2020年08月01日 19:06
left orders that nothing _____ touched until the
police arrived here. (1997, 43)
A. should betttB. ought to be
C. must betttD. would be
2. I was to have made a speech if _____. (1997, 51)
A. I was not called away
B. nobody would have called me away
C. I had not been called away
D. nobody called me away
3. If your car ____ any attention during the first 12 months, take it to an authorized dealer. (1998, 43)
A. shall needtttB. should need
C. would needtttD. will need
4. If you have really been studying English for so long,
it’s about time you_____ able to write letters in
English. (1999,49)
A. should betB. weretC. must bet D. are
5. All of us would have enjoyed the party much more if
there _____ quite such a crowd of people there. (2000,
A. weren’ttttB. hasn’t been
C. hadn’t beentttD. wouldn’t be
6. _____ for the fact that she broke her leg, she might
have passed the exam. (2002, 50 )
A. Had it not beenttB. Hadn’t it been
C. Was it nottttD. Were it not
7. “What courses are you going to do next semester?”
“I don’t know. But it’s about time _____ on something.”
(2002, 51)
A. I’d decidedtttB. I decided
C. I decidetttD. I’m deciding
8. It is imperative that students _____ their term papers
on time. (2004, 46)
A. hand intttB. would hand in
C. have to hand inttD. handed in
9. _____ if I had arrived yesterday without letting you
know beforehand? (2004, 44)
A. would you be surprised
B. were you surprised
C. Had you been surprised
D. Would you have been surprised
10. If you explained the situation to your solicitor, he
_____ able to advise you much better than I can.
(2005, 51)
A. would betttB. will have been
C. wasttttD. were
11. ____ you ____ further problems with your printer,
contact your dealer for advice. (2005, 63)
A. If, hadttttB. Have, had
C. Should, havettD. In case, had
Exercise 16D:
1. I would certainly take you there if need be.
2. If I were to do this, I would adopt a different method.
3. The president ordered that all the armed forces be mobilized
at once.
4. The board decided that Johnson be appointed general
5. If I were you, I would face up to the problem.
6. If I were in better health, I would have long left this place.
7. Far be it from me to see him make a mistake.
8. How I wish our factory were better equipped.
9. If we weren’t to have our test tomorrow, I would go and see
a film this evening.
10. It is essential that all the applicants be interviewed one by
11. It was suggested that another session be held to discuss the
problem of inflation.
12. I insisted that she stay in Shanghai for another day or two.
13. The steel workers demanded that their wa
ges be increased by
10 per cent.
14. I second their motion that the discussion be put off.
15. I prefer that my secretary accompany me to Beijing.
16. It has been decided that more time be allotted for extensive
17. Suffice it to say that without national independence there is no
democracy or freedom.
18. If you do not listen to my advice, so be it.
19. We unanimously recommended that a neutral chairman be
20. He has become, as it were, an utterly self-centred man.