Because I Could Not Stop For Death英文两篇赏析

2020年08月01日 06:20


Because I Could Not Stop For Death两篇赏析
Because I Could Not Stop For Death
In this poem, Dickinson describes dying and immortality in the dominant metaphor of a carriage on a Stanza 1, Death, accompanied by Immortality, stops to pick up the speaker in a carriage. In stanzas 2-4, they journey, leaving earthly life behind them (labor, leisure, children, grain, setting sun). In stanza 5, they pause before the grave (swelling of the ground), and stanza 6 depicts the speaker centuries later, speaking from eternity.

This one--- Because I Could Not Stop for Death, which brims over with religious theme is just a perfect evidence. As Dickinson’s poems usually had no titles, and the first sentence of a poem is taken as its title.
The poem begins with a leisurely image. At first, the protagonist feels totally at ease and the usually frightening death is described as if a familiar friend, gentle and polite. Continuingly, the poem is developed upon a basic metaphor that life is a journey. It was truly rather old a comparison, but Dickinson enriched it with her creativity and imagination School, where Children strove --childhood; Fields of Gazing Grain--maturity; and Setting Sun--old age. Then “the Dews drew quivering and chill-” makes the protagonist feel terribly cold, which may mean that they are getting nearer and nearer to the tomb. But at last, his companions, Immortality and Death, finally desert him and leave him alone to go toward Eternity.
So it seems that though death cheats him and at the same time deserts him, the experience of death itself is not painful. Emily Dickinson’s poems just explain this kind of essence of life, which then lead you to a world of imagination and thinking.







