
2020年08月01日 23:59


on, come on, come on!

We need tires now! Come on, let's go!

- No, no, no, no! No tires, just gas! - What?

You need tires, you idiot!

Looks like it's all gas-and-go's for McQueen today.

That's right. No tires again.

That's a short-term gain, long-term loss, but it's sure workin' for him.

He obviously knows somethin' we don't know.

This is it, Darrell.
One lap to go and Lightning McQueen has a huge lead.

He's got it in the bag. Call in the dogs and put out the fire!

We're gonna crown us a new champion!

Checkered flag, here I come!

Oh, no! McQueen has blown a tire!

And with only one turn to go! Can he make it?

You fool!

McQueen's blown a tire! McQueen's blown a tire!

Go, go, go!

He's lost another tire!

- King and Chick are coming up fast! - They're entering turn three!

Come on.

I don't believe what I'm watching, Bob!

Lightning McQueen is 100 feet from his Piston Cup!

The King and Chick rounding turn four.

Down the stretch they come! And it's, and it's...

- It's too close to call! Too close! - I don't believe it!


- The most spectacular, amazing... - I don't believe it!

...unequivocally, unbelievable ending in the history of the world!

- And we don't know who won! - Look at that!

Hey, no cameras! Get outta here!

We're here in Victory Lane, awaiting the results.

McQueen, that was a risky move, not taking tires.

Tell me about it!

Are you sorry you didn't have a crew chief out there?

Oh, Kori. There's a lot more to racing than just winning.

I mean, taking the race by a full lap... Where's the entertainment in that?

I wanted to give folks a little sizzle.

- Sizzle? - Am I sorry I don't have a crew chief?

No, I'm not. 'Cause I'm a one-man show.

What? Oh, yeah, right.

That was a confident Lightning McQueen.

Live from Victory Lane, I'm Kori Turbowitz.

Get outta the shot.

Yo, Chuck, what are you doing? You're blockin' the camera!

- Everyone wants to see the bolt. - What?

- Now, back away. - That's it! Come on, guys.

- Whoa, team! Where are you going? - We quit, Mr. One-Man Show!

Oh, OK, leave. Fine.

How will I ever find anyone else who knows how to fill me up with gas?

- Adios, Chuck! - And my name is not Chuck!

Oh, whatever.

Hey, Lightning! Yo! McQueen!

Seriously, that was some pretty darn nice racin' out there.

- By me! - Oh, yeah.

- Zinger! - Welcome to the Chick era, baby!

The Piston Cup... It's mine, dude. It's mine.

Hey, fellas, how do you think I'd look in Dinoco blue? Dinoco blue!

In your dreams, Thunder.

Yeah, right. Thunder? What's he talkin' about, "Thunder"?

You know, 'cause thunder always comes after lightning.

- Who knew about the thunder thing? - I didn't.

- Give us the bolt! - That's right.

Right in the lens.

- Show me the bolt, baby! - Smile, McQueen!

- Show me the bolt, McQueen! - That's it!

That was one close finish. You sure made Dinoco

Thank you, King.

Well, Tex, you've been good to me all these years.

It's the least I could do.

Whatever happens, you're a winner to me, you old daddy rabbit.

Thanks, dear. Wouldn't be nothing without you.

- I'm Mia. - I'm Tia.

We're, like, your biggest fans! Ka-chow!

I love being me.

- OK, girls, that's it. - We love you, Lightning!

Hey, buddy. You're one gutsy racer.

Oh, hey, Mr. The King.

You got more talent in one lug nut

than a lot of cars has got in their whole body.

- Really? Oh, that... - But you're stupid.

- Excuse me? - This ain't a one-man deal, kid.

You need to wise up and get a good crew chief and a good team.

You ain't gonna win unless you got good folks behind you,

and you let them do their job, like they should.

- Like I tell the boys at the shop... - A good team.


Oh, Lightning!

If you figure that out you just gonna be OK.

Oh, yeah, that... That is spectacular advice.

Thank you, Mr. The King.

Ladies and gentlemen,

for the first time in Piston Cup history...

A rookie has won the Piston Cup.


...we have a three-way tie.

Hey, McQueen, that must be really embarrassing.

But I wouldn't worry about it. Because I didn't do it!

Piston Cup officials have determined that a tiebreaker race

between the three leaders will be held in California in one week.

Well, thank you! Thanks to all of you out there! Thank you!

Hey, rook, first one to California gets Dinoco all to himself.

No, not me! No, you rock, and you know that!

Oh, yeah!

"First one to California gets Dinoco all to himself."

Oh, we'll see who gets there first, Chick.

- Hey, kid! Congrats on the tie. - I don't want to talk about it.

Let's go, Mack. Saddle up. What'd you do with my trailer?

- I parked it at your sponsor's tent. - What?

Gotta make your personal appearance.

No. No! No, no, no, no!

Yes, yes, yes! Lightning McQueen here.

And I use Rust-eze Medicated Bumper Ointment, new rear end formula!

Nothing soothes a rusty bumper like Rust-eze.

Wow! Look at that shine!

Use Rust-eze and you too can look like me!


I met this car from Swampscott.

He was so rusty he didn't even cast a shadow.

You could see his dirty undercarriage.

I hate rusty cars. This is not good for my image.

They did give you your big break. Besides, it's in your contract.

Oh, will you stop, please? Just go get hooked up.

- Winter is a grand old time. - Of this there are no ifs or buts.

But remember, all that salt and grime...

Can rust your bolts and freeze your...

Hey, look! There he is!

Our almost champ!

Get your rear end in here, kid.

Lightning McQueen, you are wicked fast!

- That race was a pisser! - You were booking!

- Give me a little room. - You're my hero!

Yes, I know.

"Fred." Fred, thank you.

He knows my name. He knows my name!

Looking good, Freddie!

Thanks to you, Lightning, w
st in years.

I'm gonna blow a gasket or somethin'.

Serpentine! Serpentine, serpentine!

What in the blue blazes?

Crazy hot-rodder.

I'm telling you, man, every third blink is slower.

The sixties weren't good to you, were they?

What? That's not the Interstate!

No, no, no, no, no, no!

I'm not the only one seeing this, right?

- Incoming! - Whoa, man.

- No! - Hey!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

My tires!

Fly away, Stanley. Be free!

Boy, you're in a heap of trouble.

We're live at the Los Angeles International Speedway

as the first competitor, Lightning McQueen,

is arriving at the track.

Is it true he's gonna pose for Cargirl?

Lightning, what's your strategy?

What? Did I forget to wipe my mud flaps?

McQueen's driver arrived in California, but McQueen was missing.

- McQueen was reported missing. ...to race an unprecedented...

Sponsor stated they have no idea where he is.

I hope Lightning's OK. I'd hate to see anything bad happen to him.

I don't know what's harder to find, McQueen or a chief who'll work with him!

Lightning McQueen must be found at all costs!

They're all asking the same question: Where is McQueen?

Oh, boy.

Where am I?

Morninwn worth fixing! - Yeah!

Order in the court!

Seems like my mind has been changed for me.

- Yeah! - No!

Nice ruling.

I am so not taking you to dinner.

That's OK, Stickers. You can take Bessie.

Man, you get to work with Bessie!

I'd give my left two lug nuts for somethin' like that.

Bessie? Who's Bessie?

This here is Bessie, finest road-pavin' machine ever built.

I'm hereby sentencing you to community service.

You're gonna fix the road under my supervision.

What? This place is crazy!

I know this may be a bad time right now,

but you owe me $$32,000 in legal fees.


We're gonna hitch you up to Bessie, and you're gonna pull her nice.

You gotta be kidding me.

You start there where the road begins.

You finish down there where the road ends.

Holy shoot!

Whoa, whoa, whoa! How long is this gonna take?

Well, fella does it right, should take him about five days.

Five days?

But I should be in California schmoozing Dinoco right now!

Then if I were you, I'd quit yappin' and start workin'!

- Hook him up, Mater. - Okay-dokey.


Maybe I should've hooked him up to Bessie...

...and then... then took the boot off.

Goodbye, Radiator Springs, and goodbye, Bessie!

California, here I come! Yeah!

Oh, feel that wind.


No. No, no, no.

No, no, no, no, no. Outta gas?

How can I be outta gas?

Boy, we ain't as dumb as you think we are.

But how did, how did... you?

We siphoned your gas while you were passed out.


- Gentlemen. - Sheriff.

Hey, Sheriff.

- Why tires here? - Sono sempre stati qui.

- They were better before. - Stai sempre a parlare.

- Guido! - Red, can you move over?

I want to get a look at that sexy hot rod.

You know, I used to be a purty good whistler.

I can't do it now, of course, on account of sometimes

I get fluid built up in my engine block,

but Doc said he's gonna fix it. He can fix about anything.

That's why we made him the judge.

Boy, you shoulda heard me on Giddy-up, Oom Papa Mow Mow.

Now, I'm not one to brag

but people come purty far to see me get low on the "Mow-Mow".

- Man, that's just great! - Hey, what's wrong?

My lucky sticker's all dirty.

That ain't nothin'. I'll clean it for ya.

No, no, no!

That won't be necessary.

Hey! Hey, big fella! Yeah, you in the red!

I could use a little hose down. Help me wash this off.

Where's he goin'?

He's a little bit shy, and he hates you for killin' his flowers.

I shouldn't put up with this.

I'm a precision instrument of speed and aerodynamics.

- You hurt your what? - I'm a very famous racecar!

You are a famous racecar? A real racecar?

Yes, I'm a real racecar. What do you think? Look at me.

I have followed racing my entire life. My whole life!

Then you know who I am. I'm Lightning McQueen.

- Lightning McQueen? - Yes! Yes!

I must scream it to the world!

My excitement from the top of
someplace very high!

- Do you know many Ferraris? - No, no, no, no, no.

They race on the European circuit. I'm in the Piston Cup!

- What? - Luigi follow only the Ferraris.

Is that what I think it is?


Customers! Customers, everyone! Customers!

- OK! - Customers?

It's been a long time. Remember what we rehearsed.

Make sure your "Open, please come in" signs are out.

You all know what to do. All right, nobody panics. Here we go!

Van, I just don't see any on-ramp anywhere.

- Minny, I know exactly where we are. - Yeah, we're in the middle of nowhere.

- Honey, please. - Hello.

Welcome to Radiator Springs, gateway to Ornament Valley.

Legendary for its service and hospitality.

How can we help you?

- We don't need anything, thank you. - Ask for directions to the Interstate.

There's no need to ask for directions. I know where we're going.

He did the same thing on our trip to Shakopee.

We were headed over there for the Crazy Days, and we...

- OK. Really. We're just peachy, OK? - What you really need

is the sweet taste of my homemade, organic fuel.

No, it doesn't agree with my tank.

- Just trying to find the Interstate. - Good to see you, soldier!

Come on by Sarge's Surplus Hut for your government surplus needs.

- Honey, surplus! - We have too much surplus.

I do have a map over at the Cozy Cone Motel.

And if you stay, we offer a free Lincoln Continental breakfast.

- Honey, she's got a map. - I don't need a map! I have the GPS.

- Never need a map again, thank you. - How 'bout somethin' to drink?

Stop at Flo's V-Eight Cafe. Finest fuel on Route 66.

No we just topped off.

And if you need tires, stop by Luigi's Casa Della Tires,

home of the Leaning Tower of Tires.

- We're trying to find the Interstate. - But you do need a paint job.

Ramone will paint you up right. Hey, anything you want!

- You know, like a flame job. - No thanks...

Maybe ghost flames!

You like old school pinstripin'? Von Dutch style?

Oh, honey, look. Von Dutch.

OK, no. We're gonna be going now, OK?

A little somethin' to remember us by, OK?

- OK! - Come back soon, OK?

I mean, you know where we are! Tell your friends!

OK! Yes. You bet.

Thanks again, folks. Bye-bye now.

Psst! Psst! Hey! Hey, hey, hey!

- I know how to get to the Interstate! - Do ya?

- Minny, no. - Yeah, yeah, yeah.

No, not really. But listen.

I'm Lightning McQueen, famous racecar. I'm being held against my will.

I need you to call my team, so they can come rescue me

and get me to California in time for me to win the Piston Cup. Understand?

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

No, it's the truth! I'm telling you! You gotta help me! Don't leave me here!

I'm in hillbilly hell! My IQ's dropping by the second!

I'm becoming one of them!

OK, don't worry. They know where we are now.

They'll tell friends. You'll see.

We'll be back for our Hank Williams marathon.
you was gonna crash!

Thank you, Mater. Thank you.

I can make a little turn on dirt.

You think?

No. And now I'm a day behind. I'm never gonna get outta here!

Hey, ese! You need a new paint job, man!

- No, thank you. - How 'bout some organic fuel?

- That freak juice? - Pass.

Watchin' him is makin' me thirsty. Anybody else want somethin' to drink?

Nah, not me, Flo.

I'm on one of them there special diets.

I'm a precisional instrument of speed and aero-matics.

"You race like you fix roads."

I'll show him. I will show him!

Great! I hate it!

- Hate, hate, hate, hate it! - Music. Sweet music.

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.




Number one. Number one... Number one!

- This is nice. - Hey, Stickers.

- I'm sorry. - You scared me. You gotta be careful.

I scared myself scaring you scaring me.

- I mean, I wasn't like "scared" scared. - No, of course not. No.

- I was more... - I overheard you talkin' to Mater.

When? Just now? What, what did, what did you hear?

Something about a helicopter ride.

Oh, yeah. Yeah, he got a kick out of that, didn't he?

- Did you mean it? - What?

- That you'll get him a ride. - Who knows?

First things first. I gotta get outta here and make the race.

You know... Mater trusts you.

Yeah, OK.

- Did you mean that? - What?

Was it just a "Yeah, OK", or "Yeah... OK" or "Yeah, o-OK"?

Look, I'm exhausted. It's kinda been a long day.

Yeah, OK. G'night.

Hey, thank you.

What did you just say?

You know, thanks for lettin' me stay here.

It's nice to be out of the impound, and this is... It's great.

- Newly refurbished, right? - Yeah.

- G'night. - Good night.

Will you turn that disrespectful junk off?

Respect the classics, man. It's Hendrix!


I gotta get outta here!

Hey, have you seen the Sheriff? Oh! Oh, my gosh.

- Hey, what are you doin'? - Get a good peek, city boy?

I just need my daily gas ration from the Sheriff.

Wait for him at Flo's. Get outta here.

I've been trying to get outta here for three days!

Hope you enjoyed the show!

Whoa, Doc.

Time to clean out the garage, buddy, come on.


He has a Piston Cup?

Oh, my gosh.

Three Piston Cups?

Sign says stay out.

You have three Piston Cups. How could you have...

I knew you couldn't drive. I didn't know you couldn't read.

- You're the Hudson Hornet! - Wait at Flo's, like I told ya!

Of course. I can't believe I didn't see it before.

You're The Fabulous Hudson Hornet!

You used to hold the record for most wins in a season. Oh, we gotta talk.

- You gotta show me your tricks. Please. - I tried that.

You won three times! Look at those trophies!

You look. All I see is a bunch of empty cups.

You know, some automotive yoga could really lower your RPM's, man.

Oh, take a car wash, hippie.

Yeah, look at my husband, y'all! That's your color!

- Yellow, baby. - You smokin' hot!

There he is.

Oh, my gosh! Did you know Doc is a famous racecar?

- Doc? Our Doc? - Not Doc Hudson.

No, no, no, no, it's true! He's a real racing legend.

He's The Fabulous Hudson Hornet!

Fabulous? I never seen Doc drive more than 20 miles an hour.

I mean, have you ever seen him race?

No, but I wish I could have. They say he was amazing!

- He won three Piston Cups! - He did what in his cup?

I think the heat's startin' to get to the boy!

Well, I'll say! Look how red he is.

Yeah, I think he needs a new coat of poly, man.

- Are you sick, buddy? - You are lookin' peaked.

He needs a new coat of poly for sure!

no, no, no, come here.

What are you doing?

You're not supposed to go wandering off all...


What are you doin' with those old racin' tires?

Come on, Doc, drive.



You're amazing!

What are you doin'?

Doc, wait!

Giddup right in there! Come on, Rusty.

Doc, hold it! Seriously, your driving's incredible!

- Wonderful. Now, go away. - Hey, I mean it. You've still got it!

- I'm askin' you to leave. - Come on.

I'm a racecar, you're a much older racecar,

but under the hood you and I are the same.

We are not the same! Understand? Now, get out.

How could a car like you quit at the top of your game?

You think I quit?


Your big wreck in '54.

They quit on me.

When I finally got put together, I went back expecting a big welcome.

You know what they said? "You're history."

Moved right on to the next rookie standing in line.

There was a lot left in me.

I never got a chance to show 'em.

I keep that to remind me never to go back.

I just never expected that that world would...

...would find me here.

- Hey, look, Doc, I'm not them. - Oh, yeah?

No, I'm not.

When is the last time you cared about something except yourself, hot rod?

You name me one time and I will take it all back.

I didn't think so.

These are good folk around here, who care about one another.

I don't want 'em depending on someone they can't count on.

Oh, like you? You've been here how long

and your friends don't even know who you are?

Who's caring about only himself?

Just finish that road and get outta here!

Will you turn that disrespectful junk off?

Respect the classics, man.

He's done.

He must've finished it while we was all sleepin'.

Good riddance.

He's gone?

Well, we wouldn't want him to miss that race of his.

- Oh, dude, are you crying? - No! I'm happy!

I don't have to watch him every second of the day anymore!

I'm glad he's gone!

What's wrong with Red?

Oh, he's just sad 'cause you left town

and went to your big race to win

the Piston Cup that you've always dreamed about your whole life

and get that big ol' sponsor and that fancy helicopter you was talkin' about.

Wait a minute!

I knowed you wouldn't leave without saying goodbye.

What are you doin' here? You're gonna miss your race.

Don't worry. I'll give you a police escort, and we'll make up time.

Thank you, Sheriff.

But you know I can't go just yet.

Well, why not?

I'm not sure these tires can get me all the way to California.

Peet stop?

Yeah, does anybody know what time Luigi's opens?

I can't-a believe it! Four new tires!
I can't-a believe it! Four new tires!

Grazie, Mr. Lightning. Grazie!

- Would you look at that! - Our first real customer in years!

I am filled with tears of ecstasy,

for this is the most glorious day of my life!

All right, Luigi, give me the best set of blackwalls you've got.

No! No, no, no.

You don't-a know what you want. Luigi know what you want.

Blackwall tires. They blend into the pavement.

But-a this...

Whitewall tires!

They say, "Look at me! Here I am! Love me."

All right, you're the expert.

Oh, and don't forget the spare.

- Perfetto. Guido! - Peet stop!

What did Luigi tell you?

Wow, you were right. Better than a Ferrari, huh?


Wow! This organic fuel is great! Why haven't I heard about it before?

It's a conspiracy, man!

The oil companies got a grip on the government!

They're feedin' us a bunch of lies, man.

OK, I'll take a case.



- Here she comes! - Places, everybody. Hurry!

Act natural.

- Hi, Sally. - Buon giorno!

All right, what's goin' on?

Ladies and gentlecars,

please welcome the new Lightning McQueen!

What do you think?

Radiator Springs looks pretty good on me.

I'll say.


You're gonna fit right in in California.

My goodness. It looks like you've helped everybody in town.

Yeah, everybody except one.

- Hey, is it getting dark out? - What? What'd he say?

Let me say that again. Is it getting dark out?

Now, what was I supposed to do after that?

They fixed their neon!

- Low and slow? - Oh, yeah, baby!

Just like in its heyday, right?

It's even better than I pictured it. Thank you.

Shall we cruise?

Oh, thank you, dear. I'd love to!

- No, no, no. - Lizzie!

I remember when Stanley first asked me to take a drive with him.

Hey, Miss Sally. May I have this cruise?

Of course, Mater.

...and again and I said, "No." He asked me again, and I said, "No."

But, oh, he was a persistent little bugger for a two-cylinder.

Finally I said, "All right, one little drive."

- Hey! - Thanks, Mater.

Good eveninthe bolt! - Get back, you oil-thirsty parasites!

- Where's the old McQueen? - Actually, this is my good side here.

- Harv! Harv! - Give us the bolt!

- Harv? - Come on!

- Kid, I'm over here! - How you doinve sure been an inspiration to me. - Thanks, Junior. Appreciate it.

- Hey, be careful out there, OK? - Yeah, man.

He's hot!

Wanna know the forecast? I'll give you the forecast.

A 100 percent chance of thunder! Ka-chicka! Ka-chicka!

Say it with me! Ka-chicka! Ka-chicka!

Hey, you! No admittance without a garage pass.

Oh, it's OK. Lightning McQueen knows me!

Hey, Marco, it's a beautiful day for a race, isn't it?

- Absolutely, Mr. Andretti. - And good morning to you, Fred.

Mario Andretti knows my name! You gotta let me in now!

Sorry, pal.

OK, here we go. Focus. Speed.

I am speed.


One winner, two losers.

Speed. Speed. Speed. Speed...

Hey, Lightnin'! You ready?

Yeah, yeah, yeah! I'm ready.

Mack, thanks for being my pit crew today.

Don't worry about it, kid. It's the least I could do.

After all, "Gas Can" is my middle name.

- It is? - Not really.

Nelson! Zoom in. Ready, 16? Take 16.

And there he is, Lightning McQueen!

Missing all week, and then he turns up in the middle of nowhere!

In a little town called Radiator Springs.

Wearin' whitewall tires, of all things.

Ka-chicka! Ka-chicka! Ka-chicka!

Hey, where you been? I've been kinda Ionely.

Nobody to hang out with. I mean, except the Dinoco folks.

And the twins. Of course. The ones that used to be your fans,

but now they're my fans. Listen to what the twins think...


Boogity, boogity, boogity, boys! Let's go racin'!

Come on, you can do it!

Come on, King, make us proud, boy!

Fifty laps down, and The King is still holding a slim lead.

McQueen's got a run on him! He's lookin' to the inside!

Chick slammed the door on him!

Chick's not making it easy on him today.

Man, he lost so much momentum,

and now he's gonna have to chase him back down!

McQueen spins out in the infield!

Just me and the old man, fellas.

McQueen just doesn't have it today.

- Hey, kid, are you all right? - I don't know, Mack.

I don't think I...

I didn't come all this way to see you quit.


Guys, you're here! I can't believe this!

I knew you needed a crew chief, but I didn't know it was this bad.

You said you'd never come back.

Well, I really didn't have a choice. Mater didn't get to say goodbye.

Goodbye! OK, I'm good.

All right, if you can drive as good as you can fix a road

then you can win this race with your eyes shut.

Now, get back out there!

Hot snot, we are back in business! Guido! Luigi!

You're goin' up against professional pit crews.

- You're gonna have to be fast. - They will not know what bit them!

Kid, you can beat these guys.

Find a groove that works for you and get that lap back.

- Is that? - Oh, wow. That's him!

Is that? That's the Hudson Hornet! The Hudson Hornet's back!

It appears McQueen has got himself a pit crew.

And look who he has for a crew chief!

- Look, man. It's the Hudson Hornet! - Whoa!

Well, dip m







