2020年08月01日 07:21
P: I'd rather have a shower.我想洗个淋浴。
I would like my hair washed(cut)。
I would like to have a shave.我想剃剃胡须。
N: May I throw these flowers away?
P: Yes, please put these flower in a vase.可以,请将这些花放在花瓶里。
N: Mrs. Smith, you are wanted on the ghone.史密斯太太,有你的电话。
P: Is it a long distance call?
N: NO. It's from your embassy(delegation)。
不是。 是从你们大使馆(代表团)打来的。
Doctor: We are going to do the operation on you tomorrow. Ihope you won't worry.明天我们就要给你做手术了,希望你不要紧张。
P: I will try not to, but will it hurt?
D: We'll give you anaesthesia. If you feel any pain during the operation, just let me know.我们会给你麻药的。 手术期间你若觉得痛就告诉我们。
Have you hand in you consent yet?
P: How should I write it?
D: "I (name) the undersigned have requested and consented to a certain operation. " That's all. We need the seal of your embassy and the signatur of your Ambassador on the consent form.“我(名字)签名人申请并同意做某种手术。”然后签上名字就行了。我们需要在这张志愿书上盖上你们大使馆的印鉴,还需要你们大使的签字。
N: I'd like to Shave off the hair around the operation.我要把手术区周围的毛剃一下。
P: I have never been in a hospital before. I'm so scared.我从来没住过医院,我害伯极了。
N: There is nothing to worry about. The doctor who will operate on you is very experrenced and considerate. If you have any discomfort during the operation, please don't hesitate to tell him. I'11 give you an enema tonight. After that please don't take any food or water before the operation.不必担心,给你做手术的医生是富有经验和细致耐心的。手术当中你有什么不舒服,尽管向他提出来。我今天晚上要给你灌一次肠。这以后直到手术前请不要再吃东西或喝水了。
P: How do you do it? Does it hurt?
N: I'11 insert a rubber tube into your anus and let the soapsuds solution flow into your rectum. Please let me know if you feel distension. I'11 stop the flowing. Hold it for several minutes before you expel it. That may preduce a better result.我先给你肛门里插根橡皮管,再在(直肠)里送些肥皂水。你觉着肚子胀,就说话,我就不灌了。你先尽量憋几分钟再排