2020年08月01日 09:22
Catch-22 (第二十二条军规): 不合逻辑或不公平的情况,造成的一个人没有机会获胜或成功"If I study medicine, I'll be unhappy. If I study art, my parents will be unhappy. I'm in a catch-22 situation."
Cool as cucumber 形容一个人平静、放松 "You'd never know that Paul has a big presentation tomorrow. Look at him, he's cool as a cucumber." 你看不出Paul明天还有个重要的演示要做,你看他,依然保持冷静
【大排档趣味英语翻译】 肉串Skewer(lamb) 肉筋Tendon(lamb) 板筋Tendon(beef) 脆骨Cartilage 鸡心Chicken hearts 烧烤Griddle savoury cake cake 小腰Small kidney(lamb) 鸡翅Chicken wing 大腰子Big kidney(lamb) 骨肉相连Cartilage§chicken
【英文解恨词】geek 怪才;nerd 书呆子;dweeb 白痴;idiot 傻瓜;moron 低能;slacker 懒鬼;bozo 笨家伙;bonehead 蠢货;brown-noser 马屁精;egomaniac 利己狂;bragger自大狂;tattler 长舌妇;crybaby 爱哭鬼;tightwad 吝啬鬼;backstabber 卑鄙小人;time-waster 浪费时间的人。 亲们随意~
routine惯例,例程 schedule日程表 review复习 meet up with somebody跟...见面 corridor走廊 gossip说闲话 regular定期的,有规律的 sharp准时的 overtime加班,超时 hang out with somebody与...出去玩,试着用上以上参考词汇回答雅思口语问题Tell me about your usual daily routine.
Neither here nor there/毫不相干 Even though we talked a lot about our tastes in food, it was neither here nor there as we had to cater to our guest’s tastes。虽然我们谈了很多关于我们的食物口味,但这都毫不相干,因为我们不得不迎合客人的口味。
【''音乐''词汇】popular music 流行音乐 singer 歌手; performance 演唱;melody 旋律;music Album 音乐专辑;lyrics 歌词;lyricist 歌词作者;compose 作曲;composer 曲作者;songwriter 词曲作者; Instrument 乐器;accompaniment 伴奏;musician 音乐人;conductor 指挥
衣着的俗语:off the cuff即席,事先不做准备/have ants in one's pants紧张不安/burn a hole in your pocket花钱如流水/tighten your belt勒紧腰带过日子/take my hat off to sb佩服某人/at the drop of a hat立马/fill one's shoes取代/a real stuffed shirt爱摆架子/keep one's shirt on保持冷静
【美语中 “崩溃”的说法 】 正规的说法是 "Collapse" [k?'l?ps]。 口语的比较简单也比较常用: ① Crash: I'm going to crash soon 我快崩溃了 ② Breakdown (名词): He's about to have a breakdown ③ Break Down: She's about to break down 她快要崩溃了 Got it?
【口语中高频俚语精选】 Clear the air 消除误会/澄清事实;A bad egg 缺乏道德的人/
坏蛋;Feeling blue 感到无精打采; Keep one's cool 保持冷静 ;Lose face 丢脸 ;Bear in mind 记住 ;Keep somebody posted 随时传达消息 /保持联系;Get out of hand 失去控制
【各种零食】零食snack food;巧克力chocolate;葡萄干raisin;花生peanut;瓜子seeds;棒棒糖lollipop;葵花籽sunflower seeds;薯片crisps;什锦坚果mixed nuts;爆米花popcorn;冰淇淋ice cream;棉花糖marshmallow;果冻jelly;开心果pistachio nut;奶油夹心饼twinkie
喜欢哪种鞋? sports shoes,trainers(BE),sneakers(AE)运动鞋/plimsolls帆布鞋/sandals凉鞋,拖鞋/slippers拖鞋/flip flops,thongs人字拖/wellington boots,wellies(BE),galoshes(AE)雨靴,胶靴/clogs木屐/ankle boots高帮鞋/flatforms,flatform shoes松糕鞋/high-heeled shoes高跟鞋/pump无带浅口鞋
【"耐心"点】:1)Rome wasn't built in a day.罗马不是一天建成的 2)Don't cross that bridge till you come to it.没到河边,先别操心怎么过桥 3)All in good time.别急,还有时间 4)Take it easy.别着急,慢慢来 5)There's a time for everything.事情要一件一件地做
【网络缩略词】: 1)OMG (Oh my god)我的神啊 2)LOL (laughing out loud)放声大笑 3)FYI (for your information)仅供参考 4)BFF (best friends forever)永远的好朋友 5)TMI (too much information)说太多了 6)ppl (people)人 7)w/o (without)没有 8)GR8 (Great)
【各种"费"】:1)expense 花费、开支 2)admission 指入场费 3)charge 要价(常复数,像旅馆费等,一次性劳务所收取的费用) 4)cost 成本、原价(得到...要支付的) 5)fare 搭乘交通工具的费用 6)tip 小费 7)tuition 学费 8)postage 邮费 9)freight 运费 10)fee 雇佣律师等的佣金及会费、手续费、停车费等
【各种软件版本】 Alpha内测版; Beta 公测版; Trial试用版; Final正式版; Demo演示版; Lite精简版; Full version完整版; Preview预览版; Standard标准版; Corporation/Enterprise企业版; Professional专业版; Upgrade升级版;Ultimate 旗舰版;Deluxe豪华版;Mini精简版
【"忙"的各种表达】:1)be busy 忙 2)be bustling 急急忙忙,行色匆匆 3)be hectic 紧张而忙碌 4)be in tearing hurry 手忙脚乱 5)be up to one's ears (in work) (工作)忙死了 5)be in the middle of 正在忙(可加具体的事) 6)Run off Your Feet 忙得不可开交啊
【你"醉"过吗?】 1)be drunk/be canned喝醉了 2)be tipsy有点醉了 3)be wasted喝得烂醉 4)be pickled/be as drunk as a skunk烂醉如泥 5)drink oneself under the table喝得不省人事 6)be plastered/tanked醉醺醺的 7)be the worse for drink喝得酩酊大醉 8)have a drop too much微醉,有点醉了
【''累''的地道表达】 :1)I'm exhausted./I feel exhausted.我很疲惫。2)I'm dead tired. 我累死了。3)I'm pretty tired. 我真的累了。 4)I'm worn out./I'm totally beat. 我已经筋疲力尽了。5)I really need a
break. 我真得歇歇了。6)It's killing me.可把我累死了!
关于"bed"的俗语】:bed down睡(作动词用)/stand in bed不出门/make my bed整理床铺/go to bed with the chickens睡得很早/a bed of nails如坐针毡/get out of bed on the wrong side心情不好/no bed of roses生活不舒坦/couldn't even lie straight in bed没一句实话/take to one's bed卧病在床
【NBA常见英文术语】运球-dribbling;传球-pass;跳投-jump shot;大力灌篮-slam dunk;勾手投篮-hook shot;助攻-assists;罚球-foul shots/free throws;盖帽-block;卡位/掩护-screen/pick;身后运球-behind the back;腿间运球-between the legs;篮板球-rebound;失误-turnovers
【机场指南】 航班信息 Flight info;航班实况 Flight status;航班时刻表 Flight schedules;航班查询 Flight Finder;抵达Arrival;购物和餐饮 Shopping and Dining;出发Departure;转机Transit;设施和服务Facilities and Services;咨询服务 Advisories;航空公司 Airlines