2020年08月01日 19:20
Part B
In the following article,some sentences have been
Questions 41—45,choose the most suitable one from the list A—G to
fit into each of the numbered are two extra
choices,which do not fit in any of the gaps.
Enlightenment is man’s leaving his selfue011caused immaturity.
Immaturity is the incapacity to use one’s intelligence without the
guidance of another.
Such immaturity is selfue011caused if it is not caused by lack of
intelligence, but by lack of determination and courage to use one’s
intelligence without being guided by another. Have the courage to
use your own intelligence! is therefore the motto of the
Through laziness and cowardice a large part of mankind, even after
nature has freed them from alien guidance, gladly remain immature.
It is because of laziness and cowardice that it is so easy for
others to usurp the role of guardians. It is so comfortable to be a
minor! 41)___________________________________.The guardians who have
kindly undertaken the supervision will see to it that by far the
largest part of mankind, including the entire "beautiful sex,"
should consider the step into maturity, not only as difficult but as
very dangerous.
After having made their domestic animals dumb and having carefully
prevented these quiet creatures from daring to take any step beyond
the leadue011strings to which they have fastened them, these guardians
then show them the danger which threatens them, should they attempt
to walk alone. Now this danger is not really so very great; for they
would presumably learn to walk after some stumbling.
It is difficult for the isolated individual to work himself out of
the immaturity which has become almost natural for him. He has even
become fond of it and for the time being is incapable of employing
his own intelligence, because he has never been allowed to make the
attempt. Statues and formulas, these mechanical tools of a
serviceable use, or rather misuse, of his natural faculties, are the
ankleue011chains of a continuous immaturity. Whoever threw it off would
make an uncertain jump over the smallest trench because he is not
accustomed to such free movement.
44)_______________________________________. For there will always
be some people who think for themselves, even among the
selfue011appointed guardians of the great mass who, after having thrown
off the yoke of immaturity themselves, will spread about them the
spirit of a reasonable estimate of their own value and of the need
for every man to think for himself...
45)_____________________________________________. Through
revolution, the abandonment of personal despotism may be engendered
and the end of profitue011seeking and domineering oppression may occur,
but never a true reform of the state of mind. Instead, new
prejudices, just like t
he old ones, will serve as the guiding reins
of the great, unthinking mass.
[A]A public can only arrive at enlightenment slowly.
[B]But it is more nearly possible for a public to enlighten
itself: this is even inescapable if only the public is given its
[C]If I have a book which provides meaning for me, a pastor who
has conscience for me, a doctor who will judge my diet for me and so
on, then I do not need to exert myself. I do not have any need to
think; if I can pay, others will take over the tedious job for me.
[D]All that is required for this enlightenment is freedom; and
particularly the least harmful of that may be called freedom,
namely, the freedom for man to make public use of his reason in all
[E]However, an example of this kind intimidates and frightens
people out of all further attempts.
[F]Much still prevents men from being placed in a position to use
their own minds securely and well in matters of religion.
[G]Therefore there are only a few who have pursued a firm path and
have succeeded in escaping from immaturity by their own cultivation
of the mind.
Part C
Read the following text carefully and then translate the
underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written
clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)
There can be no doubt that the computer revolution has touched
virtually every person in the country in some way or other.
Nor can there be any doubt that it has brought tremendous
improvements in productivity and efficiency. 46) Indeed, there are
many tasks undertaken by computers that could not be done without
them, and we have reached the point that the benefits of
computerization are taken lot granted. Having accepted that
computers are here to stay, what is the downside? 47) The most
obvious answer is that because of increased efficiency, less people
are needed and the loss of jobs, particularly in the service
industries, has been enormous, with more job losses yet to come.
However, on a more insidious note, many users have not realized
how computers have introduced vulnerability to their business. If
computers are soon a boon, how do we cope when something goes wrong?
Computers have many uses, varying from pure accounting or
backue011office systems to stock or production control, or
computerue011aided design or manufacturing. 48) In many instances,
manual systems can quickly be introduced to ensure some continuity
of the business; but in many cases if the computer is down, so is
the business.
The most probable causes of interruption in the past have been
accidental damage or breakdown, and these can usually be dealt with
expeditiously. However, in recent times the exposure causing most
concern to insurers have been theft.
49) Initially the problem was the theft of PCs, and because most
of these were based in offices which had not been targeted by
thieves in the past, and thus had relatively poor security,
mounted very quickly. It was common practice for a thief to make a
fresh visit once the equipment had been replaced, as the new
equipment would be more attractive due to rapid technological
advances. The equipment would usually be covered by insurance, but
problems could be experienced if there were no backue011ups of date
and/or programmes.
The initial reaction by insurers was to step up requests for
security improvements, including alarms and devices such as
lockue011down plates or cables.50)However, the criminal fraternity
quickly came to realize that the real value in the computers is in
the chip which is remarkably portable and unidentifiable, so even
when caught the police have trouble proving the theft. This led to
even greater demands for security, including encapsulation and
computer safes.
Section Ⅲ Writing
Part A
The walkman you bought a month before is broken down. Write to the
manufacturer’ s service department. The letter should include:
1)the problem of the walkman
2)ask for warranty
3)remind them of the enclosure (s)
You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign
your own name at the end of the letter. Use "John Smith" instead.
You do not need to write the addess. (10 points)
Part B
(1)Title:Competition and Cooperation
(2)Word limit: about 200 words
(3)Your composition should be based on the Outlines below.
(1)The phenomenon of competition and cooperation
(2)The function of competition and cooperation
(3)Man can develop continuously with competition and cooperation