
2020年08月01日 10:39


Enemy at the Gates script

I am a stone.

I do not move.

Very slowly, I put snow in my mouth,

then he won't see my breath.

I take my time. I let him come closer.

I have only one bullet. I aim at his eye.

Very gently, my finger presses on the trigger.

I do not tremble.

I have no fear. I'm a big boy now.

Ready, Vassili?

Now, Vassili. Fire!

Fire, Vassili! Fire!

- Come on, pick your feet up.

Get on your feet. Prepare to board the train.

You there, come along with me now. This way, pal.

All civilians, get out!

Make way, let the civilians off.

This is a military convoy.

No one stays on board but our valiant soldiers.

This is a convoy to Stalingrad...

only for the soldiers of the Red Army.

All aboard!

Autumn, 1942.

Europe lies crushed beneath the Nazi jackboot.

The German Third Reich I sat the height of its power.

Hitler's armies are charging through the heart of the Soviet Union...

towards the oilfields of Asia.

One last obstacle remains. A city on the Volga...

where the fate of the world is being decided. Stalingrad.

Glorious comrade Stalin...

has ordered not another step backwards.

The people of the Soviet Union shall be free.

Go forward, comrades. Not a step backwards!

Listen to these letters sent by Russian mothers...

to their sons on the front.

"Volodya, my child, I know that it's for our motherland-

"I know that it's for our motherland that you are giving your life.

"Everyone here knows that you will not fall back.

"Everyone here is proud of you.

"Your father is dead. Your brothers are dead.

Avenge us on the hordes of fascists."

Nobody move! Stay on the boat!

- Get back or I'll shoot!

Back from the rails, or we shoot. Shoot the traitors!

Come on, come on! Move!

Come on, comrades, come on!

Move, or you'll be shot!

Over here, stretcher!

The one with the rifle shoots!

One out of two gets a rifle.

The one without follows him!

When the one with the rifle gets killed,

the one who is following picks up the rifle and shoots!

The one with the rifle shoots!

The one without follows him!

When the one with the rifle gets killed,

the one who is following...

picks up the rifle and shoots!

The one with the rifle shoots!

- This way, now. - The one without follows him!

Soldiers of the glorious Red Army, from now on...

it is either victory or death!

- Those who retreat will be shot. - I need a rifle.

There will be no mercy For cowards and traitors!



It's hopeless, comrades. Get back!



Get back! Get back!

In the name of the Soviet Union,

not a step backwards, or we shoot.

No retreat! Not a step back!

- No mercy! - Deserters will be shot.

- Fire! - Shoot the traitors!

Cowards will be shot!

No mercy for cowards!

Russians, surrender.
You will see your home again.

This is not your war.

Join your German comrades, They understand your suffering...

and will care more for you than your own officers,

who are only sending you to your death.

The Third Reich Is not your enemy.

The enemy is blood thirsty Stalin And his Bolshevik camp,

who have stolen your land, who have deported your father-


You'll get us caught, comrade Commissar.

With your permission, comrade Commissar.

- Which one should I aim at first? - You should wait...

till there's an explosion.

- Do you know how to shoot? - A little.

Don't shoot. Don't shoot. He's looking at us.

Thank you, comrade Commissar.

Danilov, political officer, second class.

Twenty-first infantry.

"Vassili Zaitsev."

"On this day, September the 20th, 1942,

- "a shepherd boy from the Urals...

"arrived in the city of Stalingrad, on the banks of the Volga.

"His name is Vassili Zaitsev.

"Like thousands before him, he came to answer comrade Stalin's call.

"Armed with a rifle, he quickly made the fascist invader realize that...

"from now on he would be punished for every step he took in the motherland;

that from here on, the only way was back."

What do you think?

I think comrade Commissar's been overgenerous.

Let me go! Let me go!

By order of comrade Stalin, no civilian can leave the city.

- Get back!

Stand away, or we will open fire.

- Stand away!

Get back!

Get back or we shoot!

Back! Keep back!

Make way for comrade Stalin 's envoy!

I carried out my orders.

I sent in all of my boys.

But the Germans engulfed us.

They have artillery, aircraft, tanks.

- And me, what did I have? - The sacred duty to resist!

I have to report to the boss.

Perhaps you'd prefer to avoid the red tape.

My name is...

Nikita Sergeyevich Kruschev.

I've come to take things in hand here.

This city is not Kursk...

nor is it Kiev, nor Minsk.

This city is Stalingrad.


This city bears the name of the boss.

It's more than a city, it's a symbol.

If the Germans capture this city,

the entire country will collapse.

Now, I want our boys...

to raise their heads.

I want them to act like they have balls!

I want them to stop shitting their pants!

That's your job.

As political officers, I'm counting on you.

You, what's your suggestion?

Shoot all the other generals who have retreated...

and their chiefs of staff too.

M-Make some examples.

- D-D-Deport families of the deserters- - Yeah, that's all been done.

Give them hope!

Here, the men's only choice is between German bullets and ours.

But there's another way. The way of courage.

The way of love of the motherland.

We must publish the army newspaper again.

We must tell magnificent stories. Stories that extol...

sacrifice, bravery.

We must make them
believe in the victory.

We must give them hope, pride, a desire to fight.

Yes, we need to make examples.

But examples to follow.

What we need... are heroes.

Do you know any heroes around here?

Yes, comrade, I know one.

That's me!

"Vassili Zaitsev." That's me!

No, you're not dreaming. It's your name.

We made the front page.

They haven't changed a word.

Do you have any idea what this means?

It's not the back page, it's not the second page,

- it's the front page. - The front page!

They're going to reprint our article everywhere.

In the Caucasus, in the Crimea, even in the Urals.

Tomorrow morning, Stalin himself will be sitting over breakfast,

reading my words, memorizing your name.

We're famous, Vassili. Kruschev loved the article.

He's promoted me to the general staff.

And you to sniper division.

- Well, that's good. - It's very good.

- It's very good. It's great. - It's very great!

- It's great! - For us because we did it together.

- Together!

- Although I did all the hard work. - Oh, yeah?

- You're very lucky I can't fight back. - Why's that?

Because Kruschev told me to make sure nothing happens to you.

- You're too important. - I'm too valuable.

Yes, careful of my- careful of my glasses, please. They're new.

Sorry, sir.

- I'm famous! We're famous! - I'm famous! I'm famous!

Vassili, the young shepherd from the Urals,

killed his 12th German officer today.

He used to hunt wolves, Now he shoots fascists.

Today, Vassili Zaitsev shot his 23rd German officer.

He is an example to us all.

Vassili shot his 32ndGerman officer.

Count only the Germans you have killed.

- Today, Vassili Zaitsev- - Here is the evidence-

11 dog tags retrieved by sniper Vassili Zaitsev.

More and more men and women, fighters from all branches of our armed forces,

join the sniper division and learn the skills of Vassili Zaitsev.

I am a stone.

I am a stone.

I breathe slowly.

I aim at the eye.

So it is you,

the great Vassili Zaitsev.

- My mother makes potatoes with bacon. - Sounds good.

When she sees you, she won't believe her eyes.

- How many today? - Only two.

And the last one, why didn't you shoot him?

He was only a foot soldier. Wasn't worth giving away my position.

- Bless you.

We know how much we owe you.

We pray for you every day.

Every evening, we listen to them talk about you on Radio Moscow.

Thanks. You've certainly managed well down here.

My parents used to store furniture down here before the war.

Sacha, drop that right now.

It's loaded.

This way, comrade Commissar.

Thank you, comrade.

Good evening.

Comrade Zaitsev?

My God, where does all this mail come from?

From all over the country, Mrs. Filipov, from all over.

This one's from the workers of the Kouzbass.

They want to name their mine after Vass

Right, let's start with the miners.

Come on, let's get to work.

Dear comrades from the Kouzbass,

- Kouzbass. - I thank you for your letter of praise.

- Praise? - R-A-l-S-E.

And... I hope that I can live up...

to your expectations- A-T-l-O-N-S.


You're interested in German literature, Mrs. Filipov?

It's all right, it's our neighbor.

- Right, where were we? - Tania, we have guests.

Your offer to name-


l-I recognize you.

He's Vassili Zaitsev.

I saw your picture in the paper.

Thank you For everything you're doing.

- And this is his friend, Commissar... - Danilov.


Tania is like a daughter to me.

She used to take care of Sacha when I worked at the factory.

She even taught him German. All these books are hers.

- Oh, they're yours? - She studied German at the university.

- Which university? - Moscow.

Moscow. Moscow.

Shouldn't we, uh-

Yes, let's continue.

Your offer to name Your mine after me...

is... a great honor.


Yes, I know. Honor.

Very good.

Shouldn't we make the point that I'm not the only one fighting?

That- That's excellent- excellent idea, Vassili.

- We can take it even further though. - Oh.

We can take it further.

Your battle for The production of coal...

is as worthy as mine.

There's no "K" in coal.

Just-just one "L."

Oh, tell me if I'm going too fast.

- No, you're not going too fast. - You sure?

I just thought is there Any other improvements?

Why don't you get some rest? These letters can wait until tomorrow.

We should carry on. We're not tired.

Thank you, Mrs. Filipov. These people...

took the trouble to write to us.

Tomorrow, we may not be around to write back.

Major Konig, Herr General.

I was expecting someone...


Certainly not someone so prestigious.

I imagine you have your reasons...

for getting yourself involved in this hellish situation.

My army is not designed For this kind of fighting.

Yesterday, yet again, I had to promote...

25 sergeants to replace the officers shot down by their sharpshooters.

Those snipers are demoralizing my people.

This city is no more than...

a heap of ruins.

But the fuehrer's persisting.

He has made it a personal matter between Stalin and himself.

We should trust the fuehrer's instinct.

He always managed to lead us to victory.

We shall be back home For Christmas.

How are you going to go about finding this young Russian?

I'll fix it so that he's the one who finds me.

Vassili. Vassili.

- Come on, time to get up. - What?

They have a problem in the department store sector. They need us. Come on.

Look, Vassili, he's hiding in the department store. Over there.

So far this morning,

he's knocked off five officers, plus two machine gunners.

Look, third floor, fourth window from the left.

Fourth window from the left.

See him?

Yeah, I see him.

There, you got him!

Great shot.

Let's go get his dog tag.

Good-bye, comrade Commissar.

Thank you for your hospitality, Mrs. Filipov.

You can borrow whatever you like.

I'm not sure what they would say to me at headquarters...

if I came back with an armful of Goethe and Schiller.

- There's some Marx too.

You were assigned to civil defense at the 12th district?

No, I volunteered.

It's such a coincidence meeting you like this.

Comrade Kruschev was telling me just yesterday...

how desperately we're in need of operators who speak German.

I can't. Our militia's responsible for all the people in this neighbourhood.

We're already desperately short of men.

We'll give you a dozen soldiers for every one that speaks German.

I'd rather stay and fight.

Serving at headquarters is fighting. You'd be far more useful there.

You stay here. You cover us.

- All right. - We go.

Take care.

Ludmilla, come on.

Check the stairway.

It's a trap.

I know.

Move back.

He's still here.

- They're coming straight for us! - Ludmilla,

stay where you are, he's over there somewhere.

We have to get out of here!

- We have to get out of here! - Just stay where you are!

What are we gonna do?

Ludmilla, stay where you are!

Fuck this, I'm going.

Ludmilla, no!

What does this mean?

"The little shepherd from the Urals receives a new sniper's rifle,

"a Mosin-Nagant 7.62, with its 3.5- Power P.U. Telescope.

Pride of precision Of Soviet production."

- I've seen that rifle close up. - Have you?

I've even touched it. I know him well, Vassili Zaitsev.

Ludmilla and Anton were killed today, and it was my fault.

No, I'm sure that's not true.

There was a German sniper. I walked them right into his trap.

- What else can you tell me? - He didn't relocate.

A sniper who doesn't relocate isn't normal.

He was very good. It wasn't just his shooting, it was his instinct.

He was a step ahead of me all the time.

That's because he knows everything about you.

His name is Konig, Major Konig.

They've sent him here to ki-

to find you.

At first we weren't sure if the information was reliable.

It seems he's come all the way from Berlin to stop you.

You've caused them so many sleepless nights, they sent their top marksman.

- What do we know about him? - He's a major in the Wehrmacht.

He's director of their sniper school in Zossen.

Koulikov studied under him at Zossen before the war.

He knows all his tricks. From now on, he'll go with you everywhere.

A nobleman from Bavaria who hunts deer...

against a shepherd boy from the Urals who poaches wolves.

It's more than a confrontation between two nations.

It's the essence Of class struggle.

I'm glad you're so happy.

He had all the advantages. Next time y
e sense.

There aren't any donkeys in the forest.

You made it up.

So... I'm a donkey?

People like you and Danilov...

have to survive this.

People who have read books, had an education.

We'll need you when the war is over.

And if you survive?

What will the useless Vassili Zaitsev do then?

I wanna work in a factory.

My granddad took me to a factory once.

There was this man there, high up on a-

on a foot walk.

He wasn't wearing blue like the others.

The people he was supervising didn't understand what they were doing.

But for him, for him up there,

it was simple; it was clear.

And I thought, "One day, I could be that man."

Sad to have a dream you know won't happen.

Why shouldn't it?

You'll outlive us all.


You'll be the oldest donkey in the forest.

"150 meters stand between the Germans and the Volga.

"Today the whole world is watching these 150meters.

They are what makes Stalingrad..."

the capitol...

of the war.

Your friend, Tania...

have you see her?

She stays over there now, with the snipers.

Tell the major we're sending in all of our sharpshooters...

to support the attack on the factory.

Tell him Vassili will be there.

- I need to talk to you. - Sure.

- I need to talk to you. - Sure.

- Danilov. - Hmm?

You have to stop writing about me.

I'm not gonna get him because I'm not good enough.

Sooner or later, he's gonna find me, he's gonna kill me.

I've warned you before not to talk like this.

This time it's different.

You've built me up...

and up into someone I'm not.

I can't carry that weight anymore. I wanna fight.

I want to fight just as a regular soldier.

I understand.

The thing is, you're not a regular soldier. You're extraordinary.

No, I'm what you've made me.

Nothing more.

Why are you telling me this now?

Hmm? What's happened?

What's changed?

Did you speak to Tania for me?

- Yes. - Well...

will she reconsider?

I don't know.

She should. She'll be much safer. She should, you know that.

- Yeah. - It'll be easier to get her reassigned.

The Germans are preparing another offensive in the city center.

The propaganda battle is crucial for morale. We need you more than ever.

Sacha. Hold on. Sacha!

- Tell him what you know, Sacha. - Hello, Sacha.

There was dust on the major's boots.

Sacha has the major convinced he's gone over to the other side.

I don't need to tell you the risk she's taking.

The dust was yellow. There's only one place where there's dust like that-

in the back of the chemical factory, a big heap on the tracks.

Well done.


wait for me outside then.

- Danilov, - Hmm?

You had no right to use him.

No, no, I didn't use him, Vassili.

He did it of his own accord.

You know why?

Because he believes in you!

Tomorrow morning, we're
going to take back the chemical factory.

Sacha's informed the major you'll be there,

so now you know where you have to wait for him.

- In the middle of an assault. - I'm following orders.

I suggest you do the same.

Now, I'm aware of the risks.

You'll be fine.


That's the Germans up there.

And yesterday was the Russians.

We're not very far now.


you're playing a very dangerous game.

I want you to win.

See there? Keep going along the river.

It's safe... for a while.


He's dead. We found this on his corpse.

Your reason for being here has ceased to exist.

Pardon me, Herr General,

but I do not believe-

There is a plane bound for Berlin tomorrow evening.

You will be on it.

Until then, I must ask you for your dog tags.

Imagine how Russian propaganda would profit from your death.

If you fall, you will fall unknown.

You've already had a near miss.

Also please take this War Merit Cross.

It was awarded posthumously...

to a lieutenant of the 116th Infantry Division...

who fell here during the first days of the battle.

Who fell here during the first days of the battle.

He was my son.

If the landing is captured, everything's lost!

Come here.

What did I tell you?

You've been playing your fiddle too much!

If it's confirmed that he's dead, we're sunk!

- Well, you'll sunk. - It isn't true.

It was intercepted from their staff headquarters.

What do they have to do, dangle his body in front of our men?

They're lying.

That's good. Very good.

Write it, then. "Vassili Zaitsev is not dead.

"This is what he had for breakfast this morning.

This is a picture of him reading today's newspaper."You're the poet".

- What?

You won't give up the riverbank!

I don't care if you'll lost half your men!

Lose the other half, or lose yourself!

Is he back?

He should be back soon.

The German attack cut the lines. That's why he's late.

Can we go outside?

I wrote to my mother about you.

She wanted me to tell you that once this war was over,

if there's anything you needed- anything at all-

our family will be there for you.

You know I'm here for you.

They're saying Vassili is dead.

Vassili Zaitsev will never see his loved ones again.

Surrender! This is your only hope.

You're upset.

Because Zaitsev is dead?

You don't have to hide it. There's no shame in it.

You're a Russian like he is.

Don't listen to them.

It's just propaganda.

He isn't dead.

And do you know why?

Because I haven't killed him yet.

I'm going to tell you a little secret.

Only you, because I know I can trust you.

But you must swear to me that you won't tell another soul.

You swear?

I found a terrific spot.

It's by the exit from the train station.

I'll hide in the water tower.

Tomorrow. I'll wait for him t

You'll see. He'll be there.

He always is.

I also want you to swear that from now on, you'll stay home where you belong.

Do you swear? Yes?


"We know he's alive. We know he won't fail us.

We know because he is a part of us now. Vassili is eternal."

Where have you been? We've looked everywhere for you.

Oh, didn't you hear? I was dead.

At least the noble sniper Zaitsev...

Vassili was dead.

The real one.


I was asleep,

and I missed my chance.

Then, I was curled up in a corner, hiding...

from a man who wants to kill me.

I'll talk to Kruschev.

He'll send you back to your old division.

- Where's Tania? - She's at the shelter.

I've been to the shelter.

I told her you weren't dead.

The major said so. He said the other Germans were lying.

He told me you were waiting for him at the station.




My little Sacha.

I knew it.

- Vassili. - Tania.

I knew you weren't dead.


Because we only just met.

I prayed for the first time since I was a little girl.

When I opened my eyes, Sacha was standing there...

waiting to give me the good news.

I think he loves you even more than I do.

To the proper military authority,

I'm calling to the commandant's attention the recent changes noticed...

in the attitude towards fighting of soldier Vassili Zaitsev.

He has attempted on several occasions to escape his duties,

voiced doubts on the chances of our victory...

and made defeatist comments in public.

The inexplicable duration of his duel...

with the Nazi sharpshooter can only be explained by...

his lack of belief in the communist ideal.

Good morning, Sacha.

Once again, he knew exactly where to find me.

Don't you think that's strange?

- Apart from me, only you knew.

I don't hold it against you, Sacha.

You've done a very brave thing.

You've chosen your camp. I respect that.

But it isn't my camp.

We're both soldiers,

and we're both enemies, so I know you understand.

I'm annoyed with you, little Sacha, for not staying home as I made you swear to.

I'm annoyed with you for obliging me to do what I'm going to have to do.

I've never seen anyone frown so much in their sleep.

How long have you been watching me?

All night.

You've been snoring away happily for hours.

I don't snore. Do I?

Like a pig.

I suppose I talk in my sleep as well.


There's something I should tell you.

On the train...

coming here...

we were in the same car.


I saw you.

You were reading, and you fell asleep.

I didn't dare look at you, you were so beautiful.

It was scary.

Afterwards, I couldn't stop thinking about you.

It made me smile.

And then I thought of all the men who would get to hold you...

who'd make you laugh...

how lucky they were.

And now I'm







