
2020年08月01日 06:11


《时刻戒备》 Watch and Ward(1871)
《罗德里克·赫德森》Roderick Hudson (1875)
《大西洋的轮廓》Transatlantic Sketches (1875)(游记)
《美国人》The American (1877)
《黛西·米勒》Daisy Miller (1878)(中篇小说)
《欧洲人》The Europeans (1878)
《华盛顿广场》Washington Square (1880)
《一位女士的画像》The Portrait of a Lady (1881)
《法国掠影》A Little Tour in France (1884)(游记)
《波士顿人》The Bostonians (1886)
《卡萨玛西玛公主》The Princess Casamassima (1886)
《阿斯彭文稿》The Aspern Papers (1888)(中篇小说)
《悲惨的缪斯》The Tragic Muse (1890)
《盖伊·汤姆威尔》Guy Domville (1895)(剧本)
《被凌辱的伯顿》 The Spoils of Poynton (1897)
《梅茜所知道的》What Maisie Knew (1897)
《螺丝在拧紧》The Turn of the Screw (1898)(中篇小说)
《在笼中》In the Cage (1898)
《尴尬年月》The Awkward Age (1899)
《圣泉》The Sacred Fount(1901)
《鸽翼》The Wings of the Dove (1902)
《使节》(或译:奉使记)The Ambassadors (1903)
《丛林猛兽》The Beast in the Jungle (1903)(中篇小说)
《金碗》The Golden Bowl (1904)
《英国风情》English Hours (1905)(游记)
《美国掠影》The American Scene (1907)(游记)
《意大利时日》Italian Hours (1909)(游记)
《过去的韶光》The Sense of the Past(1917)(未竟长篇小说)
《象牙塔》The Ivory Tower(1917)(未竟长篇小说)


Henry James plays an important role in the new criticism school, which has been hailed as the "master of literature" and the forerunner of western modern novels. James's "theory of consciousness" has great influence on the later "stream of consciousness novels". The novella is a kind of "beauty" in the form of art James preferred. He believes that the rich and colorful content into concise form, which is a challenge to the writer.

James in his works reveal the American spirit and American life. He had believed that writers and artists can't light depending on surface of mirror irradiated sometime, somewhere social life. On the contrary, the writer should use the language art, dig in human's mental and moral nature most deep things. He believed that the novel is not only the art form for the readers to provide entertainment, the best novel should show the social life is very complex process, to inspire the reader's life.

1879年中篇小说《黛西·密勒》(Daisy Miller)使他一举成名。小说描写美国姑娘黛西·密勒游历欧洲时的遭遇。她的天真浪漫、热情开朗的性格招来了许多误解和麻烦。最后客死他乡。小说将美国人的天真浪漫与欧洲人的世故奸诈进行了比较,肯詹姆斯并没有简单地肯定前者而否定后者,只是向读者
1879 "Daisy Miller" to make him famous. The novel depicts the American girl Daisy Miller traveled to Europe to encounter. Her naive romantic, warm and cheerful character has attracted many misunderstandings and troubles. At last he said. The story will be the age-old cunning of American innocence romantic and Europeans were compared with Ken James was not simply affirm the former and deny the latter, just to the reader
True to show the conflict between the United States and the new moral culture of the old continent.

1881年出版的《一位女士的画像》(The Portrait of A Lady),是他早期创作中最具代表意义的作品。小说中的女主人公伊莎贝尔从美国移居英国。在一次意大利之行中,她认识了一位长期侨居欧洲的美国人,感到他趣味高雅、修养良好,就毫不犹豫地嫁给了他。婚后发现丈夫爱的是她的财产。伊莎贝尔在经过一系列痛苦的思索之后,还是决定维持和他的婚姻。小说表现了美国资产者同欧洲封建贵族相处时相互吸引又相互抵触的主题。20世纪初,处于创作后期的詹姆斯接连发表《鸽翼》、《使节》和《金碗》3部长篇小说,使他的创作达到高峰。《鸽翼》写一位英国记者为钱财追求一个患有不治之症的美国姑娘的故事。《使节》描绘一位高雅的法国女人对一个美国阔少所产生的难以抗拒的魅力。《金碗》通过一段继母与女婿私通的故事引发出了许多涉及道德问题的思索。
The Portrait of A Lady , published in 1881, is one of the most representative works in his early writing. Isabel, the heroine of the novel, moved from the United States to the United States. In a trip to Italy, she recognized the a long-term expatriate European Americans, felt he was tasteful, good cultivation, would not hesitate to marry him.
After marriage, she found that her husband was in love with her property. After a series of painful thoughts, Isabel decided to keep his marriage. The novel shows the theme of mutual attraction and conflict between American and European feudal nobles. At the beginning of the 20th century. In the late works of James published a series of, the wings of the dove, the ambassadors and the golden bowl, three novels, so that his creative peak. "Dove" wrote a British reporter for money in pursuit of a terminally ill American girl story. "Ambassadors" depicts an elegant French woman produced by an American young tycoons irresistible charm. "Golden bowl" by a stepmother and son-in-law extramarital story caused a lot of problems involving moral thinking.

《梅奇知道什么》(What Maisie Knew),美国电影,斯科特·迈克吉 、 大卫·西格尔执导。影片根据19世纪末期问世的同名小说改编而成,但将故事背景设定在了现代的纽约,以十岁小女孩梅奇(Maisie)的视点展开故事情节,这位小姑娘因为父母的离异而深感苦恼。







