2020年08月01日 18:58
Directions: This part is to test your ability to use words and phrases correctly to construct meaningful and grammatically correct consists of 2 sections.
Section A
Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A,B,C and should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
couldn’t help _____ when we heard the terrible news.
17._____ I said and heard is true.
couldn’t understand what they were saying, but the Hungarian girl _____ was with them told us that they came from America.
Yimou is a famous film _____.
ion or ly
it the flowers made her remember her husband far away in the heaven?
21.— Excuse me, what can I do for you?
— What kinds of courses do you _____ in your restaurant?
are looking forward to _____ you soon.
g of from g from
felt it difficult to _____ the conversation with so much noise around us.
out on through off
hard, _____ you’ll fail the exam.
reason _____ a lot of children enjoy the book named “Henry Potter” is it is very exciting.
/ why / that / because / because
Section B
Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.
having the baby, the lady was highly (produce) as a writer.
personnel manager fired three (employ) .
teacher’s words of praise were a (stimulate) to study harder.
29.I have a (prefer) for blue.
(encourage) in education is much more important than the knowledge itself.
often spends a great deal of time (read) novels.
(interest) news made everybody there interested.
is not (reason) to judge a person only from the appearance.
do you often have your hair (do) recently?
is reported that elephants are (clever) than any other animals in the world.
Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension(40 minutes)
Directions: This part is to test your reading are 5 tasks for you to should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.
Task 1
Directions:After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished st
atements, numbered 36 through each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A,B,C and should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
Most young people enjoy some forms of physical may be walking, cycling or swimming, and in winter, skating or may be a game of some kind football, hockey(曲棍球), golf, or tennis, it may be mountaineering.
Those who have a passion for climbing high and difficult mountains are often looked upon with are men and women willing to suffer cold and hardship, and to take risks on high mountains? This astonishment is caused probably by the difference between mountaineering with other forms of activity to which men give their leisure.
Mountaineering is a sport and not a are no man-made rules, as there are for such games as golf and are, of course, rules of a different kind which it would be dangerous to ignore, but it is this freedom from man-made rules that makes mountaineering attractive to many who climb mountains are free to use their own methods.
If we compare mountaineering with other more familiar sports, we might think that one big difference is that mountaineering is not a “team game”.We should be mistaken in are, it is true, no “matches” between “teams” of climbers, but when climbers are on a rock face linked by a rope on which their lives may depend, there is obviously teamwork.
The mountain climber knows that he may have to fight forces that are stronger and more powerful than has to fight the forces of sport requires high mental and physical qualities.
ineering is a sport which involves _____.
ip al risk of the above
main difference between a sport and a game lies in_____.
m ty ies
ineering is more attractive to men because_____.
rules are not made by man involves matches between teams
is free from man-made rules ineers depend on each other while climbing
of the following is FALSE?
ineers compete against each other.
ineers compete against other teams.
ineers compete against nature.
ineers compete against international standard.
is the best title for the passage?
ineering is of Great Fun But Difficult to Learn
Qualifications of Mountain Climbers Sports Players
Difference Between Mountaineering and Some Other Games
ineering is More Dangerous Than Other Sports
Task 2
Direction:This task is the same as Task 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45.
If you visited the Hughes home in New York, you might not even notice , she’s just one of six happy, athletic kids.
If y
ou see her in public, though, and you’ll notice the crowds around her, asking, “Are you Sarah Hughes? Can I have your autograph?”
The 19-year-old Sarah Hughes is an Olympic figure skating the 2002 Olympics, she surpassed the favorites with a beautiful, mistake-free performance.
“I started skating because I love to skate,” Hughes said, “And I started competing because I love to compete.I don’t have any plans right now to stop.”
Sarah Elizabeth Hughes was born on May 2, 1985 in New is the fourth of six began skating at age 3 when she saw her two older brothers and sister figure skating world began noticing Sarah in 1998 when she won the US Junior Figure Skating Championships at the age of qualified for the World Championships the next year when she finished made it to the podium for the first time at the 2001 Worlds where she took the bronze - finishing behind Irina Slutskaya and Michelle Kwan.
In addition the three skaters would be on the podium together again, but Sarah would be the one at the top, wearing the gold e Michelle Kwan being the “favorite” for the figure skating gold medal at the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics, Sarah’s final skate was nearly perfect and featured seven triple jumps, more than any other beat Kwan, and won the Olympic Gold at age ing the Olympics, Hughes has won a variety of awards and honors including the 2002 Sullivan Award Winner, 2002 USOC Sportswoman of the year, March of Dimes 2002 Sportswoman of the Year, Woman’s Sports Foundation 2002 Sportswoman of the Year, and was placed on IFS Magazine’s 2001-2002 25 Most Influential Names in Skating was nominated for 5 ESPY awards, and in 2002 she was nominated for a Teen Choice Award.
Hughes just finished her freshman year at Yale enjoys playing the violin, reading, and playing plans to study medicine in the favorite quote is “when you work hard you have fun.”
many children are there in Hughes’ home?
. . .
did Sarah Hnghes start skating?
e she loves it.
e her mother wanted her to do so.
e she wanted to go abroad.
e she won a skating competition.
and when did Saran win the Olympic Gold?
Salt Lake City, 2002. New York, 2000.
Salt Lake City, 2000. New York, 2002.
likes all the following except_____.
g the violin g football
g g tennis
began to skate when she was _____ years old.
A.3 B.5 C.6 D.11
Task 3
Directions: After reading the following passage, you are required to complete the outline below it (numbered 46 through 50).You should write your answers briefly(in no more than 3 words)on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.
One way f
or young people to get information about the lives of students in the West is to read up to date newspaper r, not all libraries can afford to pay in advance and receive regular copies of foreign newspapers by post, so it can be difficult to find information which is useful.
Newspaper journalists who write articles about students often base them on interviews with young people in American and British journalists who have a feeling for the subject that they write about often get things just right and are spot on in their articles provide good information.
One such article, which was written by a journalist who was a woman, reported that a number of students had a job in their of these students seemed to expect their parents to pay for holidays abroad and to give them lots of pocket her opinion, many undergraduates, who seemed to be spoilt, had too much money and freedom and too long holidays.
The situation worldwide seems to be that there are few holiday jobs available for r, there are jobs for students who are prepared to work hard are also many students who do not have wealthy parents and need to get holiday jobs just to make ends meet during the year, even though governments pay towards the cost of their studies.
The text is about problems with______.The libraries do not have a lot of foreign newspapers because of________ .
The articles written by journalists are based on_________.
In the woman journalist’s opinion, young students in the West seemed________.
________usually pay towards the cost of student studies.
Task 4
Directions: The following is a part of the reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets on the Answer Sheet, numbered 51 through 55.
A — Taekwondo
C — Wrestling
E — Fencing
G — Rowing
I — Shooting
K — Equestrian
M — Ball Games
O — High jumping B — Cycling
D — Weightlifting
F — Gymnastics
H — Diving
J — Track and field
L — Boxing
N — Swimming
Example:(E)击剑 (N)游泳
51. 球类项目 体操
52. 划船 跆拳道
53. 田径 马术
54. 跳水 拳击
55. 自行车 射击
Task 5
Directions: There is a letter of thanks in this reading it, you are required to complete the statements that follow the questions asked (numbered 56 through 60).You should write your answer to each question (in no more than 3 words) on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.
Investment is a key way for business to grow and for investors to make us studies have shown that, on average, high-risk investors make more than low-risk time the stock market r
ewards them for taking a risk, sometimes makes them suffer from heavy during the 1980s, the decade of the stock market crash, one study shows that over the whole of the ten years shares profited higher than lower-risk fixed interest and property investments.
This brings us to the first basic rule relating to risk: high risk equals high you want to maximise your savings, take some risk with at least some of your in mind, though, the second rule relating to risk: diversity, or spread your eggs around lots of is partly so you won’t be hurt too badly if one company ch also shows that you won’t be rewarded with high returns for the all-eggs-in-one-basket type of short, you’re mad not to spread your money around.
is the possible title of this passage?
disadvantage may high-risk investors have?
High-risk investors may__________than low- risk ones.
is the first basic principle about risk?
word has a meaning close to “spreading your money around”?
does the author think is the best way of making investment?
Part IV Translation(25 minutes)
Directions: This part, numbered 61 through 65, is to test your ability to translate English into of the four sentences (numbered 61 through 64) is followed by four choices of suggested translation marked A,B,C and the best choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer your translation of the paragraph (No.65) in the correspondingly space on the Translation / Composition Sheet.
s in modern societies have to be creative and adaptable.
England, the money to pay for job training is provided by the training and enterprise council.
h the policy of birth control, the birth rate this year reduced 2 times.
is probably fairly safe to claim that football had a greater impact on world society than any other game ever invented.
Malaysia education is free and compulsory for children between the ages of 6 and 14, and an additional four years of free education are the early 1990s more than 90 percent of Malaysian children attended primary s may choose between Bahasa Malaysia, Chinese, or Tamil as the language of instruction for their primary school Malaysia is the primary language of instruction in all secondary schools, although continued learning in Chinese and Tamil is available and English is a compulsory second ment in secondary education was nearly 60 percent in the early ia has a number of institutions of higher education, including nine sities include the National University, in Bangi; the University of Technology, in Johor Baharu; and the University of Malaya, in Kuala Lumpur.
Part Ⅴ Writing(25 minutes)
Directions:This part is to test your ability to do practical are required to write a composition according to the following instructions given in er to do your writing in no less than 60 words on the Translation / Composition Sheet.
Fill out the following form for yourself or one of your friends.
International Student Travel
Surname First Name
Sex Nationality
Color Of Hair
Color Of Eyes