java 英文面试题(含部分参考答案)-烽火通信

2020年08月01日 18:38


is oracle.
is major differenece oracle8i and oracle9i.
me some thing ur self.
tell me about oops.
is single inheritance.
is multiple inheritance.
java support multiple inheritance.
is interface.
is differenec between abstract class and interface.
to u prove that abstrace class cannot instantiate directly.
is differenece between string and stringbuffer.
is immutable
to write a program using sort program.
15 how to write a program using unsort program.
is legacy.
is legacy api
is legacy interface.
is main difference hashmap and hastable
is main difference between arraylist and vector.
is struts framework.
are distributed techonologies.
is advantage and disadvantage of distributed techonologies.
is main difference between jsp and servlets.
is difference between procedure and functions.
is jdbc.
are type of drivers.
is type 4 driver.
to collect requuirements form u r client.
process use in ur project.
is deployment descriptor.
is heirarchy of files in struts.
draw struts frame wrok.
draw j2ee architecture.
draw mvc-2 architecture.
draw that how design op module.
to find a file on linux.
to configure weblogic8.1 on linux.
you use struts framework in ur project.
is platfrom independent
is awt and swing.
is heavy wieght components.
is feature of weblgoic8.1.
you choose application server on linux and database server on aix.
tell me about ur project.
is major concepts in oops.
u choose mvc-2 architecture.
is implicit object.
many implicit objects in jsp

1. Oracle is an RDBMS product with DDL and DML from a company called Oracle Inc.
2. Difference between 8i and 9i is given in the Oracle site
3. Question not available
4. Something
5. oops is Object Oriented Programming
is single inheritance.
ans:one class is inherited by only other one class
is multiple inheritance.
ans:One class inheriting more than one class at atime

java support multiple inheritance.
is interface.
ans:Interface has only method declarations but no defn
is differenec between abstract class and interface.
ans:In abstract class some methods may contain definition,but in interface every method should be abstract

to u prove that abstrace class cannot instantiate directly.
ans:As they dont have constructor they cant be instantiated

is differenece between string and stringbuffer.
ans:Strings are immutable where as string buffer c

is major concepts in oops.

u choose mvc-2 architecture.
ans:In MVC-2 controller is servlet rather than JSP which makes it efficient

is implicit object.
ans:Implicit objects are a set of Java objects that the JSP Container makes available to developers in each page

many implicit objects in jsp
ans:out,page,session,request,response,application,page context,config
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