2020年08月01日 13:50
To do this, Newman attached weights to the divers and then lowered them into the tank and onto the treadmill. These weights were carefully adjusted so that the divers could experience underwater the gravity of the Moon and of Mars as they walked on the treadmill. Newman concluded that walking on Mars will probably be easier than walking on the Moon. The Moon has less gravity than Mars does, so at lunar gravity, the divers struggled to keep their balance and walked awkwardly. But at Martian gravity, the divers had greater traction and stability and could easily adjust to pace of 1.5 miles per hour. As Newman gradually increased the speed of the treadmill, the divers took longer, graceful strides until they comfortably settled into an even quicker pace. Newman also noted that at Martian gravity, the divers needed less oxygen.
2. 环境科学
In general, changes in climate occur when the energy balance of the Earth is disturbed. Solar energy enters the Earth’s atmosphere as light and is radiated by the Earth’s surface as heat. Land, water, and ice each affect this energy exchange differently. The system is so complex that, to date, our best computer models are only crude approximations and not sophisticated enough to test hypotheses about the causes of climatic change.
Of course, that doesn’t keep us from speculating. For instance, volcanic activity is one mechanism that might affect climatic change. When large volcanoes erupt, they disperse tons of particles into the upper atmosphere, where the particles then reflect light. Since less light is entering the system of energy exchange, the result would be a cooling of the Earth’s surface.
3. 动物学
Yet there is one basic difficulty to living in water --- the fact that it’s incompressible. For a fish to move through water, it must actually shove it aside. Most can do this by wiggling back and forth in snakelike motion. The fish pushes water aside by the forward motion of its head, and with the curve of its body and its flexible tail. Next, the water flows back along the fish’s narrowing sides, closing in at the tail, and helping the fish propel itself forward.
The fact that water is incompressible has literally shaped the development of fish. A flat and angular shape can be moved through water only with difficulty. And for this reason, fish have a basic shape that is beautifully adapted to deal with this peculiarity.
4. 植物学
To get started, let me describe a couple of the broadleaf trees we have in front of us. I’m sure you’ve all noticed this big tree next to Brant Hall. It’s a black walnut that must be 80 feet tall. As a matter of fact, there’s a plaque identifying it as the tallest black walnut in the state. And from here we can see the beautiful archway of trees at the Commons. They’ve American elms … the ones along the Commons were planted when the college was founded 120 years ago. They have the distinctive dark green leaves that lo
ok lopsided because the two sides of the leaf are unequal. I want you to notice the elm right outside Jackson Hall … Some of its leaves have withered and turned yellow, maybe due to Dutch elm disease. Only a few branches seem affected so far, but if this tree is sick, it’ll have to be cut down.
5. 艺术史
In the early 1900’s, when she first arrived in Hollywood, Ms. Weber made a series of experimental sound films. Now this was almost 20 years before modern talking pictures were developed. The dialogue for her movies was recorded on phonograph records and then synchronized with the action on the movie screen --- very innovative for the time.
In addition, Weber felt that movies should be educational as well as entertaining. She made several highly controversial movies that dealt with the moral and social issues of her day, And some of her most controversial work addressed issues of particular interest to women. Unfortunately, Weber died in 1939 just as Hollywood was beginning to make films aimed primarily at female audiences, which brings me to my next point.
6. 哲学与心理学
Did you know you can catch a mood? A bad mood isn’t spread by a virus like the flu is, but it can be contagious. Moods sort of drift from person to person unconsciously --- slight, unintentional signals carry the mood.
You’ve probably experienced it yourself. You’re around someone who’s feeling down and showing it … slumped shoulders, downcast mouth, subdued voice --- all that sort of thing. Pretty soon you begin to feel depressed too --- of course, good moods are also catching, not just bad ones.
Moods spread in steps. One person’s facial expression or whatever is observed by another, who then unconsciously begins to mimic. The process is automatic --- a split second mimicry. The person isn’t even aware of the copying. A full-blown case of mood transfer develops as this copying continues.
7. 人类社会学
Now often when these people moved, they carried all their possessions on their backs, but if the journey was long, extra food and tools were sometimes stored in caves or beneath rocks. One of these caves is now an exciting archaeological site. Beyond its small opening is a huge underground grotto. Even though the cave’s very large, it was certainly too dark and dusty for the travelers to live in --- but it was a great place to hide things, and tremendous amounts of food supplies and artifacts have been found there. The food includes dried fish, seeds, and nuts. The artifacts include stone spear points and knives; the spear points are actually rather small. Here’s a picture of some that were found. You can see their size in relation to the hands holding them.
8. 经济学与管理学
In general, the contracts were often no more than verbal agreements. They granted loans to merchants with the understanding that if a particular shipment of goods was lost at sea, the loan didn’t have to be repaid. Interest on the loans
varied according to how risky it was to transport the good. During periods of heavy piracy at sea, for example, the amount of interest and the cost of the policy went up considerably.
So, you can see how insurance helped encourage international trade. Even the most cautious merchants became willing to risk shipping their goods over long distances, not to mention in hazardous weather conditions, when they has this kind of protection available.
Generally speaking, the basic form of an insurance policy has been pretty much the same since the Middle Ages.