2020年08月01日 12:55
Male feared into the wrong line, female feared marries the wrong man. It clearly shows that the importance of career for a people. I have different ideas about my career in different periods. In high school, I once wanted to be a teacher for the atmosphere of school is not so complex and I can get one sort of satisfaction when my students make progress. It’s also a result of my families’ influence. My grandma always told me that being a teacher is a pleasurable job and it is known by the “iron rice bowl”. As time goes, I find that teacher is not a suitable career for me. The key of teaching is to explain. For most college graduates, they have mastered enough knowledge. But not every one has the ability to make others understand his or her expression clearly. Obviously, I am weak in expressing. Then an article shocked me. A boy is so introversive and weak in personality from childhood. His father tried to change this situation, but he failed. But the boy became one of the most famous writers all over the world later. And his name is Kafka. Why can Kafka succeed? Because he found the shoe that suits his to wear, the disposition of his introversion, cowardly, sensitivity, as it happens is engaged in literary creation aptly. So we are all ingenious if we find the right career. Entering the college, I often think about that problem and I think that being a woman in advertising is a good choice. Nowadays advertisements spread themselves around every corner. Although we meet advertisements everyday, most of us run away for those boring and unimaginative pictures. Apart that, it is also the main way that people promote their products or service. If made more dedicatedly, it can become more popular. Creation, humor and imagin