2020年08月01日 23:21
Knights is the economy or the name saves the chain-like inn, its market localization is lower than the general economy hotel, the goal client base mainly is slightly mid and low earning crowds and so on mid and low earning family, commercial traveller, truck s provides the succinct comfortable service by the inexpensive had 230 above branch stores, the room number has surpassed 18000.(Knights是经济型或称节约型连锁旅店,其市场定位略低于一般的经济型饭店,目标客户群主要是中低收入家庭、商务旅行者、卡车司机等中低收入人群。Knights以低廉的价位提供简洁舒适的服务。如今拥有230家以上的分店,房间数超过了18000间。)
US "HOTELS" the magazine announces according to July, 2005 2004 the statistics, saint Dutt (beautifully) has the hotel 6396, room 520860, row 2nd; In 2003 row 2nd, hotel 6402, room during brand for Dai Si, boldly lives, daily, fast 8 and so on, is the whole world is listed the first special permission to manage the hotel group, the special permission manages the hotel number to account for 100%.(根据2005年7月美国《HOTELS》杂志公布2004年的统计,圣达特(美)有酒店6396座、房间520860间,列第2位;2003年列第2位,酒店6402座、房间518747间。品牌为戴斯、豪生、天天、速8等,是全球排名第一的特许经营酒店集团,特许经营饭店数占100%。)
In Chinese hotel 15, many is the special permission management, plans in for 5 years to develop 40 middle-grade daily chain-like hotels in China, 55 fast 8 economical February 1, 2005 gets up the implementation newly "Commercial Special permission Management and operation Means" to stipulate that, specially permits the human to be supposed to have two within the boundaries of China to manage at least year above the straight camp shop or the straight camp shop which by its subsidiary company, the holding company ore, the plan future will open the global first straight camp shop i
n the fast 8 alliance provision reaches 120 pages thick, the Shanghai first fast 8 alliance shop (99 guest rooms) the alliance expense is about 400,000 Yuan, the transformation cost is 4,500,000 Yuan, its owner representative expressed in 5 years may take back all invest.(在中国酒店15座,多为特许经营,计划5年内在华发展40家中档天天连锁酒店,55家速8经济酒店。2005年2月1日起实施的新的《商业特许经营管理办法》规定,特许人应在中国境内拥有至少两家经营一年以上的直营店或者由其子公司、控股公司建立的直营店。为此,计划未来在中国开设全球首家直营店。速8的加盟条款厚达120页,上海首家速8加盟店(99间客房)的加盟费是40万元左右,改造的成本是450万元,其业主代表表示5年内就可以收回全部投入。)
圣达特酒店的管理理念(cendent hotel management idea)
1. faith: Encourages the wide airing of views, the sense of responsibility, the service, the good faith, the innovation, respects
2. values: customer (customer) comfort (comfortable) clean (pure) conveninence (convenient) consistency (consistent)
3. saint Dutt shop employee three six principles:
Six “are same”: The busy time idle time is equally earnest, the stranger acquaintance is equally sincere, buys with does not buy the same reception, buys buys little same welcome, to with to the same smiling face, the criticism praise equally does not treat
six “initiative”: The customer has when the difficulty helps on own initiative, the customer has when the question explained on own initiative, the customer looked when commodity introduced on own initiative, the customer cannot settle on when the idea when gives advice on own initiative, when customer carry-over belongings returns on own initiative, has when the work mistake on own initiative to the customer apology.
Six “do not permit”: Does not permit the contrary operation, does not permit to do without authorization to the operating post, does not permit the revelation serv
ice, the secret, the business secret, does not permit the belt irrelevant personnel to enter in the counter, does not permit to neglect, to contradict the customer, does not permit by any reason to reduce the service request.
圣达特的广告语:不管您去哪里,请在这里停留(go anywhere,stay here)