
d. the tedium and discomfort of the journey
The great disadvantage that shared by train and car travel alike as
alike; as well
was adored by the rich and poor alike.

2 An aeroplane journey invariably provides such distractions as _____ .
a. the thought that one has not long to wait before arriving
b. the exhilarating quality of the air one breathes at 30,000 feet
c. being able to watch a film or drink champagne
d. the marvellous views of land or clouds you can see from the plane
distraction 转移注意力
such … as比如……
He can speak such languages as English, Japanese.

3 Having arrived at your destination by air, you will _____ .
a. not feel exhausted as you will have had plenty of sleep
b. feel the expense was worth the comfort and speed of the 500-mile flight
c. have the satisfaction of knowing you could not have got there any faster
d. at least feel fresh though your clothes might be a mass

L44-09 end (44-01) 11’23”

L44-10 begin 10’06”
No forms of transport can be more comfortable and faster than aeroplanes.

4 People travelling long distances frequently have to decide _____ they would prefer to go by land see or air. (ll.1-2)
a. which b. how c. what d. if

5 If you are _____ a sleeper …(ll.8-9)
a. luckily getting b. lucky and get c. to get luckily d. so lucky to get

★★6 ----and enjoy good food _____ , of course, that the sea is calm. (ll.13-14)
a. provided b. in the event c. in case d. if only
如果内心的期望和事实没有关系,表达“如果”采用的结构形式不是if,不是suppose, 而是providing or provided
Eg: I’ll take all the shirts if / provided you reduce the price to $$1 each.

7 In addition, it _____ their being the most expensive form of transport. (l.19)
a. has been a grave disadvantage b. is the great disadvantage that
. is a great disadvantage d. has been the great disadvantage of
in addition 表示承上启下,除此之外还有
如果用apart from, besides, in addition to, 必须和宾语进行搭配。
It is no use crying. 哭没有用。
It is no use pretending that I didn’t see him. 假装没看见他是没有用的了。

★★★8 If it is not and you are _____ , no form of transport could be worse. (ll.14-15)
a. provably seasick b. bad at sailing c. sick of the sea d. prone to seasickness
If it is not == If it is not calm
be prone to sth. to 在这里是介词。
相当于be likely to do表示极有可能。
During cold winter, we are likely to catch cold.
During cold winter, we are prone to cold.

9 Nothing can _____ aeroplanes for speed and comfort. (ll.19-20)
a. match with b. equal c. equal with d. equal to
match 指大小,色调,形状,性质等相配或相称

10 For a few hours, you _____ a deep armchair to enjoy the flight. (ll.22-23)
a. relax in b. sit up in c. sit on d. install
sit up 不睡觉 = stay up
install 安装,固定
Eg: Let us install a television set on the wall.

11 You can enjoy the extraordinary _____ of unbroken cloud plains … (ll.26-7)
a. scene b. vision c. spectacle d. scenery
spectacle = landscape
scenery 自然风光
scene 场景

12 You won’t send the next few days getting _____ a long and arduous journey. (l.30)
a. above b. over c. up from d. away from
get over 从......中恢复过来
Eg: He hasn’t got over his wife’s death.
He doesn’t get over his illness.
get away from 从......逃脱掉。

【Key to Multiple choice questions】
1. D 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. B 10. A 11. C 12.B

L44-10 end 10’06” Lesson44B end 1:12:29 Lesson44 end2:45:08







