
2020年08月01日 13:59


1.注册资本 registered capital stock
2.潜在客户 prospective customers
3.保密条款 confidentiality clause
4.补偿贸易 compensation trade
5.专有技术 technological know-how
6.小额客户 retail customer
7.清洁已装船提单 clean on board bill of loading

8激励下属 motivate subordinates
9.预定的目标 previously-set goals
10.岗位责任制 job responsibility system
11.职位空缺 job vacancy
12.人力资源状况表 human resource inventory
13.现金流入 cash inflows
14.生产经营管理 production and operation management

If there are any significant deviation,it’s management’s job to get the organization back on track.
2. 这些产品以质量著称,特别受年轻人的欢
They are well known for their fine quality and especially popular with young people.
3. 我们的总经理正在考虑追加订单,但他告诉我其他公司的报价更优惠。
Our General Manager is thinking of placing another he told me he could get a better offer from another firm.
4. 此信用证是自由议付性质的,任何银行都可以议付受益人提交的汇票和单据。
Any bank can negotiate the draft and this documents presented by the beneficiary.
5. 未经对方同意,任何一方不得向第三方转让其所持有的股本。
If either of the two sides should ever want to transfer its share of the capital stock to some outsider,that can only be done with the consent and agreement of the other side.
6. 现金管理的基本原则是把企业经营所需现金的数额减少到最低限度,以便能有更多的资金用于可盈利的投资。
The general principle underlying cash management is to minimize the amount of cash requied for business operations so that more can be used in interest-producing investments.
If your price is competitive,we are prepared to increase our order to 10000 sets.
8.质量管理的目标是永无止境地追求质量的提高,也就是说,为顾客提供更高、更好的产品。The objective of quality control is to achieve a constant and continual improvement in quality,that is to say,the goal is to provide higher and better quality for customers.
9.中国政府鼓励外国企业或个人来华投资,投资者的合法权益和平等地位均受到中国法律的充分保障。The Chinese government encourages foreign enterprises and individuals to make investment enjoy full protection of their legitimate rights and equality in business by the Chinese law.
Marketing programs,though widely varied,are all aimed at concincing people to try out or keep using particular products or services.
We are very glad to recept your inquiry of sep.18,A offer about the type of changhong colorful tv you need is being given we promise that once recept your order all size’s tv will be supplied early next month what you need is 34 inch tv,which is at usd 450 per set ,CIF London Compared with the offer of other high quality tv ,our price is competitive enough expecting your extra order
1.你是一个纺织品(textile products)出口商。2.进口商是一个希腊客户,通过客户的介绍,来到你公司,对你的产品很感兴趣。3.介绍你的商品在国际市场的知名度、竞争力。4.表达你愿意与客户建立商务关系,赠送价目单(price lists),小册子(pamphlets),劝说对方回去后购买你的商品。A:Good morning I am John from Geece/B:Good morning I am zhang/A:Nice to meet you Mr zhang/B:Sit down please John/A:This is our first visit to china , we come here by way of the introduction of your client we’re interested in your product ,if satisfactory we may consider to establish business relations with your company/B:I am glad to heard that here are the samples of our textile they are available in all type/A:Hum they look very nice/B:They are well known for their fine quality in international market and the price is competitive enough here are our price lists and pamphlets/B:Thanks I’ll contact you later hope to see you soon/A:See you







